... NEW TOEIC TEST More Practice Tests [...]... sophisticated professional programs and everything in between Computer software has become part of everybody’s daily life, and this is just one more thing ... (C) (D) 76 This evening Tomorrow morning Tomorrow evening This weekend What will the weekend temperature be? (A) (B) (C)... An analysis A review A correction A warning When might this announcement ... E X T PAGE PRACTICE TEST ONE 11 65 Why didn't the woman read this m orning's paper? (A) (B) (C) (D) 66... all this waste Much of this excessive packaging serves only to make the products more
Ngày tải lên: 26/05/2014, 21:11
... L I GI I THI U Xin chào b n nha, hôm PAGE: ANH LÊ TOEIC s ti p t c gi i thi n b n m t b EBOOK hoàn toàn m i c p nh p nh Đ THI TOEIC PART sát nh t v thi th M c dù PART m t ph ... LUY N THI TOEIC PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/anhleluyenthiTOEIC/ ANH LÊ TOEIC: PART HOTLINE: 0967.403.648 Questions 147-149 refer to the following notice Thank you for your purchase of this ... ho c khóa h c TOEIC c a Anh Lê TOEIC b n có th li n h : FANPAGE: https://www.facebook.com/anhleluyenthiTOEIC/ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/zavier.navas WEBSITE: https://anhletoeiccaptoc.com/
Ngày tải lên: 26/05/2019, 21:04
ĐỀ THI TOEIC PART 5 2020년 5월 TOEIC 후기특강 해설지
... 않으며, (B) within 은 전치사이다 참고로, 이 문장은 또 다른 접속사 but 뒤로 주절의 내용이 동일하게 반복되는 것을 생략한 구조이다 [어휘] be welcome to 얼마든지 ~해도 좋다 join ~에 함께 하다, 합류하다 prior engagement 선약 whenever ~할 때는 언제든지, ~할 때마다 within ~ 이내에 ... lunch meeting with our new clients, but he doesn’t have a prior engagement (A) whenever (B) within (C) only if (D) even though [해석] Dawson 씨가 우리 신규 고객들과의 점심 모임에 얼마든지 함께 해도 좋지만, 오직 그에게 선약이 있지
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2022, 11:28
Đề thi TOEIC năm 2009 mã đề 03e
... Business School 10 [...]... conversation every chance he had So I think this would be perfect for him - something different but 19 something he would enjoy very much My brother-in-law went on a shark ... be mailed within the next week -Dear Jack McCarrol, We are sending you this e-mail message to confirm that your membership ID card/receipt has been printed and will be mailed within the next ... at this year's community spaghetti dinner, to be held March 19th at the center. Best regards, Anthony Klein, Director Benjamin Watson Senior Center 155. Why has Anthony Klein written this
Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2014, 12:15
đề thi toeic năm 2009 đề D
... still I understand that my membership will be active until November 30 of this year. If your records of my account this is correct, please reimburse me for $20, which is a fourth of what I paid ... the Addison Company has revised its policy on domestic and overseas mail. For domestic mail within the United States, please use the white envelopes in the mail room. 147. (A) provided (B) ... To: Sally Quinn From: Alan Barkin Date: January 10, 2009 Subject: Seminar I heard that you this month’s seminar on investment basics. Based on my experience in 150. (A) are planning (B)
Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2014, 12:24
Đề thi TOEIC năm 2009 mã đề 02g
... when not in use PLEASE NOTE This is an outdoor cooker only Never use this propane unit indoors and do not store the cylinder indoors If you encounter problems with this unit or require additional ... from the billing address 3 Gas Usage: This is the billing period, as well as your meter readings,... not feed my son this sort of food at home, and I don’t think it’s appropriate for a school to ... NEW TOEIC Part 5 / 6 / 7 Part 5 + Part 6: finish within 23 minutes 101. American businesses rely on just-in-time delivery of
Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:40
Đề thi TOEIC năm 2009 mã đề 02h
... coins (d) money 124. Use of third-party accessories with this product will the warranty. (a) void (b) destroy (c) disable (d) validate 125. Upon opening, confirm contents of this box the enclosed ... polished. Cast parts using this technique range in weight from 30g to 7kg. Section thicknesses can be as small as 0.6mm. Copper and magnesium are commonly cast using this process. 157. According ... violations of any kind. You may use this system to renew your license only if you meet ALL the following criteria: * You currently have a driver’s license and obtained it within the past three years *
Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:41
Đề thi toeic - Đề số 13 docx
... the subway station, supermarket and other facilities in 145. (A) within (B) beside (C) among (D) onto your community. This letter serves to remind you that as a new tenant, you have the ... some of our clients, and I want to give you some notes on their requests. I hope this will give you a chance to think about what needs to be done. Winston Company’s general manager, in particular, ... Owing to the of its marketing team, Coast Magazine rose to become the most read travel magazine this year. (A) expand (B) expanded (C) expansion (D) expansive 119. The company cafeteria
Ngày tải lên: 12/07/2014, 06:20
Đề thi toeic - Đề số 5 ppsx
... presentation on the new system. This should facilitate decision-making during our meeting. I hope you were not inconvenienced by the cancelation of our meeting this morning. All the best, ... project completion date we planned for. In light of this development, we are asking all engineers to give attention only to top- priority projects this one. 148. (A) instead of (B) more than (C) ... depend (B) dependence (C) dependent (D) dependently 136. Michael is on a leave of absence this month, he might be willing to do some work from home. (A) Whenever (B) In order that
Ngày tải lên: 12/07/2014, 06:20
... Trang 1MARCH - NEW TOEIC Part 5 / 6 / 7Part 5 + Part 6: finish within 23 minutes Trang 2101 Children younger than 5 years old are _free ... buildingconstruction sites within the city The committee has already approved the construction of three buildings in central Danforth that will be built with recycled steel Part 7 : finish within 22 minutes ... Byte online store Your order has been received, processed, andwill be shipped within 2 business days Please review this summary of your order and notify customerservice if there are any discrepancies
Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2014, 10:22
Đề thi toeic nội bộ bách khoa - đề số 1
... castles 114 She is _ She plans things for a long time before she does them (A) careful (B) carefully (C) careless (D) carelessly 115 The _ to cook this dish are mushrooms, meat and butter ... and cluttered and as a result this does not give a _ good impression of the company to outsiders 148 (A) distinctly (B) hardly (C) strictly (D) particularly Everything _ to be back to normal ... Australian cities-Sydney and Melbourne-made the top ten Things look slightly different on the list of daily parking rates European cities dominate in this category, with London, Copenhagen, Stockholm,
Ngày tải lên: 18/08/2022, 23:54
Đề thi toeic nội bộ bách khoa - đề số 2
... that (B) this (C) those (D) these 124 The new marketing _ that was adopted by the firm has proved very effective (A) has approached (B) approach (C) to approach (D) approaches 125 This banquet ... have done this past year Our revenues show us that we have achieved the (152) we set earlier in the year As a result, you will each be receiving a bonus, based on your salary I am sure this is ... happy with our progress We are definitely a leader in this field 152 (A) goals (B) beliefs (C) testimony (D) credit PART VII Directions: In this part, you will read a selection of texts, such as
Ngày tải lên: 18/08/2022, 23:54
Đề thi toeic nội bộ bách khoa - đề số 3
... temperature/ day This year Last year This year Last year This year Last year 13.29 14.85 $1.79 $2.00 42oF 38oF Next scheduled meter reading date: March 16 170 What information is NOT given on this document? ... quickly must customers bring products back to the store? (A)Within thirty days (B)In perfect condition (B)Without a receipt (D) Thirty days before 154 What kinds of returns are NOT accepted? ... High Street Comments This is the first _ I have eaten at Pentagon’s However, I think it will also be the Page 144 (A) time (B).event (C) turn (D) eating last I had to wait thirty minutes for
Ngày tải lên: 18/08/2022, 23:54
Đề thi toeic nội bộ bách khoa - đề số 4
... to hear this, and although I 150 A circumstance B situation C development D event have been ignoring it, hoping that this was a temporary matter, it has been going on long enough that I think we ... declared for customs purposes only Contents of this shipment are being returned to the manufacturer Nonhazardous goods I certify that the information on this declaration is true and correct to the ... effective relief from itching, redness, and irritation Improvement should be visible within 1-2 weeks Apply a thin coat to clean and dry affected areas twice a day with clean fingers Use as directed
Ngày tải lên: 18/08/2022, 23:54
Đề thi toeic nội bộ bách khoa - đề số 5
... I 143 (A) (B) (C) (D) they these them their certainly think we should consider changing printers, at least for the next project What you think? Give me a call to discuss when you have time Sherrie ... make their employees healthier, happier, and more productive by signing up for the Wellness First corporate exercise program Companies of all sizes can benefit from this program With up to ... until one became available (A) had (B) must (C) ought (D) should 108 The sales executive did not think the board of directors would accept his proposal, but they were won over by his arguments
Ngày tải lên: 18/08/2022, 23:54
Đề thi toeic nội bộ bách khoa - đề số 6
... that this business tool would lead to something called the "paperless office." This was hailed as a great advance in business practices The "paperless office" theory went something like this: ... sophisticated professional programs and everything in between Computer software has become part of everybody's daily life, and this is just one more thing adding to an ever-growing problem The ... I may thank you in person 152 (A) that (B) thus (C) there (D) this Sincerely, Henrik Andresen Manager 10 PART VII Directions: In this part, you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine
Ngày tải lên: 18/08/2022, 23:54