▶ teacher s resource pack module 2

messages 2 teacher s resource pack

messages 2 teacher s resource pack

... uniform (wear / usually) © Messages 2 © Cambridge University Press 2005 Module 1 resources Unit 2 Trang 25 Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-61430-6 - Messages 2 Teacher’s Resource Pack Meredith ... 0-521-61429-5 Teacher's Book ISBN-13 978-0-521-61431-3 Class Cassettes ISBN-10 0-521-61431-7 Class Cassettes ISBN-13 978-0-521-61432-0 Class Audio CDs ISBN-10 0-521-61432-5 Class Audio CDs Trang 3 ... tall as Nathan My sister isn’t as old as my brother A snake isn’t as small as a spider The clock isn’t as cheap as the watch Buses aren’t as fast as trains English isn’t as difficult as Chinese

Ngày tải lên: 25/09/2017, 20:15

95 178 0
TOP SCIENCE 2 teacher s resource book

TOP SCIENCE 2 teacher s resource book

... cliffs B Trang 5Worksheets REINFORCEMENT WORKSHEETS 6 EXTENSION WORKSHEETS 30 ASSESSMENT WORKSHEETS Diagnostic test 48 Unit assessment 50 Term assessment 80 SPEAKING ACTIVITIES ... testThis test is to be completed at the start of the school year to give an indication of student’s basic level of Science and English Assessment worksheets Unit assessment and Term assessment ... SPEAKING ACTIVITIES 87 Answer keys REINFORCEMENT WORKSHEETS 96 EXTENSION WORKSHEETS 102 ASSESSMENT WORKSHEETS Diagnostic test 106 Unit assessment 107 Term assessment 115 Trang 6Name

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 13:05

120 1,2K 0
Super minds 1 teacher s resource book   cambridge

Super minds 1 teacher s resource book cambridge

... Teacher's Resource Book 1 ISBN 978-0-521-14855-9 Student's Book with DVD-ROM 1 ISBN 978-0-521-14857-3 Workbook 1 ISBN 978-0-521-22061-3 Teacher's Book 1 ISBN 178-0-521-22136-8 Class Audio CDs 1 ISBN ... cheese and sandwich! Lc == Grammar 2: Questions with have got any 28, Super Minds Teacher's Resource Book Level1 _ © Combridge University Press2012_ |Đ / @e e9) 022182 Trang 30 (2 Worksheet ... include: Simon says! Call out instructions for students to follow If you say an instruction with Simon says at the beginning of it, e.g Simon says, stand up, they should do as you say Without the instruction

Ngày tải lên: 26/07/2017, 08:25

81 425 1
kid s box 3 teacher s resource book

kid s box 3 teacher s resource book

... Press 2014 Kid’s Box Teacher’s Resource Book Starter 49 U nit Reinforcement worksheet Follow the lines and colour 32 50 Kid’s Box Teacher’s Resource Book Starter © Cambridge University Press 2014 ... action Ask pupils which action was first to reach six spins ● ● Prepare a set of cards in advance on thin card for best results Shuffle the cards As you show the class each card, give instructions, ... Teacher’s Resource Book Starter U nit Extension worksheet Listen, point and write 10 Kid’s Box Teacher’s Resource Book Starter © Cambridge University Press 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE U nit Song worksheet

Ngày tải lên: 25/11/2018, 12:12

61 387 2
Tài liệu IELTS teacher''''s book part 2 pdf

Tài liệu IELTS teacher''''s book part 2 pdf

... built on as the course progresses Being alert to word stress patterns is obviously relevant to speaking skills, but it is also an important listening skill Most students will need a step-by-step ... check answers, to clear up any misunderstandings, and also focus on useful expressions such as shanty towns, settle in, stumbling block Unit 4 Key Lead-in (0.32) 4 (Example answers and notes) 1 ... awareness of the kind of verbal clues which suggest that the writer is expressing a subjective opinion Let students compare answers and discuss as necessary 20 Unit 5 Key Lead-in (p.40) 2a_ |

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 20:15

15 489 1
Tài liệu Step up to IELTS teacher''''s book part 2 docx

Tài liệu Step up to IELTS teacher''''s book part 2 docx

... this part of the Speaking test is a ¢ yuestion/answer session as indicated by response b Response e opens up the conversation and allows the examiner to develop it further as shown in Step 5 Suggest ... Children’s books/reading Main idea: Children enjoy reading these days Supporting poirits: increases independence uses imagination helps understand the world b Possible answers At asterisks: “Sitting ... in answering Steer students aw ay from the view that this part of the seaking test is a question/answer session as indicated response b esponse ¢ opens up the conversation and allows the «wniner

Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 20:20

15 516 1
Training Module 2 hildren''''s Environmental Health docx

Training Module 2 hildren''''s Environmental Health docx

... assessment of the state of the science of endocrine disruptors. Geneva, Switzerland, WHO/PCS/EDC, 2002. Available at www.who.int/ipcs/publications/new_issues/endocrine_disruptors/en/ - accessed ... large set of slides from which the presenter should select the most relevant ones to use in a specific presentation. These slides cover many facets of the problem. Present only those slides that ... modules of the training package that deal with specific risk factors, such as lead, mercury, pesticides, persistent organic pollutants, endocrine disruptors, occupational exposures; or disease

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 14:20

47 355 0
Gender responsive BudGetinG and Women’s reproductive riGhts: A RESOURCE PACK pptx

Gender responsive BudGetinG and Women’s reproductive riGhts: A RESOURCE PACK pptx

... budgets 60 Categorisation for gender analysis of HIV/AIDS programs 61 Some proposed tools for GRB analysis 61 Call circulars and gender-responsive budget submissions 65 ACTORS, ACTIVITIES AND ... GRB 17 Box 3 Using rights concepts in health-related budget work 19 Box 4 Using budget indicators to assess fulfilment of CEDAW 21 Box 5 Mothers’ vs women’s vs children’s needs 26 Box 6 Combining ... ones such as clinical management of STIs Some RH advocates may feel wary of focusing on HIV/AIDS because they feel that HIV/AIDS is getting too much attention and resources, and this is decreasing

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 14:20

92 468 0


... 13, p 37 Simple past: questions and short answers (Charts 2-1 → 2-7) This exercise covers the simple past forms for statements, negatives, questions, and short answers ANSWERS: Did Tom’s plane ... class discussion □ EXERCISE 5, p Simple present vs present progressive (Charts 1-1 and 1-2) Students need to prepare the exercise prior to class discussion; they can it as seatwork, or this exercise ... and -ge/-dge sounds (e.g., wishes, watches, passes, mixes, sizes, judges) □ EXERCISE 16, p 13 Simple present verbs: using final -S/-ES (Charts 1-4 and 1-5) The focus of this exercise is on (1) identification

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 07:21

25 358 0
The Teacher’s Grammar BookSecond Edition phần 2 ppt

The Teacher’s Grammar BookSecond Edition phần 2 ppt

... statements On this basis, we can see why it is rather easy to process syllogisms of the following type: All men are mortal (statement 1) Socrates is a man (statement 2) Therefore, Socrates is ... objectives 20 CHAPTER Faulty Assumptions Successful grammar instruction involves matching instruction to expected outcomes and then assessing whether the instruction was effective As I’ve already suggested, ... transfer is central to the assumption What the research suggests is that logical reasoning is situation specific, in which case it is not readily transferable But the ease with which we process simple

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 11:20

29 432 0
balloons teacher''''s edition 2

balloons teacher''''s edition 2

... Creating Interest Before class, place sets of three objects in paper bags You can use toys such as blocks, balls, and cars as well as classroom objects such as mark- ers, crayons, and books Use Lucky ... Listen, point, and repeat: This is a shovel This is a rake This is a pail These are sand toys This is a ball These are blocks These are cars This is a hoop This is a jungle gym This is a sandbox ... and repeat: This is a shovel This is a | rake This is a pail These are sand toys | This is a ball These are blocks These are | cars This is a hoop This is a jungle gym l This is a sandbox | Point

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2014, 23:33

154 567 0
pebbles 2 teacher''s book

pebbles 2 teacher''s book

... activities, such as making masks and puppets The course consists of a Class Book for pupils, a Teacher's Book with story posters and a cassette Course components Each level of Pebbles is made ... lesson notes for each unit, and in the Ideas store on pages 13] to 138 Managing resources Make sure you always have the materials required for a lesson Keep stocks of scissors, crayons (possibly ... and stimulating context Pebbles contains a number of simple class games, card games, team games, board games and traditional games such as Musical Statues, Simon Says and Bingo Further suggestions

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2014, 08:17

162 370 0
proposed training module for enhancing teacher’s motivational techniques and students’ performance in basic english course in hanoi university of industry (haui) (sum)

proposed training module for enhancing teacher’s motivational techniques and students’ performance in basic english course in hanoi university of industry (haui) (sum)

... Educational System in the Period of 2008-2020” was issued on Sept. 30, 2008. Clearly, it is expected that by year 2020, most Vietnamese students who will graduate from secondary, vocational schools, ... discussion. Insights of Bandura, Lupdag, Atkinson provide support relative to the topic discussed regarding performance of students. Further, Widdowson, Tolimson and Frank’s ideas on classroom ... in Basic English course at Hanoi University of Industry with training module as output. Thus, despite of the similarities of the present study to the cited studies, the present study is not

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2014, 04:46

25 379 0
proposed training module for enhancing teacher’s motivational techniques and students’ performance in basic english course in hanoi university of industry (haui)

proposed training module for enhancing teacher’s motivational techniques and students’ performance in basic english course in hanoi university of industry (haui)

... for Teachers 206 B. Questionnaire for Students 215 C. Validation Letter of Questionnaire for Teachers 222 D. Validation Letter of Questionnaire for Students 223 E. Letter of Request to the ... Philippines H. Documents for validation of questionnaires in Batangas State University 228 I. Documents for Administration of Questionnaires in Hanoi University of Industry (HaUI) 229 J. Documents ... students in all test areas. There is not much relationship that exists between the teachers’ motivational techniques and students’ performance in English. The proposed training module consists

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2014, 04:46

240 389 0
Winnie the witch teacher resource pack

Winnie the witch teacher resource pack

... things about you Ask the groups to share their lists with the class and compile a class list of computer guidelines, which you can display Ar t Screensaver Get the children to design a screensaver ... they speak, and what kinds of words they use? • As a class or in groups, make a simple and short script of the story • Then get members of the class to act out the story, using the puppets LITERACY ... her: is he really doing this? • How does the vampire persuade Winnie that she needs the pen? What words does he use? • Make a list of persuasive words and phrases you might use to advertise

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2016, 18:09

24 440 0
Boost writing 2 teacher s edition

Boost writing 2 teacher s edition

... Boost!Writing Dinosaurs SUBJECT Scienceand Nature WRITINGSKILT Editing essays WRITINGTASK Write and edit an essayabout dinosaurs Editingessays ; It is impontantto edit younessaysfon mistakes.Makesuneyou ... On small piecesof paper',write sentencesusingboth pattenns[Sugartastes sweet.Hair looks /ikestring.] Then cut the sentences in half lSugar tastes... Sportsand Leisure WRITINGSKILL Writing descriptivesentences ... diogrom is finished! Now I will my essoy It's reolly owful Second, people buy tickets ond the circuses stoy in business.That meons the circusescon keep hurting the qnimols Circusesexist becousepeople

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2016, 21:33

94 973 0
messages 2 teacher s book

messages 2 teacher s book

... 0.521 61431 7 Class Cassettes ISBN-13 978 0 521 61432 0 Class Audio CDs ISBN-10 0 521 61432 5 Class Audio CDs Trang 3 Cambridge University Press Trang 4 Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-61429-0 ... wasn’t, was 4 weren't, were 5 was, was 6 was, wasn't 2.2 s To check answers, name different students to ask and answer across the class Answers 2 Were they expensive? Yes, they were 3 Was it ... structures Messages 2 consolidates and builds on this Course components Student's Book Six modules of two units each Module opening pages Extra exercises page with KET-style activities Extra readings

Ngày tải lên: 25/09/2017, 20:15

116 269 0
Clockwise elementary teacher resource pack

Clockwise elementary teacher resource pack

... per student, or more for a large class or appress 800k = CLOCKWISE ELEMENTARY RESOURCE PACK 01 ADDRESS BOOK Name Name Address Address Phone Phone e-mail e-mail Birthday Name Name Address Address ... Activity types include information-sharing activities, games, competitions, questionnaires, roleplays, and Extension activities are suggested for most activities These can be used as fillers, homework ... first few lessons to break the routine and allow students to get to know one another U21 « Speaking, listening Revise the questions students will need, e.g What's your name / address? With a stronger

Ngày tải lên: 01/02/2018, 16:34

79 166 0
Giáo trình Face2face elementary teacher''s book: Phần 2

Giáo trình Face2face elementary teacher''s book: Phần 2

... 0164 283 1275 WEBSITE: TOEICBOOKSTORE.COM Mua sách Toeic photo giá rẻ: 0164 283 1275 WEBSITE: TOEICBOOKSTORE.COM Mua sách Toeic photo giá rẻ: 0164 283 1275 WEBSITE: TOEICBOOKSTORE.COM Mua sách ... 0164 283 1275 WEBSITE: TOEICBOOKSTORE.COM Mua sách Toeic photo giá rẻ: 0164 283 1275 WEBSITE: TOEICBOOKSTORE.COM Mua sách Toeic photo giá rẻ: 0164 283 1275 WEBSITE: TOEICBOOKSTORE.COM Mua sách ... 0164 283 1275 WEBSITE: TOEICBOOKSTORE.COM Mua sách Toeic photo giá rẻ: 0164 283 1275 WEBSITE: TOEICBOOKSTORE.COM Mua sách Toeic photo giá rẻ: 0164 283 1275 WEBSITE: TOEICBOOKSTORE.COM Mua sách

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2020, 08:34

106 121 0
Giáo trình Face2face starter teacher''s book: Phần 2

Giáo trình Face2face starter teacher''s book: Phần 2

... Phetmcnpiable Glass Activities Instructions There are 29 ClassActivitiesworksheets(pI12-p146) These worksheets give extra communicative speaking practice of the key languagetaught in the Student'sBook Each ... students,you can: ask two students to share a role card or worksheet o give extra cards to stronger students var| the size of the groups At this level it is usually advisableto demonstratethe ... matches a lessonin the Student'sBook, for example, 1B Wherel heJrom? matcheslesson 18, etc There are three activities for units 1-9 and two activities for unit 10 The ClassActivities can be used as

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2020, 09:45

80 62 0