... acid was used as reference (set to d p.p.m.) All spectra were recorded at a temperature of 300 K and standard Bruker pulse programs were used in all experiments Spectra were recorded from a solution ... S enterica sv Friedenau was set to 100% Confidence values were below 15% In the next set of experiments, a different readout system was used which was based on the observation that CHO cells become ... The epitope and the antibodies directed against it have been characterized; this subject has been reviewed recently [5] Although we have a detailed understanding of how endotoxins act on immune...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 23:20
... Components are grouped Chapter Line Structure Example 60 Functional Structure Example 60 Service Structure Example 60 Geographic Structure Example 61 Matrix Structure Example 61 Hybrid Structure Example ... agencies often need to be linked 263 Delivered by between using routine data and using The differenceThe World Bank e- library to: The World Bank sample surveys to determine service coverage IP ... The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank Preface Now more than ever, development programs are expected to deliver results For everyone involved in development,...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 00:22
Báo cáo khoa học: Effect of valine 106 on structure–function relation of cytosolic human thymidine kinase Kinetic properties and oligomerization pattern of nine substitution mutants of V106 ppt
... The altered bases are underlined and the codons are given in the sense/antisense primer, respectively The base Ó FEBS 2004 2250 H Frederiksen et al (Eur J Biochem 271) numbering is as described ... kinetics The kinetic parameters and the degree of co-operativity were determined as previously described [18] The experimental data were fitted to the Hill equation v¼ VÁsn þ sn Kn 0:5 and the kinetic ... the enzyme molecule, because in gelfiltration experiments, the Met106 rLy-TK1 interface fragment was eluted as a tetramer, whereas the Val106 rLy-TK1 fragment was eluted as a mixture of a dimer...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 16:20
University of Pune, Pune B. E. (Mechanical) Structure (2008 Course) doc
... bar element, truss element, beam element, CST element, axisymmetric triangular element, quadrilatateral element and frame element Generalized eigenvalue problem, Evaluation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors, ... finned plate and tube Automotive radiators Extruded tube type, sprayed heat exchanger, dimple heat exchangers, wrap around heat exchangers Gasketed, semi-welded, welded, brazed plate heat exchangers ... reliability, Energy and environment, Need of Renewable and energy efficiency Energy Auditing 10 Need of Energy Audit, Types of energy audit, Components of energy audit, Energy audit methodology, Instruments,...
Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 01:21
The adapter design pattern adapter structure (class)
... Adapter Implementation TreeDisplay* SetDelegate(Delegate) Display() BuildTree(Node n) (Client) delegate TreeAccessorDelegate* GetChildren(TreeDisplay, Node) CreateGraphicNode(TreeDisplay, Node) ... clients expect Adapter Structure (Object) Client Target* Adaptee Request() specif icRequest() adaptee Adapter Request( ) adaptee->Specif ricRequest() Adapter Consequences (to QOCA class hierarchy) ... (Target) DirectoryBrowser (Adapter) GetChildren(TreeDisplay, Node) CreateGraphicNode(TreeDisplay, Node) CreateFile() DeleteFile() delegate->GetChildren(this, n) for each child{ AddGraphicNode( delegate->CreateGraphicNode(this,...
Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 22:32
Báo cáo khoa học: Structure of the exceptionally large nonrepetitive carbohydrate backbone of the lipopolysaccharide of Pectinatus frisingensis strain VTT E-82164 doc
... (E, F, G), one a-Gal residue (I), two a-GlcN (A, W) residues, one b-GlcN (B) residue, and three Kdo residues (C, D, X) The spectra were completely assigned (Table 1), and the sequence of the ... Oligosaccharides 1a and 1b are the fragments of the larger structure 2, thus the NMR data for 1a,b are very close to those for the respective residues in and are not presented The position and anomeric ... explained most of the observed NOE contacts; calculated distances were ˚ within a range of 2.5–4 A Only the NOE between protons P6 and V1 remained unexplained The distance between ˚ these protons was...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 18:20
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Effect of leaf biomass and phenological structure of the canopy on plot growth in a deciduous hardwood forest in northern Japan" pot
... have exerted strong e ects on foliage age structure in the outbreak years; however, these e ects were not sustained Within years of each outbreak, no lasting visible e ects were evident However, ... the LB1/LB2 boundary at the end of September because the greatest leaffall usually occurred in October, and most of the remainder fell between August and September (see Results for details) We ... older leaves [3, 28] Therefore, the larvae prefer to eat young leaves that emerge relatively late in summer Thus, the gypsy moth outbreak probably decreased relative LB2 In contrast, winter moth...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 16:20
Báo cáo sinh học: "Effects of data structure on the estimation of covariance functions to describe genotype by environment interactions in a reaction norm model" potx
... the genetic levels within herds Initial analyses with model using random herd e ects showed however that variances of level and slope were severely overestimated and herd variances were severely ... sires represented the 100 sires with the lowest simulated breeding values for level, the group of sires represented the 100 sires with simulated breeding values for level around average and the ... influences on EP by iteratively estimating the fixed herd e ect in the evaluation model and use this as EP in the next iteration Model was tested because we expected that this model had closer resemblance...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 13:22
... total electronic energy difference is mainly contributed by the kinetic energy difference and the electrostatic energy difference The electrostatic energy difference between the HS and LS states ... electrostatic energy difference and the SCO temperature of these Fe2+ molecules One may say that the SCO temperature of these Fe2+ molecules is proportional to these energy differences As mentioned above, ... is restricted to isolated molecules and requires only the knowledge of the difference ∆F = FHS – FLS between the free energy of the HS and LS states In this model the temperature dependence of...
Ngày tải lên: 30/10/2015, 20:52
Bài tập lai hóa - Nhiệt phản ứng - Bảo toàn e.doc
... hố) a) Sự chuyển electron chất p.ứng Chất ơxi hố (chất bị khử) b) Q trình thu electron Q trình ơxi hố (sự ơxi hố) c) Chất nhận electron Q trình khử (sự khử) d) Chất nhường electron â5 Phản ứng ... nhiệt toả (KJ) đốt cháy 112 l H2 (ĐKC) a 1429,15 b 1530,4 c 1400 d 1500 O 2K → H2OK , ∆ H = - 24,83KJ Câu 23 : H 2K + H 2K + O 2K → H2OL , ∆ H = - 285,83KJ → H2OL , ∆ H = x (KJ) Trị số x : H2OK a ... khử) d) Chất nhường electron â5 Phản ứng ơxi hố- khử pứhh có e) Q trình thu electron Câu28 Hình dạng phân tử : CH4 , BF3 , H2O , BeH2 (Chọn câu đúng) a) Tứ diện, tam giác, gấp khúc, thẳng b)...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2012, 10:01
Bài tập cấu hình e và bảng tuần hoàn.doc
... Số e phân lớp thứ 18 d Số e tối đa phân lớp d 10 Câu 40 : Nguyên tử nguyên tố B có Z = Kết luận sau không a B phi kim b B có 7e lớp c Ở trạng thái có e độc thân, trạng thái kích thích có 3, , e ... 10 c d Câu 37 : Nguyên tử nguyên tố R có lớp e có số e độc thân cực đại (ở trạng thái bản) R : a Si b Al c P d S Câu 38 : Khi chuyển từ M sang Mn+ số e giảm 10% so với ban đầu M thuộc nhóm A M ... c B , C d A , C n+ Câu 33 : Cation M có cấu hình e phân lớp 2p Cấu hình e phân lớp M : a 3S1 b 3S2 c 3P1 d 3P5 Câu 34 : Tổng số hạt p , n , e ion X2- 27 Trong MĐ lớn không MĐ Ký hiệu X2- : 16...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2012, 10:10
2009-04 e.doc
... Why she believed she should be sent on the conference (b) The name of her previous employers and the school she attended (c) How she would use the information she learned at the conference (d) Critical ... the number of residents Finally, they looked at the services the facility offers and compared those to the current and future needs of the residents who live there Consumer Quarterly hopes the ... be sending one employee from the IT Department to this conference, which will take place over a weekend in the spring at the Royal Embassy Hotel in Cambridge, Massachusetts This years' conference...
Ngày tải lên: 15/08/2012, 11:01
nhận dạng ảnh Pattern recognition
Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2012, 10:19
Quản trị mạng với Win 2K Server
... Security Policy Performance Routing And Remote Accsess Server Extention Administrator Services Telnet Server Administrator Active Directory User And Computer Active Directory Sites And Services ... Component Services Computer Management Configure Your Server Data Source (ODBC) Distributed File System Event Viewer Internet Services Manager Bài Các công cụ quản trị Licensing ... AD Users and Computer, chọn mục lệnh View/ AD advanced Features tìm đến tính System\ File Replication Service Từ đó, làm bật Domain System Volume (tức share SYSVOL), nhắp phải, chọn Properties...
Ngày tải lên: 28/08/2012, 15:15
Một số giải pháp giảm chi phí kinh doanh tại Công ty Cổ phần Công nghiệp E-Nhất.DOC
... hàng trực tiếp, phải hạch toán theo đơn hàng hạch toán theo giá thành công xưởng Phương pháp phân bổ chi phí trực tiếp ấn định theo đơn hàng, theo loại sản phẩm, theo thiết kế kỹ thuật định mức ... hiệu E. NHAT đạt yêu cầu chất lượng theo tiêu chuẩn TCVN 2622-1995 )… nhiều sản phẩm khí khác 3.2 Thị trường, khách hàng: E. NHAT J.S.C nhà sản xuất sản xuất loại sản phẩm chiếu sáng đèn Neon Việt ... phần Công nghiệp E. Nhất E. NHAT J.S.C doanh nghiệp khí Việt Nam chế tạo khuôn dập thử thành công chi tiết vỏ xe ZIL 131 xe UAZ CH 31512,...
Ngày tải lên: 31/08/2012, 15:34
Đời sống và văn hóa dân tộc Ê Đê.DOC
... sức có chuỗi hạt, vòng đồng, Website: http://www.docs.vn Email : lienhe@docs.vn Tel (: 0918.775.368 vòng kền đeo cổ tay, chân Nam nữ có tục cà răng-căng tai nhuộm đen Ðội đầu có khăn, nón Ở Ðịa ... cụ tre nứa, Website: http://www.docs.vn Email : lienhe@docs.vn Tel (: 0918.775.368 vỏ bầu khô dân tộc khác Trường Sơn, Tây Nguyên, với nhiều kỹ thuật riêng mang tính độc đáo `7 Chơi Trẻ em thường ... nhật Số lại theo nét tín ngưỡng cổ truyền, thờ cúng thần hộ thân cho 13 Website: http://www.docs.vn Email : lienhe@docs.vn Tel (: 0918.775.368 Chế độ gia đình Gia đình người Ê Đê, theo chế độ mẫu...
Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2012, 11:59
THE structure of the multiprogramming system
... peripherals are of a level above the message interpreter, because they must be able to converse with the operator (e. g in the case of detected malfunctioning) The limited number of peripherals ... implemented via so-called "semaphores." They are special purpose integer variables allocated in the universe in which the processes are embedded; they are initialized (with the value or 1) before ... written the testing had not yet been completed, but the resulting system is guaranteed to be flawless When the system is delivered we shall not live in the perpetual fear that a system derailment...
Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2012, 15:05