16 1 procedure for determining the emetogenicity of a chemotherapy regimen

Báo cáo sinh học: " A linear programming approach for estimating the structure of a sparse linear genetic network from transcript profiling data" pdf

Báo cáo sinh học: " A linear programming approach for estimating the structure of a sparse linear genetic network from transcript profiling data" pdf

... the class of linear models, the abundance value of a gene is treated as a weighted sum of the abundance values of other genes A high-dimensional transcript profile is a vector of abundance values ... other authors All authors read and approved the final version of the manuscript Note 10 11 12 1http://mllab.csa.iisc.ernet.in/html/users/sahely/ Network_yeast.html Additional material 13 14 Additional ... is regulated often by a small number of other genes [3,4] so a reasonable representation of a network is a sparse graph A sparse graph is a graph  parametrized by a sparse matrix W, a matrix with...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 17:20

15 392 0
A capillary-based method determining the permeability of sand layer for geothermal applications

A capillary-based method determining the permeability of sand layer for geothermal applications

... be applied for other porous materials with the grain diameter of 0 .1- 0.6 mm (ii) The filling height of sand samples and the immersion depth of the capillary tube at the initial state had a great ... that, except for sand samples, the present method can also be applied for other porous materials with the grain diameter of 0 .1- 0.6 mm For porous media with smaller grain diameters, the adaptability ... amount of test samples The present method can provide an important basis for analyzing the heat transfer process of BHEs in a sand-based aquifer, and also be applied for other porous materials with...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 17:03

8 451 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Development and application of a biomarker assay for determining the pharmacodynamic activity of an antagonist candidate biotherapeutic antibody to IL21R in whole blood" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Development and application of a biomarker assay for determining the pharmacodynamic activity of an antagonist candidate biotherapeutic antibody to IL21R in whole blood" pptx

... IL 21/ Ab- 01 Human Hs0 017 4202_m1 IL8 Effects of IL 21/ Ab- 01 Human Hs0 017 410 3_m1 PGK1 Normalizer Human Hs99999906_m1 PRF1 Effects of IL 21/ Ab- 01 Human Hs0 016 9 473_m1 STAT3 Effects of IL 21/ Ab- 01 Human ... Effects of IL 21/ Ab- 01 Human Hs00233688_m1 IL21R Effects of IL 21/ Ab- 01 Human Hs0 017 4086_m IL2RA Effects of IL 21/ Ab- 01 Human Hs0 016 6 229_m1 IL6 Effects of IL 21/ Ab- 01 Rhesus Rh026 217 19_u1 IL7 Effects of ... Species Assay ID (ABI) 18 S Manufacturing QC Human Hs999999 01_ s1 CD19 Effects of IL 21/ Ab- 01 Human Hs0 017 4333_m1 CSF1 Effects of IL 21/ Ab- 01 Human Hs0 017 416 4 _m1 GUSb Normalizer Human Hs99999908_m1 GZMB...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20

13 529 0
báo cáo hóa học:" A survey of orthopaedic journal editors determining the criteria of manuscript selection for publication" potx

báo cáo hóa học:" A survey of orthopaedic journal editors determining the criteria of manuscript selection for publication" potx

... characteristics and publication language JAMA 19 94, 272 :14 9- 51 Hing et al Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research 2 011 , 6 :19 http://www.josr-online.com/content/6 /1/ 19 Page of 21 Callahan M: The natural ... http://www.josr-online.com/content/6 /1/ 19 other studies have confirmed the presence of gender bias in the publication process [16 , 17 ] A Scandinavian study used a sham paper with either male or female authors to assess gender bias ... Spanish, Polish, German and Italian) We anticipated that most of these journal editors would either speak English as a second language or have access to a translator Non-respondents were approached...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 04:20

6 677 0
báo cáo hóa học:" A survey of orthopaedic journal editors determining the criteria of manuscript selection for publication" pot

báo cáo hóa học:" A survey of orthopaedic journal editors determining the criteria of manuscript selection for publication" pot

... characteristics and publication language JAMA 19 94, 272 :14 9- 51 Hing et al Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research 2 011 , 6 :19 http://www.josr-online.com/content/6 /1/ 19 Page of 21 Callahan M: The natural ... http://www.josr-online.com/content/6 /1/ 19 other studies have confirmed the presence of gender bias in the publication process [16 , 17 ] A Scandinavian study used a sham paper with either male or female authors to assess gender bias ... Spanish, Polish, German and Italian) We anticipated that most of these journal editors would either speak English as a second language or have access to a translator Non-respondents were approached...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 07:20

6 243 0
Science Report: "Determining the value of an exchange energy of corn as feed for chickens by direct methods" pps

Science Report: "Determining the value of an exchange energy of corn as feed for chickens by direct methods" pps

... than the results of Jabbar Mustard et al (19 81) : 3870 kcal, Shires et al (19 87): 3620 kcal; Baidoo et al (19 91) : 3647 kcal; McDonald et al (19 95): 3872 kcal; Richard (19 81) : 3 914 kcal; NRC (19 77), ... versa Our result in measuring the GE content of maize was also similar to those of Hullar et al (19 99), Keith Smith (19 91) and Mustard et al (19 81) These authors showed that the GE values of corn ... 11 .60 10 .27 4.58 4.02 3.60 77.53 Pacific 11 12.33 10 .22 3.83 3.24 1. 34 69. 21 Pacific60 11 .16 10 .46 3. 91 3 .17 1. 76 69.35 Silidim 13 . 31 10.79 2.92 3. 21 2. 01 67.74 Maize varieties Crude Fibre % of dry...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 18:22

7 285 0
Báo cáo y học: " Construction of doxycyline-dependent mini-HIV-1 variants for the development of a virotherapy against leukemias" pps

Báo cáo y học: " Construction of doxycyline-dependent mini-HIV-1 variants for the development of a virotherapy against leukemias" pps

... 10 000 10 00 10 0 10 0 10 10 1 0 10 12 14 16 18 10 000 10 12 14 16 18 16 18 10 000 - dox - dox 10 00 CA-p24 (ng/mL) - dox 10 0 10 0 10 10 + dox 10 00 0 10 12 14 16 days post infection 18 10 12 14 days post ... http://www.retrovirology.com/content/3 /1/ 64 day day day day 11 day 12 day 13 day 14 SupT1 CD4 PE 10 4 mock 10 3 10 2 10 1 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 CD8 FITC HIV-rtTA PBMC CD4 PE 10 4 10 3 rtTAΔ 6A 10 2 10 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 CD8 FITC rtTAΔ6B SupT1 + ... http://www.retrovirology.com/content/3 /1/ 64 10 000 2.0 CA-p24 (ng/mL) LAI HIV-rtTA 10 0 rtTAΔ 6A rtTAΔ6B 10 HIV-rtTA -dox relative CD4+/CD8+ ratio 10 00 1. 5 1. 0 0.5 0.0 10 12 14 16 18 days post infection 10 12 14 16 18 days post...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20

12 318 0
Báo cáo y học: " Transient antiretroviral therapy selecting for common HIV-1 mutations substantially accelerates the appearance of rare mutations" potx

Báo cáo y học: " Transient antiretroviral therapy selecting for common HIV-1 mutations substantially accelerates the appearance of rare mutations" potx

... Clinical nevirapine data Clinical nevirapine data Relative fractions of K103N variants in maternal plasma viral RNA after single dose nevirapine for three individual women (NVP16, NVP19 and NVP196) ... replication For example, we consider particular point mutations at codon 10 3 of reverse trancriptase gene that are associated with 10 3K/N viral populations Given that AAA & AAG code for K and AAC & AAT ... × 10 -5 Then, using equation (17 ), we have  31 = f3  1. 4 × 10 -14 and 32 = f2  4 .1 × 10 -10 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Acknowledgements This research was supported by South African Department of...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

13 221 0
guide for determining the fire (reapproved 1994) endurance of concrete elements

guide for determining the fire (reapproved 1994) endurance of concrete elements

... to the various materials and the surface areas formed by them The thermal absorptivities of a number of common building materials are listed in Table A (Harmathy and Mehaffey, 19 85) Material 216 R-47 ... likened to the behavior of a flexural member subjected to an axial force Interaction diagrams (Abrams, Gustaferro, and Salse 19 71; Gustaferro and Abrams 19 71) can be constructed for a given cross ... horizontal bars with in ( 51 mm) clear cover to the bars from the bottom of the beam and in ( 51 mm) clear side 216 R-25 FIRE ENDURANCE OF CONCRETE ELEMENTS 16 , ~ IO6 mm) IJOOF 17 04C) 15 00 F 16 1 6 C ) 17 OOF...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2014, 15:47

48 464 0
Determining the effects of using VOA news to teach speaking skills for the third   year english major students at Hong Duc university

Determining the effects of using VOA news to teach speaking skills for the third year english major students at Hong Duc university

... authentic materials 4.3 The Disadvantages of authentic materials 4.4 Sources of Authentic Materials VOA news as a kind of language teaching materials 5 .1 Benefits of VOA news in teaching speaking ... speaking a foreign language VOA news 3 .1 What is VOA news? 3.2 Some fast facts of VOA news 3.3 VOA broadcasts 3.4 VOA and Technology VOA news – a kind of authentic materials 4.2 The Advantages of ... consist of three lessons only due to the time strains, and can act as a guide for language teacher in providing instructional materials are adapt from relevant VOA news programs used by teachers at...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2014, 15:21

8 781 9
1 coupling transfer matrix method to finite element method for analyzing the acoustics of complex hollow body networks

1 coupling transfer matrix method to finite element method for analyzing the acoustics of complex hollow body networks

... the other hand, for the sake of simplicity, the two-port admittance matrix of the melamine foam plug is analytically calculated It is assumed that the foam behaves like an equivalent fluid and ... element analysis, and can also be transposed to multiport elements For instance, for the three-port element shown in Fig and Eq (6) is A 11 > q1n > < = q2n ¼ A 21 > > : ; q3n A 31 A1 2 A2 2 A3 2 38 A1 3 ... 2, one can note that each acoustical element of the HBN is sandwiched between extra fluid layers, the whole forming a shaded zone In the near field of a part, the plane wave assumption may not hold...

Ngày tải lên: 03/12/2014, 23:41

7 1,1K 1
Determining the age of rocks (1)

Determining the age of rocks (1)

... principle of uniformitarianism states that forces that shaped the Earth in the past continues to shape the earth today (volcanoes and weathering and erosion by wind and water) Sedimentary Rocks ... (supercontinent) called Pangea  Fossil evidence supports the Continental Drift Theory Fossils from a fernlike plant Glossopteris have been found in Africa, South America, Australia, and Antarctica The seeds ... geological forces A crack in the rock layer is called a fault When igneous rock (volcanic lava) intrudes or cuts through layers of sedimentary rock it is called an igneous intrusion  The principle of...

Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2016, 16:34

14 106 0
Determining the Passage of Time

Determining the Passage of Time

... turned on 11 Add the following conditional statement after the actions added in Step 10 : 12 13 if (secondsElapsed >= totalTimeToAlarm) { 14 15 activateAlarm(); 16 17 } 18 This conditional statement, ... settings of the timer dynamically—that is, while the timer is on—and update the value of totalTimeToAlarm automatically, affecting when the alarm sounds Add the following line of script after the ... started, to indicate when the alarm is set to go off The functionality of the Alarm section of the application will be handled by two main functions: one for starting the alarm timer, and another...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 14:15

14 315 0
Tài liệu 67 Detection: Determining the Number of Sources pptx

Tài liệu 67 Detection: Determining the Number of Sources pptx

... than we know there are sources, then we can safely assume that some of the directions are the results of false alarms and may be ignored, thus decreasing the probability of false alarm for the ... denotes the trace of the matrix, R is the sample correlation matrix, and R is the unique correlation matrix formed from the given parameters The maximum likelihood estimate of the parameters are ... that the eigenvalues of a complex correlation matrix are real and that the eigenvectors are complex and orthonormal, the number of degrees of freedom in the parameters of the model is classically...

Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2013, 04:15

11 430 0
Tài liệu Activity 7.2: Determining the Impact of Technology on a Windows DNA Design docx

Tài liệu Activity 7.2: Determining the Impact of Technology on a Windows DNA Design docx

... Determining the Impact of Technology on a Windows DNA Design 51 Write your answers in the table below User Interface User Services Business Services Data Access Data Store Communication Operating Systems ... Tools Data Access Data Storage Security After completing the above steps, you will discuss your responses with the class The instructor will write the class consensus on a flipchart THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY ... Activity 7.2: Determining the Impact of Technology on a Windows DNA Design Exercise 1: Determining Technology Implications ! Determine technology implications Participate in small groups as assigned...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 06:16

4 631 0
Tài liệu Determining the Length of Columns in a SQL Server Table doc

Tài liệu Determining the Length of Columns in a SQL Server Table doc

... // Add table mappings da.TableMappings.Add("Table", "Orders"); da.TableMappings.Add("Table1", "Order Details"); // Create the DataSet DataSet ds = new DataSet( ); // Fill the schema and data da.FillSchema(ds, ... of columns in the table and displays the length, precision, and scale for each from the Hashtable Information from the FillSchema( ) method of the DataAdapter is also included The data type and ... of the DataReader also returns all column lengths The method returns a DataTable containing column metadata for a DataReader, where the ColumnSize column contains the lengths For more information...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 05:15

4 458 0
A park like transformation for the study and the control of a nonsinusoidal brushless DC motor

A park like transformation for the study and the control of a nonsinusoidal brushless DC motor

... therefore in this paper a new transformation which preserves the same advantages as the Park transformation A Mathematical Model of the BDCM We suppose that the motor has the following typical features ... permanent magnets of the rotor : where L, and M, are the self-inductance and the mutualinductance of the stator coils Since we assume a constant airgap and no saturation, L, and M, are constant ara arb ... The airgap length is constant and large since the magnets are surface mounted and have the same permeability as air As a result, the armature reaction is negligible The magnetic circuit has an...

Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:44

8 518 1
Tài liệu The Cost of a Military Person-Year - A Method for Computing Savings from Force Reductions pptx

Tài liệu The Cost of a Military Person-Year - A Method for Computing Savings from Force Reductions pptx

... Number of sponsors, enlisted (thousands) 16 0 14 0 12 0 10 0 80 60 40 20 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 1 01 Age RAND MG598-3 .1 Figure 3.2 Actuarial Projection of the Primary Population, Of cers 14 Active-duty ... compensation (RMC) RMC includes average basic pay for each military grade, basic allowance for housing, basic allowance for subsistence, and federal tax advantage accruing to the aforementioned allowances ... federal agencies We also analyze the fairly crude estimates of the cost of a military person-year that result from the application of these data We then present the official DoD costs of military...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 23:20

153 396 0

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