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Tài liệu xe HONDA ACCORD - P4

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Thông tin cơ bản

Tiêu đề Brakes Conventional Brake Components Special Tools
Trường học Honda Technical Institute
Chuyên ngành Automotive Engineering
Thể loại Tài liệu
Năm xuất bản 2020
Thành phố Tokyo
Định dạng
Số trang 204
Dung lượng 4,01 MB

Nội dung

Xe Honda Accord thế hệ thứ 9, bắt đầu từ phiên bản 2013, có sự đổi mới cả về thiết kế nội và ngoại thất, đồng thời ứng dụng nhiều công nghệ mới.

Trang 1


Conventional Brake Components

ABS (Anti-lock Brake System) Components 19-53

VSA (Vehicle Stability Assist) System Components 19-101

Brake Pedal and Brake Pedal Position Switch

Parking Brake Inspection and Adjustment 19-7

Brake System Indicator Circuit Diagram 19-10

Front Brake Pad Inspection and Replacement 19-12

Rear Brake Pad Inspection and Replacement 19-36

Trang 2


Trang 3

Inspection, page 19-47 Brake Hose

Inspection and Adjustment, page 19-7 Cable Replacement, page 19-50

Circuit Diagram, page 19-10 Parking Brake Switch Test, page 19-11 Brake Fluid Level Switch Test, page 19-11

Inspection, page 19-28 Replacement, page 19-30

Pad Inspection and Replacement, page 19-36 Disc Inspection, page 19-40 Disc Replacement, page 19-41 Caliper Overhaul, page 19-43

*: The illustration shows LHD model, RHD model is symmetrical.

Trang 4

Component Inspections:

Brake pedal sinks/fades when braking

Brake System Test


Conventional Brake Components

Brake System Inspection and Test

Inspect the brake system components listed Repair or replace any parts that are leaking or damaged

Master Cylinder Look for damage or signs of fluid leakage at:

Reservoir or reservoir grommets

Line joints

Between master cylinder and booster

Bulging seal at reservoir cap This is asign of fluid contamination

Brake Hoses Look for damage or signs of fluid leakage at:

Line joints and banjo bolt connections

Hoses and lines, also inspect for twisting ordamage

Bulging, twisted, or bent lines

Caliper Look for damage or signs of fluid leakage at:

Look for damage or signs of fluid leakage at:

4 While still holding the brake pedal, hook the end of the tape measure behind the brake pedal, then pull the tape up

to the steering wheel Note the measurement between the brake pedal and the reference mark on the steeringwheel

5 Apply steady pressure to the brake pedal for 3 minutes

6 Watch the tape measure

• If the measurement increases 10 mm (0.39 in.) or less, the master cylinder is OK

• If the measurement increases more than 10 mm (0.39 in.), replace the master cylinder

Trang 5

Rapid brake pad wear, vehicle vibration

(after a long drive), or high, hard brake pedal





Upper caliper pin B and lower caliper pin A are different

If the pins are installed in the wrong location, it will

cause vibration, uneven or rapid brake pad wear, and

possibly uneven tyre wear For proper caliper pin

location (see page 19-19)

1 Drive the vehicle until the brakes drag or until the

pedal is high and hard This can take 20 or morebrake pedal applications during an extended test-drive

2 With the engine running, raise the vehicle on a lift,

and spin all four wheels by hand

Go to step 3

Look for other causes of pad wear, high pedal,

or vehicle vibration

3 Turn the ignition switch to LOCK (0), press the

brake pedal several times to deplete the vacuum inthe brake booster, and then spin the wheels again

to check for brake drag

Go to step 4

Replace the brake booster

• LHD model (see page 19-30)

• RHD model (see page 19-32)

4 Without removing the brake lines, unbolt and

separate the master cylinder from the booster, thenspin the wheels to check for brake drag

6 Loosen the bleed screws at each caliper, then spinthe wheels to check for brake drag

Check the master cylinder reservoir forcontamination in the brake fluid If you findcontamination, flush the entire brake system of allcontaminated fluid If the brake fluid is OK,disassemble and repair the caliper on the wheel(s)with brake drag

Look for and replace any damaged brake lines

If all brake lines are OK, replace the ABS or the VSAmodulator-control unit

• ABS modulator-control unit (see page 19-96)

• VSA modulator-control unit (see page 19-199)

Is ther e br ake dr ag at any of the wheels?

Is ther e br ake dr ag at any of the wheels?

Is ther e br ake dr ag at any of the wheels?

Is ther e br ake dr ag at any of the wheels?

Is ther e br ake dr ag at any of the wheels?

Trang 6

Brake Pedal Position Switch Clearance

Raise the pedal

0.7 mm (0.028 in)


1 Remove the driver’s dashboard undercover (ifequipped) (see page 20-168)

2 Turn the brake pedal position switch (A)counterclockwise, and pull it back until it is nolonger touching the brake pedal

3 Remove the footrest (see step 4 on page 20-150),then remove the steering joint cover (see page17-30)

4 Pull back the carpet and find the cutout (B) in theinsulation Measure the pedal height (C) at thecenter of the pedal pad (D) to the floor without theinsulation

5 Loosen the pushrod locknut (A), and screw thepushrod (B) in or out with pliers until the standardpedal height from the floor is reached Afteradjustment, tighten the locknut firmly Do notadjust the pedal height with the pushrod pressed

6 Lift up on the brake pedal by hand Push in thebrake pedal position switch until its plunger is fullypressed (threaded end (A) touching the pad (B) onthe pedal arm) Turn the switch 45 ° clockwise tolock it The gap between the brake pedal positionswitch and the pad is automatically adjusted to0.7 mm (0.028 in.) by locking the switch Make surethe brake lights go off when the pedal is released

7 Install the all removed parts in the reverse order ofremoval

8 Check the brake pedal free play

Trang 7

Pulled back with

196 N·m (20 kgf·m,

44 lbf·ft)

1 With the ignition switch in LOCK (0), inspect theplay (A) at the brake pedal pad (B) by pushing thebrake pedal by hand If the brake pedal free play isout of specification, adjust the brake pedal positionswitch (C) If the brake pedal free play is insufficient,

it may result in brake drag

1 Pull the parking brake lever (A) with 196 N (20 kgf,

44 lbf) of force to fully apply the parking brake Theparking brake lever should be locked within thespecified number of clicks

2 If the number of lever clicks is not as specified,adjust the parking brake


Trang 8

1 Release the parking brake lever fully.

2 Press the brake pedal several times

3 Pull out the center console rear trim (A) (see page20-160)

4 Loosen the parking brake adjusting nut (B)

5 Raise the rear of the vehicle, and support it withsafety stands in the proper locations (see page1-11)

6 Remove the rear wheels

7 Make sure the parking brake lever (A) on the rearbrake caliper contacts the arm (B)

NOTE: The parking brake lever will contact the armwhen the parking brake adjusting nut is loosened

8 Clean the mating surfaces of the brake disc and theinside of the wheel, then install the rear wheels

9 Pull the parking brake lever 1 click

10 Tighten the parking brake adjusting nut until theparking brakes drag slightly when the rear wheelsare turned

11 Release the parking brake lever fully, and checkthat the parking brakes do not drag when the rearwheels are turned Readjust if necessary

12 Make sure the parking brake lever within thespecified number of clicks (7 to 9 clicks)

13 Install the center console rear trim (see page20-160)

Trang 9

• Do not mix different brands of brake fluid; they maynot be compatible.

• Make sure no dirt or other foreign matter is allowed

to contaminate the brake fluid

• Do not spill brake fluid on the vehicle, it may damagethe paint; if brake fluid does contact the paint, wash itoff immediately with water

• The reservoir connected to the master cylinder must

be at the MAX (upper) level mark at the start of thebleeding procedure and checked after bleeding eachwheel location Add fluid as required

1 Make sure the brake fluid level in the reservoir (A)

is at the MAX (upper) level line (B)

2 Have someone slowly pump the brake pedalseveral times, then apply steady pressure

3 Start the bleeding at the driver’s side of the frontbrake system

NOTE: Bleed the calipers or the wheel cylinders inthe sequence shown

4 Attach a length of clear drain tube (A) to the bleedscrew (B), then, loosen the bleed screw to allow air

to escape from the system Then tighten the bleedscrew securely

5 Refill the master cylinder reservoir to the MAX(upper) level line

6 Repeat the procedure for each brake circuit untilthere are no air bubbles are in the fluid

Trang 10











PARKING BRAKE SWITCH CLOSED: Parking brake applied OPEN: Parking brake released


G302 BLK



1: LHD model 2: RHD model




Trang 11

1 2

NOTE: If both the ABS/VSA indicator and the brakesystem indicator come on at the same time, check theABS or the VSA system first: ABS (see page 19-55), VSA(see page 19-104)

1 Remove the center console (see page 20-158)

2 Disconnect the parking brake switch connector (A)from the parking brake switch (B)

3 Check for continuity between the switch terminal(C) and body ground

• With the parking brake lever pulled, there should

4 Reconnect the parking brake switch connector

5 Install the center console (see page 20-158)

1 Disconnect the brake fluid level switch connector

2 Check for continuity between the terminals (1) and(2) with the float in the down position and in the upposition


• Remove the brake fluid completely from thereservoir With the float down, there should becontinuity

• Fill the reservoir with brake fluid to the MAX(upper) level (A) With the float up, there should

be no continuity

• If both the ABS/VSA indicator and the brakesystem indicator come on at the same time,check the ABS or the VSA system first: ABS(see page 19-55), VSA (see page 19-104)

• If the parking brake switch and brake fluid levelswitch are OK, but the brake system indicatordoes not function, do the gauge control moduleself-diagnostic function (see page 22-381)

3 Reconnect the brake fluid level switch connector

Trang 12

37 lbf·ft)


8 x 1.25 mm

22 N·m (2.2 kgf·m,

16 lbf·ft)




Frequent inhalation of brake pad dust, regardless ofmaterial composition, could be hazardous to yourhealth

• Avoid breathing dust particles

• Never use an air hose or brush to clean brakeassemblies Use an appropriate vacuum cleaner

1 Raise the front of the vehicle, and support it withsafety stands in the proper locations (see page1-11)

2 Remove the front wheels

3 Remove the brake hose mounting bolt (A)

4 Remove the flange bolt (B) while holding thecaliper pin (C) with a wrench Be careful not todamage the pin boot, and pivot the caliper (D) upout of the way Check the hose and pin boots fordamage and deterioration

5 Check the thickness (A) of the inner pad (B) and theouter pad (C) Do not include the thickness of thebacking plate

6 If the brake pad thickness of any of the pads is lessthan the service limit, replace the front brake pads

as a set

7 Pivot the caliper down into position Install theflange bolt (A), and tighten it to the specified torquewhile holding the caliper pin (B) with a wrench Becareful not to damage the pin boot

8 Install the brake hose mounting bolt (C)

9 Clean the mating surfaces of the brake disc and theinside of the wheel, then install the front wheels

Trang 13

10 x 1.0 mm




1 Remove some brake fluid from the master cylinder

2 Raise the front of the vehicle, and support it withsafety stands in the proper locations (see page1-11)

3 Remove the front wheels

4 Remove the brake hose mounting bolt (A)

5 Remove the flange bolt (B) while holding thecaliper pin (C) with a wrench Be careful not todamage the pin boot, and pivot the caliper (D) upout of the way Check the hose and the pin bootsfor damage and deterioration

6 Remove the pad shims (A) and the brake pads (B)


Trang 14

7 Remove the pad retainers (A).

8 Clean the caliper bracket (B) thoroughly; removeany rust, and check for grooves and cracks

Verify that the caliper pins (C) move in and outsmoothly Clean and lube if needed

9 Inspect the brake disc, and check for damage andcracks (see page 19-16)

10 Install the pad retainers Wipe excess grease off theretainers Keep the grease off the brake disc andthe brake pads

11 Mount a commercially available brake caliperpiston compressor tool (A) on the caliper body (B)

12 Press in the piston with the brake caliper pistoncompressor so the caliper will fit over the brakepads Make sure the piston boot is in position toprevent damaging it when pivoting the caliperdown

NOTE: Be careful when pressing in the piston;

brake fluid might overflow from the mastercylinder’s reservoir If brake fluid gets on anypainted surface, wash it off immediately with water

13 Remove the brake caliper piston compressor tool

Trang 15


10 x 1.0 mm

50 N·m (5.1 kgf·m,

37 lbf·ft)


8 x 1.25 mm

22 N·m (2.2 kgf·m,

16 lbf·ft)


14 Apply Molycoat M77 grease to the pad side of theshims (A), the back of the brake pads (B) and theother areas indicated by the arrows Wipe excessgrease off the pad shims and the brake pads Keepgrease off the brake discs and the brake pads

Contaminated brake discs or brake pads reducestopping ability

15 Install the brake pads and the pad shims correctly

Install the brake pad with the wear indicator (C) onthe upper inside If you are reusing the brake pads,always reinstall the brake pads in their originalpositions to prevent a momentary loss of brakingefficiency

16 Pivot the caliper down into position Install theflange bolt (A), and tighten it to the specified torquewhile holding the caliper pin (B) with a wrenchbeing careful not to damage the pin boot

17 Install the brake hose mounting bolt (C)

18 Clean the mating surfaces of the brake disc and theinside of the wheel, then install the front wheels

19 Press the brake pedal several times to make surethe brakes work

NOTE: Engagement may require a greater pedalstroke immediately after the brake pads have beenreplaced as a set Several applications of the brakepedal will restore the normal pedal stroke

20 Add brake fluid as needed

21 After installation, check for leaks at hose and linejoints or connections, and retighten if necessary

Test-drive the vehicle, then recheck for leaks(see page 19-47)

Trang 16



Brake disc runout:

Service limit: 0.04 mm (0.0016 in.)

Max refinishing limit: 26.0 mm (1.02 in.)


Conventional Brake Components Front Brake Disc Inspection

10 mm (0.39 in.) B

12 x 1.5 mm

108 N·m (11.0 kgf·m, 79.6 lbf·ft) A

1 Raise the front of the vehicle, and support it withsafety stands in the proper locations (see page1-11)

2 Remove the front wheels

3 Remove the brake pads (see page 19-13)

4 Inspect the brake disc surface for damage andcracks Clean the brake disc thoroughly, andremove all rust

5 Install suitable flat washers (A) and the wheel nuts(B), and tighten the wheel nuts to the specifiedtorque to hold the brake disc securely against thehub

6 Set up the dial gauge against the brake disc asshown, and measure the runout at 10 mm (0.39 in.)from the outer edge of the brake disc

7 If the brake disc is beyond the service limit, refinishthe brake disc with a commercially available on-carbrake lathe

Trang 17

Thickness and Parallelism

Brake disc thickness:

Standard: 27.9 28.1 mm

(1.10 1.11 in.) Max refinishing limit: 26.0 mm

(1.02 in.) Brake disc parallelism: 0.015 mm

(0.0006 in.) max.


10 mm (0.39 in.)

1 Raise the front of the vehicle, and support it withsafety stands in the proper locations (see page1-11)

2 Remove the front wheels

3 Remove the brake pads (see page 19-13)

4 Using a micrometer, measure the brake discthickness at eight points, about 45 ° apart and

10 mm (0.39 in.) in from the outer edge of the brakedisc Replace the brake disc if the smallest

measurement is less than the max refinishing limit

NOTE: This is the maximum allowable differencebetween the thickness measurements

5 If the brake disc is beyond the service limit forparallelism, refinish the brake disc with acommercially available on-car brake lathe

NOTE: If the brake disc is beyond the service limitfor refinishing, replace it (see page 19-18)

6 Clean the mating surfaces of the brake disc and theinside of the wheel, then install the front wheels

Trang 18

12 x 1.25 mm

108 N·m (11.0 kgf·m, 79.6 lbf·ft)

NOTE: Keep any grease off the brake disc and brakepads

1 Raise the front of the vehicle, and support it withsafety stands in the proper locations (see page1-11)

2 Remove the front wheel

3 Remove the brake hose mounting bolts (A)

4 Remove the brake caliper bracket mounting bolts(B), then remove the caliper assembly (C) from theknuckle To prevent damage to the caliper

assembly or brake hose, use a short piece of wire

to hang the caliper assembly from theundercarriage Do not twist the brake hoseexcessively

5 Remove the brake disc flat screws (A)

6 Remove the brake disc (B) from the front hub

NOTE: If the brake disc is stuck to the front hub,thread two 8 x 1.25 mm bolts (C) into the brake disc

to push it away from the front hub Turn each bolt

90 degrees at a time to prevent the brake disc frombinding

7 Install the brake disc in the reverse order ofremoval

NOTE: Before installing the brake disc, clean themating surfaces of the front hub and the inside ofthe brake disc

8 Clean the mating surfaces of the brake disc and theinside of the wheel, then install the front wheel

Trang 19








35 N·m (3.6 kgf·m,

7 lbf·ft)



10 x 1.0 mm

50 N·m (5.1 kgf·m,

37 lbf·ft)

12 x 1.25 mm

108 N·m (11.0 kgf·m, 79.6 lbf·ft)





: Rubber grease : Silicone grease

Trang 20




Conventional Brake Components

Front Brake Caliper Overhaul (cont’d)





Frequent inhalation of brake pad dust, regardless ofmaterial composition, could be hazardous to yourhealth

• Avoid breathing dust particles

• Never use an air hose or brush to clean brakeassemblies Use an appropriate vacuum cleaner

NOTE: Make sure that the caliper pins are installed

correctly Upper caliper pin B and lower caliper pin A

are different If these caliper pins are installed in the

wrong location, it will cause vibration, uneven or rapid

pad wear, and possibly uneven tyre wear

• Do not spill brake fluid on the vehicle; it may damage

the paint; if brake fluid gets on the paint, wash it offimmediately with water

• To prevent dripping brake fluid, cover disconnected

hose joints with rags or shop towels

• Clean all parts in brake fluid and air dry; blow out all

passages with compressed air

• Before reassembling, check that all parts are free of

dirt and other foreign particles

• Replace parts with new ones as specified in the

• When reusing brake pads, always reinstall them in

their original positions to prevent loss of brakingefficiency

• Do not reuse drained brake fluid Use only clean

Honda DOT 3 or DOT 4 Brake Fluid from an unopenedcontainer Using a non-Honda brake fluid can causecorrosion and shorten the life of the system

• Do not mix different brands of brake fluid as they

may not be compatible

• Coat the piston, the piston seal groove, and the

caliper bore with clean brake fluid

• Replace all rubber parts with new ones whenever


• After installing the caliper, check the brake hose and

line for leaks, interference, and twisting

1 Remove the caliper body

2 Set the wooden block (A) or several shop towels tothe caliper body (B) as shown Blow out the pistonwith compressed air gradually, and remove thepiston from the caliper body

NOTE: Do not put the hand into the caliper bodybecause the piston will come out hardly from thecaliper body

3 Remove the piston boot (A) and the piston seal (B)from the caliper body (C)

NOTE: Be careful not to damage the inner surface

of the cylinder wall with the tool



Trang 21

2 Apply a thin coat of rubber grease to the newpiston boot (B), then install it into the groove in thecaliper body.

3 Apply the brake fluid to the outer surface of thepiston, then set the piston in place on the caliperbody

4 Mount the commercially available brake caliperpiston compressor tool (A) on the caliper body (B)

5 Press in the piston with the brake caliper pistoncompressor tool Make sure that the piston boot isproperly positioned into the groove of the piston

Trang 22


15 N·m (1.5 kgf·m,

11 lbf·ft)


B ABS: 15 N·m (1.5 kgf·m, 11 lbf·ft) VSA: 22 N·m (2.2 kgf·m, 16 lbf·ft)






• Do not spill brake fluid on the vehicle; it maydamage the paint; if brake fluid gets on the paint,wash it off immediately with water

• Be careful not to damage or deform the brakelines during removal and installation

• To prevent the brake fluid from flowing, plug andcover the hose ends and joints with a shop towel

3 Remove the resevoir cap and the brake fluid fromthe master cylinder reservoir with a syringe

4 Disconnect the brake fluid level switch connector(A)

5 Disconnect the brake lines (B) from the mastercylinder (C) To prevent spills, cover the hose jointswith rags or shop towels

6 Remove the master cylinder mounting nuts (D) andthe washers (E)

7 Remove the master cylinder from the brake booster(F) Be careful not to bend or damage the brakelines when removing the master cylinder

8 Remove the rod seal (G) from the master cylinder

NOTE: During installation, set the new rod sealonto the master cylinder with its grooved side (H)toward the master cylinder


Trang 23

9 Install the master cylinder in the reverse order of

removal, and note these items:

• Coat the inner bore lip and the outercircumference of the new rod seal with thesilicone grease in the master cylinder set

• Check the brake pedal height and free play afterinstalling the master cylinder, and adjust it ifnecessary (see page 19-6)

10 LHD model: Install the under-hood fuse/relay box

11 RHD model: Install the strut brace (if equipped)

(see page 20-307)

12 Bleed the brake system (see page 19-9)

13 Spin the wheels to check for brake drag

Trang 24




NOTE: The illustrations show LHD model/VSA

1 Remove the rod seal from the master cylinder

2 Remove the circlip (A) while pushing in thesecondary piston (B)

3 Remove the reservoir (A)

4 VSA: Remove the stop pin (B) while pushing in thesecondary piston (C)

5 Remove the piston guide (A), secondary piston (B)and primary piston (C)

6 Remove the reservoir seal (A) from the reservoircap (B)

7 Remove the strainer (C) and grommets (D) from thereservoir (E)

NOTE: When reservoir and master cylinder bodyare separated, replace the grommets with newones

Trang 25

2 lbf·ft)
















• Clean all parts in brake fluid and air dry; blow out all passages with compressed air

• Before reassembling, check that all parts are free of dirt and other foreign particles

• Replace parts with new ones whenever specified to do so

• Use only genuine Honda DOT 3 or DOT 4 Brake Fluid Non-Honda brake fluid can cause corrosion and shorten thelife of the system

• Do not mix different brands of brake fluid as they may no be compatible

• Replace the master cylinder if the bore is damaged or worn Do not hone or attempt to refinish the bore

• Coat the piston cups, pressure cup and master cylinder bore with clean brake fluid

• Use recommended greases in the master cylinder seal set

• The illustration shows LHD model/VSA

Trang 26





1 Coat the cups (A) of a new primary piston (B) withclean brake fluid, then install the primary pistoninto the master cylinder

NOTE: Check that the valve stem (C) movessmoothly by lightly pushing it through the slot inthe piston

2 Coat the cup (A) of a new secondary piston (B) withclean brake fluid, and apply the silicone grease tothe piston surface (C)

3 Apply the rubber grease to a new piston guide (A),

a new O-ring (B) and a new secondary cup (C)

4 Install the primary piston (A), secondary piston (B)and piston guide (C) into the master cylinder Makesure the direction of piston guide

NOTE: Install the primary piston so the slot (D) inthe piston aligns with the stop pin hole in themaster cylinder

Trang 27

2 lbf·ft)

5 Install the reservoir seal (A) to the reservoir cap (B)

6 Install the strainer (C) and the new grommets (D) tothe reservoir (E)

7 VSA: Align the slot (A) in the primary piston withthe stop pin hole (B) by pushing the secondarypiston in, and install the stop pin (C)

8 Install the reservoir (D) to the master cylinder

9 Install the new circlip (A) while pushing in thesecondary piston (B) Be careful not to scratcheddamage on the piston surface with the circlip edges

10 Install the master cylinder (see page 19-22)



Trang 28

ABS: 15 N·m (1.5 kgf·m, 11 lbf·ft) VSA: 22 N·m (2.2 kgf·m, 16 lbf·ft)

A 07YAJ-0010410


ABS: 07510-6340101 VSA: 07HAK-SG00110



• Pressure gauge joint pipes, 12 x 1.0 mm07HAK-SG00110

• Pressure gauges set 07YAJ-0010410

• Vacuum gauge 07YAJ-0010610

• Attachments 07410-5790102

• Tube joint adapter 07410-5790503

• Pressure gauge joint pipes, 10 x 1.0 mm07510-6340101

1 Install the vacuum gauge (A) between the brakebooster and check valve

2 Start the engine, adjust the engine speed with theaccelerator pedal so that the vacuum gaugereadings show 66.7 kPa (500 mmHg, 19.7 in.Hg),then stop the engine

3 Read the vacuum gauge

If the vacuum reading decreases 2.7 kPa (20 mmHg,0.8 in.Hg) or more after 30 seconds, check

following parts for leaks

Replace the brake booster as an assembly with anew one

1 Install the vacuum gauge as same as the leak test

2 Connect the oil pressure gauges (A) to the mastercylinder using the attachments pressure gaugejoint pipes as shown

3 Bleed air through the valves (B)

4 Start the engine, and let it idle

5 Have an assistant depress the brake pedal with a

98 N (10 kgf, 22 lbf) and 294 N (30 kgf, 66 lbf) ofpressure measuring with a commercially availablepressure gauge (A)

Trang 29

Brake pedal pressure N (kgf, lbf)

Master cylinder oil pressure kPa (kgf/cm , psi)

Vacuum booster Vacuum kPa (mmHg, in.Hg)

Brake pedal pressure N (kgf, lbf)

Master cylinder oil pressure kPa (kgf/cm , psi)



Booster Check Valve Test

Brake Booster Pushrod Thickness (Reference)



115.5 116.5 mm (4.55 4.59 in.)

6 The following pressures should be observed at the

pressure gauges in each vacuum

0 (0, 0) 98 (10, 22) 0 (0, 0)

294 (30, 66) 1,215

(12.4, 176)66.7 (500, 19.7) 98 (10, 22) 4,504

(49.0, 697)

294 (30, 66) 9,937

(101.3, 1,441)

7 Inspect the master cylinder for leaks if the readings

do not fall within the limits shown above

1 Disconnect the brake booster vacuum hose (A) atthe booster The check valve (B) is built into thehose

NOTE: If the check valve is faulty, replace the brakebooster vacuum hose/check valve as an assembly

2 Start the engine, and let it idle There should bevacuum available If no vacuum is available, thecheck valve is not working properly Replace thebrake booster vacuum hose and check valve, andretest

Trang 30



6 x 1.0 mm 9.8 N·m (1.0 kgf·m, 7.2 lbf·ft)

6 x 1.0 mm 9.8 N·m (1.0 kgf·m, 7.2 lbf·ft)




6 x 1.0 mm 9.8 N·m (1.0 kgf·m, 7.2 lbf·ft)



NOTE: The illustrations show K24Z2, K24Z3 enginemodels

1 Remove the cowl cover (see page 20-273)

2 Remove the strut brace (if equipped) (see page20-307)

3 Remove the master cylinder (see page 19-22)

4 Disconnect the brake booster vacuum hose (A)from the brake booster

5 Except R20A3 engine model: Remove the hood fuse/relay box stay (A), then remove theengine wire harness clamps (B)

under-6 R20A3 engine model: Remove the under-hoodfuse/relay box stay (A), then remove the enginewire harness clamps (B) and clips (C)

7 Remove the brake lines (A) from the hose clamp (B)

Trang 31





8 x 1.25 mm

12 N·m (1.2 kgf·m, 8.7 lbf·ft)

10 Remove the brake booster mounting nuts (C)

11 Remove the brake booster (A) from the enginecompartment

• Be careful not to damage the boostersurfaces and threads of the booster studbolts

• Be careful not to bend or damage thebrake lines

12 Install the brake booster in the reverse order ofremoval, and note these items:

• Install the master cylinder after installing thebrake booster (see page 19-22)

• Check the brake pedal height and free play afterinstalling the master cylinder, and adjust it ifnecessary (see page 19-6)

• Bleed the brake system (see page 19-9)

Trang 32



6 x 1.0 mm 9.8 N·m (1.0 kgf·m, 7.2 lbf·ft)


6 x 1.0 mm 9.8 N·m (1.0 kgf·m, 7.2 lbf·ft)



NOTE: The illustrations show K24Z2, K24Z3 enginemodels

1 Remove the cowl cover (see page 20-273)

2 Remove the master cylinder (see page 19-22)

3 Disconnect the vacuum hose (A) from the brakebooster (B)

4 Remove the brake lines (A) from the hose clamp (B)

5 Remove the suction line mount bolts (A), thenremove the power steering pump outlet hosemount bolt (B)

6 Disconnect the receiver line (A) from the clamps (B)

Trang 33


6 x 1.0 mm 9.8 N·m (1.0 kgf·m, 7.2 lbf·ft)

6 x 1.0 mm 9.8 N·m (1.0 kgf·m, 7.2 lbf·ft)


6 x 1.0 mm 9.8 N·m (1.0 kgf·m, 7.2 lbf·ft)



8 x 1.25 mm

12 N·m (1.2 kgf·m, 8.7 lbf·ft) A

7 Remove the under-hood fuse/relay box mount nut(A) and release the clip (B), then move the under-hood fuse/relay box (C) aside

8 Remove the under-hood fuse/relay box stay (A),then remove the engine wire harness clamp (B)

9 Remove the engine wire harness clamp bolt (A)

10 Remove the driver’s dashboard undercover (ifequipped) (see page 20-168)

11 Remove the lock pin (A) and the joint pin (B), thendisconnect the yoke from the brake pedal

12 Remove the brake booster mounting nuts (C)


Trang 34

to the passenger’s side.

• Be careful not to damage the boostersurfaces and threads of the booster studbolts

• Be careful not to bend or damage thebrake lines or other components hosesand lines

14 R20A3 engine model: Remove the throttle bodyfrom intake manifold (see page 11-303)

NOTE: Do not disconnect the connectors or hoses

15 K24Z2, K24Z3 engine models: Pull the brakebooster (A) forward, then move the brake booster

to the passenger’s side

• Be careful not to damage the boostersurfaces and threads of the booster studbolts

• Be careful not to bend or damage thebrake lines or other components hosesand lines

Trang 35

• Bleed the brake system (see page 19-9).

Trang 36



Special Tools Required

Brake pad thickness:

Standard: 8.3 9.0 mm (0.33 0.35 in.) Service limit: 1.0 mm (0.04 in.)

• Avoid breathing dust particles

• Never use an air hose or brush to clean brakeassemblies Use an appropriate vacuum cleaner

1 Raise the rear of the vehicle, and support it withsafety stands in the proper locations (see page1-11)

2 Remove the rear wheels

3 Check the thickness (A) of the inner pad (B) andouter pad (C) Do not include the thickness of thebacking plate

4 If the brake pad thickness of any of the pads is lessthan the service limit, replace the rear brake pads

as a set

5 Clean the mating surfaces of the brake disc and theinside of the wheel, then install the rear wheels

1 Remove some brake fluid from the master cylinder

2 Raise the rear of the vehicle, and support it withsafety stands in the proper locations (see page1-11)

3 Remove the rear wheels

4 Remove the brake hose mounting bolt (A)

5 Remove the flange bolts (B) while holdingrespective caliper pin (C) with a wrench Be carefulnot to damage the pin boot, and remove the caliper(D) Check the hose, the pin boots, and the parkingbrake cable boots for damage and deterioration

NOTE: Do not twist the brake hose and the parkingbrake cable to prevent damage

Trang 37

6 Remove the pad shim (A) and brake pads (B).

7 Remove the pad retainers (A)

8 Clean the caliper bracket (B) thoroughly; removeany rust, and check for grooves and cracks Verifythat the caliper pins (C) move in and out smoothly

Clean and lube if needed

9 Inspect the brake disc, and check for damage andcracks (see page 19-40)

10 Apply Molycoat M77 grease to the retainers ontheir mating surfaces (indicated by the arrows)against the caliper bracket

11 Install the pad retainers Wipe excess grease off theretainers Keep the grease off the brake disc andbrake pads

12 Apply Molycoat M77 grease to the pad side of theshim (A), the back of the brake pads (B), and theother areas indicated by the arrows Wipe excessgrease off the pad shim and brake pads Keepgrease off the brake discs and the pads

Contaminated brake discs or brake pads reducestopping ability

13 Install the brake pads and pad shim correctly

Install the brake pad with the wear indicator (C) onthe bottom inside If you are reusing the brake pads,always reinstall the brake pads in their originalpositions to prevent a momentary loss of brakingefficiency


Trang 38

8 x 1.0 mm

13 N·m (1.3 kgf·m, 9.4 lbf·ft)


8 x 1.25 mm 2.2 N·m (2.2 kgf·m, 16 lbf·ft)



14 Rotate the caliper piston (A) clockwise into thecylinder by using the locknut wrench

15 Align the cutout (A) in the piston (B) with the tab (C)

on the inner pad Lubricate the boot with rubbergrease to avoid twisting the piston boot If thepiston boot is twisted, back it out so it is positionedproperly

NOTE: Be careful when moving the piston back inthe caliper; brake fluid might overflow from themaster cylinder’s reservoir

16 Install the caliper Install the flange bolts (D), andtighten it to the specified torque while holding therespective caliper pin with a wrench, being carefulnot to damage the pin boots and parking brakecable boots

17 Install the brake hose mounting bolt (E)

Trang 39

18 Clean the mating surfaces of the brake disc and the

inside of the wheel, then install the rear wheels

19 Press the brake pedal several times to make sure

the brakes work

NOTE: Engagement may require a greater pedalstroke immediately after the brake pads have beenreplaced as a set Several applications of the brakepedal will restore the normal pedal stroke

20 Add brake fluid as needed

21 After installation, check for leaks at hose and line

joints or connections, and retighten if necessary

Test-drive the vehicle, then recheck for leaks(see page 19-47)

22 Adjust the parking brake (see page 19-8)

Trang 40

Brake disc runout:

Service limit: 0.04 mm (0.0016 in.)

Max refinishing limit: 8.0 mm (0.31 in.)

Brake disc thickness:

(0.35 0.36 in.) Max refinishing limit: 8.0 mm

(0.31 in.) Brake disc parallelism: 0.015 mm


12 x 1.25 mm

108 N·m (11.0 kgf·m, 79.6 lbf·ft)


10 mm (0.39 in.)

1 Raise the rear of the vehicle, and support it withsafety stands in the proper locations (see page1-11)

2 Remove the rear wheels

3 Remove the brake pads (see page 19-36)

4 Inspect the brake disc surface for damage andcracks Clean the brake disc thoroughly, andremove all rust

5 Install suitable flat washers (A) and the wheel nuts(B), and tighten the wheel nuts to the specifiedtorque to hold the brake disc securely against thehub

6 Set up the dial gauge against the brake disc asshown, and measure the runout at 10 mm (0.39 in.)from the outer edge of the brake disc

7 If the brake disc is beyond the service limit, refinishthe brake disc with a commercially available on-carbrake lathe

2 Remove the rear wheels

3 Remove the brake pads (see page 19-36)

4 Using a micrometer, measure the brake discthickness at eight points, about 45 ° apart and

10 mm (0.39 in.) in from the outer edge of the brakedisc Replace the brake disc if the smallest

measurement is less than the max refinishing limit

NOTE: This is the maximum allowable differencebetween the thickness measurements

5 If the brake disc is beyond the service limit forparallelism, refinish the brake disc with acommercially available on-car brake lathe

NOTE: If the brake disc is beyond the service limitfor refinishing, replace it (see page 19-41)

6 Clean the mating surfaces of the brake disc and theinside of the wheel, then install the rear wheels

Ngày đăng: 27/10/2012, 10:31

