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Use of english b2 for all exams TB

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teacher's book E MOUTSOU Use English for all exams QQQQ m m publications Use of English B2 for all exams E M outsou Published by: MM Publications www.mmpublications.com info@mmpublications.com Offices Great Britain - Greece - Poland - France - Cyprus - U.S.A - Turkey Associated companies and representatives throughout the world Copyright © 2009 MM Publications All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publishers Produced in the EU C 103001307-5240 C 1103002007-5239 ISBN: 978-960-443-928-7 Teacher’s Edition ISBN: 978-960-443-929-4 Use of English B2 for the FCE Examination and other exams is intended fo r B2 level students It system atically eaches gram m ar and vocabulary and prepares students th o ro u g h ly fo r all exams " i e FCE Use of English Paper contains fo u r parts and lasts 45 m inutes The task types and the num ber of questions in each part are presented in the fo llo w in g table PART TASK TYPE NUMBER OF QUESTIONS/MARKS Multiple-choice cloze 12 (one mark per question) Open cloze 12 (one mark per question) Word formation 10 (one mark per question) Key word transformation (two marks per question) This book is d iv id e d in to 15 units, fo llo w e d by a Final FCE Test and a Final ECCE Test ~ne v o c a b u la ry and g m m a r ta u g h t has been d is trib u te d in 12 u n its (U nits 1-4, 6-9 and 11-14), each o f w hich is divid e d in to tw o sections In th e firs t section, in u n its 1,3, 6, 8,11,13 th e re is a se le ctio n o f c o llo c a tio n s and expressions, w h ile in u n its ,4 , 7,9,12,14 th e re is a se le ctio n o f p re p o sitio n a l phrases Phrasal verbs, w ords ith prepo sition s, g m m a tic a l s tru c tu re s and key w o rd tra n s fo rm a tio n s are presented and practised in all 12 -n its This section ends w ith tw o exercises w h ich are s im ila r in fo rm a t to tasks in th e FCE Use o f English paper and ECCE G ram m ar and V o ca b u la ry sections, b u t w h ich te s t o n ly th e item s ta u g h t in th e co rre s p o n d in g unit In the second section, a n u m b e r o f g ro u p s o f easily confused w o rd s and d e riv a tiv e s are presented and practised, fo llo w e d by tw o exercises w h ich te s t o n ly th e item s ta u g h t in th e c o rre sp o n d in g unit Units 5,10 and 15 are c o n s o lid a tio n u n its w h ich revise th e m a terial p re v io u s ly ta u g h t Each o f th e m is a c tu a lly a co m p le te Use o f English Practice Test fo llo w in g th e exact fo rm a t o f th e FCE/ECCE exam ination s, b u t te s tin g o n ly th e item s ta u g h t in th e fo u r u n its pre ced in g it The Final FCE Test and Final ECCE Test are m o de lled on th e C a m bridge Use o f English Paper and on the G ram m ar and V o ca b u la ry se ction s o f th e U n iv e rs ity o f M ichigan E xam ination fo r th e ECCE The reference se ction at th e end o f th e b oo k in cludes an o v e rv ie w o f English Gram m ar, v o c a b u la ry notes w ith d e fin itio n s o f easily fuse d w ords, exam tip s and th re e appendices These appen dices a lp h a b e tica lly present p re p o s itio n a l phrases, w ords w ith p re p o sitio n s and d e rivatives The Teacher’s Book consists o f tw o sections The firs t se ctio n is th e S tudent's Book w ith th e answers o ve rp rin te d The second se ctio n inclu de s notes fo r th e te a ch e r and th re e p h o to c o p ia b le Revision Tests w ith Key U N IT p UNIT p 16 UNIT p 26 UNIT p 36 UNIT p, Section Section Collocations with go, come, reach, get Collocations of the type noun+of+noun Phrasal verbs with come, go and be Words with prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Tenses Words easily confused (mainly related to the topics of work and employment) Introduction to Derivatives Prepositional phrases of tim e and place Phrasal verbs with get, pull and throw Words with prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Relative Clauses-Clauses of Time Words easily confused (mainly related to the topics of time and viewing) Adjectives in -ful, -less and nouns in -ship deriving from noun roots Expressions with day, year and time Collocations w ith hold, run, catch and keep Phrasal verbs with look, check, watch and show Words with prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Adverbs-ComparisonsArticles-Uncountables Words easily confused (mainly related to the topics of people and education) Adjectives in -al, -y, -ous, -ly (+adverbs) and nouns in -hood deriving from noun roots Prepositional phrases (miscellaneous) Phrasal verbs with keep, hold, catch, carry, wear, work and move Words with prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Determiners-Pronouns Words easily confused (mainly related to the topics of travel and tourism) Adjectives in -ic, -ical, verbs in -ise and nouns in -ist, -ian, -dom deriving from noun roots Consolidation I (Units 1-4) UNIT P.so Collocations with and make Collocations with break, change, cut, turn and draw Adverbial expressions Phrasal verbs with make, do, grow, pass, fill and leave Words with prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Infinitive /-ing form Words easily confused (mainly related to the topic of money) Common negative prefixes UNIT p 60 Prepositional phrases (miscellaneous), linking phrases Phrasal verbs with break, burn, cut and turn Words with prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Modal Verbs Words easily confused (mainly related to the topic of thinking) Verbs in -en and nouns in -ness, -nee, -ncy, -cy deriving from adjective roots UNIT p 70 UNIT P.so Collocations with leave, put, set, shake, miss and lose Collocations/Expressions with way Sentence linkers Phrasal verbs with put, lay, set, settle Words with prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Passive Voice Prepositional phrases (miscellaneous) Phrasal verbs with mix, run, hang, fall, hurry and try Words with prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Pronouns-Causative Form Words easily confused (mainly related to the topic of communication) Verbs in -ise and nouns in -ity, -hood deriving from adjective roots Words easily confused (miscellaneous) Inflections of nouns, adjectives, adverbs and verbs Section UNIT 10 p 90 Section Consolidation II (Units 6-9) UNIT 11 p.94 Collocations with follow, have, take, give, pay, bring and mind Phrasal verbs with take, close, knock, clean, clear and drop Words with prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Clauses of concession, reason, purpose and result Words easily confused (mainly related to the topics of crime and punishment) Adjectives in -able, -ible, -ent, -ant and nouns in -ery, -ence, -ance, -ant deriving from verb roots UNIT 12 p.104 Prepositional phrases (miscellaneous) Phrasal verbs with bring, give, hand, burst and blow Words with prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Conditionals Words easily confused (mainly related to the topics of health and illness) Nouns in -ion, -ation, adjectives in -ive, -ative and nouns in -al deriving from verb roots UNIT 13 p.114 Adjective + Noun Collocations Collocations with say and tell Idiomatic expressions with all Phrasal verbs with lie, stand, sit, save, dress, pay, end, point, lock and let Words with prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Unreal Past UNIT 14 p.124 Prepositional phrases (miscellaneous) Phrasal verbs with call, speak, tell and count Words with prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Reported Speech UNIT 15 p 134 Words easily confused (miscellaneous) Nouns in -ment, -ure, -er, or and -ee deriving from verb roots Words easily confused (miscellaneous) Irregular Derivatives Adjectives and nouns deriving from the name of a country or continent Adverbs and pronouns ending in -body, -one, -thing, -where, -how, -ever and -self Consolidation III (Units 11-14) Final FCE Test 138 Final ECCE Test 142 Grammar R e v ie w 147 Vocabulary N o t e s 165 Exam T i p s 171 Appendix I: Prepositional P h se s 173 Appendix II: Words with Prepositions 174 Appendix III: Derivatives 176 Teacher’s Notes 185 Revision Test 186 Revision Test I I 190 Revision Test III 194 Key to Tests 198 Collocations/Expressions A Complete the blanks with the verbs go, come, reach or get get go/get better reach a decision come to sleep get revenge get on sb’s nerves get rid of go red get off sb’s back reach an agreement get down to business to terms with get ready get into trouble get the sack get lost go over the top get dark come in handy get the job get even with B Complete the sentences with the collocations / expressions in the box below Use each one only once in somebody’s shoes on top of in charge of Mr Johnson is in search of on the safe side in charge of in trouble with the company’s marketing department People who system atically cheat the tax system will one day b e in trouble with the Tax Department on the safe side The doctor insisted that I should be given a thorough check-up just to be The children wandered around the neighbourhood in search of their lost dog Nobody would want to b e in his shoes _ _ pot with all those debts he has to pay off on top of After weeks of hard work, Kevin was confident he was finally C the situation Complete the collocations belo w with the w ords in the box You may use some of the w ords more than once In some cases more than one w ord may be correct bar bunch can clap flash pair of pyjamas sheet flash of lightning bar of beer pair a pint/can a set a bunch flock pair pint set sheet swarm tube pair of scissors flock of sheep of sunglasses set of rules claP of thunder of paper o f soap of traffic lights flock of birds of flowers tube of toothpaste swarm of bees Read the sentences on the left and match the phrasal verbs with their definitions on the right by writing the correct num ber in the box next to each definition A COME While cleaning the basement, I came across something I thought I had lost years ago Joe cam e into a lot of money, which changed his life completely Why doesn’t Julie come round to our place anymore? The scientists took months to come up with a solution to their problem stop by, visit inherit find by chance regain consciousness betaken ill with Richard came down with a bad cold the day before his exams It took the woman a few minutes tocom e round/to after she had fainted think of and suggest unit B GO move / travel around, visit They decided to go ahead w ith th e ir trip despite the bad w eather conditions match Once you have finished cleaning, you can g o o n w ith your job explode The d octo r w anted to go over the test results w ith his patient start sth That tie goeswith yo ur suit nicely C Luckily no one was injured when the bom b went off continue doing W hile visiting Rome, we went round all the m ajor archaeological sites turn sour, start to decay The child went through a lot before recovering com pletely examine / discuss in detail The m ilk went off a fte r o nly an hour in the scorching heat suffer W hat’s going on in there? Open the door! happen BE What's on this weekend at the theatre? We were prom ised th a t the hard tim es w ould be over soon I was about to leave home when some unexpected visitors arrived I'm for the mayor's plan to relocate the tow n hall What are the boys up to? Don’t tell me th e y’re ruining the garden again! I m ust be off now My parents are expecting me fo r dinner Words with Prepositions A Complete the blanks with prepositions Adjectives excellent at experienced happv in for h a o D V w ith /a b o u t D ro u d responsible Verbs an answer associate an exDert (take)D ride s th a reDlv a reDort for cooperate t0 deal on w ith on sth sb w ith include an o p p o rtu n ity sth on conaratulate sb in praise sb w ith concentrate o n /in /a t sb °f respected Nouns 'n w ith sth provide sth fo r sb succeed in supply sb w ith sth to sb supply sth G Read the following sentences and complete them with prepositions for I would be m ore than happy to provide you We supply all m ajor com panies She takes great pride with in our products of for the homeless yourself W hat you did was w rong! The governm ent supplied food and m edicine The jo u rn a list was praised our com pany's catalogue her work That's w hy she's the best in her field The governm ent w ill provide housing You shouldn't be proud you and yo ur wife with for his report to the victim s of the hurricane on sth provide sb fo r C ongratulations Rodney! I'm so happy fo r the starving children o f Africa unit Grammar Revision (Tenses) See Grammar Review page 147 ^ Read the text below and complete each blank with one word All missing words are auxiliary verbs (is, was, have, has, had, do, does, did etc.) My life (1 ) has im proved a lot since last year You see, before th a t I ( ) _ been w orking in the same jo b fo r five years and I ( ) was beginning to feel rather bored I ( ) was g ettin g ready to apply fo r another job when one day my boss called me into her office "Our com pany ( ) _ planning to expand overseas," she said "We ( ) _^ w ith Spain, therefore we w ill ( ) _be branch there ( ) ^ needing some of o ur best em ployees to su pp ort o ur new you th in k you w ould be interested in a transfer?" N aturally I accepted, although at did the tim e I (9) th in kin g of starting _ not know that they ( ) _ also going to prom ote me to assistant manager been By the end of this m onth, I w ill have (11) exciting my life (1 ) has living in M adrid fo r a year You can't im agine how become B Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple, Past Progressive, Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Progressive and complete the boxes with the time words below Use each time word only once fo r While when was having ago already since _ (have) a bath yesterday evening, I was in the kitchen s h e came (com e) into the kitchen, she couldn 't believe her eyes! Mum I ° iafen lo oking I (look) for m y black belt stj|| haven’t found seen for the past hour and Have (not fin d) i t you (see) it anywhere? Mother: No, but I th in k you Jim: still (cook) her fa vou rite dish because I wanted (want) to surprise her When Jim: yet Mary was cooking w hile Ie ri (lend) it to your bro the r about a week Oh, you’re rig ht He hasn't ciyen/didrrc give (n ot g (ve) jt back to me I bet he ago nas been wearing (wear) it all week Where is he now, Mum? Mother: I'm afraid M a rk _ H e 90 t | have been w orking I haven’t finished has left already (ge t) up about an hour before you (work) on this project (not finish) it did (leave) (do) this m orning but yet What am I going to tell m y boss? & M y sister loves cats / She loves cats / She has gone to Italy (She is still there.) She has been to Italy (She has returned.) M y s is t e r s h e lo v e s c a t s I bought this bike tw o years ago / (Only one subject in each sentence.) (Past Simple + ago) $> There is a b o o k o n the table I-h a v e & o u g h tth is bike -two y ears ago It is Susan’s I b o u g h tth is b tk e tw o y e a r s b e fo r e (Use there when m entioning sth fo r the firs t time I have had this bike for tw o years / Use it fo r sth already mentioned.) (Present P erfect+for) Ib a v eth i-sb ik e-lo rtw o y ear-s.— - €> T h ey don't have a car / (have = own) T h ey haven't got a car / I have had this bike since 1998 / (have got = own) (Present Perfect + since + time) I have had this bike since I w as sixteen / They haven't a car (Present Perfect + since + Past Simple) ® H e has a bath e v e ry morning / (have = take) H e doesn’t have a bath e v e ry m orning J H e has- got a bath e v e ry moTning (Only one tim e word in each sentence.) I haven't studied for a w eek , (refers to the past: The last time I studied w as a week ago.) ® Jam es didn't use to sm oke so m uch / I have to study for a week, (refers to the future: I Jam es didn't used to s m o k e s o m u e h must study fo week before I sth else.) (did/didn’t + bare infinitive) & I speak French / I have-had this-bike since two years ago » I haven't eaten spaghetti for six months / (emphasis) Ihavetoeatspaghettiforsixm onths- He does eat snails / T h e y did bu y a house / W e did saw the thief (do/does/did + bare infinitive) Key Transformations I h ave n ever b e e n to M alta before It is the first tim e I h ave ever b e e n to Malta & The last tim e I sa w h er w a s a y e a r ago I last sa w h er a y e a r ago I h aven ’t seen h er for a year I h a d n ever b e e n to M alta before It w a s the first tim e I h a d e v e r b e e n to Malta W h e n did he start working? H o w long has h e b e e n working? H o w long is it since he started working? It has b e e n a y e a r since I last sa w her It is a y ear since I last sa w her unit Examination Practice A Read the text belo w and think of the w ord which best fits each space Use only one w ord in each space MONGY w hat There is no d ou bt th a t money, in the form th a t we know it today, (1) keeps m odern econom ic life fu nctio nin g Yet, th ro u g h o u t history, money, in w hatever form , has provided people (2 ) _ with the a b ility to buy (3 ) _ and/or _sell goods Thousands o f years (4 ) ago , civilisations (5 ) used _ to rely on the barter system as a way of exchanging goods W ithin this system a person had to exchange one thing fo r another This m eant th a t the tw o parties involved had to ( ) make/reach _ an agreem ent as to w hat th ey th o u g h t th e ir products were w orth Items such (7 ) as _wheat, tobacco and livestock have all been used as m oney at one tim e or another It was not until much later th at humans came up ( ) _ with the idea o f m oney in the form of m etal coins So w hy (9 ) did _the barter system come to an end? The answer is simple Coins were much easier to handle and carry around Since then, the use of coins has become widespread It has made com m erce sim pler and has given countries an o p p o rtu n ity (1 ) _developm ent by doing business w ith other countries fu rth e r afield, which they (11) h^d never done business w ith before In recent years, paper m oney has become m ore com m on all over the w orld, as it is easier to use It (12) ^ not be long, however, before plastic cards take over com pletely, replacing coins and paper money Complete the second sentence so that it has a sim ilar m eaning to the first sentence, using the w ord given unchanged You must use between two and five words, including the w ord given We last w ent abroad a long tim e ago not yye have not been abroad for a long tim e When did they sta rt living in the suburbs? have How long have they been living in the suburbs? It's the firs t tim e she has ever had problem s w ith the authorities trouble w ith the a uth orities before When Carl was young, h e used to go to a holiday camp every summer A fter the earthquake, the governm ent supplied food and m edicine to the homeless, provided has never had trouble When Carl was young, he w ent to a holiday camp every summer, used She A fter the earthquake, the g o v e rn m e n t _provided the homeless with _ Lucy hasn't visited me since February was The la s t _ tim e Lucy visited me was in February How long has he had this car? bought How lo n g _ is it since he bought this car? I haven't caught a cold fo r ages, down I la s t _ came down with a cold ages ago .fo o d and m edicine Revision test I For questions 13*24, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space Use only one word in each space There is an example at the beginning CO) HUMMlftCMON Many cultures, ( ) _ such as the Incas, the Australian Aborigines and the ancient Egyptians practised the custom of m um m ifyin g th e ir dead M um m ification dates as far back (1 ) 0 BC, and it was the ancient Egyptians w ho carried (1 ) the process m ost often and m ost thoroughly There were various ways of m um m ifying a body The best method was also the (1 ) tim e-consum ing and took about seventy days (1 ) m ethod involved opening up the body and rem oving the internal organs, (1 ) were placed in jars Spices and resin were then placed in the body Such a burial was very expensive and only (1 ) rich could afford it A cheaper way was to soak the (1 ) body in chemicals fo r fo ur to five weeks However, ( ) methods required the body to be wrapped in many layers of bandages As (2 ) as the body was wrapped up, it was placed in a coffin which was In the shape of a mummy, and then in a second coffin made of wood, stone or even gold As the process was considered holy, the knowledge ( 2 ) how to m um m ify a body was reserved for only a ( ) people and ( ) step was accompanied by prayers M Revision test I For questions 25-34, read the text below Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line There is an example at the beginning (O) HOLIDAY NEEDS Summer is in the air and it’s only ( ) (2 ) _ n a tu l for people to feel good and NATURE ENTHUSIASM about going on holiday Everyone needs to relax and get away, so they try to use their (26) leave in the best possible way YEAR Some people find it (27) _ to stay at a holiday resort and have everything done LOGIC for them Of course, if you are (28) _ , money is not an issue whatsoever A more WEALTH (29) to be much more (30) alternative would be a camping holiday, which many people consider ECONOMICS _ and challenging Exploring nature as well as relaxing ADVENTURE (31 ) in the mountains is a great way to recharge your batteries, PEACE (32 ) to say, getting away and escaping from your routine reduces stress Any NEED (33 ) w ill tell you of the benefits a holiday offers So, even if you have to PSYCHOLOGY (34 ) in order to afford a holiday, it In the end, it's w orth it! ECONOMY For questions 35-42, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given Do not change the word given You must use between two and five words, including the word given There is an example at the beginning (0) Example: When I was younger, I played tennis every Sunday used When I was younger, I _ used to p la y _tennis every Sunday 35 Both houses are fa irly new, b ut John's is m ore m odern than ours, the Both houses are fa irly new, but John's is _ the two 36 The com pany has o nly tw o em ployees and they both w ork part-tim e, neither The com pany has o nly tw o em ployees, works full-tim e 37 John had never fe lt so proud of his work tim e It was th e _ so proud o f his work 38 She inherited her fa th e r’s fo rtu n e six m onths ago came It has been six m o n th s _ h e r father's fortune 39 Jack hadn't had Chinese food fo r weeks and yesterday he ordered some, w hich Yesterday Jack ordered some Chinese fo o d , _ for weeks I w ill investigate the m atter and then I w ill give you my opinion in to I w ill give you m y o p in io n _ the matter 41 How long have you been exercising at home? w orking W hen _ at home? 42 She always takes her cred it card w ith her w herever she goes, never She _ her cred it card Revision test I SECTION (ECCE format) Grammar Choose the correct answer My best frie n d _ over for dinner tonight _ dinner yet and I'm starving a comes b is coming a haven't b haven't had c will have come d has been coming c don't have d hadn't That's the island _we spent our vacation last year a that b which c where d whom H ardly _noticed that she had left a.anybody b nobody c somebody d everybody When the bomb w e n t _ , there were a lot of Kelly is _ interested in photography a a lot b enough c far d very We went cam ping _ the mountains It was very relaxing to be so close to nature a at b in c up d by The apartment in _ he lives is on the fifth people in the department store but luckily no one was floor injured a that b where c which d whose a out b over c through d off 10 After he lost his job, he has been living on very money, but it doesn't seem to bother The baby had a temperature yesterday and today it him is _ a badly c badlier b worse a few b a few d worst c a little d little Vocabulary Choose the correct answer Who's the leading actor in this movie? I can't “ It’s cold in here.” “ Should I _ his name a remind b recognise c recall d memorise It took Julie quite some tim e to to terms you a sweater to put on?” a get b deliver c carry d approach The firm I work for has over five hundred _ with the fact that she wouldn't go to work again after a employers b colleagues she retired c attendants d employees a come b get c reach d go T o _ an interpreter, you need to be fluent in at least two languages a grow b become c arise d involve I didn’t like my boss in the beginning, but I soon got to his strange ways a accustomed b familiar c aware d addicted Caroline is r e a lly _of children She says that when she grows up, she’ll have at least four a fond b interested c eager d keen There was a _ of lightning and it suddenly started pouring with rain a clap b bunch c flash d flock Steve went through a red traffic light, and he was lucky t o _ with only a fine a getaw ay b ca rry o u t c come round d go ahead 10 People who are colour-blind c a n n o t _ between green and red a associate b depart c differ d distinguish For questions 1-12, read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space There is an example at the beginning (0) Example: A believe B regard C think (D )consider KILLER PLANTS consider People (0) all plants to be harmless But th a t is not the case w ith carnivorous plants, otherw ise known as kille r plants Carnivorous plants are every insect's nightm are, as the insect cannot (1) the colour o f the plant and the sweet liquid on the inside of its leaves However, once it has landed, sensitive hairs on the leaves signal the plant to pum p a small am ount o f w ater around the leaves, w hich makes them p artially ( ) By this tim e, the insect has ( ) it is in trouble, because the hairs on the edges of the leaves have form ed bars which trap the insect inside ( ) , there is little chance of the insect (5) Carnivorous plants th rive in areas where the soil is poor (6) the ( ) supply of nutrients, they get w hat they require from live insects Among the plants of this category is the Venus flytrap, native to North and South Carolina, USA It produces small w hite flowers and its leaves consist ( ) tw o b rig h t lobes It is ( ) _ th a t one Venus fly tra p w ill eat around five thousand flies in its lifetim e If necessary, it w ill even consume small spiders Surprisingly, the largest prey are ( ) to have been found in traps in the tropics Carnivorous plants there have captured animals the size of birds or small rodents So, here’s a word of (11) Don’t (12) a mistake and tease a fly tra p w ith your finger You m ight not get it back! m p S j k A refuse B deny C resist D reject A to close B to be closed C close D closing A realised B recognised c known D agreed A On second thoughts B In vain c On the contrary D Under these circum stances A to escape B escape c escaping D to escaping A As for B Because of c As well as D Regardless of A short B shortage c inadequate D lack A of B w ith c from D in A guessed B estim ated c predicted D assumed 10 A announced B presented c com m ented D reported 11 A instruction B tip c direction D advice 12 A perform B make c D try Revision test II For questions 13-24, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space Use only one word in each space There is an example at the beginning (0) TIMES ARE CH AN G IN G The tw e n tie th ce n tu ry is believed to ( ) nuvt- _been a century of technological advances, when many changes were made, w hich have dram atically affected people's lives Take, for instance, life expectancy Until the nineteenth century, people lived till the age of th irty-five (1 ) average Growing (14 ) in unhealthy living conditions, Sack of good quality food and hard work, all co ntributed (15 ) low life expectancy (16 ) big change concerns people's homes and way of life Families once had to settle fo r the bare essentials Large extended fam ilies lived toge th er in small houses Nowadays, our houses are bigger and better; extended fam ilies have been replaced by nuclear families; and both parents w ork long hours Transport has come a (1 ) way, too The car has replaced earlier means of transport, and public tran spo rt has also been im proved As a (1 ) , travel tim e has decreased drastically and people have (1 ) brought closer together However, all this progress has come at ( ) cost We live in a m odern world and our life has been made easier, (21 ) stress and anxiety are m ajor health concerns Family ties are not as strong as they used to be, as parents w ork hard to afford all the luxuries, which nowadays are considered to (22 ) necessities Last but not (23 ) , cars and other means of tran spo rt cause congestion and pollution It is clear th at a balance ( ) to be found before the situation gets out of hand M Revision test II For questions 25-34, read the text below Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line There is an example at the beginning (0) A HOLIDAY OFFER It's summ er and everybody is looking forward to (0) £ e ttin B GET _away to a holiday place where they can enjoy their favourite ( ) But are you one of those people ACTIVE whose anxiety levels reach new ( ) _ every tim e you think about organising HIGH your holidays? If you are ( ) _ w ith w hat is available, don't feel frustrated and SATISFY (28 ) We are here to find the right place for you and make your life HELP (29 ) and more relaxed Whether you dream of a holiday in the m ountains to EASY enjoy the (30) QUIET of nature, or you like the busy resorts that offer people a (31) VARIOUS of things to do, come and see us! We (32) SPECIAL in making your dreams come true No one can deny the (3 ) _ IMPORTANT of being able to get away from your daily routine and going to a place that is to your (34) SATISFY _ So why don't you take the tim e to consider our offer? For questions 35-42, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given Do not change the word given You must use between two and five words, including the word given There is an example at the beginning (0) Example: When I was younger, I played tennis every Sunday used When I was younger, I _ used to p la y te n n is every Sunday 35 An optician m ust test yo u r eyesight as soon as possible, tested You n e e d _ as soon as possible 36 Kate, I suggest we go cam ping this summer, how Kate, _ this summer? 37 It was w rong of you to cheat him out of his money, should Y ou _ out of his money 38 They made me refuse the offer, down I the offer 39 He still finds it d iffic u lt to drive on the right-hand side of the road get He can't _ driving on the right-hand side of the road Could I in te rru p t you fo r a mom ent? my W o u ld fo r a mom ent? 41 They don’t let people take photographs in the a rt gallery, allowed P eople photographs in the a rt gallery 42 He was not able to com plete the application fo rm on his own in He was inca pa ble own _the application form on his Revision test II SECTION (ECCE format) Grammar Choose the correct answer It was kind of y o u _ my daughter home after the party We either eat out or order takeout What you prefer? a to bring b bring c bringing d to bringing When Tom looked a t _in the mirror, he a should b could c would d have to The new mayor has a rep uta tio n _ noticed that his eyes were red corrupted, but that’s far from the truth, a him b himself a of b on c his d he c about d for Now that she's moved to the suburbs, she misses by her friends being After the alarm went off, a man was seen down the stairs quickly and leaving the building, a to be visited b have been visited c being visited d been visited If the day tu rn s _ wet, we may have to change our plans a walk b walking c to walk d to walking Samantha could have been an excellent musician but she hasn’t made good use _her talents a up b into c on d out She decided to let th e m _for the night a to b for c of d.on 10 Did they finally get their washing machine ? though she didn’t want to a to stay b staying a repair b to repair c stay d have stayed c repairing d repaired Vocabulary Choose the correct answer Cathy got a speeding _ for exceeding the When Mary’s grandmother died, she came into some _ jewels speed limit a fee b fare c ticket d receipt John is a very talented writer His books have gained a priceless b worthless c insufficient d available Jenny is a _secretary; she never makes several lite ry _ mistakes and I have complete trust in her a donations b rewards a convenient b spare c prices d prizes c reliable d usable “ Look at that awful stain on my new dress! What would We decided t o _ the best of the situation y o u _for removing this ink stain?” and have our picnic despite the awful weather a recommend b consult a b make c propose d confess c give d take “ You should keep in mind that a car _ “What tim e are you planning t o _ on your servicing regularly, otherwise you’ll have problems trip tomorrow?” with it.” “ We haven’t decided yet.” a inquires b requests a set off b turn on c requires d commands c make for d run along The residents _to having a mall built in their neighbourhood, 10 “ Don’t be so to your brother! He just wanted to play with you and you kicked him!" a rejected b disapproved a jealous b relevant c resisted d objected c mean d upset M Revision TestIII For questions 1-12, read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space There is an example at the beginning (O) Example: A harm B injure C hurt D suffer SUM M ER IN TH E CITY Sum mer is a w on de rful season because it means sun, beaches and having fun However, sum m er in the city can make s u ffe r a m ixture of airborne gases and heat can (1 ) som ething one (0) of a m ini-greenhouse effect, w hich is ( ) to our health This, in turn, brings ( ) a rise in tem perature, m aking it essential to seek (4) in an air-conditioned building Some cities even have the added problem of smog This, com bined w ith the heat makes conditions unbearable Asthm atics, w ho are considered to be more ( ) during the sum m er season, are the ones who are ( ) the m ost by these conditions and th e ir lives are often ( ) _ _ _ It is therefore im p o rta n t th a t these people (8) going o ut when p ollutio n levels are high According to official records, the increase in tem perature coincides w ith a higher num ber o f deaths Twenty percent more people die from heart attacks or are killed in car accidents.However, there is hope fo r c ity dwellers Experts say th a t the situation can be ( ) if we pay more ( ) _ to looking after our environm ent One step w ould be to (11) which produce to xic emissions Even (1 ) the num ber of vehicles and lim it heavy industry, dark-coloured roofs w ith lighter-coloured ones can cause a drop in tem perature o f up to ° Celcius A result B gain C remain D create A w rong B suspicious C harm ful D serious A up B about C round D along A rescue B guard C shelter D caution A sensitive B sensational C sensible D influenced A affected B attacked C obliged D appealed A warned B risked C damaged D endangered A o m it B avoid C ban D prevent A im proved B progressed C recovered D saved 10 A care B caution C interest D attention 11 A dem olish B lower C reduce D destroy 12 A exchanging B urging C advancing D replacing Revision test III For questions 13-24, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space Use only one word in each space There is an example at the beginning (0) AN INTERVIEW WITH A CHALET COOK W orking as a chalet cook at a ski resort is the p erfect o p p o rtu n ity to com bine cooking ( ) _ zvith _ skiing - at least that's w hat Victoria Kent th ou gh t She (1 ) up a post as a chalet cook in the French Alps last year but d id n ’t get to see m uch of the slopes First of all, she had to prepare a considerable am ount of food every day In (1 ) to buying all the food and preparing it, Victoria had to tid y up the chalet and make sure e verything ran smoothly (1 ) the job appeared exciting and easy at first, it soon became apparent th at this wasn't the case Victoria had to w ork hard (1 ) th a t she could cope Since she d idn't have any help, she had to take (1 ) of everything by herself She'd rather fo rg et the tim e the dishwasher was out of (1 ) for a week and the inconvience th at it had caused her On top (1 ) it being hard work, the pay wasn't the best either Victoria earned only £150 a week and was, therefore, unable to save up much At tim es she wondered ( ) it was w orth it and often th o u g h t of giving it (2 ) , and going home But, all (22 ) all, Victoria adm itted having gained invaluable experience which b uilt up her character When asked if she (23 ) go back, she replied th a t she would, (24 ) th a t she worked w ith others and shared the responsibility Revision test III For questions 25-34, read the text below Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line There is an example at the beginning (O) Mata Hari Margaretha Zelle was a well known (0) e n te rta in e r _at the beginning of the 20th century ENTERTAIN Her sensational Eastern-style (2 ) made her famous throughout Europe PERFORM But who was Margaretha Zelle? She was an (26) _ woman who was born in the ATTRACT Netherlands, but lived in the ( ) _ ( ) FRANCE _capital for most o f her adult life She gave the stage name Mata Hari, which literally means ‘eye of the day’, and is HER EXPRESS a Malayan ( ) _ used to describe the sun She was extrem ely successful and before long became very wealthy Her good fortune ended during World War I The (30) _ in Paris accused her of GOVERN being responsible for handing over documents to the (31) _ However, her GERMANY (32 ) to prove her innocence had serious consequences She was sentenced to FAIL (33 ) and was consequently shot by a firing squad Till now, this DIE (34 ) w artim e incident remains shrouded in mystery PLEASE For questions 35-42, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given Do not change the word given You must use between two and five words, including the word given There is an example at the beginning (0) Example: When I was younger, I played tennis every Sunday used When I was younger, I _ used to p[ay tennis every Sunday 35 "Don't go swim m ing on a fu ll stomach," the lifeguard said to us advised The life g u a rd _ sw im m ing on a full stomach 36 It would be foolish of us not to go shopping during the sales if It w ould be foolish of u s _ shopping during the sales 37 They are saving up as they w ant to buy a new car view They are saving up a new car 38 I don't w ant to lie to him this time, tru th I'd this time 39 "I’m sorry I shouted at you," Kelly said to me apologised Kelly at me A fter her illness, she wasn’t strong enough to be able to walk on her own so A fter her illness, she couldn't walk on her own 41 You can use the telephone if it works not You can use the telephone provided order 42 In spite of m aking a lot of mistakes, she passed the test, even She passed the test a lot of mistakes Revision test III SECTION (ECCE format) Grammar Choose the correct answer the heavy rain, all flights were cancelled, a Because b Since c Due to d As He’s always boasting success at school, Susan made a wish and then she blew the candles on her birthday cake, a up b over c out d.away a for b about c on d in The teacher wanted to know w h e re _ more responsible, she wouldn’t have lost a did I live b I lived c I live d have I lived It was _ frightful accident that I’ll never her job forget it a If she would be b Had she been c would she be d If she has been I wish you his children’s making so much noise! I just b stop c had stopped d would stop The burglar didn’t turn on the lights a so that not b so as not to d so as to not c a too d so a bought b have bought c had bought d buy Cathy tried hard, she didn’t manage to 10 be seen by the neighbours c so that to not b a so Would you _ _ a yacht if you were rich? need to relax for a while, a will stop a such a win the race, a Even though b In spite of c Despite d Despite of Vocabulary Choose the correct answer Many businesses have _ because of the financial crisis, a ended up b given out c closed down d dropped off The hijackers kept the pilot as a _ on board the plane a convict b victim c hostage d kidnapper I won’t _ your behaving in this way! Please stop! a forbid b resist c remain d tolerate Mary is not always _ _for her appointments She’s late at times a punctual b sharp c exact d correct A good way to _ _ your English is to visit an English-speaking country, a decrease b improve c produce d recover I said hello to Jill, but she me completely a neglected b omitted c cheated d ignored A good friend should _ you whatever happens a stand by b take after c let down d bring round The two companies a re _ with each other to gain the contract a combining b competing c comparing d protesting Lucy has been under considerable lately because she has a lot of personal problems, a haste b schedule c aid d strain 10.1think Meryl should _ responsibility for the company's financial problems, a mind b pay c give d take Key t Revision Tests Revision Test I (Units 1-4) regarded 13 as 25 enthusiastic 35 the m ore m odern of b b habit 14 out 26 yearly 36 neither of w hom c d keeping 15 m ost 27 logical 37 firs t tim e John had fe lt a b come 16 This 28 w ealthy 38 since she came into d c teaching 17 w hich 29 econom ical 39 w hich he hadn't had b 10 d off 18 the adventurous when 1look/have looked into both 19 w hole/dead 31 peacefully 41 did you sta rt w orking out impressed both/these 32 needless 42 never goes anyw here w ith o u t 1c a as 21 soon 33 psychologist a d 10 involved 22 of 34 econom ise b c 11 in no tim e 23 few a a 12 o p p o rtu n ity 24 each/every a 10 d Revision Test II (Units 6-9) resist 13 on 25 a ctivities 35 to have/get yo ur eyesight tested 1a b close 14 up 26 heights 36 how about going cam ping b d realised 15 to 27 dissatisfied 37 shouldn't have cheated him c b Under these 16 A nother 28 helpless 38 was made to tu rn down d c 17 long 29 easier 39 get used to c 10 d escaping 18 result quietness you m ind my in te rru p tin g you Because of 19 been 31 va riety 41 are not allowed to take inadequate 20 a 32 specialise 42 of fillin g in of 21 b u t/ye t/h o w e ve r 33 im portance estim ated 22 be circum stances 10 reported 23 least 11 advice 24 has/ought 12 make 34 satisfaction 1*1 1n 1c a d c a b c a d 10 c Key to Revision Tests Revision Test III (Units u-14) B EI 235 create 13 took 25 perform ance(s) 35 advised us not to go/against going 1c b harm ful 14 addition 26 attractive 36 if we d id n 't/d o n 't go c b about 15 A lth ou g h/ 27 French 37 w ith a view to buying b a shelter Though 28 herself 38 rather tell him the tru th d d 39 apologised fo r shouting/having b 10 a 1c d c a d b a d b 10 d sensitive 16 so 29 expression affected 17 care 30 governm ent endangered 18 order 31 Germans was so weak (that) she avoid 19 of 32 failure 41 it is not o ut of im proved w he th er/if 33 death 42 even though she (had) made 10 atte ntio n 21 up 34 unpleasant 11 reduce 22 in 12 replacing 23 w ould 24 provided shouted E MOUTSOU Use of English EE ■ ■ for all exams QQCQ m m publications teacher's book Use of English This book systematically teaches grammar and vocabulary and helps students develop all the skills necessary to succeed in all exams at B2 level m for all exams Use of English B2 includes: • Consolidation Units and Practice Tests • Presentation of lexical items and • A reference section including an grammatical structures in context overview of English grammar, (including collocations, expressions, vocabulary notes, exam tips and phrasal verbs, words with prepositions, comprehensive appendices prepositional phrases, key • A Glossary transformations, words easily confused and derivatives) • Clear explanations and useful exam tips • Exercises providing thorough practice in Use of English (including multiple The Teacher's Book includes: • The Student's Book with the Key overprinted • Photocopiable revision tests choice, matching, gap filling, open and multiple choice cloze tests, key word transformation and word formation) ISBN:978-960-443-929-4 ... sheet swarm tube pair of scissors flock of sheep of sunglasses set of rules claP of thunder of paper o f soap of traffic lights flock of birds of flowers tube of toothpaste swarm of bees Read the... 978-960-443-929-4 Use of English B2 for the FCE Examination and other exams is intended fo r B2 level students It system atically eaches gram m ar and vocabulary and prepares students th o ro u g h ly fo r all. . .Use of English B2 for all exams E M outsou Published by: MM Publications www.mmpublications.com info@mmpublications.com Offices Great Britain - Greece - Poland

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