... CD137 keywords as operator, 26 4 26 5 base, 26 8 26 9, 28 0 28 1 interface, 305 is, 26 3 26 4, 28 5 new, 28 0 null, 353 out, 14 4, 14 5, 14 6, 14 8 14 9 override, 28 6 28 7 private, 22 2, 22 4, 22 5 ref, 14 4, 14 5, ... 10 1, 11 1 1 12 disadvantages of, 334 fixed-value, 1 12 11 4 iterating through, 1 92 Length property, 11 7 linked list compared to, CD 62 naming, 12 0 objects and, 11 8– 12 0 sorting elements within, 12 2 – 12 6 ... overview of, 21 8 21 9, 22 1 22 4 security, levels of, 22 4 22 5 accessing collection, CD 72 CD74 current object, 16 9 17 6 member of object, 10 4 10 6 project properties, 16 0 16 1 static member of class, 11 0 alignment...
Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2013, 21:20
... Swanson, D., & vanDommelen, D (20 02) Working with generation 1. 5 students and their teachers: ESL meets composition CATESOL Journal 14 , 13 1 -17 1 Kutz, E., Groden, S.Q., & Zamel, V (19 93) The discovery ... Nathalie & Wald, Margi (20 02) Promoting Generation 1. 5 learners’ academic autonomy: Contributions from the learning center CATESOL Journal, 14 .1, 20 7 -23 4 Porter, P & vanDommelen, D (20 05) Read, write, ... emerging understanding of what is required in written academic discourse Copywrite vanDommelen2008 Gen1.5MakingConnectionsbetween Speaking and Writing References 4/5/08 References Destandau, Nathalie...
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2013, 19:15
Tài liệu Closing the gap between research and practice: Foundations for the acquisition of literacy pptx
... and practice of whole language teaching in Australia and New Zealand is provided by Hempenstall (19 96), and Tunmer and Chapman (20 02) Closing the Gap paper 17 /1/ 06 9:45 AM Page 25 of ideas and ... See, for example, Chapman, Tunmer and Prochnow (19 99), and Chan and Dally, in Louden et al, (20 00), page 21 4 21 5) Closing the Gap paper 17 /1/ 06 9:45 AM Page 27 AUSTRALIAN RESEARCH ON EFFECTS ... and recommendations from all sixteen CLP projects (Gunn, 19 99) Page See, for example, Britton, 19 70; Britton et al, 19 75; Burgess et al, 19 73; Rosen and Rosen, 19 73 11 Closing the Gap paper 17 /1/ 06...
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 06:20
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 03:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Bridging Morpho-Syntactic Gap between Source and Target Sentences for English-Korean Statistical Machine Translation" pot
... 0. 91 0.78 0. 91 Table 1: BLEU score and sentence length ratio for each method Baseline src-null tgt-null all-null +PWI +Reorder +P&R 20 .5 25 .4 23 .3 21 .4 22 .3 21 .9 19 .1 23 .4 21 .5 Acknowledgments 20 .9 ... sentence pairs See http://www.sejong.or.kr/english.php for more information 23 5 Baseline +PWI only +Reorder only +PWI&Reorder BLEU(gain) 18 .03(+0.00) 18 . 62( +0.59) 19 . 92( +1. 89) 20 . 42( +2. 39) word alignment ... 20 05; Xia and McCord, 20 04; Zwarts and Dras, 20 07) Some reordering approaches have given significant improvements in performance for translation from French to English (Xia and McCord, 20 04) and...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 02:20
... 11 4 Subtext 11 5 Experiment 11 6 Rhythm 11 8 Empathize . 12 0 Simplify 12 1 Texture 12 3 Honesty ... 20 7 Competition 21 2 Pigeonholing 21 5 Core and Glitz Skills 21 6 Responsibility 21 6 Communication between Departments 21 9 Problem-Solving ... specific needs ISBN -10 : 1- 59863 -26 0-4 ISBN -13 : 978 -1- 59863 -26 0-6 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 20 06 923 4 82 Printed in the United States of America 07 08 09 10 11 BU 10 Thomson Course...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 22:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Bridging the Gap between Dictionary and Thesaurus" pptx
... 68.9% 75.0% 12 . 2% 1. 4% 2. 7% 6.9% 13 .5% 5.6% 2. 7% 11 .1% - Work References R Amsler 19 81 A taxonomy for English nouns and verbs In Proceedings of ACL ' 81, pages 13 3 -13 8 N Calzolari 19 84 Detecting ... 12 0 N c l , c2, (in C); / m l , m2, (in M); p l , p2, (in P); x l , x2, (in X) ~ ' " - - x2 ~ B I definition (Dx) similiar t,) GI(X) or defined in terms of words in X t)r C, etc C {el, c2, ... Proceedings of COLING-8~, pages 17 0 -17 3 N Calzolari 19 88 The dictionary and the thesaurus can be combined In M.W Evens, editor, Relational L-~R 55.4% 4 .1% 13 .5% 16 .2% 10 .8% Models of the Lexicon:...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 04:20
Báo cáo y học: " NeMeSys: a biological resource for narrowing the gap between sequence and function in the human pathogen Neisseria meningitid" pot
... (bp) 8 013 Z24 91 MC58 FAM18 14 0534 42 2 ,27 7,550 2, 18 4,406 2, 2 72, 360 2, 19 4,9 61 2, 15 3, 416 2, 14 5 ,29 5 51. 4 51. 8 51. 5 51. 6 51. 7 51. 9 76 76.9 76.5 77 .2 76.5 78.3 1, 9 12 1, 878 1, 914 1, 8 72 1, 817 1, 809 ... Issue 10 , Article R 110 Rusniok et al R 110 .8 GI GI GI GI GI GI 4 /1 GI GI GI 6 /1 GI GI GI GI 10 GI 11 GI 12 GI 13 GI 14 GI 15 GI 16 GI 17 GI 18 GI 19 GI 19 /1 GI 20 GI 20 /1 GI 21 GI 22 GI 23 GI 24 ... Z24 91 MC58 FAM18 0534 42 N lactamica* FA 10 90 NCCP 119 45 14 Manually edited CDSs 466 4 21 315 574 549 643 6 91 314 CDSs deleted from previous annotation 10 3 16 4 39 13 8 17 3 538 83 38 93 91 100 362...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 20:20
báo cáo khoa học: "National and subnational HIV/AIDS coordination: are global health initiatives closing the gap between intent and practice?" pdf
... 15 .5 (20 00) 15 .2 (20 07) 0 .1 (20 00) 0 .1 (20 07) 0.4 (20 00) 0.5 (20 07) 9.5 (20 00) 12 . 5 (20 07) 0 .1 (20 00) 0 .1 (20 07) 0 .1 (20 00) 0 .1 (20 07) 0 .1 (20 00) 0 .1 (20 07) Adult HIV prevalence % (20 00 and 20 07)* ... 20 07)* (20 04) (20 05) (20 06) (20 07) (20 09) $98 M $64 M $29 M $6 M $6 M Round (20 03) $6 M Round (20 05) $11 5 M Round (20 09) $ 12 9 M Round (20 04) $23 M Round (20 07) $14 M Round (20 03) $22 M Round (20 06) ... countries - $37.5 M $60 .2 M $94.4 M $1 62 M $22 8.6 M N/A 20 04 20 05 20 06 20 07 20 08 - $ 81. 7 M $13 0 .1 M $14 9 M $ 21 6 M $26 9 .2 M Zambia National Response to HIV/AIDS (20 03-08) $ 42 M Not a PEPFAR focus The World...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 14:21
Interactions Between Agroecosystems and Rural Communities - Chapter 10 pot
... Forestry, Agriculture, and Rural Development, Pluralism and Sustainable Forestry and Rural Development Conference, December 9– 12 , 19 97, Rome, 19 99, p 11 7 Ramírez, R., Understanding Farmers’ Communication ... International Development Agency, Mimeo, ISG, Amersfoort, Netherlands, 19 99; and Fernandez-Baca, E and Fernandez, M., 20 00 © 20 01 by CRC Press LLC Caution also should be applied to farmers’ visions ... Learning, July 2 3, 19 99, Development Support Services, Soroti, Uganda, p 67.) © 20 01 by CRC Press LLC TABLE 10 .1 Future Changes in Agroecosystem Management and Key partners, Soroti District, Uganda Natural...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 17:20
Báo cáo y học: " Early intervention: Bridging the gap between practice and academia" pot
... not for citation purposes) Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health 20 09, 3 :23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 http://www.capmh.com/content/3 /1 /23 Van IJzendoorn MH, Schuengel C, ... research and practical application in this field References Wagenknecht IU, Meier-Gräwe U, Fegert JM: Frühe Hilfen rechnen sich Frühförderung Interdisziplinär 20 09, 28 : 82- 91 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Shonkoff ... paraprofessionals and by nurses: A randomized, controlled trial Pediatrics 20 02, 11 0:486-496 Fonagy P: Prevention, the appropriate target of infant psychotherapy Infant Mental Health Journal 19 96, 19 : 12 4 - 15 0...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:21
Báo cáo y học: " Rebranding exercise: closing the gap between values and behavior" ppt
... $60,0 01- $10 0,000 38.9 $10 0,0 01- $ 12 4 , 999 10 .5 $ 12 5 ,000+ 6.9 Missing Ethnicity (%) African American 4.4 5 .1 Asian 2. 2 European American 89.5 Latina 1. 1 Mixed Ethnicities 1. 5 Missing 0.7 Page of 14 demographics ... interests to declare Received: 10 February 20 11 Accepted: 31 August 20 11 Published: 31 August 20 11 References U.S Department of Health and Human Services: Physical activity and health: A report of the ... Psychol 20 06, 11 :14 1 -1 62 20 Bagozzi RP, Bergami M, Leone L: Hierarchical representations of motives in goal setting J Appl Psychol 20 03, 88: 915 -943 21 Bagozzi R, Dholakia U: Goal setting and goal...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 08:20
Báo cáo y học: " Rebranding exercise: closing the gap between values and behavior" pps
... $60,0 01- $10 0,000 38.9 $10 0,0 01- $ 12 4 , 999 10 .5 $ 12 5 ,000+ 6.9 Missing Ethnicity (%) African American 4.4 5 .1 Asian 2. 2 European American 89.5 Latina 1. 1 Mixed Ethnicities 1. 5 Missing 0.7 Page of 14 demographics ... interests to declare Received: 10 February 20 11 Accepted: 31 August 20 11 Published: 31 August 20 11 References U.S Department of Health and Human Services: Physical activity and health: A report of the ... Psychol 20 06, 11 :14 1 -1 62 20 Bagozzi RP, Bergami M, Leone L: Hierarchical representations of motives in goal setting J Appl Psychol 20 03, 88: 915 -943 21 Bagozzi R, Dholakia U: Goal setting and goal...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 08:20
determinants of the earnings gap between blacks and whites a human capital approach
Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2014, 14:19
Financial liberalisation and the relationship between finance and growth
... Openness(s -2) 0. 019 0 (0. 015 4) 0. 015 1 (0. 017 3) 0.0064 (0. 015 4) -0.0 014 (0. 014 8) 0. 025 6 (0. 020 2) 0. 015 7 (0. 025 1) 0.0076 (0. 020 2) 0.00 42 (0. 020 2) 0.0 325 ** 0. 017 4 (0. 016 1) (0. 024 8 ) 31. 1 51* ** 33 .11 5*** 19 . 323 *** ... -0 .13 58 -0.0004 0.0 011 -0. 020 1 1 .23 82 0. 015 7 0.0093 0.0033 0.0789 0.00 02 0.0048 0. 022 7 1. 494 0. 017 1 0.0 12 9 1. 877* 3 .17 3** Obs 511 339 2. 784*** 5.033*** 1. 0 52 -1. 7 21 * -2. 074** 0 .23 80 -0.8868 0. 828 8 ... (0.0 12 4 ) (0. 011 0) (0. 015 7) 0. 024 5 ** 0.0 323 *** 0.0347** ∆Capital(s -1) (0.0 12 0 ) (0. 010 9) (0. 015 6) Capital Account 0. 028 8** 0. 029 2** 0. 022 7 Openness(s -2) (0.0 12 9 ) (0. 011 3) (0. 017 1) -0.0 027 -0.0 024 ...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2012, 08:50
Báo cáo y học: "Pathogenic Mechanisms Shared between Psoriasis and Cardiovascular Diseas"
... References 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Langley RG, Krueger GG, Griffiths CE Psoriasis: epidemiology, clinical features, and quality of life Ann Rheum Dis 20 05; 64(suppl 2) : ii18 -23 Lowes MA, ... 20 06; 6: 508 -19 23 Schön MP, Boehncke WH Psoriasis N Engl J Med 20 05; 3 52: 18 99- 12 24 Blankenberg S, Barbaux S, Tiret L Adhesion molecules and atherosclerosis Atherosclerosis 20 03; 17 0: 19 1 -20 3 ... Experience Immunol 20 04; 13 5: 1- 8 http://www.medsci.org Int J Med Sci 20 10 , 21 Hansson GK: Immune mechanisms in atherosclerosis Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 20 01; 21 : 18 76-90 22 Hansson GK, Libby...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:40
How does ppp hold between australia and its trading partners.pdf
... 0.37 2. 14 0. 12 3 3 72 United States -0.0048 1. 51 2. 26 0 .11 016 3 UK -0.00 41 0.35 2. 27 0 .10 9906 * 0.0 713 40 New Zealand 0.00 12 1. 64 2. 72 Canada -0.0063 1. 10 4. 92* * 0.009464 Korea 0.0 01 -0.30 6 .19 ** 0.0030 92 ... Singapore 0.00 41 1. 12 6 0. 82 0.444955 United States 0.0 01 0. 816 0.94 0.393484 Malaysia 0.006 1. 054 0.98 0.379556 Japan -0.0 016 0.673 1. 41 0 .24 9 9 91 China 0. 01 62 0. 914 1. 73 0 .18 4897 Switzerland ... Enders (19 88) and Ardeni and Lubian (19 91) reject long-run PPP However, Diebold, Husted and Rush (19 91) , Cheung and Lai (19 93), Edison (19 87), Frenkel (19 81) , Branson (19 81) , Desai (19 81) , and Miller...
Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2012, 16:32
Xác định độ bám dính của gỗ cao su và keo dyno trong sản xuất ván ghép thanh determiation on adhesiveness between rubberwood and dyno glue
... 12 5 ,2 12 5 ,5 12 9 ,2 12 6 ,8 83,5 85,5 12 1 ,4 11 9,5 10 6 ,1 110 ,1 1 31, 3 12 6 ,8 12 1 ,2 13 0 ,1 89,3 95,5 1 12 , 2 11 5,3 12 2 ,9 12 6 ,8 11 7 ,2 11 6,5 13 6,5 1 32, 2 12 4 , 2 12 5 ,2 89,5 78,4 11 3,8 96,5 12 1 ,7 11 7 ,2 12 7 ,5 12 2 ,7 ... -1 0 Y1 11 9,8 84,4 1 12 , 3 12 2 ,6 12 3 ,4 88,6 11 7,6 11 0,6 13 0,5 12 8 ,2 92, 5 12 0 ,8 12 4 , 2 1 12 , 6 12 8 ,6 12 1 ,1 80 ,2 97,4 11 3,4 11 9,4 11 5 ,2 12 1 ,5 Biến phụ thuộc Y2 Y3 12 6 ,9 12 2 ,1 93,7 82, 6 11 4,6 12 0 ,3 12 5 ,2 ... 11 7 ,2 12 7 ,5 12 2 ,7 12 4 , 8 11 6,5 12 9 ,5 12 4 , 4 Ydbd 12 2 ,9 86,9 11 5,7 12 4 , 4 12 5 ,5 85,9 11 9,5 10 8,9 12 9 ,5 12 6 ,5 92, 4 11 6,0 12 4 , 6 11 5,4 1 32, 4 12 3 ,5 82, 7 1 02, 6 11 7,4 12 3 ,2 11 8,8 12 5 ,1 Từ kết nghiên cứu...
Ngày tải lên: 30/10/2012, 16:53
Báo cáo y học: "Discriminating between elderly and young using a fractal dimension analysis of centre of pressure"
... 3. 31( 1. 31) 3.60 (1. 52) M/L Range (cm) 2. 63 (1. 95) 2. 41( 1.64) A/P Peak Sway Vel (cm.s -1) 5. 12 ( 3. 41) 6.90(7.97) -1 M/L Peak Sway Vel (cm.s ) 5.57(4.88) 6 .17 (8.76) Excursion Area (cm2) 10 .19 (3.39)* 11 .89(5.90)* ... according to age with seventy-four young; 21 .5 (2. 8) years, 1. 72( 0 .1) m, and 73.8 (17 .1) kg, and seventeen elderly; 69.5(6 .2) years, 1. 72( 0 .1) m, and 82. 0 (17 .9) kg, healthy adults Participants reported ... 3.90(0.93)* M/L Range (cm) 2. 35(0.93) 2. 15 (0. 81) -1 * A/P Peak Sway Vel (cm.s ) 5.74 (1. 88) 9.38(4 .19 )* M/L Peak Sway Vel (cm.s -1) 4.33 (1. 07) 4.75 (1. 12 ) Excursion Area (cm2) 9.87 (2. 46) 17 .53(8.33) Total...
Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2012, 10:09