Chào các bạn Mình xin trân trọng gửi tới các bạn khung phân phối chương trình môn tiếng anh lớp 6. Theo chương trình sách giáo khoa mới. Đây là tài liệu giúp các bạn tham khảo và góp ý để mình có thể hoàn thiện hơn. Trân trọng cảm ơn
PHỊNG GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO VIỆT TRÌ TRƯỜNG THCS PHƯỢNG LÂU PHÂN PHỐI CHƯƠNG TRÌNH TIẾNG ANH TĂNG CƯỜNG LỚP GIÁO VIÊN: TRẦN THU HUYỀN Năm học: 2019 – 2020 CHƯƠNG TRÌNH 10 NĂM – LỚP Cả năm: 210 tiết; Học kỳ I: 19 Tuần= 108 Tiết; Học kỳ II: 18 Tuần= 102 Tiết HỌC KÌ I WEEK LESSON TOPIC 1,2 3,4 Unit 1: Hello (Life) 5,6 7,8 9,10 11,12 13,14 15,16 17,18 19,20 21,22 23,24 25,26 27,28 29,30 31,32 33,34 35,36 37,38 39,40 41,42 43,44 Unit 1: Hello (Life) Unit 1: My new school (Classbook) Unit 1: My new school (Classbook) Unit 1: My new school (Classbook) My new school - SPEAKING PRACTICE My new school - SPEAKING PRACTICE My new school – WRITING PRACTICE Unit 2: Holidays (Life) Unit 2: Holidays (Life) Unit 2: Holidays (Life) Unit 2: My home (Classbook) Unit 2: My home (Classbook) Unit 2: My home (Classbook) My home – SPEAKING PRACTICE My home – SPEAKING PRACTICE My home – WRITING PRACTICE Unit 3: Families (Life) Unit 3: Families (Life) Unit 3: Families (Life) Unit 3: My friends CONTENT Assessment 1a National geographic people 1b People and place 1d Nice to meet you 1f My top ten photos Phonetics Vocabulary Grammar Reading Listening Test unit Test correction Useful language Speaking practice using cue cards Useful language Presentation/project Useful language Writing 2a My holidays 2b Where are you? 2c A holiday quiz 2d Here are your keys 2f Antartica Phonetics Vocabulary Grammar Reading Listening Test unit 2 Test correction Useful language Speaking practice using cue cards Useful language Presentation/project Useful language Writing 3a Unusual family 3b Celebrations 3c Young and old 3d Congratulations 3f A Mongolian family Phonetics NOTES (Classbook) 45,46 47,48 49,50 51,52 55,56 My friends – SPEAKING PRACTICE My friends – WRITING PRACTICE Unit 4: Cities (Life) 57,58 Unit 4: Cities (Life) 59,60 61,62 Unit 4: Cities(Life) Unit 4: My neighborhood (Classroom) 63,64 Unit 4: My neighborhood (Classroom) Unit 4: My neighborhood (Classroom) My neighborhood – SPEAKING PRACTICE 53,54 10 11 65,66 12 67,68 69,70 73,74 My neighborhood – SPEAKING PRACTICE My neighborhood – WRITING PRACTICE Unit 5: Inventions (Life) 75,76 Unit 5: Inventions (Life) 77,78 79,80 Unit 5: Inventions (Life) Unit 5: Natural wonders of the world (Classbook) Unit 5: Natural wonders of the world (Classbook) Unit 5: Natural wonders of the world (Classbook) Natural wonders of the world – SPEAKING PRACTICE 71,72 13 14 81,82 83,84 15 Unit 3: My friends (Classbook) Unit 3: My friends (Classbook) My friends – SPEAKING PRACTICE 85,86 Vocabulary Grammar Reading Listening Test unit - Test correction Useful language Speaking practice using cue cards Useful language Presentation/project Useful language Writing 4a In the city 4b Tourist information 4c Time zones 4d Two teas please 4f Where’s that? Phonetics Vocabulary Grammar Reading Listening Test unit Test correction Useful language Speaking practice using cue cards Useful language Presentation/project Useful language Writing 5a Robots and people 5b Technology and me 5c Solar ovens 5d How much is it? 5f What’s favorite gadget? Phonetics Vocabulary Grammar Reading Listening Test unit Test correction Useful language Speaking practice using cue cards 87,88 89,90 16 91,92 93,94 17 95,96 97,98 99,100 101,102 18 103,104 105,106 19 107,108 Natural wonders of the world – SPEAKING PRACTICE Natural wonders of the world – WRITING PRACTICE Unit 6: Passions (Life) Useful language Presentation/project Useful language Writing 6a A passion for vegetables 6b My favorite things Unit 6: Passions (Life) 6c In love with speed 6d Let’s play table tennis Unit 6: Passions (Life) 6f At the market Unit 6: Our Tet holiday Phonetics (Classbook) Vocabulary Grammar Unit 6: Our Tet holiday Reading (Classbook) Listening Unit 6: Our Tet holiday Test unit 1-6 (Classbook) Test correction Our Tet holiday – SPEAKING Useful language PRACTICE Presentation/project Our Tet holiday – WRITING Useful language PRACTICE Writing Written Test Phonetics, Listening, Test correction Vocabulary, Grammar, Reading, Writing HỌC KỲ II WEEK LESSON TOPIC 109,110 Unit 7: Different lives (Life) 111,112 20 113,114 115,116 21 117,118 119,120 22 121,122 123,124 125,126 127,128 23 129,130 131,132 133,134 24 135,136 137,138 139,140 25 141,142 143,144 145,146 26 147,148 149,150 CONTENT 7a The Sami people 7b School life Unit 7: Different lives (Life) 7c A year in British Columbia, Canada 7d What’s the matter? Unit 7: Different lives (Life) 7f The people of the reindeer Unit 7: Television (Classbook) Phonetics Vocabulary Grammar Unit 7: Television (Classbook) Reading Listening Unit 7: Television (Classbook) Test unit Test correction Television – SPEAKING Useful language PRACTICE Speaking practice using cue cards Television – SPEAKING Useful language PRACTICE 2.Presentation/project Television – WRITING Useful language PRACTICE Writing Unit 8: Routines (Life) 8a Day and night 8b A typical day Unit 8: Routines (Life) 8c Cats in crisis 8d One moment, please Unit 8: Routines (Life) 8f The elephants of Samuru Unit 8: Sports and Games Phonetics (Classbook) Vocabulary Grammar Unit 8: Sports and Games Reading (Classbook) Listening Unit 8: Sports and Games Test unit (Classbook) Test correction Sports and Games – Useful language SPEAKING PRACTICE Speaking practice using cue cards Sports and Games – Useful language SPEAKING PRACTICE 2.Presentation/project Sports and Games – WRITING Useful language PRACTICE Writing Unit 9: Travel (Life) 9a Travel essentials 9b Places to stay Unit 9: Travel (Life) 9c Across a continent 9d At the hotel Unit 9: Travel (Life) 9f Along the Inca Road NOTES 27 151,152 Unit 9: Cities of the world (Classbook) 153,154 Unit 9: Cities of the world (Classbook) Unit 9: Cities of the world (Classbook) Cities of the world – SPEAKING PRACTICE 155,156 28 157,158 159,160 163,164 Cities of the world – SPEAKING PRACTICE Cities of the world – WRITING PRACTICE Unit 10: History (Life) 165,166 Unit 10: History (Life) 167,168 169,170 Unit 10: History (Life) Unit 10: Our houses in the future (Classbook) 171,172 Unit 10: Our houses in the future (Classbook) Unit 10: Our houses in the future (Classbook) Our houses in the future – SPEAKING PRACTICE 161,162 329 30 173,174 31 175,176 177,178 181,182 Our houses in the future – SPEAKING PRACTICE Our houses in the future – WRITING PRACTICE Unit 11: Discovery (Life) 183,184 Unit 11: Discovery (Life) 185,186 Unit 11: Discovery (Life) 187,188 Unit 11: Our greener world (Classbook) 189,190 Unit 11: Our greener world (Classbook) Unit 11: Our greener world (Classbook) 179,180 32 33 191,192 Phonetics Vocabulary Grammar Reading Listening Test unit 7-9 Test correction Useful language Speaking practice using cue cards Useful language 2.Presentation/project Useful language Writing 10a Explorers 10b Heroes 10c The first Americans 10d I’m sorry 10f The space race Phonetics Vocabulary Grammar Reading Listening Test unit 10 Test correction Useful language Speaking practice using cue cards Useful language 2.Presentation/project Useful language Writing 11a The mystery of “Otzi” the Iceman 11b Adventure 11c Discovering Madagascar 11d Did you have a good time? 11f Perfumes from Madagascar Phonetics Vocabulary Grammar Reading Listening Test unit 11 Test correction 34 193,194 Our greener world – SPEAKING PRACTICE 195,196 199,200 Our greener world – SPEAKING PRACTICE Our greener world – WRITING PRACTICE Unit 12: Robots (Classbook) 201,202 Unit 12: Robots (Classbook) 203,204 Unit 12: Robots (Classbook) 205, 206 Robots – SPEAKING PRACTICE 207,208 Robots– WRITING PRACTICE Final Test Test correction 197,198 35 36 37 209,210 Useful language Speaking practice using cue cards Useful language 2.Presentation/project Useful language Writing Phonetics Vocabulary Grammar Reading Listening Test unit 11 Test correction Useful language Speaking practice using cue cards Useful language Writing Test U7-12 Việt Trì ngày tháng năm KT HIỆU TRƯỞNG PHĨ HIỆU TRƯỞNG Tổ CM kí duyệt Người lập kế hoạch Trần Thu Huyền ... PRACTICE 155,1 56 28 157,158 159, 160 163 , 164 Cities of the world – SPEAKING PRACTICE Cities of the world – WRITING PRACTICE Unit 10: History (Life) 165 , 166 Unit 10: History (Life) 167 , 168 169 ,170 Unit... language Writing 6a A passion for vegetables 6b My favorite things Unit 6: Passions (Life) 6c In love with speed 6d Let’s play table tennis Unit 6: Passions (Life) 6f At the market Unit 6: Our Tet... neighborhood (Classroom) 63 ,64 Unit 4: My neighborhood (Classroom) Unit 4: My neighborhood (Classroom) My neighborhood – SPEAKING PRACTICE 53,54 10 11 65 ,66 12 67 ,68 69 ,70 73,74 My neighborhood