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giáo án family and friends grade 3 full cả nămChuẩn kiến thức kỹ nămCó transcript luôniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Starter: Hello! Lesson One Objectives   To become familiar with the Student Book characters and common greetings To understand a short story Language    Language focus: reading, speaking Vocabulary: Rosy, Tim, Billy, Miss Jones Extra Vocabulary: hello, hi, goodbye, everyone, come, fun, class, who, this, sorry, come on Resources and materials          Student Book p Workbook p Audio Tracks 01–03 Flashcards 1–4 Starter Story Poster A large envelope A ball for every 5–10 students Worksheet 1: Fill in the blanks (One copy per child) A reader of your choice Introduction Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather Song: Play a warm-up song Warmer       Say Hello and smile to students Encourage them to say Hello in response Ask one child to stand up, and say Hello to him/her Encourage the child to respond with Hello Point to yourself and say My name’s… Ask a child What’s your name? He/she answers My name’s… Say Hello My name’s… and then encourage children to the same in pairs, greeting each other and saying their names Say Stand up! and indicate to the class to stand at their seats Say Sit down! and indicate for them to sit down again Play a short game with children, where they have to follow your instructions Shout Stand up! and Sit down! several times The last child to complete the action is “out” each time Lead-in     Put Flashcards 1–4 in an envelope Bring them out one at a time, and say the names for children to repeat in chorus Once children have learned the characters’ names, model the greeting Hello, Rosy! etc., and ask children to repeat As you bring out each flashcard, children respond with Hello, Tim! etc Divide the class into two When you reveal a flashcard, half of the class says What’s your name? The other half responds with My name’s Billy, etc Presentation Listen, point, and repeat (Exercise 1) Say Open your books and model the action for children to open their Student Books Point to the characters Play the first part of the recording (Track 01, Listen and point) Hold your book up and demonstrate that you are pointing to the pictures along with the audio Children listen and point to the appropriate picture Note: The first time through, the recording follows the order of the pictures on the page; the second time the order is out of sequence This is also true in subsequent word presentations    Play the second part of the recording (Track 01, Listen and repeat) for children to point to the pictures and repeat the names © Oxford University Press 2016 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Starter: Hello! Transcript (Track 01) Listen and point Rosy, Tim, Billy, Miss Jones Tim, Rosy, Miss Jones, Billy Listen and repeat Rosy, Tim, Billy, Miss Jones Name that picture!  Bring out Flashcards 1–4 from the envelope one at a time and ask different children to say the names Listen and sing (Exercise 2)     Play the recording (Track 02) for children to listen to the chant Play the chant a second time for children to say the words Repeat (more than once if necessary) Children say the chant as a class, without the recording Divide the class into groups of four, one for each character Give each child a character’s name Say the chant with the class Every time children hear their “name,” they stand up quickly and then sit down Transcript (Track 02) Hello, Rosy Hello, Tim Hello, everyone Hello, Billy and Miss Jones Come and have some fun! Personalized chant   Write the chant on the board, replacing the names of the children with blanks and the name of the teacher with your own name Read the chant with the class Each time you come to a blank, point to a different child for the class to say the name in chorus If your class if fairly confident, ask children to work in groups of three They say the chant together, putting their own names into the blanks Each time they say a name, they point to the appropriate person Listen and read (Exercise 3)        Say Now close your books and model the action Say Let’s read the story Use the Starter story poster to present it Point to the different characters, and have children say the names Ask What’s happening? for children to tell you what they think is happening in the story Play the recording (Track 03) and point to each speech bubble as children listen and look Ask children to look at the story in their Student Books Play the recording for them to listen and point to the pictures Ask questions to check comprehension, e.g., Who is in the class? How old is Billy? Is Billy in the class? Play the recording again for children to listen and follow the text in their books with their finger Development Ball Circle     Divide the class into groups of 5–10 Each group sits in a circle Give each group a ball One child asks What’s your name? and throws the ball to another child, who answers This child then asks What’s your name? and throws the ball to another child Continue until every child has had a turn Mingle     Play some music and encourage children to dance or walk around Stop the music suddenly When the music stops, each child finds a partner They ask their partner What’s your name? and answer their partner with My name’s… Play the music and continue in this way Consolidation Worksheet 1: Fill in the blanks    Ask children to close their books Give each child a copy of Worksheet 1: Fill in the blanks Children write the names in the blanks on the worksheet Children check in their Student Books and then check again together by reading the story in pairs © Oxford University Press 2016 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Starter: Hello! Exercises: Workbook page Story time: A reader of your choice © Oxford University Press 2016 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Starter: Hello! Lesson Two Objectives    To greet people To ask and answer the question What’s your name? To act out a story Language    Language focus: speaking, listening Vocabulary: Greetings What’s your name? My name’s… How are you? I’m fine, thank you Extra Vocabulary: goodbye, Good to see you Resources and materials         Student Book p Workbook p Audio Tracks 02–04 Flashcards 1–4 Starter Story Poster One piece of blank paper per child One set of Student phrase cards per pair of children A reader of your choice Introduction Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather Song: Play a warm-up song Warmer         Say Hello and smile at children Encourage them to reply Hello and then to greet each other in pairs Sing the chant from page (Track 02) of the Student Book to energize the class and remind children of the story characters’ names Play Listen, point and say with the class Place Flashcards 14 around the classroom Call out a name e.g., Rosy The children point to the correct flashcard Alternatively, play the chant from Lesson Children point to the correct flashcard when they hear the word Now point to a flashcard The children say the name Repeat with all four flashcards Option: Describe the location of the card, e.g., It’s next to the door What is it? The children then say the name Lead-in    Hold up Flashcards 1–4 one at a time for children to say the names of the characters Ask children if they can remember what happened in the story in the last lesson Show children the story poster to reveal if they remembered correctly and to encourage further ideas Presentation Listen to the story and repeat Act (Exercise 1)       Ask children to turn to the story on page of their Student Books Say Let’s read the story again Play the recording (Track 03) once through Play it again, pausing after each phrase for children to repeat Divide the class into groups of five One child is Rosy, one is Tim, one is Miss Jones, one is Billy, and one is Billy’s mom Focus attention on the pictures from the story As a class, decide on the actions for each part of the story (see suggestions below) Children can remain in their seats as they practice acting out the story Monitor the activity, checking for correct pronunciation Ask some of the groups to come to the front of the class to act out the story © Oxford University Press 2016 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Starter: Hello! Story actions Picture 1: Miss Jones holds out her hand as she talks to Rosy and Tim Rosy and Tim wave as they introduce themselves Picture 2: Billy runs into the class Miss Jones holds out her arms, looking surprised Picture 3: Miss Jones bends down to ask Billy how old he is Picture 4: Billy’s mom beckons him with her arm Billy is waving as he leaves the classroom Ask and answer (Exercise 2)      Say Look at the pictures, pointing to the pictures of the boys Read the dialogue, pausing for children to repeat Model the dialogue with one of the stronger children in the class Read the dialogue a second time for children to repeat again Ask children to work in pairs Allow time for children to practice saying the dialogue with their partner Ask some of the pairs to come to the front of the class and act out the dialogue Say to different children Hello What’s your name? Children respond saying their own names Speak to me!    Ask a child to stand up He/She chooses another child, who also stands up The two children act out the dialogue from Exercise Repeat the activity with other children Development Listen and sing your name (Exercise 3)      Ask children to look at the pictures in their Student Books Ask what they can see, and elicit words they think they might hear in the song Play the song (Track 04) for children to listen and follow in their books Play the recording a second time Children listen and sing along, saying their own name in the appropriate place Ask children to look at the pictures Ask them to act out what the girls are doing in each of the pictures (see below) Play the song for children to sing along and perform the actions that they can see in their Student Books Song actions The girls greet each other by smiling and waving The girls talk to each other One girl points to herself (She is saying her name.) The girls wave to each other to say goodbye Follow my lead   Ask two children to come to the front of the class They the actions while everyone else sings the song Repeat the activity with other pairs of children Scratch it! Mingle       Give each child a blank piece of paper Write the names of everyone in the class on the board If some children have the same name, add middle names or middle initials (e.g., M Anh and V Anh) Have children copy down all the names Children mingle around the class and ask each other What’s your name? and answer My name’s… Encourage them to follow up with How are you? I’m fine, thank you Once they know the other child’s name, they cross it out on their paper Once they have crossed out all the names, they have finished If your class is motivated by competition, you can divide them into teams before starting the activity, and make the first team to cross out all the names the winners Consolidation Pair snap!     Divide the class into pairs Give each pair of children a set of Student Phrase cards Children divide the Phrase cards equally between them, and each child places his/her pile of cards face down in front of him/her Children turn over their top cards at the same time If the Phrase cards match (e.g., What’s your name? and My name’s…), the children shout Snap! The first child to shout © Oxford University Press 2016 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Starter: Hello!   Snap! puts the two cards at the bottom of their pile If the phrase cards not match (e.g., What’s your name? and Goodbye), both children turn over the next card in their piles at the same time The winner is the first child to collect all the cards Exercises: Workbook page Story time: A reader of your choice © Oxford University Press 2016 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Starter: Hello! Lesson Three Objectives    To recognize and use numbers 1–10 To ask and answer the question How old are you? To say the days of the week Language   Language focus: speaking, listening Vocabulary: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday How old are you? I’m Resources and materials         Student Book p Workbook p Audio Tracks 04–08 Flashcards 5–14 Worksheet 2: Number caterpillar (One copy per child or small group) Large pieces of paper – two for every child or small group Scissors, glue, a set of colored pencils per small group A reader of your choice Introduction Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather Song: Play a warm-up song Warmer  Sing Hello, hello! from page (Track 4) of the Student Book to energize the class and review the language they have learned so far Lead-in     Use Flashcards 5–14 to elicit numbers one to ten Put the flashcards on the board, in order Point to each one for children to say the number in chorus Take down the flashcards, shuffle them, and hold them up one at a time for children to say the number Give out the flashcards to different children around the class Ask the class to count together from one to ten When the children hear their number, they hold their flashcard in the air Presentation Listen, point, and repeat (Exercise 1) Ask children to look at the pictures Explain that each child is one year older than the next and that all the children have their ages written above them  Play the audio (Track 05, Listen and point) for children to listen and point to the pictures as they hear the ages  Play the audio (Track 06, Listen and repeat) for children to repeat  Play the recording all the way through for children to listen and then repeat  Point to different people in the pictures, and ask individual children to say the numbers/ages Transcript (Track 05) Listen and point one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten eight, six, nine, one, three, ten, two, four, five, seven Transcript (Track 06) Listen and re[peat one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten  © Oxford University Press 2016 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Starter: Hello! Flashcard friends     Ask ten children to come to the front Give each one a number flashcard and ask them to stand in order The rest of the class points to each child one at a time and says the number Children then shuffle themselves into a different order The class says the numbers in the new order Repeat with ten different children Listen and check () (Exercise 2)      Tell children to look at the picture again Point and say Look, he’s six Look, she’s eight Then point to the first boy again and ask How old is he? Tell the class they are going to hear some of the children talking about their ages – but not all of them They must check the boxes next to the children they hear Play the recording (Track 08), pausing after the first dialogue Show children the picture of the boy by the number seven in the picture, and show them the check in the box Play the rest of the recording, pausing at appropriate intervals for children to check the boxes next to the children whose ages they hear Play the recording again for children to complete or check their answers Check answers by asking children which ages they heard Transcript (Track 08) How old are you? / I’m seven How old are you? / I’m two And how old are you? / I’m eight How old are you? / I’m five How old are you? / I’m six Answers two  five  six  seven  eight  Development Look at the picture again Point, ask, and answer (Exercise 3)     Read the question and answer, pausing after each for children to repeat Ask children to look at the children in Exercise Tell them they are going to practice being the children in the pictures Children work in pairs They point to a child in their Student Books and ask How old are you? Their partner answers as though they were that child They might want to use a babyish voice for a young child or a more grown-up voice for an older child Ask some of the pairs to stand up and ask and answer questions while the other children listen Show us how it’s done  Ask two children to stand up Give each a number flashcard They take turns asking and answering the question How old are you? using the numbers on their cards Consolidation Worksheet 2: Number caterpillar    Children work individually or in small groups to make a caterpillar by putting the numbers in the correct order Give each child or group a copy of Worksheet Children cut and color the shapes and then stick them onto a large piece of paper, with the numbers ordered –10 Exercises: Workbook page Story time: A reader of your choice © Oxford University Press 2016 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Starter: Hello! Lesson Four Objectives   To identify different colors To use different colors in the context of a song Language    Language focus: speaking, listening Vocabulary: red, yellow, pink, green, purple, orange, blue Extra vocabulary: sing, rainbow, too Resources and materials Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Student Book p Workbook p Audio Track 09 Flashcards 5–14 Flashcards 15–21 Worksheet 3: Back to back coloring dictation (Two copies per child) A reader of your choice Culture note: Rainbows Superstitions and legends about rainbows exist in a lot of different countries A famous Irish fairy tale says that there is always a box of treasure buried in the ground at the end of a rainbow Many tales and legends are told where characters travel for days trying to find the end of the rainbow, only to find that by the time they get there the rainbow has disappeared Introduction Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather Song: Play a warm-up song Warmer       Play Word Chain with Flashcards 5–14 with the class to review the numbers one to ten Place four or five number flashcards on the board in a given sequence, e.g., two, eight, seven, four, ten Point to a child He/She says the first word in the sequence, e.g., two Point to another child He/She says the next word in the sequence, e.g., eight Continue with each child saying the next word in the sequence, returning to the beginning when necessary Option: Remove one flashcard The class repeats the sequence, including the missing number Remove one more flashcard each time, until children are saying the whole sequence from memory Lead-in     Use Flashcards 15–21 to elicit colors Hold up one flashcard at a time for children to say the color When children have named the color correctly, put the card on the board and write the word below it Repeat with all of the flashcards Take the flashcards off the board, leaving the words Shuffle the cards and give them to seven different children Ask the children to come to the front of the class one at a time and put their flashcard in the appropriate place on the board When the flashcards are all in the correct place, point to each card, one at a time, for children to say the word Presentation Listen, point, and repeat (Exercise 1)     Ask children to look at the colors in their Student Books Play the first part of the recording (Track 09, Listen and point) for children to listen and point to the pictures Play the second part of the recording (Track 09, Listen and repeat) for children to repeat the colors in chorus Play the recording all the way through for children to point to the colors and then repeat the words © Oxford University Press 2016 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Starter: Hello! Transcript (Track 09) Listen and point red, yellow, pink, green, purple, orange, blue yellow, blue, purple, red, pink, green, orange Listen and repeat red, yellow, pink, green, purple, orange, blue Color hunt   Practice color vocabulary further by saying the names of colors for children to point to objects in the room that are the same color Reverse the activity Point to different objects for children to call out the name of the color for each object Circle the correct word (Exercise 2)   Ask children to look at the pictures in their books Elicit the colors they can see Development Talk to the Flashcards    Children close their books Call seven children to the front of the class and give each of them a color flashcard The rest of the class helps put the children in a line in the order as they hear from Track 09 Ask children to open their books and check to see if they were correct Match (Exercise 3)    Ask children to look at the paint containers and the words below them Point to each of the words for children to read them aloud in chorus Ask children to match the paint containers to the correct color words Go over the answers with the class Call out the numbers for children to say the colors Answers purple green red blue yellow pink orange Consolidation Worksheet 3: Back to back coloring dictation         Give each child a copy of Worksheet Children color the numbers as they like, choosing from the colors in the page Divide the class into pairs and sit them back to back One child (Child A) has the numbers they have just colored The other child (Child B) has a new, blank copy of Worksheet Child A describes his coloring to Child B E.g., Number is blue Child B listens, and colors the blank worksheet to be the same as Child A’s Once finished, the two children compare their worksheets to check that the colors are the same The children swap roles: Child B describes his original copy of the worksheet to Child A, and Child A listens and colors a blank copy of the worksheet Exercises: Workbook page Story time: A reader of your choice © Oxford University Press 2016 10 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 12: Dinnertime! Picture 4: Billy covers himself with yogurt The rest of the family laughs Listen and say (Exercise 2)      Look at each picture one at a time and ask children what they see Play the recording (Track 129) all the way through for students to listen Play the recording again, pausing for students to repeat each line Hold up a food flashcard Ask a question with the same pattern, e.g., Do you like meat? to elicit Yes, I do, or No, I don’t Continue with different flashcards Ask children to look at the short answers to the questions Write on the board + not = don’t Double check comprehension by asking what don’t is short for (do not) Development Look and say (Exercise 3)     Ask children to look at the pictures Point to the different types of food for children to name them Model the question and answer with a child in the class Ask children to work in pairs They take turns pointing to the pictures and asking their partner Do you like… ? Their partner replies Yes, I or No, I don’t Ask different pairs to ask and answer each question for the class Ball Circle     Organize children into groups of 5–10 Each group sits in a circle Give each group a ball One child asks Do you like…? and throws the ball to another child, who answers Yes, I or No, I don’t This child then asks Do you like…? and throws the ball to the next child Continue until every child has had a turn Write (Exercise 4)       Write two questions on the board using food words, e.g., Do you like bread? and Do you like rice? Read the first question with the class and nod your head to elicit the answer Yes, I Write it on the board Read the second question and shake your head to elicit the answer No, I don’t Write the answer on the board Ask children to look at the pictures in their Student Books Ask one child to read the example for the class Children look at the rest of the questions individually and write the answers Monitor the activity and help where necessary Go over the answers with the class Answers No, I don’t Yes, I No, I don’t Consolidation Let’s Practice!    Ask students to look at the picture and speech bubble Have two students demonstrate the question in the speech bubble and the answer in the picture Have students work in pairs to ask and answer the question Tell them to use other vocabulary words on the page Worksheet 2: Survey      Give each child a copy of Worksheet Ask them to complete the questions at the top of the chart with three food words Tell them that they are going to find out how many people in the class like these foods Children walk around the class and find partners They then ask their partners the three Do you like ? questions to find out whether their partner likes the three foods they have chosen Children write their partner’s name, and a check () or an  for whether they like or don’t like each food Children continue until they have spoken to ten children Ask children to look at the three pie charts at the bottom of the page Tell them to write one of their chosen foods as the title for each pie chart They then count how many people said that they liked the food, and color the same number of segments of the pie chart Exercises: Workbook page 81 Story time: A reader of your choice © Oxford University Press 2016 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 12: Dinnertime! Lesson Three Song Objectives   To identify drinks To use drink words in the context of a song Language     Language focus: listening and speaking Vocabulary: milk, juice, water Extra vocabulary: drink (v), late, school Recycled vocabulary: lunchbox and food words Resources and materials Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Student Book p 82 Workbook p 82 Audio Tracks 130–131 Flashcards 103–107, 108–110, and 79–85 A piece of paper per child Colored pencils per child (optional) A reader of your choice Culture note: Meals in the United States In the United States, people usually eat three meals a day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner The largest meal is usually dinner, and it is eaten in the early evening Traditionally, this meal includes meat or fish, potatoes, and another vegetable, like corn or peas Many people in the US eat this kind of food, but because the US is a multicultural country, there are many different typical meals in different families People often eat food that is not traditionally a part of their culture as well For example, Mexican food is popular with people of different cultures all over the United States Japanese, Indian, Korean, and Greek foods are popular in different areas Traditionally people only ate two meals on Sunday: breakfast and supper Supper is like dinner, but there is more food, and it is eaten in the afternoon, not evening Some people still follow this tradition, but many not Many families also eat meals in restaurants or they order take out People can pick up take out food and bring it home, or sometimes it is delivered by a restaurant Introduction Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather Song: Play a warm-up song Warmer     Play Bingo with the food words children have learned so far in the course Ask the children to draw a grid, three by three (or three by two) squares In each of the squares, they write a different food word Call out words from the vocabulary set in any order Keep a record of the words as you say them, so that you don’t say the same word twice The children cross off the words in their grids as they hear them The first child to complete a line of three shouts Bingo! If children have trouble remembering enough words, show them flashcards 79–85 and 103–107 without saying the words Lead-in    Use Flashcards 108–110 to introduce the three new words Hold up the cards one at a time and say the words for children to repeat Play Slow reveal Put a flashcard on the board and cover it with a piece of paper or another card © Oxford University Press 2016 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 12: Dinnertime!    Very slowly move the paper to reveal the picture, little by little Ask What’s this? Children shout out the name of the drink they see Continue until you have practiced all of the words Presentation Listen, point, and repeat (Exercise 1)     Ask children to look at the pictures Play the first part of the recording (Track 130, Listen and point) for children to point to the words Play the second part of the recording (Track 130, Listen and repeat) for children to repeat the words Play the recording all the way through for children to listen and point and then repeat Put the flashcards on the board Point to each one in turn for individual children to say the words Transcript (Track 130) Listen and point milk, juice, water water, juice, milk Listen and repeat milk, juice, water Yum! / Yuck!   Teach children the words Yum! (for a food or drink they like) and Yuck! (for a food or drink they don’t like) They can make appropriate facial expressions as they practice saying the words Hold up flashcards from Lessons and Children respond by saying Yum! and Yuck! to describe foods and drinks they like and don’t like Listen and sing (Exercise 2)     Ask children to look at the pictures Point to the different types of food and drink in the pictures one at a time and ask children What’s this? / What are these? Play the recording (Track 131) for children to listen and point to the pictures when they hear the food and drink words Then play it again as they follow the words in their books Recite the words of the song with the class, without the music or recording Say each line and ask children to repeat Play the recording again for children to sing along Development Sing and (Exercise 3)    Ask children to look at the pictures and decide together on what the actions should be (see suggestions below) Practice the actions with the class Play the recording for children to listen and their actions Song actions Eat your eggs / bread – eat the different types of food Drink your milk / juice – drink from a glass Don’t be late for school – point to wrist or a watch Here’s your water, here’s your bag – give the objects out Buzz   Choose one or more “banned” words, e.g., milk Tell children that when they sing the song this time, they should make a buzzing noise instead of singing the “banned” word/words Play the song Children sing the song again, but make a buzzing noise when they hear the “banned” words Change the verse   Tell children they are going to sing a different version of the song Put flashcards on the board as follows: Verse 1: grapes, juice Verse 2: pear, milk Verse 3: apple Children sing the song again, substituting the food and drink words in each verse for those shown on the board © Oxford University Press 2016 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 12: Dinnertime! Consolidation Write your own verse    Children work in pairs to create an original verse for the song by inserting different food and drink words Write different words for food and drinks on the board for children to choose from Give each child a piece of paper and colored pencils They write their verse on the paper Encourage children to illustrate their verse, and then display them in the classroom Children sing the song again with the new verses Exercises: Workbook page 82 Story time: A reader of your choice © Oxford University Press 2016 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 12: Dinnertime! Lesson Four Phonics Objectives    To pronounce the sound /ɪ/ on its own and in words To identify the letter i in the middle of words and associate it with the sound /ɪ/ To blend the vowel i with consonants to form simple CVC words To differentiate between the sounds /ɛ/ and /ɪ/ Language    Language focus: listening, speaking, and reading Vocabulary: pig, fig, pin Extra vocabulary: give Resources and materials Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Student Book p 83 Workbook p 83 Audio Tracks 123, 132–134 Phonics cards 42–44 (pig, fig, pin), 6, 7, 9, 14, 16, and 40 A reader of your choice Introduction Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather Song: Play a warm-up song Warmer    Ask children which vowel they looked at in the previous lesson (e) and which sound this letter represents (/ɛ/) Ask children if they can remember the words from the lesson that contained the sound (bed, pen, and red) Play the recording (Track 123) and say the chant from page 77 to energize the class and review the sound /ɛ/ Lead-in     Hold up the pig, fig, and pin phonics cards, one at a time, saying the words for the class to repeat Ask children what they think today’s letter is (i) and what sound it makes (/ɪ/) Call three children to the front of the class Give them the phonics cards for p, i, and g Point to the letters for the class to name them Encourage the class to say the sounds again and run them together to pronounce the word pig Use the same process for children to sound out f-i-g and p-i-n Ask children What’s the vowel? to elicit i Presentation Listen, point, and repeat (Exercise 1)     Ask children to look at the words and pictures in their Student Books Play the first part of the recording (Track 132, Listen and point) for children to listen and point to the pictures Play the second part of the recording (Track 132, Listen and repeat) for children to repeat the sounds and words in chorus Play the recording all the way through (more than once if necessary) for children to point to the words and then repeat them Transcript (Track 132) Listen and point /p/ /ɪ/ /g/ pig, /f/ /ɪ/ /g/ fig, /p/ /ɪ/ /n/ pin fig, pig, pin Listen and repeat /p/ /ɪ/ /g/ – pig, /f/ /ɪ/ /g/ – fig, /p/ /ɪ/ /n/ – pin Listen and chant (Exercise 2)  Talk about the picture with children to establish what they can see Then play the recording (Track 133) for them to © Oxford University Press 2016 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 12: Dinnertime!   listen to the chant Play the recording again for children to say the chant The children point to the pictures in their books as they hear the words Repeat (more than once if necessary) Play the chant once more for children to follow in their books Development Listen and tap  Do the chant again Every time children hear the /ɪ/ sound in the middle of a word, they tap the table Read the chant again Circle the i in the middle of the words (Exercise 3)   Ask children to look at the chant again Focus attention on the circled i in the middle of big Ask children to find and circle other examples of i in the middle of words Go over the answers with the class Answers A big, big pin And a big, big fig Keep the big pin Give the fig to a pig Listen to the sounds and connect the letters (Exercise 4)      Elicit the three images in the activity (pig, pin, and pen) Ask What does the pig have? Ask children if they remember the maze from previous phonics lessons If necessary, explain that children have to follow the sounds and words in the maze to find out what the pig has Play the recording (Track 134) for children to listen and link the letters to find out what the pig has Play the recording again for children to check their answers Ask What does the pig have? (the pin) Then elicit the sounds children heard one by one Make sure they are correctly producing and differentiating the /ɛ/ and the /ɪ/ sounds each time Write them on the board so they can check their maze Transcript (Track 133) /ɪ/ pin /ɛ/ pen /ɪ/ pin /ɪ/ pin /ɛ/ pen /ɛ/ pen /ɪ/ pin Answer The pig has the pin Listen and point  Put the pin and pen phonics cards at different ends of the board Read out the following list of words: fig, bed, pig, red, ten, big, Tim, six, leg, net, pink When children hear an /ɪ/ sound they point to the pin When children hear an /ɛ/ sound, they point to the pen Consolidation Let’s Practice!    Ask students to look at the picture and speech bubble Say It’s a pig! Have a student read the sentence Have students work in pairs and take turns saying the sentence Tell them to use other vocabulary words on the page Alphabet game     Write b on the board Ask children to think of a word that starts with b and includes the sound /æ/ (e.g., bag) Repeat with /ɛ/ (e.g bed), and /ɪ/ (e.g big) Divide the class into small groups Write the letter p on the board Children think of three words, all beginning with p and each including /æ/ (e.g pants), /ɛ/ (e.g pen) and /ɪ/ (e.g pig) Allow two minutes thinking time, and then give each group one point for each word they have thought of Repeat with s (sandwich, seven, six), and h (have, head, his) The team with the most points is the winner Exercises: Workbook page 83 Story time: A reader of your choice © Oxford University Press 2016 10 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 12: Dinnertime! Lesson Five Skills Time! Objectives  Reading: read and understand a menu; find specific details in a text Language    Language focus: reading Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen previously Extra vocabulary: menu, hungry, dessert, café Resources and materials Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Student Book p 84 Workbook p 84 Audio Track 135 Flashcards 79–85 and 103–110 Paper and pencils for each child Worksheet 3: Menu match (one copy per child) Scissors and a glue stick per pair A large piece of paper per small group A set of colored pencils per small group A reader of your choice Introduction Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather Song: Play a warm-up song Warmer   Play A long sentence Say, e.g., In my lunchbox I have a sandwich Choose a child to continue, e.g., In my lunchbox I have a sandwich and a banana Continue until children can’t think of any more words Talk about cafés with children Ask Do you go to cafés? What kind of food can you eat in a café? Tell children to imagine they are in a café What kind of food would they order? Lead-in   Use the food, drink, and lunchbox flashcards to review the different types of food children have learned so far Hold up the flashcards one at a time for the class to name them Then ask individual children Do you like apples/tomatoes /bread? Ask them to look at the text on the black background and tell you what they think it is Teach the word menu in English Presentation What food you like? Point and say (Exercise 1)    Ask children to look at the menu Check that children understand the different categories: food, desserts, and drinks Ask whether they can think of anything else to add to each category Ask children to work in pairs They take turns pointing to the types of food they like on the menu and saying the words Ask some of the children to tell the class which food they like Listen and read (Exercise 2)     Ask children to look at the photos of the two girls Tell the class that their names are Thu and Giang Ask what they are looking at (menus) Elicit that they are talking about the food they like on the menu Play the recording (Track 135) for children to listen and follow the text in their books Play the recording a second time Answer any questions children have Ask the class simple questions about the text to check comprehension, e.g., Does Giang like ice cream/fish? Does Thu like apple juice? Who likes bananas – Giang or Thu? © Oxford University Press 2016 11 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 12: Dinnertime! Do they like it?    Tell children to close their books Tell them that you are going to play the recording again and they have to actions to show what the children like or don’t like Explain that children have to listen out for food words When they hear a type of food that Giang and Thu like, they rub their stomachs When they hear a type of food that Giang and Thu don’t like, they shake their heads Alternatively, children say the words Yum! and Yuck! to show that they like or don’t like foods Play the recording again and have students say Yum! or Yuck! when they hear the foods Giang and Thu like or don’t like Development Read again What Thu and Giang like? Write  or  (Exercise 3)      Ask children to look at the different types of food in the chart Point to each one for the class to say the words Read the first line of Thu’s text to the class Ask Does Thu like meat? (Yes) Show them the check () in the chart Ask a child to read the next line aloud Ask Does Thu like milk? (No) Children put an  under the milk Ask children to read the rest of the text and write a  for the food that Thu and Giang like and write an  for the food they don’t like Go over the answers with the class Draw the chart on the board and mark the checks and s in the chart as they say them Answers Group chart      Children work in small groups Give each child a piece of paper On the left side of the paper, children write the names of the other people in the group in a vertical list They then draw six columns next to the list of names At the top of each column they draw a different type of food, as in the chart in Exercise Children take turns telling the rest of their group what they like and don’t like The other children put a check () or an  in the appropriate place each time they hear a type of food mentioned Children continue until all the members of the group have described the foods they like and don’t like, and the chart is complete Children then show their charts to other groups Consolidation Worksheet 3: Menu match Divide the class into pairs Ask them to close their books Give each pair a copy of Worksheet 3, a pair of scissors, and a glue stick  Children cut out all of the word cards at the bottom of the worksheet and glue them to the correct category on the menu  Children can check for accuracy by looking back at page 84 (Worksheet 3: Menu match – Top half is a menu with three sections (Food, Desserts, Drinks) Bottom half is a four by four grid with dotted lines to indicate where to cut Each square has a word in it: Ice cream, Rice, Milk, Bread, Fish, Banana, Water, Eggs, Yogurt, Orange juice, Meat, Carrots, Apple, Apple juice, Tomatoes, Grapes The rubric reads Cut out the words Stick them on the menu.)  Design your own menu    Divide the class into small groups Give each group a large piece of paper and a set of colored pencils Ask children to look at the menu in their Student Books and choose three words from the Food section, three words from the Dessert section, and three from the Drinks section Alternatively, children can think of any other food and drink words they know Ask children to design their own menu, showing their chosen foods Encourage children to illustrate the menu Exercises: Workbook page 84 Story time: A reader of your choice © Oxford University Press 2016 12 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 12: Dinnertime! Lesson Six Skills Time! Objectives    Listening: listen for specific details Speaking: ask and answer questions about food likes and dislikes Writing: write sentences with the contraction don’t; write about food you like (Workbook) Language    Language focus: listening, speaking, and writing Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen previously Extra vocabulary: because Resources and materials        Student Book p 85 Workbook p 85 Audio track 136 Flashcards 79–85 and 103–110 A piece of plain paper for each child Two dice per pair A reader of your choice Introduction Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather Song: Play a warm-up song Warmer     Ask children to name as many types of food from the menu in the last lesson as they can Put the relevant flashcards on the board Use the words on the board to play Order the letters Show the class a flashcard and elicit the word Hide the card Write the jumbled-up letters of that word on the board, followed by the correct number of lines for the number of letters Call children to come to the board to write one letter at a time to complete the word Lead-in  Ask children to look at the picture of the family in Exercise Ask children what they think they are doing (they are looking at a menu) Presentation Listen and draw  or  (Exercise 1)      Tell children that the girl is going to tell her dad what food she likes and doesn’t like Go over the food photos at the top right of the page, asking them to name each one Explain that children must listen and draw a smiley face if the girl likes the food and a sad face if she doesn’t Play the recording once through for children to point to the foods as they hear them Play the recording (Track 136), pausing after the first item to show the example answer Play the recording again for children to complete their answers Play the recording a third time for children to check their answers Go over the answers with the class Transcript (Track 136) Dad Are you hungry, Xuan? Girl Yes, I am Dad Well, let’s look at the menu What you like? Girl Well, I like yogurt, but I don’t like ice cream I like bread because I like sandwiches Dad OK What else? Girl Mmm, I don’t like meat But I want an apple, please I like apples © Oxford University Press 2016 13 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 12: Dinnertime! Answers  2     Development Role play  Divide the class into pairs One child asks questions with Do you like…?, and the other answers as Xuan E.g., Do you like yogurt? Yes, I / Do you like ice cream? No, I don’t Look at the menu on page 84 Ask and answer (Exercise 2)      Ask children to look at the question and answer in the speech bubbles Read the first speech bubble aloud for children to repeat, and then the second Model correct intonation for the class Ask a pair of children to read the dialogue for the class Ask children to turn to the menu on page 84 They work in pairs, taking turns asking and answering the question What you like? using the food and drinks on the menu Monitor the activity and help where necessary Encourage children to say which kinds of food they don’t like as well as the ones they Ask some of the pairs to ask and answer the question for the class Write ‘like’ or ‘don’t like’ (Exercise 3)     Write the example sentence on the board Ask a few children if the sentence is true for them Write the next sentence on the board, with a blank for like/don’t like Ask a few children whether they will write like or don’t like in this space Children complete the exercise individually Divide the class into pairs Children tell each other about the foods they like and don’t like from Exercise 3, e.g., I like fish, and I like apples Circle n’t and match (Exercise 4)     Copy the three examples of the verbs and contractions onto the board Point to each one, one at a time, for children to read Ask a child to come and circle the n’t in each word Then ask children what all three of the contractions are short for (not) Ask children to look at the exercise in their Student Books Explain that they have to match the sentences with contractions to the ones with full forms and circle n’t in the contracted sentences Allow time for children to read and match the sentences and circle n’t Go over the answers with the class Read the sentences on the left one at a time for the class to say the corresponding sentence on the right in chorus Answer I don’t like fish – b It isn’t a banana – c They aren't my shorts – a Consolidation Find your dinner buddy    Ask children to write down all the foods that they like on a piece of paper Children mingle around the class asking What you like? They listen to the response and check the words on their list if they hear them After they have spoken to five other children, each child decides who would be their best dinner buddy, based on who likes the same food as them Who likes what?     Divide the class into groups of 6–10 and ask them to sit in a circle The first child says I like… The child to their right says I like… and then points to the first child and says He/She likes….The next child says I like… and then points to the first two children and says He/She likes… , and he/she likes… Continue until the last child, who says what everyone in the circle likes Option: repeat with don’t like Dice game  Divide the class into pairs Give each pair two dice © Oxford University Press 2016 14 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 12: Dinnertime!    Write two lists on the board The first list is for flavors – meat, fish, banana, egg, carrot, apple The second list is for food and drink – ice cream, yogurt, sandwiches, juice, milk, cookies The first child rolls a die and uses the number on the die to choose a flavor He/She then rolls the second die to choose a type of food and form a question, e.g., Do you like fish yogurt? The second child replies with Yes, I or No, I don’t Exercises: Workbook page 85 Story time: A reader of your choice © Oxford University Press 2016 15 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 12: Dinnertime! Slap: Student picture cards © Oxford University Press 2016 16 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 12: Dinnertime! Worksheet 1: Scrambled words © Oxford University Press 2016 17 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 12: Dinnertime! Worksheet 2: Survey Write three foods Ask questions Write a  or an  Name: Do you like Do you like Do you like ? ? ? How many people like these foods? Color © Oxford University Press 2016 18 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 12: Dinnertime! Worksheet 3: Menu match Food Dessert Drinks Ice cream Rice Milk Bread Fish Banana Water Eggs Yogurt Orange juice Meat Carrots Apple Apple juice Tomatoes Grapes © Oxford University Press 2016 19 ... ten nine seven two one three 13 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 Starter: Hello! Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 Starter Unit: Hello! Worksheet 3: Color the numbers © Oxford... University Press 2016 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 Starter: Hello! Story actions Picture 1: Miss Jones holds out her hand as she talks to Rosy and Tim Rosy and Tim wave as they... Press 2016 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 Unit 1: What’s This? Lesson Four Phonics Objectives    To recognize the uppercase and lowercase forms of the letters a, b, c, and d and associate

Ngày đăng: 29/09/2019, 16:16

