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từ vựng chuyên ngành tài chính ngân hàng, gồm các từ ngữ trong ngành tài chính ngân hàng.Unit 1: Money matters1.Vocabulary:Cash point = cash dispenser = ATM (Automated Teller Machine)Non – cash: không dùng tiền mặtProperty = real estateOverdraft: thấu chiBeneficiary: người hưởng thụBalance brought forward: số dư đầu kỳBalance carried forward: số dư cuối kỳStanding order: individual beneficiary, the amount of money is fixedDirect debit: use for business beneficiary, the amount of money is variableCredit: tín dụngCredit (n.): phát sinh có, khoản ghi cóCredit (v.): ghi cóDebit (n.): khoản ghi nợ, phát sinh nợDebit (v.): ghi nợTo creditdebit + 200 + to + accountTo creditdebit + account + with + 200Wage: on dailyweekly basis: tiền côngSalary: on monthly basis: tiền lươngBudget: estimation (sự ước lượng) of income and expenditureExpenditure = expenseStock = inventory: hàng tồn kho (stock ở đây không đếm được)Outlet: đầu ra sản phẩm. E.g: supermarket, market,…Output: sản lượngDeteriorate = depress = slump = recession: suy thoáiCrisis: khủng hoảngFile for bankruptcy: nộp hồ sơ xin phá sảnGo bankrupt = go into liquidation: phá sảnMake a profitlossTo pay interest = to service a debt

Unit 1: Money matters - - Vocabulary: Cash point = cash dispenser = ATM (Automated Teller Machine) Non – cash: không dùng tiền mặt Property = real estate Overdraft: thấu chi Beneficiary: người hưởng thụ Balance brought forward: số dư đầu kỳ Balance carried forward: số dư cuối kỳ Standing order: individual beneficiary, the amount of money is fixed Direct debit: use for business beneficiary, the amount of money is variable Credit: tín dụng Credit (n.): phát sinh có, khoản ghi có Credit (v.): ghi có Debit (n.): khoản ghi nợ, phát sinh nợ Debit (v.): ghi nợ To credit/debit + $200 + to + account To credit/debit + account + with + $200 Wage: on daily/weekly basis: tiền công Salary: on monthly basis: tiền lương Budget: estimation (sự ước lượng) of income and expenditure Expenditure = expense Stock = inventory: hàng tồn kho (stock không đếm được) Outlet: đầu sản phẩm E.g: supermarket, market,… Output: sản lượng Deteriorate = depress = slump = recession: suy thoái Crisis: khủng hoảng File for bankruptcy: nộp hồ sơ xin phá sản Go bankrupt = go into liquidation: phá sản Make a profit/loss To pay interest = to service a debt Investment + in Expand business: mở rộng kinh doanh Mortgagor: người vay khoản vay mua BĐS Mortgagee: người cho vay khoản vay mua BĐS Retail: bán lẻ To pay back = to repay Repay: tiền trả lại (dùng cho vay) Return: tiền thối Refund: hoàn lại tiền Signature specimen = specimen of signature: chữ ký mẫu ATM card = cash card = debit card At a counter (B.E) = at a window (A.E): quầy giao dịch Pay into = put into = deposit Slip: phiếu điền thông tin … Maturity = due date: đáo hạn CD (Certificate of Deposit): chứng tiền gửi Merger: sát nhập Acquisition: thâu tóm = Takeover bids: thâu tóm, mua lại - Broker = intermediary: môi giới Underwrite: bảo lãnh Stand for = represent Brokerage: nhà môi giới IPO (initial public offering): phát hành cổ phiếu lần đầu Margin: biên độ To analyse Analyst (n.) Analysis (n.) Analytical (a.) - Debtor: nợ > < creditor: chủ nợ - Repossess: tịch biên phát - Collateral (A.E) = security (B.E): tài sản chấp - Default on repayment: sai hẹn hoàn trả - Repayment capacity: khả trả nợ - Reject: từ chối - Applicant: người nộp đơn Merger companies become company Takeover bid One company tries to buy another company Pension You save this money for when you stop working Current account You use money in this account every day Deposit account You save money in this account over a long time Building society A special bank for deposit accounts and mortgages Issue shares Offer parts of a company to investors Fight takeover bids Work against someone trying to buy a company Raise capital Get money to run a business Underwrite Arrange to sell shares to investors and to guarantee a minimum securities price Give financial advice Help someone with money and investments Grammar: - Present simple - Adverbs of frequency - Present continuous - A/An/The or No article Unit 2: Products in retail banking - Vocabulary: Instalments/installments: trả góp Utilities: dịch vụ tiện ích 24/7: twenty four over seven = at any time = round – the – clock Set up + standing order Arrange + direct debit Online banking = internet banking Keep track = follow A nine to five job: công việc hành Overdraft: thấu chi Stand in life = queue: xếp hàng Direct deposit A way to receive your salary directly Statement of account A document that shows the activity in your account Amount Quantity Bank card A card you use to withdraw cash at the cash dispenser Deposit Money put into an account Convenient Easy Access to funds The ability to use your money Long – term Lasting for a long period of time Overdraft A negative balance on the account Expensive Costing a lot of money Fees and charges Prices of bank services Interest rates Rates for borrowing or saving Grammar: - Making suggestions and recommendations: can, need, would you like, suggest, recommend, need to - Will be able to + V - Present continuous, will, be going to - Comperative and superlative Unit 3: Presonal loans and credit Vocabulary: - Load money onto card: nạp tiền vào thẻ - Creditworthy (a.) = believable: đáng tin cậy Creditworthiness (n.) - Credit bureau = credit agency: phận lưu trữ thơng tin tín dụng - Buy on credit: buy now and pay later - Outstanding balance: số tiền nợ phải trả - Clear account = pay account in full: trả hết tiền tài khoản nợ - Carry sth over: chuyển sang - Free credit: vay tiền 0% lãi suất - POS device: máy cà thẻ - Good thru = good through = valid from … to …: có hiệu lực - Line of credit = credit limit - Provide credit = grant credit = give credit: cung cấp tín dụng - Deposit in account = pay into account - Candidate: ứng viên - Authorise = permit, allow: uỷ quền - Instalment: trả góp, trả lần - Facility: dịch vụ - Penalties: tiền phạt Penalise (v.) - Fill out (A.E) = fill in (B.E) - Balance sheet = statement of financial position - Profit and loss statement = income statement = statement of financial performance - Pass on =reveal = disclose: tiết lộ - Repayment capicity: khả trả nợ - Principal: vốn vay - Down payment (A.E) = deposit (B.E): tiền cọc - Guarantor: người bảo lãnh Credit When you buy something now and pay for it later What you pay to borrow money from a bank or other financial Interest institution Minimum payment Carry a balance Repayment terms Credit rating Lend money Debit Credit limit - The lowest amount that you can repay when you buy things on credit When you not pay an amount you borrowed right away but later How you have to pay money back to a bank A decision about how safe it is to lend money to a person or company Give someone money for a fixed time Take money directly out of a bank account The maximum amount of money that you can spend with a single credit card Grammar: Zero conditional First conditional Modals for obigation, necessity and lack of necessity (must, will have to, need to, don’t/doesn’t have to) and prohibition (mustn’t) Might/may Unit 4: Islamic banking - Vocabulary: Govern: đạo vận hành Board: hội đồng Prohibit = ban: cấm đoán Prophet: nhà tiên tri Ethical: đạo đức Restrict: hạn chế Goodwill: thiện chí Demand deposit = sight deposit = call money: tiền gửi không kỳ hạn Run a risk: bị rủi ro (passive) Take a risk: chấp nhận rủi ro (active) Venture capital = risky capital: vốn đầu tư mạo hiểm Schedule repayment: trả sớm trước hạn Partnership: hùng vốn Lease: cho thuê Word partnership: o Keep the money safe o Guarantee to refund Raise funds/capital/money: tăng vốn Pay in installments Partner: người hùng vốn Partnership: hùng vốn Contribute: góp phần Buyer ßà middleman ßà seller Charge interest to debtor/borrower Charge interest on loans Pay interest to depositer Pay interest on deposits Offer interest Lend money but not charge for the loan Follow laws Do what the authorities tell you to Create one section Start one area in a company Do business Buy or sell services Charge interest Restrict trade Earn money Prohibit interest Share a profit or a loss Pay a penalty Purchase an asset Reduce a percentage Ask for a service charge Lease an asset Guarantee a refund Grammar: - Past simple - Used to - Past continuous Ask for money when you lend it Not allow a business activity Receive money Say that to pay or receive interest is not allowed Divide money which was made or lost Give extra money to someone if you did not follow the laws Buy something valuable Make a part of something smaller Charge a fee Give money to someone to use something Promise to give money back to someone Unit 5: The structure of a bank Vocabulary: - Be in charge of = be responsible for: có trách nhiệm với Be liable for: chịu trách nhiệm (liên quan đến luật) - Forex = FX = foreign exchange - Wealthy: giàu có, thịnh vượng - Existing = current: - Evaluate: đánh giá - Modify = change = adjust: thay đổi - Default on repayment: trả nợ - Tailor – made product: sản phẩm đo ni đóng giày - Recruit = hire: tuyển dụng - Credit lines = lines of credit: mức tín dụng - Audit: kiểm tốn - Liability (n): trách nhiệm nợ Liabilities (n): tài sản nợ - Lawsuit: luật - Deal with: làm việc với - Superior: cấp Subordinates: cấp - Procedure: quy trình - Assess: đánh giá - Hierarchy (n): tôn ti trật tự, thứ bậc cao thấp Hierarchical (adj) - Department: We are in charge of running the bank We look at all the Board of Directors information and plan long – term strategies The managers of the other departments report to us We deal with managing investment porfolios for wealthy Private banking customers I deal with exchange rates and foreign currencies We help Foreign exchange customers when they want to change money Group risk Human resources = Personnel Corporate banking Group accounting Client risk management Retail banking Loan modification Internal audit - This department looks at individual customers’ financial documents They assees each of them according to the risks of the products and the economy We are responsible for recruiting and training staff as well as paying employees I take care of tailor – made products for coporate clients I help my boss with the preparation of financial documents for bank I deal with large companies I check on the collateral they have and I check their credit ratings to make sure we can lend them money Customers come here to make a bank transfer or ask a question about their account They can also open or close their account We help corporate customers when they have financial difficulties and take care of modifying loans and credit lines We check on the work in other departments We are in charge of making sure everything is done correctly We deal with legal problems and lawsuits The people in this department try to find out what the other employees need to learn Then they set up training courses Legal department Training department Grammar: Prepostions: be in charge of, take care of, be involed in, check on, deal with, be responsible for Gerund or to V after V Future forms and past simple Present perfect Unit 6: Finance in companies - Vocabulary: Advance: tiền tạm ứng, tiền cọc Change in demand: nhu cầu thay đổi Invoice: hoá đơn Order: đơn hàng, yêu cầu To place an order: đặt đơn hàng Put off payment: hoãn trả tiền Unforeseen cost: chi phí phát sinh thêm Reserve: dự trữ The balance sheet = statement of financial position Current assets: tài sản lưu động Accounts receivable: khoản phải thu Invetory = stock: hàng tồn kho Non – current assets: tài sản không lưu động Tangible assets: tài sản hữu hình Buildings = premises: nhà xưởng Intangible assets: tài sản vơ hình Patent: sáng chế Retained earnings: lợi nhuận giữ lại Current liabilities: tài sản nợ ngắn hạn Non - current liabilities: tài sản nợ dài hạn - The income statement = profit and loss statement = statement of financial performance - Administrative costs = overhead: chi phí điều hành chung - Owe: nợ - Bond payables: trái phiếu - Lease: cho thuê tài - Depreciation (n) – depreciate (v): khấu hao (tài sản hữu hình) - Amortiztion (n) – amortize (v): khấu hao (tài sàn vơ hình) - Turn into: biến thành - Estimate (v) – estimation (n): dự tính - Cost of goods sold: giá vốn hàng bán - Sales: doanh số - Operating revenue: doanh thu từ hoạt động thường xuyên - Operating expense: chi phí hoạt động - Operating profit: lợi nhuận từ hoạt động thường xuyên - EBIT (earnings before interest and tax): lợi nhuận trước lãi thuế - Net profit after tax: lợi nhuận (ròng) sau thuế - Subtract: trừ - Net profit margin: biên độ lợi nhuận ròng - Recover: phục hồi - Generate – generation: tạo - Bottom line - Cash on hand: tiền mặt quỹ - Bottom line: (finance) dòng cuối cùng, kết sau bảng báo cáo = key points: điểm then chốt - As at …: tính đến ngày - Pay for loan repayment: trả lãi + gốc Money you pay someone to start a job; they receive the rest at the Advance end Cash flow Not enough money coming in to cover expenses problems When people pr companies start needing more or less of a product Change in demand or service Deposit This money is often paid to reserve something Invoice Send someone a bill for work you have done Lack of cash When money is not available Meet expenses Pay your bills Order A request to supply goods or services Pay in full Completely pay off a debt Put off payment Pay bills at a later date Unforeseen costs Expenses you not expect Amortisation The gradual decrease in value of an intangible asset EBIT The money earned before paying interest and tax Net profit after tax Money the company earned Cost of goods sold The amount of money spent to produce and sell a product The amount earned for selling goods minus discounts given to Sales customers Depreciation The gradual decrease in value for tangible asset Grammar: - Some/any/a lot of/may/much Passive Can/may/might/could Because/due to/therefore/resulting in Unit 7: Corporate banking Vocabulary: - Cash on hand = cash in hand: tiền mặt quỹ - To finance: tài trợ, cấp vốn Refinance: đổi nợ - Letter of credit: tín dụng thư - Bank draft = BoE: bill of exchange: hối phiếu - Credit line: hạn mức tín dụng - Leasing agreement: hợp đồng thuê tài - Recommend: đề nghị, giới thiệu - Premises: sở, mặt (building, office, factory, plant, warehouse) - Individually = seperately - Expand: mở rộng - Liquidity: tính khoản Liquidate: lý - Residual value: giá trị lại - Work out: tính tốn - Agreed limit: hạn mức - Conduct: quản lý - In exchange for: đổi lại - Furnishing: đồ đạc - Restructure: tái cấu trúc - Loan modification: điều chỉnh nợ - Settle: toán - Pay off: trả dứt - Alternative financing: hình thức tài trợ khác - Default: vỡ nợ - Turnaround professional: chuyên gia giúp biến tình hình xấu thành tốt - Obligation: trách nhiệm - Legal proceeding: thủ tục pháp lý - Reclassify: phân loại lại - Court: án - Renegotiate: đàm phán lại A written promise by an importer’s bank to pay the exporter’s Letter of credit bank on a particular date or time after the goods are sent by the importer A type of cheque where the payment is guaranteed because it Bank draft is issued by a bank An arrangement by a bank to give a customer a specific Credit line amount of unsecured credit, similar to an overdraft A promise by a bank to pay a loan if the original borrower Bank guarantee does not pay it back Leasing agreement An arrangement to pay to use equipment, buildings, Corporate bond A debt security issued by a company sold to investors Settle bills with creditors Modify a loan Restructure a company Recover a debt Generate cash Liquidate assets Refinance a loan Manage debt To pay people or companies you owe money to To make changes to a loan agreement To change business pratices To be paid back when you don’t expect to be To raise funds To sell property for cash To replace one loan with another at a lower rate of interest To find a strategy to help an individual or company pay their bills - Grammar: Second conditional Second conditional with modals Past simple and present perfect - Vocabulary: Stable: ổn định, bình ổn Reserves: dự trữ Reserves requirements: dự trữ bắt buộc Monitor: theo dõi, giám sát Issue: phát hành Common currency: đồng tiền chung Implement: thực thi Foreign reserve: dự trữ ngoại hối Regulate: điều tiết Banknotes: giấy bạc ngân hàng Mint: đúc kim loại Statistics: số thống kê Publish: xuất Oversee: giám sát Authorise: uỷ quyền Carry out: thực Carry on: tiếp tục Duty: nhiệm vụ Contract: thu hẹp Take out a loan: vay tiền Non – essential goods: hàng hoá xa xỉ Capital goods: cải dùng để tạo cải khác Regulate: điều tiết Stimulate: kích thích Stimulus: khuyến khích Investigate: điều tra Core capital: vốn tự có Step in: can thiệp Default on something: khả trả nợ Regulator: nhà làm luật, quan quy định Agenda: chương trình Chair: chủ toạ Insider trader: người mua bán có thông tin nội Unit 8: Central banks and banking regulations - - Credit card fraud: giả mạo thẻ tín dụng Level off: đứng yên Noticeable: đáng lưu tâm Slump: hạ giá nhanh Hit a low: chạm đáy 10 ... Can/may/might/could Because/due to/therefore/resulting in Unit 7: Corporate banking Vocabulary: - Cash on hand = cash in hand: tiền mặt quỹ - To finance: tài trợ, cấp vốn Refinance: đổi nợ - Letter of credit:... be responsible for Gerund or to V after V Future forms and past simple Present perfect Unit 6: Finance in companies - Vocabulary: Advance: tiền tạm ứng, tiền cọc Change in demand: nhu cầu thay... Board of Directors information and plan long – term strategies The managers of the other departments report to us We deal with managing investment porfolios for wealthy Private banking customers

Ngày đăng: 11/10/2021, 21:29