... changes over time as you get older. You should say: if you think you have changed as you have been getting older in which area you think you have changed in which area you have stayed the same ... say: when you had that experience where you had it what happened to you and explain why you think that was an unforgettable experience to you. Part 3: Discussion (2-3 minutes) HANOI OPEN UNIVERSITY ... say: who the person is what is special about him/her how successful he/she is and say something about his/her success story. Part 3: Discussion (2-3 minutes) HANOI OPEN UNIVERSITY PLACEMENT
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2015, 21:30
... 103 TOPIC MẪU PHẦN THI NÓI VÀ VIẾT THƯ B1 CHÂU ÂU TOPIC 1: HEALTH AND WEALTH: WHICH IS BETTER? All of us want to have good health ... serveourselves in daily life, become other’sload, we are easy to be angry or bored with everything In summary, healthis better than wealth TOPIC 2: CONDITIONS OF A TRUE FRIENDSHIP? Our life will be happy ... they respect and sympathize witheach other In short, getting true friendship is very useful for our life TOPIC 3: THE VALUE OF EDUCATION Education improves our life for many things The process of
Ngày tải lên: 16/08/2017, 11:04
Giới thiệu mẫu đề thi a2 khung châu âu phiên bản 5
... Câu 01 – 04 Câu 05 -11 Câu 12- 16; Câu 17 – 20 Câu 21 – 27 Câu 28 – 35 Câu 36 – 40 Câu 41 – 50 Câu 51 – 55 Câu 56 30 phút Bao gồm phút viết câu trả lời Câu 01 – 05 Câu 06 – 10 Câu 11 – 15 Câu ... Kỳ thi: Ngày thi: MÃ ĐỀ: Đề thi gồm phần thi: ĐỌC + VIẾT; NGHE Phần thi PAPER PAPER - Môn thi Reading & Writing Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Listening Thời gian /Số câu ... THƠ BẢN THẢO GIỚI THI? ??U DẠNG THỨC ĐỀ THI VÀ MẪU ĐỀ THI ĐỀ THI TIẾNG ANH A2 – CẤP ĐỘ Theo Khung lực ngoại ngữ bậc dùng cho Việt Nam Cần Thơ, tháng năm 2014 PHẦN I DẠNG THỨC ĐỀ THI TIẾNG ANH BẬC
Ngày tải lên: 24/02/2019, 17:37
... (pron) thick (adj) thief (n) thin (adj) thing (n) think (v) • to think about something • I think he’s left • What did you think of the film? • I think I’ll go • I’m thinking of going thirst (n) this ... thought (n) • to have thoughts about something • to be deep in thought thriller (n) throat (n) through... (v) • to manage a business • to manage to do something (succeed in) manner (n) many (adj ... (n) mark (n & v) market (n) • to buy something from a market marriage (n) marry (v) master (n) match (n & v) • a box of matches (n) • a tennis match (n) • This tie matches your shirt (v) mate (n)
Ngày tải lên: 06/06/2014, 00:01
Đề thi nói B1 châu âu
... write on this card Return this card to the examiners when you reave the room Please, not write on this card Return this card to the examiners when you leave the room TOPIC CARD Describe something ... would like to spend the day like this Fiease, not write on this card Return this card to the examiners when you reave the room Please, not write on this card Return this card to tle examiners when ... should say: who the person is what this person have done why this person is famous and explain why you admire this person Please, not write on this card Return this card to the examiners when you
Ngày tải lên: 26/12/2016, 13:15
chuyên đề kinh tế: Xuất khẩu cà phê của việt nam sang thị trường châu âu thực trạng và giải pháp
... chuẩn: Uỷ ban Châu Âu định chuẩn (European Commission on standardized), Uỷ ban Châu Âu định chuẩn điện tử (European Commission on standardized electronic), Viện định chuẩn viễn thông Châu Âu (Institute ... CỦA VIỆT NAM SANG THI? ? TRƯỜNG EU 1.1 Định hướng xuất khẩu cà phê Việt Nam sang thi? ? trường EU thời gian tới Xuất khẩu cà phê của Việt Nam sang thi? ? trường châu Âu (EU) – thực trạng ... 1,62 Indonesia 6,076 33,47 Colombia 11,023 20,67 Châu Phi 4,158 22,91 Indonesia 0,651 1,22 Châu Phi 5,023 9,42 (Nguồn ICO) 1.2 TÌNH HÌNH CHUNG VỀ THI? ? TRƯỜNG CÀ PHÊ TRONG NƯỚC THỜI GIAN QUA
Ngày tải lên: 10/11/2019, 18:52
De thi chuan tieng Anh B1 Chau Au
... to transfer your answers onto the Optical Mark Form Entry Level B1 2009B Page (5) THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY BLANK Entry Level B1 2009B Page (6) ESB Entry Reading (Part One) You are going to ... to transfer your answers onto the Optical Mark Form Entry Level B1 2009B Page (9) THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY BLANK Entry Level B1 2009B Page (10) ESB Entry Reading (Part Two) You are going to ... examples and reasons, say how far you agree or disagree with this statement Entry Level B1 2009B Page 18 (19) END OF PAPER Entry Level B1 2009B Page 19 (20)
Ngày tải lên: 18/09/2021, 12:36
ĐỀ mẫu VSTEP Reading Test ÔN THI B1 CHÂU ÂU SỐ 1
... that a third of all men currently under the age of 20 in China will eventually die prematurely if they not give up smoking The research, published in The Lancet medical journal, says two-thirds ... World Health Organization How many Chinese men start to smoke before the age of 20? A one-third B two-thirds C half D all of them What does the word “those men” in paragraph refer to? A Men who ... GHG emissions by 50% to 80% of what they're on track to be in the next century to reach this level Is this possible? Many people and governments are already working hard to cut greenhouse gases,
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2024, 11:42
CÁC CHỦ đề THI nói ANH văn b1 CHÂU âu
... CÁC CHỦ ĐỀ THI NÓI ANH VĂN B1 CHÂU ÂU TOPIC 1: Why do you learn English? What are the benefits of learning English well? ... smoothly, we must carefully prepare some necessary things in advance. English is the first thing for us to master. Without it, you can’t understand anything and your study surely becomes a nightmare. ... a big sum of money. Third, with this job, I hope I can help the poor or farmers to borrow money from banks to invest in their rice fields or do small business. Fourth, with this job, I can work
Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2015, 13:11
Đề thi tiếng anh bằng b1 châu âu (đọc và viết)
... famous play which has Key level B1 10 PET 2 the same title as this music and which is usually performed in the open air... what the girls need? Europe Level B1 12 PET 2 4 Which picture shows ... space Europe Level B1 15 PET 2 PART 4 Questions 20-25 * Look at the six sentences for this part * You will hear a conversation between a boy,... your opinion or to talk about something that has ... interesting, I think As if you haven’t seen “Austin Powers 1 and 2”, you will enjoy this film Because I want to see it again! I recommed it to you You should see it Examiner Comments This is an adequate
Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2015, 09:56
Đề Thi Mẫu Bằng B1 Châu Âu
... sheep time in this dull detective story from the local butcher The actors really In the end you find yourself make the most of this clever script asking, 'Who cares?" Europe Level B1 PET PART Question ... to give your opinion or to talk about something that has happened to you Europe Level B1 17 [...]... about 100 words on your answer sheet Question 8 * This is part of a letter you receive from ... bicycle touching the window B Do not ride your bicycle in this area C Broken glass may damage your bicycle tyres Example answer: Europe Level B1 Whose textbook does Natalie want to borrow? A Ken's
Ngày tải lên: 12/06/2016, 12:18
Đề thi và đáp án công chức tiếng anh giới thiệu về bản thân - nghe - nói - đọc - viết tiếng anh B1 châu âu
... subject at school Chủ đề: Nói chủ đề yêu thích bạn trường You Should say: My Favourite subject at school was math I liked it because I liked working with numbers; math also helps us think logically ... 12 Talk about your favourite book Chủ đề: Nói sách yêu thích bạn You should say: My favourite book is energy My friend gave it to me on my thirty birthday This book is a story about relationships ... thương 3 Talk about a party you attended Chủ đề: Nói bữa tiệc bạn tham dự You should say: Last week, I went to birthday party It was my best friend’s thirty birthday party At the party, there were
Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2017, 08:23
đề thi tiếng anh B1 châu âu
... B1 Vstep | Sample Test DODO English Class | dodoenglishclass@gmail.com | 0979 334 817 PHẦN 1: NGHE HIỂU – VSTEP Thời gian: Khoảng 40 phút Số câu hỏi: 35 Directions: In this section ... 0979 334 817 B1 Vstep | Sample Test DODO English Class | dodoenglishclass@gmail.com | 0979 334 817 B1 Vstep | Sample Test DODO English Class | dodoenglishclass@gmail.com | 0979 334 817 B1 Vstep | ... 0979 334 817 B1 Vstep | Sample Test DODO English Class | dodoenglishclass@gmail.com | 0979 334 817 B1 Vstep | Sample Test DODO English Class | dodoenglishclass@gmail.com | 0979 334 817 B1 Vstep |
Ngày tải lên: 20/11/2017, 23:21
... tour of a factory where clothing materials are made 26 What is the main topic of this talk? A The twenty types of manmade fibers (B.) Rayon C How nylon is made D Clothing care 27 For how long ... ĐỀ MẪU VSTEP LISTENING PAPER Number of questions: 35 PART There are eight questions in this part For each question there are four options and ... been used for clothing? A since 1939 (B.) for a little over a century C for approximately twenty years D since nylon was first invented 28 According to the speaker, why does this factory continue
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2018, 09:24
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