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Parallax, Inc.Product Guidewww.parallax.comFall/Winter2003The source for BASIC Stamp Microcontroller Education Materials. BASIC Stamp ModulesBASIC Stamp 2; #EDU-BS2-IC; $41.65; The most popular BASIC Stamp module. The BS2 may be implemented in education, hobby, and industry applications. This module has enough program space, execution speed, and I/O pins for most applications.page 02order online atwww.parallax.comBASIC Stamp 2p; #EDU-BS2P24; $67.15; #BS2P40; $99.00; The highest performing of all the BASIC Stamps. With a pro-gram execution speed of ~12,000 instructions/second, it is 3 times faster than a BS2-IC. The 40 pin version of the BS2p provides 16 extra I/O pins for your project.Program Execution Speed:RAM Size:EEPROM (Program) Size:Number of I/O Pins:Voltage Requirements:Current Draw @ 5V:Source/Sink Current per I/O:Source/Sink Current:~4,000 instructions/sec32 Bytes (6 I/O, 26 variable)2K Bytes, ~500 instructions16 + 2 Dedicated Serial5 - 12 vdc8 mA Run / 100 µA Sleep20 mA / 25 mA40 mA / 50 mA per 8 I/O pinsThe BASIC Stampcan withstandan environment of0°-70° C (32°-158° F).The BS2-IC is asingle boardcomputer packagedin a 24-pin DIPmodule, the sizeof a postage stamp. Visit our websitefor a look atthe entire line ofBASIC Stamps.Program Execution Speed:RAM Size:Scratch Pad RAM:EEPROM (Program) Size:Number of I/O Pins:Voltage Requirements:Current Draw @ 5V:Source/Sink Current per I/O:Source/Sink Current:~12,000 instructions/sec38 Bytes (12 I/O, 26 variable)128 Bytes8 x 2K Bytes, ~4,000 instructions16 or 32 + 2 Dedicated Serial5 - 12 vdc40 mA Run / 400 µA Sleep30 mA / 30 mA60 mA / 60 mA per 8 I/O pinsParallax’s Stamps in Class educational program continues to thrive with new curriculum, additional hardware, and BASIC Stamp Educator’s Courses. The BASIC Stamp 2 is the cornerstone of the SIC curriculum because of the tremendous amount of support material, published books, and application notes. A specic selection of our products include an educational discount of 15%, so if you’re a current educator or student, you may be eligible to receive the EDU price. OEMBASICStampsCustomers who build their BASIC Stamp designs in high volumes now have an OEM solution. The designer can use through-hole or SMT to embed a BASIC Stamp into the design.page 03order online atwww.parallax.comOEM BASIC Stamp 2;#EDU-27290; $50.15; A through-hole version of the popular BASIC Stamp 2 module. The OEM modules are nice to use because the Interpreter can be replaced if damaged and the entire device ts snugly in a breadboard. This is a fully functional BASIC Stamp. It is programmed using our PBASIC DOS or Windows Editor just like the BS2-IC module. The documentation includes a complete bill of materials with three sources and part numbers for each compo-nent. The BASIC Stamp Windows editor and BASIC Stamp manual may be downloaded from our website for free.BS2 OEM Kit Form; #27291; $45.00; Do you want your students to gain soldering experience? Let them build a Stamp from the ground up so they can understand the architecture of a BASIC Stamp. The kit includes everything needed to build a BASIC Stamp 2. Presented in a 20-pin SIP module format with standard 0.1” spacing. The PC board includes labeled component locations with visible traces between parts. PBASIC interpreter and EEPROM are socketed to allow for replacement. BASIC StampManual andWindows Editorare freedownloads fromour website.Our website features all of our interpreter chips, resonators and EEPROMs for your high-volume projects.The Interpreterchips come pre-programmed withour PBASICinterpreter code.Parallax has aBASIC Stampfor every projectyou can imagine. Programming KitsBS2-IC Starter Kit with BOE;#27203; $159.00; Includes a BS2-IC, BASIC Stamp Manual v2.0, CD-ROM (software & documentation), jumper wires, serial cable, and board of education programming board. Also included is an extra collection of parts to complete a set of 4 experiments.BS2p24 Professional Starter Kit; #27235; $209.00; Customers choosing this kit will nd many new applications with the BS2p and Demo Board. With the included BS2p Component Pack you’ll be able to interface a few I/O devices to gain a quick understanding of the BS2p’s new commands. Documentation and source code is included to build a time-stamped temperature datalogger.page 04order online atwww.parallax.comor call salestoll-free at888-512-1024( M - F, 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. PST)BS2p Plus Pak; #45184; $69.00; A fantastic collection of demonstration projects for the BS2p module focused on interfacing to I2C, 1-Wire and parallel LCDs. Use our default source code and documentation to get started and customize it for your own application. Includes a 2x16 parallel LCD, DS1822, DS2890, DS2405, and more! The BS2p24 Demo Board (#45183 - $79) is required to make the best use of the Plus Pack. Our BASIC StampStarter Kits donot includepower supplies.You can findan assortment ofpower supplies onour website.Our selection of Programming Kits provides you with a number of options to explore the realm of BASIC Stamps. We feature kits that meet the needs of students, from middle school to university programs. All of the Programming Kits are set up to be a complete platform for your experimenting, prototyping, and curriculum needs. Each kit includes the BASIC Stamp Manual, a BASIC Stamp module, Programming Board, electronic component pack, and CD-ROM with the latest documentation, schematics, and source code les. StampWorks;#EDU-27297; $296.65; An experiment kit with all of the tools you need, including an expanded programming board for project development. Although it isn’t an ofcial Stamps in Class kit, educators still select it for lab work classes and more advanced technology courses. The manual includes 31 experiments that showcase the abilities of the BS2-IC to “micro-control” your world. Recommended for those with prior electronics and programming experience (The What’s a Microcontroller? curriculum is a good precursor).page 05order online atwww.parallax.comor call salestoll-free at888-512-1024( M - F, 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. PST)BS2p40 Professional Starter Kit; #27238; $219.00; The BS2p40 Professional Starter Kit includes the BS2p40, BS2p40 Demo Board, BASIC Stamp Manual v2.0, CD-ROM, serial cable, and components pack. This kit is perfect for those who want to get started programming with the BS2p module and want the added advantage of an extra 16 I/O pins to program with. The BASIC Stamp 2p40 (BS2P40) has several advantages over all previous BASIC Stamps. Commands for interfacing with parallel LCDs, I2C devices and Dallas Semiconductor 1-Wire parts have been added along with a polled interrupt capability. For a completelist of ourBASIC StampStarter Kits, visitour website atwww.parallax.comThe BASIC Stamp Manual is anessential toolas a PBASICsyntax guideand programmingeditor reference. To explore evenfurther with your Programming Kit,you can check outour educationaltexts and otheronline resources forproject ideas. Educationpage 06order online atwww.parallax.comBoard of Education Full Kit; #EDU-28102; $101.15; Board of Education (only the board); #EDU-28150; $55.25; The Board of Education Full Kit (aka “BOE Full Kit”) is the core hardware required for the majority of our curriculum. The kit includes a BASIC Stamp 2 module, Board of Education, serial cable, and 9V 300 mA power supply. Once you’ve got the BOE Full Kit you can get started with your choice of our seven curricula.The Stamps in Class program was created in 1997 to provide educators, students and engineers the material they need to learn microcontroller programming and interfacing. Parallax is very proud of our relationships with high school, vo-tech schools, colleges and universities around the world. By providing free curriculum documentation and software on our website and CD-ROMs, Parallax offers a low cost solution to bring the BASIC Stamp into your classroom.Stamps In Class Curriculum Overview Author Pages Difculty LevelWhat’s a Microcontroller? Andy Lindsay 330 Easy/40 hoursElements of Digital Logic John Barrowman 178 Easy/60 hoursRobotics with the Boe-Bot Andy Lindsay and Kris Magri 220 Moderate/40 hoursBasic Analog and Digital Andy Lindsay 176 Moderate/36 hoursEarth Measurements Tracy Allen 170 Difcult/50 hoursIndustrial Control Martin Hebel 220 Difcult/50 hoursAdvanced Robotics with the Toddler Ken Gracey and Bill Wong 245 Difcult/60 hoursParallax hires eld-experienced educators to prepare our curriculum available in Adobe’s PDF style from our web site. By offering all of our Stamps In Class curriculum as free downloads, educators are able to explore all of the available options. The curriculum (and all Parallax publications) extend the copyright for educational uses and duplication. If you don’t want the printed books you can download them for free!The parts in ourkits may change.Check our websitefor the mostup-to-dateinformation.RequiredhardwareforCurriculum What’s a Microcontroller? Parts Kit & Text; #28152; $54.00What’s a Microcontroller? Parts Kit; #28122; $34.00What’s a Microcontroller? Text; #28123; $24.00This newest version has doubled in content, providing you with more experiments, improved schematics, examples, and more! Parallax implemented the new features based on feedback from current educators and students to make our introductory curriculum versatile for beginners at any educational level. What’s a Microcontroller? does anexcellent job of getting youon the right path to controlLEDs, servo motors, lightsensors, potentiometers,and switches.Elements of Digital Logic Parts Kit & Text; #28201; $99.00Elements of Digital Logic Parts Kit; #28159; $79.00Elements of Digital Logic Text; #70008; $24.00Digital Logic provides an introduction to simple circuit construction with logic chips, starting with gate experiments and ending with BASIC Stamp equivalents. Download the software online for free.Robotics Parts Kit & Text; #28154; $129.00Robotics Parts Kit; #28124; $119.00Robotics Text; #28125; $29.00This package allows you to turn yourBoard of Education Full Kit into aBoe-Bot. The Boe-Bot is the world’smost popular programmable robot!Stampsin ClassCurriculumpage 07order online atwww.parallax.comBoe-Bot Full Kit; #EDU-28132; $194.65; The Boe-Bot is capable of avoiding objects with infrared detection, following or avoiding light with photoresistors, and navigating through a maze with bumper whiskers. Additional Boe-Bot accessories will add more intelligence to our most popular Stamps in Class Kit. Check out the Boe-Bot Video Gallery online in the Robotics section of our website. MoreStamps in ClassCurriculumBasic Analog and Digital Parts Kit & Text; #28155; $45.00Basic Analog and Digital Parts Kit; #28128; $29.00Basic Analog and Digital Text; #28129; $24.00This tutorial covers the essentials of 8-bit A/D and D/A conversion using a BASIC Stamp. The text introduces PBASIC commands for A/D conversion with resistor/capacitor circuits, interfacing an ADC0831 8-bit A/D converter, scaling analog outputs into meaningful digital values, analyzing time-varying signals, and using PWM as analog output. page 08order online at www.parallax.comor call sales toll-free at888-512-1024( M - F, 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. PST)Earth Measurements Parts Kit & Text; #28153; $79.00Earth Measurements Parts Kit; #28126; $59.00Earth Measurements Text; #28127; $29.00This is the most complete primer on BASIC Stamp program structuring, sensor calibration, and serial communication in the Stamps in Class series. These concepts are taught using an earth science theme and a do-it-yourself experiment approach.The Boardof EducationFull Kit(#28102 - sold separately) is requiredhardwarefor most ofthe Stampsin ClassCurriculum.Project contained in the Earth Measure-ments curriculum.Go towww.stampsinclass.comfor adetailed descriptionon each ofour sevencurricula. The Toddler Robot Kit (gold); #27310; $249.00The Toddler Robot Kit (blue); #27311; $249.00Advanced Robotics Text; #122-00001; $29.00The Toddler is a two-servo bipedal robot controlled by an embedded BASIC Stamp 2 microcontroller that stands 10” tall. This walking robot shifts its center of gravity to move forward and backward and can turn by sliding its feet in opposite directions. Due to the complexity and coding concepts we suggest the audience to be age 14 and older. Walking robots have mechanical and software interdependencies that require in-depth examples and explanation. Students using the Toddler will learn advanced embedded programming with BASIC, efcient code development, sensor feedback, and general control.The Toddler is a high quality robot CNC-machined from aluminum and brass. The aluminum parts have holes, slots and congurable mounting angles for your own customization. The Toddler is controlled by a surface mounted BASIC Stamp 2 module. Four infrared sensors and receivers, LEDs, servos for tilt and stride, resistors/capacitors, speaker, photoresistors complete the control system. page 09order online at www.parallax.comor call sales toll-free at888-512-1024( M - F, 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. PST)Industrial Control Parts Kit & Text; #28156; $59.00Industrial Control Parts Kit; #27340; $39.00Industrial Control Text; #27341; $29.00Methods of process control are demonstrated in detail using a simple desktop heater system consisting of a lm canister with a temperature sensor and heat.BASIC Stamp HomeWork BoardsThrough-Hole Version; #28157Breadboard Version; #2815810-Pack; $400.00 20-Pack; $750.00The intended use of these boards is for BASIC Stamp student homework, science fair projects, and the naturally curious student who wishes to carry their projects beyond the classroom.Not soldindividuallyNeed sensorsfor yourToddler ?See page 15of thisproduct guide. Introduction to BASIC Stamps Class Pack; #28167; $2800.00; The BASIC Stamp Class Pack is a complete classroom solu-tion. Each Class Pack includes a Board of Education Full Kit and What’s a Microcontroller? Parts and Text.Would you liketo attend anEducators Coursein your area?Go tostampsinclass.comfor a list of ourupcoming courses.After receiving feedback from educators that wanted a “super-kit” for their class, Parallax has created 2 Class Pack options to serve as a complete solu-tion for your instructional needs. If you have a request for a class pack, email stampsinclass@parallax.com.ClassPacks20units!Robotics Class Pack;#28132-CP; $3700.00; The Robotics Class Pack consists of 20 Boe-Bot Full Kits. Within a few hours, 20 students will be programming autonomous robots using infrared detection, bumper wires, and more.20units!page 10order online atwww.parallax.comor call salestoll-free at888-512-1024( M - F, 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. PST)Looking for a forum to ask questions about your latest projects? Parallax has many Discussion Groups that focus on just that!Visit the Support section of our website and click on “Discussion Groups” for more information.The Parallax Educators Group is strictly for educators who use the Stamps in Class program. It provides a collaboration between Parallax and the educators who use our educational kits. Stamps In Class is a discus-sion group for educators and students who use Parallax BASIC Stamp microcontrollers in their class. Serving as a discussion hub for educational ideas and projects.Looking for adifferent type ofkit? Parallax offerscustom built kits.Email us atstampsinclass@parallax.comto put together acustom kit for your upcoming class. [...]... them, all you need is a BASIC Stamp and a programming board. The Toddler Robot Kit (gold); #27310; $249.00 The Toddler Robot Kit (blue); #27311; $249.00 Advanced Robotics Text; #122-00001; $29.00 The Toddler is a two-servo bipedal robot controlled by an embedded BASIC Stamp 2 microcontroller that stands 10” tall. This walking robot shifts its center of gravity to move forward and backward and can... no programming or electronic skills. Robot Sumo: The Ofcial Guide Book; #70005; On Sale! $16.97; Everything you need to know about Robot Sumo competitions is covered by Pete Miles, well-known robotics author and mechani- cal engineer. Features the BASIC Stamp and BASIC Stamp source code. The book includes helpful information on building your own Sumo robot. It also provides all of the rules,... instructional needs. If you have a request for a class pack, email stampsinclass@parallax.com. Class Packs 20 units! Robotics Class Pack; #28132-CP; $3700.00; The Robotics Class Pack consists of 20 Boe-Bot Full Kits. Within a few hours, 20 students will be programming autonomous robots using infrared detection, bumper wires, and more. 20 units! page 10 order online at www.parallax.com or call... concepts we suggest the audience to be age 14 and older. Walking robots have mechanical and software interdependencies that require in-depth examples and explanation. Students using the Toddler will learn advanced embedded programming with BASIC, efcient code development, sensor feedback, and general control. The Toddler is a high quality robot CNC-machined from aluminum and brass. The aluminum parts... homes, factories, and even automobiles. In- cludes complete coverage of the Javelin Stamp. Expand your library today with a new book from Parallax. Our collection includes titles on the BASIC Stamp, Robotics, and more! Programming and Customizing the BASIC Stamp Computer- 2nd edition; #27956; $34.95; Programming and Customizing the BASIC Stamp Computer is a friendly introduction to working with... measure a nearly limitless range of visible colors. SSIR Detector; #28019; $14.95; This infrared emitter/detector consists of an infrared LED and 38 kHz modulated receiver. Using example code from the Robotics text, this part is easily used for object detection up to a foot away. Free documentation download. Memsic 2125 Accelerometer; #28017; $25.00; This low cost, dual-axis thermal accelerometer... radio, communications, and control projects. Microcontroller Projects Using the BASIC Stamp; #27952; $44.95; Al Williams’ deni- tive guide will assist you with building your own electronic game, a robot, or an automated manufacturing process. Programming Kits BS2-IC Starter Kit with BOE; #27203; $159.00; Includes a BS2-IC, BASIC Stamp Manual v2.0, CD-ROM (software & documentation), jumper . Download the software online for free.Robotics Parts Kit & Text; #28154; $129.00Robotics Parts Kit; #28124; $119.00Robotics Text; #28125; $29.00This package. ofour sevencurricula. The Toddler Robot Kit (gold); #27310; $249.00The Toddler Robot Kit (blue); #27311; $249.00Advanced Robotics Text; #122-00001; $29.00The

Ngày đăng: 15/10/2012, 09:21

