ĐỀ THI TOEIC PART 5 2020년 4월 TOEIC 기출 변형 후기 특강 해설지
**101** What is the best word to complete the sentence? All paintings displayed during the art contest must be in *their* original frames. - (A) their - (B) them - (C) theirs - (D) themselves **Answer:** A Explanation: The correct answer is (A) their because it is a possessive pronoun that refers to the noun "paintings" and shows that the paintings belong to the paintings themselves. **102** What is the best word to complete the sentence? Thankfully, our diners have responded *favorably* to the changes we made to our appetizer menu. - (A) favor - (B) favored - (C) favoring - (D) favorably **Answer:** D Explanation: The correct answer is (D) favorably because it is an adverb that modifies the verb "responded" and means "in a favorable or positive way." **103** What is the best word to complete the sentence? Ms Telford was recognized for her valuable contributions to the Dingbro Engineering *account*. - (A) accounting - (B) account - (C) accountant - (D) accounted **Answer:** B Explanation: The correct answer is (B) account because it is the object of the preposition "to" and refers to the entity that Ms Telford made valuable contributions to. **104** What is the best word to complete the sentence? Morovia Corporation *recently* suggested that it will discontinue its least popular model of mobile phone. - (A) entirely - (B) recently - (C) kindly - (D) fully **Answer:** B Explanation: The correct answer is (B) recently because it is an adverb that modifies the verb "suggested" and indicates that the suggestion was made not long ago. **105** What is the best word to complete the sentence? Tourists are encouraged to leave a brief *note* in the guestbook at the visitor center. - (A) notes - (B) noting - (C) noted - (D) note **Answer:** D Explanation: The correct answer is (D) note because it is a noun that refers to a short written message and is the object of the verb "leave." **106** What is the best word to complete the sentence? In Huxford City, suburban homes are *significantly* more affordable than those in the downtown area. - (A) significantly - (B) significant - (C) significance - (D) signification **Answer:** A Explanation: The correct answer is (A) significantly because it is an adverb that modifies the adjective "affordable" and means "to a great or important extent." **107** What is the best word to complete the sentence? The interview session will begin promptly at 2:30 in Room 2A, *so* please not be late. - (A) which - (B) why - (C) so - (D) if **Answer:** C Explanation: The correct answer is (C) so because it is a conjunction that connects two clauses and indicates a cause-and-effect relationship between them. **108** What is the best word to complete the sentence? The safety inspector recommended some *improvements* to the factory’s waste disposal procedures. - (A) improvements - (B) exchanges - (C) promotions - (D) attributes **Answer:** A Explanation: The correct answer is (A) improvements because it is a noun that refers to changes that are made to make something better and is the object of the verb "recommended." **109** What is the best word to complete the sentence? At Premier Gym, all fitness instructors are responsible for *maintaining* a healthy lifestyle. - (A) maintain - (B) maintained - (C) maintaining - (D) maintains **Answer:** C Explanation: The correct answer is (C) maintaining because it is a gerund that is used as a noun and refers to the act of keeping something in good condition. **110** What is the best word to complete the sentence? Customers must provide a valid receipt with a returned product *to support* their refund request. - (A) supported - (B) support - (C) to support - (D) supports **Answer:** C Explanation: The correct answer is (C) to support because it is an infinitive that is used as the object of the verb "provide" and indicates the purpose of providing the receipt. **111** What is the best word to complete the sentence? The supplier apologized for sending the shipment of stationery to our previous *postal* address. - (A) entry - (B) arrival - (C) postal - (D) essential **Answer:** C Explanation: The correct answer is (C) postal because it is an adjective that modifies the noun "address" and means "relating to the post office or mail delivery." **112** What is the best word to complete the sentence? When too much oil is used on the bicycle’s moving parts, it may leave a *sticky* residue. - (A) stuck - (B) stick - (C) stickiest - (D) sticky **Answer:** D Explanation: The correct answer is (D) sticky because it is an adjective that describes the residue as being "having or covered with a sticky substance." **113** What is the best word to complete the sentence? *Although* tickets for the music festival are more expensive this year, the event sold out in only three days. - (A) Including - (B) Although - (C) However - (D) Meanwhile **Answer:** B Explanation: The correct answer is (B) Although because it is a conjunction that connects two clauses and indicates that the second clause contrasts with the first. **114** What is the best word to complete the sentence? The new financial software will help Leland Enterprises make *accurate* forecasts of monthly expenditure. - (A) accurate - (B) previous - (C) quiet - (D) crowded **Answer:** A Explanation: The correct answer is (A) accurate because it is an adjective that modifies the noun "forecasts" and means "correct or exact." **115** What is the best word to complete the sentence? Mr Marlowe did not participate in the company’s fundraiser *since* he was on a business trip to Rome that weekend. - (A) since - (B) rather - (C) still - (D) when **Answer:** A Explanation: The correct answer is (A) since because it is a conjunction that connects two clauses and indicates that the first clause is the reason for the second. **116** What is the best word to complete the sentence? There are numerous food and beverage stands set up *throughout* Whitewater Adventure Park. - (A) upon - (B) among - (C) throughout - (D) notwithstanding **Answer:** C Explanation: The correct answer is (C) throughout because it is a preposition that means "in or over all parts of" and indicates that the stands are located in various areas of the park. **117** What is the best word to complete the sentence? The most modern *structures* in the city, the bus terminal and the university, were designed by Arnold Rifkin. - (A) roads - (B) structures - (C) communities - (D) tenants **Answer:** B Explanation: The correct answer is (B) structures because it is a noun that refers to buildings or other large constructions and is the appositive of the noun "The most modern...in the city."
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2022, 11:27
... NEW TOEIC TEST More Practice Tests [...]... sophisticated professional programs and everything in between Computer software has become part of everybody’s daily life, and this is just one more thing ... (C) (D) 76 This evening Tomorrow morning Tomorrow evening This weekend What will the weekend temperature be? (A) (B) (C)... An analysis A review A correction A warning When might this announcement ... E X T PAGE PRACTICE TEST ONE 11 65 Why didn't the woman read this m orning's paper? (A) (B) (C) (D) 66... all this waste Much of this excessive packaging serves only to make the products more
Ngày tải lên: 26/05/2014, 21:11
... L I GI I THI U Xin chào b n nha, hôm PAGE: ANH LÊ TOEIC s ti p t c gi i thi n b n m t b EBOOK hoàn toàn m i c p nh p nh Đ THI TOEIC PART sát nh t v thi th M c dù PART m t ph n có s ng câu ... trang hi u qu thi TOEIC ^^ b n chinh ph c M i ý ki n th c m n quy n EBOOK ho c khóa h c TOEIC c a Anh Lê TOEIC b n có th li n h : FANPAGE: https://www.facebook.com/anhleluyenthiTOEIC/ FACEBOOK: ... t s n ph m t t nh t v i m c giá th p nh t có th C m n quý v ng h CHUYÊN LUY N THI TOEIC PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/anhleluyenthiTOEIC/ ANH LÊ TOEIC: PART HOTLINE: 0967.403.648 147 Ch
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ĐỀ THI TOEIC PART 5 2020년 5월 TOEIC 후기특강 해설지
... 않으며, (B) within 은 전치사이다 참고로, 이 문장은 또 다른 접속사 but 뒤로 주절의 내용이 동일하게 반복되는 것을 생략한 구조이다 [어휘] be welcome to 얼마든지 ~해도 좋다 join ~에 함께 하다, 합류하다 prior engagement 선약 whenever ~할 때는 언제든지, ~할 때마다 within ~ 이내에 ... lunch meeting with our new clients, but he doesn’t have a prior engagement (A) whenever (B) within (C) only if (D) even though [해석] Dawson 씨가 우리 신규 고객들과의 점심 모임에 얼마든지 함께 해도 좋지만, 오직 그에게 선약이 있지
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2022, 11:28
Đề thi TOEIC năm 2009 mã đề 03d
... read through your application documents regret that we are unable to offer you a position at this time. (A) then (B) but (C) while (D) after 121. Locals of New Orleans frequently say ... prone (B) vital (C) poised (D) ready 137. Halel Architecture was featured in a magazine this month for its latest skyscraper project, which by Mark Green, the head designer. (A) is ... be checked (C) have checked (D) should be checked leave the office to make sure that everything has been turned off. , the Maintenance Department is requesting all employees to unplug
Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2014, 12:15
Đề thi TOEIC năm 2009 mã đề 2009 03b
... chosen as a summer intern in our marketing division. This fall, numerous accomplished _____________ from across the globe competed for this position, but only six 141. (A) observers (B) supporters ... auditorium on the third floor. Please email my personal assistant, Ms. Jennifer Wright, if you can __________. 142. (A) compete (B) attend (C) enroll (D) apply Congratulations on this impressive ... (B) know (C) and know (D) to know 129. Metrocom Camera Club has its own darkroom facility within the wing that is to all members at no extra cost. (A) approachable (B) available (C) creditable
Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2014, 12:15
Đề thi TOEIC năm 2009 mã đề 03c
... (B) unless (C) beside (D) and 7. to our company policy, invoices from customers are paid within 30 days of their receipt. (A) Whether (B) According (C) How (D) In order 8. Companies ... the guidelines set out by the office of health and safety standards. (A) with (B) onto (C) within (D) regarding 9. The week-long course participants intensive training, certifying them ... 19. To receive a refund, a product must be returned together with the original sales receipt within 60 days of purchase. (A) deliberate (B) untrue (C) defective (D) occasional 20. The
Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2014, 12:15
Đề thi TOEIC năm 2009 mã đề 03e
... Business School 10 [...]... conversation every chance he had So I think this would be perfect for him - something different but 19 something he would enjoy very much My brother-in-law went on a shark ... be mailed within the next week -Dear Jack McCarrol, We are sending you this e-mail message to confirm that your membership ID card/receipt has been printed and will be mailed within the next ... at this year's community spaghetti dinner, to be held March 19th at the center. Best regards, Anthony Klein, Director Benjamin Watson Senior Center 155. Why has Anthony Klein written this
Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2014, 12:15
Đề thi TOEIC năm 2009 mã đề 03f
... www.officesupplier.com This coupon may not be used on computer equipment, software, and other electronics This coupon is not valid in conjunction with other offers, on shipping, or on gift card purchases This ... construction sites within the city. The committee has already approved the construction of three buildings in central Danforth that will be built with recycled steel. Part 7 : finish within 22 minutes September ... MARCH - NEW TOEIC Part 5 / 6 / 7 Part 5 + Part 6: finish within 23 minutes 101. Children younger than 5 years old are _______ free
Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2014, 12:15
Đề thi TOEIC năm 2009 mã đề 04a
... the office early this Monday. (A) While (B) Due to (C) In that (D) In case 7. If there are any problems with the DVD player you bought, you can bring it back to the store within a week for ... he could come back to the office this week. (A) matters (B) conclusions (C) reasons (D) contents 24. The manager was unable to create a sound budget for this upcoming quarter. (A) finance ... across cultures. I think it is essential that the faculty hear your perspective on global leadership we 146. (A) as (B) whether (C) that (D) due to learn how to become more empathic to other
Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2014, 12:24
Đề thi TOEIC năm 2009 mã đề 04c
... economy. (A) decide (B) deciding (C) has decided (D) decision 102. Please make sure that this package gets to Mr. Lipinski by 7 o'clock tomorrow morning, before he leaves India in ... time up to 30 days. (A) unfair (B) uncommon (C) unacceptable (D) unused 115. approximately thirty years as a train station, the structure has been converted to a library. (A) Once (B) ... Instead http://www.Hackers.co.kr [] 2009 4 116. Most of the farmers in this area depend on local supermarkets and restaurants which buy fruits and vegetables from (A)
Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2014, 12:24
đề thi toeic năm 2009 đề D
... still I understand that my membership will be active until November 30 of this year. If your records of my account this is correct, please reimburse me for $20, which is a fourth of what I paid ... the Addison Company has revised its policy on domestic and overseas mail. For domestic mail within the United States, please use the white envelopes in the mail room. 147. (A) provided (B) ... To: Sally Quinn From: Alan Barkin Date: January 10, 2009 Subject: Seminar I heard that you this month’s seminar on investment basics. Based on my experience in 150. (A) are planning (B)
Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2014, 12:24
Đề thi TOEIC năm 2009 mã đề B
... finished by the deadline despite the fact that guidelines changed several times. (A) every (B) this (C) each (D) its 109. entry to the park is free of charge, there is an admission fee ... (C) marketing (D) marketed 122. The marketing division has sent out their monthly report this afternoon. (A) ever (B) soon (C) lately (D) just 123. On July 12, Mr. Jones will introduce ... information such as mailing addresses or cell-phone numbers the customer’s written consent. (A) within (B) between (C) without (D) except 126. All of the people at the environmental conference
Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2014, 12:25
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