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Đề thi FLYERS Listening, Reading writing

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Đề thi FLYERS Listening, Reading writingTập trung kĩ năng Listening, Reading writing, không có đáp án (phụ huynh tự kiểm bài giúp bé) Listening (file audio đính kèm tài liệu) bao gồm 5 phần, kéo dài trong 25 phút Reading writing bao gồm 7 phần, kéo dài trong 40 phút

Trang 1

Test 2 Listening

Li st en and dr aw lin es There is one ex am pl e.

Part 1

5 quest ions


^ ^ 3 Test 2, Listening Part 1




Trang 2

List ening

Par t 2

5 quest ions

-List en and w rit e There is one exam ple







D ay :

Tim e leave sch o o l:

N am e:

W r it e n am e on l i st in :

Give m oney t o:

Rem em b er t o t ak e:

Tt u t r sd t a j


the song’

M r


Test 2, Listening Part 2


Trang 3

Test 2

Part 3

5 questions

-W h e re did H a rry get these t h in g s ?

L iste n a n d w rite a letter in each box There is one exam ple.




Test 2, Listening Part 3 3

Trang 4

Test 2, Listening Part 3



Trang 5

Test 1

Par t 4

5 quest ions

-What is William reading about?

List en and t ick ( ) t he box There is one exam ple

' iSr Vj| vl _

I / 4 7 ® f

1 What will William drink with his breakfast?

2 Where is William’s History book?

Test 1, Listening Part 4



Trang 6

List ening

Test 1, Listening Part 4



Trang 7

Test 1

Par t 5

5 quest ions

-List en and colour and w rit e and draw There Is one exam ple

^ ^ 9 Test 1, Listening Part 5


Trang 8

Test 1

Part 1

- 1 0 quest ions

-Reading & Writing

Lo o k and read Cho o se t he co rrect w o r d s an d w r it e t hem on t he lin es There is one ex am p le


a waiter

a station

a bike

Test 1, Reading & Writing Part 1

You go to this place if gou want

to travel somewhere by plane

1 This is brown and sweet Most

children like eating this

2 This is yellow and we put it on bread

We use it when we make cakes

3 Grown ups and children can ride

this It’s got two wheels

4 This person brings you food,

usually in a restaurant or cafe.

5 People go to this place if they

want to catch a bus or train

6 This is white and we use it when

we make cakes and sweets

7 You should see this person if you

have bad toothache

8 You travel in this if you need to

get to hospital quickly

9 This is something small we can eat

if we are hungry between meals.

10 This is someone who goes into

space, usually in a rocket.

CM- fUrpCTt

an ambulance

a castle





Trang 9

Test 1

Part 2

- 7 quest ions

-Lo o k and r ead W r it e y SS or FlO.

Ex am p les

The waiter is carrying three glasses and

The woman who is talking on the telephone

Test 1, Reading & Writing Part 2



Trang 10

Reading & W rit ing

Qu est io n s

1 The man who is feeding the baby has

got a beard.

2 The time on the round clock is quarter

to three

3 The man who is reading the newspaper

is wearing glasses

4 A boy with long blonde hair is playing

with a robot

5 There is a picture of some / lowers on

the wall next to the clock

6 One of the men in the cafe is wearing

a hat

7 The door which is nearer to the/ am ily

is closed

Test 1, Reading & Writing Part 2


Trang 11

Test 2

Part 3

5 q u e s t i o n s

-Em m a is t al k i n g t o h er / r i en d , H elen W h at does Hel en say ?

Read t he co n versat io n an d choose t he b est an sw er

W r it e a let t er (A-H ) f o r each an sw er

You do not need t o use al l t he let t er s

Ex am p le



Em m a:

H elen:

What are you going to do this weekend?

Qu est io n s

£ Em m a: Why ore you going there?

B H elen :

1 Em m a: Is it a new place?

B, H elen :

£ Em m a: What time are you going?

B, H elen:

Test 2, Reading & Writing Part 3


Trang 12

Reading & W rit ing

A Yes It opened last week

B Good - that’s my/ avourite!

C Because it’s my sister’s birthday

D We’re going to go to a

restaurant (Exam ple)

E It’s my birthday tomorrow

F The pizzas are great!

G A bag I hope she likes it

H About 8.00 p.m

Test 2, Reading & Writing Part 3



Trang 13

Test 2

Read t he st o r y Cho o se a w or d f r om t he box W r it e t he correct w ord next

t o n um b ers 1-5 There is one exam p le

Part 4

6 questions

-Last Saturday, my dad took my brother and I to a campsite in the forest We left

o u r _11,11' "L _ after lunch After a few hours we knew we were on the wrong road because we couldn’t see any ( 1 ) ! We stopped

at a cafe and asked someone where t he/ orest was The man in the cafe

said, “ You are three ( 2 ) _aw ay jrom the / orest!”

When we arrived at the campsite it was already ( 3 ) _, but my dad had a torch in his car We put the tent up and went to bed in the middle of

the night it st art ed to rain It rained a lot and it was very windy Suddenly the tent

fell down and wat er st art ed to come C4) the tent We were very wet and we quickly ran to the car The next morning we all woke up in the car fee ling ( 5 ) and cold We looked at our broken tent “ I don’t

think we’ll be sleeping in t hat tent again!” said my dad, and we all st art ed to laugh.

Test 2, Reading & Writing Part 4


Trang 14

Reading & W rit ing

Ex am p le

(6) N o w cho o se t he b est n am e f o r t he st o r y

Ti ck one box

The best campsite

A Saturday to remember

My favourite tent

Test 2, Reading & Writing Part 4


Trang 15

Test 3

Part 5

7 quest ions

-Lo o k at t he p ict ure an d read t he st o r y W r i t e som e w o r d s t o co m p let e t he sen t en ces ab o u t t he st o r y You can use 1, 2, 3 or 4 w o r d s

The w ro ng su i t case

Last month, Harry went on holiday with his mum and dad They went to a cheap hotel by the sea for a week. Harry was very happy because they were travelling by plane It was Harry’s first time in a plane When they arrived at the airport, Harry and his parents went to get their suitcases His parents had a big red suit case and Harry had a small one with black stripes

Then they took a taxi to their hotel Harry thought the hotel was excellent because

it had a very big swimming pool Harry want ed to go for a swim before he did anyt hing else He went to his room and opened his suitcase to get his swimming shorts Harry was very surprised when he opened his suitcase It was f ull of dresses!

It wasn’t Harry’s suitcase! His mum found a name and phone number in the suitcase and she called the number The woman on the phone said she had Harry’s suit case That afternoon Harry and his parents met the woman She was very happy to get her suitcase back and she want ed to thank them The woman was very rich and the next day Harry and his parent s had lunch with her - on her boat! It was Harry’s best holiday!

Test 3, Reading & Writing Part 5


Trang 16

Reading & W rit ing

Ex am p les

Harry and his parents went on holiday last m ninth

Their hotel, which was next to the sea , was cheap.

Qu est io n s

1 Harry Jelt about travelling by plane

2 Harry and his parents got their suitcases w hen

at the airport

3 Harry’s suitcase was small and h ad _

4 They travelled to the hotel b y

5 Harry liked the hotel because it had a _

6 Harry f o u n d in his suitcase

7 Harry and his parents h ad _ on the woman’s boat

Test 3, Reading & Writing Part 5


Trang 17

Test 3

Read t he t ext Cho o se t he r ig h t w o r d s an d w r it e t hem on t he lin es.

Part 6

10 quest ions

-Ex am p le






M ount Everest

Mount Everest i s the

world The mountain is

highest mountain in the _ two countries, Nepal and China Every year many m en women try to climb Mount Everest It is n o t

to climb a big mountain and many people don’t get to the top

It snows a l o t _ Mount Everest and so you need to wear warm clothes like socks and gloves made of wool There no roads or cars on the way up the mountain so people need to car r y Some people use animals called ‘Yaks’ to help them carry things Yaks are like cows and have of fur Their f ur helps them keep warm in the snow

People climb the mountain need to take a tent with them because they will need to somewhere to sleep at night also need to carry food in their rucksacks

I t many days to climb Mount Everest

Test 3, Reading & Writing Part 6


Trang 18

Reading & W rit ing

Test 3, Reading & Writing Part 6


Trang 19

Test 2

Read t he d i ar y an d w r it e t he m issin g w o r d s W r it e one w ord on each line

Part 7

5 quest ions

Saturday 14th September shopping with my mum this morning

bought some great new shoes Mum made my favouritelunch _we got home - sausages and chips! In

; the afternoon Katy cam e my house.

! We wanted to play on the com put er, _

mum said weshould play outside Katy and I went to the

park and we met some friends from school We sat and ate

ice cream W e a great time together!

We’re going to go to t h e again tomorrow

Test 2, Reading & Writing Part 7


Ngày đăng: 01/06/2019, 17:55

