Phonics and Literacy 1 §3 Listen, point and say the number.. Phonics and Literacy EQ © Listen and point.. #8 Listen and circle the tick or cross X... Phonics and Literacy 1 Write the let
Trang 1
a a a an ee Hồ
.- Activity Book
Trang 2
‘ |) Point and say the names
Trang 3Draw and say
Trang 56% Listen and ircle) the tick Y or cross X
Bé Listen and colour
Trang 6
3 _ Friends and family /
Y ©) Listen and draw lines Listen again
and colour Say
8 | Friends and family man, woman, boy, girl, family
Trang 8vocabulary 2 and song
8 Listen and number
đà Listen and draw lines
10 More family mum, dad, brother, sister, pet
Trang 10EH Point and say
C} Is home time at your school the same or different?
12 | Text type: A real-life story
Trang 1182 What’s this? Look and say Listen and check
Trang 12
Phonics and Literacy
1 §3 Listen, point and say the number Listen and say
Trang 14Ø2 Listen and colour
Trang 16School bag, classroom, pencil, playground, teacher
Trang 18
Vocabulary 2 and song
1 Listen and ircte)the tick / or cross X Say
Trang 19_—sựưgge practice 2
Trang 20(} Number the pictures in order
~ |
Trang 22
Phonics and Literacy
EQ © Listen and point
24 Initial letter sound: b
Trang 23_ ©) Gircte) Circle) primary colours in blue and Circle) secondary
colours in orange Ask and answer
Trang 24#8 Listen and (circle) the tick or cross X
Trang 26Listen and colour Sau
&) Where is the food? Ask and answer
28 Food apple, banana, grapes, orange, watermelon
Trang 27Listen and draw
There’s/There are
Trang 29i | - Look at the pictures Listen and Circle) "dị ao ai‹- —
= °ee
Count and write the number
Ask and answer How many are there?
Trang 303 Number the pictures in order
32 Text type: An animal story
Trang 31@®
EF Look at the picture Answer your teacher’s questions
Skills practice so
Trang 32Phonics and Literacy
1 Write the letter b round the beans and bananas Colour
(} Write the letter c to complete the caterpillar
Colour the caterpillar and the carrot
~— —— we, snes Daan
Trang 35Listen Draw and colour
Unit consolidation and self-evaluation
Trang 36
E3 Listen and colour
Trang 37
F} Choose 6 Tick / and say
Consolidation of Units 1-3
Trang 38| £} Read and draw lines Say
Trang 39Listen and draw lines Listen and check
I’ve/You’ve got Have you got ? Yes, Ihave / No, I haven’t
Trang 40-.)`` Listen and number Say
i Tom
<2 Listen and the rooms the correct colour
Trang 41
ES Listen and cross out X
Lucy | Sam Kim
Trang 42fF) Circle) the wishes
Trang 44
Phonics and Literacy
áà Listen, point and say Colour the words that start with c
Trang 45\ Look and colour Say
Trang 46Story: Vocabulary and language in context
Trang 49
Language practice 1 ®
$3 Listen and draw lines
Use red for Pete and blue for Grace
‘2 Look Listen and write yes or no
He’s/She’s got Has he/she got .? Yes, he’s/she’s got
Trang 50Vocabulary 2 and song
ERS: Listen and tick / or cross
‘2 Listen and write Say
| svort hair sai / olg ears
a snort | tong leg q 512 Ƒ s.2 mouth
52 Describing appearance
Trang 51
He/She hasn’t got 53
Trang 52( } Look and read.(Circle) the correct words
big / (small) ears
brown / blue eyes
Fea) px
fy long / short hair
EY short/long legs
54 Text type: A real-life story
Trang 53
Skills practice oo
Trang 54Cut out the pictures Listen and sau
Listen and put the words in the right baskets
Initial letter sounds: b, c, |
Trang 55
Look and draw what’s missing Write 5
Learn about keeping clean
Trang 57Unit consolidation and self-evaluation
Trang 58“4 #3 Write Draw lines
Trang 60&) and say the word Write
Trang 6264 Text type: A real-life story
Trang 63
|) £2 Listen and draw fines
Ben Bill Sue Jill
Skills practice 65
Trang 64
Phonics and Liter
8s 63 Listen and say Listen and draw lines
66 Initial letter sound: t
Trang 65My favourite toyismy Itsmodeof iia TS Tp °
a _ Learn about materials
Trang 66Story: Vocabulary and language in context
Trang 67
Listen Draw and colour
Unit consolidation and self-evaluation
Trang 68| Draw lines and colour
HG> = tomp He = bea BO = car
Look Listen and write yes or no
Consolidation of Units 4-6
Trang 69Choose 6 Write and say
Consolidation of Units 4-6 -
Trang 70
82 Listen and number
Trang 72Vocabulary 2 and song
8 Listen and draw lines Use the colours you hear Write
( play fly play catch play `
a ball basketball
5 Listen and tick / or cross X
Trang 73Listen and number
What are you doing? I’m .ing
| '
Trang 74can / can’t climb can / can’t swim can / can’t sing
© Draw pictures of something you can do, and something
you can’t do Tell a friend
_ Text type: A traditional story
Trang 76
fi 9 0 Listen, point and say Listen Draw a around
the f words and a|square|around the p words
Trang 78
80 Story: Vocabulary and language in context
Trang 79Ld ball balloon piano plane hi
Unit consolidation and self-evaluation
Trang 80Read and Circle) the word
-} Write and say
‘cleaning drinking eating \
Trang 8163 Listen and number
Trang 82=!) Look and write
beach bird flower sea sun _ tree
Trang 83
~) Read and write yes or no
Is Sue jumping in the sea?
Are Kim and Tom playing basketball?
Is Alex sleeping?
Are the birds catching fish?
What’s he/she .ing? What are you/they .ing? He’s/She’s .ing They’re .ing 85
Trang 84
i tiy}siniaiyiylein
m.u.j k.f mo e.da.k m.s l'¡e.e.p.I.sig'Li
Trang 8512 Listen and tick Y
What are Bird Boy and Dog Girl having for lunch?
PT °- Foes oF
Trang 86Phonics and Literacy
'Né,¿ $3 Cut out the pictures Listen and say Put the words
in the right baskets Listen and check
§3 3
tua $3 Listen, point and say Draw a (ircle)around the
b words, a|square| around the s words and
Trang 87® đi =O? + SKA
Draw you in your favourite weather
What are you doing? Write
Trang 88
wala ck
aki} 7s
Story: Vocabulary and language in context
Trang 89Write Listen Draw and colour
bellteern bike camera sun
| DO |1 0n
Unit consolidation and self-evaluation
Trang 90Moving to the farm
Read and match Colour
3 ` so
Trang 913 What do you want? Choose 4 Circle) and write
Trang 92Vocabulary 2 and song
3 Write ( cat dog duck goat horse sheep `)
94 Farmanimals -
Trang 93
K) _ Listen and number
“A:‹ Write Listen and check clean climb play take )
Trang 948# Number the pictures in order
&3 Draw your favourite animal from the story Who is it?
Write the word
T like _ the best
Trang 95P3 Look and read Write yes or no
The duck is swimming
Skills practice 97
Trang 96Phonics and Literacy
Be Listen, point and say Write the letters b, c, f, lands
to make the words
Trang 98
10( Story: Vocabulary and language in context
Trang 99Write Listen Draw and colour
horse jacket jeans shees
Unit consolidation and self-evaluation
Trang 1003 Do you want these things? Choose four and tick /
Write Ask a friend
Trang 101
(-) Choose 6 Write and say
Consolidation of Units 7-9 103
Trang 102board, bookcase, chair,
cupboard, table
Where’s my .? Where is it?
It’s in/on/under A cartoon story Skills practice
Vocabulary Language Literature Phonics and Cross-curricular
Literacy Main scene Hello I’m (Jenny/Jim)
vocabulary What number's this?
| bird, boat, book, bus, What colour’s this?
| cat
Numbers 1-6 Colours
blue, green, orange,
purple, red, yellow
| Friends and family What’s your name? Home time Initial sounds: Family trees
5 man, woman, boy, girl, | My name's /I mi N Areal-life story introduction
family How old are you? I'm
l l Skills practice
More family He’s/She’s
mum, dad, brother,
| More food beans, burger, carrot,
The three wishes
A traditional story Skills practice Initial letter sounds:
Initial letter sound:
c Where food comes
from Shapes at home
Trang 103
Vocabulary Language Literature Phonics and
| Body He’s/She’s got My best friend Initial letter sounds: Keeping clean
| ears, eyes, hair, mouth, | Has he/she got meet Areal-life story b,c, | legs Yes, he’s/she’s got
ae , Skills practice Describing He/She hasn't got
big, small, long, short,
| Toys Do you like ? My favourite toy Initial letter sound: Materials
ni ` camera, I like/love A real-life story t
OH, LeGGy, IRaIn What's your favourite ? | cyitls practice
More toys I like/don't like
ball, balloon, bike, car,
Action verbs Can you ? The queen of the Initial letter sounds: Emotions climb, jump, run, swim, | Yes, Ican./No, I can't river fp
walk Tcan A troditiongl storu
Free time activities ' W/hotore uou doing? Skills proctice catch a ball, fÏu ø Tm ing
plane, play basketball, play football, play the piano
More action verbs Tm ing Clean the beach Initial letter sounds: Weather
clean, drink, eat, sleep, What's he/she ing? What day b,t,s
ty take a photo are you/they .ing? A fantasy story
Do you want (your) .?
Yes, Ido / No, I don’t
Yes, OK/great/please
No, thank you Five good friends
An animal story
Skills practice Initial letter sounds:
review Caring for animals