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I’m really worried because people use electricity instead of fishing rod or net to catch fish.. After a short time they left the lake, a lot of small fish died and floated on the water [r]



A/ New words:

I/ Getting Started – Listen and Read

environment / ɪn`vɑɪrənmənt / [n] môi trường > environmental (adj)

Ex: If we keep our environment clean, we will live a happier and healthier life

garbage -> ~ dump / bin / `gɑrbɪdʒ / [n] rác thải > bãi/ thùng rác dump > garbage ~ / dʌmp / [n] bãi đổ, nơi chứa > bãi rác

pollute > pollution (n) / pə`lu:t / [v] làm / gây ô nhiễm > ô nhiễm

pollutant / pə`lu:tənt / [n] chất ô nhiễm

unpolluted / ʌnpə`lu:təd / [adj] không / chưa bị ô nhiễm

deforest > -ation (n) / dɪfɔ:rəs`teɪʃən / [v] phá rừng, phát quang ; nạn phá rừng Ex: Everyone must take part in preventing deforestation

dynamite / `dɑɪnəmɑɪt / [n, v] thuốc nổ ; phá hủy thuốc nổ

spray / spreɪ / [v] phun

pesticide / `pestəsɑɪd / [n] thuốc trừ sâu

volunteer / vɔlən`tɪə / [n] tình nguyện, tình nguyện viên

conservationist / kɑnsər`veɪʃənɪst / [n] người làm việc để bảo vệ môi trường

Ex: Mr Brown is talking to some volunteer conservationists

group / gru:p / [n] nhoùm

plastic bag / `plỉstɪk bỉg / [n] túi nhựa

Ex: Each group should take five plastic bags

fill / fɪl / [v] đựng đầy, làm đầy

shore / ʃɔr / [n] bờ biển, bờ hồ, bờ sông

check / tʃek / [v, n] kiểm tra, xem xét ; kiểm tra

sand / sỉnd / [n] cát

rock / rɑk / [n] đá, đá, tảng đá Ex: Group two should check the sand, and group three has to check among the rocks

kindly / `kɑɪdlɪ / [adv] tốt bụng, tử tế

provide / prə`vɑɪd / [v] cung cấp, lo liệu, phục vụ

Ex: Mrs Smith has kindly provided a picnic lunch for us, but we won't eat until the whole area is clean

disappointed / dɪsə`pɑɪntəd / [adj] thất vọng

spoil / spɔɪl / [v] làm hư, làm hỏng

Ex: I’m disappointed that people have spoiled this area

give out / gɪv ɑʊt / [v] phaùt, phân phối

achieve > -ment (n)

/ ə`tʃɪv / [v]

đạt, -> thành tựu = acquire /ə`kwɑɪə/

Ex: What will they achieve if they work hard today?

similar / `sɪmɪlə / [adj] tương tự,

II/ Speak – Listen

try / trɑɪ / [v] cố, thử

protect > -ion (n) / prə`tekt / [v] bảo vệ, che chở


wrap / rỉp / [v] gói, bọc lại

Ex: I think it would be better if we use banana leaves instead of paper or plastic bags to wrap food

dissolve / dɪ`zɔlv / [v] phân hủy, tan biến đi, hòa tan

Ex: Because plastic bags are very hard to dissolve, they will cause pollution

recycle / rɪ`sɑɪkəl / [v] tái sinh, tái chế

reduce / rɪ`du:s / [v] làm giảm, giảm

Ex: Burning trash will pollute the air I think the best way to reduce garbage is to reuse and recycle things

save / seɪv / [v] dành dụm, tiết kiệm, cứu vản, lưu vào throw-threw-thrown / θroʊ - θru: - θroʊn

/ [v]

ném, liệng, quăng, chọi

trash / trỉʃ / [n] đồ củ bỏ đi, đồ vô dụng Ex: I think we should never throw trash onto the water

directly / dɪ`rektlɪ / [adv] trực tiếp, thẳng,

harm / hɑ:m / [n] thiệt hại, hại > harmful (adj)

Ex: Polluted water can directly harm to people's health and kill fish

kill / kɪl / [v] giết, diệt

bin > garbage ~ / bɪn / [n] thuøng > thùng rác

Ex: Why don’t we put garbage bins around the school yard?

prevent > -ion (n) / prɪ`vent / [v] ngăn chặn, phòng chống

Ex: How can we prevent air pollution? – Factories should not discharge poisonous chemicals, gases, and smoke We should use more public transport and less private vehicles

lazy / `leɪzɪ / [adj] lười biếng

instead of / ɪn`sted ɔf / [adv] để thay vào, thay vì,

Ex: I think we should use public buses instead of motorbikes

avoid / ə`vɔɪd / [v] tránh xa, tránh khỏi

traffic jam / `trỉfɪk dʒỉm / [n] nạn kẹt xe

exhaust > ~ fume / ɪg`zɔ:st / / fju:m / [v] làm kiệt quệ > khói thải

How come ? / hɑʊ kʌm / [exp] phải làm ?

questionnaire / kwestʃən`eər / [n] bảng / tờ câu hỏi, số câu hỏi litter / `lɪtər / [v, n] vứt/ bày bừa bãi ; bừa bộn

discuss / dɪs`kʌs / [v] thảo luận

take turns / teɪk tɜnz / [v] thay phieân

ocean / `oʊʃən / [n] đại dương

extremely / ɪks`tri:mlɪ / [adv] bực, cực độ, đáng Ex: Our oceans are becoming extremely polluted

raw / rɔ: / [adj] thô, chưa tinh chế

sewage / `su:ɪdʒ / [n] nước thải, nước cống

pump / pʌmp / [v, n] bôm, bơm, máy bơm

Ex: Raw sewage is pumped directly into the sea

guilty / `gɪltɪ / [n] tội phạm, phạm tội, tội lổi


vessel / `vesəl / [n] tàu thủy, thuyền

marine / mə`ri:n / [adj] (thuộc về) bieån

Ex: A ship has an accident and oil leaks from the vessel This not only pollutes the water, but it also kills marine life

waste material / weɪst mə`tɪərɪəl / [n] chất thải

proper / `prɔpə / [adj] thích hợp, đắn

regulation / regju`leɪʃən / [n] điều chỉnh, qui định

carelessness / `keəlɪsnəs / [n] bất cẩn, cẩu thả, không cẩn thận

deliberate / de`lɪbəreɪt / [adj] cố ý, chủ tâm, có tính toán

Listen and fill in each blank with one word you hear:

Our oceans are becoming (1) polluted Most of this pollution comes (2)

the land, which means it comes from people (3) , there is raw sewage, which is pumped directly (4) the sea Many countries, both developed and developing, are guilty of doing this Secondly, ships drop about six (5) tons of garbage into the sea each year Thirdly, there are oil spills from ships A ship has an accident and oil leaks from the vessel This not (6) pollutes the water, but it also kills marine life (7) , there are waste materials from factories Without proper regulations, (8) owners let the waste run directly into the rivers, which then leads (9) the sea And finally, oil is washed from the land This can be the (10) of carelessness or a deliberate dumping of waste

III/ Read

end up = reach a state of / end ʌp / [v] đạt tới, tới tình trạng

junkyard / `dʒʌŋkjɑrd / [n] bãi phế thải, nơi chứa đồ phế thải

second-hand / `sekənd hỉnd / [adj] (đồ vật) củ / dùng treasure / `treʒər / [n] châu báo, kho báu

Ex: Well the world will end up like a second-hand junkyard, With all of its treasures quite gone


/ tɪn / [n, v]

lon, hộp, đóng hộp -> tinned food: đồ hộp

stream / stri:m / [n] / dòng suối

cover / `kʌvər / [v] che phủ, che đậy

foam / foʊm / [n] boït

Ex: The streams will be covered with foam

hedge / hedʒ / [n] hàng rào (hàng tiếp nhau)

nonsense / `nɔnsəns / [n] bậy nào, vô lý, lời nói vơ nghĩa

wood > woods / wʊd / [n] gỗ > rừng

folk / foʊk / [n] người (cách nói thông tục)

Ex: Because pollution is something that other folk do, We're just enjoying our day

silly / `sɪlɪ / [adj] khờ dại, ngớ ngẩn, ngốc nghếch

right away / rɑɪt əweɪ / [adv] tức

row / roʊ / [n] hàng (ngang), hàng lối


flow / floʊ / [n] doøng

mass / mỉs / [n] khối, đống, vô số

bubble / `bʌbəl / [n] bọt, bong bóng, tăm

valuable / `vỉljuəbəl / [adj] có giá trị

precious / `preʃəs / [adj] quý, quý giá, quý báu

minimize / `mɪnəmɑɪz / [v] làm giảm thiểu ( mức thấp nhất)

Ex: What could you in your school / house to minimize pollution? IV/ Write


/ kəm`pleɪnt / [n] lời phàn nàn, than phiền -> complain (v)

complication / kəmplɪ`keɪʃən / [n] rắc rối, phức tạp

resolution / rezə`lu:ʃən / [n] cách giải quyết, định, nghị quyeát

director -> board of ~ / dɪ`rektə / [n] giám đốc > ban giám đốc

appropriate / ə`proʊprɪət / [adj] tương ứng, thích hợp

company / `kʌmpənɪ / [n] công ty, bạn bè, khách khứa clear up / klɪə ʌp / [v] thu dọn, làm

leave - left - left / li:v - left - left / [v] bỏ lại, rời, để quên

Ex: I would suggest that your company should tell your drivers to clear up all the trash on the ground before leaving

truck / trʌk / [n] xe tải, xe gác


/breɪk-broʊk-broʊkn/ [v, n]

phá, làm bể ; nghó ngơi

refreshment / rɪ`freʃmənt / [n] ăn nhẹ, đồ ăn thức uống

Ex: The drivers have left lots of garbage on the ground after their refreshment

smell / smel / [v, n] ngửi ; mùi khó chịu

fly > flying saucer / flɑɪ / / flɑɪiŋ `sɔsər

/ [n]

con ruồi > đóa bay

faithfully / `feɪθfəlɪ / [adv] chân thành, trung thực

worry / `wʌrɪ / [v, n] lo lắng, quấy rầy

electricity / ɪlek`trɪsɪtɪ / [n] điện, điện tử electric shock wave / ɪ`lektrɪk ʃɔk weɪv / [n] sóng điện

float / floʊt / [v] nổi, trôi lềnh bềnh

surface / `sɜrfɪs / [n] mặt, bề mặt, bề

frog / frɔg / [n] eách

toad / toʊd / [n] coùc

bird / bɜrd / [n] chim

authority / ɔ:`θɔrɪtɪ / [n] quyền, quyền lực, quyền

prohibit > -ion (n) / proʊ`hɪbɪt / [v] cấm, ngăn cấm ; cấm đoán

fine / fɑɪn / [v, n] phạt tiền ; tiền phạt

heavily / `hevɪlɪ / [adv] nặng, nặng nề format / `fɔ:mỉt / [n] cấu trúc, định dạng

problem / `prɔbləm / [n] vấn đề, toán

Example Writing :


Dear Mr President,

I’m writing to you about the catching of fish in the lake behind my house

I’m really worried because people use electricity instead of fishing rod or net to catch fish After a short time they left the lake, a lot of small fish died and floated on the water surface Other animals such as frogs, toads, and even birds also died from electric shock waves

I would suggest that the local authorities should prohibit and fine heavily anyone using this way of catching fish

I look forward to hearing from you and seeing the protection of environment from the local authorities



V/ Language Focus

sigh / sɑɪ / [v, n] thở dài, rì rào ; tiếng thở dài / rì rào

sadly / sỉdlɪ / [adv] buồn bả

fail the test / feɪl ðə test / [v] thi rớt (thất bại thi) Ex: Tuan sighed sadly when he heard that he failed the test

laugh / lɑ:f / [v] cười

fall - fell - fallen / fɔ:l - fel - fɔ:lən / [v] rơi, ngã, sụp đổ, lâm vào

amazed = surprised / ə`meɪzd-sɜ`prɑɪzd

/ [adj]

kinh ngạc, sững sốt

win - won - won / wɪn - wʌn / [v] chiếm, đoạt, được, thắng

prize / prɑɪz / [n] giải thưởng

Ex: I’m amazed that he could win the first prize

flood / flʌd / [n] lũ lụt

cope / koʊp / [v] đối phó, đương đầu, mắc phải

respiratory / respə`reɪtərɪ / [adj] thuoäc hô hấp

Ex: If there is too much exhaust fume in the air, more and more people will cope with respiratory problems

clean / kli:n / [adj] sẽ, lành

creature / `kri:tʃər / [n] loài vật, sinh vật

preserve / prɪ`zɜrv / [v] bảo tồn, giữ gìn, trì

seriously / `sɪərɪəslɪ / [adv] nghiêm trọng, hệ trọng, đứng đắn

shade / ʃeɪd / [n] bóng râm, bóng mát, chụp đèn

Ex: If we plant more trees along the streets, we will have more shade and fresh air

poisonous / `pɔɪznəs / [adj] độc, có tính độc

inedible / ɪ`nedɪbəl / [adj] không ăn

Ex: If we use much pesticide on vegetables, the vegetables will become poisonous and inedible B/ Word Forms :


1 achieve achievement achievable

2 amaze amazement amazed amazing amazingly


carefulness carelessness

careless carelessly conserve conservation conservationist conservative

5 complain complaint complainingly

6 disappoint disappointment disappointed disappointing disappointedly disappointingly dissolve dissolution

8 deforest deforestation

9 environment environmentalist environmental environmentally

10 guilt guilty of

11 harm harm (to) harmful harmless harmfully harmlessly 12 protect protection protective

13 poison: đầu độc

poison: chất độc poisoning: nhiễm độc

poisonous 14 preserve preservation

15 prevent prevention preventable preventative

16 prohibit prohibition prohibitive prohibitively 17 pollute pollution pollutant polluted unpolluted

18 reduce reduction reducible

19 respire respiration respiratory 20 suggest suggestion suggestive suggestible 21 provide provision

22 sand sandy

23 nature (un)natural (un)naturally

24 health (un)healthy, healthful (un)healthily

25 recycle recycled, recyclable

26 persuade persuasion persuasive

27 volunteer volunteer voluntary voluntarily

28 respond response

29 minimize minimum minimum

30 drip drip dripping

31 refresh refreshment

32 enormous enormously

C/ Preposition:

1 divide into: chia

2 provide sth for sb : cung cấp cho provide sb with sth : cung caáp cho be disappointed with sb / sth : thất vọng

5 give out : phân phát


7 harm to people’s health : gây hại cho sức khoẻ người prevent sb from doing sth : ngăn chặn

9 go on = keep on : tiếp tục 10.end up : tới tình trạng

11.be covered with sth : phủ lên, che bọc 12.litter with sth :vứt rác bừa bãi

13.clear up : thu dọn, làm 14.look forward to + Ving 15.prohibit from : ngăn cấm 16.died from electric shock waves 17.be full of

18.complain about sth to sb 19.protect sb from sth D/ Grammar point:

I. Adjectives:

1 Adj can come in two places in a sentence

 Adj + N: a beautiful girl, careful drivers

 V + adj.: be, look, seem, appear, feel, find, taste, sound, smell E.g.: You seem happy

2 Adjective clauses:

S + be + Adjective + that – clause (S’ + V)

That clauses come after adjectives that refer to feelings or certainty: afraid, angry, bad, certain, disappointed, glad, happy, graceful, helpful, important, lucky, pleased, possible, sad, sorry, sure, thankful, true, wrong …

E.g.: I’m disappointed that people have spoiled this area

II. Adverbs of manner: Adjective + ly

safe  safely careful  carefully happy happily wide widely

 Some adjectives and adverbs are the same: hard, fast, early, late, far

 Hardly (hầu không), lately (recently), mostly (chủ yếu là) are not adverbs of manner Adverbs normally go after the direct object

E.g.:- I read the letter carefully - She worked slowly

III Adverb clauses of reason: Mệnh đề trạng từ lý do

A Because / As / Since + Clause :

We decided to leave early because / as / since the party was boring

B Because of + noun / noun phrase:

We cancelled our flight because the weather was bad -> We cancelled our flight because of the bad weather

CLAUSE ( S + V … )


Thường có dạng sau:

Daïng 1:


Ex: - We can't go to school today because the weather is bad

 We can't go to the school today because of the bad weather Daïng 2:

Because + Tính từ sở hữu + noun + be + adj Because of + Tính từ sở hữu + adj + noun

Ex: - He couldn't run very fast because his leg was bad  He couldn't run very fast because of his bad leg

Ghi chuÙ: Tính từ sở hữu: my, your, her, his, its, our, their Dạng 3:

Because + Đại từ nhân xưng + be + adj Because of + Tính từ sở hữu + noun

Ghi chuù: Đại từ nhân xưng: I, you, he, she, it, we, they Tính từ sở hữu: my, your, his, her, its, our, their Ex: - Mary doesn't go to school because she is ill

 Mary doesn't go to school because of her illness Daïng 4:

S1 + V … Because + S2 + V … S1 + V … Because of + V-ING

Chú ý:

Nếu chủ ngữ vế đầu giống chủ ngữ vế sau ta làm sau:

- Bỏ chủ ngữ vế sau

- Lấy động từ dạng V-ing

Ex: - Mary doesn't go to school because she is ill  Mary doesn't go to school because of being ill

IV Conditional Sentences (If Sentences): Type Câu điều kiện loại 1

Ex: If I finish my homework, I will go to the concert = I will go to the concert if I finish my homework * If clause: If I finish my homework,

* Main clause: I will go to the concert 1 Form: Công thức

If clause: Mệnh đề đk Main clause: Mệnh đề

If + S + V(+s /es) + S + will + V +

can must

2 Use: Cách dùng



I Put in the adverbs:

1 Emma’s toothache was terrible Emma’s tooth ached Henry was angry Henry shouted

3 I’m happy sitting here I can sit here

4 He was very thoughtful standing there He stood there The children seemed cheerful The children played The switch is automatic The machine switches itself off James is very good at speaking English James speaks English The debate should be public We need to debate the matter She was charming She walked in front of the audience 10.Everyone was enthusiastic Everyone discusses the idea 11.The man had a soft voice The man spoke

12.Claire wears expensive clothes Claire dresses 13.The runners made a low start They started the race 14.The building has to be secure Did you lock all the doors ? 15.I had a strange dream last night I dreamed

II Supply either BECAUSE or BECAUSE OF:

1 It was difficult to deliver the letter the wrong address We have to cut down on our driving there is an oil shortage Rescue attempts were temporarily stopped the bad weather They visited their friends often they enjoyed their company Paul could not go to the football game his illness

6 Marcella was awarded a scholarship her superior ability Nobody ventured outdoors the hurricane warnings

8 We plan to spend our vacation in the mountains the air is purer there We have to drive around the bay the bridge was destroyed in the storm 10 The chickens have died the intense heat

III Supply the correct tenses or verb forms:

1 If you (be) a student, you will get a discount on textbooks Unless you understand the lesson, I (explain) it again to you She suggests (eat) _ in that restaurant

4 Please let me (know) _ if you know where she lives They make their living by (catch) fish in the river What can you in your school (minimize) pollution? It is difficult (study) _ Math

8 Mary has some difficulty (get) up early in the morning We (have) lunch when he came here

10 He (not write) to his grandma recently

11 Mai (make) _ a new dress at six o’clock last night 12 Maryam and Lan (be) pen pals since last year 13 Tim (travel) _ around Vietnam last year

14 Let me (help) with the housework


20 Lan is learning how (drive) a car

21 When _ you (buy) _ this book? – Two days ago 22 I suggest (take) a taxi to work

23 If you have a problem, I (share) _ it with you 24 He (get) _ up early this morning

25 How long you (know) _ him? 26 We (not buy) _ this car if it is expensive

27 If the pollution (continue) _, what will happen?

28 They made their living by (catch) _ fish in the ocean everyday 29 What about (go) to school or to work by bike?

30 If we go on littering, the environment (be) _ seriously polluted 31 When I came, my son (do) _ his homework

32 For a long time, my father (work) for Sai Gon commercial bank 33 The teacher asked me where I (come) from

34 We wish we (have) a good time tonight 35 It’s time we (stop) _ here

36 I always look forward to (respond) _ from you 37 We (go out) _ later if it stops raining

38 Do you want to watch TV? I (switch) it on if you want 39 If we (not leave) now, we won’t be late

40 If Tam does not apologize to me, I (not speak) _ to him anymore 41 Will you phone me tomorrow, if you (have) time?

42 If I am not too busy tomorrow, I (visit) _ you 43 He is tired because he stayed up late (watch) _TV

44 This newspaper is (publish) everyday It’s a daily newspaper 45 He shouted and looked angrily at me when I (break) the vase

IV Rewrite each sentence so that it means almost the same as the one printed before it: You’ll drink coffee late at night and you can’t sleep

If you Study hard and your parents are pleased

If He drives carelessly

He is Let’s go on a camping holiday in May

We suggested You burn the garbage and the air will be polluted

If you Because of the polluted water, we can’t swim in this river

Since Mr Jones rarely turns off the fan before leaving

Mrs Jones suggests Remember to take care of this tree or it will die

If Because of being a good English speaker, he can easily find a job

Because he 10.He broke the vase because he was careless

Because of 11.We can’t go for a walk because it rains heavily


12.She won the first prize because she performed well

Because of 13.He got high marks on his tests because he learned hard

Because of 14.Tom failed the exam because of his laziness

Because Tom 15.She couldn’t come to class because of her illness

As 16.Two cars can’t pass each other because of the narrow road

Because 17.He couldn’t meet you because of being busy

Since 18.Because of your hard working, you passed your final examination


V Rewrite each sentence so that it means almost the same as the one printed before it: She sings beautifully

She is We run fast

We are It is raining heavily, so I can’t go out

Because I worked hard, so I was tired

Since They are too lazy to pass the test

As The river is too dirty for us to swim in

Because Run fast You will win the race

If you He is lazy, so he fails the test

If he Hurry up, or we will miss the bus

If 10 Lan is a fast runner

Lan 11 Hoa is a slow swimmer

Hoa 12 My mom is a wonderful cook

My mom 13 He plays football well

He is 14 She speaks very well

She is 15 She is an excellent ballet dancer

She 16 That boy plays soccer very well

That boy is 17 Listening to some music will make you feel better


18 Study hard or you will fail the exam

If 19 Work hard and you will get good result

If 20 “Let’s go to the canteen” said she

She suggested 21 I think we shouldn’t buy that car

Let’s 22 Let’s not use electricity for catching fish

I suggest 23 I think you shouldn’t use plastic bags

How about 24 I suggest those products shouldn’t be bought

I suggest 25 Let’s take these bottles to a recycling center

I suggest that 26 How about replacing the broken window?

I suggest the 27 Please don’t leave the light on during the night

I suggest that 28 Why don’t you go to see a psychologist?

I think 29 Let’s take showers instead of baths

Why 30 Why don’t we send these things for recycling?

How about 31 I think we shouldn’t go out during rush hours

What about 32 How about tying the roof to the ground with ropes?

Shall 33 “Let’s make some posters on energy saving.”

He suggested some 34 I suggest using public buses for traveling

Why not 35 Do the test carefully or you may get bad mark

If 36 Peter is a very good football player

Peter plays 37 Nancy will stop studying She will find a full – time job

If 38 She doesn’t have enough time, so she can’t finish the exercises

If 39 He doesn’t have a lot of money, so he will not buy a new house

If 40 Flowers won’t bloom if there isn’t enough water

Unless flowers 41 If you don’t succeed, you will have to try it again


Because of 43 We can’t go for a walk because it rains heavily

Because of 44 He couldn’t meet you because of being busy

He couldn’t meet you because 45 Lan couldn’t come to class because of her sickness

Lan couldn’t come to class 46 She couldn’t go to school because of her illness

She couldn’t 47 Nobody can this test because of its difficulty

Nobody can 48 Our environment is becoming polluted now, so we have to something to protect it

Because 49 She speaks English very well

She is 50 Mrs Nga teaches Geography very well

Mrs Nga is 51 They actively participate in the charity program

They are 52 He plays the guitar excellently

He is 53 Go to the airport now or you’ll miss the plane

If 54 Be careful or we might fail in the final test

If 55 Don’t drink coffee or you won’t be able to sleep

If 56 Without working harder, we will surely fail in the exam

If 57 Study harder and you will get good results

If 58 Without a large sum of money, you can’t buy this car

If 59 Unless it rains tomorrow, we’ll go fishing

If 60 Unless you stop smoking, you will die soon

If 61 Unless it is rainy, we will have lunch in the garden

If 62 If it doesn’t rain, we’ll have lunch in the garden

Unless 63 If they are not careful, they’ll lose all the money

Unless 64 Water these plants every day or they will die

Unless 65 You must go now or you’ll be late for school

If 66 Working too much will make you tired


67 Regular exercise will make you to be healthy

If 68 Go to the seaside with me, and you have a lot of fun

If 69 Work hard and you will pass the exam

If 70 We will eat outdoor unless it rains this evening

If 71 Please don’t go on using electricity to catch fish

Why 72 It snowed hard, so the match was postponed

Since 73 He went home early because of his tiredness

As he 74 Listening to some music will make you feel better

Ngày đăng: 08/02/2021, 04:44

