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puzzle time 1

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Tiêu đề Puzzle Time 1
Tác giả Deirdre Howard-Williams
Trường học Pearson Education Limited
Chuyên ngành English Language Learning
Thể loại sách
Năm xuất bản 2001
Thành phố Harlow
Định dạng
Số trang 34
Dung lượng 2,97 MB

Nội dung

tl -; tl nrr Rr - Fr t$ hr 6> !- cB tbu l-J" r P \ -l -l _) -) O zzfe Ti me Deirdre Howard-Wi I I iams For G.WA.W CONTENTS Essex CM?O ZlV,England and Associated Companies throughout the world L Clothes word People rsBN o 582 45144 Question and Opposites First published 2oo1 Copyright @ Deirdre Howard-Ifilliams ZOOI i) J How theY feel? 15 16 Puzzle list of the titles available from Penguin English please visit our website at www.penguinenglish.com, or write to your local Pearson Education office or to: WIU 18 20 zEG .2 1L Shopping at the supermarket 22 LZ The kitchen clock 24 13 Making words 25 14 Vord families 26 Find the different answef 27 16 Places in a town 28 17 W"hat You 30 say? 18 Making words a complete Marketing Dcpartment, Penguin Longman Publishing, Bentinck Street, London 12 14 $ "r 10 ansuref L0 Journeys uitltout tlte t 8 Christina's familY Opposites All rights reserued; no part of tltis publication may be reprocluced, stored in q retrieual system, or transmitted in any folTn or by any rneans, clectrrtnic, mecbanical, pbotocoplting, recording or otberuise, prior uritten permission c{ tbe publishers Arms and legs, hands and fingers Jigsaw Design and typesetting by Blue pig Design Co Illustrations by Martin Fish, phil Healey, Ann Johns, Gillian Martin Printecl in Spain by Mateu Cromo S.A., pinto, Madrid Irr Introduction Pearson Education Lirnited Edinburgh Gate, Harlow 32 19 Living room word square 33 20 Opposites 34 2l How much and how many? 35 22 L-Z ptrzzle ' '36 23 Find the new words 38 ( () N | | N t INTRODUCTION 2,i f 25 S:rnt's birthday 2(t liirrcl the clifferent answer iir rrl t lrr lcttcrs 27 M:rking words 3e Puzzlc Time 40 Puzzle Time is for students of English.There are four Puzzle Time books , and each book has a number of interesting word puzzles.These will help you learn English Each Puzzle Time book uses words only from the Penguin 42 43 2tl Months and days 44 29 f uli:r's r(x)m at Llniversity 46 Puzzle Time J0 llt.ginnings and enclings 48 There are 32 puzzles in Puzzle Time /.The words in these puzzles come from Easystarts and Levels and of the Penguin Readers.You can use this book in class or at home.There are answers to evefy puzzle at the back of the book.You can also find the important words from the puzzles at the back of the book J I Wrrrrl fanrilics 32 l)ic'trtrc putzles A nswt'rs tVorrl list 49 50 52 61 Readers Puzzlc Time words Five words in Puzzle Time I are not from Levels and of the Penguin Readers.These wofds are : adjective Interesting, great, friendly are adjectiues verb To run, to talk, to like are uerbs puzzle There are puzzles on nearly every page of Puzzle Time 1l jigsaw tick A jigsara is a puzzle: / New words You have to learn a lot of words when you learn a language.These ideas will help you Vrite new words in a notebook.You cafl write a different word family (see puzzles L4 and 31) on each page.'Write the English word and then write the same F INTRODUCTION word in your language next to it Use each word in short sentence: dollar My neu jacket cost fifty dollars Clothes word square a Can you find eight names of clothes? Do this: \il(/hen you read a story or something in your English book,learn ten or fifteen important words from it.Then try to write the story again.Use the new words and other easy words Work with a friend.'Write twenty or thirty new words Put them into a box or an envelope.Take two words from the box and use them in a sentence.Then your friend takes two words and makes a sentence Use every word from the box! Write the clothes here: jq.ekt Learn some new words and write a ptzzle with those words Look at the puzzles in this book.Then give your pluzzle to your friend He or she writes the answers in the puzzle IM PYSHPDH IW EAGMPEA OB ACKET EH U au E TE KI ID OA VT V R K T R KLN RSE sH RTS LWM GOJ TNO RTE LIY NVA ELB ITN ou5 ER5 I Write the names of these people This is my This man brings you your food in a restaurant One man, two lo You visit this person when you are ill The most important person at work Can you He or she studies at university ry 11 Your mother and father are your find another person in the prnzle? Question and answef Look at the questions below Find answers on page l then write the conversations l, ffiffi -\- Do you use computers? 10 11 h W h.e 4re y.e.*.? []y*-.y q.*r n*w h.q,ts Find a picture for one of the two verbs in 1-10 on page 12' 'Write the number in the box Opposites L Here are ten verbs Find a verb in the box with the opposite meaning to each verb and write them below start ask arrive hate begin buy learn pull open 10 come atche tspo 99i3= uhst og velea suhp olev Arms and legs, hands and fingers How they feel Look at the picture and write the words in the ptzzle Look at the faces How they feel? Use the words in the box o> ? ('

Ngày đăng: 10/05/2021, 14:09