▶ teacher s resource pack module 10 ex 12 p 89

messages 2 teacher s resource pack

messages 2 teacher s resource pack

... isn’t as interesting as yours! That's a nice T-shirt, Charlie It isn’t as nice as yours! Unit 7 Step 3 Possessive pronouns Listen to the example and answer the questions using ‘yes’ and a possessive ... a possessive pronoun Is this Lisa’s printer? Yes, it’s hers Are those your glasses? Yes, they’re mine Is that Matt’s toothbrush? Yes, it’s his © Pattern drills Are these my sandwiches? Yes, they're ... story Student B 1 Listen to your partner's part of the story and write notes Trang 28 Past simple: questions and short Past time expressions answers Today is 14th September and it’s 10

Ngày tải lên: 25/09/2017, 20:15

95 178 0
Super minds 1 teacher s resource book   cambridge

Super minds 1 teacher s resource book cambridge

... ÁIN puaiy AW puaiy AW Jamsuy sawnonny Ay “spue1a¿ anof 3sÐ uaq1 °suo¡‡senb ay} OF SAeMsUD Anođ ø2411@A 94!) Fin st FOOY4SPAOM (S) PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2012 Super Minds ... ) PHOTOCOPIABLE playcomputergames ride my pony ride my bike play football play the piano go swimming I play computer games on Sundays Worksheet 2: | play computer games on Sundays Super Minds ... out Students can also take turns at calling out descriptions This could also be played with small cards on a table Students follow the stepping stones using their fingers Worksheet 4: What’s next?

Ngày tải lên: 26/07/2017, 08:25

81 425 1
kid s box 3 teacher s resource book

kid s box 3 teacher s resource book

... character speaks Song worksheet Optional follow-up activity: Pupils work in pairs, A and B Pupil A points to a face and Pupil B says the number Pupils A and B exchange roles Optional audio activity: Play ... objects and Pupil B puts it into the pocket Pupils A and B exchange roles Optional follow-up activity: Pupils work in small groups The rest of the group close their eyes, while Pupil A puts only ... a space at the top for pupils to insert the objects Pupils colour the flap Pupils then colour and cut out the objects and put them into the pocket Pupils work in pairs, A and B Pupil A names

Ngày tải lên: 25/11/2018, 12:12

61 388 2
bài thu hoạch bồi dưỡng thường xuyên thpt module 10, 11, 12

bài thu hoạch bồi dưỡng thường xuyên thpt module 10, 11, 12

... MỘT SỐ PHƯƠNG PHÁP VÀ KỸ NĂNG ỨNG PHÓ VỚI DYSTRESS TRONG HỌC TẬP CỦA HSTHPT Một số phương pháp ứng phó với stress học tập: a Ứng phó nhắm vào tác nhân: Làm thay đởi tác nhân gây stress hoặc ... dục phương pháp đánh giá kết rèn luyện học sinh cá biệt - Sử dụng phối hợp phương pháp thu thập thông tin về học sinh cá biệt; phương pháp giáo dục phương pháp đánh giá kết rèn luyện học sinh ... PP học tập THCS; - PPCT số môn, chưa phù hợp; - Chưa có PP học tập ở THPT - Khó khăn về điều kiện, thiết bị DH; - Hỏng kiến thức - Chưa quen với PPGD mới;- Thiếu thời gian học tập;

Ngày tải lên: 08/10/2019, 15:27

18 146 1


... học tập học sinh: Phân tích biện pháp phòng tránh rào cản tâm lí học tập: Hướng dẫn học sinh thực hành phương pháp phòng tránh rào cản tâm lí học tập học sinh: Thực biện pháp giảm stress nêu ... bị stress công việc - 75% dân số trải qua bị stress tuần/1 lần II Khái niệm về stress học tập: Đặc điểm tâm sinh lí bản: - Phát triển không cân đối chiều cao cân nặng - Sự phát triển mặt sinh ... chất Phương pháp trợ giúp học sinh ứng phó với stress học tập: - Chăm sóc sức khỏe tránh nguy hiểm có - Can thiệp sớm cách trực tiếp, chủ động bình tĩnh - Tập trung vào vấn đề - Cung cấp thơng tin

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2020, 16:54

13 138 0
TOP SCIENCE 2 teacher s resource book

TOP SCIENCE 2 teacher s resource book

... reinforcement, extension, assessment and speaking Use them for revision purposes, for extension practice, as progress tests, assessment, or for homework The worksheets can be photocopied and filed ... transport bus stop pavement road bus stop zebra crossing pavement road sign road sign What these means of transport carry? Write passengers or merchandise A B road zebra crossing merchandise passengers ... MATERIAL © 2010 Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educación, S.L 93 Other resources ICT Resource Pack The ICT Resource Pack consists of CD-Roms CD1 • Digital flashcards and classroom posters: the digital

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 13:05

120 1,2K 0
slide 1 tet mid autumn festival christmas may day women’s day easter wedding valentine day independence day teacher’s day kim’s game 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 start unit 8 cel

slide 1 tet mid autumn festival christmas may day women’s day easter wedding valentine day independence day teacher’s day kim’s game 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 start unit 8 cel

... by his family but also by all his friends not only by his family but also by all his friends His priority is always his family His sense of His priority is always his family His sense of ... leave his Rita’s father Jane’s father Bob’s father Bob’s father (16)Unit : Celebrations Unit : Celebrations Lesson : Read Lesson : Read Questions Questions Rita (Australia) Rita (Australia) ... Rita sends this card to? 1 Who you think Rita sends this card to? 2 What does that person teach her? 2 What does that person teach her? Jane (USA) Jane (USA) 1 Is Jane’s father alive ( 1 Is

Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2021, 05:47

21 23 0
Gender responsive BudGetinG and Women’s reproductive riGhts: A RESOURCE PACK pptx

Gender responsive BudGetinG and Women’s reproductive riGhts: A RESOURCE PACK pptx

... discusses, in particular, how GRB can assist in mainstreaming gender and in dealing with general issues of disadvantage and poverty It explains how the GRB approach could assist in addressing ... HIV/AIDS programs 61 Some proposed tools for GRB analysis 61 Call circulars and gender-responsive budget submissions 65 ACTORS, ACTIVITIES AND FOCUS 66 Actors and activities 66 The focus of GRB work ... guidelines also stated that municipalities must specify who is responsible for the different gender equity activities In India: Several years of sustained advocacy and partnerships between the Department

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 14:20

92 468 0


... tense and number Following are the sequences of verb forms in the examples in the text: simple present → simple past present progressive → past progressive present perfect → past perfect simple ... information presented about possible uses and meanings of phrasal verbs, in this instance presenting only the intransitive uses of this selected list 196 APPENDIX 1, Phrasal Verbs app1_ph/prs_AZAR_39601 ... Notes on Appendix • Phrasal verbs are presented in an appendix so that the teacher may dip into its units when it best fits into her or his lesson plans The Appendix presents the phrasal verbs

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 07:21

24 477 1
The Teacher’s Grammar BookSecond Edition phần 10 doc

The Teacher’s Grammar BookSecond Edition phần 10 doc

... monolingual Spanish speak - ers, monolingual English speakers, and bilingual Spanish-English speakers. CE is not the same as Spanglish—a blend of English and Spanish frequently used by native Spanish speakers ... exponentially, Spanglish has become increasingly widespread. As the name suggests, Spanglish is a combination of Spanish and English. It is not quite the same thing as “code-switching,” which is discussed ... use CE was a conscious decision. Does this mean that teachers are witnessing a kind of perversity when students choose to use CE or BEV in the classroom? Well, in some cases, yes. We must keep

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 11:20

31 336 0
proposed training module for enhancing teacher’s motivational techniques and students’ performance in basic english course in hanoi university of industry (haui) (sum)

proposed training module for enhancing teacher’s motivational techniques and students’ performance in basic english course in hanoi university of industry (haui) (sum)

... discussion. Insights of Bandura, Lupdag, Atkinson provide support relative to the topic discussed regarding performance of students. Further, Widdowson, Tolimson and Frank’s ideas on classroom ... relationships or trends invariably... Study The respondents of the study is composed of 385 first year College students taking up Basic English course obtained using the Slovin’s formula ... teachers and students’ performance in Basic English course at Hanoi University of Industry with training module as output. Thus, despite of the similarities of the present study to the cited studies,

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2014, 04:46

25 379 0
proposed training module for enhancing teacher’s motivational techniques and students’ performance in basic english course in hanoi university of industry (haui)

proposed training module for enhancing teacher’s motivational techniques and students’ performance in basic english course in hanoi university of industry (haui)

... of Teacher Respondents 92 4. Place of Origin Profile of Teacher Respondents 93 5. Civil Status Profile of Teacher Respondents 95 6. Educational Classification Profile of Teacher Respondents ... of importance 111 11.Performance of student respondents in a teacher-made test 116 12.Student's t-test comparison of the mean % scores 117 13.T-test comparison of the mean scores for ... students in all test areas. There is not much relationship that exists between the teachers’ motivational techniques and students’ performance in English. The proposed training module consists

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2014, 04:46

240 389 0
unit 10- A,12,3 Let''s learn E 3- g.a có sử dụng bdtd

unit 10- A,12,3 Let''s learn E 3- g.a có sử dụng bdtd

... you want to play skipping rope? No, I not Thursday, 4th November 2010 Unit five: Sports and games Section A (1,2,3) - Play skipping rope - Play badminton - Go swimming - Play hide-and- seek ? Do ... Sports and games Section A (1,2,3) A Play skipping rope B Play badminton C Play hide-and- seek D Go swimming 2 Key: A: B: 4 C: D: Thursday, 4th November 2010 Unit five: Sports and games Section A ... November 2010 Unit five: Sports and games Section A (1,2,3) - Play skipping rope - Play badminton - Go swimming - Play hide-and- seek LiLi: Do you want to play hide – and – seek? Alan: Sure  Do

Ngày tải lên: 30/04/2015, 19:00

15 705 0
Winnie the witch teacher resource pack

Winnie the witch teacher resource pack

... speak, and what kinds of words do they use? • As a class or in groups, make a simple and short script of the story • Then get members of the class to act out the story, using the puppets... ... • Display the menus Write step-by-step recipes for Winnie’s ratatouille and worm bolognaise First show children a regular recipe for (eg) spaghetti bolognaise and discuss how a recipe is set ... is he really doing this? • How does the vampire persuade Winnie that she needs the pen? What words does he use? • Make a list of persuasive words and phrases you might use to advertise the same

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2016, 18:09

24 440 0
Clockwise elementary teacher resource pack

Clockwise elementary teacher resource pack

... Clockwise elementary Teacher’s Resource Pack PHOTOCOPIABLE Rena Basak & Drew Hyde e OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Introduction This Resource Pack contains thirty-four Pre-activity photocopiable activities ... mobile phone number, e-mail, @, dot, co, com Give examples of other useful expressions, e.g It’s my parents’ address It’s a temporary address What’s your address in Oxford / at home? Procedure (10-20 ... and spending Card game to practise present MẸ Xăng past simple le, and noun EBllocations about BE, Class game about clothes : TEACHER’S NOTES ” 01 ADDRESS BOOK Pre-activity (10 minutes) To practise

Ngày tải lên: 01/02/2018, 16:34

79 166 0
Cluster-randomized, controlled evaluation of a teacher led multi factorial school based back education program for 10 to 12-year old children

Cluster-randomized, controlled evaluation of a teacher led multi factorial school based back education program for 10 to 12-year old children

... abnormalities of the spine Posture Test: Matthiass-Test Health questionnaire Anamnestic questions How often you have back pain? Descriptive Data Motor Tests Push-ups Sit-ups Balance test Stand and Reach ... form, as well as with a photo showing its correct execution Examples of the exercises involved: plank, crunch, hip lifts, flexion of the back muscles, and ball-exercises Outcome measures Pupils had ... possible scoliotic deformity was noted in 1.9% (3 cases, boy and girls) at pre-test Six children (3.7%) had hyperkyphosis at pre-test At the post-test, this rate was reduced to cases (1.7%) Posture

Ngày tải lên: 01/02/2020, 03:58

10 9 0
english for starters 10 teacher s book

english for starters 10 teacher s book

... Grammar conditional sentences: general/1st/2nd Functions discussing future possibilities; expressing opinions on global issues; planning and writing an article to make suggestions Skills Reading a magazine ... today’s edition of Strange Stories we hear about some cases of this most unreliable means of communication The strangest story was perhaps the case of Matsuyama, a Japanese seaman He was shipwrecked ... this street e The computer screen has got stripes on it f Spring is my favourite season Tapescript 11.5 Message Message received on Monday 17th May at 11:25 a.m This is a message for Tareq Asmar

Ngày tải lên: 09/02/2021, 14:11

140 26 0
Teacher’s choice of english and vietnamese as classroom language in teaching grade 10 students speaking skills a case study at a high school

Teacher’s choice of english and vietnamese as classroom language in teaching grade 10 students speaking skills a case study at a high school

... teachers to use Vietnamese or 28 English as classroom language in speaking lessons? 4.2.1 Teachers’ reasons for using classroom English in speaking 29 lessons 4.2.2 Teachers’ reasons for using classroom ... Vietnamese in 36 speaking lessons 4.3 Question 3: What are students’ levels of satisfaction towards their 40 teachers’ use of Vietnamese and English as classroom language in speaking lessons? CHAPTER ... factors drive teachers to use 44 Vietnamese or English as classroom language in speaking lessons? 5.1.3 Research question 3: What are students’ levels of satisfaction towards their teachers’ use

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2021, 09:39

85 25 0
ngoai khoa ls copyright © 2005 doan van hung khoa lich su dai hoc quy nhon 122005 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 c©u 1 §ång chý h y kó mét kû niöm s©u s¾c trong ngµy

ngoai khoa ls copyright © 2005 doan van hung khoa lich su dai hoc quy nhon 122005 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 c©u 1 §ång chý h y kó mét kû niöm s©u s¾c trong ngµy

... 00 0203 10 04 08 050906 07 0111 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Số (15)ngày nhàgiáoviệt nam 20-11 00 0203 10 04 08 050906 07 0111 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 NhÊt tù vi s , b¸n tù vi s (16)ngày ... 00 0203 10 04 08 050906 07 0111 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Ng ời đẹp lụa, lúa tốt phân (28)ngày nhàgiáoviệt nam 20-11 00 0203 10 04 08 050906 07 0111 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 TÝnh sæ (29)ngày ... Hành động (10)ngày nhàgiáoviệt nam 20-11 00 0203 10 04 08 050906 07 0111 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 lính phòng không (11)ngày nhàgiáoviệt nam 20-11 00 0203 10 04 08 050906 07 0111 12 13 14 15

Ngày tải lên: 09/04/2021, 21:15

32 19 0
week 1 giáo án tự chọn 10 week 1 period 1 objective students will be able to understand and know how to use the simple present tense more clearly teaching aids posters procedure time teacher’s activit

week 1 giáo án tự chọn 10 week 1 period 1 objective students will be able to understand and know how to use the simple present tense more clearly teaching aids posters procedure time teacher’s activit

... left -Explaining -Answering  The past simple +Form: S+ V2/ ED +Use: expresses the past action + yesterday; ago; last In…  The past perfect +Form: S+ HAD+V3/ED +Use: expresses an action ... Students’ activities I/ Warm up -Asking +Which tenses have you learnt? What are they? +How can we distinguish the past simple and past perfect tense? +simple past ; simple present ;;past perfect ... one sentence) (possible answers 1 goes 2 doesn’t rain are having sounds moves 6 always rises_ is rising rings_ is ringing) 10’ IV/ Activity 3 -Using poster -Asking ss to work in groups to

Ngày tải lên: 12/04/2021, 15:59

24 14 0