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Nhà lãnh đạo hướng nội- Introverted leader

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Tiêu đề The Introverted Leader
Tác giả Jennifer B. Kahnweiler
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Là nguyên bản cuốn sách" Lãnh đạo hướng nội- phát huy thế mạnh tiềm ẩn nhờ quy trình 4P" nhà xuất bản đại học kinh tế quốc dân. Căn cứ vào những cuộc trò chuyện với hơn 100 doanh nhân, tiến sĩ K

More Praise for The Introverted Leader“Many of the most effective leaders are self-contained‘inner processors’ who are nonetheless extremely capa-ble of getting results. This book shows you how to getthe most out of yourself and others whose managementstyle is different.”—Brian Tracy, author of The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Business Success and Eat That Frog!“Kahnweiler believes that we must recognize the manythoughtful, inwardly focused, quiet ‘gems’ within ourmidst. If you count yourself as introverted some or all ofthe time, this book is a must-read.” —Liliana de Kerorguen, President, Merial Canada Inc.“Introverts are often understated overachievers. Theirquality and contributions may not be discovered andrewarded. If you are an introverted manager who findspublic speaking intimidating and being around peopledraining, this book provides practical guidance that willhelp you embrace and control uncomfortable situations.It will enable you to be more effective.”—Ping Fu, President and CEO, Geomagic, and 2005 Inc. magazineEntrepreneur of the Year “Jennifer B. Kahnweiler shows that she understands thechallenges and opportunities introverted leaders face dailyin a global marketplace. If you are an introverted leaderor a manager of introverts — or both! — read this book.Kahnweiler delivers a proven four-part process drawnfrom her work in the trenches. Yes, introverted leaderscan win!—Fabrice Egros, President, UCB Pharma Inc.“Does the thought of working a room make you wantto run from the room? The good news is, you don’t haveto be the life of the party to be a successful leader. Thisbook teaches people skills you can use to lead with con-fident, compassionate authority so you command therespect, loyalty, and results you want, need, and deserve.Read it and reap.”—Sam Horn, author of POP! and Tongue Fu! “The Introverted Leader shows how to enhance your nat-ural temperament and claim your place as an extraordi-narily confident introverted leader in today’s demandingworkplace. Jennifer’s strong track record of coaching themore reticent types among us shines through in this highlyengaging and practical book.”—Dr. Tony Alessandra, coauthor of The New Art of Managing Peopleand The Platinum Rule “I’ve been an executive coach for more than fifteen yearsand only wish I’d had this book sooner for my many intro-verted clients. Jennifer’s four-step process—clear, concrete,and centered on results—helps ‘not-so-noisy’ leadersavoid career derailment and achieve success. If you’re anintrovert—or you coach, mentor, or manage one—this isthe book you’ve been waiting for. Buy it, read it, and putit to work!”—Sharon Jordan-Evans, executive coach and coauthor of Love ’Em orLose ’Em: Getting Good People to Stay“This is an important book for introverts and extrovertsalike. Extroverts will benefit by gaining deeper insight intothe mind of the introvert. Introverts will learn to embracetheir introversion and the true value that they bringto the organizations they serve. The tips and tools thatKahnweiler introduces will help introverts navigate anextroverted corporate world. Shhh. Hear that? It’s thesound of your confidence growing!”—Bill Treasurer, founder of Giant Leap Consulting and author ofCourage Goes to Work“Jennifer B. Kahnweiler’s experience with numerous high-level organizations speaks loud and clear in this first-of-its-kind book for introverted leaders. Those who arereluctant to step out of the shadows will learn to do sowhile keeping their personality intact.” —Tom Darrow, founder and Principal, Talent Connections, LLC This page intentionally left blank TheIntroverted Leader This page intentionally left blank TheIntrovertedLeaderBuilding on Your Quiet StrengthJennifer B. Kahnweiler, Ph.D. The Introverted LeaderCopyright © 2009 by Jennifer B. KahnweilerAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distrib-uted, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior writ-ten permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotationsembodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permittedby copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed“Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the address below.Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.235 Montgomery Street, Suite 650San Francisco, California 94104-2916Tel: (415) 288-0260, Fax: (415) 362-2512www.bkconnection.comOrdering information for print editionsQuantity sales. Special discounts are available on quantity purchases by cor-porations, associations, and others. For details, contact the “Special SalesDepartment” at the Berrett-Koehler address above.Individual sales. Berrett-Koehler publications are available through mostbookstores. They can also be ordered directly from Berrett-Koehler: Tel:(800) 929-2929; Fax: (802) 864-7626; www.bkconnection.comOrders for college textbook/course adoption use. Please contact Berrett-Koehler: Tel: (800) 929-2929; Fax: (802) 864-7626.Orders by U.S. trade bookstores and wholesalers. Please contact IngramPublisher Services, Tel: (800) 509-4887; Fax: (800) 838-1149; E-mail:customer.service@ingrampublisherservices.com; or visit www.ingrampublisherservices.com/Ordering for details about electronic ordering.Berrett-Koehler and the BK logo are registered trademarks of Berrett-KoehlerPublishers, Inc.First EditionPaperback print edition ISBN 978-1-57675-577-8PDF e-book ISBN 978-1-57675-587-72009-1Interior production by Publication Services. Cover design by Richard Adelson. To Lucille and Alvin Boretz,parents extraordinaire,who taught me the meaning of love and laughter [...]... being a successful introverted leader. Introduction 5 “Jennifer B. Kahnweiler shows that she understands the challenges and opportunities introverted leaders face daily in a global marketplace. If you are an introverted leader or a manager of introverts — or both! — read this book. Kahnweiler delivers a proven four-part process drawn from her work in the trenches. Yes, introverted leaders can win! —Fabrice... Constitution blog I have done extensive research on leadership success, including intro- verted leaders. In addition, the comments and questions I have received from readers deepened my understanding of the challenges and successes of quieter leaders. x Preface The Introverted Leader This page intentionally left blank This page intentionally left blank leadership spectrum. In chapter 11, Going... successful leader. This book teaches people skills you can use to lead with con- fident, compassionate authority so you command the respect, loyalty, and results you want, need, and deserve. Read it and reap.” —Sam Horn, author of POP! and Tongue Fu! “The Introverted Leader shows how to enhance your nat- ural temperament and claim your place as an extraordi- narily confident introverted leader in today’s... development plan to help you zero in on achievable actions for now and the future as you adopt expanding leadership roles. In addition to using the book, I encourage you to visit the Web site www.theintrovertedleaderblog.com. There you can download resources and connect with members of the introverted leader com- munity in a fruitful, ongoing dialogue. Preface xiii This page intentionally left blank... difference reviewing things beforehand can make. Numerous examples were given to me by successful introverted leaders I spoke with, and they all involved preparation. Many of those examples of conscious preparation are included throughout The Introverted Leader. Here are two quick examples now. The young PR leader mentioned earlier finds that a good buffer for his anxiety before presentations is to prepare... Engage your manager, colleagues, friends, and family members in your efforts. I hope you find these lessons helpful in being the most effective introverted leader you can be. Let’s get started by diving into the first work scenario: public speaking. 30 The Introverted Leader have expressed, takes everything you have. As one person told me, “It is painful sometimes to put on a happy face.” We only have... presenting to groups and individuals. Chapter 5, Managing and Leading, shares many secrets from successful intro- verted leaders who have learned how to gain respect as leaders. Chap- ter 6, Heading Up Projects, focuses on the people side of project management. You will learn how introverted leaders can motivate the team to achieve strong results. Chapter 7, Managing Up, will prepare you with templates and... worked with many senior exec- utives said that when these reflective leaders speak, what shows up is very powerful. Judy Gray, president and CEO of the Florida Society of Association of Executives said, “The whole phenomenon of quiet yet effective leadership deserves to be recognized and appreciated. The passionately exuberant or charismatic leader initially has a leg up on capturing people’s hearts and... the room with the most power is the quietest.” Pausing and reflecting also helps keep introverted leaders from putting their feet in their mouths. One person I spoke with who works in politics expressed gratitude at being able to hold his tongue. Where he worked, one wrong word could have cost him his job. When you are introverted, you also have more time to observe and read people. Mary Toland, a senior... these impact behaviors a part of your stand- ing repertoire. Chapter 3, Strengths and Soft Spots, includes a revealing quiz called The Introverted Leadership Skills Quiz that will help you rec- ognize the behaviors you have already mastered in becoming an intro- verted leader. It will also assist you in zeroing in on the areas you may need to strengthen in order to fire on all cylinders. In addition, the . TheIntroverted Leader This page intentionally left blank TheIntrovertedLeaderBuilding on Your Quiet StrengthJennifer B. Kahnweiler, Ph.D. The Introverted. Fu! “The Introverted Leader shows how to enhance your nat-ural temperament and claim your place as an extraordi-narily confident introverted leader in

Ngày đăng: 25/08/2012, 22:05




