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Topic should students getb a part time job

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(Writing)Topic should students getb a part time job Đây là tài liệu hỗ trợ các bạn về kĩ năng viết trong Anh Văn theo từng chủ đề Hy vọng mỗi bài viết sẽ góp phần hỗ trợ các bạn nâng cao được kĩ năng viết của mình và đạt được điểm số cao trong các kì thi

Outline: Introduction Body - Definition “What is part-time job?” - The reality of student working part-time - Three main benefits of working part-time students + Improve the financial situation or stabilize the income + Experience life + Expanding relationships - Some disadvantages of working part-time student + The negative impact on the health and learning of students + Encountering multiple levels of fraud - Some solutions for students to avoid different difficulties - Give personal opinions Conclusion Topic: Should students get a part-time job? Nowadays, the phenomenon of students racing to work part-time is no longer strange or rare Part-time job has almost become an integral part of student life However, "Should students work part-time jobs?" is a question that anyone who has experienced at this stage will be confused with the options The number of students working part-time is increasing Almost where there are jobs, there are students But the question is that if students work part-time jobs, is it the best solution and what they gain and lose? This is an urgent question for students who work part-time now This research paper will explain and answer that question Part-time jobs - literally it is a definition that describes an informal, casual job alongside a formal and stable job This is a definition used to describe a job that is often done, the regular time is not enough and proper working hours prescribed by the state hours a day and days a week There is no unmistakable part-time definition There are not any legitimate rules to help characterize the quantity of hours you need to work, or the contrast between part-time and full-time worker This will all be chosen by the business Employment is always an urgent hot issue and never outdated for everyone Not only the press, agencies, businesses are interested, but it is also ingrained in the minds of many students They constantly accumulate knowledge and experience to later reach a far, more beautiful future In terms of the current working age, students play an important role in social because in terms of behavioral capacity, students have very abundant mental and physical strength Currently, most students are aware that the learning knowledge can be enriched in many different ways and they have chosen to learn with practice, that is to part-time jobs At the present time, all shops and small businesses are looking for part-time employees, especially college students Employers often want to hire students because they are receptive, energetic and enthusiastic A review directed by Endsleigh (2015) demonstrated that 77% undergraduate are presently working part-time to help subsidize their investigations Another study has proved that around 24% to 33% of Australian school understudies consistently hold part-time employments during the school year (Robinson, 1996) Similarly, the extent of students working part-time while going to examine about projects in Canada is higher than at any other time (Marshall, 2010) Furthermore, most of students who currently try out Canadian study projects refer to "encouraging their professions" and "improving occupation" as the two essential explanations behind seeking after instruction (Canadian University Survey Consortium, 2013) Today part-time jobs are no longer a small phenomenon but have become a trend Not only for the purpose of increasing income but also helping students accumulate more experience Originally, parttime jobs have been a trend due to the strong competition of the market economy, social knowledge and practical knowledge greatly affecting students' ability to after graduation So why is the number of undergraduates having part-time jobs increasing? The following are some of the benefits of part-time work and explain why the number of university students working part-time is increasing The larger part of the sources that I looked into for this examination utilized correlational explore techniques to look at the connections between part-time work and factors that have been regularly connected with "undergraduate achievement", for example, GPA, physical condition, participation, and ability improvement Outerbridge (2016) gives a specific example of the positive effect of part-time work: Isabel has a part-time job while studying at university Despite the fact that she has to balance between her study and her work, she does not find her job mental and physical demanding Furthermore, her co-worker and her supervisors are very supportive and she is thankful to them Additionally, her part-time job helps her be financially independent from her parents It also helps her to be more social and more organized, which contributes to her good academic performance (p 80) Through the above example, there are three main benefits of working part-time students Normally, it is not natural for students to want to work part-time jobs, the reasons for their part-time jobs are endless, but the good reason as well as the first benefit is to improve the financial situation or stabilize the income It is an extraordinary chance to begin acquiring cash because student regularly whine about their monetary circumstance and finding parttime work can fix it Although most students not have to worry about financial problems supported by their parents and relatives, if you work part time, you will have an additional source of income to cover your life, buy books or references Moreover, when you spend your hard-earned money, you will see a different value than the money you are provided by relatives Therefore, you will appreciate the hard work of yourself, your parents and your relatives In addition, with the money you earn, you will have the opportunity to invest to make a profit or know how to make short-term or long-term financial plans for yourself Facing early with finance, you will grow up every day so that when you leave the lecture hall, you can quickly integrate into a new environment Moreover, among the thousands of new students enrolled annually, there are thousands of students who got accepted but did not have money to attend or register for admission and then applied to withdraw their application because they could not afford the prescribed school fee On the other hand, it is assumed that the family can manage the tuition, but the student life is long and the students cannot depend on the family supply so they start looking for a job, which is the inevitable solution However, students not only work part-time to earn money, but also an opportunity for them to experience life This is also the second important benefit From theory to reality, it is not a small distance When you work part-time job, you will have a more multi-dimensional view of life around you and your worldview will be expanded That is also the benefit of students working part time You will interact with more people and more work These experiences will help you accumulate the necessary soft skills and psychology will become much more stable These are the six skills students get from part-time work: good communication skills, teamwork, working under pressure, time management, high sense of responsibility and ability to use technology proficiently When working part-time, you will have the opportunity to practice the ability to handle many problems at the same time because you have to ensure learning while balancing time for work and learn Many people not know how to balance the time and become drowsy, tired on the first days of part-time work but gradually, this will help you build your skills to many jobs with a time Not only that working part time also helps you accumulate more valuable experiences for yourself For those who choose the part-time jobs for students to become trainees for big companies in the field they are pursuing, they have the opportunity to accumulate more specialized skills On the practical work, they can learn directly from brothers and sisters who have had previous experience handling situations As for other jobs, you can accumulate more confident, agile, flexible and dynamic communication skills When deciding to work parttime, your schedule will be much busier, so the time will become more tight while you also have studying, extra-curricular activities and your intentions; from which you will appreciate and treasure your time more, gradually develop time management skills thoroughly, to bring the best effect in all the jobs that you responsible The final significant advantage of students working part-time is expanding their relationships Having a new job means that you live in a new environment with completely new people The tendency of young people to be open in the dynamic age with part-time jobs will help you quickly have the opportunity to know many relationships Meeting and communicating with people who are ahead have more experience and skills at work, you can get a good job for the future Your relationships are not only limited to school and family You will meet many different people with different relationships such as colleagues, bosses and customers Depending on how you work with people, you will learn how to evaluate people, how to discriminate good people and bad people and how to protect your own safety Instead of just concentrating on books, working part-time will make your life much more interesting, helping you become more active Communicating with many people, first-hand experience of life with a multi-dimensional perspective will help you expand your understanding and confidence On the other hand, besides the noticeable advantages when working part-time, students also face many different difficulties that directly affect students This also answers the question for many people: "Why should not students work part time?" The consequence is the negative impact on the health and learning of students, especially freshmen Freshmen are often not familiar with the pace and the new way of studying at university, so if they work part-time, they will be very shocked and cause fatigue, stress and difficulties in learning Working time can take up most of your study time, and even the lecture hall is just a rare relaxing space to make up for late nights serving restaurants or tutoring Many cases, because of being too passionate about part-time jobs, forgetting the main task of studying There are those who even have bad academic results, are busy with making money and are willing to give up learning They are exchanging a big value for something too small With the amount of money that part-time work is worth with the later must really squeeze outside social life Because of not managing time, not allocating time to study and work, it leads to imbalance, incomplete working, and learning results are not guaranteed Young people easily fall into this situation because they are too passionate about their work and lack of concentration for study, leading to retesting, failing academic results Another problem is that the work intensity is inversely proportional to the health of students The more students it, the weaker their health are Students a lot of work and often skip meals, resulting in poor health when attending lectures The second difficulty students face is having to encounter multiple levels of fraud Students who work part-time are most afraid of coming across fraudulent multi-level sales companies In particular, the first-year students with little experience can easily encounter these companies With sweet offers that require no qualifications, no experience and still success that makes inexperienced students who not realize will fall into the trap immediately From close relationships that have become ruptured to debt piling up because the fees are too high to succeed as the offer of fraudulent multi-level organizations Therefore, it is necessary for students to have solutions to avoid the situation that they are too engrossed to earn more income and leave their knowledge and skills behind The first is that all universities now have more or less measures to support poor students However, that support is too small while the number of students is quite large Clearly accompanied by a reasonable increase in tuition fees, the education and training sector needs to take into account the adjustment of policies to support students of priority and poor students, adjust the scholarship regime in general and special scholarships for students with excellent academic records The essential second solution is for students who need a reasonable schedule If you know how to balance, arranging your time is not too difficult On the other hand, students need to choose their own strength when applying to work to ensure good health and successfully complete their studies And the most important but not simple solution is the study effort to get support scholarships from the school Moreover, if you want a part-time job that doesn't affect your studies, the extremely simple solution is focusing 100% on studying How long the study period does not matter, it is important that the quality of the time you learn how much knowledge you gain You absolutely not need to sit and hold books from dawn to dusk You only need to really put 100% of your concentration on study for a few hours, the results can even go beyond sitting for a whole day without really focusing In a short amount of time, you can achieve high academic results, so you absolutely have enough free time for the part-time job Students are now more active than previous generations The dynamic sometimes manifests itself in very small but effective jobs The problem of part-time jobs is concerned by most students without gender discrimination as well as education attainment Students are quite sensitive, easy to absorb new and practical issues Therefore, if students learn the knowledge above class and practical application, it is their great desire When learning valuable knowledge from teachers at school as well as in the process of exchanging with teachers, students also received a great encouragement Many teachers agreed with the fact that their students had an appropriate part-time job Of course, it's not unaware of the negative effects of part-time work For students, before deciding to work part-time, they must carefully consider their personal conditions If you can balance your studies and part-time jobs, you can find a suitable job to have more income to help your family, and you can also gain life experiences and improve personal relationships In conclusion, students working part-time jobs is just an indispensable measure to use shortterm goals as a stepping-stone towards achieving long-term goals It is inevitable that with or without control, it will naturally happen The fact that students work part-time is very beneficial but the drawbacks are not few In my opinion, everything has its two sides Parttime work is necessary if students know how to overcome the difficulties and limitations they face In addition, student part-time work should be supported, but how to support students to have both income and direction to find jobs that support their studies, their field of study is an organizational scale of the Ministry of Education and Training Reference list Canadian University Survey Consortium (2013) 2013 First-year university student survey [Report] Retrieved from http://www.cusc-ccreu.ca/new/publications.html Endsleigh (2015, August 10) 77% of students now work to fund studies Retrieved from https://www.teachingtimes.com/news/fund-studies.htm Marshall, K (2010) Employment patterns of postsecondary students Perspectives on labor and income, 22(4), Outerbridge, H J (2016) The Impact of Part-Time Work on the Student Experience (Doctoral dissertation, Education: Faculty of Education) Robinson, L School Students and Part-Time Work (LSAY Research Report No 2) Melbourne: ACER, October 1996 ... teachers, students also received a great encouragement Many teachers agreed with the fact that their students had an appropriate part-time job Of course, it's not unaware of the negative effects of part-time. .. to later reach a far, more beautiful future In terms of the current working age, students play an important role in social because in terms of behavioral capacity, students have very abundant... of the market economy, social knowledge and practical knowledge greatly affecting students' ability to after graduation So why is the number of undergraduates having part-time jobs increasing?

Ngày đăng: 15/05/2020, 07:47

