10 words that are similar in spanish and english

Teaching Reading and Writing in Spanish and English in Bilingual and Dual Language Classrooms docx

Teaching Reading and Writing in Spanish and English in Bilingual and Dual Language Classrooms docx

... Instruction in Spanish and in English 79 5 Methods of Teaching Reading in Spanish 96 6 A Principled Approach to Teaching Reading 123 7 Effective Writing Instruction 151 8 Stages and Levels of Writing ... succeeded in becoming biliterate in schools that introduce reading in two languages from the beginning as well as in schools that teach read- ing first in the native language. In addition, in dual ... quote brief passages in a review. Library of Congress Cataloging -in- Publication Data Freeman, Yvonne S. Teaching reading and writing in Spanish and English in bilingual and dual language classrooms...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 05:20

38 601 0
Báo cáo y học: "Expert agreement confirms that negative changes in hand and foot radiographs are a surrogate for repair in patients with rheumatoid arthritis" pot

Báo cáo y học: "Expert agreement confirms that negative changes in hand and foot radiographs are a surrogate for repair in patients with rheumatoid arthritis" pot

... in joint space narrowing. In contrast, progression in joints-of-interest appeared to be the consequence both of progression in erosions and of joint space narrowing. Discussion The logic incorporated ... applying a standard scoring method who were not aware that they were seeing repair because the time order was concealed. Competing interests The authors declare that they have no competing interests. ... which includes reading error and error invoked by changes in radiographic positioning and exposure. Anticipa- tion bias may arise when readers are influenced by the status of other joints in the...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 10:20

9 374 0
Tài liệu Objects That Are Found in ADO.NET doc

Tài liệu Objects That Are Found in ADO.NET doc

... results that are returned by commands and the data adapters. Unlike the recordset from ADO and DAO, the data set actually brings back a hierarchical view of the data. Using properties and collections ... manipulate an individual table's worth of data. The data table is similar to the recordset object that is found in ADO. DataView Using this object, you can filter and sort your data, keeping various ... DataAdapter objects can specify and use. Tip Chapter 1, "Developing Windows Forms Using Bound Controls," mentioned that the OleDb data controls are the ones that you will want to use...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 06:17

5 325 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Transactivation properties of c-Myb are critically dependent on two SUMO-1 acceptor sites that are conjugated in a PIASy enhanced manner pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Transactivation properties of c-Myb are critically dependent on two SUMO-1 acceptor sites that are conjugated in a PIASy enhanced manner pptx

... conjugation and that modification of the two sites are interdependent, and (c) a two-hybrid screening shows that the SUMO-1 conjugase Ubc9 is one of a few major Myb-interacting proteins expressed in bone ... seems to increase the fraction of Myb species in the insoluble part after subnuclear fractionation, which indicates that sumoylation might be involved in modulating the protein–protein interactions ... mechanism involving altered higher-order protein–protein interactions. It is intriguing that this motif matches exactly the consensus sequence for SUMO-1 conjugation, and several of the proteins previously...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 00:20

11 557 0
Báo cáo y học: "START lipid/sterol-binding domains are amplified in plants and are predominantly associated with homeodomain transcription factors" potx

Báo cáo y học: "START lipid/sterol-binding domains are amplified in plants and are predominantly associated with homeodomain transcription factors" potx

... kingdom from mammals to insects and nema- todes. The RhoGAP-START combination in addition to an amino-terminal SAM domain is apparent only in proteins from humans, mouse, and rat, indicating that ... points to plant residues that are predicted to be involved in contact with bound ligand. Additional amino acids that are similarly conserved in PCTP and plant PCTP-like START domains are indicated ... eukaryotic and prokaryotic species are classified according to genus and are shown by black lettering on colored boxes. Shaded areas indicate proteins that contain additional domains in combination...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 20:20

16 543 0
báo cáo khoa học: " Storage protein profiles in Spanish and runner market type peanuts and potential markers" pps

báo cáo khoa học: " Storage protein profiles in Spanish and runner market type peanuts and potential markers" pps

... The amino acid sequences of Ara h3 IgE- binding epitopes [24] are shaded in gray and the critical amino acids to IgE binding are colored in green and underlined. Ara h4 1 MAKLLELSFC FCFLVLGASS ISFRQQPEEN ... focusing separating to left and the basic end to the right (Fig. 2). The arrow ( ) indicates the protein band with a molecular weight of 35 kDa and the arrow ( ) indicates the 27 kDa protein band ... Ara h3 (AAC63045), and iso-Ara h3 (ABI17154) (26). Sequences obtained by N-terminal sequencing are shaded in black. The different amino acid residues are colored in red. The amino acid sequences...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 05:20

9 291 0


... the landed protestant minority in Ireland and the British government in the s, especially in view of the threat from France. And each dominant force moved in its own way – and in its own interests ... here and there, present and past, implicit in his own history and in that of the places he and his have inhabited, which also continuously inhabit him.  Allegories of Union in Irish and English ... positions, (feminine) colonized and (masculine) colonizer. No bi-  Allegories of Union in Irish and English writing rights of the citizens, and all interest in the constitution, in and to which...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:39

240 1,2K 5
Introduction for Cambridge University Press Allegories of Union in Irish and English Writing. 1790-1870

Introduction for Cambridge University Press Allegories of Union in Irish and English Writing. 1790-1870

... here and there, present and past, implicit in his own history and in that of the places he and his have inhabited, which also continuously inhabit him.  Allegories of Union in Irish and English ... positions, (feminine) colonized and (masculine) colonizer. No bi-  Allegories of Union in Irish and English writing central problematic at work throughout this book, in that family think- ing entails ... categories that delineate difference in the United Kingdom may suggest that it is precisely cross-cultural mixture – construed in the English context as contaminating, invigorat- ing, or both – that...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 07:20

20 539 0


... program Healthcare IT Healthcare professionals Healthcare products Healthcare solutions Healthcare process Healthcare providers Healthcare goals Healthcare program Healthcare market Health examination Care ... Ellipsis While referencing functions to link semantic meanings within text, substitution and ellipsis differ in that they operate as linguistic links at the lexico-grammatical level. In Bloor and Bloor ... Conclusion In this part, the author summarizes the findings and giving suggestions for further development in writing corporate advertisements. 3 3 Functionally speaking, there are three main types...

Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 10:43

41 1,1K 2
Hotel symbols and description in french and english

Hotel symbols and description in french and english

... air-conditioned launch and dinning room animation diurne / entertainment during the day animation nocturne / entertainment during the night sèche-cheveux / hair dryer in the rooms buffet breakfast ... / safe in the rooms chauffage dans les chambres / central heating in the rooms minibar/ minibar rest.t réservé aux non-clients de l’hotel / rest. open to the public salle de bal / dancing room salle ... supermarket appartements / apartments fer à repasser / iron machine à laver / washing machine TV espace vert / green areas hôtels, auberges et pensions / hotels, pensions and guest houses air conditionné dans les...

Ngày tải lên: 23/05/2014, 13:56

3 373 0
b.a thesis a comparative study on making requests in vietnamese and english in terms of politeness

b.a thesis a comparative study on making requests in vietnamese and english in terms of politeness

... between politeness and indirectness used in the speech acts of making requests in English and Vietnamese. The study pointed some major differences in making requests in English and Vietnamese. ... They are carefully designed to indicate similarities and differences as well in making requests in English and Vietnamese. The five situations are formulated as follows: Situation 1: requesting ... Strong hint and Mild hint to figure out 24 5.2. Comparison and contrast The speech act of making requests is analyzed to find similarities and differences in Vietnamese and English. That...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 08:03

79 904 4
spanish and english

spanish and english

... eighteen diecinueve nineteen veinte twenty veintiuno twenty-one veintidós, etc. twenty-two, etc. treinta thirty treinta y uno thirty-one treinta y dos, etc. thirty-two, etc. cuarenta forty cuarenta ... import 26 S:\share\Sco_temp\Tia \spanish- english. wpd ingeniero (a) engineer inspector (a) inspector jardinero gardener lechero (a) dairyman macho male madre mother manejador (a) handler mayordomo ... 34 S:\share\Sco_temp\Tia \spanish- english. wpd aprovechamiento (m.) de la tierra land use arable / cultivable arable árbol (m.) tree arboricultura (f.) arboriculture área (f.) area arena (f.) sand arenoso...

Ngày tải lên: 10/07/2014, 09:34

129 307 0
Chapter 2Communicating Over the Network Quangkien@gmail.com.OverviewDescribe the structure of a network, including the devices and media that are necessary for successful communications. Explain the function of protocols in network communications. Ex potx

Chapter 2Communicating Over the Network Quangkien@gmail.com.OverviewDescribe the structure of a network, including the devices and media that are necessary for successful communications. Explain the function of protocols in network communications. Ex potx

... (WLAN)  Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Internet standards RFCs (Request for Comments) Example: TCP, IP, HTTP, FTP Communicating the Messages 0 0101 0101 0 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0 I have ... of addressing and naming schemes in network communications. Protocols 30  Networking protocols suites include rules for: (4) Format Accessing the media Error detection Setup and termination ... network, including the devices and media that are necessary for successful communications.  Explain the function of protocols in network communications.  Explain the advantages of using a layered...

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 12:20

52 550 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Identification of symptom domains in ulcerative colitis that occur frequently during flares and are responsive to changes in disease activity" ppt

báo cáo hóa học: " Identification of symptom domains in ulcerative colitis that occur frequently during flares and are responsive to changes in disease activity" ppt

... identify symptom domains in UC that occur frequently during flares and are responsive to changes in disease severity. We defined symptom domains broadly as a symptom or sign that could be used ... disease activity indices are rarely Visual analogue scale ratings of symptoms that are absent during remissionFigure 5 Visual analogue scale ratings of symptoms that are absent during remission. ... representative frequent and responsive symptom domain, the findings for the symp- tom domain stool mucus are presented in Figure 6. In this symptom domain, 48 of 60 individuals had a VAS rating greater than...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20

12 382 1