đề thi toefl itp pdf

Đề thi toefl pdf

Đề thi toefl pdf

... when undertaken that established the significance of this remarkable site. excavations were undertaken that established the significance of this remarkable site The tar pits were found to contain ... that become (B) in forests become (C) that become forests (D) when forests become 14. To break thick ice, an icebreaker boat moves fast enough to ride up on the ice, under its weight. (A) ... would often have been concealed by leaves and dust. Unwary animals would become trapped on these thin sheets of liquid asphalt, which are extremely sticky in warm weather. Stuck, the unfortunate...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 08:20

80 702 4
Đề thi toefl tiếng anh của trung tâm BBC - 19 pdf

Đề thi toefl tiếng anh của trung tâm BBC - 19 pdf

... g) by h) in If something is burning, you can say it is ‘on fire’. If something is burning, it is not ‘at fire’. If something is burning, it is not ‘by fire’. If something is burning, it ... to say that something happened after a long time, you can say it happened eventually or ‘in the end. Use this if you want to put things in order, e.g. 'At first I thought this, but now I’ve ... What do you say when something happens after waiting a very long time? When something happens after waiting a very long time, you say ‘At last!’ What do you say when something happens after waiting...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 16:21

4 286 0
Đề thi mẫu PLDC.pdf

Đề thi mẫu PLDC.pdf

... hiện hành vi phạm tội ñược quy ñịnh trong Bộ luật hình sự.  HẾT  CHÚC CÁC BẠN LÀM BÀI THI TỐT! BẢNG TRẢ LỜI CÂU HỎI PHẦN I: Chọn: a Bỏ câu ñã chọn: a Chọn lại: a Câu...

Ngày tải lên: 24/08/2012, 07:20

3 1,8K 6
Đề thi Toefl tháng 1 - 1999

Đề thi Toefl tháng 1 - 1999

... Earth's land surface. (A) about two-thirds populated (B) the population is about two-thirds (C) about two-thirds of the population (D) of about two-thirds the population is 5. It was ... see the film again. (B) She has seen the movie more than once. (C) She thinks the movie lasted a long time. (D) She thinks the movie was a waste of time. 30. (A) They didn't get wet. ... live in parts of the same region to the same region to this day. They made baskets three feet in diameter and others no bigger than a thimble. The Pomo people were masters of decoration. Some...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2012, 14:53

17 1K 11