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Shop manual ô tô NISSAN 2000 Xterra - P9

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Tiêu đề Shop Manual Ô Tô Nissan 2000 Xterra
Trường học Nissan Technical Institute
Chuyên ngành Automotive Engineering
Thể loại Hướng Dẫn Sử Dụng
Năm xuất bản 2000
Thành phố Nashville
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Số trang 52
Dung lượng 1,87 MB

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GENERAL INFORMATIONSECTIONGICONTENTSPRECAUTIONS .3Precautions 3SUPPLEMENTAL RESTRAINT SYSTEM (SRS)″AIR BAG″ AND ″SEAT BELT PRE-TENSIONER″ .3GENERAL PRECAUTIONS .3PRECAUTIONS FOR MULTIPORT FUELINJECTION SYSTEM OR ENGINE CONTROLSYSTEM .5PRECAUTIONS FOR THREE WAY CATALYST .5PRECAUTIONS FOR HOSES .6PRECAUTIONS FOR ENGINE OILS .6PRECAUTIONS FOR FUEL 7PRECAUTIONS FOR AIR CONDITIONING 7HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL 8HOW TO READ WIRING DIAGRAMS 10Sample/Wiring Diagram - EXAMPL - 10OPTIONAL SPLICE 11Description .12CONNECTOR SYMBOLS .14HARNESS INDICATION .15COMPONENT INDICATION 15SWITCH POSITIONS .15DETECTABLE LINES AND NON-DETECTABLELINES .16MULTIPLE SWITCH .17REFERENCE AREA .18HOW TO CHECK TERMINAL .20Connector and Terminal Pin Kit .20How to Probe Connectors .20PROBING FROM HARNESS SIDE 20PROBING FROM TERMINAL SIDE .20How to Check Enlarged Contact Spring ofTerminal .21Waterproof Connector Inspection 22RUBBER SEAL INSPECTION .22WIRE SEAL INSPECTION 22Terminal Lock Inspection .22HOW TO PERFORM EFFICIENT DIAGNOSISFOR AN ELECTRICAL INCIDENT .23Work Flow 23Incident Simulation Tests .24INTRODUCTION 24VEHICLE VIBRATION 24HEAT SENSITIVE 25FREEZING 25WATER INTRUSION 26ELECTRICAL LOAD .26COLD OR HOT START UP .26Circuit Inspection .26INTRODUCTION 26TESTING FOR ″OPENS″ IN THE CIRCUIT 27TESTING FOR ″SHORTS″ IN THE CIRCUIT 28GROUND INSPECTION .29VOLTAGE DROP TESTS 29CONTROL UNIT CIRCUIT TEST .31HOW TO FOLLOW TROUBLE DIAGNOSES .33How to Follow Test Groups in Trouble Diagnoses 34Key to Symbols Signifying Measurements orProcedures .35CONSULT–II CHECKING SYSTEM 37Function and System Application 37Nickel Metal Hydride Battery Replacement .37Checking Equipment 37Loading Procedure 38CONSULT-II Data Link Connector (DLC) Circuit 38INSPECTION PROCEDURE .38IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION 39Model Variation 39Identification Number .41VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBERARRANGEMENT .41ENGINE SERIAL NUMBER .42TRANSFER SERIAL NUMBER 42MANUAL TRANSMISSION NUMBER .42AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION NUMBER .42Dimensions 43Wheels & Tires 43LIFTING POINTS AND TOW TRUCK TOWING .44Pantograph Jack 44Garage Jack and Safety Stand .442-pole Lift .45MAEMLCECFECLMTATTFPDAXSUBRSTRSBTHASCELIDX Tow Truck Towing 452-WHEEL DRIVE MODELS .464-WHEEL DRIVE MODELS .46TOWING POINT .47VEHICLE RECOVERY (FREEING A STUCKVEHICLE) 47TIGHTENING TORQUE OF STANDARD BOLTS 48SAE J1930 TERMINOLOGY LIST 49SAE J1930 Terminology List .49CONTENTS(Cont’d)GI-2 PrecautionsNGGI0001Observe the following precautions to ensure safe and properservicing.SGI646SUPPLEMENTAL RESTRAINT SYSTEM (SRS) “AIRBAG” AND “SEAT BELT PRE-TENSIONER”NGGI0001S01The Supplemental Restraint System “AIR BAG” and “SEAT BELTPRE-TENSIONER” used along with a seat belt, helps to reduce therisk or severity of injury to the driver and front passenger for cer-tain types of collision. The Supplemental Restraint System consistsof driver air bag module (located in the center of the steeringwheel), front passenger air bag module (located on the instrumentpanel on the passenger side), seat belt pre-tensioners, a diagno-sis sensor unit, a crash zone sensor (4WD models), warning lamp,wiring harness and spiral cable.Information necessary to service the system safely is included inthe RS section of this Service Manual.WARNING:¼ To avoid rendering the SRS inoperative, which couldincrease the risk of personal injury or death in the eventof a collision which would result in air bag inflation, allmaintenance should be performed by an authorized NIS-SAN dealer.¼ Improper maintenance, including incorrect removal andinstallation of the SRS, can lead to personal injury causedby unintentional activation of the system. For removal ofSpiral Cable and Air Bag Module, refer to RS-16.¼ Do not use electrical test equipment on any circuit relatedto the SRS unless instructed to in this Service Manual.Spiral cable and wiring harnesses (except “SEAT BELTPRE-TENSIONER”) covered with yellow insulation eitherjust before the harness connectors or for the completeharness are related to the SRS.SGI285GENERAL PRECAUTIONSNGGI0001S02¼ Do not operate the engine for an extended period of timewithout proper exhaust ventilation.Keep the work area well ventilated and free of any inflammablematerials. Special care should be taken when handling anyinflammable or poisonous materials, such as gasoline, refrig-erant gas, etc. When working in a pit or other enclosed area,be sure to properly ventilate the area before working with haz-ardous materials.Do not smoke while working on the vehicle.MAEMLCECFECLMTATTFPDAXSUBRSTRSBTHASCELIDXPRECAUTIONSPrecautionsGI-3 SGI231¼ Before jacking up the vehicle, apply wheel chocks or other tireblocks to the wheels to prevent the vehicle from moving. Afterjacking up the vehicle, support the vehicle weight with safetystands at the points designated for proper lifting before work-ing on the vehicle.These operations should be done on a level surface.¼ When removing a heavy component such as the engine ortransaxle/transmission, be careful not to lose your balance anddrop it. Also, do not allow it to strike adjacent parts, especiallythe brake tubes and master cylinder.SEF289H¼ Before starting repairs which do not require battery power:Turn off ignition switch.Disconnect the negative battery terminal.SGI233¼ To prevent serious burns:Avoid contact with hot metal parts.Do not remove the radiator cap when the engine is hot.SGI234¼ Before servicing the vehicle:Protect fenders, upholstery and carpeting with appropriate cov-ers.Take caution that keys, buckles or buttons do not scratch paint.¼ Clean all disassembled parts in the designated liquid or solventprior to inspection or assembly.¼ Replace oil seals, gaskets, packings, O-rings, locking washers,cotter pins, self-locking nuts, etc. with new ones.¼ Replace inner and outer races of tapered roller bearings andneedle bearings as a set.¼ Arrange the disassembled parts in accordance with theirassembled locations and sequence.¼ Do not touch the terminals of electrical components which usemicrocomputers (such as ECMs).Static electricity may damage internal electronic components.PRECAUTIONSPrecautions (Cont’d)GI-4 ¼ After disconnecting vacuum or air hoses, attach a tag to indi-cate the proper connection.¼ Use only the fluids and lubricants specified in this manual.¼ Use approved bonding agents, sealants or their equivalentswhen required.¼ Use tools and recommended special tools where specified forsafe and efficient service repairs.¼ When repairing fuel, oil, water, vacuum or exhaust systems,check all affected lines for leaks.¼ Dispose of drained oil or the solvent used for cleaning parts inan appropriate manner.¼ Do not attempt to top off the fuel tank after the fuel pumpnozzle shuts off automatically. Continued refueling may causefuel overflow resulting in fuel spray and possibly a fire.WARNING:To prevent ECM from storing the diagnostic trouble codes, donot carelessly disconnect the harness connectors which arerelated to the engine control system and TCM (TransmissionControl Module) system. The connectors should be discon-nected only when working according to the WORK FLOW ofTROUBLE DIAGNOSES in EC and AT sections.SGI787PRECAUTIONS FOR MULTIPORT FUEL INJECTIONSYSTEM OR ENGINE CONTROL SYSTEMNGGI0001S03¼ Before connecting or disconnecting any harness connector forthe multiport fuel injection system or ECM:Turn ignition switch to OFF position.Disconnect negative battery terminal.Otherwise, there may be damage to ECM.¼ Before disconnecting pressurized fuel line from fuel pump toinjectors, be sure to release fuel pressure.¼ Be careful not to jar components such as ECM and mass airflow sensor.PRECAUTIONS FOR THREE WAY CATALYSTNGGI0001S04If a large amount of unburned fuel flows into the catalyst, the cata-lyst temperature will be excessively high. To prevent this, follow theinstructions below:¼ Use unleaded gasoline only. Leaded gasoline will seriouslydamage the three way catalyst.¼ When checking for ignition spark or measuring enginecompression, make tests quickly and only when necessary.¼ Do not run engine when the fuel tank level is low, otherwise theengine may misfire causing damage to the catalyst.Do not place the vehicle on flammable material. Keep flammablematerial off the exhaust pipe and the three way catalyst.MAEMLCECFECLMTATTFPDAXSUBRSTRSBTHASCELIDXPRECAUTIONSPrecautions (Cont’d)GI-5 SMA019DPRECAUTIONS FOR HOSESNGGI0001S08Hose removal and installationNGGI0001S0801¼ To prevent damage to rubber hose, do not pry off rubber hosewith tapered tool or screwdriver.SMA020D¼ To reinstall the rubber hose securely, make sure of hose inser-tion length and clamp orientation. (If tube is equipped withhose stopper, insert rubber hose into tube until it butts upagainst hose stopper.)SMA021DHose clampingNGGI0001S0802¼ If old rubber hose is re-used, install hose clamp in its originalposition (at the indentation where the old clamp was). If thereis a trace of tube bulging left on the old rubber hose, alignrubber hose at that position.¼ Discard old clamps; replace with new ones.SMA022D¼ After installing leaf spring clamps, apply force to them in thedirection of the arrow, tightening rubber hose equally allaround.PRECAUTIONS FOR ENGINE OILSNGGI0001S05Prolonged and repeated contact with used engine oil may causeskin cancer. Try to avoid direct skin contact with used oil.If skin contact is made, wash thoroughly with soap or hand cleaneras soon as possible.Health Protection PrecautionsNGGI0001S0501¼ Avoid prolonged and repeated contact with oils, particularlyused engine oils.¼ Wear protective clothing, including impervious gloves wherepracticable.¼ Do not put oily rags in pockets.¼ Avoid contaminating clothes, particularly underpants, with oil.¼ Heavily soiled clothing and oil-impregnated footwear shouldnot be worn. Overalls must be cleaned regularly.¼ First Aid treatment should be obtained immediately for opencuts and wounds.¼ Use barrier creams, applying them before each work period, tohelp the removal of oil from the skin.PRECAUTIONSPrecautions (Cont’d)GI-6 ¼ Wash with soap and water to ensure all oil is removed (skincleansers and nail brushes will help). Preparations containinglanolin replace the natural skin oils which have been removed.¼ Do not use gasoline, kerosine, diesel fuel, gas oil, thinners orsolvents for cleaning skin.¼ If skin disorders develop, obtain medical advice without delay.¼ Where practicable, degrease components prior to handling.¼ Where there is a risk of eye contact, eye protection should beworn, for example, chemical goggles or face shields, inaddition, an eye wash facility should be provided.Environmental Protection PrecautionsNGGI0001S0502Burning used engine oil in small space heaters or boilers can berecommended only for units of approved design. The heating sys-tem must meet the requirements of HM Inspectorate of Pollution forsmall burners of less than 0.4 MW. If in doubt check with theappropriate local authority and/or manufacturer of the approvedappliance.Dispose of used oil and used oil filters through authorized wastedisposal contractors to licensed waste disposal sites, or to thewaste oil reclamation trade. If in doubt, contact the local authorityfor advice on disposal facilities.It is illegal to pour used oil onto the ground, down sewers or drains,or into water courses.The regulations concerning the pollution vary from country tocountry.PRECAUTIONS FOR FUELNGGI0001S06Use unleaded gasoline with an octane rating of at least 87 AKI(Anti-Knock Index) number (research octane number 91).CAUTION:Use unleaded fuel only. Under no circumstances shouldleaded gasoline be used. It will damage your three way cata-lyst and increase dangerous emissions from your vehicleexhaust.Using a fuel other than that specified could adversely affectthe emission control devices and systems, and could alsoaffect the warranty coverage validity.PRECAUTIONS FOR AIR CONDITIONINGNGGI0001S07Use an approved refrigerant recovery unit any time the air condi-tioning system must be discharged. Refer to HA-3, “HFC-134a(R-134a) Service Procedure”, “SERVICE PROCEDURES” for spe-cific instructions.MAEMLCECFECLMTATTFPDAXSUBRSTRSBTHASCELIDXPRECAUTIONSPrecautions (Cont’d)GI-7 NGGI0002¼ The captions WARNING and CAUTION warn you of steps that must be followed to prevent personal injuryand/or damage to some part of the vehicle.WARNING indicates the possibility of personal injury if instructions are not followed.CAUTION indicates the possibility of component damage if instructions are not followed.BOLD TYPED STATEMENTS except WARNING and CAUTION give you helpful information.¼ ALPHABETICAL INDEX is provided at the end of this manual so that you can rapidly find the item andpage you are searching for.¼ A QUICK REFERENCE INDEX, a black tab (e.g.) is provided on the first page. You can quickly findthe first page of each section by matching it to the section’s black tab.¼ THE CONTENTS are listed on the first page of each section.¼ THE TITLE is indicated on the upper portion of each page and shows the part or system.¼ THE PAGE NUMBER of each section consists of two letters which designate the particular section and anumber (e.g. “BR-5”).¼ THE LARGE ILLUSTRATIONS are exploded views (See below) and contain tightening torques, lubrica-tion points, section number of the PARTS CATALOG (e.g. SEC.440) and other information necessary toperform repairs.The illustrations should be used in reference to service matters only. When ordering parts, refer to theappropriate PARTS CATALOG.SBR364AC¼ THE SMALL ILLUSTRATIONS show the important steps such as inspection, use of special tools, knacksof work and hidden or tricky steps which are not shown in the previous large illustrations.Assembly, inspection and adjustment procedures for the complicated units such as the automatic transaxleor transmission, etc. are presented in a step-by-step format where necessary.¼ The UNITS given in this manual are primarily expressed as the SI UNIT (International System of Unit),and alternatively expressed in the metric system and in the yard/pound system.“Example”Tightening torque:59-78N·m (6.0 - 8.0 kg-m, 43 - 58 ft-lb)¼ TROUBLE DIAGNOSES are included in sections dealing with complicated components.HOW TO USE THIS MANUALGI-8 ¼ SERVICE DATA AND SPECIFICATIONS are contained at the end of each section for quick reference ofdata.¼ The following SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS are used:SYMBOL ABBREVIATION SYMBOL ABBREVIATIONTightening torqueA/CAir ConditionerShould be lubricated with grease. Unless other-wise indicated, use recommended multi-pur-pose grease.P/SPower SteeringShould be lubricated with oil. Tool Special Service ToolsSealing point SAE Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.Checking point ATF Automatic Transmission FluidAlways replace after every disassembly. D1Drive range 1st gearkPApply petroleum jelly.D2Drive range 2nd gearApply ATF. D3Drive range 3rd gearSDS Service Data and Specifications D4Drive range 4th gearLH, RH Left-Hand, Right-Hand O/D OverdriveFR, RR Front, Rear 222nd range 2nd gearA/T Automatic Transaxle/Transmission 212nd range 1st gear,4WD4-Wheel Drive121st range 2nd gear2WD 2-Wheel Drive 111st range 1st gearMAEMLCECFECLMTATTFPDAXSUBRSTRSBTHASCELIDXHOW TO USE THIS MANUALGI-9 NGGI0003Sample/Wiring Diagram — EXAMPL —NGGI0003S01¼ For Description, refer to GI-12.SGI091AHOW TO READ WIRING DIAGRAMSSample/Wiring Diagram — EXAMPL —GI-10 [...]... for connector views of “POWER SUPPLY ROUTING” in EL-9 The open square shows current flow in, and the shaded square shows current flow out PD 32 Reference area ¼ This shows that more information on the Super Multiple Junction (SMJ), Electrical Units, etc exists at the end of this manual Refer to GI-18 for details AX CL MT SU BR ST RS BT HA SC EL GI-13 IDX HOW TO READ WIRING DIAGRAMS Description (Cont’d)... RS BT HA SC EL GI-19 IDX NGGI0011 HOW TO CHECK TERMINAL Connector and Terminal Pin Kit Connector and Terminal Pin Kit NGGI0011S01 Use the connector and terminal pin kit listed below when replacing connectors or terminals The connector and terminal pin kit contains some of the most commonly used NISSAN connectors and terminals Tool number (Kent-Moore No.) Tool name Description — (J3875 1-9 5NI) Connector... can detect its malfunctions with the on board diagnostic system ¼ A line with less weight (thinner line) represents a “non-detectable line for DTC” A “non-detectable line for DTC” is a circuit in which ECM cannot detect its malfunctions with the on board diagnostic system AGI095 GI-16 HOW TO READ WIRING DIAGRAMS Description (Cont’d) MULTIPLE SWITCH =NGGI0003S0204 The continuity of multiple switch is... Reference Area of the wiring diagram SMJ terminal arrangement can be found on the electrical reference pages at the end of the manual For terminal arrangement of these connectors, refer to the “SUPER MULTIPLE JUNCTION (SMJ)” electrical reference page at the end of the manual GI-18 HOW TO READ WIRING DIAGRAMS Description (Cont’d) Fuse block—Junction box (J/B) Fuse block—Junction box (J/B) connector number... and components, especially related to OBD, may use a new style slide-locking type harness connector For description and how to disconnect, refer to EL-7, “Description”, “HARNESS CONNECTOR” SGI364 ¼ Male and female terminals Connector guides for male terminals are shown in black and female terminals in white in wiring diagrams SGI363 GI-14 HOW TO READ WIRING DIAGRAMS Description (Cont’d) HARNESS INDICATION... through a section of the circuit SHORT There are two types of shorts ¼ SHORT CIR- When a circuit contacts another circuit and causes CUIT the normal resistance to change ¼ SHORT TO GROUND When a circuit contacts a ground source and grounds the circuit NOTE: Refer to “HOW TO CHECK TERMINAL” in GI-20 to probe or check terminal GI-26 HOW TO PERFORM EFFICIENT DIAGNOSIS FOR AN ELECTRICAL INCIDENT Circuit Inspection... OFF, ¼ doors, hood and trunk lid/back door are closed, ¼ pedals are not depressed, and ¼ parking brake is released AT TF PD AX SU BR ST RS SGI860 BT HA SC EL GI-15 IDX HOW TO READ WIRING DIAGRAMS Description (Cont’d) DETECTABLE LINES AND NON-DETECTABLE LINES NGGI0003S0203 In some wiring diagrams, two kinds of lines, representing wires, with different weight are used ¼ A line with regular weight (wider... terminal and fuse arrangement, refer to the “FUSE BLOCK—Junction Box (J/B)” electrical reference page at the end of the manual Fuse and fusible link box For fuse arrangement in the fuse and fusible link box, refer to the “FUSE AND FUSIBLE LINK BOX” electrical reference page at the end of the manual Electrical units Electrical unit connector symbols are shown in the Connector Area of the wiring diagram However,... page at the end of the manual Most of the electrical unit connectors on this page are shown from the harness side forth connector Joint connector Joint connector symbols are shown in the connector area of the wiring diagram For connector internal wiring layout and joint connector terminal arrangement, refer to the “JOINT CONNECTOR (J/C)” electrical reference page at the end of the manual MA EM LC EC FE... connector, refer to EL-264, “Main Harness”, “HARNESS LAYOUT” A coordinate grid is included for complex harnesses to aid in locating connectors 25 MA EM LC EC FE 26 Ground (GND) ¼ The line spliced and grounded under wire color shows that ground line is spliced at the grounded connector 27 Ground (GND) ¼ This shows the ground connection For detailed ground distribution information, refer to EL-17, “GROUND DISTRIBUTION” . torque:5 9-7 8N·m (6.0 - 8.0 kg-m, 43 - 58 ft-lb)¼ TROUBLE DIAGNOSES are included in sections dealing with complicated components.HOW TO USE THIS MANUALGI-8 ¼. time the air condi-tioning system must be discharged. Refer to HA-3, “HFC-134a(R-134a) Service Procedure”, “SERVICE PROCEDURES” for spe-cific instructions.MAEMLCECFECLMTATTFPDAXSUBRSTRSBTHASCELIDXPRECAUTIONSPrecautions

Ngày đăng: 22/10/2012, 11:51

