Units of Measure
This section consists of the requirements for the preparation and submittal procedure for the Monthly Progress Report (hereafter referred as “the Report”) prepared by the Contractor.
Requirements Classification
Mobilization shall not be measured, but shall be paid as a lump sum
Payment for Mobilization shall include:
The transport of construction equipment and plants involves the transfer of listed machinery from the unloading port in Vietnam to various construction sites, including bridges, tunnels, and highways This process encompasses any additional equipment needed for installation during the construction phase.
The contractor is responsible for the supply, installation, and maintenance of vehicles, living quarters, offices, laboratories (excluding laboratory and surveying equipment as detailed in Section 01750), workshops, stores, communication systems, and project information signs.
(c) The cConstruction, maintenance and removal of temporary of temporary road and bridge works;
(cd) Such other items as are expressly stated in this Specification
The Contractor is responsible for dismantling the work site, which includes removing all installations, construction plants, and equipment This process ensures that the site is restored to its original condition prior to the installation of any structures or equipment.
(e) Protection and restore land acquistion and right of way markers, which have been handed over to the Contractor, in oder to rehanover to the Management Unit and
(fe) All the works including the costs for all incidentalincidentals works necessary to comply satisfactorily with the requirements of this Specification Section.
Payments shall be made in lump sum by the following installments:
230% (thirtytwenty percent) on substantion completion of items from (a) to (c) and written acceptance of the Engineer and 20/11/23 GENERAL
The mobilization process outlined in Section 01100 requires the Employer's approval of the Contractor's site offices, laboratories, and mobilization program This approval must be documented in writing by the Engineer and is subject to the Employer's acceptance, including provisions for the Engineer's facilities, accommodations, and services as specified in Section 01780.
50% (fifty percent) on substantion completion of items (d) to (e) mobilization in accordance and proportionally with the Contractor’s Mobilization Program, and upon the acceptance by the Engineer; and
320% (twentythirty percent) in the Final Certificate on completion of all necessary dismantling and restoration of the Site and acceptance writing by the Engineer and approval of the Employer.
No additional payment shall be made for any additional mobilization of personnel, plant, equipment and materials.
01100-1 Mobilization and Demobilization lump sum
This Specification Section outlines the required format and content of documents or materials related to the Works that must be submitted to the Engineer for review, approval, or testing in compliance with the Specifications.
The submittals established are classified, and listed up, into the following types:
(a) Directly Paid Submittals, including all related submittals, are listed below:
List of Directly-paid Submittals is as follows:
- Schedule for preparing Drawings, Technical Drawings, As-Built- Drawings (attached with Vietnamese translation), zero state documents of bridge and other similar items as specified in Section
01200 (Contractor’s Drawings) in these Specifciations
- Program, Schedule, Cash-Flow including all the related submittals as specified in Section 01300 “Program of Works” of these Specifications
- Monthly Progress Reports, Quality Control Summary, Safety Summary, Equipment Report and all the related submittals as specified in Section
01400 “Monthy Progress Report” of these Specifications.
- “Construction Photographs and Video Recording” including all the related submittals as specified in these Specifications
Construction Drawings’ Schedule including As-Built-Drawings
Program, Schedule, Cash-Flow 01300 “Program of Works” Monthly Progress Reports, Quality
Recording this Specification Section Clause 2.3
A separate payment for the submittals shall be made in accordance with this Specification Section.
Indirectly paid submittals refer to those that are not paid directly, as their costs are included within the proportional unit prices of related major work items or have been integrated into the overall work items detailed in the Bill of Quantities (BOQ).
List of “Directly Paid Submittals” includes related documents, minutes, reports and others as follows;
- “Contractor’s Mobilization Program”: including all the related documents, reports and submittals as specified in Section 01100
“Contractor’s Mobilization & Demobilization” of these Specifications
- “Contractor’s Safety Plan” including all the related documents, reports and submittals as specified in the Section 01500 “Project Safety” of these Specifications.
- “Traffic Control Plan” including all the related documents, reports and submittals as specified in the Section 01600 “Maintenance and Protection of Traffice” of these Specifications.
- “Environmental Control Plan” including all the related documents, reports and submittals as specified in the Section 01700
““Environmental Control” of these Specifications.
This article outlines the necessary documentation related to Section 01750, "Laboratory and Contractor's Equipment," including all forms, records, reports, technical documents, catalogs of instruments and equipment, reference guides (as required by the Engineer), and relevant lists and inventories.
All design and shop drawings, along with documents, catalogues, and guides pertaining to vehicles and house equipment or furniture, must be provided in relation to this section, unless the rental option is selected.
01780 “Engineer’s Facilities, Accommodations and Services” in these Specifications.
- “Quality Control Plan” including all the documents, minutes, related reports, report – technical instructions and other related reference documents, certificates, and documents specified in Technical Specifications, Section 01800 “Contractor’s Quality Control”.
- “Monitoring Schedule for Work Acceptance” including all the documents, certificates, related plans and drawings (if required), minutes, reports and documents specified in Section 01850
“Acceptance of Work” of these Specifications,
- “Schedule of Materials” including all the related documents, certificates, plans, drawings, minutes, and reports as specified in Section 01900 “Control of Materials” of these Sepecifications,
- Other submittals and materials required by each section of the Technical Specifications
1 including all related documents, records and reports, and materials, are listed below:
“Contractor’s Safety Plan” 01500 “Project Safety”
“Traffic Control Plan” 01400 “Monthly Progress
“Environmental Control Plan” 01700 “Environmental Control and Protection”
All the forms, records and reports, technical documents, instruments and equipment’s catalogues and reference guides (when required by the
Equipment”“Laboratory and Contractor’s Equipment”
All the design and shop drawings (if rental option is not applied), documents, catalogues and guides for the vehicles and houses’ equipment/furniture, materials
“Quality Control Plan” 01800 “Contractor’s Quality
“Schedule of Materials” 01900 “Control of Materials”
Other submittals and materials required by each section of the Technical Specifications
No separate payment will be issued for submittals; instead, they will be incorporated into the rates and prices of the main items or allocated across all pay items detailed in the Bill of Quantities.
The submittals that may be required during the Contract execution, or as required by the Engineer, but are not specifically specified or
Submittals outlined in Section 01150 of the Specifications or the Bill of Quantities are considered incorporated into the unit prices listed in the Bill of Quantities No separate payment will be provided for these submittals, and any claims arising from misunderstandings regarding this matter will be dismissed.
These requirements shall be applied complementarily to the submittals specified in the Conditions of Contract.
All the submittals specified in each Section of these Specifications, to be made by the Contractor shall be submitted at the specified time.
All submittals specified in these Specifications shall be provided in hard copies with editable electronic files recorded on the approved software or applications The standard submission requirements are:
Latest edition of all standards, regulations, guidelines, specifications, technical papers, monographs, catalogues, and other technical documents required
Technical Documents ( size A4 or A3) 3 copies
Schedule of Works (size A4 or A3) 3 copies
Technical Manuals and/or Guidelines 3 copies
Technical Manuals – CD ROM 2 copies
For the convenience of the Employer, all official correspondence between the Contractor and Employer should have a Vietnamese translation attached.
The Contractor shall be take construction photographs by digital camera (the use of film cameras is not allowed )with automatically records of the date-month-year, as described below:
Before commencing work on site, photographs of each location or property must be captured and submitted to the Engineer Additionally, the same viewpoints should be photographed again after the completion of all construction activities, accompanying the Contractor's application for final payment.
(b)Every month during construction implementation at each time and each location designated by the Engineer, photographs shall be taken and submitted in attachment with monthly report of the Contractor
Each month, the Contractor is required to select around 36 representative photographs to create an album showcasing the month's activities These photographs must be standard postcard size and appropriately captioned The Contractor will provide three color prints of each photo, organized in a quality album Additionally, three copies of the album and a digital file must be delivered to the Engineer at the beginning of the following month.
Photographs must be taken at intervals of no more than 200 meters along the work route before construction begins and submitted promptly to the Engineer The same viewpoints should be photographed again upon completion of the construction activities for each work section and included in the Contractor’s Monthly Report or as directed by the Engineer.
(d)Photographs shall be taken for every structure location with number of photos as specified by the Engineer.
The Contractor is responsible for capturing construction photographs using a camera with an automatic date stamp or a digital camera, ensuring that the images can be easily accessed on a computer Both physical and digital copies of these photographs must be provided to the Engineer as needed Additionally, the Contractor must supply the required software to enable the Engineer to store, edit, and reproduce the photographs efficiently.
(f) The use of film camera is not allowed.
(g)Each photograph shall be suitably captioned.
(h) The Engineer may at any time withhold payments if, in his opinion, the provisions for construction photographs made by the Contractor are not in compliance with these requirements.
The photographs and digital originals will be included in the Employer's records, and any prints cannot be distributed or published without the Employer's written consent.
(j) items Timing to take photo
Photographs at intervals of no more than 200 meters along the route of the Works each month throughout the work before the commencem ent of work
With monthly report or as otherwise required by the
Photographs of each entire site, all the structure sites, or pertinent features
The same views from same points as above upon completion of all construction activities with the Contractor’ s application for final payment
Reference Standards
Supplementing the currently applicable Vietnamese regulations for establishment and operation of the Laboratory, the following Standards in their latest edition shall be particularly referred to where applicable:
ASTM C1077-06 Standard Practice for Laboratories Testing
Concrete and Concrete Aggregates for Use in Construction and Criteria for Laboratory Evaluation.
ASTM D3666-05a Standard Specification for Minimum
Requirements for Agencies Testing and Inspecting Roads and Paving Materials.
ASTM D3740-04a Standard Practice for Minimum Requirements for Agencies Engaged in the Testing and/or Inspection of Soil and Rock as Used in Engineering Design and Construction.
ASTM D4561-96 (2001) Standard Practice for Quality Control
Systems for Organizations Producing and Applying Bituminous Paving Materials.
ASTM E329 Standard Specification for Agencies Engaged in Construction Inspection and/or Testing.
ASTM E542-01 Standard Practice for Calibration of Laboratory
ASTM E543-06 Standard Specification for Agencies
ASTM E617-97 (2003) Standard Specification for Laboratory
Other international standards such as AASHTO, ASTM, JIS, and others that may be recommended by the Engineer as applicable.
According to Decision No 2496/QD-KHKT issued by the Ministry of Transport on September 24, 1997, the Vietnamese law outlines the regulations for the establishment and operation of laboratories focused on the quality control of civil works This decision serves as the foundational guideline for setting up and managing the laboratory associated with the project.
SPECIFICATIONSDIVISION 1―0 1750 lLaaboratory & Contractor’sEngineers Equipment - Section 01750
In case of any discrepancies or ambiguities between the specified regulations and these Specifications, the Contractor must promptly seek clarification from the Engineer in collaboration with relevant local authorities Additionally, the Contractor's provision of a laboratory and equipment for the Engineer's use is essential for meeting the requirements outlined in the subsequent Specification Sections.
SPECIFICATIONSDIVISION 1―0 1750 lLaaboratory & Contractor’sEngineers Equipment - Section 01750
Section 01300, titled "Program of Work," outlines requirements that enhance, rather than detract from, the stipulations and provisions found in the relevant clauses of the Conditions of Contract.
Clause 36.1 “Quality of Materials, Plant and Workmanship”,
Clause 36.4 “Cost of Tests not Provided for”,
Clause 36.5 “Engineer’s Determination where Tests not
Clause 38.1 “Examination of Work before Covering up”,
Clause 38.2 “Uncovering and Making Openings”,
Clause 39.1 “Removal of Improper Work, Materials or Plant”,
Clause 39.2 “Default of Contractor in Compliance”,
Clause 49.2 “Completion of Outstanding Work and Remedying
Clause 7 “Plant, Materials and Workmanship
Clause 17 “Risks and Obligations” d) The requirements established in this Specification Section shall also supplement the requirements and provisions stated in the following sections of the General Specifications:
SPECIFICATIONSDIVISION 1―0 1750 lLaaboratory & Contractor’sEngineers Equipment - Section 01750
Section 01850 “Acceptance of Work”, and
Section 01900, "Control of Materials," outlines the necessary standards for the Laboratory and Engineer's equipment as stipulated in the Contract Non-compliance by the Contractor will be deemed a significant breach of contractual obligations, prompting the Engineer to document the violation and inform the Contractor of necessary corrective actions Should the Contractor continue to fail in meeting these requirements, the Engineer is authorized to implement appropriate countermeasures.
To accurately track and document the duration of the Contractor's default, it is essential to consider this period as a "delay" in accordance with Clause 11 on "Defects Liability" and Clause 13.
“Variations and Adjustments” and Clause 14 “Contract Price and Payment”47.1 “Liquidated Damages for Delay” of the Conditions of Contract, at the time of taking-over the Works.
To determine the adjusted total amount for calculating the remaining payment installments as outlined in Sub-section 3.2(d), it is necessary to proportionally deduct the amount owed during the specific defaulting period This period refers to the timeframe in which a deducting adjustment factor is applied, as stated in Sub-section 2.2(e), or during which the Contractor fails to meet obligations.
“Certificate of Satisfactory Laboratory Operation” from the Engineer), from the original total amount introduced in the Pay
Equipment”“Laboratory and Contractor’s Equipment”.
The Engineer has the authority to undertake necessary works and charge the full costs, including related incidentals and administrative expenses, to the Contractor, with these amounts deducted from any payments due under the Contract Additionally, the Engineer may require the Contractor to supply extra laboratory testing materials or instruments as needed to ensure adequate technical support for the Quality Control measures outlined in the Contract.
SPECIFICATIONSDIVISION 1―0 1750 lLaaboratory & Contractor’sEngineers Equipment - Section 01750
2.3.1 S PECIAL R EQUIREMENTS FOR THE L ABORATORY a) The Contractor shall procure, provide and maintain the services of an Independent Testing Laboratory (the Laboratory) complete with all utility services, furniture, equipment, apparatuses and fittings for performing all the necessary testing for Quality control in the Project. b) The Laboratory proposed by the Contractor shall be noted in the QCP described in Specification Section 01800 “Contractor’s Quality Control”, including all information and data necessary to evaluate its qualifications and adequacy c) Moreover, a list of the tests that he Contractor proposes to be accomplished off-site by the Laboratory, or by other laboratories, shall also be described. d) The Laboratory shall consist of fully furnished and equipped facilities, fittings and equipment installed and operated by the Contractor all the times throughout the Contract period until the issuance of the Taking-Over Certificate, and shall be composed by the following installations:
1 One Central Laboratory (located preferably near Hanoi City),
2 Two site laboratories (one for each Contract Package); located near the Engineer’s Offices established in accordance with the Specification Section 01100 “Engineer’s Facilities, Accommodations and Services”.
The Contractor is required to prepare and submit a Program of Work, as outlined in Specification Section 01300, to the Engineer for review and feedback, including any additional items requested by the Engineer.
1 Design drawings of the Laboratory facilities prepared by experienced professional staff and reviewed by the QC Manager in accordance with the QCP,
2 Detailed list of the Laboratory’s equipment, instruments, materials and devices for testing that shall be mobilized, installed and maintained during the Contract period.
3 A detailed list of the Engineer’s equipment that shall be mobilized and maintained during the Contract period.
SPECIFICATIONSDIVISION 1―0 1750 lLaaboratory & Contractor’sEngineers Equipment - Section 01750 f) The requirements specified in Specification Section 01800
The Contractor's Quality Control Plan will dictate the operations and management of the Laboratory, ensuring it meets the Engineer's satisfaction within 56 calendar days from the Notice to Proceed or before any work requiring its use While the Laboratory operates independently, it remains under the jurisdiction of the QC Manager for each Contract Package, with the Contractor administering the Central Laboratory while maintaining the independence of each Site Laboratory The Contractor is responsible for maintaining all materials, equipment, and instruments in the Laboratory and those used for field testing, ensuring they are in good operating condition at all times Additionally, the Contractor must provide sufficient technicians and supporting staff to operate the Laboratory as outlined in the approved Quality Control Plan, all under the supervision of the designated QC Manager.
The QC Manager must ensure that once personnel are assigned to the Laboratory, their removal requires prior written approval from the Engineer The Laboratory must be equipped with a main and standby electric power supply system, along with sufficient grounded outlets for testing equipment Adequate lighting must be installed to meet the Engineer's satisfaction Additionally, the facility should maintain sufficient water and pressure supply for normal testing, including necessary sinks and taps The building's floor must be sturdy enough to support operating test equipment, minimizing vibration and noise Furthermore, the Laboratory should be equipped with additional specified requirements.
1 Enough quantity and well dimensioned work benches with tops covered with approved plastic laminate or tin sheet and containing adjustable shelves and drawers constructed of 19 mm plywood.
2 Sufficiently sized cupboards constructed approximately 600 mm above the work benches provided with doors.
SPECIFICATIONSDIVISION 1―0 1750 lLaaboratory & Contractor’sEngineers Equipment - Section 01750
3 Pools and wet rooms for curing of concrete samples, saturating of CBR’s test samples, etc., sufficiently designed in size and capacity in accordance with the QCP.
4 Exhaust ceiling fans in enough quantity and capacity, windows with blinds.
5 Double entrance doors wide enough to unload materials from site vehicles into the Laboratory A minimum clear opening of 2 meters shall be provided.
Modifications to the Laboratory's structural organization and operations are prohibited unless specifically requested by the Engineer for necessary improvements in testing performance or due to new items introduced through variation orders as per Clause 51.1 "Variations" of the Conditions of Contract Upon completion of the Contract, all laboratory furniture, equipment, apparatus, and fittings supplied by the Contractor must be returned to them.
2.3.2 E QUIPMENT AND I NSTRUMENTS FOR THE L ABORATORY a) The Laboratory shall be furnished and maintained with all equipment, apparatuses and supplies necessary to permit the proper execution of all standard tests required by these Specifications under the Contract and relevant to the materials and construction methods to be used on the Works. b) The Contractor shall provide all the equipment needed for the correct execution of tests according to the Contract and the equipment shall be of an acceptable Quality, new and of models and brands approved by the QC Manager, and calibrated in accordance with the requirements of international standards and testing specifications. c) The list of laboratory equipment described hereto is intended as a reference for the Contractor and should neither be construed as a binding list nor as a recommendation to purchase from a specific manufacturer Many of the items are easily broken or otherwise rendered unusable, therefore their replacements shall be readily available so that the testing is not interrupted d) Since the Contractor is solely and fully responsible for implementing and assuring the Quality Control for the Works, all the activities
The Contractor is fully responsible for the implementation, maintenance, and operation of the laboratory, including the provision and administration of all testing results The analysis and application of these results, however, fall solely under the Engineer's responsibility Upon completion of the contract, all furniture, equipment, apparatus, and supplies provided by the Contractor will revert to them, except for specified items Throughout the contract duration, the Contractor must supply, equip, and maintain an approved fixed or mobile laboratory, complete with necessary facilities, personnel, and transportation, which will be operated under the Engineer's supervision.
An exception is made for the complete set of equipment and instruments outlined in Sub-section 2.3.2 (4), titled “Equipment and Instruments for Testing of Pavement Surfaces for Acceptance,” which includes computers, software, and licenses, all of which must be returned to the Employer.
The Schedule of Materials
The "Schedule of Materials" will comprehensively outline all activities related to Material Control for the Project, ensuring compliance with the General and Technical Specifications It will include details on the project timelines, material sourcing and delivery, testing and acceptance procedures, as well as any additional elements that the Contractor intends to incorporate or that the Engineer may direct.
The Schedule of Materials, a critical component of the Project, must be submitted alongside the Program Revisions to this schedule are permissible during construction if deemed necessary by the Engineer or proposed by the Contractor due to actual conditions, provided a detailed plan is submitted for the Engineer's review and approval at least 28 days before implementation The Schedule of Materials should encompass a comprehensive list of required materials.
1 the list of materials to be controlled by the Schedule of Materials;
2 the sources (location, capacity, technical properties and characteristics, testing results, providers or suppliers references, etc.);
3 the Contractor’s material inspection system (supplementing the QCP specified in Specification Section 01800 “Contractor’s Quality Control”);
4 all the details, working drawings, etc describing the location or item where the material is intended to be used;
5 all the supplementary schedules required for proper monitoring (time schedule, manning schedule, testing and Quality control schedules, equipment, etc.);
6 all activities associated with the procurement, purchase, fabrication and shipment of materials provided from local or international sources; and
7 others that the Engineer may require for monitoring.
Special Requirements for the Control of Materials
(1) Source of Supply and Quality Requirements a) The Contractor shall:
1 perform and fulfill all the requirements and procedures for Quality control, testing and approval of materials as stipulated in the Specifications;
2 select sources and provide acceptable materials;
3 notify the Engineer of all proposed sources before delivery of materials to the Site, to expedite material inspection and testing; and
Contractors must not include materials in the work until they receive approval Materials can be pre-approved at the supply source prior to delivery to the project site However, satisfactory test results do not guarantee acceptance by the Engineer, who retains the authority to determine acceptance based on test outcomes, actual conditions, and project requirements If an approved source fails to provide acceptable materials during the project, the Contractor must source materials from alternative suppliers.
Local material sources require Engineer approval of the "Schedule of Materials" before any work can commence, ensuring a detailed plan for the source's development Additionally, for contractor-located sources, the contractor must adhere to specific guidelines and regulations to ensure proper utilization.
1 be fully responsible for all matters related to the source;
2 use sources that fulfillfulfil entirely and satisfactorily the contract requirements with regard to quantity and Quality;
3 determine the quantity and type of equipment and work necessary to select and produce acceptable materials;
4 secure all permits and clearances for use of the source and provide copies of the documents to the Engineer;
5 bear all costs related thereto, including those needed for development, exploitation, erosion control, restoration, hauling and any other incidental cost;
6 provide laboratory test reports and available historical performance data indicating that acceptable material is available from the source;
7 not use materials from a source that is unacceptable to the Engineer; and
8 dispose of unacceptable materials and locate other sources at his expense, and without having right to time extension to recover delays due to this matter.
The Contractor must notify the Engineer at least 28 days prior to commencing pit operations, adhere to the operational plan outlined in the accepted "Schedule of Materials," or obtain the Engineer's written approval for developing the material source Additionally, if applicable, the Contractor must address any requirements before initiating the development of the material source.
1 measure the sediment content of water bodies adjacent to the work area that will receive drainage from the work area;
2 control erosion so that the sediment levels in the water bodies within the drainage area of the work area do not increase; and
3 control erosion so that sediment does not leave the work area.
Proper storage and handling of materials is essential to maintain their quality and suitability for the project Aggregates must be transported in secure vehicles designed to prevent any loss or segregation of materials after they have been loaded and measured.
To ensure the quality and suitability of materials for construction projects, it is essential to store and manage them properly The Engineer has the authority to re-inspect materials that were previously approved before they are utilized in the Works.
2 locate stored materials in such a way and place that prompt inspection is facilitated;
3 place the stored materials on a hard and clean surface and, when required, place them under cover;
4 use only approved portions of the right-of-way for storing materials and placing plant and equipment;
5 provide all additional space needed;
6 not use private property for storage without written permission of the owner or lessee; furnish the Engineer with copies of all agreements for such use;
7 restore all the provided storage sites to their original condition, after completion of the Works, in a manner acceptable to the Engineer and at no cost to the Employer; and
8 be responsible for the security of all stored materials.
In Section 01900 regarding Material Control, it is essential to prepare material stockpiles by clearing and leveling as instructed by the Engineer The center of all aggregate stockpile areas must be elevated and sloped to facilitate adequate drainage of excess moisture Additionally, materials should be stored to prevent segregation while maintaining proper gradation and moisture content.
Materials discovered during excavation, such as rock, stone, gravel, or sand, may be repurposed for other pay items if deemed acceptable The Contractor is required to create a plan for utilizing any suitable materials found on-site, which must be incorporated into the "Schedule for Materials." Additionally, if the Contractor generates or processes more materials than the contract specifies, the Engineer has the authority to address the excess.
Determine and direct the use of the excess material, and determine the amount of payment to the Contractor including only the cost of production; or
Direct the removal of the material and restoration of the land to a satisfactory condition at no cost to the Employer.
All components included in the final Works, including equipment, materials, and other items, must be new and of the highest quality suitable for their intended use, unless otherwise specified in this Contract.
(8) Control of Materials Records and Reports
The records, reports and monthly summary for the Control of Materials shall be prepared in accordance with Specification Section 01800
“Contractor’s Quality Control”, Sub-section 2.5.3 “Quality Control’s Records and Reports”, and shall be incorporated into the QC reports.
A "Certificate of Compliance" must accompany each lot of materials when required by the Contract or Specifications, clearly identifying the lot in question.
In accordance with Section 01900 on Material Control, materials delivered to the work site must comply with the specifications outlined in Section 01850, which defines the "Acceptance of Work." The Engineer may allow materials to be used before sampling and testing if accompanied by a "Certificate of Compliance" confirming adherence to contract requirements For commercially manufactured materials, certificates from the manufacturer, along with supporting test results, must be provided to the Engineer Additionally, a Production Certificate is required for each material transported to the site, detailing the manufacturing date, location, and lot number for tracking in the inspection and testing system The Contractor must also supply specific test results from the same lot upon the Engineer's request.
Measurement and Payment
Mobilization shall not be measured, but shall be paid as a lump sum
Payment for Mobilization shall include:
Transporting construction equipment and machinery is essential for the successful execution of projects, including bridges, tunnels, and highways This process involves moving the specified equipment listed in the bids, as well as any additional machinery needed, from the unloading port in Vietnam to the respective construction sites Proper installation of this equipment is crucial for ensuring efficient construction operations.
The contractor is responsible for the supply, installation, and maintenance of vehicles, living quarters, offices, laboratories (excluding lab equipment and surveying equipment as detailed in Section 01750), workshops, storage facilities, communication systems, and project information signs.
(c) The cConstruction, maintenance and removal of temporary of temporary road and bridge works;
(cd) Such other items as are expressly stated in this Specification
The Contractor is responsible for dismantling the work site, which includes removing all installations, construction plants, and equipment This process ensures that the site is restored to its original condition prior to the installation or placement of any structures.
(e) Protection and restore land acquistion and right of way markers, which have been handed over to the Contractor, in oder to rehanover to the Management Unit and
(fe) All the works including the costs for all incidentalincidentals works necessary to comply satisfactorily with the requirements of this Specification Section.
Payments shall be made in lump sum by the following installments:
230% (thirtytwenty percent) on substantion completion of items from (a) to (c) and written acceptance of the Engineer and 20/11/23 GENERAL
The mobilization process, outlined in Section 01100, requires the Employer's approval of the Contractor's site offices, laboratories, and mobilization program This approval must be documented in writing by the Engineer and includes provisions for the Engineer's facilities and services as specified in Section 01780.
50% (fifty percent) on substantion completion of items (d) to (e) mobilization in accordance and proportionally with the Contractor’s Mobilization Program, and upon the acceptance by the Engineer; and
320% (twentythirty percent) in the Final Certificate on completion of all necessary dismantling and restoration of the Site and acceptance writing by the Engineer and approval of the Employer.
No additional payment shall be made for any additional mobilization of personnel, plant, equipment and materials.
01100-1 Mobilization and Demobilization lump sum
This Specification Section outlines the required format and content of documents and materials related to the Works that must be submitted to the Engineer for review, approval, or testing, in accordance with the Specifications.
The submittals established are classified, and listed up, into the following types:
(a) Directly Paid Submittals, including all related submittals, are listed below:
List of Directly-paid Submittals is as follows:
- Schedule for preparing Drawings, Technical Drawings, As-Built- Drawings (attached with Vietnamese translation), zero state documents of bridge and other similar items as specified in Section
01200 (Contractor’s Drawings) in these Specifciations
- Program, Schedule, Cash-Flow including all the related submittals as specified in Section 01300 “Program of Works” of these Specifications
- Monthly Progress Reports, Quality Control Summary, Safety Summary, Equipment Report and all the related submittals as specified in Section
01400 “Monthy Progress Report” of these Specifications.
- “Construction Photographs and Video Recording” including all the related submittals as specified in these Specifications
Construction Drawings’ Schedule including As-Built-Drawings
Program, Schedule, Cash-Flow 01300 “Program of Works” Monthly Progress Reports, Quality
Recording this Specification Section Clause 2.3
A separate payment for the submittals shall be made in accordance with this Specification Section.
Indirectly paid submittals refer to those submissions that are not compensated directly, as their costs are included within the proportional and unit prices of associated major work items or have been integrated into the overall work items outlined in the Bill of Quantities (BOQ).
List of “Directly Paid Submittals” includes related documents, minutes, reports and others as follows;
- “Contractor’s Mobilization Program”: including all the related documents, reports and submittals as specified in Section 01100
“Contractor’s Mobilization & Demobilization” of these Specifications
- “Contractor’s Safety Plan” including all the related documents, reports and submittals as specified in the Section 01500 “Project Safety” of these Specifications.
- “Traffic Control Plan” including all the related documents, reports and submittals as specified in the Section 01600 “Maintenance and Protection of Traffice” of these Specifications.
- “Environmental Control Plan” including all the related documents, reports and submittals as specified in the Section 01700
““Environmental Control” of these Specifications.
This article outlines the necessary documentation related to Section 01750 "Laboratory and Contractor's Equipment" in the Specifications, including forms, records, reports, technical documents, catalogs of instruments and equipment, reference guides as requested by the Engineer, and relevant lists and inventories.
All design and shop drawings, along with documents, catalogues, and guides for vehicle and house equipment, furniture, and related materials, are essential components of this section, particularly when the rental option is not utilized.
01780 “Engineer’s Facilities, Accommodations and Services” in these Specifications.
- “Quality Control Plan” including all the documents, minutes, related reports, report – technical instructions and other related reference documents, certificates, and documents specified in Technical Specifications, Section 01800 “Contractor’s Quality Control”.
- “Monitoring Schedule for Work Acceptance” including all the documents, certificates, related plans and drawings (if required), minutes, reports and documents specified in Section 01850
“Acceptance of Work” of these Specifications,
- “Schedule of Materials” including all the related documents, certificates, plans, drawings, minutes, and reports as specified in Section 01900 “Control of Materials” of these Sepecifications,
- Other submittals and materials required by each section of the Technical Specifications
1 including all related documents, records and reports, and materials, are listed below:
“Contractor’s Safety Plan” 01500 “Project Safety”
“Traffic Control Plan” 01400 “Monthly Progress
“Environmental Control Plan” 01700 “Environmental Control and Protection”
All the forms, records and reports, technical documents, instruments and equipment’s catalogues and reference guides (when required by the
Equipment”“Laboratory and Contractor’s Equipment”
All the design and shop drawings (if rental option is not applied), documents, catalogues and guides for the vehicles and houses’ equipment/furniture, materials
“Quality Control Plan” 01800 “Contractor’s Quality
“Schedule of Materials” 01900 “Control of Materials”
Other submittals and materials required by each section of the Technical Specifications
No separate payment will be issued for submittals; instead, they will be incorporated into the rates and prices of the main items or allocated across all pay items in the Bill of Quantities.
The submittals that may be required during the Contract execution, or as required by the Engineer, but are not specifically specified or
Submittals outlined in Section 01150 of the Specifications or the Bill of Quantities are included in the unit prices listed in the Bill of Quantities No separate payments will be made for these submittals, and any claims arising from misunderstandings regarding them will be rejected.
These requirements shall be applied complementarily to the submittals specified in the Conditions of Contract.
All the submittals specified in each Section of these Specifications, to be made by the Contractor shall be submitted at the specified time.
All submittals specified in these Specifications shall be provided in hard copies with editable electronic files recorded on the approved software or applications The standard submission requirements are:
Latest edition of all standards, regulations, guidelines, specifications, technical papers, monographs, catalogues, and other technical documents required
Technical Documents ( size A4 or A3) 3 copies
Schedule of Works (size A4 or A3) 3 copies
Technical Manuals and/or Guidelines 3 copies
Technical Manuals – CD ROM 2 copies
For the convenience of the Employer, all official correspondence between the Contractor and Employer should have a Vietnamese translation attached.
The Contractor shall be take construction photographs by digital camera (the use of film cameras is not allowed )with automatically records of the date-month-year, as described below:
Before commencing construction activities, photographs of each site location or property must be taken and submitted to the Engineer Additionally, the same viewpoints should be captured again upon completion of all construction work, along with the Contractor’s application for final payment.
(b)Every month during construction implementation at each time and each location designated by the Engineer, photographs shall be taken and submitted in attachment with monthly report of the Contractor
Each month, the Contractor will curate around 36 representative photographs to create an activity album Each photo will be standard postcard size and appropriately captioned The Contractor is responsible for providing three color prints of each photo, mounted in an album of acceptable quality Three copies of the album, along with a digital file, must be delivered to the Engineer at the beginning of the following month.
Photographs must be taken at intervals of no more than 200 meters along the work route before starting construction and submitted immediately to the Engineer The same viewpoints should be captured again upon completion of each work section and included with the Contractor's Monthly Report or as directed by the Engineer.
(d)Photographs shall be taken for every structure location with number of photos as specified by the Engineer.
The Contractor is responsible for capturing construction photographs using a camera that automatically records the date and/or a digital camera for easy computer access Both physical and digital copies of these photographs must be provided to the Engineer as needed Additionally, the Contractor must supply the necessary software to facilitate the Engineer's storage, editing, and reproduction of the photographs.
(f) The use of film camera is not allowed.
(g)Each photograph shall be suitably captioned.
(h) The Engineer may at any time withhold payments if, in his opinion, the provisions for construction photographs made by the Contractor are not in compliance with these requirements.
Photographs and digital originals will be included in the Employer's records, and any prints cannot be distributed or published without the Employer's written consent.
(j) items Timing to take photo
Photographs at intervals of no more than 200 meters along the route of the Works each month throughout the work before the commencem ent of work
With monthly report or as otherwise required by the
Photographs of each entire site, all the structure sites, or pertinent features
The same views from same points as above upon completion of all construction activities with the Contractor’ s application for final payment