Tröôøng THCS Nhôn Bình Giaùo vieân Huyønh Troïng Vinh.[r]
(1)Năm học 2009 – 2010 Giáo Aùn Tieáng Anh 7 UNIT : (Cont.) WORK AND PLAY
Period : 28 SECTION A- IN CLASS (A4,5,6,7 ) Date of preparation : November 4th , 2009
Date of teaching : November 13th , 2009 Classes : 7A5
I. Aims and objectives : + Language Content :
- To introduce to the s.s some key words relating to the school subjects +Language Function :
- To help the s.s talk about what they learn in each subject at school +Educational Aim :
- To make the s.s aware of the importance of each school subject 1. Language :
+ Vocabulary : words about work and play activities + Structures : Simple present tense of ordinary verbs 2 Skills : Speaking – Listening - Reading - Writing 3 Educational factor :
- Make the s.s love all subjects at school
- Have them save time on each subject as much as others II. Teacher’s and students’ preparation :
1 Method : Communicative Approach
2 Techniques : Explanation, repitition, using picture, group work… 4 Materials needed : textbook, pictures
5 Students’preparation: Prepare key words and phrases, read the text at least twice 6 Previous exercise : Dial
1 Stabilization : 2ms a Warm up: greetings
b Checking absence: Who is absent today?
2 Checking up previous knowledge : 5ms Has two students stand on the spot to drill ex on page 53 Question 1: Who can help Hoa solve the math question? Question 2: Is the price of one banana 6,00 dong?
Keys to the questions: Lan help Hoa; Yes, it is 3 Presentation of the new materials:
(2)Năm học 2009 – 2010 Giáo n Tiếng Anh 7 Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The content of the lesson
I Lead in:
a Sets the situation:
shows the picture and asks the s.s What subject they learn
Prepares some pictures relating to some subjects Ex:maps;strange trees
Has them think about what they learn in each subject (write down ) b presents the new lesson:
Introduces: Today we come to Unit part to know what we and what we learn in each subject II Pre-practice:
1 Pre-listening: Shows the picture and has them guess the names of the school subjects then write down the answers
2 Pre – reading :Asks thes.s to listen to the passage and the T/F exercises
Asks the students to open the books to read the passage and correct themselves
Gives remarks
Teaches some new words
a author (n) ( giving example ) EX: To Hoai is the author of “ De Men Phieu Luu Ky”
b event (n) give an example DBP Victory is an important event Pronoun ( explanation )
Ex: In English He, She, It, I, We are pronouns
Checks the s.s’ undersatanding
Answer the teacher’s questions
EX: We learn English We learn Math
Think about what they learn in each subject Then talk about them
Guess the name of the school subjects
Write down next to the pictures
Listen and the exercises
( book closed) give answers (T/F) read the passage and correct ( if necessary) Answer:
a.T b F c C.T
Listen and write
UNIT WORK & PLAY Period 28
I Content: Ex: literature Story
Music: piano
a In literature we learn about books and write essays
b In history we study about how things work
c In the language class we study English
New words: Author (n) Event (n) Technology Computer science Physical education Answer keys:
Odd one out literature – paintings
History: basket balll games Science: preposition
English: england
(3)Năm học 2009 – 2010 Giáo n Tiếng Anh 7
III Controlled-practice:
Listen and write the correct letters next to the names
1.While-read: Has them listen to the tape and match the letters wioth the appropriate s.s in correct order
Lets them listen to the tape twice Calls on some to match them in correct order
Has them cross-check their answers with a partner
Lets them listen to the cassette again and check the answers Calls on some to write the answers on the board
2 while – reading :Has them read the passage and complete the table they did before
Asks them to go to the board and write down
Corrects if necessay
Asks them to compare their table and the exercises in the textbook Discuss and “ odd one out” and match
Corrects the mistakes IV.Free-practice:
Has them talk about what they learn in each class What you often study / learn in Geography? V.Consolidation:
Guides the s.s thegame “ Say and clap” ex
VI.Home work:
Has them write the passage, tell what they learn in each class +Prepare for the new lesson (B1,2) +Asks the s.s to correct some pictures of games
Say the words Complete the table Literature: story History
Music: piano Write on theboard Listen
Talk orally
Listen to the tape Try to match them Cross-check the answers
Listen and check Notice the simple present
Say and Clap
Listen to the teacher Write down
Exercise: a b c d e
+write the passage, tell what they learn in each class +correct some pictures of games
Self-evaluation: ………