20 creating and using views and synonyms

Tài liệu Module 5: Creating and Manipulating Trees Using DOM ppt

Tài liệu Module 5: Creating and Manipulating Trees Using DOM ppt

... Module 5: Creating and Manipulating Trees Using DOM 19 ! Run your DOM application from the command line Click Start, and then click Run Type cmd, and then click OK to open a command prompt window ... Module 5: Creating and Manipulating Trees Using DOM Lesson: Using DOM and the NET Framework XML Classes ! How to Load an XML Source ! How to Navigate the DOM Node Tree ! How to Retrieve and Manipulate ... 5: Creating and Manipulating Trees Using DOM Lab 5: Changing a DOM Tree ! Exercise 1: Using DOM with Inline Data ! Exercise 2: Using DOM with an External File ! Exercise 3: Manipulating DOM and...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 16:15

32 529 0
Tài liệu Creating and Using a DataRelation Object doc

Tài liệu Creating and Using a DataRelation Object doc

... parent DataTable and a ForeignKeyConstraint added to the child DataTable automatically (the default is true) parentDataTableName and childDataTableName are the names of the parent and child DataTable ... DataRelation, a UniqueConstraint and ForeignKeyConstraint are automatically added to your parent and child DataTable objects You can get the UniqueConstraint from a DataRelation using its ParentKeyConstraint ... Objects in the Parent and Child DataTable Objects To navigate the DataRow objects in related DataTable objects, you use the GetChildRows() and GetParentRows() methods of a DataRow Using the GetChildRows()...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 07:20

7 325 1
Tài liệu Creating and Using a DataView Object doc

Tài liệu Creating and Using a DataView Object doc

... Listing 13.1: USINGDATAVIEW.CS /* UsingDataView.cs illustrates the use of a DataView object to filter and sort rows */ using System; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; class UsingDataView ... "server=localhost;database=Northwind;uid=sa;pwd=sa" ); SqlCommand mySqlCommand = mySqlConnection.CreateCommand(); mySqlCommand.CommandText = "SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName, Country " + "FROM ... DataViewRowState is Unchanged, Added, and ModifiedCurrent The following example creates a DataView object named customersDV and passes customersDT, filterExpression, sortExpression, and rowStateFilter to the...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 07:20

5 330 0
Tài liệu Creating and Using a DataViewManager Object pdf

Tài liệu Creating and Using a DataViewManager Object pdf

... UsingDataViewManager.cs illustrates the use of a DataViewManager object */ using System; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; class UsingDataViewManager { public ... "server=localhost;database=Northwind;uid=sa;pwd=sa" ); SqlCommand mySqlCommand = mySqlConnection.CreateCommand(); mySqlCommand.CommandText = "SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName, Country " + "FROM ... DataViewManager(myDataSet); // set the Sort and RowFilter properties for the Customers DataTable myDVM.DataViewSettings["Customers"].Sort = "CustomerID"; myDVM.DataViewSettings["Customers"].RowFilter...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 07:20

4 350 0


... Guelph CREATING AND USING BUFFERS IN ARCGIS 10.1 Using the Euclidean Distance tool Open ArcMap Click Customize on the Main Menu and point to Extensions Check the Spatial Analyst check box and click ... layer and your study area layer to your map Before you start to perform analyses on your data you should set the relevant environment settings Right-click in a blank area of ArcToolbox and choose ... you like Click OK The output will be a floating point grid Using the Euclidean Allocation tool Euclidean allocation divides an area up and allocates each cell to the nearest input feature The Euclidean...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2015, 09:34

2 415 0
Creating and Management Data Base

Creating and Management Data Base

... Server 200 5  Một sở liệu mẫu giới thiệu SQL Server 200 5 AdventureWorks Cơ sở liệu mẫu RDBMS and Data Management/ Session 7/3 of 25 Các sở liệu hệ thống Các sở liệu hệ thống hỗ trợ SQL Server 200 5 ... tạo nhân cụ thể SQL Server 200 5 resource Cơ sở liệu sở liệu đọc Nó gồm đối tượng hệ thống gộp vào SQL Server 200 5 tempdb Cơ sở liệu lưu đối tạm tập kết trung gian RDBMS and Data Management/ Session ... SQL Server 200 5 gồm tập tin liệu Một vết giao dịch SQL Server 200 5 lưu trữ tất giao dịch thay đổi sở liệu tạo phiên giao dịch Một chụp sở liệu đọc, góc nhìn tĩnh sở liệu gốc RDBMS and Data Management/...

Ngày tải lên: 01/09/2012, 09:09

25 766 0
Creating and Editing Files

Creating and Editing Files

... command removes the bookmark F2 30 Description of Command Next Bookmark Go to the next bookmark Chapter Creating and Editing Files Using NetBeansTM 5.0 IDE Keyboard Shortcut Description of Command ... selection of methods in the selected class and adds the new interface to the class's implements clause Creating and Editing Files 27 Using NetBeansTM 5.0 IDE Command Description Extract Superclass Creates ... window and choose a command from the Refactor submenu You can use the Undo command to roll back all the changes in all the files that were affected by the refactoring 26 Chapter Creating and Editing...

Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2013, 03:20

14 340 0
Module 10: Creating and Managing Trees and Forests

Module 10: Creating and Managing Trees and Forests

... create and manage shortcut trusts by using Active Directory Domains and Trusts, see the Windows 200 0 Help 20 Module 10: Creating and Managing Trees and Forests Nontransitive Trusts in Windows 200 0 ... in Trees and Forests ! Troubleshooting Creating and Managing Trees and Forests ! Best Practices In this module, you will learn about creating and managing trees and forests in a Windows 200 0 network, ... across trees and forests ! Troubleshoot common problems that can occur when creating and managing trees and forests in Windows 200 0 ! Apply best practices to creating and managing trees and forests...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2013, 23:15

62 504 0
Module 4: Creating and Deploying Digital Dashboards

Module 4: Creating and Deploying Digital Dashboards

... Modified Tue, 23 May 200 0 15:47:43 GMT Mon, 22 May 200 0 20: 40:48 GMT Tue, 23 May 200 0 15:47:44 GMT Tue, 23 May 200 0 15:47:45 GMT Tue, 23 May 200 0 16:21:55 GMT Tue, 23 May 200 0 00:08:38 GMT Open ... create and delete digital dashboards and Web Parts, set properties of digital dashboards and Web Parts, and set permissions on digital dashboards and Web Parts For more information on using the ... information on creating a Web Part that includes content customization support, see module 3, Creating Web Parts,” in course 201 7A, Creating Web Parts for Digital Dashboards 22 Module 4: Creating and...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 07:15

36 509 0
Module 6: Creating and Manipulating Sets

Module 6: Creating and Manipulating Sets

... PREPARATION PURPOSES ONLY Module 6: Creating and Manipulating Sets Group Activity: Using Set Creation Functions Topic Objective To learn how to create sets by using the Members and Descendants functions ... generate sets by using the Members and Descendants functions Once you understand these functions, you can easily learn other related functions ! To open the MDX2093A application and template file ... Module 6: Creating and Manipulating Sets 13 Lab A: Using Set Creation Functions Topic Objective To introduce the lab Lead-in In this lab, you will create sets by using the Members and Descendants...

Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2013, 13:15

78 401 0
Dynamically Creating and Configuring Text Fields

Dynamically Creating and Configuring Text Fields

... named movingField_txt, placed initially at x/y positions of 150 and 80, respectively, and with a width of 200 and a height of 20 Using a with statement that references movingField_txt, the initial ... named statusField_txt, placed initially at x/y positions of 150 and 80, respectively, and with a width of 100 and a height of 20 Using a with statement that references the newly created statusField_txt, ... which methods and properties are shared by movie clip and text field instances In addition to the properties and methods discussed thus far, text fields have numerous unique methods and properties...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 15:15

15 256 0
Tài liệu Module 9: Creating and Managing Routing Groups in Exchange 2000 ppt

Tài liệu Module 9: Creating and Managing Routing Groups in Exchange 2000 ppt

... Steps Expand Administrative Groups b Expand First Administrator Group c Expand Servers d Expand your_servername Expand Protocols f Expand SMTP g Right-click Default SMTP Virtual Server, and then ... hub -and- spoke, with only a single connector between the hub and each spoke With Exchange 200 0 and the link state table, this topology is not necessary because messages are not bounced back and ... performed at the same time a Expand Northwind Traders (Exchange) b Expand Administrative Groups c Expand First Administrative Group d Expand Routing Groups e Expand Group# Routing Group f Right-click...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 16:15

52 486 0
Tài liệu Creating and Managing Microsoft Windows–Serviced Components pptx

Tài liệu Creating and Managing Microsoft Windows–Serviced Components pptx

... Composite Default screen / MCAD/MCSD XML 20 Chapter 3: Web Services and Server Components Development with Visual Basic NET / Lind / 222653-6 / Chapter Creating and Managing Microsoft Windows–Serviced ... Basic NET / Lind / 222653-6 / Chapter Creating and Managing Microsoft Windows–Serviced Components SELF TEST ANSWERS þ B The process to avoid using the SetComplete and SetAbort calls is to mark the ... coexist, and that is where serviced components come in A serviced component is a NET component that has been configured to work in the Component Services environments of Windows 200 0 and later...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 14:15

39 528 0
Tài liệu Module 2: Creating and Customizing E-Commerce Web Sites pdf

Tài liệu Module 2: Creating and Customizing E-Commerce Web Sites pdf

... by using Site Manager ! Select a design for the site by using Site Manager ! Customize the site home page by using Site Manager Materials and Preparation This section provides the materials and ... Microsoft PowerPoint® file 1933A_02.ppt ! Module 2, Creating and Customizing E-Commerce Web Sites” ! Lab 2, Creating and Customizing a Home Page Using Site Manager” Preparation Tasks To prepare ... your site home page by using Site Manager 2 Module 2: Creating and Customizing E-Commerce Web Sites Benefits of Using Site Manager Topic Objective To identify the benefits of using the Site Manager...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 14:15

24 486 0
Tài liệu Creating and Customizing Team Folders Delivery Guide pptx

Tài liệu Creating and Customizing Team Folders Delivery Guide pptx

... Represents commands, command options, and portions of syntax that must be typed exactly as shown It also indicates commands on menus and buttons, icons, dialog box titles and options, and icon and menu ... 49 Module 3: Creating a Custom Team Folder Template Overview Introduction to Creating a Custom Template Creating a Personal Folders File Creating a Folder Home ... strategy for the course and presentation tips and caveats To open the presentation, on the Trainer Materials Web page, click Trainer Preparation Presentation viii Creating and Customizing Team...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 14:15

10 530 0
Tài liệu Module 4: Creating and Managing Storage Groups and Stores docx

Tài liệu Module 4: Creating and Managing Storage Groups and Stores docx

... 4: Creating and Managing Storage Groups and Stores 23 # Creating and Managing Storage Groups and Stores Topic Objective To explain how to create a storage group, create and configure stores, and ... understand where files are stored and the various file extensions that ESE uses Make sure students understand how to use log files and circular logging ! Creating and Managing Storage Groups and ... PURPOSES ONLY 20 Module 4: Creating and Managing Storage Groups and Stores For Your Information The location of the checkpoint file is set using the system path location for the storage group and is...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 05:18

68 445 0
Tài liệu Module 5: Creating and Managing Recipient Objects pptx

Tài liệu Module 5: Creating and Managing Recipient Objects pptx

... users, and mail-enabled users, contacts, and groups ! Configure users, groups, and contacts ! Manage recipient objects by creating additional e-mail addresses, by applying rights and permissions, and ... users, and mail-enabled users, contacts, and groups ! Configure users, groups, and contacts ! Manage recipient objects by creating additional e-mail addresses, by applying rights and permissions, and ... Windows 200 0 as your_username b Open your_firstname Console c Expand Active Directory Users and Computers, and then expand your_domain.nwtraders.msft d Right-click your_servernameOU, point to New, and...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 05:18

56 410 0
Tài liệu Activity 10.1: Creating and Distributing Preliminary Components pptx

Tài liệu Activity 10.1: Creating and Distributing Preliminary Components pptx

... 86 Activity 10.1: Creating and Distributing Preliminary Components Exercise 1: Creating Preliminary Service Type Based Components (10 minutes) ! ... User Services component, an Invoice Business Services component, and an Invoice Data Services component Activity 10.1: Creating and Distributing Preliminary Components 87 Exercise 2: Distributing ... high-level service Authorize Card could be broken down into a specific user service, business service, and data service After all high-level services have been decomposed into their appropriate service...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 06:16

4 411 0