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-i ~ TIENG ANH-NHUNG Bai 1: Tif LoA.1 4> DANH Tl1 (NOUN) E>IEU CAN-BAN - an t em tlf/c: 1.1 Hinh thuc s6 ft: a/ an + N - "a" dung tnt6'c N s6 it Mt dau b~ng mng, tfnh cha't cua Slf viec di~n de'n ffiUC nao: very, too~ SO, quite, rather, extremely, absolutely, terribly, completely, really, pretty, fairly, entirely, hardly,' scarcely, somewhat, enough, Ex: I come here quite often 2) Vi trl cua tr~ng tu: 2.1 E>Au cau: Ex: Where are you going? 2.2 Giua cau: 2.2.1 Trttng tU thuong: Ex: They often play footba ass 2.2.2 Sau dqng tU TO · · d()ng tU hoij.c d()ng tU khie'm khuye't: Ex: Our teacher •, : that song well -ua cac tr~ng tu: a cac tr'ilUg tu cau thttong nhtt sau: 6n>Muc d«)>Th~ cach>Thuong xuyen>Thoi gian ·alked to the church very slowly twice last Sunday u y: Tr~t l1J' tren ~6 tM thay d3i vao mq.c dich tn in~nh cua nguoi n6i/vie't 4) Chuc ming Cd ban cua tr~ng tu: B6 nghia cho Vi d~ l\aJ t?~ tt4J ~M!!fdJ1t1 2) Tinh tit: She is YfilJ!_ lovely 3) Triitng tu khac: He studied extremely hard 4) Ca cau: Fortunately, he wasn't injured in that accident * Phan in dam gach du'O'i b6 nghia cho phAn in nghieng ~GIGI TU (PREPOSION) 1) Phan lo~i gioi tu: 1.1 Gioi tU chi ndi ch6n: IN, ON, AT a) IN (trong): duqc dung - Chi m()t ngttoi ho~c v~t (J mqt ncli nao, d6 in a box/room/sky/water/park/bag/book/river/pool/ kitchen/ cinema/restaurant/lesson/newspaper /world/ picture/pocket/searow I queue garden/ line building/ Ex: My mother is cooking in the kitchen '· ·" xe hcli taxi hoac duon h6 in a car I taxi, in/ on the street Ex: Peter arrived at the party in a taxi They live in Hung Vuong Street - Voi darih tU khong c6 rn9-o tU d~ di~n ta· rn~ t9-o ClJ.m tu chi no'i ch6n on the right /left, on horseback, on the way to (school )/on the back/front of (the envelope/paper )/on ;)!# top of (the war on/ at the co ,, t % .) Write yo~# c) AT (Ci): dug - E>~ di~n ta m~ t~o ClJ.m tu chi ndi ch6n at home I school I college I university I work at the top/bottom of (the page ) at the end of (the street ) at the front/back of (the line ) at/ on the comer of the street Ex: Peter's house is at the end of the street The garden is at the back of the building 1.2 Gioi tu chi thoi gian: IN, ON, AT a) IN: du'.~ chi bu6i n6i chung, thang, nam, mua, th~p nien, th€ ky,thit!n nien ky in the morning I afternoon I evening, in February, in e sprmg summer au umn wm er in the 1990s, in the 21st century, in the 3rd millennium - Trong ml)t s6 ClJ.m tu M chi mt tu~n.) ' in h e '• fi at last), in time voi nghia kip ltl.c Ex: Peter got very angry In the end, he walke~ out of the room (Peter rat gi~n Cu6i cung, n6 khoi phOng.) Will you be home in time for dinner? (B~n se v~ nha kip gio an t6i?) *Chu y: on time (dung gio) b) ON: dttqc dung - E>€ chi thu tuAn, thang on Monday, on 5th March, on this/that day Ex: I was born on 27th June, 1983 - £>€chi bu6i cv tM ho~c m()t C\l tM; on Friday morning I New Year's D ··7 my birthday Ex: See you on Friday momin c) AT: dugc dung - E>~ chi thoi gian, c ' n ngay: at a.m., at su sunset I dawn I noon I twilight ·reakfast /lunch /dinner /supper /night /mid · Ex: I ge o'clock every morning - E>€ , , ip rn hQi, rn()t thoi kh~c nao d6 end, at Christmas I Easter/ at present/ oment I the same time I this (that) time Brown is busy at the moment e t~O cac ClJ.ffi gioi tu the end/beginning of,, at the age of, at first/last ·Ex: He came to live in London at the age of 25 *LUU Y: khong dung IN, ON, AT tn.toc all/every/this next/last month/year, tomorrow, yesterday, today Ex: He has worked hard all morning (in all morning) I hope to see you next Friday (~ * Cac gioi tu chi thoi gian khac: /' "'.% tF»,aM 1.t\'.Ji.QlO~~Tllr[.FtnJA ~ (= BETWEEN AND) Ex: Every morning he plays tennis from to (Every morning he plays tennis between and 7.) SINCE (tu - rno'c thoi gian) Ex: I've been waiting for her since 5pm FOR (khoang) Ex: He has lived in Paris for three months DURING (trong su6t) Ex: You have to be quiet during the performance UNTIL/TILL (cho toi khi) Ex: She'll be here until Thursday BY (vao khoang - trttoc ho~c Mn m9t tllOi di~m nao d6) Ex: You must be home by $ $; $1- j -·.;v Ex: Corne and see me before I after lunch · 2) Gioi tu theo sau tfnh tu: 1.1 Adj+ TO *acceptable: c6 th€ chap nM.n *accustomed: quen - ._ , - *agreeable: c6 tM d&ng y *applicable: c6 th~ ung ~~ng *appropriate: thich ht hanh d(>ng dung · tr n chucmg trlnh,k€ hoc;tch Ex: The last train leaves at 4.45 11- Present Continuous: 1) each l~p: - Cau khcing dinh S +am/is/are+ V-ing - Cau phu d!nh S + am/is/are+ not+ V-ing - Cau Mi Am/Is/ Are + S + V-ing? 2) Cach dung chinh: Present Continuous dung d~ di~n ta: 2.1 Mqt hanh d¢ng dang di~n o hi~n tc;ti(trong luc n6i); sau cau m~nh l~nh, d~ nght Trong cau thuong c6 cac trc;tng tu: now, right now, at the moment, at present, Ex: What are you doing at the moment? - I'm writing a letter Be quiet! My mother is sleeping 2.2 M(>t hanh dc?ng da duqc len k€ hoc;tch thtfc hi~n tucmg lai gan Ex: What are you doing tonight? - I am going to the cinema with my father 2.3 M(>t hanh d