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A Ảnh hưởng nhiệt độ Temperature effect Áp lực bên đất Lateral earth pressure Áp lực chủ động Active pressure Áp lực bị động Passive pressure Áp lực dòng nước chảy Stream flow pressure Áp lực cực đại Maximum working pressure Áp lực đẩy đất Earth pressure Áp lực thủy tĩnh Hydrostatic pressure B Bãi dịch vụ bên đường: Service area Bãi đỗ xe: Parking lot Bãi nghỉ bên đường: Rest area Bán kính đường cong nằm nhỏ nhất: Minimum radius of horizontal curve Bán kính quay xe nhỏ nhất: Minimum turning radius Bảo dưỡng bê tơng lúc hóa cứng Curing Bảo vệ chống mài mịn Protection against abrasion Bảo vệ chống xói lở Protection against scour Bảo vệ cốt thép chống rỉ Protection against corrosion Bảo vệ mái taluy: Slope protection Băng dính Joint tape Bằng gang đúc of cast iron Bằng thép cán of laminated/rolled steel Bậc cấp: Plain stage of slope Bậc chống đá rơi: Stage for heaping soil and broken rock Bậc nước: Drop water Bậc thềm: Berm Bất lợi Unfavorable Bất lợi the most unfavorable Bê tông Concrete Bê tơng bảo hộ (bên ngồi cốt thép) Concrete cover Bê tơng bịt đáy (móng Cáp cọc, giếng, hố) fouilk, bouchon Bê tông bơm Pumping concrete Bê tông cát Sand concrete Bê tơng có q nhiều cốt thép Over-reinforced concrete Bê tông cốt thép dự ứng lực Prestressed concrete Bê tông cốt thép dự ứng lực Internal prestressed concrete Bê tơng cốt thép dự ứng lực ngồi External prestressed concrete Bê tông cốt thép thường Reinforced concrete Bê tông cường độ cao High strength concrete Bê tông bị tách lớp (bị bóc lớp) Spalled concrete Bê tơng đúc chỗ Cast in situ place concrete Bê tông đúc sẵn Precast concrete Bê tơng hóa cứng nhanh Early strength concrete Bê tông không cốt thép Plain concrete, Unreinforced concrete Bê tông mác thấp Low-grade concrete resistance Bê tông nặng Heavy weight concrete Bê tông nhẹ Light weight concrete Bê tông nhẹ có cát Sandlight weight concrete Bê tơng nghèo Lean concrete (low grade concrete) Bê tông phun Sprayed concrete, Shotcrete, Bê tông sỏi Gravel concrete Bê tông thủy công Hydraulic concrete Bê tông trọng lượng thông thường Normal weight concrete, Ordinary structural concrete Bê tông tươi (mới trộn xong) Fresh/green concrete Bê tông ximăng Portland-cement, Portland concrete Bề mặt chuyển tiếp Interface Bề mặt đường: Formation level Bề mặt tiếp xúc Contact surface Bề mặt Exterior face Bề mặt ván khuôn Form exterior face Bể bốc hơi: Evaporation pond Bệ đỡ phân phối lực Bed plate Bệ kéo căng cốt thép dự ứng lực Prestressing bed Bệ móng Footing Biên độ biến đổi ứng suất Amplitude of stress Biến dạng co ngắn tương đối Unit shortening Biến dạng dài hạn Long-term deformation Bó vỉ: Curb Bó vỉ đứng: Vertical curb Bó vỉ bằng: Flush curb C Các yếu tố tuyến: Alignment elements Cao độ thiết kế đường: Design elevation of subgrade Cầu: Bridge Cầu bản: Slab bridge Cầu Bê-tông cốt thép: Reinforced concrete bridge Cầu bê-tông dự ứng lực: Prestressed concrete bridge Cầu hành: Foot bridge / Pedestrian bridge (USA) Cầu chéo: Skew bridge Cầu cong: Curved bridge Cầu cố định: Fixed bridge Cầu dầm: Beam bridge Cầu dầm đơn giản: Simple supported beam bridge Cầu dầm hẫng: Cantilever beam bridge Cầu dầm liên hợp: Composite beam bridge Cầu dầm liên tục: Contiuous beam bridge Cầu dây văng: Cable stayed bridge Cầu di động: Movable bridge Cầu dốc: Bridge on slope Cầu dưới: Through bridge Cầu giữa: Half through bridge Cầu trên: Deck bridge Cầu gỗ: Timber bridge Cầu giàn: Truss bridge Cầu khung cứng: Rigid frame bridge Cầu khung cứng kiểu chữ T: T shaped rigid frame bridge Cầu lắp ghép: Fabricated bridge Cầu phao: Pontoon bridge Cầu quay: Movable bridge Cầu thép: Steel bridge Cầu thép kiểu tháo lắp: Fabricated steel bridge Cầu tràn: Submersible bridge Cầu treo: Suspension bridge Cầu vòm: Arch bridge Cầu vòm đặc biệt: Filled spandrrel arch bridge Cầu vịm có kéo: Bowstring arch bridge Cầu vòm hở: Open spandrel arch bridge Cầu thẳng góc: Right bridge Cầu treo: Viaduct Cầu vượt hành: Pedestrian over-crossing Cầu xây: Masory bridge Cấu kiện: Component Chân mái taluy: Toe of slope Chỉ giới xây dựng đường: Boundary line of road contruction Chiều cao đất đắp tối thiểu: Minimum height of fill Chiều rộng đường: Width of subgrade Chiết giảm độ dốc dọc: Grade compensation Chiều dài đoạn dốc hạn chế: Grade length limitation Chiều rộng xe: Lane-width Chủ đầu tư: Investor/Owner Cọc tiêu: Guard post Cơng trình đường: Road engineering Cống: Culvert Cống bán áp: Intel submerged culvert Cống bản: Slab culvert Cống có áp: Outled submerged culvert Cống hộp: Box culvert Cống không áp: Intel unsubmerged culvert Cống tròn: Pipe culvert Cống vòm: Arch culvert Cống xi-phông: Siphon culvert Cổng giới hạn đường: Boundary frame on road Cột kilomet: Kilometer stone Cửa ga (thu nước mưa): Inlet, gully Cửa thoát nước: Drain opening Cường độ mưa rào: Intensity of rainstorm D Dải xanh: Green belt Dải dừng xe khẩn cấp: Emergency parking strip, Lay-by Dải đất bên đường đô thị: Curb side strip Dải đất dành cho đường, lộ giới: Total land requirement, Land take, Right of way Dải phân cách: Separator, Central reserve Dải phân cách giữa: Central reserve, Central reservation, Median (USA) Dịng giao thơng: Traffic flow Dịng xe: Vehicle stream Dốc nước: Chute Đ Đá mép vỉa: Gutter apron Đất nền, đường: Subgrade Đất thiên nhiên: Natural ground Điểm dừng: Lay-by, Turnout (USA), Bus bay Điểm đổi dốc: Grade change point Đỉnh mái taluy: Top of slope Đoạn chuyển tiếp mặt cắt ngang: Transition zone of cross section Đoạn dốc thỏai: Transition gradient Đoạn nối mở rộng: Transition zone of curve widening Đoạn nối siêu cao: Super-elevation run-off Độ dốc ngang: Cross slope, Cross-fall Độ dốc dọc: Longitudinal gradient Độ dốc dọc bình quân: Average gradient Độ dốc dọc lớn nhất: Maximum longitudinal gradient Độ dốc dọc nhỏ nhất: Minium longitudinal gradient Độ dốc hợp thành: Resultant gradient Độ dốc mái taluy: Grade of side slope Độ dời ngang: Shift Độ khum mặt đường: Crown (USA), Camber Độ võng (đàn hồi) cho phép: Allowable rebound deflection Độ võng đàn hồi: Rebound deflection Đường: Road Đường hành, vỉa hè: Sidewalk, Foot way Đường cao tốc: Motoway, Free way (USA) Đường cao tốc đô thị: road with limited access, Expressway (USA) Đường cao tốc ngồi thị: Rural motoway Đường chính: Major road Đường có xe: Two lane road Đường có xe riêng biệt (có dải phân cách đảo): Road with two separate carriage Đường cong đứng: Vertical curve Đường cong đứng lồi: Convex vertical curve, Summit-curve Đường cong chuyển tiếp: Transition curve Đường cong chiều: Adjacent curve in one direction Đường cong gẫy lưng: Broken back curve Đường cong hỗn hợp: Compound curve Đường cong mui luyện: Camber curve Đường cong nằm: Horizontal curve, Bend, Curve Đường cong ngược chiều: Reverse curve Đường cong quay đầu: Switch back curve Reverse loop hairpin bend Đường cong tròn: Circular curve Đường cứu nạn dốc ngược: Adverse grade for safety Đường đô thị: City road, Urban road Đường hầm hành: Pedestrian underpass Đường khơng có dải phân cách: Single carriage-way road, Undivided highway (USA) Đường nông thôn, Đường huyện: Country road Đường nhánh: Feeder highway Đường nhánh đô thị: Branch road, Estate road Đường nhìn: Sight line Đường tơ: Highway Đường ô tô vào cấp: Classified highway, Classified road Đường ống nhánh ga thu nước: Branch pipe of inlet Đường ống tổng hợp: Composite pipe line Đường phân luồng: Relief road Đường qua khu dân cư, đường xuyên đô thị: Cross-town link, Urban connector (USA) Đường quay xe: Turnaround loop Đường quận: Township road Đường thiết kế: Road alignment Đường thu phí: Toll road, Turnpike (USA) Đường tiểu khu, đường địa phương: Estate road, Local road Đường tránh: By- pass Đường khu công nghiệp: Industrial district road Đường khu nhà ở: Residential street Đường nhà máy, hầm mỏ: Factories and mines road Đường trục: Arterial highway Đường trục tỉnh (tỉnh lộ): Provincial trunk highway Đường trục quốc gia (Quốc lộ): National trunk highway Đường trục thị: Arterial road Đường trục thứ yếu đô thị: Sencondary trunk road Đường ưu tiên: Major road Đường vành đai: Ring road, Beltway, helt highway (USA) Đường ven, đường bên cạnh: Sevice road, Frontage road (USA) Đường ven đô: Suburban road ways, Two divided highways within one right of way (USA) Đường xe đạp: Cycle track, cycle path G Giao thông hỗn hợp: Mixed traffic Giếng kiểm tra: Manhole Giếng thấm: Seepage well Góc vát theo đường nhìn: Cut corner for sight line H Hàng dọc phố: Street trees Hàng rào cây: Hedge, Living fence Hệ số điều chỉnh tải trọng: Load modifier Hệ số sức kháng: Resistance factor Hệ số tải trọng: Load factor Hệ thống thoát nước: Highway drainage Hệ thống thoát nước kết hợp: Combined system Hệ thống thoát nước riêng rẽ: Separate system Hiệu ứng lực: Force effect K Kênh hóa, phân luồng: Channeling, Channelization (USA) Kết cấu có nhiều đường truyền lực: Multiple-Load-Path Structure Khoảng cách không gian hai xe: Space headway Khoảng cách tĩnh theo hướng ngang: Lateral clear distance of curve Khôi phục: Rehabilitation L Làn chuyển tốc: Speed change lane Làn dừng xe: Parking lane Làn dự trữ: Reserved lane, Exclusive lane, Preferential lane Làn giảm tốc: Decelaration lane, Diverging lane Làn leo dốc: Climbing lane Làn tăng tốc: Acceleration lane, Merging lane Làn tránh xe: Passing by Làn vượt xe: Overtaking lane, Passing lane Làn xe: Lane, Traffic lane Làn xe bên ngoài: Nearside lane Làn xe bên trong: Past lane Làn xe chuyên dùng: Accommodation lane Làn xe giữa: Centre lane Làn xe phụ: Auxiliary lane Lề đường: Shoulder, Verge Lề đường cứng: Hard shoulder Lối qua đường hành: Cross walk Lớp bù vênh / Lớp làm bằng: Leveling course / Regulating course Lớp dính bám: Tack coat Lớp hao mịn: Wearing course Lớp làm bằng: Leveling course Lớp lót mặt / Lớp đường cải thiện: Capping layer / Subgrade improvent layer Lớp liên kết: Base course / Binder course (USA) Lớp móng dưới: Subbase Lớp móng phụ: Bed course Lớp móng rãnh: Bed Lớp móng trên: Road base / Base course (USA) Lớp đường cải thiện: Sub-grade improvent layer Lớp ngăn cách: Separation layer Lớp tăng cường: Strengthening layer Lớp thảm bitum: Bituminous surfacing Lớp tưới thấm: Prime coat Loại khô ẩm đường: Type of dry and damp soil base Lượng giao thông, lưu lượng giao thông: Traffic volume Lượng giao thông cao điểm: Peak hourly volume Lượng giao thông lớn năm: Maximum annual hourly volume Lượng giao thông thiết kế: Design hourly volume Lượng giao thơng ngày trung bình tháng: Monthly average daily traffic (MADT) Lượng giao thơng trung bình năm: Annual average daily traffic (ADDT) M Mái dốc, mái taluy: Side slope Màn chống khói: Antiglare screen Mạng lưới đường: Road network Mặt tuyến: Horizontal alignment Mặt cắt dọc tuyến: Vertical alignment Mặt đường: Pavement Mặt đường đá dăm kết dính: Clay-bound macadam pavement Mặt đường đá dăm nước: Water-bound macadam pavement Mặt đường đá dăm trộn nhựa: Bituminous macadam pavement / Coated macadam pavement Mặt đường bê-tông cốt thép: Reinforced concrete pavement Mặt đường BTCT liên tục: Continously reinforced concrete pavement Mặt đường bê-tông lèn chặt lu: Roller-compacted concrete pavement (RCCP) Mặt đường bê-tông nhựa: Bituminous concrete pavement Mặt đường bê-tông sợi: Fibre-reinforced concrete pavement Mặt đường bê-tông xi măng: Cement concrete pavement Mặt đường cấp cao: High type pavement Mặt đường cấp phối: Graded aggregate pavement Mặt đường cấp thấp: Low type pavement Mặt đường cấp thấp nhựa: Bituminous penetration pavement Mặt đường cứng: Rigid pavement Mặt đường láng nhựa: Bituminous surface treatment pavement Mặt đường lát: Block pavement Mặt đường mềm: Flexible pavement Mặt đường nhựa bitum: Bituminous pavement Mặt đường nhựa tái sinh: Reclainmed bituminous pavement Mặt đường nửa cứng: Semirigid pavement Mặt đường độ: Intermediate type pavement Mặt đường thứ cấp: Subhigh type pavement Mặt đường toàn nhựa: Full depth asphalt pavement Mặt đường tràn: Ford Mặt đường trộn thấm nhập nhựa: Penetration macadam with coated chips Mặt đường: Road way, Road bed Mật độ giao thông: Traffic density Mật độ mạng lưới đường: Density of road network Mở rộng đường cong nằm: Curve widening Mức độ phục vụ đường: Level of service cauduongonline 03-10-2012, 09:51 AM N Năng lực thông hành: Traffic capacity Năng lực thông hành bản: Basic traffic capacity Năng lực thông hành nút giao thông: Capacity of intersection Năng lực thông hành thiết kế: Design traffic capacity Nền đào: Cutting Nền đắp: Embankment Nền đường: Sub-grade Nền đường nửa đào, nửa đắp: Part-cut, Part-fill subgrade Nền đường trắc ngang kiểu chữ L: Benched subgrade Nước mao dẫn: Capillary water Nước mặt: Surface water Nước ngầm: Undergound water P Phần xe chạy: Carriage-way, Traveled way, Road-way Q Quảng trường giao thông: Traffic square Quy hoạch thoát nước : Water Drainage planning Quy hoạch mặt đứng: grading planning R Rãnh biên: Gutter/ Side ditch Rãnh đỉnh: Intercepting ditch / Ditch at top of slope Rãnh thoát nước: Drainage ditch Rãnh xương cá/ Đường thấm ngang: Blind drain / Blind ditch Rào chắn: Guard rail Rào phòng hộ: Safety fence Rọ đá: Rock filled gabion S Siêu cao: Super-elevation, Super-elevation rate Sụp đổ: Collapse Sử dụng bình thường: Regular service Sức kháng định danh: Nominal resistance T Tải trọng trục bánh tương đương: Equivalent axle load Tải trọng trục tiêu chuẩn: Standard axial loading Tam giác tầm nhìn: Sight triangle Tầm nhìn: Sight distance Tầm nhìn dừng xe: Stopping sight distance Tầm nhìn nút giao thơng: Sight distance of intersection Tầm nhìn vượt xe: Overtaking sight distance Tần suất thiết kế: Design frequency Tầng mặt: surfacing Tầng / lớp: Course / Layer Thả đá: Riprap Thành phần giao thơng: traffic composition Thốt nước đường ống: Pipe drainage Thoát nước mương rãnh: Gutter drainage Thoát nước trạm bơm (ở nút giao khác mức): Drainage by pumping station Thoát nước đường phố: Street drainage Thoát nước đường: Subgrade drainage Thiết bị an tồn giao thơng: Traffic safety device Thiết bị chiếu sáng cho đường: Lighting facilities of road Thiết bị phân cách: Separate facilities Thiết bị phòng chống lấn cát: Sand protection facilities Tiêu chuẩn kĩ thuật đường: Technical standard of road Tim đường: Center line of road Tính dẻo: Ductility Tĩnh khơng: Clearance Tốc độ hành trình: Running speed, Travel speed Tốc độ kinh tế: Economic speed Tốc độ tối ưu: Optimum speed, Critical speed Tốc độ trung bình theo thời gian: Time mean speed Tốc độ tức thời: Spot speed Tốc độ xe chạy: Operating speed Tốc độ xe chạy tự do: Free-flow speed Tốc độ xe thiết kế: Design speed Trạm dừng xe buýt: Bus shelter, Bus bay Trạng thái giới hạn: Limit states Trạng thái giới hạn cường độ: Strength Limit States Trạng thái giới hạn đặc biệt: Extreme Event Limit States Trục đường: Road axis Trường nhìn: Field of vision Tuổi thọ thiết kế: Design life Tường bảo vệ: Guard wall Tường chắn đất: Retaing wall Tường chắn kiểu cân trọng lượng: Blance weight retaining wall Tường chắn kiểu có chống: Counterfort retaining wall Tường chắn kiểu cọc từ: Pile and plank retaining wall Tường chắn kiểu công-xơn: Cantilever retaining wall Tường chắn kiểu đất có cốt: Reinforced earth retaining wall Tường chắn kiểu neo: Anchored bulkhead Tường chắn kiểu neo: Anchored retaining wall by tie rods Tường chắn kiểu trọng lực: Gravity retaining wall Tường chống ồn: Acoustic barrier Tuyến đường: Route of road V Vạch sơn mép đường: Marginal strip X Xe đặc chủng: Special vehicle Xe thiết kế: Design vehicle Một số từ vựng Tiếng anh chuyên ngành luật SOME OF LAW - BRAND VOCABULARY A Activism (judicial) : Tính tích cực thẩm phán Actus reus : Khách quan tội phạm Adversarial process : Quá trình tranh tụng Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) : Giải tranh chấp phương thức khác Amicus curiae ("Friend of the court") : Thân hữu tòa án Appellate jurisdiction == Thẩm quyền phúc thẩm Arraignment == Sự luận tội Arrest: bắt giữ Accountable ( aj): Có trách nhiệm Accountable to Chịu trách nhiệm trước Accredit (v ): ủy quyền, ủy nhiệm, ủy thác, bổ nhiệm Acquit ( v): xử trắng án, tuyên bố vô tội Act and deed ( n): văn thức (có đóng dấu) Act as amended ( n): luật sửa đổi Act of god: thiên tai, trường hợp bất khả kháng Act of legislation: sắc luật Affidavit: Bản khai Argument: Sự lập luận, lý lẽ Argument against: Lý lẽ phản đối ( someone’s argument ) Argument for: Lý lẽ tán thành Attorney: Luật Sư ( = lawyer, barrister; advocate) B Bail == Tiền bảo lãnh Bench trial == Phiên xét xử thẩm phán Bill of attainder == Lệnh tước quyền công dân tịch thu tài sản Bill of information == Đơn kiện công tố Be convicted of: bị kết tội Bring into account: truy cứu trách nhiệm Các viết liên quan:  Thủ tục đăng ký nhãn hiệu  Buôn lậu, xâm phạm sở hữu trí tuệ ngày  Tư vấn luật quyền tác giả Bravolaw  Ai Muốn Dịch Bài Này Không???? Thử Sức Dịch Thuật Nào tình hình em khẩn cấp Bussiness Law 301 Legal Forms, Letters and Agreements Sách học tiếng Anh chuyên ngành luật!! MBA Fundamentals Business Law       Unregistered nguyenbuitoan xây dựng diễn đàn tienganh123.com  Reply With Quote The Following Users Say Thank You to nguyenbuitoan For This Useful Post: black.bobby (11-04-2011), duongthaihoa (06-05-2013), koi.lazy (01-27-2012), meo.ngu.nuong (05-07-2011), mrhie u17 (09-26-2011),ngmanhduc12345 (10-31-2011), sakura_hth (03-20-2012), youareallofme_tho (11-10-2011)  04-18-2011 11:12 PM#2 nguyenbuitoan Ngày Gia Nhập Mar 2011 Bài Viết Cảm Ơn Được cảm ơn 11 lần Beginner Số lần cộng|trừ: lần Advance Payment: Tiền tạm ứng Monthly interim payment: tốn tạm hàng tháng Refund of Advance Payment: hồn lại tiền tạm ứng (deduct 15% of Monthly payment certificate as refund of advance payment with limitation of 100% to Advance payment: khấu trừ 15% chứng toán hàng tháng để hoàn lại tiền tạm ứng hoàn đủ 100% tiền tạm ứng) Retention money: tiền giữ lại Release of retetion money: hoàn lại tiền giữ lại Contractor's Obligations and responsibilities: nghĩa vụ trách nhiệm nhà thầu Suspension and Termination: Trì hỗn hủy hợp đồng The Contractor may when necessary, suspend the Subcontract Works or any portion thereof or terminate this Subcontract The Contractor shall compensate the Subcontractor for any damage the Subcontractor suffers because of such suspension or termination Nhà thầu cần thiết tạm hỗn cơng việc thầu phụ phần công việc thầu phụ chấm dứt hợp đồng thầu phụ Nhà thầu đền bù cho Nhà thầu phụ tổn hại Nhà thầu phụ phải gánh chịu việc trì hỗn chấm dứt hợp đồng The Contractor may suspend the Subcontract Works or any portion thereof or terminate this Subcontract in any of the following cases and in such cases the Contractor is entitled to be damaged from the Subcontractor Nhà thầu tạm dừng cơng việc thầu phụ phần công việc thầu phụ chấm dứt hợp đồng thầu phụ trường hợp sau, trường hợp Nhà thầu coi bên chịu thiết hại Nhà thầu phụ gây To be continued phuctpv 22-08-2007, 02:24 PM Chào người, Cảm ơn bạn Naut bạn Linhcc nhiều nhiều việc chia sẻ thông tin hợp đồng TA nha! Mấy ngày thật busy nên không post được, Mong người tiếp tục post để forum thêm xôm tụ Linhcc 22-08-2007, 06:51 PM (1) If the Subcontractor fails, without justifiable reasons, to commence the Subcontract Works immediately after the receipt of a notice to proceed stipulated in the paragraph of Article hereof, Nếu nhà thầu phụ khơng khởi cơng cơng trình thầu phụ sau nhận thông báo tiến hành công việc qui định đoạn điều hợp đồng mà khơng có lý đáng (2) If the progress of the Subcontract Works is extremely behind progress schedule and it is deemed unlikely that the Subcontractor will complete the Subcontract Works within the time for completion specified in Article hereof or within the extended period of time thereto reasonably granted under this Subcontract, or Nếu tiến độ cơng trình thầu phụ chậm xa so với tiến độ dự kiến xét thấy Nhà thầu phụ khơng thể hồn thành cơng trình thầu phụ thời hạn hồn thành cơng việc qui định điều hợp đồng khoảng thời gian gia hạn hợp lý có theo qui định hợp đồng thầu phụ này, (3) If the Subcontractor breaches this Subcontract in any way other than the provisions of the preceding subparagraphs (l) and (2) of this paragraph and if the objective of this Subcontract is deemed unattainable because of such breach Nếu nhà thầu phụ vi phạm hợp đồng thầu phụ theo hình thức ngồi điều nêu mục (1) (2 ) đoạn xét thấy mục tiêu hợp đồng thầu phụ khơng thể đạt vi phạm The Subcontractor may suspend the Subcontract Works or any portion thereof in any of the following cases: Nhà thầu trì hỗn cơng trình thầu phụ phần cơng trình thầu phụ trường hợp sau đây: (1) If the Contractor has delayed each scheduled payment which is due and fails to make such payment in spite of the Subcontractor's notice to so within fourteen (14) days, Nếu Nhà thầu trì hỗn việc tốn theo tiến độ cho nhà thầu phụ nhà thầu phụ gửi yêu cầu tốn vịng 14 ngày (2) If the Contractor fails, without any justifiable reason, to comply with the Subcontractor's request for approval or decision under this Subcontract and if the Contractor is not deemed to be sincere in settling the matter in spite of the Subcontractor's notice to so within fourteen (14) days, or Nếu nhà thầu không đồng ý với yêu cầu phê duyệt định nhà thầu phụ theo hợp đồng thầu phụ mà khơng có lý đáng xét thấy nhà thầu khơng có thiện chí giải vấn đề nhà thầu phụ thông báo vòng 14 ngày (3) If the Subcontract Works is extremely delayed due to reason for which the Contractor is responsible other than the preceding sub-paragraphs (l) and (2) of this paragraph Nếu cơng trình thầu phụ bị trì hỗn nhiều lỗi Nhà thầu ngồi điều (1) (2) đoạn danhthanhxuan 14-09-2007, 12:11 AM @Linhcc: Thanks bạn Nhũng từ ngữ bạn có nhiều FIDIC- Hiệp hội ky sư Quốc tế, Sách song ngữ Tìm đọc tham khảo Mong chia Hugolina 16-09-2007, 10:25 AM Mình xin nêu số thuật ngữ/từ dễ bị nhầm lẫn : Bidding Documents/Tender Documents : Hồ sơ mời thầu Bid/Tender : Hồ sơ dự thầu Bidder/Tenderer: Bên dự thầu (Từ hồ sơ mời thầu tiếng Việt nhiều dịch Nhà thầu) Contractor : Nhà thầu (thực Hợp đồng) Contract : Hợp đồng (Bao gồm tất tài liệu, hồ sơ liên quan đến hợp đồng) Contract Agreement : Thỏa thuận Hợp đồng (Là cam kết thực Hợp đồng, thường Chủ đầu tư Nhà thầu cam kết nghĩa vụ với Hợp đồng) Ở Việt Nam từ trước thường hiểu Hợp đồng Thỏa thuận , cịn tài liệu hồ sơ liên quan lại không coi tài liệu Hợp đồng.:) Bid Security: Bảo đảm dự thầu , dạng Bank Guarantee (Bảo lãnh Ngân hàng) Ngân hàng cấp, dạng Bid Bond (Cam kết bảo lãnh dự thầu) Bid Securing Declaration (Tuyên bố Bảo lãnh Dự thầu) tổ chức cấp Performance Security : Bảo đảm thực Hợp đồng , dạng Bank Guarantee Bond Advance Payment Security : Bảo đảm tạm ứng , thường dạng Bank Guarantee Hugolina 28-09-2007, 10:14 AM Forms of bidding /Các hình thức đấu thầu Competitive bidding : Đấu thầu rộng rãi hay gọi đấu thầu cạnh tranh Trong có: International Competitive Bidding (ICB) : Đấu thầu cạnh tranh quốc tế Local Competitive Bidding (LCB) : Đấu thầu cạnh tranh nước Limited Bidding : Đấu thầu hạn chế Bidding Assignment : Chỉ định thầu Force Account (FA) : Tự thực Direct Procurement : Mua sắm trực tiếp Direct Offering : Chào hàng trực tiếp/chào hàng cạnh tranh International Shopping : Mua sắm quốc tế Special Procurements: Mua sắm đặc biệt/ lựa chọn nhà thầu trường hợp đặc biệt queenbee 17-01-2008, 10:08 PM A) General instructions/Chỉ dẫn chung - Provision of standards, codes, specifications in conformity with the project design requirements - Cung cấp tiêu chuẩn quy phạm , số liệu kỹ thuật đáp ứng u cầu thiết kế cơng trình - Supplementary comments on the design scheme - Đóng góp ý kiến bổ sung phương án thiết kế - Explanation of the design to the approval agency and the project management unit (PMU) - Tham gia giải trình thiết kế với quan thẩm định,BQLDA - Support Main consultant in organizing meetings in respect to the design scheme presentation - Hỗ trợ Tư vấn tổ chức họp trình bày PA B) Architecture/Kiến trúc Provision of input data for the design Architectural design Explanation Translation of documents Examination and completion of design documents before submitting to the PMU Cung cấp số liệu dẫn thiết kế Thiết kế kiến trúc cơng trình Thuyết minh Dịch tài liệu, hồ sơ thiết kế Kiểm tra hoàn thiện hồ sơ thiết kế trước bàn giao Ban quản lý dự án ( PMU ) C) Structure / Kết cấu Structural design, calculations, commentaries Special components, construction Recalculation, explanation of structural parts to the approval agencies, PMU and relevant bodies (*) Translation of documents Examination and completion of design documents before submitting to the PMU Thiết kế kết cấu, thuyết minh tính tốn Các cấu kiện đặc biệt , cấu tạo Tính tốn lại phận kết cấu cơng trình, Giải trình với quan thẩm định, Ban QLDA, quan hữu quan (*) Dịch tài liệu, hồ sơ thiết kế Kiểm tra hoàn thiện hồ sơ thiết kế trước bàn giao Ban quản lý dự án ( PMU ) D) M&E Design of water supply and drainage, air-condition and electrical system Other technical systems Translation of drawings and documents Examination and completion of design documents before submitting to the PMU Thiết kế điện, cấp, nước, điều hồ khơng khí Các hệ thống kỹ thuật khác Dịch tài liệu, hồ sơ, vẽ Kiểm tra, hoàn thiện hồ sơ trước giao Ban QLDA queenbee 29-01-2008, 02:18 PM Scope of the works and tasks of the Design Consultant (DC) shall consist of but not limited to the following Services: Phạm vi công việc Tư Vấn Thiết Kế (TVTK) bao gồm, không giới hạn Dịch vụ sau 4.1 Making proposals on what the PMU deems to be short of in the Design Task; Đề xuất ý kiến mà TVTK cho cần thiết phù hợp với Dự án mà chưa BQLDA đưa vào Nhiệm vụ thiết kế 4.2 Design from to Masterplanning alternatives which the Project to be constructed, including to models scaled 1:1000 Thiết phương án quy hoạch tổng thể khu đất xây dựng Cơng trình, kèm theo đến mơ hình tỉ lệ 1:1000 4.3 Setting up the Feasibility Study Report for the investment and construction of the Building (including the Preliminary Design); Lập báo cáo nghiên cứu khả thi dự án đầu tư xây dựng Cơng trình (bao gồm thiết kế sơ 4.4 Providing the DC’s requirements of the number and specifications of geological boreholes of the Site to the PMU at the time stipulated in Clause 15.2 herein; Cung cấp yêu cầu TVTK quy mô nội dung khoan khảo sát địa chất cơng trình cho BQLDA thời điểm quy định Khoản 15.2 Điều 15 Hợp đồng này; 4.6 Providing the PMU with the DC’s instructions about location and procedure of test-pile driving for the performance of technical design at the time stipulated in Clause 15.2 herein; Cung cấp cho BQLDA dẫn TVTK vị trí yêu cầu thí nghiệm cọc thử để phục vụ thiết kế kỹ thuật thời điểm quy định Khoản 15.2, Điều 15 Hợp đồng này; 4.7 Technical design, setting up the Total Estimated Cost of the building; making the model of the Building (scale 1:400) and the model of Masterplan (scale 1:1000) Thiết kế kỹ thuật, lập Tổng dự toán Cơng trình mơ hình Cơng trình (Tỉ lệ 1:400) Mơ hình phương án quy hoạch tổng thể tỉ lệ 1:1000 4.8 Design for internal and external works of the Building; Thiết kế nội thất, ngoại thất Công trình; 4.9 Detailed designing of the Building; Thiết kế vẽ thi cơng Cơng trình; 4.10 Providing the PMU during the construction of the Building with drawings, calculations, specifications and any changes of the Estimated Cost as may be necessary in case of any amendments or changes to the design in accordance with the requirements of the PMU or Competent Authority ; Cung cấp cho BQLDA vẽ, tính, u cầu kỹ thuật, thay đổi dự tốn trường hợp sửa đổi điều chỉnh thiết kế theo yêu cầu BQLDA Cấp có thẩm quyền q trình xây dựng Cơng trình; 4.11 Attending Site and general meetings convened by the PMU as and when may be required during the construction of the Building; Tham gia họp Công trường giao ban BQLDA tổ chức triệu tập trình xây dựng Cơng trình; 4.12 Attending the Taking-over of construction works, equipments tests of any part of and/or a whole of the Building convened by PMU; Tham dự nghiệm thu giai đoạn xây lắp, nghiệm thu chạy thử thiết bị, nghiệm thu hồn thành hạng mục Cơng trình tồn Cơng trình BQLDA tổ chức; 4.13 Author supervision and design clarification during the construction of the Building Giám sát tác giả làm rõ thiết kế q trình xây dựng; nguoitretuoi 01-02-2008, 12:20 PM Có có tài liệu TA chuyên ngành cho em mượn photo ko? hôm no hiệu sách thấy đắt :( tồn vài trăm nghìn :( Em HN Chị Queenbee cịn nhớ em chứ: Giải nhì bốc thăm :D Mong nhận tin vui! Chân thành cảm ơn! queenbee 23-02-2008, 09:29 PM In this Contract Agreement, including Appendices hereto, the followings words and phrases shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them: Trong hợp đồng này, bao gồm Phụ lục, từ cụm từ liệt kê có nghĩa sau: ”Representative of the Owner ” means the PMB of ABC ”Đại diện Chủ đầu tư ” Ban Quản lý dự án ABC “User “ means ABC, the organization assigned to take over and use the Project after it has been taken over and handed over “ Người sử dụng “ ABC, tổ chức tiếp nhận sử dụng dự án sau nhận bàn giao cơng trình “Competent Authority” means the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, or the Ministry of Industry of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, or the Management Board of ABC “Cơ quan có thẩm quyền” phủ nước CHXHCN Việt Nam Công nghiệp nước CHXHCH Việt Nam hội đồng quản trị ABC “Other consultants” mean the professional consultants tobe employed for any part of the Project by the PMB “Các nhà tư vấn khác” nhà tư vấn chuyên nghiệp Chủ đầu tư đại diện Chủ đầu tư tuyển chọn cho phần việc dự án “Sub-Consultant” means the Vietnamese Consultants and/or Foreign Consultants employed by the Design Consultant with the written consent of the PMB or representative of the PMB for the services stipulated at in Clause 24 herein [Sub-Consultant] “Thầu phụ tư vấn thiết kế” nhà thầu Việt Nam và/hoặc Nhà thầu nước Tư vấn thiết kế tuyển chọn với đồng ý văn Chủ đầu tư đại diện Chủ đầu tư để thực dịch vụ theo điều 24 [thầu phụ tư vấn thiết kế] “Contractors” mean the contractors employed by the PMB or representative of the PMB for construction and completion of the Project “ Các nhà thầu xây lắp” Nhà thầu Chủ đầu tư đại diện Chủ đầu tư tuyển chọn để xây dựng hoàn thiện dự án “Suppliers” mean the suppliers employed by the PMB or representative of the PMB for providing a part or the whole materials, equipment or machinery for the construction of the Building “Các nhà cung cấp” nhà cung cấp Chủ đầu tư đại diện Chủ đầu tư tuyển chọn để cung cấp phần tồn vật tư, thiết bị, máy móc cho việc xây dựng dự án “Sub-contractors ” mean the contractors employed by the Contractors and/or Suppliers for the construction and completion of the Project with the written consent of the PMB or representative of the PMB “Các nhà thầu phụ ” nhà thầu Nhà thầu xây lắp và/hoặc Nhà cung cấp tuyển chọn với đồng ý văn chủ đầu tư đại diện Chủ đầu tư cho việc xây dựng hoàn thiện dự án “Contract Agreement” means the agreement signed between the PMB or representative of the PMB and the Design Consultant to implement services for the Project "Thoả thuận hợp đồng” thoả thuận ký Chủ đầu tư Đại diện Chủ đầu tư Tư vấn thiết kế để thực dịch vụ cho dự án 10 “Acceptance letter “ means the official acceptance document related to the Contract signed by the PMB or representation of the PMB “ Thư chấp nhận “ văn chấp nhận thức Chủ đầu tư Đại diện chủ đầu tư ký liên quan đến hợp đồng phamtuannb 24-02-2008, 09:39 AM HSMT T.A cũ chút bổ ích đấy, người chưa có thỉ download tham khảo Nếu có mẫu cho em xin với nhé, Thanks pác! minhtuong 24-02-2008, 02:15 PM GENERAL PROVISIONS Article - Nature and Interpretation of Contract (a) The Contractor shall, for the purposes of this Contract, have the status of an independent contractor and shall be fully responsible, in particular, for acts or omissions of his employees The Contractor and his employees shall conform to all applicable laws and regulations; he shall promptly correct any violations thereof and shall keep the Organization informed of any conflicts or problems arising in relation to the authorities of the country concerned (b) The Contractor shall have the sole and full responsibility for the performance of his obligations under this Contract; except as may be provided for in this Contract or in a written authorization by the Organization, the Contractor shall not enter into any subcontracts or otherwise assign, transfer or charge to any third party any of his rights or obligations under this Contract (c) Nothing in this Contract or relating thereto shall be construed as constituting a waiver or privileges or immunities of the Organization, nor as conferring any privileges or immunities on the Contractor or his employees (d) No official, employee, or other representative of the Organization shall have any share in this Contract, or receive any benefit therefrom (e) In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the provisions of Section I and Section II of this Contract, the former shall prevail Article - Delays and Defaults (a) If there should be any delay in the performance of this Contract or any part thereof, the Contractor shall notify the Organization in writing giving the cause, such notification to reach the Organization no later than ten days after the date on which the delay is known by the Contractor (b) If the Contractor is unable to obtain any materials or services necessary for the performance of the Contract from his normal sources of supply, he shall remain liable for any delays when equivalent material or services can be obtained from other sources in good time (c) In any event, if the Contractor fails to make delivery of the material or to complete items or services required within the time specified in the Contract, or within any extension that may be granted, the Organization may, without prejudice to any further rights it may have under this Contract and in particular under Article of this Section: (i) Suspend or cancel the right of the Contractor to proceed further with any items or services - or part thereof - in which there has been a delay; (ii) Obtain elsewhere upon such terms and conditions as may be deemed appropriate, replacement items or services similar to those which the Contractor failed to provide; and (iii) Make a corresponding adjustment to the consideration payable to the Contractor; provided, however, that the Contractor shall continue performance of the Contract to the extent not suspended or cancelled under the provisions of this paragraph (d) The Contractor shall be liable for any excess costs or damage caused to the Organization by a failure or delay on the part of the Contractor in the performance of his obligations under the Contract, except where such failure or delay is due to: (i) causes which are attributable to the Organization; (ii) any unforeseen cause beyond the control of and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor, including but not limited to acts of God, acts of Governments, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, lock-outs, and freight embargoes (e) If, in the event of a default by the Contractor or a delay attributable to him, the Organization is of the opinion that the determination of actual excess costs or damages, or any part thereof, incurred by the Organization is not practicable, the Organization may require the Contractor to pay, in lieu of or in addition to actual damages, as the case may be, the amount specified in, or to be calculated in accordance with, the relevant provision of Section of this Contract, as fixed, agreed and liquidated damages for the duration of the delay or default (f) The Organization shall determine the effects of any delay or default particularly in regard to an adjustment of the consideration due to the Contractor and to excess cost or damages caused to the Organization and its findings shall be binding, provided always that the Contractor shall have the right to avail himself of the provisions of Article of the section (to be continued) minhtuong 24-02-2008, 02:17 PM GENERAL PROVISIONS Article - Acceptance (a) The Organization may examine any item, equipment, materials, supplies and/or services to be provided under this Contract, at any time prior to expiry of this contract (b) The Organization may reject any item, equipment, materials, supplies or services or may require alterations thereto or replacements thereof as a condition for acceptance, and its findings shall be conclusive except in regard to defects or fraud which may appear later (c) Should the Contractor be unwilling to accept any decisions made under (b) of this Article, he shall have the right to avail himself of the provisions of Article of this section (d) If this Contract specifically requires the Contractor to procure equipment, materials or supplies on behalf of the Organization, such procurement shall be of new equipment, materials or supplies unless procurement of used equipment, materials or supplies is approved in advance in writing by the Organization Article - Copyrights and Patents (a) The copyrights of each and any related part of the work to be performed under this contract shall be vested in the Organization including, without any limitation, the rights to use, publish, sell, or distribute, privately or publicly, any item or part thereof (b) The Contractor shall defend and hold the Organization, its employees and agents free from any liability whatsoever, for or on account of the use or infringement of any copyright, patterns, trade mark, personal or private right, or the right of any Corporation or Association in connection with this Contract (c) The Contractor hereby warrants that he has the right to grant the copyright and other rights referred to in this Contract to the Organization and that the materials shall be free from unlawful matters (d) Should any claim arise out of an infringement of any third party right whatsoever the Contractor shall be responsible for settlement and he shall indemnify the Organization against all loss, injury or damage, including any legal costs or expenses, properly incurred by or occasioned to the Organization as a result of any break of the warranty mentioned in paragraph (b) above (e) Any copyright or other rights, patent or other protection which is to be excepted from the operation of this Article shall be specifically stated in Section I (f) The covenants and warranties specified in this Article shall not apply to material which the Organization has furnished to the Contractor (to be continued) Bạn Minhtuong có tiếng Việt up lên ln Bản tiếng Anh thường phải kèm tiếng Việt Nếu không, nhờ bạn thành viên hỗ trợ dịch trước post tiếng Anh Cảm ơn bạn! minhtuong 24-02-2008, 02:19 PM GENERAL PROVISIONS Article - Disputes and Arbitration (a) Except as otherwise provided in this contract, any dispute between the Contractor and the Organization arising out of this Contract shall be settled by mutual agreement between the contracting parties (b) If the contracting parties are unable to reach an agreement on any question in dispute or on a mode of settlement other than arbitration, either party shall have right to request arbitration in accordance with the rules set forth for this purpose, by the International Chamber of Commerce (c) The parties agree to be bound by any arbitration award rendered in accordance with the above paragraph, as the final adjudication of any such dispute Article - Liability with respect to Claims (a) The Contractor hereby indemnifies and holds the Organization harmless from and against any and all responsibilities, claims, demands, suits, judgements, damages and losses, including the costs, fees and expenses in connection therewith or incident thereto for: (i) any injury to his employees and third parties (ii) any loss of, damage to, or destruction of any property of third parties; arising out of, or in any way connected with the performance of the work and services of the Contractor under this Contract (b) The Organization may, where in its opinion, the successful implementation of the contract or the reputation of the Organization, might be prejudiced, withhold or deduct from the payments due to the Contractor under Section I of this Contract such amounts as may be required to honor third party claims brought against the Contractor if these claims are connected with the supplies or services to be provided under this Contract and if, after consultation with the Contractor, the Organization is satisfied that such claims have been or may become the subject of a judgement, injunction or similar court order (c) The Contractor shall make provision for adequate insurance to cover such risks as damage to property and injuries to persons, as well as third party liability claims (d) For the purposes of this Article, the term "third party" shall be deemed to include inter alia officials, employees and other representatives of the United Nations, the Organization, and other Specialized Agencies participating in the implementation of this contract as well as any person or entity employed by the Contractor or otherwise performing services for, or supplying goods to, the Contractor (to be continued) minhtuong 24-02-2008, 02:21 PM GENERAL PROVISIONS Article - Changes and Amendments (a) The Organization may, at any time, by written notification: (i) make changes in the specifications and/or delivery schedules, provided always that such changes not increase the work of the Contractor, involve additional expense, or reduce the time within which the work must be performed; (ii) increase or decrease the number of items or the amount of services and adjust the consideration accordingly, provided always that such adjustment can be established on the basis of the existing provisions of this Contract Any claim by the Contractor relating to adjustments under this paragraph shall be asserted by the Contractor within 60 days of receipt by him of the notification of change, it being understood that the exact determination of the adjustment may, by agreement between the parties, be postponed until the actual cost difference can be ascertained, provided, however, that no claims for adjustment shall be receivable after the date of final payment under this Contract (b) Any modifications to this Contract other than the changes provided for under para (a) above shall be effected by amendment to the Contract to be mutually agreed between the parties hereto Article - Termination (a) The Organization shall have the right to terminate this Contract if it considers that the continued implementation of the Contract is impossible or impractical: (i) for unforeseen causes beyond the control of the Organization; (ii) in the event of a default or delay on the part of the Contractor (b) If this Contract should be terminated, the following shall apply: (i) the Organization shall complete all payments which may be due up to the effective date of termination; (ii) the Contractor shall deliver all work in process and in any event shall take all reasonable measures to avoid any loss or deterioration of goods or equipment or any other damage; (iii) the Organization shall pay to the Contractor any sum which is determined by the Organization as equitable for any work in process (c) Adjustments to consideration and any claims arising from or connected with the termination of the Contract shall be dealt with in accordance with the pertinent provisions of this Contract, and in particular Article of this Section (d) Notices of Termination shall specify the reasons for termination and take effect at the earliest 10 (ten) days after receipt thereof by the addressee, it being understood that the provisions of the Contract applicable to the winding up of the Contract, the liquidation of claims and the settlement of disputes shall remain in force for such additional period as may be necessary (to be continued) minhtuong 24-02-2008, 02:23 PM SPECIAL PROVISIONS Article - Work and Services to be executed by the Contractor The Contractor shall execute the work and services set out in the "Statement of Work, Services and Specifications" attached hereto as Annex , it being understood that such work and services shall include those which, while not specifically provided for in the said Annex are implied by generally accepted usages and standards of the trade and industry Article - Equipment, Materials, Supplies, Services and Personnel to be provided by the Contractor For the purpose of executing the work and services as set out in Article above, the Contractor shall be responsible for providing, at his cost, all personnel, equipment, materials, supplies and all other services as required Article - Schedule of Performance (a) The Contractor shall commence performance of the present contract immediately upon its signature by both parties and receipt of the relevant authorizations, permits, etc to build as may be required in accordance with the laws, decrees and/or regulations of the authorities concerned (b) The Contractor shall complete the work and services to be executed under this contract in accordance with the "Schedule of Execution" attached hereto as Annex Article - Authorizations and Permits The Contractor is responsible for obtaining all such authorizations and permits as may be required for the execution of this contract, it being understood that the Organization will use its good offices to ensure that the Government will provide the said authorizations and permits and will put the construction sites at the disposal of the Contractor, free of all encumbrances, in good time (to be continued) minhtuong 24-02-2008, 02:25 PM SPECIAL PROVISIONS Article - Levies, Duties, Taxes, etc The present contract is not subject to payment of any levies, taxes, registration duties or any other duties or charges whatsoever Article - Statement of Accounts and/or Invoices of Contractor The Contractor shall address all statements of accounts and/or invoices for sums due for payment in accordance with the terms of the present contract to the Office of the Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Programme, hereinafter referred to as the "UNDP", after their certification by the Organization's Resident Engineer Article - Overpayments The Contractor shall pay or reimburse to the Organization in the currency of original payment, or in a currency to be mutually agreed upon: (i) Overpayments made by the Organization; (ii) Costs incurred by the Organization for the procurement of alternative work, services or supplies due to the Contractor's default Article - Remuneration and Method of Payment (a) In full consideration of the work and services to be executed by the Contractor and subject to the terms and conditions set out below, the Organization shall pay to the Contractor upon receipt at the Office of the Resident Representative of the UNDP of invoices in triplicate, duly certified by the Organization's Resident Engineer a total amount not to exceed calculated in accordance with the "Bill of Quantities and Contract Costs", as shown in Annex (b) The total amount specified in paragraph (a) above shall be paid in accordance with the following schedule: (i) Upon receipt at the Office of the Resident Representative of the UNDP of six copies of the present contract signed in due form by the Contractor, and the insurance policies effected in accordance with Article 19 below, the Contractor shall be entitled to a payment on account of 25% of the total amount of the contract This payment is further subject to the Contractor arranging, at his own cost, for a Bank Guarantee issued by a Bank acceptable to the Resident Representative of the UNDP, which guarantee shall warrant the unconditional refund to the Organization by the Bank, upon receipt of a notification from the Organization, of the amount of the first payment made to the Contractor in accordance with this paragraph This guarantee shall follow the outline of the "Draft Bank Guarantee" attached hereto as Annex and shall remain valid until the Organization's Engineer has issued certificates of completion for all the construction works covered by the present contract (ii) Upon receipt at the Office of the Resident Representative of the UNDP of monthly invoices in triplicate, duly certified by the Organization's Resident Engineer or other designated representative at the site, and stating the quantity of work and services completed, the Contractor is entitled to the payment of the amount certified after deduction on a pro rata basis of the 25% referred to in sub-paragraph (i) above, it being understood that the total amount thus paid shall not exceed 85% of the total amount of the contract (iii) Upon receipt at the Office of the Resident Representative of the UNDP of a certificate of satisfactory completion of all work and services referred to in the present contract, duly certified by the Organization's Resident Engineer or other designated representative at the site and an invoice in triplicate, the Contractor is entitled to a final payment of 15% of the total amount of the contract, reduced if necessary, by the amount of penalties enforceable in accordance with the provisions of Article 10, paragraph (b) below Such final payment shall be further subject to receipt of a bank guarantee, arranged at the expense of the Contractor, for an amount not to exceed 5% of the total amount of the contract, issued by a Bank acceptable to the Resident Representative of the UNDP, and which shall follow the outline of the "Draft Bank Guarantee" attached hereto as Annex and shall remain valid until the completion of the maintenance period in accordance with the provisions of Article 12 below (to be continued) minhtuong 24-02-2008, 02:27 PM SPECIAL PROVISIONS Article - Revision of Prices It is understood between the Organization and the Contractor that the prices as specified in Annex of the present contract are firm and shall not be revised under any circumstances Article 10 - Bonus for early Completion and Penalties (a) No bonus shall be due to the Contractor for early completion of the whole or part of the contract (b) The Contractor and the Organization agree that the Organization may withold from any payments due to the Contractor an amount equal to 1/1000 of the total contract amount indicated in Article 8, paragraph (a), above for each week of delay in the satisfactory completion of part or all of the construction works beyond the dates specified in Annex , it being understood that the witholding by the Organization of the said amount does not in any way constitute a waiver by the Organization of its rights under Section II, Article of the present contract Article 11 - Certificates of Completion of Works (a) When the whole or part of the works have been completed in accordance with the terms of the present contract, the Organization's Resident Engineer shall issue Certificates of Completion stating the dates on which the works or parts thereof, were completed in accordance with the terms of the present contract Such Certificates of Completion may be issued, if necessary, subject to any tests as may be prescribed by the Resident Engineer being satisfactorily concluded (b) The date or dates specified in the Certificates of Completion issued in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be the operative date(s) for the computation of delays and penalties where necessary Article 12 - Period of Maintenance For the purposes of the present contract "Period of Maintenance" shall mean a period of one year calculated from the date of completion of part or all of the works certified by the Organization's Resident Engineer in accordance with the provisions of Article 11 paragraph (a) above (to be continued) minhtuong 24-02-2008, 02:28 PM SPECIAL PROVISIONS Article 13 - Completion of Period of Maintenance Upon completion of the period of maintenance, the Organization's Resident Engineer shall issue a Maintenance Certificate stating that the works, except for fair wear and tear, have been completed and maintained to his satisfaction If the Organization's Resident Engineer is of the opinion that he is unable to issue the Maintenance Certificate, the Contractor shall complete, as soon as possible at his own cost all such works of repair as may be required of the Contractor in writing by the Organization's Resident Engineer If the repairs are carried out by the Contractor during the period of maintenance, commencement of a new period of maintenance of one year shall be effective as from the date of completion of such repairs as certified by the Organization's Resident Engineer Article 14 - Supervision of Works (a) Supervision of the execution of the works under the present contract shall be the responsibility of the Organization's Resident Engineer or his duly authorized Representative The Resident Engineer or his Representative shall generally carry out such duties in issuing decisions, certificates and orders as are required by the Contractor for the satisfactory execution of the contract It is understood, however, that the Contractor shall promptly request the Resident Engineer to provide such instructions or guidance as may be necessary or lacking, and it is further understood that failure to seek such instructions or guidance shall not constitute a valid reason for delays in the execution of the works or for an execution which is not in accordance with the relevant specifications of the contract and/or the standards of the industry (b) In particular, the Resident Engineer is empowered to: (i) Carry out tests of samples of materials and supplies and verify workmanship, as he may consider necessary at the cost of the Contractor in order to ensure their compliance with the relevant specifications and standards of Annex (ii) Approve in writing reasonable extensions of the times for completion of the works as set out in Annex (iii) Explain, adjust and modify in case of ambiguities or discrepancies the specifications of Annex and the relevant drawings of the civil works, provided always that this shall not result in any additional costs to the Organization beyond the total contract amount; (iv) Approve and certify invoices submitted by the Contractor for works completed; (v) Issue in writing certificates of completion and maintenance of the works or parts thereof (c) Any modification of the specifications or approved final designs or drawings or plans related thereto, or any modifications of the terms of this contract which may result in additional costs, shall not be binding on the Organization without the prior written approval of the Director Administrative Services Division of the Organization (to be continued) minhtuong 24-02-2008, 02:29 PM SPECIAL PROVISIONS Article 15 - Construction Site Logbook (a) On each site, the Contractor shall maintain a logbook for the entry or recording upon each visit to the site and, at least, on a weekly basis, of the following: (i) Supplies of constructional plant, equipment, building materials and supplies; (ii) Quantities of work executed and quantities of materials employed therefor; (iii) Observations and recommendations of the Organization's Resident Engineer; (iv) Important facts or events which are likely to influence the progress of works (b) The Organization's Resident Engineer shall provide the Contractor with the necessary guidance for maintaining the logbook which should have two detachable copies for each original page (c) The site logbook shall be made available to the Organization's Resident Engineer upon his request and should, therefore, be kept permanently on the site Upon completion of the works the logbook shall be handed over to the Organization's Resident Engineer Article 16 - Organization of the Construction Site (a) Save for the provision of the construction site(s), all measures necessary for the organization of such site(s) shall be the responsibility of the Contractor In particular, the Contractor shall be responsible for the following at his own cost: (i) The establishment of footpaths and builders' roads Such footpaths and roads may be freely used by the Organization's Engineer and his authorised agents or assistants and such other enterprises or firms as may be called upon to assist in construction works on the same site; (ii) The layout of the buildings which entails the use of alignments and levelling; (iii) The availability of water for construction works, drinking water, and electricity for the construction works; (iv) The provision of fencing, lighting, signposts, cleaning, night-watchman services and maintenance of the construction site; (v) The renting of additional space for the storage of building equipment, materials and related implements for the works if the construction site is inadequate for such purposes (b) The Contractor shall take all such measures as are necessary to prevent the occurrence of accidents caused or occasioned by the execution of the works The Contractor shall be responsible for any accident or damage caused to persons, property, public highways and constructional work arising from the transport of constructional plant or equipment, materials and supplies (c) (i) For the duration of the construction works, the Contractor shall ensure that no unnecessary interference with traffic is caused by operations necessary for the execution of the works; (ii) The construction site shall be adequately provided with signposts and warning signals, both by day and by night The plan of signs and signals envisaged for the site shall require the prior approval of the Organization's Resident Engineer before their installation; (iii) Such costs as may be incurred by the Contractor in implementing the provisions of this Article shall be the responsibility of the Contractor (d) (i) The Contractor shall permanently keep on each site, all such instruments, tools and equipment as may be required by the Organization's Resident Engineer for the testing of materials and samples; (ii) Failure by the Contractor to observe the requirements of the provisions of this paragraph shall entitle the Organization's Engineer to purchase such instruments or equipment as may be necessary and the cost thereof shall be deducted from sums due to the Contractor minhtuong 24-02-2008, 02:31 PM SPECIAL PROVISIONS Article 17 - Particulars to be supplied Within fifteen days of signature of the contract by both parties hereto, the Contractor shall supply the Organization's Resident Engineer with the following: (a) a detailed list of the Contractor's employees participating in the execution of the works; (b) a list of the materials, equipment and supplies assigned for the works under the present contract Article 18 - Presence of the Contractor on the Construction Site(s) (a) Within fifteen days of signature of the contract by both parties, the Contractor shall submit to the Organization's Resident Engineer, for approval, the designation of his representative who shall be empowered to supervise the execution of the works and represent the Contractor in relations with the Organization's Resident Engineer The designation of a representative by the Contractor shall not relieve the Contractor of his obligations under the present Contract; (b) The Contractor or his representative shall attend all meetings convened by the Organization's Resident Engineer on the construction site The Contractor's representative shall be empowered to provide the necessary instructions forthwith to the employees of the Contractor Article 19 - Insurances at the cost of the Contractor (a) Without prejudice to the relevant provisions of Section II of the present contract, the Contractor shall be insured in such a manner against all material or physical damage, loss or injury from whatever cause arising from the execution of the contract as would be required to hold the Organization and the Government harmless from any responsibility therefor (b) The Contractor shall be responsible in particular for any loss, damage, or injury resulting from any act or omission of his employees The Contractor shall also be responsible for any direct or indirect loss or damage caused by his servants or agents to any property of third parties, including the Government, Government officials and the Organization and its officials The Contractor shall be required to submit the policies of such insurances to the Resident Representative of the UNDP; (c) The Contractor shall be insured against theft and the fire hazards and shall submit the relevant policies to the Resident Representative of the UNDP; (d) The Contractor shall immediately notify the Resident Representative of the UNDP and the Organization's Resident Engineer of any accident arising from the execution of the contract and shall provide full particulars thereof (to be continued) minhtuong 24-02-2008, 02:34 PM SPECIAL PROVISIONS Article 20 - Clearance of Site on Completion Within a month of the completion of the works, the Contractor shall clear away and remove from the site all surplus materials, rubbish and temporary works of every kind and leave the whole of the site and works clean and in a workmanlike condition to the satisfaction of the Organization's Resident Engineer Failure by the Contractor to clean the site will cause the Government to so at the expense of the Contractor Article 21 - Patent Rights and Royalties The Contractor shall hold harmless the Organization and the Government from and against all claims and proceedings for and on account of infringement of any patent, trademark or other protected rights used by him for the execution of the works Article 22 - Inspection of Site (a) The Contractor's bid shall be deemed to have been formulated after inspection of the site and obtaining all necessary information as to risks, contingencies and other circumstances which may influence or affect the execution of the contract (b) In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, the Contractor shall be deemed to have taken full account of the following; (i) existing buildings, construction works, cables, pipes, etc.; (ii) surface and sub-surface conditions and the existence of rocks, etc.; (iii) the presence and nature of surface and sub-surface water and modification of such hydrological conditions which might result from construction works; (iv) drops or gradients and slopes; (v) meteorological and climatic conditions; (vi) means of access to the site; (vii) availability of necessary water and electricity Article 23 - Designation of the Organization's Resident Engineer For the purposes of the present contract, the Organization's Resident Engineer is: Mr (title) (address) (THE END) minhtuong 24-02-2008, 02:37 PM Trên mẫu điều kiện chung (General provisions) điều kiện cụ thể (Special provisions) hợp đồng Nếu có thời gian, bạn dịch queenbee 25-02-2008, 09:38 PM Trên mẫu điều kiện chung (General provisions) điều kiện cụ thể (Special provisions) hợp đồng Nếu có thời gian, bạn dịch Các bạn giúp bạn Minhtuong diễn đàn dịch mẫu hợp đồng mà bạn Minhtuong up lên tiếng Việt nhé! Nhưng để tiện theo dõi, đề nghị bạn lần sau up từ từ phần để dịch tiếng Việt trước post tiếng Anh dbeelove 06-08-2011, 05:12 PM thank Sir Anh attach file khơng? Xem đoạn khó theo dõi CONTRACT AGREEMENT Hugolina 07-08-2011, 12:03 PM thank Sir Anh attach file khơng? Xem đoạn khó theo dõi CONTRACT AGREEMENT Có lẽ bạn bị nhầm lẫn quan niệm Hợp đồng Việt Nam Hợp đồng theo quan niệm chung giới Contract agrrement/Thỏa thuận hợp đồng: phần hợp đồng, ký Thỏa thuận coi hợp đồng có hiệu lực Ở Việt nam ta hay gọi Hợp đồng Contract: Là toàn tài liệu hồ sơ liên quan đến hợp đồng, có Contract agreement Các tài liệu mà bạn thảo luận từ đầu topic cho Contract nói chung, cịn nội dung Contract Agreement bạn xem mẫu Thỏa thuận hợp đồng xây lắp nhỏ WB Contract Agreement [The Agreement shall incorporate any corrections or modifications to the Bid resulting from corrections of errors (ITB Clause 28), price adjustment during the evaluation process (ITB Sub-Clause 16.3, selection of an alternative offer (ITB Clause 18), acceptable deviations (ITB Clause 27), or any other mutually-agreeable changes allowed for in the Conditions of Contract, such as changes in key personnel, subcontractors, scheduling, and the like.] This Agreement, made the [insert day] day of [insert month], [insert year] between [insert name and address of Employer] (hereinafter called “the Employer”) and [insert name and address of Contractor] (hereinafter called “the Contractor”) of the other part Whereas the Employer is desirous that the Contractor execute [insert name and identification number of Contract] (hereinafter called “the Works”) and the Employer has accepted the Bid by the Contractor for the execution and completion of such Works and the remedying of any defects therein Now this Agreement witnesseth as follows: In this Agreement, words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively assigned to them in the Conditions of Contract hereinafter referred to, and they shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of this Agreement In consideration of the payments to be made by the Employer to the Contractor as hereinafter mentioned, the Contractor hereby covenants with the Employer to execute and complete the Works and remedy any defects therein in conformity in all respects with the provisions of the Contract The Employer hereby covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of defects wherein the Contract Price or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the Contract at the times and in the manner prescribed by the Contract In Witness whereof the parties thereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first before written The Common Seal of [Witness entity] was hereunto affixed in the presence of: Signed, Sealed, and Delivered by the said in the presence of: Binding Signature of Employer [signature of an authorized representative of the Employer] Binding Signature of Contractor [signature of an authorized representative of the Contractor] Mẫu hợp đồng Bộ KHDT coi Contract Agreement, cịn mẫu Bộ Xây dựng chả biết nên gọi gì.:D ... Stand For? Lập Trư? ?ng họ gì? http://kinhtexaydung.gov.vn/index.php/an-pham/bai-viet-nghiep-vu/161-thuat-ngu-hop-dong -xay- dungthong -qua- tai-lieu-cua-fidic-bai-10.html Thuật ng? ?? hợp đ? ?ng xây d? ?ng. .. Design life Tư? ?ng bảo vệ: Guard wall Tư? ?ng chắn đất: Retaing wall Tư? ?ng chắn kiểu cân tr? ?ng lư? ?ng: Blance weight retaining wall Tư? ?ng chắn kiểu có ch? ?ng: Counterfort retaining wall Tư? ?ng chắn kiểu... ng? ?? thư? ?ng mại quốc tế quy định INCONTERM h? ?ng hoá ng? ?ời bán giao h? ?ng qua mạn tàu c? ?ng bốc h? ?ng Theo đó, ng? ?ời bán chịu chi phí vận chuyển bảo hiểm gồm phí xếp h? ?ng xu? ?ng tàu Thuật ng? ?? thường

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Hình thức Đấu thầu hạn chế - Thut ng hp dng xay dng thong qua ta
Hình th ức Đấu thầu hạn chế (Trang 61)



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