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Tài liệu hướng dẫn luyện thi Tiếng Anh trình độ c dành cho học viên cao học. The following questions are incomplete sentences. Four words or phrases, marked A, B, C, D are given beneath each sentence. You are to choose ONE word or phrase that. best complete the sentence.

TRUONG DAI HOC KINH TE TP.HCM BAN NGOAI NGU: BO MON TIENG ANH **** TAl LIEU HUaNG nAN ON THI TIENG ANH • TRINHDOC • (DANH CHO HQC vrEN CAO HQC) TP HO CHI MINH THANG 6/2008 Ml)C Ll)C LOI GIOI THI:E:U :l.' Phan I: 03 Mo hi diu true bai thi va thang diem ? 05 .• - , Phan 2: Bai t~p mau • • .••• .• .••• • .•••• 11 Vocabulary and Grammar 13 Reading Comprehension 39 Reading Cloze 69 Controlled Writing 79 Sentence Transformation 10 Writing topics & Sample essays lll Listening Comprehension 127 Tapescripts 153 Speaking 165 Phan 3: Sample tests 171 Test 1: Listening comprehension 177 Test 1: Reading & Writing · 181 Test 2: Listening comprehension 187 Test 2: Reading & Writing 192 Answer key Answer sheet · · · ·· 198 202 • Lin G 161 THI:E:U T~p tai lieu duoc bien soan nham muc dich giiip hoc vien dang theo hoc cac khoa cao hoc tai tnrong Dai hoc Kinh t~ TP.HCM co nhirng thong tin dn thi~t lien quan d~n ky thi h~t man tieng Anh cua b~c hoc tai tnrong, d6ng thai cung dp cac bai tap cling c6 ki~n thirc va ren luyen ky nang tieng Anh duoi nhi~u dang thirc khac dS giiip hoc vien on luyen va co dinh huong cho ky thi Theo qui djnh cua BQ Giao due va Dao tao, ky thi k~t thuc man hoc d6i voi b~c cao hoc duoc t6 chtrc nham kiem tra danh gia kY nang va kien tlurc tieng Anh cua hoc vien trinh dQ wong dirong C (trung cao dp) HQc vien se duoc kiern tra ca ky nang NGHE, NOI, DOC, VIET voi cac hinh thirc thi khac Do chuang trinh tieng Anh tai Dai hoc Kinh t~ TP,HCM diroc xay dung voi tarn Hi tieng Anh tlurong mai (Business English) nen cac bai thi se duoc thi~t k~ voi muc dich kiSm tra kien thirc tir vung, ngfr phap va cac ky nang giao ti~p tieng Anh moi tnrong kinh thirong Tap tai li~u g6m cac phan chinh nhir sau: • Mo ta du true bai thi cua cac phan thi (NGHE, NOI, DOC, VIET) va thang diSm bai thi • Cac bai t~p mfru dS on t~p ki~n thirc va ren luyen cac kY nang • D~ thi mfru Ngoai cluing toi ciing cung dp Audio CD cua phan Nghe hieu dS giup cac 15~ntl,l' trau d6i va ren luyen ky nang Hy vong t~p tai lieu se giup cac ban hoc vien cao hoc co di~u kien chuan bi t6t va thi dat ky thi h~t man tiengAnh Chuc cac ban congo BQ man tieng Anh Ban Ngoai ngfr PHANI MO TA cAu TRue BAI THI vA THANGDIEM '" ? ",' ,,, MOTACAUTRUCBAITHIVA Ky thi h~t mon tieng Anh a b~c cao hoc tai tnrong " ",? THANGDIEM Dai hoc Kinh t~ TP.HCM g6m cac bai thi nhir sau: • Bai thi (Paper 1): DQc hi~u (Reading Comprehension) • Bai thi (Paper 2): Vi~t (Writing) • Bai thi (Paper 3): Nghe hieu (Listening Comprehension) • Bai thi (Paper 4): N6i (Speaking) Duoi day la phan gioi thieu t6m t~t du true bai thi tieng Anh trinh dQ trung cao dp (C) Ph&n mo ta bao g6m (i) NQi dung bai thi, (ii) loai hinh bai t~p va muc dich danh gia, (iii) s6 cau/s6 muc tung bai t~p, va thang diem t6i da cho tung bai t~p Bai thi d9c hi~u va vi~t Bai thi DQChi~u (PAPER 1) va Vi~t (PAPER 2) duoc thiet k~ mot bai thi chung Thai gian lam bai Ja 120 phut, N9idung Paper Reading Loai hinh bal t~p va muc dich danh gia sA cau/sA thang muc di~m 15 15 10 10 Paper bao g6m ba loai hinh bai t~p duoc goi la section 1, section va section Comprehension Section1: Section g6m 15 cau tr~c nghiem Ph&n giup Vocabulary danh gia kha nang hi~u va Slr dung diroc tu vung va ngfr phap thich hop thong qua ngfr canh cho s~n Section 2: Reading Section g6m bai doc, M6i bai doc c6 cau trac Comprehension nghiem CM d~ van ban lien quan d~n cac chuyen nganh thuoc linh vue kinh t~ - thirong mai, Nhtrng cau hoi d~t giup thi sinh th~ hien kha nang (i) hieu y chinh neu van ban, (ii) nam b~t thong tin chi ti~t, (iii) hieu duoc quan h~ gifra cac y doan van va van ban, (iv) hieu diroc thai dQ/ muc dich cua tac gia/van ban Section 3: Cloze Section la mQt doan van ban baa g6m 10 ch6 10 10 10 10 5 la ph~n viSt bai luan, Thi sinh chon khoang 10 chu d~ dS viSt bai luan thea hoac chu d~ diroc 150 tir - la nhfmg tir thieu trang cau lien quan Thi sinh dn v~n dung kien thirc ngfr phap, du truc, tir vung dS tim tir thich hop di~n vao khoang lien quan PAPER 2: PAPER WRITING CONTROLLED baa gam loai hinh duoc SENTENCE / GUIDED TRANSFORMATION goi la WRITING, va COMPOSITION PAPER nh~m danh gia kha nang Slr dung tieng Anh dS trinh bay I di~n d~t y urong SECTION 1: 1: g6m 10 nhom cac nr roi, chua lien SECTION kSt voi Trang m6i nhom tir diroc sAp xSp Controlled thea thir nr nhAt djnh, Thi sinh dn Slr dung nhirng Writing tir dQc l~p cho s~n dung cau hoan chinh, cau co SECTION 2: y nghia SECTION va dung ngu phap, la dang bai t~p chuyen hoa diu, baa g6m diu hoan chinh cho s~n Thi sinh Slr dung Sentence Transformation phan goi y dii cho dS hoan cau moi rna v~n nguyen diroc SECTION 3: COMPOSITION SECTION y cho - bai luan khoang 150 tir TAng cqng 60 DiSm tang cong cua bai thi la 60 NSu diSm thi cua thi sinh dum 20 (30%) xem nhir khong dat Bal thi nghe hi~u: Bai thi duoc goi la PAPER - Listening Comprehension Paper baa g6m ba loai hinh bai thidiroc goi la Part 1, Part va Part Thi sinh nghe doan van hay m~u d6i thoai va thuc hien cac chi d~n diroc ghi d~ thi M6i bai nghe duoc doc l~n Thoi gian lam bai khoang nr 30 d~n 40 phut Loai hinh bai t~p va muc dich danh gia NQidung Thi sinh c6 phut dS doc tnroc cau hoi va sau d6 Part s8 diu/s8 thang muc di~m 10 5/10 10 10 10 nghe mot doan van hoac mftu d6i thoai l~n lien ti~p Cac cau hoi nham kiern tra kha nang chon dung thong tin tir ngir lieu nghe, nghe hieu chi ti~t, nhan bi~t thai d(>hoac y djnh y chinh, cua nguoi n6i va nhan biet nghia Dira van n(>idung cua doan van vira nghe thi sinh vi~t cau tra loi NGAN GQN gi~y thi Thi sinh c6 phiit dS doc hoac 10 cau hoi va cac Part cau tra loi in s£n duoi dang tr~c nghiem Sau d6 nghe doc mot doan van hay met mftu hQi thoai l~n lien ti~p Thi sinh chon cau tra loi dung b~ng each khoanh tron cac mftu ttr A, B, C hoac D Thi sinh c6 phiit dS doc truce m(>t doan van hay Part mftu hQi thoai in s£n d~ thi Van ban g6m 10 khoang - la nhimg tir thieu cau lien quan Thi sinh nghe doc doan van ban d6 l~n lien ti~p Thi sinh phai vi~t cac tir thieu van cac khoang thich hop, TAng di~m 30 DiSm t6ng cong cua bai thi la 30 N~u di~m bai thi cua thi sinh diroi 10 (30%) xem nhir khong dat 3J Thi vAn dap: Bai thi diroc goi la PAPER (Speaking) Bai thi g6m ph~n: • Ph~n 1: Phong v~n (Interview): Thi sinh se duoc hoi nhtrng cau co lien quan d~n thong tin ca nhan, nghe nghiep, noi lam viec • Phfrn 2: Trinh bay (Mini presentation): Thi sinh chon ng~u nhien chu d~ va din ell' theo phan goi y eho s~n d~ trinh bay chu d~ vong d~n phut va sau se tra 10'i cac cfiu hoi cua giam khao lien quan d~n chu d~ dii trinh bay Di~m tong cong cua bai thi la 10 N~u di~m cua thi sinh duoi 03 (30%) xem nhir khong dat Thang di~m tBng c9ng TT Bai thi Di~m tBi da Di~m d~t Doc - Vi~t 60 ~ 18 Nghe 30 ~09 Noi 10 ~03 100 ~50 T6ng cong N~u thf sinh co mot mon duoi DIEM DAT se khong dat toan bQ ky thi each lam bai thi tdc nghiem D6i voi cac cfiu hoi trac nghiern, thf sinh chon cfiu tra Uri dung b~ng each khoanh tron m~n nr chon, Thi du chon A C D Xoa A chon B C D C D Chon lai A ( danh dffu X tren mall 10 lit chon la i) x VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR •• • At present the number of employees is _ c) 5,000 a) more than 10,000 d) more than 20,000 b) 3,000 10 In the last five years, the company has _ a) grown a lot c) grown a little b) stayed the same size d) become smaller Part Three You have two minutes to read the questions in advance listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with ONE word for each You will listen to the piece THREE TIMES For years, Vietnam had a classical Marxist (1) system characterised by central planning and control Then, in 1986, the policy of opening up the country to (2) forces and (3) investment was introduced Twenty years later, the (4) · · · · can be seen everywhere Take the city of Hanoi, for example Ten years ago you could wander around on foot without (5) (6) buildings of great (7) , about traffic The city itself was and elegant, with lovely tree-lined interest The (8) avenues and many today is very different Traffic has become a serious problem: Vietnam has over one million cars and over nine million motorbikes, seven times the number there were in 1990 Hotels and office buildings are (9) up all over the city, and (10) rents in Hanoi are now as high as in Paris and 70% higher than in Sydney 187 LISTENING (Transcript) Part one You have two minutes to read the questions in advance Listen to the passage carefully and answer the following questions You will listen to the piece THREE TIMES Mr Azim Premji is the founder of Wipro, a very successful IT company He has inspired his organization by his dedication, his humility, and his sheer simplicity Although some of his lowerlevel staff have become millionaires due to the stocks allocated to them, the entire organization follows Premji's values of simplicity and humility and strives towards perfection Part Two You have two minutes to read the questions in advance Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with ONE word for each You will listen to the piece THREE TIMES For years, Vietnam had a classical Marxist economic system characterised by central planning and control Then, in 1986, the policy of opening up the country to market forces and foreign investment was introduced Twenty years later, the effects can be seen everywhere Take the city of Hanoi, for example Ten years ago you could wander around on foot without worrying about traffic The city itself was peaceful and elegant, with lovely tree-lined avenues and many buildings of great architectural interest The scene today is very different Traffic has become a serious problem: Vietnam has over one million cars and over nine million motorbikes, seven times the number there were in 1990 Hotels and office buildings are springing up all over the city, and commercial rents in Hanoi are now as high as in Paris and 70% higher than in Sydney Part Three You have two minutes to read the questions in advance Listen to the teacher and circle the best answer You will listen to the piece THREE TIMES Nelson Ferreira: OK, so before I tell you about our exciting new model, let me first give you a few basic facts about our company Did you know that we are one of the largest aircraft manufacturers in the world? And that we make commercial aircraft, as well as military planes, and of course corporate aircraft? We were set up in 1969 by the government of Brazil And we were based then - as we are today _ in Sao Jose dos Campos, in Brazil Here you can see a picture of our factories The next milestone in our company history was in 1994 In that year we were privatised - which meant that our shares could be traded on the stock exchange In fact, today we are listed on both the New York and Sao Paulo stock exchanges This gave us the opportunity to raise finance for new ideas Now let me show you some figures Our revenues - as you can see - have increased steadily every year since 1996 Last year we reached a gross revenue of two point eight billion US dollars - which gave us net earnings of three hundred and fifty-three million dollars 188 And the number of employees has also increased from three thousand eight hundred, five years ago, to more than ten thousand today So you can see that we have grown very rapidly since our privatisation, and we are still growing OK So that was a very short background to the company Now I'll move on to the main point which is of interest to you: our new executive jet plane - which we call Ambassador This is the latest in our range of corporate aircraft and it has already attracted a great deal of attention ***** 189 SAMPLE TEST TRUONG D~I HOC KINH TE TP HO CHI MINH DE THI TIENG ANH TRINH DO C - MON DOC VIET H9 ten thi sinh: _ Ngay thang narn sinh: - Ngay ki~m tra: - So bao danh: ChITky giarn thi se phach ChITky giarn thi x Di~m b~ng s6 _ Di~m b~ng chIT , I se phach ChCl'ky GV cham ChCl'ky GV cham I1 11 1_ READING COMPREHENSION PAPER ONE SECTION In this section you must choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence the computer seemed like a good investment, they decided against it (A) Because (B) Although They claim they (A) never been late (C) However (D) But (B) have never been late (C) have been late never (D) have been never late The final proposal (A) is going to prepare the day after tomorrow (B) is prepared The cook insisted that he (A) tasting When the transaction (D) will be prepared (C) tastes (D) taste the soup (B) to taste The exchange rate would have been better if they (A) had gone (C) is preparing (B) went to a reputable bank (C) have gone (D) are going , the seller was astonished since he had felt that the buyer was satisfied (A) fell through (B) got off (C) turned in (D) gave up 191 x The accountant had her (A) to file past records (B) is 'filing (C) file We hope to benefit (D) filed the change of management (A) from (B) onto (C) at The buses are crowded and dirty; (A) for example , they are never on time (B) instead 10 Her resume and recommendations (A) profession (D) to (C) in addition (D) nevertheless prove that she is a I,B) professorial in her field (C) professional (D) profess 11 First, determine which software program will solve your problems; ; buy a compatible computer (A) besides (B) next (C) on the other hand 12 Consult a tax professional if you (A) thought (A) finance (C) had thought (D) had been thinking (C) financed (D) financial necessity (B) financier 14 Their boss will not let them (A) to work you are entitled to this deduction (B) think 13 A strong cash flow is a (D) therefore overtime (B) work 15 A higher average (C) working (D) will work rate accounted for about one-third of the financing costs (A) interesting (B) interest (C) interested (D) interestingly SECTION Questions 16-25 Read the passage and choose the best answers for the questions that follow As the Millennium approaches, an economic earthquake is shaking the globe, producing an upheaval comparable to the Industrial Revolution that gave birth to the manufacturing Information 192 Revolution is powered by breathtaking technological age The advances, accelerating world trade and the spread of free-market policies Economic values are being tom down Vast new markets beckon Ten years ago, the free-market economies encompassed billion people Now, says U.S Treasury Under Secretary Lawrence Summers, "It is only a slight exaggeration to say this is the era when billion people entered the free-market." Yet the world is also entering an era of uncertainty and dislocation Just as the Industrial Revolution unleashed forces that destroyed the old agricultural order, so the Information Revolution is creating a new global division of labor with far-reaching consequences for the fortunes of nations and individuals The only certainty, perhaps, is the size and speed of change The globalized economy is one 10 of 24-hour financial markets, huge split-second flows of international funds, and intense competition as companies roam the world for capital, labor, technology, raw materials, and markets More flexible production techniques are allowing giant global corporations to locate their activities wherever it is economically most advantageous The traditional "industrial" countries, led by the U.S., are moving inexorably, though at differing speeds, to service-based economies In the not too 15 distant future, only in 10 of their workers will be employed in manufacturing Many economists are confident that a bright era of world growth will emerge from the current disruptions, that the changes are no more disturbing than the 18th century moves from countryside to industry Service jobs replacing those in manufacturing are by no means all low paid They include banking, insurance, marketing, design, and computer programming 16 Which of the following is the main topic of the passage? (A) The changing job market (B) Changing financial markets (C) Global increase in employment (D) Worldwide economic changes 17 The word "upheaval" in line is closest in meaning to, (A) convulsion (B) revolution _ (D) explosion (C) agitation 18 It can be inferred from the passage that there will be more (A) manufacturing ~nthe future (B) global trade (C) people employed in manufacturing (D) free-lance workers 19 The author compares the Information Revolution to' A) free-market economies (B) the manufacturing age (C) the Industrial Revolution (D) an economic age _ _ 193 20 The word "unleashed" in line could best be replaced by (A) separated (B) liberated _ (C) justified (D) divided 21 According to the passage, the globalized economy helps to _ (A) increase competitiveness (B) cause corporate uncertainty (C) develop world travel (D) produce large companies 22 It can be inferred from the passage that the Information Revolution will, _ (A) produce more industries (B) help destroy manufacturing (C) increase the speed of change (D) create new jobs 23 The word "roam" in line 14 is closest in meaning to (A) walk _ (B) cross (C) tr~¥el 24 The word "they" in line 22 refers to, (A) economists (D) discover _ (B) jobs (C) changes (D) moves 25 Where does the author mention the economy in connection with employment? (A) Lines -2 SECTION (B) Lines - 3: READING (C) Lines - 11 (D) Lines 21 -22 CLOZE Complete the following passage with the missing words Fill each blank with ONE suitable word only An encyclopaedia is a rich collection (1) information about people, places, things and events A good (2) is a treasure house of knowledge We usually open an encyclopaedia when we are (3) for information on a special topic, but it is often fun just to tum over the pages and see (4) we can find by chance The best known, oldest and biggest encyclopaedia in English Britannica This was first published in weekly parts (8) a revolution are now available, not discs The first was published available in this way 194 1768 (6) and 1781 Each one (7) only a few pence There has recently Encyclopaedias (5) the Encyclopaedia in how encyclopaedias are published : - (9) printed on paper, but recorded on computer (10) 1986 Nowadays, many encyclopaedias are PAPER 2: WRITING SECTION 1: CONTROLLED WRITING (10 marks) From the following suggested words and phrases in the given sequences, make all the changes and additions necessary to produce sentences, which together make a complete paragraph Follow the example Example: my aunt / born / England / now/ she/ live / Perth / Australia / Answer: My aunt was born in England, but now she lives in Perth, Australia Dear SirlMadam, 1-2 1/ Vietnamese student / Ho Chi Minh City University/ Economics / / a Master's Course / Business Studies 3-4 I / intend / spend / six months / England / January next year / prepare / Cambridge First Certificate Your college / recommend! to me / a fellow student II like / details / First Certificate course / include / fees / dates 7- Could / you! also / let / me / know / if / you / provide / accommodation / me / Brighton / an English family Thank / you / attention 10 I / look forward / hear / you / soon .: ~ Yours faithfully 195 SECTION 2: SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION Use the words given to rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the original sentence EXAMPLE: I haven't enjoyed myself so much for years ANSWER: It's years since I enjoyed myself so much "We're sorry that we have to delay the payment." said Mr Janssen Mr Janssen apologized "If! were you, I'd make a formal complaint to get the compensation." he said to me He advised Could you deliver the goods to my home? Could I have Our supplier regrets not meeting our requirements Our supplier wishes Finding suitable accommodation might be difficult It is SECTION 3: COMPOSITION Choose ONE of the following topics to write a composition Use at least 150 words Topic 1: Describe your working place and suggest some changes or improvements Topic 2: Write about the advantages and disadvantages of using a computer ~ : 196 KEY TO SAMPLE TESTS SAMPLE TEST Paper One: Reading Section 1: Vocabulary and Grammar I.C 2.D 3.C 4.C 5.D 6.C 1O.B II.D 12.D 13 A 14.C 15.B Section 2: Reading Comprehension (15 marks) 7.C 8.D 9.A (10 marks) Passage 1: C D A 4.C B Passage 2: D A C 4.D 5.D Section 3: Reading Cloze (10 marks) born go Korean stayed there they and when about 10 his Paper Two: Writing Section 1: Controlled Writing (10 marks) Unilever is a British-Dutch company with its head offices in Rotterdam and London It now owns many well-known consumer brands, including Knorr, Lipton's tea, Omo, Dove and Lux Knorr is their biggest food brand with a strong presence in over 80 countries and a product range including soups, sauces, bouillons, noodles and complete meals Today it employs 247,000 people in 57 countries and sells its products in 150 countries to 150 m customers Its worldwide turnover in 2002 was 48,760 million euros It spends 2.3% of its turnover on Research and Development It has two global divisions, called Food and Home and Personal Care Over 50% of its sales come from the Food Division It has 10 regional business groups to meet the needs of local markets 10 This makes it an international manufacturer of leading brands in foods, home care and personal care Section 2: Sentence Transformation (5 marks) If Juan does not find a good job before September, she will stay on at school Mary asked John not to tell anyone her new address In spite of his (bad) cold William still went to work I wish (that) I had finished my homework last night I would rather you delivered the table on Saturday 199 Section 3: Composition (10 marks) Paper Three: Listening Comprehension Part (10 marks) founder and CEO of Nike a famous sports and fitness company He loves sports and fast cars a tattoo of the Nike logo 5.No Part (10 marks) organized resources major growth 5.heat 6.Farmers insects polluted continents 10 huge r Part (10 marks), La c b 4.a 5.a c 7.c b b 10 c Tapescript " Part One Meet Phil Knight Phil Knight is the founder and CEO of Nike, a famous sports and fitness company He is from Oregon, USA He is 65 and is a very rich man He is married, and his wife's name is Penny They have two sons and one daughter Knight loves sport, including tennis, running and golf He also likes fast cars He says, 'I love the fact that Nike is about sports.' He has a tattoo of the Nike logo on his left leg Knight is interested in Asia, especially Japan His office is full of objects from Asia It is in Nike's World Headquarters in Beaverton, Oregon Part two In the decade of the 1970s the United Nations organized several important meetings on the human environment to study a very serious problem We humans are destroying the world around us We are using up all of our natural resources We must learn how to conserve them so that our children will have something to live on There are several major parts to this problem , Population: Most problems of the environment come from population growth in 1700 There were 625 million people in the world In 1900 there were 1.6 billion, in 1950 25 billion, and in 4.4 billion In the year 2000 there will be 6.3 billion More people need more water, more food, more wood and more petroleum 200 Petroleum: We are using up the world's petroleum We use it in our cars and to heat our buildings in winter Farmers use petrochemicals to make the soil rich They use them to kill insects that eat plants These chemicals go into rivers and lakes and kill the fish there Thousands of people also die form these chemicals every year Chemicals also go into the air and pollute it Winds carry this polluted air to other countries and other continents We now have the information and ability to solve these huge problems However, this is not a problem for one country or one area of the world, but for all humans Part Three Lindsay Owen-Jones is not a big man - about 1.65 metres - but he's president of L'Oreal, the world's largest cosmetics company, and he has a salary of € 6.8 million The company is very international and has interests in 130 countries; 30 percent of its sales are to the US L'Oreal is a French company and Owen-Jones is British (he comes from Liverpool) He lives in Paris and speaks perfect French In fact, his colleagues say he speaks four languages or more Owen-Jones is a graduate in modem languages from Oxford University and also has a business qualification from Insead in Paris His first job with L'Oreal was as a sales representative, selling shampoo Now he's CEO The staff of L'Oreal think he is an excellent manager Two French business magazines made him 'Best Manager of the Year' in 1998 Owen-Jones is now 57 years old He has a wife and a daughter He likes rugby, football and driving racing cars SAMPLE TEST Paper One: Reading Section 1: Vocabulary and Grammar 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.D 5.A 6.A 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.C 11 B 12 B 13.D 14.B 15 B Section 2: Reading Comprehension 16 D 17 A 18 D 19 C 20.B 21 A 22.C 23 C 24.B 25.D Section 3: Reading Cloze of between 2.encyclopaedia cost looking / searching been what only is 10 in 201 Paper Two: Writing Section 1- I am a Vietnamese student at Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics doing a Master's Course in Business Studies - I intend to spend six months in England from January next year, preparing for the Cambridge First Certificate Your college was recommended to me by a feIIowstudent I would like details ofl about the First Certificate course, including fees and dates - Could you also let me know if you can provide accommodation English family for me in Brighton with an Thank you for your attention 10 I look forward to hearing from you soon Section Mr Janssen apologised for the delay of the payment! for delaying the payment He advised me to make a formal complaint to get the compensation Could I have the goods delivered to my home? Our supplier wishes (that) they had met our requirements It is possibly difficult to find suitable accomodation Section 3: Composition (10 marks) Paper Three: Listening Comprehension Part One a founder of Wipro a very successful IT company simplicity and humility due to the stocks allocated to them He inspires his organization by his dedication, his humility, and his simplicity Part Two economic market foreign effects worrying peaceful architectural scene springing 10 commercial Part Three I.b 2.d a 4.a 5.a c 7.d 8.c 9.a 10 a 202 -, Tspescript Part one Mr Edward Blake is the founder of Wipro, a very successful IT company He has inspired his organization by his dedication, his humility, and his sheer simplicity Although some of his lowerlevel staff have become millionaires due to the stocks allocated to them, the entire organization follows his values of simplicity and humility and strives towards perfection Part Two For years, Vietnam had a classical Marxist economic system characterised by central planning and control Then, in 1986, the policy of opening up the country to market forces and foreign investment was introduced Twenty years later, the effects can be seen everywhere Take the city of Hanoi, for example Ten years ago you could wander around on foot without worrying about traffic The city itself was peaceful and elegant, with lovely tree-lined avenues and many buildings of great architectural interest The scene today is very different Traffic has become a serious problem: Vietnam has over one million cars and over nine million motorbikes, seven times the number there were in 1990 Hotels and office buildings are springing up all over the city, and commercial rents in Hanoi are now as high as in Paris and 70% higher than in Sydney Part Three Nelson Ferreira: OK, so before I tell you about our exciting new model, let me first give you a few basic facts about our company Did you know that we are one of the largest aircraft manufacturers in the world? And that we make commercial aircraft, as well as military planes, and of course corporate aircraft? We were set up in 1969 by the government of Brazil And we were based then - as we are today - in Sao Joseu dos Campos, in Brazil Here you can see a picture of our factories The next milestone in our company history was in 1994 In that year we were privatised - which meant that our shares could be traded on the stock exchange In fact, today we are listed on both the New York and Sao Paulo stock exchanges This gave us the opportunity to raise finance for new ideas Now let me show you some figures Our revenues - as you can see.- have increased steadily every year since 1996 Last year we reached a gross revenue of two point eight billion US dollars - which gave us net earnings of three hundred and fifty-three million dollars And the number of employees has also increased from three thousand eight hundred, five years ago, to more than ten thousand today So you can see that we have grown very rapidly since our privatisation, and we are still growing , t , I , OK So that was a very short background to the company Now I'll move on to the main point which is of interest to you: our new executive jet plane - which we call Ambassador This is the latest in our range of corporate aircraft and it has already attracted a great deal of attention 203 - ... business transactions Phone service is also available on airplanes and on the rails 10 Recently introduced pocket-sized organizers help business travelers with heavy schedules keep track of clients... The company had scarcely gotten back on its feet when it was completely by the fire A ravage B ravaging C ravaged 8/ Our division is responsible for making and, A delivered B delivers 9/ The fringe... him to accept the position B teased B courting D attracted C illustrated 10/ Sonya & Company settled the matter out of A courthouse D ravages to avoid the pending lawsuit C courts D court IIIThe

Ngày đăng: 19/11/2020, 11:03

Nguồn tham khảo

Tài liệu tham khảo Loại Chi tiết
2/ What is important when renting office premises? You should say:• size• ãlocation• cost Khác
3/ What is important when choosing a hotel for business visitors? You should say:• location• cost• standard Khác
4/ What is important when employing a secretary? You should say:• experience• skills• personal qualities Khác
5/ What is important when going for a job interview? You should say:• knowledge of company• appearance• arri ving on time Khác
6/ What is important when making travel arrangements for a business trip? You should say:• convenience Khác
7/ What is important when arranging entertainment for clients? You should say:• types of activities• venue• cost Khác
8/ What is important when organising a meeting? You should say:• agenda• length of meeting• types of rooms Khác
9/ What is important when choosing suitable transport for a business trip? You should say:• convenience• cost-effectiveness• enjoyment Khác
10/ What is important when selecting employees for promotion? You should say:• personal qualities• currentpertormance• seniority Khác
11/ What is important when setting up a new business? Youshould say:• business plan• management 'experience• financial backing Khác
12/ What is important when deciding whether to apply for a new post? You should say:• location• career prospects• salary Khác
13/ What is important when organising an in-house training course? You should say:• course contents• participants selected• budget Khác
14/ What is important when recruiting senior staff? You should say:• age• qualifications• experience Khác
15/ What is important when cutting production costs? You should say:• material costs Khác
16/ What is important when planning market research? You should say:• types of questions• types of people• types of products Khác
17/ What is important when predicting profits? You should say:• current sales figures• market trends• advertising campaign Khác
18/ What is important when deciding whether to obtain a further qualification? You should say:• time commitment required• _ career benefits• interests Khác
19/ What is important when placing a newspaper advertisement? You should say:• newspaper sales figures• advertising costs• types of newspapers Khác
20/ What is important when considering whether to invest in technology? You should say:• benefits to the company Khác



