Share it 1_Workbook bản scan PDF Gồm các dạng bài tập bổ trợ kiến thức, giúp trẻ nắm vững bài học, ôn luyện có tính liên kết.
Trang 1j tà )
Trang 3ble of Contents
'Welcome Unit
pages 4-7 Unit 1 At School
pages 8-16 Unit 2 Fomily and Friends pages 17-25
Share the World 1 pages 26-27
Unit 3 Jobs pages 28-36 Unit 4
At Home pages 37-45 Share the World 2 pages 46-47
Trang 4Unit 5 Unit 7 Word Work
Trang 5Our Classroom
1 Look, read, and match
Trang 76 Read, look, and match Then color
How old are you?
Trang 8
7 Match the letters
Trang 101 Read, look, and circle
What's this?
It’s a window )/ It’s a backpack
What's this?
It’s a clock / It’s a notebook
2 Read and match, Then color
Trang 11Lesson 3 tofÿ
1 Read, look, and circle
Ϩ It's a notebook / Thank you
Thank you / Please
Trang 121 Match Then draw
Trang 13Lesson 5 Grammar
1 Read, look, and circle
Yes, it is / No, it isn’t Yes, it is / No, it isn’t
2 Isita pencil case? 4 Isitaruler?
Yes, it is / No, it isn’t Yes, it is / No, it isn’t
2 Complete the words Then write Yes or No
Trang 14
1 Look, read, and circle
rectangle / square heart / triangle
Trang 15
Lesson 7 Art sến
1 Read and color,
It's a brown triangle It's a green heart It's a pink circle
It’s ared square It’s a yellow rectangle
2 Read and look Then complete the words
| Thewindowisa ir le 2 Therulerisatri ng e
rt 4 The boardisa quae
Trang 16
1 Write the letters
Trang 17| What's this? a No, itisn't
2 Isita pencil case? » It’s a backpack,
3 Isita backpack? © Yes, ivis
3 Track it! Rate your progress in Unit 1
Can you talk about things in your classroom?
Trang 19
Lesson 2 Grammar
1 Read, look, and circle
This is my sister / grandma This is my brother / dad,
% This is my grandma / mom This is my friend / grandpa
2 Draw lines Then read the sentences
Trang 20
1 Look, read, and circle
This is my mom / grandmi
Thank you, Dan / everyone! |
Trang 21Lesson 4 Vocabulary
1 Read and match Then color
It’s a blue kite
It’s an orange bike,
3 It’s ared ball
4 It’s a green robot,
It’s a brown truck
Ie’s a pink car
7 It’s ayellow doll
Trang 22Lesson 5 Grammar
1 Look, read, and circle Then color
2 | How many truck / trucks?
2 Read Then draw and color
How many kites?
Two kites
What color are they?
They're blue and yellow |
Trang 23Lesson 6 Social Studies sếp
1 Look, read, and circle
| The man/woman is my mom
2 The boy / girl is my sister
3 The man / woman is my dad
4 The boy / girl is my brother
5 Five people / everyone in my family!
2 Look, read, and write
Trang 24& Lesson 7 Social Studies
1 Look, read, and match
Isit.a family?
How many girls? b Yes
3 How many boys? Five
4 How many people? d One
2 Draw two people in your family Then write
sister grandma grandpd
mom dad brother
This is my - 2 This is my
Trang 25Lesson 8 Phonics ƒ Dd,Ee,Fí j
1 Write the letters
2 Complete the words Then match
Trang 26Progress Tracker
1 Look and circle
2 Look, read, and match
Who's this? o Five trucks
© This is my mom.
Trang 27| Sore the Wort
1 Look and read Then write the number
How many dolls?
Trang 283 Look and read Then complete the words
| Five do son the table
2 Red,gr _nand yellow, too
3 Open the doll and! k inside
4 Surprise! Sixdo sforyoul
4 Share Your World Draw and color
My Favorite Toy
Trang 30
2 Draw lines Then read and match
Trang 322 Look, read, and match
| abus driver and 2 apilot,adentist, 3 a police officer and
a mail carrier anda singer a firefighter
Trang 33Lesson 5 Grammar
1 Look, read, and complete
Is she a pilot? Yes, she
2 Ishe an artist? No, he
she a bus driver? she
2 Look, read, and circle
Yes, she is / No, she isn’t Yes, he is / No, he isn’t
Trang 34
@® Lesson 6 Social Studies”
1 Read and check (V)
job transportation job transportation
| plone = [_} vì 2 taxi driver
Trang 35Lesson 7 Social Studies &
1 Read and match
Trang 36Lesson 8 Phonics
1 Write the letters
2 Complete the words Then match
Trang 372 Look, read, and circle
He’sa cook / teacher
tở Heisn’ta cook / teacher
Trang 382 Look at the picture in Activity 1, Read and write Yes or No
My grandpa is in the living room
3 My sister is in the bathroom
4 My brother is in the yard
5 My grandma is in the garage
6 My momis in the dining room
7 My dad is in the kitchen
Trang 39Lesson 2 Grammar
1 Read and draw
1 Where's your dad?
He's in the yard
2 << Where's your grandma? J
| She's in the kitchen
| He's in the bedroom -
3 Where's your grandpa? |
2 Read and write the missing words
| Where's your grandpa? in the dining room
5 your mother? Shes the living room
3 your sister? in the garage
4 your brother? Hes the bathroom
Trang 40Hide and Seekl ẤP")
1 Look and write
¡_ Wheres Nancy? 2 Where's Sally?
She's in the 2 She's in the
3 Where's Dan? 4 Where's Alex?
Trang 42| The lamp is the bed
2 The rug is the bed
The TVis the closet
#2#ent Book poqo 23
Trang 43
Lesson 6 Social Studies ea]
1 Read and choose
This house is on/ next to The plants are on /
2 Look, read, and write
[room greenhouse plants |
This is a It has one
There are a lot of
Trang 44
& Lesson 7 Social Studies
1 Read, look, and write
in on next to
There is a tree
this house
There are plants
this house It's a greenhouse
There are plants
this house
2 Read and draw Then color
This house is on the water It has three rooms It’s pink
Trang 46
- Progress Tracker
1 Look Then write the missing words
2 Read and match
The ball is in the refrigerator
The ball is on the refrigerator
> The ball is under the refrigerator
The ball is next to the refrigerator
3 Track it! Rate your progress in Unit 4
+ Can you talk about where things are?
Trang 47ieee aaiacwam The Red Envelope
Trang 483 Read, look, and circle
| Where's the present?
a It’sin the yard
b It’sin the kitchen
c It'sin the living room
2 Where's the cat?
a It'snextto the TV
b It’s on the sofa,
c¢ It's under the rug
3 Where's Grandma?
a She's in the kitchen
b She's under the table
Trang 492 Look Then write the missing words
1 $ A mouse, « dog, and a
Trang 501 Read, look, and circle
Trang 512 Read and draw
Alex is nice to the birds
Trang 521 Read, look, and circle
la — ” gã cat Ậ
old á @ -
2 Read, look, and write
“short cute old big
4 two ‘sy fish se
Trang 532 Do you have a small spider?
2 Look and write
1 Do
a cute bird?
have a small dog?
Trang 54& Lesson 6 Art
1 Unscramble Then match
Trang 56
WENEIWGSA Lesson 8 Phonics
1 Write the letters
Trang 573 Track it! Rate your progress in Unit 5
ã Can you talk about animals?)
Trang 58
FT Lesson 1 Vocabulary
1 Look, read, and write A or B
2 Look, read, and write
(head arms legs
hands feet fingers)
Trang 59
Lesson 2 Grammar
1 Look, read, and circle
has has
2 Look at Activity 1, Then unscramble
1 short / She/ arms / has
2 doesn't / legs / He / have / long
3 head, / have / She / doesn't / big/a
4 big / He/ hands / has
Trang 60Look Out, Dan! Lesson 3 Story
1 Read, look, and match,
| He isn’t careful
wv He has big hands
She has long legs
4 Heis careful
2 Look and write
(Hey! Be carefull Oh, no! Sorry!
Trang 61
Lesson 4 Vocabulary
1 Read and color
He has green eyes
2 He has blue ears
3 He has a yellow nose
“ He has a red mouth
5 He has orange hair,
He has pink teeth
Trang 62Lesson 5 Grammar
1 Look, read, and check (V)
} Does it have big eyes?
Yes, it does No, it doesn’t _
2 Does it have small ears?
Yes, it does No, it doesn’t
3 Does it have a big mouth?
Yes, it does No, it doesn’t
4 Does it have a big nose?
Yes, it does.| | No, it doesn't.| |
2 Look, read, and write the questions
Trang 631 Read, look, and match
1 Ttouch with my
" Itaste with my
1 smell with my
4 Isee with my
Thear with my
V1 with my hands 2 I with my eyes
31 with my nose with my mouth
with my ears
Trang 64ofa Lesson 7 Science
1 Read, look, and match
Ican hear the birds
I can see the tree
I can smell the flowers
> I can touch the orange
5 [can taste the orange
Trang 66
2 Draw a toy with eyes, hair, teeth, and fingers Then write
Yes, it does or No, it doesn’t
Does it have big eyes?
Does it have long hair?
Does it have big teeth?
Does it have small fingers?
3 Track it! Rate your progress in Unit 6
~ Can you talk about parts of the body?
Trang 67
s3 Share the World3 AC (oi
1 Look and match
1 Koalas climb trees
2 They sleep a lot
3 They have big claws
4 They eat leaves
2 Change the words in the circles Write true sentences
1 Koalas live inhouses Koalas live in trees
2 They have(smali)noses
3 Baby koalas are(big:
4 Koalas eat(spiders
Trang 68
3 Look and unscramble
1 have / They / fur
2 don't / They / have / hair
3 big / They / heads / have
4 Share Your World Draw and color
My Favorite Animal
Trang 69| The men are nexttothes ¡ e
2 The man isdtthepi nc ta le
3 Thew m_ nore next to the swings
4 The childrenareonthe ee a
Trang 70
| There's a slide A 2 There are two women
3 There's a picnic table 4 There's a seesaw
5 There are three children | 6 There's alake
2 Look at Activity 1 Write there’s or there are
2 In Picture A, three children
3 In Picture B, ‘two swings
& In Picture B, a lake
5 In Picture B, four people
Trang 7111 - 27 Wosh Your Hăndsi
1 Read and circle
3 Who helps Eva clean her face? B :
4 Who helps Eva wash her hands? 9 La
Dan / May
2 Read and write,
Yes, Mom Thank you, "
You're very
Trang 72
Lesson 4 Vocabulary
Complete the words Then draw a line from 11 to 20
Look and write
Trang 73Lesson 5 Grammar —
1 Look and complete
1 How spiders there?
2 Look and write the questions or answers
| How many birds are there?
Trang 74sến Lesson 6 Math
| Eleven plus three equals fourteen Yes / No
1 Read and circle Yes or No
2 Seventeen minus four equals thirteen Yes/No
3) Twelve plus seven equals twenty Yes/No
4 Nineteen minus three equals fifteen Yes/No
2 Look at the pictures and write the equations
Trang 75Lesson 7 Math &
1 Read and write the mi
ing words
| Twelve plus two equals
2 Seventeen minus two equals
4 Sixteen four equals twelve
2 Draw a line to the end of the maze
Eleven plus three equals
Seventeen minus four equals thirteen,
equals fifteen
Trang 77Progress Tracker
1 Look, read, and write women children lake seesaw
| There's a
2 There’sa
3 There are two
4 There are four
5 There are three
2 Unscramble
| thirteen / are / There / men
2 flowers / many / there? / How / are
3 are/ children / There / nineteen
4 are / How / swings / many / there?
3 Track it! Rate your progress in Unit 7
< Can you talk about things in the park?
Trang 79Lesson 2 Grammar
1 Read, look, and match
| I don’t like cake
2 Ilike salad
Tlike ice cream
“ I don't like bread
Trang 80Are You OK Lesson 3 Story
1 Read, look, and circle
3 Alex ice cream =
< a mr
2 Read and circle
| Candy is /isn’t healthy
2 Cake is / isn’t healthy
3 Salad is / isn’t healthy
isn’t healthy
Trang 81
Lesson 4 Vocabulary
1 Unscramble
| Imik 2 twrea 3 ujcie 4 icre
5 hifs 6 rfuti 7 rtyguo
2 Read, look, and match
Trang 82Lesson 5 Grammar
1 Read, look, and circle Then match
1 Do you like fish? a
Yes, Ido / No, I don't
2 Do you like juice?
Yes, Ido / No, I don't
3 Do you like water?
Yes, Ido / No, I don't
4 Do you like milk?
Yes, I do / No, I don’t
2 Complete the questions Then write about you
1 Doyou like _ milk?
you like yogurt?
Student Boolk
Trang 83
Lesson 6 Health &
This meal is
Trang 84gấu Lesson 7 Health
1 Look and check (V2)
This is healthy | This isn’t healthy
Trang 85Lesson 8 Phonics A4 ` Yy, Zz
1 Write the letters
Trang 861 Complete the words Then match
2 like /1/ candy / don’t
3 like / Do / pizza? / you
Trang 87v3 Share the World 4 ¿(cu 20:0: -10/0)(15)(-)
1 Which is different? Read and circle
1 salad (pume fruit meat
2 frog spider mango turtle
3 spider nineteen three twenty
4 jump — fy climb monkey
5 bird sloth cheese monkey
2 Read, look, and match
| Isita fish? a Yes, it does
2 Isita sloth? b No, itisn't
3 Does it like fruit? c One
4 How many mangoes are there? d Yes, itis
Trang 88
Read and write
Trang 89Word Work Unit 1
1 Look and unscramble Then match
Trang 90Word Work Unit 2
1 Look and circle
Trang 91Word Work Unit 3
1 Look and write the letter
| artist 2 astronaut 3 bus driver
10 pilot 11 police officer 12 singer
l3 taxi driver 14 teacher 15 vet
2 Read and color Then number the pictures
1 ablue motorcycle 2 agreen taxi
3 aed fire truck 4 ayellow plane
Trang 92_Word Work Unit 4
1 Look and write
(kitchen bedroom bathroom livingroom garage dining room
Trang 93
it re 2 sn e
5 f sh ác t
2 Look, read, and circle
Trang 94Word Work Unit 6
1 Look and write
(head hair eyes ears nose mouth teeth Ì
| hands arms legs feet fingers
Trang 95Word Work Unit 7
1 Read and write Are they people or things?
(children picnic table swings women seesaw slide_men loke )
2 Do the equations Then write the numbers in the boxes
2 fifteen plus four equals
Trang 96
Word Work Unit 8
1 Which is different? Read and circle
1 juice red water milk
2 pizza fish slide meat
3 candy hair cake ice cream
4 salad bread = TV fruit
2 Look and write Then draw
Trang 97teenie
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