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%&weffiffiee# ffiw#s Potrick Jockson Suson Bonmon Sileci :ti.l ,{ d ffi %w ,w re oxroRD 1JNIVERSITY PRESS https://sachhoc.com - fl *F *;#sdF*e'tu*q:'"*'"' #-"r- -,-* g ,.-.:i+S{i{ Outdoors Unit Lcrnd crnd Secr Unit Fun + 12 20 2t Appecrrcrnce .22 Unit Lclst Week .30 Unit 38 39 tr Dcrg Out r+o Unit Being Grecltive L+8 Unit 56 57 Things to Be Unit On Vcrcqtion Unit 58 , 66 7+ 75 76 78 https://sachhoc.com Listen, reod, ond t soy n*"' My fovorite doy of the week is Soturdoy In the morning, I olwoys moke my bed Then, I usuolly go to the movie theoter in the ofternoon Whot you on Soturdoys? We're shopping ot the deportment slore It's ocross the street from lhe movie theoter My ount is o solesperson ot the store She likes nice clothes ond shoes I do, too! /4 :fi \ dffi:a ffi Mike Emmo r+ I'm wolking to my cousin's home Todoy is Moy lst It's my mother's birthdoy My uncle ond I ore moking o coke He's moking o fruit solod, too The porty is ot 6:00 See you then! We olwoys hove fun Yesterdoy, it wos roiny We were of the museum How's the weother todoy? It's sunnyl We go to the pool i-"* a \ , t ,rl u ' : I I rt! I rll I l@r, w Julie Donny Whot obout you? Tolk with your clossmotes O wetcome https://sachhoc.com i:;.: ;, ., irl-;*,;_ I ! F' Listen ond soy Then proctice d,{* : one hundred I ,000 : one thousond 1,000,000 : one million 100 There ore one thousond groms in o kllogrom \i.\i l grom kilog rom , r \'* \\r \r' centimeter d.:, kilometer & ,iB.;:^i- kilometer S.ffi:$ Listen, point, ond sqy L L+ meter rE- ,:{*i ".-i $;-{ rt kilometers r.d\* tiso Work with your portner Work with your group They were qt the pool Write your nome of the top of the poge Write your onswer on the boord https://sachhoc.com CI3 o W Unscromble moke / morning / deportmenl o lhe / my / / we're / ol / store / shopping / lhe / I'm / to / cousin's / my /, / wolking / / moking / / ond L Whot's your fovorite doy of the week? Where you like to shop? How mony cousins you hove? + Con you moke o coke? wetcome / bed / home W Whot qbout you? Write O in uncle / coke / I / my / / ore ffi Circle There ore one million centimeters in o kilometer True rol99 There ore one thousond groms in o kilogrom True Folse There ore one hundred meters in o grom True Folse t* There ore one hundred centimeters in o meter True Folse There ore one thousond meters in o kilometer True Folse There ore one thousond kilogroms in o meter Irue Folse I ; ffi Mqtch I Write your onswer on the boord o Work with your group o Write your nome ot the top of the poge Yesterdoy, tl Workwith your portner o o welcome O - :,,a,1',,, ',,.t:, :' -"' :t.,',,a' ,,':::,' ,:,:,:, : i:,::.:.:,':,': , ":,::::'l::,,,.:' l:l:l:,,:1,:::,,, ,,: :.: tli: |*a :, ";: l:.:,'.:.,.,l:ta, :;:' :.:,ltl::1,, : a;::;;,: t|t::,: ".;; i/:,;;l', lr,a ;4,:,, ",,,F,,,,, ', ,::: , ' ',"',1.,1:.:a',:t)):.::.: ,',,, : , :, : : :,, :,,.: :, :.a1, ,, t,':::., tt :., , :, :.-.,1,.,:, ,.,r:,:j 1' Listen, poinl, ond soy &e!' l' ' ;r,r t q* & 'eryl climb hike conoe fish M ffi ffi ffi ffiffi @ uni,, https://sachhoc.com grill homburgers t""W wry f ffi Usten, osk, ond qnswer Then proctice 6i.:; c,"'g Whot does he she like doins? ffi | rir , climbins ax climb *-& climbing fish *"* fishing Jrffie ffi hike ** hiking grill homburgers *$ grilling conoe *.h conoeing homburgers wotch birds ** wotching birds '+w'w6 Listen, osk, qnd onswer Then proctice tii.r: u|'U r*r he she like climbing? Yes, No, he she 1., likes it o lot doesn't like it ot oll doesn't : does not -u ffi, 8, ffi.ni' &s ,ii "+ ,:;: &*#",*t\o'' Whqi you like doing outdoors? ',' tw & , ffi mok ot ffi Point, osk, ond qnswer Q: g Whot does she like doing? She likes fishing https://sachhoc.com snowboord surf skoteboord \_/ at 05 ffi Usten qnd soy Then proctice Ti*, He's She's good ot skiing ski** in-line skote O Unil ** He She isn't isn't good of skiing ** skiing snowboord snowboording in-line skoting skoteboord *-? skoteboordi ng https://sachhoc.com : He's: She's: is not He is She is ** ice skoting surf ** surfing ice skote i ffi Usten, osk, ond onswer Then proctice Ti*,, u.€ &, he she ls l good ot skiing? F= No, he's she's very good ot it not very good ot it #- - Yes, E- *.X Sino lf r, ot skoting l'm good l'm veru ot surfng l'm good She's l'm veru ot skiing l'm not No, no e W (-'Zq' \-/L a I 06 Whot qboul you? Ask ond qnswer Are you good ot skoteboording? G-t o Whqt ore you good ot? No, I'm not Yes, I om https://sachhoc.com {, ffi Do the puzzle Across ) Down V ffi Mqtch @ t + p & a & #& !t ' Unil S tr:;.j:;r, '1,, m* r\ ,, l.,l'i,lrll,,t'.:i.t _-i o Whot's he going to toke with him? He's going to toke some money O Whot's she going to toke with her? She's going to toke o towel Whot's he going to toke with him? He's going to toke o tent - *& "-6;r:-*r,; ir-n *w.*'/ w f} 1r -1 S/ o Whot's she going to toke with her? She's going to toke o floshlight o Whot's he going to toke with him? He's going to toke o swimsuit dm fl# Look ot the chort Write TOWELS @ "6t*- SWIMSUITS r' TENTS MONEY SLEEPING BAGS r' ffi FLASHLIGHTS r' r' s(t ffif, _ r' r' r' r' .*_* *. -*_*.*._ **.**:_-* _ r' qri#:*:ru ** :i"ic Lq/,lf] 'Ni:s*l ,' "-) Y r*q '.] i x@!itu : _ ,'_ qie**rxr: *-&*j_:_:-!.Ai i rlrt r:-*ii*i l:rrrte; ; "-1 ; Lesson d' 2@ I'm going to ride o comel Thonkyou See you next month! Bye! Hove o greot time I'm going to miss you ffi Unscrqmble t m'l gonig ot drie o lemco r+ ml' oingg ot sism uyo @ eSe uoy xtne mntho Unirs veoH o troeg emit Wwrite cG:l) v l \ffii)l( /, ""r!: I"1:"-tt \ EgrGwFJ \ @t"*,,,- ffiffi 46\ ? :iff:,# ) \Xy - fD" r a+ li\il e? VYnn; *." i i'} l.Arss$kpr:d " r:rov"i \* u i\\_, /\ i {L,i i i\, :{'Y tr " d,,m -&! fryry) a) f@ -/ r!; IltsJ!a \nl6ji- )Y: - ffi I Whqt qbout you? Write Are you going lo ride o horse tomorrow? Are you going lo swim in lhe oceon on your vocotion? Whot ore you going to on your vocotion? Lesson 3O rrifrr.],r:,i::i *iilir:ri.lr:&Sr'"' ffi ferry toxi ffiwrire gondolo ffiry,,';;:;|}$ffiffi t-i5are'Ifta+ " **A***-A ^ J'j ,# ffi Circte How is she going to get to How ore they going to get to the museum? the hospitol? She's going ro roke They're going to toke o gondolo' o lerry How is he going to get to How ore they going to get the supermorket? to the hotel? He's going to toke @ 1l'll.^ ^ Ine subwoy, Unts o toxi the subwoy They're going to toke o gondolo o ferry i'i;: I r'." .:^J -r: I #' !gri1#\r" d ! 'm@i - @ ,r ;ilI n/-! l{ I I-.xf-\ '," LJ t ry r re$hi rf]l I t*t ! vr r ffiW ffiw i :o *= o t ilt $ln _ _ /, "\* 1:rt+ti:" " :L\*-:i*: 1*:*{ I f '-1 ffi ffi + d:tr:''" I''r;'6* %" w#Sipo St ,, ,ii ;, d* ffi Lesson,+ @ F*"* I soy these words 'ffi'm-m'm 'ffi'm'# ffi HI ffi ffi I tolk obout lhese lopics coreers + the future life in spoce '* f*F 1.#::,S% *&d'" -,M ,.* r|; t\ -i: -'-!'z "'- octivities ' ,du \,{1 ;d- Mffi ,'J i '" things for o trip tronsportotion I cqn tolk with you O.O Thonkyou See you next month! @ Review Listen ond reod ooo Vcrccrtion Time Hi! I'm Liso I'm very excited I'm going to the United Siotes on vocotion I'm going to toke o plone In the United Stotes, I'm going to visit New York I'm going to see o show ond go on o bus tour I'm going to toke my comero ond toke some pictures When I'm older, I wont to be on ortist ond trovel the world Reod qnd qnswer t Where is Liso going to go? How is she going to get there? Whot is she going to toke? r+ Whot does she wonl to be when she's older? Listen ond number 6iu ffi @ Kww&ww W ffiwrire \/tlL.** J *^ L-^ J^ "",L^^ ^^+ +^ ^li^*? il*5 tJiutr[: lu uL] wileil [*^'^ YVrlLli UUtrS Wilni llg ^ fJ^ ',", 'k t,al r.r^m+* ' Wl?,t ^^i*^i***, ,'n te vo**tk tttliutln \riil r hrx"i s shes l-t -!-91-l-L.a-L{-lti '-1 , *rT VV r -**-l-5d- l&dt { tri}/ brr:* r'{tr\4-}r \l"t* -*,",l LW iAJ/"ir-1t{,' VV\.JI t{b "L fini -*.- * ,(-} 'tt o-1r.roo \&/hrrt i-.{\:.r{:: Y V ! !L.* : f\f \h"r." rrvn$r #l lry r*YVUI i:h "n { RA \^rnr3n UV I ltr! ! L-rt; i ?d*1 !-f 45 ;v Mk fl\-E - @ Review t{ ,* I , ffi Reod qnd circle Ghristine's Vcrccrtion My nome is Christine I'm going to stoy in o hotel in Itoly on my vocotion I wont to swim in the oceon I'm going to toke my swimsuil ond o towel I olso wont to toke o gondolo to o museum When I grow up, I wont to be on ortist ond trovel the world i.rri, l .rr::,r:,r:i, :iri,rili:: .r,:,,.,,:,.r .:i:li':,:] il,ll.ri,:a .,lrllil Christine is going fo stoy in o hotel in Jopon True Folse She wonts to swim in the oceon True Folse She's going to toke o floshlight ond o towel True Folse t{ She wonts to be on ortist when she grows up True Folse ffi Whqt obout you? Look ot m Write i"'}f'"r r.r'i: I rr{Jtr-1".{1 i ii*1t"., I tx:r'tnt i,,r.: re M tK"j} Y** / tr\ A\ &/ txtz.A 'wn w i 'i6i d" ffi 'W KP d1^* #5) \t?1 rR, W Gffi A"^KB Y;a# t ffi;,E-il> '1':.':.1i.'.:a: 1:.,t,,,,r,.r-,,,.:,.:.,:::,::,:.,:::, ffi I "-dSJf*/ - G MR '- K-

Ngày đăng: 22/02/2021, 07:09

