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MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION RESEARCH PROJECT (BMBR5103) RESEARCH ABOUT JOB SATISFACTION AT SPIRAL COMPANY STUDENT’S FULL NAME : NGUYEN NGOC VU STUDENT ID : CGS00065358 INTAKE : MAY - 2016 ADVISOR’S NAME & TITLE : Dr KHAI NGUYEN October - 2017 Page of 69 Advisor’s assessment ADVISOR’S SIGNATURE (October 2017) NGUYEN THE KHAI (DBA) Page of 69 TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT CHAPTER I – INTRODUCTION COMPANY INTRODUCTION RESEARCH INTRODUCTION 13 a Problem Statement 13 b Purpose of The Study 14 c The Scope Of The Research 14 d Research Questions 15 CHAPTER II – LITERATURE REVIEW 15 JOB SATISFACTION 15 SATISFACTION WITH MY SUPERVISOR 16 SATISFACTION WITH WORK SCHEDULE FLEXIBILITY 16 PERCEIVED ABILITY – JOB FIT 17 PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM KNOWLEDGE 18 CHAPTER III: RESEACH MODEL AND HYPOTHESES 19 RESEARCH MODEL 19 Dependent Variables: Job Satisfaction (JS) 19 Independent Variables 19 Constructs 19 RESEARCH HYPOTHESES 20 INSTRUMENTS 39 RESEARCH PARTICIPANTS 44 Page of 69 PROCEDURE FOR DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYZE 44 CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS AND RESULTS 46 MAIN CONSTRUCT: JOB SATISFACTION (JS) 46 CONSTRUCT 46 Satisfaction with my supervisor (sms) 46 Satisfaction with work schedule flexibility (wsf) 47 Perceived Ability – Job Fit (Pjf) 47 Performance Appraisal System Knowledge (Psk) 47 DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS 48 CORRELATION OF ALL VARIABLES STATISTICS 48 HYPOTHESES TESTING 50 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION 51 SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION 51 MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS 52 LIMITATIONS AND FURTHER RESEARCH RECOMMENDATION 53 REFENRENCES 55 APPENDIX 1: SURVEY 57 APPENDIX 2: PRESENTATION 64 Page of 69 ABSTRACT Job satisfaction describes how content an individual is with his or her job It is a relatively recent term since in previous centuries the jobs available to a particular person were often predetermined by the occupation of that person parent There are a variety of factors that can influence a person level of job satisfaction Some of these factors include the level of pay and benefits, the perceived fairness of the promotion system within a company, the quality of the working conditions, leadership and social relationships, the job itself (the variety of tasks involved, the interest and challenge the job generates, and the clarity of the job description/requirements) The happier people are within their job, the more satisfied they are said to be Job satisfaction is not the same as motivation, although it is clearly linked Job design aims to enhance job satisfaction and performance methods include job rotation, job enlargement and job enrichment Other influences on satisfaction include the management style and culture, employee involvement, empowerment and autonomous workgroups Job satisfaction is a very important attribute which is frequently measured by organizations The most common way of measurement is the use of rating scales where employees report their reactions to their jobs Questions relate to relate of pay, work responsibilities, variety of tasks, promotional opportunities the work itself and co-workers Nowadays, it is very important to retain good employees with the organization Staff stability will help businesses save costs (training, recruiting ) and reduce operational errors that may occur Studies also show that employee satisfaction has a positive effect on job performance (Saari & Judge, 2004) or organizational loyalty (Luddy, 2005) Therefore, the assessment of the factors affecting employee satisfaction is extremely necessary for businesses to adjust policies in a reasonable manner This study has two main purposes: - Evaluate the current satisfaction of SPIRAL employees Page of 69 - Assess the importance of each factor affecting the satisfaction of SPIRAL staff CHAPTER I – INTRODUCTION COMPANY INTRODUCTION SPIRAL established in 2005 and we started with services of Strategy, HR, LEAN operation consulting Then, we started to run human resource outsourcing services in 2009 Spiral has always been driven by an international, innovative, responsible mindset to shape the transformation of the industry with our present 10,000 employees SPIRAL PROVIDE “CONTRACTING STAFF / EMPLOYEES” WHY YOU NEED US /WHY YOU NEED TO CONTRACT STAFF / EMPLOYEES with SPIRAL? Reduced Operational and Recruitment costs We reduce the cost of advertising every time an employee leaves the company or if the company needs a new employee hence recruitment and operational costs can be minimized to a great extent This is one of the prime advantages of outsourcing Continuity Page of 69 Periods of high employee turnover will add uncertainty and inconsistency to the operations It is our job to replace those employees with highly skilled and experienced people thus providing a level of continuity to the company and reducing the risk that a substandard level of operation would bring to the company Example: The human resource manager and an administrative assistant leave for new jobs in a very short period of time Flexibility It is flexible since a customer can always ask for a replacement incase the current employee is not performing to the required standards which is much easier than changing a full-time employee of the company Reduces the burden of interviewing Outsourcing helps to bring the right candidates with the required qualifications and experience to avoid putting the rest of the work on hold to concentrate on recruiting for example after advertising a big number of people will apply for the job thus putting the whole burden to the human resource team which will end up putting all its work on hold and concentrating on the recruitment which may be for one or two jobs Minimizes risks You release yourself from administrative work and to gain more time focusing on your core business and more importantly, avoid all legal risks relating to labor relations, as well as property possible loss Our role or our responsibility is to provide all of service in Outsourcing, Field Force, Consulting…and our services include: HR Labor sourcing service - Mass Recruitment - Outsourcing Service: Contracting, payroll and legalization Page of 69 - Full Outsourcing Service: Recruitment, training, contracting, payroll, Production management (Quality, Productivity, P&P Management…) Full Service for Field Force Empowerment - Product Consultant management - Field manpower qualification and management - Field force IT management system One stop display care - POP/POSM production - POP/POSM installation and maintenance - Merchandising site check and display care - Display Auditing - Display sensing Retail Audit - Market sensing - Auditing & mystery shopping field force - Channel mapping - Retail auditing - Field market sensing Shop Activation - Shop activation - Road show - Sampling HR/Field consulting - HR consulting for local labor law Page of 69 - Retail consulting Focusing on big corporation and FDI These are some our current customer: Coca Cola, Unilever, Samsung, LG, Masan Group… We develop our services base on the internet and IT Software and that’s also our competitive advantage Development timeline 2005, SPIRAL Company established with an initial charter capital of VND billion and started with consulting service 2009, SPIRAL started to run outsourcing service and Field Force The revenue met billion 2016, the revenue of SPIRAL met 518 billion and total employees of SPIRAL developed from 100 to 11,000 2017, SPIRAL started to develop SHS(Standard Hotel Services) Charter Revenue (VND Billion) 774 585 370 217 157 97 7 2005 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Figure 1: SPIRAL Chart of Charter Revenue (VND billion) Page of 69 2017 Charter Employees of SPIRAL (Headcount) 11,000 9,800 7,500 5,500 3,400 2,000 20 2005 500 500 500 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Figure 2: SPIRAL Chart of Employees (Headcount) Organizational Chart: Mr Sang: Mr Dong: BOD Human Resources C&B Ms Thu Nguyen Finance & Account Ms Vi Huynh Sales Force Business Development Ms Quynh Bui Sales Force Management Production Management Sales Force Business Operations Mr Tuan Le Sales Force Retail Audit Mr Hien Pham BD - FF South Ms Ngoc Anh BD - FF North Ms Thai Ha Pro Operations North Mr Tra Pro Operations South Mr Tuan Trade Cencus Audit Mr Hao BD - Audit Mr Hien BD - POSM Mr Trung Recruitment Ms Tam Training Mr Phuc Pro Admin IT Mr Toan Data Analyst Ms Huong C EOE Audit Mr Hien BD Production Mr Vu Pro Operations Ms Binh Recruitment Ms Linh QC Ms Huong N Figure 3: HSG management organization Page of 69 Production Business Development Mr Vu Nguyen Production Operations Ms Loan ... Hien BD Production Mr Vu Pro Operations Ms Binh Recruitment Ms Linh QC Ms Huong N Figure 3: HSG management organization Page of 69 Production Business Development Mr Vu Nguyen Production Operations... of Employees (Headcount) Organizational Chart: Mr Sang: Mr Dong: BOD Human Resources C&B Ms Thu Nguyen Finance & Account Ms Vi Huynh Sales Force Business Development Ms Quynh Bui Sales Force Management... Sales Force Business Operations Mr Tuan Le Sales Force Retail Audit Mr Hien Pham BD - FF South Ms Ngoc Anh BD - FF North Ms Thai Ha Pro Operations North Mr Tra Pro Operations South Mr Tuan Trade