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bài tập tiếng anh Family and Friends 1

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Tiêu đề Family and Friends 1
Trường học Oxford University Press
Chuyên ngành Family and Friends
Thể loại Exercise
Định dạng
Số trang 39
Dung lượng 39,64 MB

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bài tập tiếng anh Family and Friends 1bài tập tiếng anh Family and Friends 1bài tập tiếng anh Family and Friends 1bài tập tiếng anh Family and Friends 1bài tập tiếng anh Family and Friends 1bài tập tiếng anh Family and Friends 1bài tập tiếng anh Family and Friends 1bài tập tiếng anh Family and Friends 1bài tập tiếng anh Family and Friends 1bài tập tiếng anh Family and Friends 1

Trang 1

2 Write the words Drqw.

cil -er* ber dow er L It's o do o_1 .


Trang 2

lrin e',,'i*

*it*to"-I Circle the good octions.

Trang 4

1 Look ond drow g &

f'Jlt:ElltlllEltltltlil @ oxford Universitv press S-ra?!**-*,;lSv!^nC"{ m

Trang 8

2 Whot do gou wont to be? Drow.

firemon / piLot

f'Jltllltlllttltlltil @ oxford Universitv press F-n'.1." ,lEri-rrl.{ lI

Trang 10

FJltttiflttlltlllllil @ oxford Universitv press

A pink ice creom.

A green book.

A gellow kite.

5*rrol'xr**d$r}*nds{ H

Trang 12

look ond drow O A

Trang 14

I Drqw.

@ ffi


Reod ond colour.

Her coot is red.

His trousers ore b[ue.

Her hot is pink.

Her trousers ore ge[[ow.

His socks ore green.

His hot is oronge.

Her socks ore pink.

f'Jl[lEfllttMil G) oyfnrd lTniwereifrr Dreee E-r,r ,tE- ^-''-'- t

Trang 18

Find ond colour the heotthg food.




Two gellow bononos.

One green oppLe.

Three red oppl.es.

Five green gropes.

f'J!?t*lElttfilil @ oxford Universitv press hib'.dFrlandcl ;l

Trang 20

I Look ond drow O @

2 Drow gour friend Write.

This is mg friend.


@fl @ oxforduniversitypress FomilyondFrlendrl Et

Trang 22

I Look ond circle in blue or red.

@ = g o o d @ = b o d

E'J!?t+*ftttf tJf il lar rrvf n rrl T Tn ir ro rc +rr Dra c < !*utr -*-r E-! ,r- { l;

Trang 24


I /

2 Drow o heolthg lunch.

Et*:l['ttlGEl @ odorduniversitypress Farnilv ond Friends 1 lll

Trang 26

2 Reqd ond drow.

T h e r e ' s o t e d d g o n t h e b e d T h e r e ' s o t r o i n u n d e r t h e b e d

T h e r e o r e s o m e c o r s i n t h e c u p b o o r d

There's o footboLL in the cupboord.

E'JltEl?.Ttllttfillil @ oxf ord Universitv pre s s Fe'*'il*uo,ue{$vicndq{ A

Trang 32

Bif ly pick up the wrong coat and puts it on.

ft is too big for him but he doesn't reaf ise this.

Sing 3rd verse of so.ng.

Everg dag,I put on my socks,

I put on mg shoes,I put on mg coat, Everg day.

Billg's hot

Now, sock, shoes ond coot but where's mg hot?

Oh, Bil.tgl taughing.

Mum, where's mg hot?

Y o u r h o t ? s h e i s la u g h i n g A s k o s k g o u r c o u s i n !

H i , T m ! W h e r e ' s m U h o t ?

Is it red?


Your hot's on Uour heod ond gour coot's too big!

Oh, thonks, Tim Now we con sing!

Stng complete song.

Everg day,I put on my socks .

let's ptog in the sun!

Look, it's sunng now! pointing outof window.

Oh, no! Everyone takes off their coats.

Let's ptog in the sun!

Trang 33

Whispers to the audience.

Miss Jones is our teocher She's fontostic!

Points over her shoulder to miss Jones who is

in the background, doing some work at her desk.

It's the end of term Let's give Miss Jones

o present! rom is whispering.

Look! I've mode o beoch mobile for Miss rones It's got o red crob,

o blue boot, o pink shelt ond o getlow sondcostle.

Let's drow some onimols

I hoven't got o present for Miss Jones she tooks very sad.

Don't worrg, LiLg! Let's drow some onimo[s.

Lily sits dawn with them.

I con drow .o porrot! shows a parrotpicture.

V e r g g o o d ! C o n g o u d r o w o tiger?

Yes, took shows a tiger picture.

A n d I c o n drow obig elephont!

Shows an elephant picture.


The six children plus chorus group.

I can draw an elephant

Trang 34

O h , n o ! M g m o b i L e !

O h , n o ! M g o n i m o t s !

Oh, no! Mg chocolote biscuits!

she knocks the biscuits onto the floor.

Oh, no! rcoking dismayed butlaughing.

Let's sing o song!

Don't worrg, Rosg Let's sing o song for Miss Jones.

A s o n g ? Yes, [et's sing o song.

Here she comes! One, two, three

Miss jones wafks aver smiling to the desk.

She listens to the song and looks very happy.

Atl * I can write my alphabet, mg olphabet, mg alphabet,

I can write mg alphabetfrom Ato Z.

cHoRUs I can do angthing, anything, angthing.

I can do angthing, if I try.

I can draw an elephant, an elephant, an elephant.

I can draw an elephant with two big eors.


I con sing this song to gou, song to you, song to gou.

I can sing this song to you and make you smile.


Miss Iones Thonk gou, evergone.

A song is o fontostic present!

Trang 36

Cut ond mske 2

]@@ @ oxforduniversigrpress Fontlyond Friendsl !f,

Trang 37

Cuf ond moke 3

Trang 38




Trang 39

Cuf ond mske 5



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12, 73, 74, 75, 16, 77, 78, 79, 20, 27, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 36, 37,

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G Fanitv ond Friends l @fl @ oxforduniversityPres:

Ngày đăng: 04/03/2024, 19:42
