▶ teacher s resource pack module 9 ex 11 p 81

messages 2 teacher s resource pack

messages 2 teacher s resource pack

... isn’t as nice as yours! Unit 7 Step 3 Possessive pronouns Listen to the example and answer the questions using ‘yes’ and a possessive pronoun Is this Lisa’s printer? Yes, it’s hers Are those ... the story Student B 1 Listen to your partner's part of the story and write notes Trang 28 Past simple: questions and short Past time expressions answers Today is 14th September and it’s ... gets up early She goes to the pool She plays basketball She goes bowling She goes jogging She doesn’t often She never She sometimes 10 She usually watches videos 1 2 3 4 5 She does gymnastics

Ngày tải lên: 25/09/2017, 20:15

95 178 0
Super minds 1 teacher s resource book   cambridge

Super minds 1 teacher s resource book cambridge

... ÁIN puaiy AW puaiy AW Jamsuy sawnonny Ay “spue1a¿ anof 3sÐ uaq1 °suo¡‡senb ay} OF SAeMsUD Anođ ø2411@A 94!) Fin st FOOY4SPAOM (S) PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2012 Super Minds ... ) PHOTOCOPIABLE playcomputergames ride my pony ride my bike play football play the piano go swimming I play computer games on Sundays Worksheet 2: | play computer games on Sundays Super Minds ... out Students can also take turns at calling out descriptions This could also be played with small cards on a table Students follow the stepping stones using their fingers Worksheet 4: What’s next?

Ngày tải lên: 26/07/2017, 08:25

81 425 1
kid s box 3 teacher s resource book

kid s box 3 teacher s resource book

... Pupils work in pairs, A and B Pupil A tells Pupil B the order of their colours Pupil B then does the same ● To extend this activity, all pupils stand up A pupil says his/her favourite colour Pupils ... pencils They write the numbers in the boxes Pupils then colour in the scene ● Pupils work in pairs, A and B Pupil A says a number and Pupil B says the name of the corresponding object(s) Pupils ... pocket Use staples or sticky tape to fasten the sides of the fl ap into place, being careful to leave a space at the top for pupils to insert the objects Pupils colour the fl ap Pupils then colour

Ngày tải lên: 25/11/2018, 12:12

61 388 2
TOP SCIENCE 2 teacher s resource book

TOP SCIENCE 2 teacher s resource book

... surnames come from the names of professions A potter is a person who makes pots, so one of Harry Potter’s ancestors was a potter Other surnames from professions are Butcher, Baker and Smith Some ... 80 SPEAKING ACTIVITIES 87 Answer keys REINFORCEMENT WORKSHEETS 96 EXTENSION WORKSHEETS 102 ASSESSMENT WORKSHEETS Diagnostic test 106 Unit assessment 107 Term assessment 115 ... Bayport AIRPORT cliffs B Trang 5Worksheets REINFORCEMENT WORKSHEETS 6 EXTENSION WORKSHEETS 30 ASSESSMENT WORKSHEETS Diagnostic test 48 Unit assessment 50 Term assessment 80 SPEAKING

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 13:05

120 1,2K 0
slide 1 tet mid autumn festival christmas may day women’s day easter wedding valentine day independence day teacher’s day kim’s game 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 start unit 8 cel

slide 1 tet mid autumn festival christmas may day women’s day easter wedding valentine day independence day teacher’s day kim’s game 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 start unit 8 cel

... friends not only by his family but also by all his friends His priority is always his family His sense of His priority is always his family His sense of humor distinguishes him from others ... his child is so strong 3, his priority is his family 1, is missed and loved much (15)Unit : Celebrations Unit : Celebrations Complete the table Complete the table Which sentence tells ... leave his Rita’s father Jane’s father Bob’s father Bob’s father (16)Unit : Celebrations Unit : Celebrations Lesson : Read Lesson : Read Questions Questions Rita (Australia) Rita (Australia)

Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2021, 05:47

21 23 0
Access grade 9 teacher resource pack  tests

Access grade 9 teacher resource pack tests

... 189 28Access 4ab US ResKey-tapes_28Access 4ab US ResKey-tapes 27/01/2012 6:18 ΜΜ Page 190 28Access 4ab US ResKey-tapes_28Access 4ab US ResKey-tapes 27/01/2012 6:18 ΜΜ Page 191 28Access 4ab US ... (Modules 1-10) p.155 Key to Resource Activities, Tests & Tapescripts p.159 02Access 4ab US TsRes Contents_02Access 4ab US TsRes Contents 27/01/2012 5:57 ΜΜ Page 03Access 4ab US TsRes ... ridiculous b) muscular C 16 the best 17 sharper 18 softer 19 the most beautiful 20 warmer 21 the prettiest D 22 as as 23 less than 24 less than 25 as as 179 28Access 4ab US ResKey-tapes_28Access

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2016, 08:31

192 2,4K 92
Tài liệu Module 9: Memory and Resource Management ppt

Tài liệu Module 9: Memory and Resource Management ppt

... perform explicit resource management by using the IDisposable interface and Dispose method. Discuss the temporary resource usage design pattern as an example of how to allocate resources for temporary ... .. the ResourceWrapper design pattern: 28 Module 9: Memory and Resource Management // Design pattern for a base class public class BaseResource: IDisposable { // Pointer to an external ... managed applications, it is appropriate to use short-term objects in situations where they simplify your code. Visual Basic Developers Microsoft Visual Basic ® developers are accustomed to

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 08:20

62 386 0
Gender responsive BudGetinG and Women’s reproductive riGhts: A RESOURCE PACK pptx

Gender responsive BudGetinG and Women’s reproductive riGhts: A RESOURCE PACK pptx

... discusses, in particular, how GRB can assist in mainstreaming gender and in dealing with general issues of disadvantage and poverty It explains how the GRB approach could assist in addressing ... HIV/AIDS programs 61 Some proposed tools for GRB analysis 61 Call circulars and gender-responsive budget submissions 65 ACTORS, ACTIVITIES AND FOCUS 66 Actors and activities 66 The focus of GRB work ... guidelines also stated that municipalities must specify who is responsible for the different gender equity activities In India: Several years of sustained advocacy and partnerships between the Department

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 14:20

92 468 0


... clauses (Chart 12-6) Students sometimes ask how they are supposed to know which preposition they need to use This exercise consists of preposition combinations with verbs, as listed in Appendix Preposition ... to help □ EXERCISE 30, p 393 Expressing purpose with TO and FOR (Chart 13-9) ANSWERS: to for for to to for to 10 for 11 to 12 to 13 for 14 for 15 to □ EXERCISE 31, p 393 Expressing purpose with ... suggestion is to have students make up preposition quizzes for each other based on the groups of phrasal verbs and preposition combinations in the appendices SAMPLE ITEMS: I thanked Mustafa _ (open)

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 07:21

24 606 0
The Teacher’s Grammar BookSecond Edition phần 9 doc

The Teacher’s Grammar BookSecond Edition phần 9 doc

... corresponding phone - mic and lexical representations. A formal grammatical apparatus to explain the relatedness of actives and passives, for example, and other types of related sentences is not ... meaningful sense. Langacker (1990), for example, referred to phrase-structure rules as “general statements” (p. 102). Thus, there is no reason to assume that the NP VP notation specifies a rule, ... our schools should not teach Stan - dard English or expect students to master its conventions. In 1974, the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), for example, passed a resolution pro

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 11:20

27 369 0
proposed training module for enhancing teacher’s motivational techniques and students’ performance in basic english course in hanoi university of industry (haui) (sum)

proposed training module for enhancing teacher’s motivational techniques and students’ performance in basic english course in hanoi university of industry (haui) (sum)

... discussion. Insights of Bandura, Lupdag, Atkinson provide support relative to the topic discussed regarding performance of students. Further, Widdowson, Tolimson and Frank’s ideas on classroom ... relationships or trends invariably... Study The respondents of the study is composed of 385 first year College students taking up Basic English course obtained using the Slovin’s formula ... teachers and students’ performance in Basic English course at Hanoi University of Industry with training module as output. Thus, despite of the similarities of the present study to the cited studies,

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2014, 04:46

25 379 0
proposed training module for enhancing teacher’s motivational techniques and students’ performance in basic english course in hanoi university of industry (haui)

proposed training module for enhancing teacher’s motivational techniques and students’ performance in basic english course in hanoi university of industry (haui)

... Teacher Respondents 92 4. Place of Origin Profile of Teacher Respondents 93 5. Civil Status Profile of Teacher Respondents 95 6. Educational Classification Profile of Teacher Respondents 95 ... of importance 111 11.Performance of student respondents in a teacher-made test 116 12.Student's t-test comparison of the mean % scores 117 13.T-test comparison of the mean scores for ... training module for teachers 135 V. SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Summary 190 Findings 191 Conclusions 197 Recommendations 197 BIBLIOGRAPHY 199 APPENDICES A. Questionnaire for Teachers

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2014, 04:46

240 389 0
Winnie the witch teacher resource pack

Winnie the witch teacher resource pack

... speak, and what kinds of words do they use? • As a class or in groups, make a simple and short script of the story • Then get members of the class to act out the story, using the puppets... ... • Display the menus Write step-by-step recipes for Winnie’s ratatouille and worm bolognaise First show children a regular recipe for (eg) spaghetti bolognaise and discuss how a recipe is set ... is he really doing this? • How does the vampire persuade Winnie that she needs the pen? What words does he use? • Make a list of persuasive words and phrases you might use to advertise the same

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2016, 18:09

24 440 0
Clockwise elementary teacher resource pack

Clockwise elementary teacher resource pack

... Clockwise elementary Teacher’s Resource Pack PHOTOCOPIABLE Rena Basak & Drew Hyde e OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Introduction This Resource Pack contains thirty-four Pre-activity photocopiable activities ... mobile phone number, e-mail, @, dot, co, com Give examples of other useful expressions, e.g It’s my parents’ address It’s a temporary address What’s your address in Oxford / at home? Procedure ... comparatives, e.g Who lives nearer the school ? Two copies of the worksheet per student, or more for a large class or appress 800k = CLOCKWISE ELEMENTARY RESOURCE PACK 01 ADDRESS BOOK Name Name Address

Ngày tải lên: 01/02/2018, 16:34

79 166 0
english for starters 9 teacher s book

english for starters 9 teacher s book

... geologist(s) philosopher(s) photo-geologist(s) physical activity(ies) pilot(s) plain(s) pleasure(s) plot(s) poetry police officer(s) pollutant(s) population(s) portrait possession(s) prescription(s) ... environment(s) enzyme equipment escape essay(s) evil(s) excited experience(s) experiment(s) expert(s) explorer(s) explosion(s) (p.42) (p.68) (p.66) (p.31) (p.16) (p.13) (p.68) (p.54) (p.78) (p.22) (p.56) ... present(s) private prize(s) promise(s) psychologist(s) pump(s) (p.80) (p.20) (p.15) (p.32) (p.44) (p.32) (p.32) (p.32) (p.94) (p.23) (p.35) (p.56) (p.56) (p.44) (p.56) (p.50) (p.72) (p.35) (p.86)

Ngày tải lên: 09/02/2021, 14:11

156 18 0
english for starters 11 teacher s book

english for starters 11 teacher s book

... information stress in compound nouns Listening Listening to information about a film festival Speaking Discussing the positive and negative effects of TV Expressingopin ions Singular / plural nouns – staff ... Speaking Discussing using telephones Writing Writing instructions for sending a text message Project: Doing an English language survey intonation patterns in question tags Sample Test Six (Modules ... Unit 11 Unit 12 Review Students’ Book Answer Key Students’ Book Tapescript Activity Book Answer Key Culture Spot Students’ Book Tapescript Literature Spot 144 146 147 Assessment Guide 149 Activity

Ngày tải lên: 09/02/2021, 14:11

188 15 0
ngoai khoa ls copyright © 2005 doan van hung khoa lich su dai hoc quy nhon 122005 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 c©u 1 §ång chý h y kó mét kû niöm s©u s¾c trong ngµy

ngoai khoa ls copyright © 2005 doan van hung khoa lich su dai hoc quy nhon 122005 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 c©u 1 §ång chý h y kó mét kû niöm s©u s¾c trong ngµy

... 20-11 00 0203 10 04 08 050906 07 0111 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Số (15)ngày nhàgiáoviệt nam 20-11 00 0203 10 04 08 050906 07 0111 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 NhÊt tù vi s , b¸n tù vi s ... nhàgiáoviệt nam 20-11 00 0203 10 04 08 050906 07 0111 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 lính phòng không (11)ngày nhàgiáoviệt nam 20-11 00 0203 10 04 08 050906 07 0111 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Mục lục ... lụa, lúa tốt phân (28)ngày nhàgiáoviệt nam 20-11 00 0203 10 04 08 050906 07 0111 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 TÝnh sæ (29)ngày nhàgiáoviệt nam 20-11 00 0203 10 04 08 050906 07 0111 12 13 14

Ngày tải lên: 09/04/2021, 21:15

32 19 0
date date 17 month 11 year 2008 n053 unit 7 celebrations period 2 reading i objective ii teaching aids similar to n052 iii method iv procedure t teacher ‘s activities students’ activities 1 checking –

date date 17 month 11 year 2008 n053 unit 7 celebrations period 2 reading i objective ii teaching aids similar to n052 iii method iv procedure t teacher ‘s activities students’ activities 1 checking –

... network, distribute… New lesson 2.2 While reading (cont)  Task a - Asks them to read the task and guess which statement is true and which are false  Passage  Passage  Passage  Passage  Passage ... answers: 2.3 After listening - Asks them to write some messages - Calls some ss to stand up and read - Asks them to remarks - Gives correct answers - Ask them to copy Homework - write some messages ... listening  Task b - Asks them to listen and complete the - Work in pairs songs - Listen and check - Play the cassette the first time - Stands up and reads - Checks their answers - Plays the second

Ngày tải lên: 11/04/2021, 13:42

26 5 0
slide 1 teacher nguyen thi thu hong 1 – women’s day 8 – 3 2 teacher’s day 20 – 11 3 – may day 1 – 5 4 – christmas 24 12 5 – vietnamese independence day 30 4 6 – lucky number lucky number 8 3 1 5 24 12

slide 1 teacher nguyen thi thu hong 1 – women’s day 8 – 3 2 teacher’s day 20 – 11 3 – may day 1 – 5 4 – christmas 24 12 5 – vietnamese independence day 30 4 6 – lucky number lucky number 8 3 1 5 24 12

... his friends His priority is always his family His sense of humor distinguishes him from others In a His sense of humor distinguishes him from others In a word, my dad’s terrific! I’m so proud ... Answer the questions again.Answer the questions again.  Do the exercise 3 in workbook, page 53.Do the exercise 3 in workbook, page 53.  Write a passage about 100 – 120 words Write a passage ... three passages ? passages ? (12)T T FF 1) Rita sends a card to her father on 2) Jane loves and misses her father very much. 3) father is a considerate and generous man. 4) Bob’s father

Ngày tải lên: 12/04/2021, 18:04

18 26 0
slide 1 to our class 122 teacher nguyen thi thuy bong cao ba quat upper secondary school team a team b waving shaking hands raising one’s hand nodding clapping one’s hands pointing non verbal ex wav

slide 1 to our class 122 teacher nguyen thi thuy bong cao ba quat upper secondary school team a team b waving shaking hands raising one’s hand nodding clapping one’s hands pointing non verbal ex wav

... across small friendly wave Pointing at (7)Read the passage carefully and choose the best answers: 1 is considered the most common way of getting someone’s attention A raising one’s hand B pointing ... considered polite 5 The best title for the passage is (8)1 6 3 4 5 2 What these gestures mean? Let’s choose the correct answers (9)Yes? or No? In Greece , a nod means Yes (10)She ... A small friendly wave to attract the teacher’s attention in the schoolyard is acceptable C The teacher can point at a student in class to get his/her attention D Pointing at someone is usually

Ngày tải lên: 16/04/2021, 10:10

29 37 0