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Family and friends 2: FF2 tests

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; i w$t,,, : ,r*:,,,a{ t.,.,.1, i$s;g: t-' i I s f : ; rJ f il , * J -d"i ' :'.,:,', I n t r o d u c ti o n Unit9 test 23 Ev o t u o t i osh n eet Summ otive test 24 Stortertest SkiLLs test 26 U n i tl t e s t Unit L0test 28 U n i t2 t e st UnitLLtest 29 U n i t3 t e s t I UnitL2test 30 S u m m o t i ve te st L 10 Summ otive test4 31 Skil.Ls test L L2 Skil,Ls test 33 U n i t4 t e s t L4 UnitL3test 35 U n i t5 t e s t 15 UnitL4test 35 U n i t t e st 16 UnitL5test 37 S u m m o t i ve te st L7 Summ otive test 38 l ' SkiLl.s test 19 :t,]],: SkiLl.s test 40 Answerkegond oudioscr ipts 42 a:ii.iill.u:jlttlitl:l U n i t7 t e s t 2L U n i t8 t e s t 22 l'llllir,l:.li Tesfing ond evoluofion TheFamitgond FriendsTesting ond Evoluotion Bookprovides differentwogsof evoluoting chi[dren's progress, throughongoingossessment, chi[dren'sse$-ossessment ohdlormot testing I Clossroomevofuotion Ongoingclossroom evoluotion is kegto ossessing children's progress Thisconbeochieved in o numberof wogs Moniroring Whenchitdren oreengoged in productive octivities suchos speoking or writing,wo[koroundthe clossrobm ondchecktheir progress, ondofferheLp whereoppropriote Regular reviews in fhe Clors Book ond Workbook Thepurposeof the doubte-poge Reviewsection in the CtossBookondWorkbookisto revisethe moinleorningpointsof the units,givingUouon opportunitg to evoluotehow muchchitdrenhove understood A[wogsstortthe lessonbg revising the [onguoge of the units,usingJtoshcords to focus on vocobulorg It's olsousefulto singthe songs ogointo heLpchildrenmemorise the kegwords Youmogwishto mokenoteson whichchitdren orestilt hovingdifficul.tgin recognizing or producing words.Thesenotesconbe recorded toteron the teocher's evoluotionsheet(see bel.ow) Gothroughthe C[ossBookreviewoctivities Exploinfirst whot childrenhoveto to completeeochexercise Givechildrentime to checktheironswers Observe how individuoI chitdrenrespondto the exercise Gothroughthe onswers to eochoctivitgwith the wholeclossoso group romry ocorilenor J The evoluafion sheef A teocher's evoluotionsheetis providedon poge3.Thisis to heLpgou keepongoingrecords o children's progress in skiltsondattitudestowords leorning Thisevotuotion sheetconbecompLete evergsemester Fromthis informotionUoucon pl.onfurther octivitiesto developthe [onguoge of thosechildrenwho hovemostered the skilLs workeosilgondto reinforce the longuogeof thos chi[dren who orehovingdifficutties Eyoluqtion Sheef Family an'd''Friends Sotisfoctorg Itleeds improvement Listening ondpeers Theleornerconlistenottentivetg to theteocher Theleornerunderstonds theteocher's instructions The leornerconfoltow simplestorieswith understonding The leornercon identifgsimpteinJormotion from the listeningtext 5peoking The leornercon repeotsinglewordsond simplephrosesofter o given modeL(theteocheror oudiomoterio[) The leornercon producesimplewordsond phroses Theleornerconproduce simplesentences, Theleornercononswersimptequestions Theleornerconosksimptequestions Reoding The leornercon reodsimplesentences The leornercon reodoloud with comprehension The leornercon reodbg tokingturns in o diologue Writing TheLeorner conusesimptepunctuotion The leornerconwrite singtewordscorrectlg Theleornerconwritesentences correctlg Vocobulorg Theleornerrecognizes the meoningof wordswhen he/sheheors them The leornerrecognizes the meoningoJwordswhen he/sheseesthem The leornercon nomepeople,objectsond onimo[swhich hovebeen tought Theleornercon recoltwordsleornt previouslg Socioldevelopment Theleornercon co-operote in o group Theleornereogertghetpsothers The Leorner communicotes with eosewith his/heroeers The leornerworkshordin clossond tokesresponsibilitg for his/her work The leornerconevoluotehis/herown work Teocher comments: No opportunitg to evqluote Self-evoluofion Se$-evoluotion iso kegportoJchildren's development It encouroges os[onguoge leorners importontleorning skillssuchosmonitoring progress, settinggoo[sondossessing theirown leorning stg[es Totkto chitdren obouthowthegfeelobouttheir work.Usethe setf-evoluotion octivitgpogeot pogewhich theendof the ClossBookReview showssmitegfoces Askindividuot children to express whetherthegfeel.hoppuor worried obouttheirprogress in Engtish Encouroge o[[ chi[dren to choose ondcolourthe oppropriote smilegJoce.It is hightgmotivotionoI for chitdren to feeLthot theirteocheristokingon interest in theirsef-ossessment, somoketimeto comment on children's If o chi[dexpresses ossessments porticutor difficuLtiesin the seLf-ossessment, orronge to to[kto him/herofierthe closs Tesfing Testsoreo moreobjective checkon whot exocttg hoveleorntondwhotneedsmore chiLdren consolidotion Fromthisdiognostic informotion goucondecide on remedioI octivities PupiLs conbeencouroged thot testingis to reolize notonlgo wogof ossessing theirprogress, butolso o wogof heLping them.It helpsgouto seewhot errors the pupiLs oremoking, ondwi[[ helpthem correcttheirerrors Mistokes neednot bepresented in o negotiveLight;rotheroso positive stogein leorning to guidepupiLs towords Jutureprogress Types of terts in Fomily and Friends TheFami[gond FriendsTest Bookletcontoins the tests: foLLowing Unittests0-15:Thereoresixteenone-poge Unit testswhichcoverthevocobu[org ondgrommor contentpresented in eochcoreunit,inctuding the introductorg Welcome bock!unit.Eoch testcontoins two vocobutorg octivities ond two grommoroctivities TheUnittestsconbe odministered of the endof eochunit Summotive tests1-5:Theseoretwo-pogetests whichcoverthevocobutorg, grommorond FornilycndFriendsI phonics of the previous threeunits.Thephon includeone[istening supp octivities octivitg, onthecourse TheSummotiv oudiomoteriot testsconbeodministered of the endof Unitsi 6,9,12ondL5respectivelg Skillstests1-5:Theseoretwo-pogetestswhic coverthe contentof the previous threeunits ondevoluotethefour kegskil.l.s of Listening Reoding, WritingondSpeoking TheListenin two listen section of eochSkiL[s testincludes octivities, supptied onthecourse oudio moterioL TheSkiLLs testsconbeodministere the endof Units3,6,9,L2ond15respective Adrninirrering a lesf Testing ison importontportof theteoching/ process onxious teorning PupiLs conbecome to creoteo coLm obouttests,soit is importont ondsupportive environment Beforesettingo tes tr hoveo quickworm-upsession onthe [onguoge in the test becovered Exploin the scoring to the closssothot sgstem thegfeel.responsible for theirownleorning process ALl the Unittestsin FomilgondFriends hoveo totot of 15morks.Thetototfor the Summotive testsondthe SkilLs testsis 30mork Groding JorUnittestsis osJotlows: I4-L5 Excettent L1-13 Verggood 7-7O Good 4-6 Sotisfoctorg 0-3 Needs furtherwork Groding ondSkiltstestsisos for Summotive fo[[ows: 24-30 Exce[Lent 18-23 Verggood L2-L7 Good 6-1L Sotisfoctorg 0-5 Needs furtherwork Unir :L_l.r&6i[rffi!***&i*a ! t w computer #;M boord $ Lookof the pictures Complete l4 p p e n c *tl; t # b b Complete is ore L This is m9 p eg These This Lookondwrite mg books mg ruler Those mg penci[s Those mg pens Those newtob[es This Thot Jhesf Those '$'a#' L Theseoremg pencils is mg toble f'Jlttllllll|lltf,'llil press is mg pencilcose oremg books I T,s,, Unir ffi Terf Complete trAa '@p w L skateboard p f r b tr/ffi 5 r oh )'6 P t Lookof the pictureqnd circlethe correctwords l3 L rhe bottisinl@he bog Thekiteis between/ in the bedondthe choir Thetroinis under/ on the bed Theposterisin frontol / behindthe choir Lookqt the toble ondwrite the correctwords cgn con't l4 Ben Kim 6e' ffi d m, @ r' x x r' r' r' r' x x r' Ben can ptoUfootboLL Kim rideo bike Ben skote Kim ploUt ennis Kim skoteboord Lookogoinond motch Con Kimplog footboLl.? ConBenpl.ogtennis? ConKimskote? ConBenrideo bike? l3 B D o o o No,he con't b Yes,he ""- { Yes,shecon d No,shecon't ls f'jlt|llllltllttlF'flil press SunrnotiYe fesf I i 7il Lookondwrite t ConLororideo bike?No , she can't ConMoxskoteboordT ConLoroskote? , he , she ConMox plogtennis? he ConLororideo horse? s he ConMox rideo horse? he Tick(rz)the correctpicture % Lsh 2ch 3th @ % & % @ k 4o W m 5o W k Gs 6e I rij Listenond circlethe soundgou heor.@rso lid; 4o u 2u o e 3o el o u 5e i 6i eo o ln :ti, tr,,: tt tt,',,',.,, Skilfr fesf L"lt Listenondtick (.2)the ctothesgou heor.@ruu t r f ? € ? rf f iwf f i D f u f u lqD %G s ro 'qffi.ffiffi q Erffi S" qso 1- Listenond number.@ro, tr -se '4bkfil """"",;=r! H);OO %ffi I-C'+*xtxb " | ^nnn- '$l'llf,ti Reodondwritethe nomesunderthe pictures Harry is atthe parkwith hisfrienAs.It'scolA.He'swearinga scarf anda hat He'stalkingfo f)en.B"n i, wearingSeans anda coat Anno is flyi^g a kite She'swearinga rkirf anAblackboots.Pollyis wearing with her sister,Jenny gloves.She'splaying{oot1r.all Pottu i, /{i Reodcgoin.Circtethe correctword Horrgisin thefiel,d/@ Anno/ Ienngisfl.gingo kite IenngispLoging tennis/footboU Annoisweoringwhite/ bLockboots BenistoLking to Horrg/ PoLLg It's hot / coLd ri fiesr Completethe puzzle tr tr tr Ul l rL.-T? nU I a t - lqc ww lZl t J \r _5 E-l t _J - TG *w-I, I li Writethe opposites quiet -ad{short slow sod smo[[ L hot/ cotd Loud/ fost/ ho?pg/ s bigl toLl,/ t,:',,.':;:: f5 Lookond complete fuWrslower foster shorterto[Lersmotter Thehorse is bLgger SoLLg is t h ont he don ke g thon Io Thiscoris thonthot bike (Wdu Therubberis thonthe pencilcose Thegootis thonthe horse Donis thonLuke lw Unir Test 15, I Circlethe correctword L There wosondorja)/fomilies Therewerethreechil.d/ chiLdren Therewerefour tedd$/ teddies Therewosonemqn/ men Therewerefour womon/ women Therewosoneduck/ ducks l3 Complete Anno C h o rlie Ii m E[[ie t Annowos second Iim wos Chorliewos ELl.ie wos fE Complete so me o nu L Therewere some womentotking Thereweren't Therewere m en ducks Thereweren't Therewere Motch Therewere girlsftgingo bigkite /t"', q r_J Howmonghorses Thereweren't bogsot the pork o\ Therewerethree \ o onggoots b donkegs c someducks d werethere? prpce lts :.,]''.]:]i:l:].'' r l.:i" "Jumfi ive fesf ::i::lj:lli] :ti Complete *Mae{dong wos weren't some were we wene of the form On Soturdog Therewere2 sheepbutthere ongcows.Thereweren't butthere donkegs Thegoose somehorses vergloud! l5 Motchthe lettersondwrite e tr ffi n9 nk W[ ,,_ee tree e bo ng nk Listenondtick (t).@ ,u' %D %o g L @@fl ru ry @oxforduniversityPress ng nk z€Psi t hr ;M ri ee e ng nk /s ffi d o ffi d D lrc SnmilyomdSricmds2 Skills fisr Ww slow Jost smoll tolt Lookond complete *Wloud MUbrotheris Thiscoris Thisgooseis btgger than thot cot Thiselephontis thot lion thot bike mg sister Thisrobbitis Thisporrotis thot cow thotfish f.n Comptetethe text Thisis o photoof mgfriend'sportg.There1 were Lotsof presents but there2 ong bo[[oons There3 lotsof girl.sbutthere coke ong bogs.Theres o bigchocolote Thereu_ong sweets Answerthe questions for gourteocher Werethereong OnTuesdog therewoso tripto the Jorm €9dtk r' f'Jlttliilallttlllltil x dk r' @oxfordUniversitvpress MM r' x i Iti L chicks? horses? goots? donkegs cows? -l:n 2 l computer2 toble boord4 pencilcose Audioscript@sa TThisis a computer.2Thot is a tobLe.3This is the board.4Thisis mg pencilcose - c ortroom-o computer plogground r o o m - d s p o r t s f ie ld - b l three eight two blue F 2T F F T tb 2o 3e 4c 5d 6f I l visit wotch reod4 pLoy5 write listen tb o d c L go don't hove4 don't pLog6 visit don't wotch Heconrideo bike.2 Hecon'tskote.3 She conptogfootboil Shecon'trideo horse Heconplogtennis.5 Hecon'tskoteboord Sheconskote.8 Shecon'trideo bike l We'retired We oren'tscored.3 Theg're brove.4 Thegoren'thungrg We'reongr1 Speoking.I No,shecon't No,shecon't 3Yes,shecon.4Yes,he con.5Yes,he No,he con't Unir tesf lpizzo 2fries3 chicken4 miLkshoke lc 2d 3o 4eSb l Hove, hoven't;2 Hos,hosn't;3 Hove, hove l Hove2Yes3 got hosn't Unit test 11 m u c I E e n c e I *:: I c o L r m o t h our their3 their4 our Unir tert Summotive tesf I lfish 2fries3 solod4pizzo5 chicken mitkshoke I science ort music4 PE5 Engl.ish moths hehos.2 No,shehosn't.3 Yes, 1Yes, shehos No,hehosn't.5 No,hehosn't.6 Yes, shehos don'tgo zvisit help don'tdo wotch don'thove lc2 d o fSb e L fr b [3 cr b r Sp l,5 d r Audio script@re 7frog bLanket crogon brush pLum drum h music2 English3 science4 ort moths Answerkey and audio scripts Fcnilyond Frlendr nose2 Line3 tube4 rope5 white5 june home8 bike9 fLute Audioscript@rcs nose2 Line3 tube4 rope5 white6 june homeI bike9 f|ute Unir | rest I liffii d h t::$ c o W o n ' I Skillr tesl I k s h e e p e I I o o I o l skirt boots jeons gLoves5 shirt scorf t Audioscript @)too donkeg2 horse3 cow 4goot sheep 7I'm weoringa skirt goose He'sweoring boots She'sweoringjearu He'sweoringgLoves cold quiet slow sod smo[[ short Dod is wearingo shirt 6I'm wearinga scorf I bigger2 to[[er foster smoL[er5 slower shorter t d 2o e c b Audioscript @rct Unir | test 7lt's sunngtodog I 2lt's snowing td b c e o 3lt's raining 4lt's windg todog 1floor rubbish3 photo 4fridge 5lt's hot 3 l were wos were4 were wos Potlg ZHorrg Anno Ben l pork Anno 3footboLL4 bl.ock5 Horrg cotd I It's quorterto nine lt's quorterpostten 3It's hof postfour.4It's quorterpostsix l woshing2 tokingphotos3 eotingcokes woshingthe cor tolking brushing her hoir Speoking.1 lt's windy Thegir[ is weoring o Longskirt,o cootond o scorf Thebog is weoringjeonsondo coot.4 Mum isweoringo Longcoot,o skirt,bootsond gloves.5 Thetime is quorterpostten Fonrilv Friends l wosn't2 weren't3 weren't4 wosn't weren't Unir | tert I l JomiLg2 chiLdren teddies4 mon wome duck I second2fourth 3first third I l some2 ong some4 ong some lc d o b qrrrlin Summotive test I I sheep2 goot goose4 donkeg5 cow horse Z e f c d o 6b thon quieterthon biggerthon toLl.er 4fosterthon slowerthon louderthon l were some weren't ang were wos lwere 2weren't3were 4weren't 5wos weren't Speoking lY e s , t h e r e we r e2 No , t h e r e we r e n ' t Yes,therewere Yes,therewere No,thereweren't' ' l tree sink3 king4 three5 bonk6 ring l cub top pipe4 cube5 pip tope Audioscript@rca cubcub tap top pipepipe cubecube pip pip tapetape Skilfr fest I two cows o big horse o white goose threesheepJtwo donkegs5 o blockgoot Audio script @tos TThereweretwo cows atthe farm 2Therewos a big horse 3Therewas o white goose 4Therewerethreesheep STherewere two donkegs 6Therewos a blockgoot l3rd th L st 2nd Audio script@tto The schooLracewas great! Zackwos3rd Ritawas 4th BeLtawos 7st.WeLLdone BeLLa! AndTommgwos 2nd.WeLIdone evergone! l d 2b o c TF 2T T F T I bigger thon 2fosterthon 3totlerthon thon slower thon louder thon smotter Answer key and audio scripts FohilyondFriends ... , t_J -l l;pe'-ll-.r*-l| f-D"'[-l[a" ;-] L, L -l 3f t;-ltlGr*l|*i.d"*-l -lrJ t _, [coot f-D".'tI G;;-l m G;] n t-i J t J t_J L - _J f-ilid.-l f-oo-.l fl f-Din't-l t "J t_J t _J ttltlqfllttlitLt|lltil... the Summotive testsondthe SkilLs testsis 30mork Groding JorUnittestsis osJotlows: I4-L5 Excettent L 1-1 3 Verggood 7-7 O Good 4-6 Sotisfoctorg 0-3 Needs furtherwork Groding ondSkiltstestsisos for... _. *-* U 5It'squorterpostereven Om "@ It's quorterto twelve qW ,_, , Orderthe wordsond write - tm E 14 r.|oil suncream .,."o'-l Putonsour lft _J lt_J mmtfilt' t_' , t_J -l l;pe'-ll-.r*-l| f-D"'[-l[a" ;-]

Ngày đăng: 25/09/2020, 07:03