17 2 cont d behavioral theories of leadership

Unit 2 (cont’d) Speak and listen ppsx

Unit 2 (cont’d) Speak and listen ppsx

... VI.Produres: Teacher and Sts’ activities Contents Warm-up/Pre-speaking: * Questions and answers: (Questions and answers) + Do you have a telephone at home? T asks sts some questions + What would ... conversation in the correct order to make a * Answers: complete conversation 1-b 2- f 3-j 4-a 5-i 6-c T calls some sts to write their order 7-e 8-k 9-g 10-h 11 -d on the board T checks and corrects Make similar ... form of the telephone message on page 21 and set the scene “a woman phoned the principal of Kingston junior high school, but he was out ” T explains new vocab Message (n) lêi nh¾n T reads  Sts...

Ngày tải lên: 13/07/2014, 01:21

5 366 0
UNIT 2 (cont’d) Read pps

UNIT 2 (cont’d) Read pps

... While-reading: * Correct the false sentences a-F: Alexander G Bell was born in T asks sts to read the text on page 21 - Edinburgh in Scotland 22 and check their prediction b-F: He woeked with deaf- ... assistant d Bell and Watson introdued the telephonein 1877 e Bell experimented with ways of transmitting speech between deafmutes over a long distance f Bell demonstrated his invention at a lot of exhibitions ... reads new vocab Sts repeat device (chorus and individual) demonstrate (v) biểu diễn T checks new vocab (what and assistant (n) người phụ tá where) assist (v) sb in/ with st b T/F statements prediction...

Ngày tải lên: 13/07/2014, 01:21

6 397 0
UNIT 2 (cont’d) Write ppsx

UNIT 2 (cont’d) Write ppsx

... (Translation) T reads new vocab Sts repeat ( phèi stationery (n) ®å d ng v¨n phßng pick somone up (n) ®ãn (ai ®ã) chorus and individual) T checks vocab (rub out and remember) c Read the message Read the message ... Mr.Nam called about his Sts check other sts’ message stationery order He wanted you to call him at 86340 82 T checks and corrects Taken by: Mr Toan 4 Post-writing: Read the message on page 23 T asks ... exercise book T asks sts to read the message and fill in the gaps in the passage on page 23 * Answers: Thanh Cong Delivery Service Date: Jule 16 Time: after midday Let sts to work in pairs For: Mr.Van...

Ngày tải lên: 13/07/2014, 01:21

5 282 0
UNIT 2 (cont’d) Language focus 1.2.3 potx

UNIT 2 (cont’d) Language focus 1.2.3 potx

... VI.Produres: Teacher and Sts’ activities Contents Warm-up: ( Jumbled words) * Jumbled words: T sticks the poster of the words tdeusi erhe with disordered letters on the board siiden stupairs and ... are adverds hetre wonstairds of place Ask sts to go to the board and write * Answers: the meaningful words outside here Let sts work individually, one inside upstairs student one word there downstairs ... the sence: “Ba is going to play each adverbs in the box once hide and seek with his cousin, Ex: Ba is playing hide and seek with Mr.Tuan Use the adverds of play his cousin, Tuan to complete the...

Ngày tải lên: 13/07/2014, 01:21

5 516 0
Unit 2  Clothing (Cont’d): Period 10: READ.

Unit 2 Clothing (Cont’d): Period 10: READ.

... sale of jeans stopped going up _ Unit (Cont d) : Period 10: READ V.Lucky numbers: LUCKY NUMBER 2 Where does the word jeans come from ? The word jeans come from a kind of material that was made ... Unit (Cont d) : Period 10: READ IV Fill in the missing dates and words:_ jean cloth 18th century Workers liked to wear : because the material made from cotton was very strong and could hardly ... Monday October , 20 07 st Period 10: READ Unit (Cont d) : Period 10: I Warm up: Brainstorming dress skirt READ Jeans Your favorite type of clothing Short sleeved blouse Colorful...

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2013, 01:27

20 1K 1
Tài liệu Golf and the game of leadership 2 pdf

Tài liệu Golf and the game of leadership 2 pdf

... play the leadership course The game of golf is a test of the individual So is the game of leadership Success at golf or leadership rests on the application of fundamental skills refined through ... played well, require understanding and consistent practice of basic fundamentals Both demand, for most of us, the necessity of practice Tools are 10589$ $TEE 02- 23-04 16:44:07 PS Golf and the ... substance and symbolism mirrors the lessons needed for the practice of effective leadership The ‘‘game of golf’’ and the ‘‘game of leadership ’ metaphors should come easily to those 27 million...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 16:15

10 624 0
Tài liệu Golf and the game of leadership 17 pdf

Tài liệu Golf and the game of leadership 17 pdf

... Buck trained as a private, fought in combat as a corporal and sergeant, and received a battlefield commission to 2nd lieu- 10589$ CH13 02- 23-04 16:45 :22 PS 154 Golf and the Game of Leadership ... position, and were distributed against a 10589$ CH13 02- 23-04 16:45 :23 PS 156 Golf and the Game of Leadership backdrop of ‘‘tears, hugs, and joyful exclamations.’’ The $18 million paid out to 325 employees ... As he did so he spotted a slightly familiar figure seated in the lounge, read- 151 10589$ CH13 02- 23-04 16:45 :21 PS 1 52 Golf and the Game of Leadership ing the London Times It was Lord Parham...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 17:20

10 545 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Solution structure of 2¢,5¢ d(G4C4) Relevance to topological restrictions and nature’s choice of phosphodiester links docx

Báo cáo khoa học: Solution structure of 2¢,5¢ d(G4C4) Relevance to topological restrictions and nature’s choice of phosphodiester links docx

... 4.91 4.61 4. 62 4.5 4.66 4 .26 2. 53 2. 45 2. 56 2. 48 2. 44 2. 31 2. 49 1.84 2. 37 2. 31 2. 48 2. 38 – – 2. 31 1. 82 3.88,3.69 4.18,4.08 4.51,4.14 – 4.39,4.07 4.10 4 .27 4.39,4.0 – – – – 5.10 5.48 5. 52 5.61 7.97 ... mM) of the 2 ,5¢ DNA fragment were prepared in 20 mM potassium phosphate buffer containing 0.5 mM EDTA and 100 mM KCl For experiments in D2 O, the samples were lyophilized and redissolved in D2 O ... Ó FEBS 20 04 2 ,5¢ DNA with hybrid features of A and BDNA (Eur J Biochem 27 1) 29 57 Table J(H1¢–H2¢) coupling and the corresponding ranges of phase angle of pseudorotation (P°) G1 J(H1¢–H2¢) Hz...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 18:20

11 404 0
Báo cáo khoa học: A novel, promoter-based, target-specific assay identifies 2-deoxy-D-glucose as an inhibitor of globotriaosylceramide biosynthesis docx

Báo cáo khoa học: A novel, promoter-based, target-specific assay identifies 2-deoxy-D-glucose as an inhibitor of globotriaosylceramide biosynthesis docx

... lines) and dead (circles with dotted lines) cells after treatment or not with 2DG (10 mM) for the indicated days (1, 2, and days) Filled squares and circles, nontreated cells; open squares and circles, ... ratio of the LacCer level in nontreated cells ND, not detected Relative expression level GSL Nontreated 2DG-treated GM3 GM2 GM1 GD1a GD1b Others 0. 12 0.03 ND 0.04 0.08 0.15 0.15 0.08 0. 02 0. 02 0.01 ... were seeded onto a culture dish (100 mm in diameter) and then incubated for 24 h After incubation, medium was replaced with fresh HuMedia-EG2 containing 20 ngÆmL)1 of TNF-a, and incubated for another...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 01:20

12 303 0
Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume 2 - Oceania - D potx

Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume 2 - Oceania - D potx

... poetry Medicine In addition to shamanic curers, traditional medicine included herbal remedies and a surgical practitioner (bidi egabo bidi) who removed arrows through a skilled knowledge of body movements ... bird of paradise feathers, cassowary-feather whisks, and spear woods were traded into the Grand Valley in exchange for pigs and salt produced from local brine pools Division of Labor Gender and ... village of the deceased Large feasts (sagali) are held periodically in honor of the collective dead of a village, at which pigs and yams are distributed to other localities The spirits of the dead...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 17:20

10 447 0
Unit 1 (cont’d) Language focus pdf

Unit 1 (cont’d) Language focus pdf

... reads Sts repeat (chorus and individual) T checks vocab (rub out and remember) T reviews the simple present tense: formation, usage Focus on one of the usage of simple present tense It is used ... b) not old enough Sts copy down d) good enough Homework: - Do exercise on page in the workbook - Prepare Unit 2: Making arrangements “Getting started, listen and read” Marks/Remarks: ... Answers: page 17 quickly.Then lets them keep + There are four people in the their book closed picture + The woman is wearing a red shirt and a green skirt - The man who is standing beside the car...

Ngày tải lên: 13/07/2014, 01:21

5 733 0
UNIT 3 (cont’d) Language focus 1, 2, 3, 4 pdf

UNIT 3 (cont’d) Language focus 1, 2, 3, 4 pdf

... have to must tidy individual) have to dust must sweep Give sts words have to clean must empty Ask sts to look at the pictures and must feed complete the dialogue between Nga and Lan, using must ... corrects b) Why did Nam have to cook dinner? T educate sts not watch TV late and Because his mother was home late play games so much d) Why did Ha fail her English exam? Because she didn’t learn for ... pictures on d) You ought to see a dentist page 35 and give advice to people T does the modal the picture a Sts work in pairs T calls some pairs to present in front Complete the dialogues.Use the of the...

Ngày tải lên: 13/07/2014, 01:21

6 626 0
UNIT 4 (cont’d) Language focus doc

UNIT 4 (cont’d) Language focus doc

... the dialogue Use used to and the verbs in T reviews the structure used to the box and gives the Form a) Form: S + used to + V-inf Sts write structure on the board S + didnt used to + V-inf Did ... board + Answers: and write the past simple form of a run- ran b fly- flew each verd d go- went e have- had f do- did T checks and corrects g be- was/ were Sts copy i eat-ate c take- took h ride- ... form of each T reviews the simple past tense verb T writes the Form on the board + Form: Sts copy S + V-ed ( cột 2) S + didnt + V-inf Did + S + V-inf ? Sts gives the usage + Usage: D ng để diễn...

Ngày tải lên: 13/07/2014, 01:21

6 475 0
UNIT 5 (cont’d) Language focus 1, 2, 3, 4 pot

UNIT 5 (cont’d) Language focus 1, 2, 3, 4 pot

... Review adverbs of manner * Example: soft  softly Adverbs of manner: + Form: Adjective + ly = adverb hard T gives the form of adverbs of manner Ex: bad  badly caryful  caryfully good  well ... Produres: Teacher and Sts’ activities Warm-up: (Pelmanism) Contents * Pelmanism: Prepare ten cards with numbers soft good well (from to 10) on one side and the hard fast fast bad softly badly adjectives/adverds ... give their answers b hard T checks and corrects c fast T calls some pairs to present d badly e softly Activity 2: “Should” a) Review the modal “should”and Form: S + should + V-inf without to gives...

Ngày tải lên: 13/07/2014, 01:21

6 431 0
UNIT 7 (cont’d) Language focus 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 pot

UNIT 7 (cont’d) Language focus 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 pot

... the board Ex: be  been T divides the class into teams be gone see collected Ask Sts from teams to go to the go lived seen board and write each pair of eat attended write done infinitive-past participle ... worked T checks and corrects c) haven’t seen f) has collected Sts copy down d) have attended Activity 3: Complete the conversation, use the T asks sts to work in pairs and read correct form of ... large as the newspaper b) Lipton tea is different from Dilmah tea c) The red dictionary is different from the blue dictionary Sts: look at the pictures and d) The bag on the lelf is the same as...

Ngày tải lên: 13/07/2014, 01:21

8 462 0
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Environmental control of CO assimilation rate and leaf 2 conductance in two species of the tropical rain forest of French Guiana (Jacaranda copaia D. Don and Eperua falcata Aubl.)" pdf

Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Environmental control of CO assimilation rate and leaf 2 conductance in two species of the tropical rain forest of French Guiana (Jacaranda copaia D. Don and Eperua falcata Aubl.)" pdf

... concentrations (Fig 2) , thus indicating that the changes in A are primarily due to alterations of mesophyll photosynthesis (Jones, 1985) The midday depression of A in J copaia was not related to the diurnal ... provided evidence for d being the factor responsible for w decreasing A in Prunus armeniaca, a species growing in the Negev desert Effects of Aw on mesophyll photosynthesis independent of leaf ... peralatum, during the rapid development and relief of water deficits in dry season Oecologia (Berlin) 74, 441-450 the Grieu P., Guehl J.M & Aussenac G (1988) The effects of soil and atmospheric drought...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 04:20

5 324 0
The art and practice of leadership coaching phần 2 ppt

The art and practice of leadership coaching phần 2 ppt

... the academic director of Duke Corporate Education and a professor at Pepperdine He has been involved in the design of leadership development efforts that have impacted thousands of leaders in ... development for over 20 years He has designed and implemented leadership development programs around the world David is coeditor of the Best Practices in Leadership Development Handbook as well as ... other leaders in their field Phil Harkins selected David Giber to be the lead consultant for leadership development at Linkage David has served as a coach and advisor in leadership development...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:21

31 471 0
The Jack Welch Lexicon of Leadership phần 2 ppt

The Jack Welch Lexicon of Leadership phần 2 ppt

... sounds simple, the notion of ideas presiding over hierarchy was profound in 1981 and remains so today Welch said people had “an infinite capacity” for learning and “the quality of the idea is determined ... the psyche of GE, did he come to understand the dire need for the software phase 30 THE JACK WELCH LEXICON OF LEADERSHIP That same pattern holds true for each of Welch’s strategies and initiatives ... emulated the Welch style of leadership In style and approach, Welch represented a new brand of leader While many CEOs relished formality, the GE chief seemed to be cut from an entirely different...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 07:21

21 294 0
Organizational behavior i essential theories of motivation and leadership by john b miner

Organizational behavior i essential theories of motivation and leadership by john b miner

... 86 1 02 104 121 136 137 1 42 1 92 197 21 2 21 8 22 0 23 6 24 2 26 0 26 8 27 2 28 4 28 8 303 305 x LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES 16.3 Effective Coping Strategies That Might Be Used to Deal with Specific Leadership ... 101 123 123 126 146 1 52 166 168 169 170 188 190 21 1 21 4 24 0 24 3 24 9 26 1 28 2 28 6 307 323 325 340 344 3 62 364 PREFACE xi PREFACE Essential Theories of Motivation and Leadership is the third in ... Common Method Bias 309 322 374 FIGURES 1.1 3.1 6.1 6 .2 7.1 7 .2 8.1 8 .2 8.3 9.1 9 .2 10.1 10 .2 10.3 10.4 11.1 11 .2 12. 1 12. 2 13.1 13 .2 13.3 14.1 15.1 15 .2 16.1 17. 1 17. 2 18.1 18 .2 19.1 19 .2 The Components...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2017, 08:21

433 873 1