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Shop manual máy đào KOMATSU PC300

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Tiêu đề Shop Manual Máy Đào Komatsu PC300
Trường học Komatsu University
Chuyên ngành Engineering
Thể loại Hướng Dẫn Sử Dụng
Năm xuất bản 2001
Thành phố USA
Định dạng
Số trang 240
Dung lượng 12,15 MB

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Shop manual máy đào KOMATSU PC300: phần kết cấu

© 2001 All Rights Reserved00-1Printed in USA 11-01 SEBM025800PC300, 300LC-7PC350, 350LC-7•This shop manual may contain attachments and optional equipment that are not avail-able in your area. Please consult your local Komatsu distributor for those items you mayrequire. Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice.•PC300, 350-7 mount the SAA6D114E engine.For details of the engine, see the 114 Series Engine Shop Manual.MACHINE MODEL SERIAL NUMBERPC300-70040001 AND UP00PC300LC-70040001 AND UP00PC350-70020001 AND UP00PC350LC-70020001 AND UP00 CONTENTS00-2No. of page01 GENERAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01-110 STRUCTURE, FUNCTION AND MAINTENANCE STANDARD. 10-120 TESTING AND ADJUSTING . . . . . . . . . . . . Will Be Issued 12-15-200130 DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY . . . . . . . . Will Be Issued 02-15-200290 OTHERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-100 SAFETY SAFETY NOTICE00-3SAFETYSAFETY NOTICEIMPORTANT SAFETY NOTICEProper service and repair is extremely important for safe machine operation. The service andrepair techniques recommended by Komatsu and described in this manual are both effectiveand safe. Some of these techniques require the use of tools specially designed by Komatsu forthe specific purpose.To prevent injury to workers, the symbol¤is used to mark safety precautions in this manual.The cautions accompanying these symbols should always be followed carefully. If any danger-ous situation arises or may possibly arise, first consider safety, and take the necessary actionsto deal with the situation.GENERAL PRECAUTIONSMistakes in operation are extremely dangerous.Read the Operation and Maintenance Manual care-fully BEFORE operating the machine.1. Before carrying out any greasing or repairs, readall the precautions given on the decals which arefixedtothemachine.2. When carrying out any operation, alwayswear safety shoes and helmet. Do not wearloose work clothes, or clothes with buttonsmissing.• Always wear safety glasses when hittingparts with a hammer.• Always wear safety glasses when grindingparts with a grinder, etc.3. If welding repairs are needed, always have atrained, experienced welder carry out the work.When carrying out welding work, always wearwelding gloves, apron, hand shield, cap andother clothes suited for welding work.4. When carrying out any operation with two ormore workers, always agree on the operatingprocedure before starting. Always inform yourfellow workers before starting any step of theoperation. Before starting work, hang UNDERREPAIR signs on the controls in the operator'scompartment.5. Keep all tools in good condition and learn thecorrect way to use them.6. Decide a place in the repair workshop to keeptools and removed parts. Always keep the toolsand parts in their correct places. Always keepthe work area clean and make sure that there isno dirt or oil on the floor. Smoke only in the areasprovided for smoking. Never smoke while work-ing.PREPARATIONS FOR WORK7. Before adding oil or making any repairs, park themachine on hard, level ground, and block thewheels or tracks to prevent the machine frommoving.8. Before starting work, lower blade, ripper, bucketor any other work equipment to the ground. Ifthis is not possible, insert the safety pin or useblocks to prevent the work equipment from fall-ing. In addition, be sure to lock all the controllevers and hang warning signs on them.9. When disassembling or assembling, support themachine with blocks, jacks or stands beforestarting work.10.Remove all mud and oil from the steps or otherplaces used to get on and off the machine.Always use the handrails, ladders or steps whengetting on or off the machine. Never jump on oroff the machine. If it is impossible to use thehandrails, ladders or steps, use a stand to pro-vide safe footing. SAFETY SAFETY NOTICE00-4PRECAUTIONS DURING WORK11.When removing the oil filler cap, drain plug orhydraulic pressure measuring plugs, loosenthem slowly to prevent the oil from spurting out.Before disconnecting or removing componentsof the oil, water or air circuits, first remove thepressure completely from the circuit.12.The water and oil in the circuits are hot when theengine is stopped, so be careful not to getburned.Wait for the oil and water to cool before carry-ing out any work on the oil or water circuits.13.Before starting work, remove the leads from thebattery. Always remove the lead from the nega-tive (–) terminal first.14.When raising heavy components, use a hoist orcrane.Check that the wire rope, chains and hooks arefree from damage.Always use lifting equipment which has amplecapacity.Install the lifting equipment at the correct places.Use a hoist or crane and operate slowly to pre-vent the component from hitting any other part.Do not work with any part still raised by the hoistor crane.15.When removing covers which are under internalpressure or under pressure from a spring,always leave two bolts in position on oppositesides. Slowly release the pressure, then slowlyloosen the bolts to remove.16.When removing components, be careful not tobreak or damage the wiring. Damaged wiringmay cause electrical fires.17.When removing piping, stop the fuel or oil fromspilling out. If any fuel or oil drips onto the floor,wipe it up immediately. Fuel or oil on the floorcan cause you to slip, or can even start fires.18.As a general rule, do not use gasoline to washparts. In particular, use only the minimum ofgasoline when washing electrical parts.19.Be sure to assemble all parts again in their origi-nal places.Replace any damaged parts with new parts.• When installing hoses and wires, be surethat they will not be damaged by contactwith other parts when the machine is beingoperated.20.When installing high pressure hoses, make surethat they are not twisted. Damaged tubes aredangerous, so be extremely careful when install-ing tubes for high pressure circuits. Also, checkthat connecting parts are correctly installed.21.When assembling or installing parts, always usethe specified tightening torques. When installingprotective parts such as guards, or parts whichvibrate violently or rotate at high speed, be par-ticularly careful to check that they are installedcorrectly.22.When aligning two holes, never insert your fin-gers or hand. Be careful not to get your fingerscaught in a hole.23.When measuring hydraulic pressure, check thatthe measuring tool is correctly assembled beforetaking any measurements.24.Take care when removing or installing the tracksof track-type machines.When removing the track, the track separatessuddenly, so never let anyone stand at eitherend of the track. FOREWORD GENERAL00-5FOREWORDGENERALThis shop manual has been prepared as an aid to improve the quality of repairs by giving the serviceman anaccurate understanding of the product and by showing him the correct way toperform repairs and make judge-ments. Make sure you understand the contents of this manual and use it to full effect at every opportunity.This shop manual mainly contains the necessary technical information for operations performed in a serviceworkshop. For ease of understanding, the manual is divided into the following chapters; these chapters are fur-ther divided into the each main group of components.STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONThis section explains the structure and function of each component. It serves not only to give an under-standing of the structure, but also serves as reference material for troubleshooting.In addition, this section may contain hydraulic circuit diagrams, electric circuit diagrams, and mainte-nance standards.TESTING AND ADJUSTINGThis section explains checks to be made before and after performing repairs, as well as adjustments tobe made at completion of the checks and repairs.Troubleshooting charts correlating "Problems" with "Causes" are also included in this section.DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLYThis section explains the procedures for removing, installing, disassembling and assembling each com-ponent, as well as precautions for them.MAINTENANCE STANDARDThis section gives the judgment standards for inspection of disassembled parts.The contents of this section may be described in STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION.OTHERSThis section mainly gives hydraulic circuit diagrams and electric circuit diagrams.In addition, this section may give the specifications of attachments and options together.NOTICEThe specifications contained in this shop manual are subject to change at any time and without anyadvance notice. Use the specifications given in the book with the latest date. FOREWORD HOW TO READ THE SHOP MANUAL00-6HOW TO READ THE SHOP MANUALVOLUMESShop manuals are issued as a guide to carrying outrepairs. They are divided as follows:Chassis volume: Issued for every machine modelEngine volume: Issued for each engine seriesElectrical volume:Attachments volume:These various volumes are designed to avoid dupli-cating the same information. Therefore, to deal withall repairs for any model , it is necessary that chas-sis, engine, electrical and attachment volumes beavailable.DISTRIBUTION AND UPDATINGAny additions, amendments or other changes will besent to KOMATSU distributors. Get the most up-to-date information before you start any work.FILING METHOD1. See the page number on the bottom of the page.File the pages in correct order.2. Following examples show how to read the pagenumber.Example 1 (Chassis volume):10 - 3Item number (10. Structure andFunction)Consecutive page number for eachitem.Example 2 (Engine volume):12 - 5Unit number (1. Engine)Item number (2. Testing and Adjust-ing)Consecutive page number for eachitem.3. Additional pages: Additional pages are indicatedby a hyphen (-) and number after the pagenumber. File as in the example.Example:10-410-4-110-4-210-5REVISED EDITION MARKWhen a manual is revised, an edition mark(123 ) is recorded on the bottom of the pages.REVISIONSRevised pages are shown in the LIST OF REVISEDPAGES next to the CONTENTS page.SYMBOLSSo that the shop manual can be of ample practicaluse, important safety and quality portions aremarked with the following symbols.Symbol Item Remarks¤SafetySpecial safety precautionsare necessary when per-forming the work.sCautionSpecial technical precau-tions or other precautionsfor preserving standardsare necessary when per-forming the work.4 WeightWeight of parts of sys-tems. Caution necessarywhen selecting hoistingwire, or when working pos-ture is important, etc.3TighteningtorquePlaces that require specialattention for the tighteningtorque during assembly.2 CoatPlaces to be coated withadhesives and lubricants,etc.5 Oil, waterPlaces where oil, water orfuel must be added, andthe capacity.6 DrainPlaces where oil or watermust be drained, andquantity to be drained.}·Each issued as onevolume to cover allmodels12-20312-203-112-203-212-204Added pages FOREWORD HOISTING INSTRUCTIONS00-7HOISTING INSTRUCTIONSHOISTING¤Heavy parts (25 kg or more) must be liftedwith a hoist, etc. In the DISASSEMBLYAND ASSEMBLY section, every partweighing 25 kg or more is indicated clearlywith the symbol4• If a part cannot be smoothly removed from themachine by hoisting, the following checksshould be made:1) Check for removal of all bolts fastening thepart to the relative parts.2) Check for existence of another part causinginterferencewiththeparttoberemoved.WIRE ROPES1) Use adequate ropes depending on theweight of parts to be hoisted, referring tothe table below:Wire ropes(Standard "Z" or "S" twist ropeswithout galvanizing)★ The allowable load value is estimated to be one-sixth or one-seventh of the breaking strength ofthe rope used.2) Sling wire ropes from the middle portion of thehook.Slinging near the edge of the hook may causethe rope to slip off the hook during hoisting, anda serious accident can result. Hooks have max-imum strength at the middle portion.3) Do not sling a heavy load with one rope alone,but sling with two or more ropes symmetricallywound onto the load.¤Slinging with one rope may cause turningof the load during hoisting, untwisting ofthe rope, or slipping of the rope from itsoriginal winding position on the load, whichcan result in a dangerous accident.4) Do not sling a heavy load with ropes forming awide hanging angle from the hook.When hoisting a load with two or more ropes,the force subjected to each rope will increasewith the hanging angles. The table belowshows the variation of allowable load kN {kg}when hoisting is made with two ropes, each ofwhich is allowed to sling up to 9.8 kN {1000 kg}vertically, at various hanging angles.When two ropes sling a load vertically, up to19.6 kN {2000 kg} of total weight can be sus-pended. This weight becomes 9.8 kN {1000 kg}when two ropes make a 120° hanging angle.On the other hand, two ropes are subjected toan excessive force as large as 39.2 kN {4000kg} if they sling a 19.6 kN {2000 kg} load at alifting angle of 150°.Rope diameter Allowable loadmm kN tons1011.512.51416182022.4304050609.813.715.721.627.535.343.154.998.1176.5274.6392. FOREWORD METHOD OF DISASSEMBLING, CONNECTING PUSH-PULL TYPE COUPLER00-8METHOD OF DISASSEMBLING, CONNECTING PUSH-PULL TYPE COUPLER¤Before carrying out the following work, releasethe residual pressure from the hydraulic tank.For details, see TESTING AND ADJUSTING,Releasing residual pressure from hydraulictank.¤Even if the residual pressure is released fromthe hydraulic tank, some hydraulic oil flows outwhen the hose is disconnected. Accordingly,prepare an oil receiving container.Disconnection1) Release the residual pressure from the hydrau-lic tank. For details, see TESTING ANDADJUSTING, Releasing residual pressure fromhydraulic tank.2) Hold adapter (1) and push hose joint (2) intomating adapter (3). (See Fig. 1)★ The adapter can be pushed in about 3.5mm.★ Do not hold rubber cap portion (4).3) After hose joint (2) is pushed into adapter (3),press rubber cap portion (4) against (3) until itclicks. (See Fig. 2)4) Hold hose adapter (1) or hose (5) and pull it out.(See Fig. 3)★ Since some hydraulic oil flows out, preparean oil receiving container.Connection1) Hold hose adapter (1) or hose (5) and insert it inmating adapter (3), aligning them with eachother. (See Fig. 4)★ Do not hold rubber cap portion (4).2) After inserting the hose in the mating adapterperfectly, pull it back to check its connectingcondition. (See Fig. 5)★ When the hose is pulled back, the rubbercap portion moves toward the hose about3.5 mm. This does not indicate abnormality,however.Type 1 FOREWORD METHOD OF DISASSEMBLING, CONNECTING PUSH-PULL TYPE COUPLER00-9Type 2 Type 3Disassembly1) Hold the mouthpiece of the tightening portionand push body (2) in straight until sliding pre-vention ring (1) contacts contact surface a ofthe hexagonal portion at the male end.2) Hold in the condition in Step 1), and turnlever (4) to the right (clockwise).3) Hold in the condition in Steps 1) and 2), andpull out whole body (2) to disconnect it.1) Hold the mouthpiece of the tightening portionand push body (2) in straight until sliding pre-vention ring (1) contacts contact surface a ofthe hexagonal portion at the male end.2) Hold in the condition in Step 1), and pushuntil cover (3) contacts contact surface a ofthe hexagonal portion at the male end.3) Hold in the condition in Steps 1) and 2), andpull out whole body (2) to disconnect it.Connection• Hold the mouthpiece of the tightening portionand push body (2) in straight until sliding pre-vention ring (1) contacts contact surface a ofthe hexagonal portion at the male end to con-nect it.• Hold the mouthpiece of the tightening portionand push body (2) in straight until sliding pre-vention ring (1) contacts contact surface a ofthe hexagonal portion at the male end to con-nect it. FOREWORD COATING MATERIALS00-10COATING MATERIALS★ The recommended coating materials such as adhesives, gasket sealants and greases used for disassemblyand assembly are listed below.★ For coating materials not listed below, use the equivalent of products shown in this list.Category Komatsu code Part No. Q'ty Container Main applications, featuresrAdhesivesLT-1A 790-129-9030 150 g Tube• Used to prevent rubber gaskets,rubber cushions, and cock plugfrom coming out.LT-1B 790-129-905020 g(2 pcs.)Polyethylenecontainer• Used in places requiring an imme-diately effective, strong adhesive.Used for plastics (except polyeth-ylene, polyprophylene, tetrafluor-oethlene and vinyl chloride),rubber, metal and non-metal.LT-2 09940-00030 50 gPolyethylenecontainer• Features: Resistance to heat andchemicals• Used for anti-loosening and seal-ant purpose for bolts and plugs.LT-3790-129-9060(Set ofadhesive andhardeningagent)Adhesive:1kgHardeningagent:500 gCan• Usedasadhesiveorsealantformetal, glass and plastic.LT-4 790-129-9040 250 gPolyethylenecontainer• Used as sealant for machinedholes.HoltzMH 705790-126-9120 75 g Tube• Used as heat-resisting sealant forrepairing engine.Three bond1735790-129-9140 50 gPolyethylenecontainer• Quick hardening type adhesive• Cure time: within 5 sec. to 3 min.• Used mainly for adhesion of met-als, rubbers, plastics and woods.Aron-alpha201790-129-9130 2 gPolyethylenecontainer• Quick hardening type adhesive• Quick cure type (max. strength af-ter 30 minutes)• Used mainly for adhesion of rub-bers, plastics and metals.Loctite648-5079A-129-9110 50 ccPolyethylenecontainer• Resistancetoheat,chemicals• Used at joint portions subject tohigh temperatures.GasketsealantLG-1 790-129-9010 200 g Tube• Usedasadhesiveorsealantforgaskets and packing of powertrain case, etc.LG-5 790-129-9070 1 kg Can• Used as sealant for variousthreads, pipe joints, flanges.• Used as sealant for taperedplugs, elbows, nipples of hydrau-lic piping.LG-6 790-129-9020 200 g Tube• Features: Silicon based, resist-ance to heat, cold• Usedassealantforflangesur-face, tread.• mab Used as sealant for oil pan,final drive case, etc. [...]... PC350-7, PC350LC-7 01-6 Weight Table PC300- 7, PC300LC-7 01-8 PC350-7, PC350LC-7 01-10 Fuel, Coolant, And Lubricants 01-12 PC300- 7 01-1 GENERAL SPECIFICATION DIMENSION DRAWINGS 12 SPECIFICATION DIMENSION DRAWINGS DIMENSIONS WORKING RANGES 01-2 PC300- 7 GENERAL SPECIFICATION DIMENSION DRAWINGS 12 DIMENSIONS Item Unit PC300- 7 PC300LC-7 PC350-7 PC350LC-7 A Overall length... dumping height mm 7,110 7,110 7,110 7,110 F Min dumping height mm 2,640 2,640 2,640 2,640 G Max reach at ground level mm 10,920 10,920 10,920 10,920 PC300- 7 01-3 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS PC300- 7, PC300LC-7 Machine model PC300- 7 Serial Number PC300LC-7 40001 and up m³ 1.4 1.4 Operating weight kg 30,800 31,900 Max digging depth mm 7,380 7,380 Max vertical wall depth mm 6,480 6,480 Max digging... Tank return side CFT-1 (Air cooled) 01-7 GENERAL WEIGHT TABLE WEIGHT TABLE This weight table is for use when handling components or when transporting the machine PC300- 7, PC300LC-7 Unit: kg Machine model PC300- 7 Serial Number Engine assembly PC300LC-7 40001 and up 1,148 1,148 • Engine 860 860 • Damper 14.3 14.3 • Hydraulic pump 178 178 Radiator oil cooler assembly 153 153 Hydraulic tank, filter assembly... : The "Mi" mode is on the multi-monitor specification machine only 01-4 PC300- 7 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS 12 Machine model PC300- 7 Serial Number 40001 and up Model Type Performance Engine No of cylinders - bore x stroke Piston displacement Flywheel horsepower Max torque Max speed at no load Min speed at no load Min fuel consumption PC300LC-7 l {cc} SAA6D114E 4-cycle, water-cooled, in-line, vertical, direct... FOREWORD UNITS UNITS In this manual, the measuring units are indicated with Internatinal System of units (SI) As for reference, conventionally used Gravitational System of units are indicated in parentheses { Example: N {kg} Nm {kgm} MPa {kg/cm2} kPa {mmH2O} kPa {mmHg} kW/rpm {HP/rpm} g/kWh {g/HPh} 00-22 } 01 GENERAL Specification Dimension Drawings 01-2 Specifications PC300- 7, PC300LC-7 01-4... 287.5 x 2 287.5 x 2 • Carrier roller 31.3 x 4 31.3 x 4 • Track roller 52.9 x 14 52.9 x 16 • Final drive (including travel motor) 583 x 2 583 x 2 Revolving frame 01-8 PC300- 7 GENERAL WEIGHT TABLE 12 Unit: kg Machine model PC300- 7 Serial Number PC300LC-7 40001 and up Track shoe assembly • Standard triple grouser shoe (600 mm) 3,470 3,700 • Standard triple grouser shoe (700 mm) 4,030 4,300 • Wide triple grouser... D975 No 2 Diesel fuel ASTM D975A No.1 Cooling system Coolant Add antifreeze # For the H-046-HM, use the oil recommended by Komatsu 01-12 PC300- 7 10 STRUCTURE, FUNCTION AND MAINTENANCE STANDARD 1252 Engine 7-Segment Monitor System 10-195 Sensor 10-202 PC300- 7 10-1 Related Parts 10-2 Radiator • Oil Cooler • Aftercooler 10-3 Power Train 10-4... F Tail swing radius mm 3,450 3,450 3,450 3,450 G Track overall length mm 4,625 4,955 4,625 4,955 H Length of track on ground mm 3,700 4,030 3,700 4,030 Min ground clearance mm 498 498 498 498 Unit PC300- 7 PC300LC-7 PC350-7 PC350LC-7 WORKING RANGES Item A Max digging reach mm 11,100 11,100 11,100 11,100 B Max digging depth mm 7,380 7,380 7,380 7,380 C Max digging height mm 10,210 10,210 10,210 10,210... Inside diameter of cylinder Diameter of piston rod Stroke Max distance between pins Min distance between pins mm mm mm mm mm Arm Bucket Double acting piston Hydraulic tank Hydraulic filter Hydraulic cooler PC300- 7 HPV125+125, variable displacement, Piston type x2 267.5 x 2 37.8 {380} 6-spool type + 1-spool type x 1 Hydraulic Type Hydraulic cylinder Hydraulic system 2 on each side Track roller Hydraulic motor...FOREWORD Category COATING MATERIALS Komatsu code Part No Q'ty Container Main applications, features • LG-7 790-129-9070 1g Tube Three bond 1211 790-129-9090 100 g Tube LM-G 09940-00051 60 g Can • Adhesives Molybdenum disulphide lubricant . book with the latest date. FOREWORD HOW TO READ THE SHOP MANUAL0 0-6HOW TO READ THE SHOP MANUALVOLUMESShop manuals are issued as a guide to carrying outrepairs.. details of the engine, see the 114 Series Engine Shop Manual. MACHINE MODEL SERIAL NUMBERPC300-70040001 AND UP00PC300LC-70040001 AND UP00PC350-70020001 AND UP00PC350LC-70020001

Ngày đăng: 25/10/2012, 15:37



