® delphi ™ 6 developer s guide

delphi 6 - borland delphi 6 developer's guide

delphi 6 - borland delphi 6 developer's guide

... Interfaces 66 1 The HResult Return Type 66 6 COM Objects and Class Factories 66 7 TComObject and TComObjectFactory 66 7 In-Process COM Servers 66 9 Out-of-Process COM Servers ... Windows Message System Works 132 Delphi s Message System 133 Message-Specific Records 134 Handling Messages 135 Message Handling: Not Contract Free 138 Assigning ... Constants 164 Cardinal Unary Negation 164 Migrating from Delphi 165 RTL Issues 165 VCL Issues 165 Internet Development Issues 165 Database Issues ...

Ngày tải lên: 16/04/2014, 11:15

1,2K 368 0
delphi 6 - developer's guide

delphi 6 - developer's guide

... 6- 33 6- 33 6- 40 6- 40 6- 40 6- 41 6- 41 6- 42 6- 43 6- 43 6- 43 6- 44 6- 44 6- 44 6- 45 6- 45 6- 46 6- 46 6- 46 6-47 6- 47 6- 48 6- 48 6- 48 6- 48 6- 49 Chapter Working with controls 6- 34 6- 34 6- 35 6- 35 Implementing ... programs 6- 16 6- 17 6- 18 6- 18 6- 20 6- 21 6- 21 6- 22 6- 23 6- 23 6- 24 6- 24 6- 26 6- 26 6- 26 6- 27 6- 28 6- 29 6- 29 6- 31 6- 31 6- 31 6- 32 6- 32 6- 33 ... 16- 6 16- 7 16- 7 16- 7 16- 8 16- 8 16- 8 16- 9 16- 9 16- 9 16- 10 16- 10 16- 10 16- 11 16- 11 16- 11 16- 11 16- 12 16- 12 16- 13 16- 13 16- 13 The decision graph display Customizing...

Ngày tải lên: 16/04/2014, 11:15

1,1K 24,4K 0
C++Builder™ 6 Developer’s Guide doc

C++Builder™ 6 Developer’s Guide doc

... class hierarchy example with classes // base class class baseClass { // class implementation }; // first derived class class derivedFirst : public baseClass { // class implementation }; // last ... features of existing classes The process of acquiring features from existing classes is called deriving from the base class, where the base class is the existing class This way, all the classes derived ... and pointers to its own methods This may also be viewed as the base classes being embedded within the derived class as subsets of methods and the derived class as the superset of methods 25 Part...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 17:20

529 293 0
delphi 7 - developer's guide

delphi 7 - developer's guide

... 26- 1 26- 2 26- 3 26- 4 26- 4 26- 5 26- 5 26- 6 26- 6 26- 8 26- 8 26- 9 26- 9 26- 10 26- 11 26- 11 26- 12 26- 12 26- 12 26- 13 26- 13 26- 14 26- 15 26- 16 26- 16 26- 18 26- 18 26- 19 ... 26- 36 26- 36 26- 37 26- 38 26- 40 26- 41 26- 45 26- 46 26- 49 26- 49 26- 50 26- 50 26- 50 26- 51 26- 51 26- 51 26- 51 26- 52 26- 52 26- 53 26- 55 Overview of ADO components Connecting to ADO data stores ... 46- 11 46- 11 46- 12 46- 12 46- 13 Index 46- 14 46- 14 xxv 46- 15 46- 15 46- 16 46- 17 46- 18 46- 19 46- 21 46- 22 46- 23 46- 23 46- 24 46- 25 46- 25 46- 26 46- 27...

Ngày tải lên: 16/04/2014, 11:16

1,1K 7,8K 0
Developer’s Guide Borland Delphi 7 for Windows PHẦN 6 potx

Developer’s Guide Borland Delphi 7 for Windows PHẦN 6 potx

... yes yes yes yes TWordField yes yes yes yes TLargeintField yes yes yes yes AsDateTime AsSQLTimeStamp AsBoolean TFloatField yes yes yes yes TCurrencyField yes yes yes yes TBCDField yes yes yes ... components by field-component class: AsVariant AsString AsInteger AsFloat AsCurrency AsBCD TStringField yes NA yes yes yes yes TWideStringField yes yes yes yes yes yes TIntegerField yes yes NA yes TSmallIntField ... yes TFMTBCDField yes yes yes TDateTimeField yes yes yes yes TDateField yes yes yes yes TTimeField yes yes yes yes TSQLTimeStampField yes yes yes yes TBooleanField yes yes TBytesField yes yes...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:21

111 800 0
WiX 3.6: A Developer''''s Guide to Windows Installer XML doc

WiX 3.6: A Developer''''s Guide to Windows Installer XML doc

... 2 56 2 56 257 258 258 264 265 -b 265 -bf 265 -binder 265 -cultures 266 -d 266 -dut 266 -ext 266 -loc 266 -nologo 266 -notidy 267 -o[ut] 267 -pedantic 267 -sadmin 267 -sadv 267 -sloc 267 -sma 267 ... choose to suppress specific ICE tests Use the Tools Setting page of the project 's properties as shown in the following screenshot: In this example, ICE test 102 is being suppressed You can specify ... -sma 267 -ss 268 -sts 268 -sui 268 -sv 268 -sw[N] 268 -usf 269 [ vi ] www.it-ebooks.info Table of Contents -v 269 -wx[N] 269 -xo 269 Command-line arguments (binding) 269 -bcgg 269 -cc...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 07:20

488 7,4K 1
delphi - borland kylix for linux developer's guide

delphi - borland kylix for linux developer's guide

... 5-15 5- 16 5-17 5-17 5-17 5-18 v 6- 1 6- 5 6- 5 6- 5 6- 6 6- 6 6- 7 6- 8 6- 8 6- 9 6- 11 6- 11 6- 12 6- 12 6- 13 6- 13 6- 14 6- 14 6- 15 6- 15 6- 17 6- 17 6- 18 6- 18 6- 19 Creating ... applications using database tools and components Kylix lets you access SQL server databases using DBExpress Your version of Kylix comes with a set of DBExpress drivers for connecting to specific databases ... Code editor, this is what you see: unit Unit1; interface uses SysUtils, Types, Classes, QGraphics, QControls, QForms, QDialogs; type TForm1 = class(TForm) 3 -6 Developer s Guide Understanding CLX...

Ngày tải lên: 16/04/2014, 11:13

638 2,1K 1
delphi - delphi developer's guide to opengl

delphi - delphi developer's guide to opengl

... Windows and OpenGL The plan is to produce some graphics as soon as possible, so be patient with the necessary set up In the spirit of getting to the interesting code as soon as possible, this chapter ... millisconds later is another “Resize” followed shortly by a “Paint.” After careful consideration, this makes sense When the form shrinks, Windows only sends a Resize message Why should Windows send ... has arrived for some OpenGL code Add OpenGL to a uses clause Put it in the interface section in order to use an OpenGL type in the interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics,...

Ngày tải lên: 16/04/2014, 11:13

126 402 0
Web Application Developer’s Guide phần 6 pptx

Web Application Developer’s Guide phần 6 pptx

... dm.getSignatures().post(); dm.getSignatures().saveChanges(); This code gets a per-session instance of the DataModule and posts and saves the user s input to the JDataStore Note that this per-session instance ... other necessary steps for setting up your JSP to use InternetBeans Express These steps are as follows: • It adds the InternetBeans Express library to your project • It sets the dependencies for the ... Neither of these are useful in a JSP, because you can just as easily use your own JSP expression scriptlet to the same thing Of course, it s also possible to use InternetBeans directly, just like any...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 00:22

26 373 0
ODP .NET Developer''''s Guide oracle database 10g development with visual studio 2005 phần 6 pdf

ODP .NET Developer''''s Guide oracle database 10g development with visual studio 2005 phần 6 pdf

... �������������������� statement does this: SELECT a.empno, a.ename, a.Address.extract('//Address/Street/text()') getStringVal() as a.Address.extract('//Address/City/text()') getStringVal() as a.Address.extract('//Address/Zip/text()') ... gets changed dramatically As HTML is made up of standard pre-defined tags, we can simply design and apply stylesheets for the necessary tags using CSS, and a browser can understand all those ... those details very easily But any XML document is generally designed using user-defined tags (elements); a browser may not understand all those new tags (elements) Just as we use CSS to present HTML...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 20:21

35 334 0
ARM System Developer’s Guide phần 6 docx

ARM System Developer’s Guide phần 6 docx

... isr address of int ; ; ; ; r14-=4 save context copy spsr save spsr ; cpsr_c=ift_sys ; ; ; ; ; ; cpsr_c=Ift_irq restore (spsr_irq) restore spsr load VectorAddress servicing complete return 364 ... After setting up the system register base address, the segment display can be configured The segment display hardware is used to show Sandstone s progress Note that the segment display is not shown ... low-level debug system using the banked FIQ mode registers, as shown here These registers are used to store status information It is not always possible to use FIQ registers since they may be used for...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 12:22

70 364 0
Developer’s Guide Borland Delphi 7 for Windows PHẦN 1 pptx

Developer’s Guide Borland Delphi 7 for Windows PHẦN 1 pptx

... 26- 1 26- 2 26- 3 26- 4 26- 4 26- 5 26- 5 26- 6 26- 6 26- 8 26- 8 26- 9 26- 9 26- 10 26- 11 26- 11 26- 12 26- 12 26- 12 26- 13 26- 13 26- 14 26- 15 26- 16 26- 16 26- 18 26- 18 26- 19 ... 26- 36 26- 36 26- 37 26- 38 26- 40 26- 41 26- 45 26- 46 26- 49 26- 49 26- 50 26- 50 26- 50 26- 51 26- 51 26- 51 26- 51 26- 52 26- 52 26- 53 26- 55 Overview of ADO components Connecting to ADO data stores ... 46- 11 46- 11 46- 12 46- 12 46- 13 Index 46- 14 46- 14 xxv 46- 15 46- 15 46- 16 46- 17 46- 18 46- 19 46- 21 46- 22 46- 23 46- 23 46- 24 46- 25 46- 25 46- 26 46- 27...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:21

112 508 0
Developer’s Guide Borland Delphi 7 for Windows PHẦN 4 doc

Developer’s Guide Borland Delphi 7 for Windows PHẦN 4 doc

... AnsiLowerCase AnsiLowerCaseFileName AnsiPos AnsiQuotedStr AnsiStrComp AnsiStrIComp AnsiStrLastChar AnsiStrLComp AnsiStrLIComp AnsiStrLower AnsiStrPos AnsiStrRScan AnsiStrScan AnsiStrUpper AnsiUpperCase ... VisualCLX units” on page 15-8 for information.) For example, change the following uses clause: uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls; ... Windows messaging functions SMTP and POP3 let you send, receive, and save e-mail messages Windows API calls VisualCLX methods, Qt calls, libc calls, or calls to other system libraries Windows messaging...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:21

111 630 0
Developer’s Guide Borland Delphi 7 for Windows PHẦN 5 docx

Developer’s Guide Borland Delphi 7 for Windows PHẦN 5 docx

... between columns and rows Crosstabs can be one-dimensional or multidimensional 22-2 Developer s Guide About crosstabs One-dimensional crosstabs One-dimensional crosstabs show a summary row (or ... Decision query Decision cube Decision source Decision pivot Decision grid Decision graph About crosstabs Cross-tabulations, or crosstabs, are a way of presenting subsets of data so that relationships ... always take up space Note that the number of dimensions in this state must always be less than MaxDimensions, and the number of summaries set to Active must be less than MaxSummaries You should set...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:21

111 832 0
Developer’s Guide Borland Delphi 7 for Windows PHẦN 8 docx

Developer’s Guide Borland Delphi 7 for Windows PHẦN 8 docx

... response messages Indicating the response status Every response message must include a status code that indicates the status of the response You can specify the status code by setting the StatusCode ... of existing Web servers A Web server application receives HTTP request messages from the Web server, performs any actions requested in those messages, and formulates responses that it passes back ... request messages When working with databases in these types of applications, you can use the default session to manage your database connections, because each request message has its own instance...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:21

111 615 0
Developer’s Guide Borland Delphi 7 for Windows PHẦN 9 pptx

Developer’s Guide Borland Delphi 7 for Windows PHẦN 9 pptx

... address If the host name is unknown, the client socket must specify the server system using its IP address Specifying the server system by giving the IP address is faster When you provide the host ... a host The local IP address can be read from the system If the local system supports more than one IP address, server sockets will listen for client requests on all IP addresses simultaneously ... with other systems, the first step is designing the communication protocol for the servers and clients of this service What messages are sent? How are these messages coordinated? How is the information...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:21

111 873 0
Developer’s Guide Borland Delphi 7 for Windows PHẦN 10 potx

Developer’s Guide Borland Delphi 7 for Windows PHẦN 10 potx

... transactions 46- 4 Developer s Guide Managing resources Transactional objects are deactivated as soon as it is safe to so This is called assoon-as-possible deactivation A transactional object is deactivated ... terminates Abandon method Destroys the session and releases its resources Session_OnEnd event Occurs when the session is abandoned or times out The only intrinsics available are Application, Server, ... arguments, AnsiStrings, and so on • String data types must be transferred as wide strings (BSTR) PChar and AnsiString cannot be marshaled safely • All members of a dual interface must pass an HRESULT...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:21

113 663 0
C# .NET Web Developer''''s Guide phần 6 ppsx

C# .NET Web Developer''''s Guide phần 6 ppsx

... necessary to connect to the resource.The rest of the process for using the System.Data.Odbc namespace is exactly the same as using the System.Data.OleDb, and the System.Data.SqlClient namespaces ... source code for this is on the CD (OrdersDataSet\ OrdersDataSet.csproj) Figure 8.4 Completed System.Data.OleDb Example (OrdersDataSet\ OrdersDataSet.csproj) Using DataReaders As discussed earlier in ... comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { string sCustID = comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString(); Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; label1.Text = GetCustomerName(sCustID); popGrdOrders(sCustID); Cursor.Current...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 12:20

82 293 0
Programming Java 2 Micro Edition on Symbian OS A developer’s guide to MIDP 2.0 phần 6 pot

Programming Java 2 Micro Edition on Symbian OS A developer’s guide to MIDP 2.0 phần 6 pot

... Bluetooth stack that processes JSR 82 API calls and routes the messages between virtual devices (such as instances of the WTK emulator) via localhost socket connections The simulator also provides a ... untrusted domain in force on the device On the Nokia 66 00 and the Sony Ericsson P900/P908, untrusted MIDlets can access these APIs with User permission, the default being session On the Nokia 66 00, ... have the same three basic classes (see Figure 5 .6) : • a midlet.uitools.ListItem class which implements the custom item • an abstract class midlet.uitools.ListModel which encapsulates the data...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:22

50 330 0