- Speaking: Ask for and give telephone numbers; Make arrangements; Talk about future plans; Talk about dates and months; Ask for and give personal information - Listening: Listen to m[r]
1 Topic:
- Friends & Oneself and others
2 Competences:
- Ask for and give telephone numbers - Ask for and give personal information - Talk about future plans
- Speaking: Ask for and give telephone numbers; Make arrangements; Talk about future plans; Talk about dates and months; Ask for and give personal information - Listening: Listen to monologues / dialogues within 80-100 words for general information
- Reading: Read dialogues and passages within 100-120 words for general or detailed information
- Writing:Write an informal letter of invitation a paragraph within 60-70 words
with idea / word or picture cues
4 Grammar:
- Tenses: Present simple, Future simple (will, shall) - Ordinal number
5 Vocabulary:
- Words describing dates and months: Monday, Tuesday, January, February, … - Phone numbers
II Unit plan:
Unit 2: Personal information(6 periods)
- Lesson : A1-3
- Lesson : A4,
- Lesson : A6,7
- Lesson : B1-3
- Lesson : B4
- Lesson : B6,
A.Objectives: 1 Aims:
To ask for and give telephone numbers and further practice in addresses
Practice skill:
- Practice the comprehension speaking skill
3 The knowledge needs to get:
+ Standard knowledge: Ask for and give telephone numbers and further practice
in addresses
+ Advanced knowledge: Make dialogues of asking and answering about
someone’s personal information; Write a short passage about a new friend in the
class after asking him or her about personal information ( A3) and retell before the
4 Basic language:
- Vocabulary: call, telephone directory, soon - Tenses: simple present
- Structure: What is your telephone number? 432 235
Where you live? or What is your address?
5 Attitude:
- Help ss to have good consciousness in order to practice ask for and give telephone numbers and further practice in addresses
B Teaching- aids:
text book, cards for word cue drill , poster for noughts and crosses
C Methods:
- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work
- Some techniques can be used: Number transmitting, Word cues drill, Noughts and crosses
D Procedure:
I.Organization: ( minute)
- Greeting:
- Who’s absent today?
Class Date of teaching Absent students
7A 7/9/2019
7B 7/9/2019
Teacher's activities SS' activities
(3)Divide the class into teams
Choose volunteers from each team The volunteers stand into two lines He/ She whispers the number to the next person in his / her line
The second student whispers to the third and so on…
The last student shouts the number, if it the same as the number, the teacher shows that team will win the games
III NEW LESSON Step1 Presentation(13ms) Vocabulary
( mime ) ( realia)
( translation)
* Check vocabulary : What and where
Presentation text (A3 p.20)
- Set the scence:Lan and hoa are asking and
giving their telephone number.
- Drill the dialogue: T-WC H-H open pairs closed pairs
* Concept check
- Is it a question or a stament ? - What does the sentence mean ?
- what kind of word standing behind “ What’s “
- Please replace another possessive pronoun ( his/ her )
- Is the question used to ask about address or telephone number ?
Step2 Practice(17ms)
Word cues drill Thanh Ba/
Van Anh / 7345610
Quy Bang/ 8237401 Thi Bang/ 929288 Xuan Ba/ 6351793 Ngoc Bich/
- SS run through the cues
team work
- call ( v) : gäi
- telephone directory (n) : danh bạ điện thoại
- soon ( adv) ; sím, ch¼ng
repeat chorally and individually copy
Dialogue (A3 p.20) Model sentences
What’s your telephone number his
her { 7345610}
listen and answer
(4)- T models
- T-WC H-H open pairs closed pairs Example exchange
S1: What’s her telephone number? S2 : 7345610
Noughts and crosses
- Divide the class into teams
- Ask ss to use the cues in the circle and part A1 on page 19 to make the questions and answer - Make sure ss to know some following questions:
+ What’s his / her name ?
+ What’s his / her telephone number? +Where does he / she live ?
Duy Ai
8531701 6/ NguyenCong tru Viet Anh 13/ Hang
Dong Ngoc Bich8231263 Tran Phu34 Thi Bang Cong Bao
7821652 Thach Anh Step3 Production : Survey(7ms)
- Ask ss to work in pairs
- Let them write the form into a piece of paper of their notebooks
- Have ss ask their friend ( each student asks of their friends) They ask and answer at the same time
- Ask ss to report orally about their friends after they fill in the form
Name Adress Telephone number
Hoa Ha Long city 033872163
IV SUMMARY (1 minute)
- Asking for and giving telephone numbers
V HOMEWORK (2 minutes)
team- work
do the survey
- Write a short paragraph (60 words) about your friends , using the information in the form
(5)- Write a short paragraph( 60 words) about your friends , using the information in the form - Do Ex A5 p P9 ( exercise book)
-Prepare the next lesson
* Evaluation :