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Get ready for ieltslistening pre intermediate a2+

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Tiêu đề Get Ready for IELTS Listening
Tác giả Jane Short
Trường học Trường Đại Học Quỹ Nhỏ
Chuyên ngành IELTS Preparation
Thể loại Book
Năm xuất bản 2020
Thành phố Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh
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G et R eady fo r IELTS LISTENING 9 NHÀ XUẤT BẢN TỔNG HỢP THÀNH PHỐ HỒ CHÍ MINH CDS CóngtyTNHH Nhân T rí Việt Tai ngay!!! Ban co the xoa dong chu nay!!! POWERED BY COBUILD NTV Nhân Trí Viẻt® The b i g g e s t c h o i c e f o r b o o k s Multi-level 1ELTS Preparation Series Phát hành Nhà sách M IN H T Â M 286B An Dương Vương P4 Q5 TP Hồ Chi Minh -s* 38353608 - 38354845 Email: minhtam'anhantriviet.com - Website: www.nhasachminhtam.com Fax 38302417 Collins English for Exams Get Ready for IEL.TS wvmi¥r?T~-rr- LISTENING Jane Short TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC QUỸ NHỎr Ĩ H Ư V I Ệ N LZif' : : : : NTV NHÀ XUẤT BẢN TỔNG HƠP THÀNH-PHỐ HỒ CHÍ MINH Cơng ty TNHH Nhân T rí Việt SÁCH TÁI BẢN Collins Get Ready for IELTS — LISTENING Copyright © 2012-2020 by HarperCollins Publishers Ltd Vietnam's edition © 2020 by Nhan Tri Viet Co., Ltd This edition is published in Vietnam under a license Agreement between HarperCollins Publishers Limited, UK and Nhan Tri Viet Co., Ltd., Vietnam All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner Contents Unit Title Topic Exam focus Introduction Page Friends abroad Travel, countries, and nationalities Note completion, form completion, multiple-choice questions Food and cooking Completing notes, tables, and flow Food, cooking, measures, and weights charts, multiple-choice questions 14 Presentations Academic subjects Completing notes and sentences, labelling diagrams, multiple-choice questions 20 26 Review Work Types of work and workplace Note completion, matching information, short-answer questions 28 On-campus services University facilities Labelling maps, sentence completion, short-answer questions 34 Staying safe Crime, protection, and safety Short-answer questions, table completion, multiple-choice questions 40 46 Review Studying, exams, and revision Study habits Completing flow charts, short-answer questions 48 Shopping and spending Spending habits and products Completing notes, multiple-choice questions, short-answer questions 54 Hobbies, interests, and sports Interests and pastimes Completing tables and forms, multiplechoice questions 60 66 Review 10 Work-life balance Time management Completing sentences and notes, labelling diagrams 68 11 Comparing cultures Language, food, dress, and housing Matching information, multiple-choice questions, short-answer questions 74 12 Exploring the oceans Natural resources and ocean life Diagram completion, note completion 80 Review 86 Practice test 88 Audio scripts 93 Answer key 118 Glossary 129 /w w n h a n triv ie t.fo m Introduction I Who is this book for? Get Ready for IELTS Listening has been written for learners w ith a band score of or w ho want to achieve a higher score Using this book will help you improve your pre-intermediate listening skills for the IELTS Academic Listening test You can use Get Ready for IELTS Listening: • • as a self-study course We recommend that you work systematically through the 12 units in order to benefit from its progressive structure as a supplementary listening skills course for IELTS preparation classes The book provides enough material for approximately 50 hours of classroom activity Get Ready for IELTS Listening • • This comprises a book and tw o CDs The book contains 12 units Each unit focuses on a different topic, and these topics are ones that often appear in the IELTS test • After every three units, there is a Review which helps you to revise the language and skills covered in the previous units • At the end of the book, the Practice test gives you the opportunity to take an lELTS-style test under test conditions • There is also a full Answer key at the back of the book so you can check your answers Here you will find possible answers for more open-ended questions and suggested answers for the exam practice questions in Part of each unit • The Glossary at the back of the book lists the useful words and phrases w ith their definitions • Two audio CDs accompany the book These contain the listening exercises When you see this icon 4))), please play the CD CD1 features language at a pre-intermediate level speed, and CD2 features language that is a little faster This is to help you prepare for the speed that features in the IELTS test Unit structure Each unit starts with the Aims of the unit They outline the key language and skills covere Part 1: Vocabulary provides exercises on vocabulary related to the topic as well as key grammar related to the IELTS task covered in the unit Clear structures are provided Part 2: Skills development provides step-by-step exercises and guidance on specific question types that appear in the test There are explanations and examples that show you how to approac each question type Useful tips are highlighted to help you develop successful test-taking strategies Part 3: Exam practice provides exam practice questions for Section 1, 2, 3, or in a form at that follows the actual test You can use this to check w hether or not you are ready for the test Finally, a checklist in Progress check summarises the key points covered in the unit v w w n h a n 11'iv ie t l o m Other features Exam information boxes in each unit provide key background information about the IELTS Listening test Exam tip boxes provide essential exam techniques and strategies Watch out! boxes highlight common errors in the test Study tips • • Each unit contains approximately three hours of study material Try to answer the questions w ithout looking at a dictionary to develop the skill of guessing the meaning of unknown words from context This is important because dictionaries cannot be used during the actual test • Use a pencil to complete the exercises so that you can erase your first answers and the exercises again for revision Try to revise what you have learnt in Parts and before doing the practice IELTS questions in Part This will improve the quality of your answers, and using the new language will help you to remember it • • • • • It's recommended that you try and complete all questions in each unit as the skills needed to well on the IELTS test can only be improved through extensive practice Part contains exam practice questions You should try and complete Part questions listening to the audio only once, as this gives you the opportunity to practise under test conditions Do not look at the audio scripts at the back of the book w hile doing Part questions After you have finished listening, make sure the format and spelling of your answers is correct Then, check your answers using the answer key Read the answer key carefully as this provides information on what kind of answer is awarded high marks Reading the audio scripts at the back of the book at the same time as listening to the recording will help you to develop your listening skills and identify answers Remember that the information relevant to the correct answers is underlined in the audio scripts Other titles Also available in the Collins Get Heady for IELTS series: Reading, Writing, and Speaking www nhantriviet.com The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Test IELTS is jointly managed by the British Council, Cambridge ESOL Examinations, and IDP Education, Australia There are two versions of the test: • Academic • General Training Academic is for students wishing to study at undergraduate or postgraduate levels in an English-medium environment General Training is for people who wish to migrate to an English-speaking country This book is primarily for students taking the Academic version The Test There are four modules: Listening 30 minutes, plus 10 minutes for transferring answers to the answer sheet NB: The audio is heard cnly once Approx 10 questions per section Section 1: two speakers discuss a social situation Section 2: one speaker talks about a non-academic topic Section 3: up to four speakers discuss an educational project •Section 4: one speaker gives a talk of general academic interest Reading 60 minutes texts, taken from authentic sources, on general academic topics They may contain diagrams, charts, etc 40 questions may include a variety of tasks, such as multiple choice, sentence completion, completing a diagram/graph/chart, choosing headings, Yes/No orTrue/False questions, classification, and matching exercises Writing Task 1: 20 minutes - description of a table, chart, graph, or diagram (150 words minimum) Task 2: 40 minutes - an essay in response to an argument or a problem (250 words minimum) Speaking 11-14 minutes A three-part face-to-face oral interview with an examiner The interview is recorded Part 1: introduction and interview (4-5 mins) Part 2: individual long turn (3-4 mins) - the candidate is given a task, has one minute to prepare, then talks for 1-2 minutes, answering some questions given by the examiner Part 3: two-way discussion (4-5 mins) - the examiner asks further questions on the topic from Part and gives the candidate the opportunity to discuss more abstract issues or ideas Timetabling Listening, Reading, and Writing must be taken on the same day and in the order listed above Speaking can be taken up to days before or after the other modules Scoring Each module is given a band score The average of the four scores produces the Overall Band Score You not pass or fail IELTS; you receive a score IELTS and the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) The CEFR shows the level of the learner and is used for many English as a Foreign Language examinations The table below shows the approximate CEFR Level and the equivalent IELTS Overall Band Score: Proficient user (Advanced) C2 Cl - Independent user B2 - (In term ed iate - Upper Interm ediate) B1 5 - 6 vvwvv nhantriviet.com This table contains the general descriptors for the band scores 1-9: Expert user Has fully operational command of the language: appropriate, accurate, and fluent with complete understanding Very good user Has fully operational command of the language, with only occasional unsystematic inaccuracies and inappropriacies Misunderstandings may occur in unfamiliar situations Handles complex detailed argumentation well Good user Has operational command of the language, though with occasional inaccuracies, inappropriacies, and misunderstandings in some situations Generally handles complex language well and understands detailed reasoning Competent user Has generally effective command of the language despite some inaccuracies, use and understand fairly complex inappropriacies, and misunderstandings Can language, particularly in fam iliar situations Modest user Has partial command of the language, coping with overall meaning in most situations, though is likely to make many mistakes Should be able to handle basic communication in own field Limited user Basic competence is limited to familiar situations Has frequent problems in understanding and expression Is not able to use complex language Extremely limited user Conveys and understands only general meaning in very familiar situations Frequent breakdowns in communication occur Intermittent user No real communication is possible except for the most basic information using isolated words or short formulae in familiar situations and to meet immediate needs Has great difficulty understanding spoken and written English Non user Essentially has no ability to use the language beyond possibly a few isolated words Did not attempt the test No assessable information provided Marking The Listening and Reading papers have 40 items, each worth one mark if correctly answered Here are some examples of how marks are translated into band scores: Listening: 16 out of 40 correct answers: band score 23 out of 40 correct answers: band score 30 out of 40 correct answers: band score Reading: 16 out of 40 correct answers: 23 out of 40 correct answers: 30 out of 40 correct answers: band score band score band score Writing and Speaking are marked according to performance descriptors Writing: examiners award a band score for each of four areas with equal weighting: • • • • Task achievement (Task 1) Task response (Task 2) Coherence and cohesion Lexical resource and grammatical range and accuracy Speaking: examiners award a banc) score for each of four areas with equal weighting: • • • • Fluency and coherence Lexical resource Grammatical range Accuracy and pronunciation For full details of how the examination is scored and marked, go to: www.ielts.org www.nhantriviet.com Friends abroad AIMS: Language related to travel, timetables, countries, and nationalities • Predicting answers • Recognising number formats and spellings • Note completion • Form completion • Multiple-choice questions Part 1: Vocabulary Nations and nationalities Quiz: Can you match these countries to the names in the box? Egypt Malaysia Portugal Japan United Arab Emirates (UAE) Nationalities are often formed by changing the endings of the names of countries Look at the examples in the table below Country | Nationality Egypt -n -¡an Britain -ish British Japan -ese Japanese -i Pakistani Australia Pakistan + ending Get Ready for IELTS: Listening Australian Egyptian www.nhantriviet.com Units 4-6 5-7 c, er a well paid Part 3: Exam practice A B E C online catalogue a number famous people/celebrities (a) detective Unit On-cam pus services plan (student) ID card makes a beep/ sound OR beeps 10 prints a ticket Vocabulary Exorcise ^ ^brary ^ Medical centre Unit sports centre hails of residence Staying safe Part 1: Vocabulary Exercise Exercise * sPorts centre library break into / , thief / , gun / , pickpocket / halls of residence (halls) Medical centre Exercise Exercise Therp^ restaurants foreign Zeroise into for away outside until twelfth Noun I crime I knife gun [ gang thief behind between Verb Adjective s te a l cnngerous caieful j rob break into attack safe safe Exercise Exercise E d C B burglar, stole (past tense) pickpocket shoplifter gang, robbers (plural) safe A ^art 2: Skills development Exercise 1 the right the corner opposite E x e rc is e 4 straight ahead o fy Medical Centre to the lake to court watch out for call the police ta k e Exercise b r e a k in to £ the wood * the first floor r°und the lake lock up crime scene across the green Student Union building next E x e rc is e broken into locked u p watch out for ground floor ^e e t friends fourth floor c a lle d t h e p o lic e ta k e , to c o u r t W Exercise Of on campus fo u r/4 play football Zeroise 10 A B c r im e s c e n e E x e rc is e When the receptionist arrived at Goodmead P rim a r y Schoofon Monday, she found that someone had broken into the o ffic e a n d s t o le n several laptops, so she Wv^w.nhantriviet.com c a lle d t h e p o lic e Answer key 121 , Part 2: Skills development , Exercise 1 What is the most common crime in the UK? What two forms of theft does the policewoman mention? Why are people in more danger when they are abroad? What should people leave in the hotel on holiday? What kind of mobile is popular with thieves? Exercise theft robbery, burglary (they) don’t know country passport and money smartphone Exercise accommodation accident library opposite business 10 Exercise in, in at o n /a t, on at on opposite, on Exercise Student union building Library Exercise USA - 911, Australia - 000, Germany - 112, India - 0 Unit Exercise b Part 1: Vocabulary a c c India handbag theft Latin America gun crime expensive jewellery 10 lonely places cash machines c b b Exercise O c c u p a tio n E d u ca tio n Transport doctor studied truck company rescue worker graduated supply firm farmer university deliver Trade textbooks test police officer Exercise at around for on exam hall revision + ‘-er’ y + ‘-¡er’ fa s te r easier cleverer healthier after, in Get Ready for IELTS: Listening ‘m ore’ + adjective irregular adjectives worse better slower Exercise interesting clever nervous easy slow Review 122 Studying, exams, and revision Exercise Part 3: Exam practice b u s in e s s Teaching block Exercise Exercise c Wednesday February necessary relevant responsible B C B D A Exercise Possible answers: better healthier more interesting Exercise intelligent, correctly well, effectively fairly, quickly 10 late healthy bad good A D E E slower more nervous unusually, good extraordinarily, high www.nhantriviet.com Units 7-8 ; One advantage of self-service is that you can choose your own food from the shelves I Many young people in big cities go to shopping Part 2: S kills developm ent Exercise a, c, d c, d lb,d malls to meet their friends i Farmers often sell their fruit and vegetables from market stalls Exercise IB D A • to find a C Exercise revision timetable in his mind easier to concentrate last-minute revision ircise :han going to the shops fh e good thing about shopping in a department io vou can get everything in one place ■ ~ •'hnn tt Exercise 4 bought this shirt in a sale Vfv brother thinks online shopping is much quicker mobile (phone) in in the doors to the supervisor examination number Exercises 5, A C F E Exercise d 10 right exam paper your examination number the instructions how long several times more difficult know better number of marks (your) main ideas a low mark 5c 4a e Part 3: Exam practice b Exercise go shopping shopping list the supermarket go es shopping a refund Part 2: Skills development Exercise then, next secondly, finally Unit S h o p p in g and sp end ing Exercises 2a, & Part 1: Vocabulary Exercise a b i 75 c d Exercise Ingrid complained to customer s e rv ic e abou new boots because the zip was broken A lot of teenagers like expensive desjgneLbrands more than cheap clothes ^vww.nhantrivieLcom after, thirdly lastly, prior to 60 50 supermarkets markets small shops Exercise ^9 key 123 Exercise a e f 4d Exercise flying ,5 c Part 3: Exam practice (more) mature people spending patterns up to 30 over 55 Unit -7 f, a, d cars and computers beauty treatments 10 young men Hobbies, interests, and sports Exercises la , b Hobby going to the c in e m a / painting playing video gam es Exercise 1998 USA /United States 1967 Brazil Exercise address name/speiling phone number personal/medical information personal history 571324 some Sport 43A cycling movies fencing Part 3: Exam practice table tennis Exercise -7 e, b, g Mandeville Bury Gardens 10 573279 100 Hobbies Interests s t a m p c o lle c tin g going to th e c in e m a c y c lin g painting playing chess basketball gardening travelling football cooking listening to music running going to a rt galleries swimming Exercise A swimming running B cinema concert Sports C travelling gardening D cycling cooking to two two too Part 2: Skills development 124 leading name of country 21 Interest stam p collecting Exercise 1 fry pray lead blade correct Exercise number date Exercise Andrew Metcalfe Part 1: Vocabulary Exercise to too play b play read fly played 10 collect Get Ready for IELTS: Listening 12 street dance Review Exercise 1 easier longer toughest worst better best Exercise 2 prettier cleverer better more difficult healthier nearer harder earlier 10 more boring Exercise Shop Discount Fashion store s a fe p r ic e style items supermarket bargain design articles market cJeal Goods produce reduction Exercise young men eating out improving home(s) www.nhantriviet.com I Exercise Exercise job two people, where, going on holiday, complete sentences, NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER student, how to join a club, complete form, NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS o ffic e h o lid a y s ow ner w o rry deadline E x e r c is e two students, hobbies, complete notes, NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER woman, friend, weekend, match woman’s opinion, activities N e w Y o r k is n o t t h e c a p it a l o f t h e United States o f America In the U K , children who a r e b o r n in J u ly u s u a lly start s c h o o l in September, just a f t e r t h e y a r e two people, favourite film, choose correct answer, list (A-C) f iv e O x fo rd University is one of the m o s t famous in w o rld ages i comparisons prices activities names days Phone numbers hobbies addresses sports activities days tim es dates sports In s o m e countries, most companies close on Sundays, but in other c o u n t r ie s t h e y d o s e on F r id a y s o r S a t u r d a y s comparisons weather activities days tim es cities hotels hobbies comparisons stories names types of film actors T h e o f f i c i a l la n g u a g e o f G r e e c e is G r e e k P a r t : S kills d e v e lo p m e n t E x e r c is e Their holidays start at the beginning of July E x e r c is e 4b b a lb E x e r c is e Unit 10 Work-life balance P a rt : V o ca b u la ry Exercise Possible answers: 3* stress employer five/5 d o n 't h a v e On M ondays com e out Exercise A3 B7 C4 d e a d lin e relaxation ^©rcise hobby ^ Work n in e / , c o m e in t o comfort beach worker start Exercise B ^*ercise E G D1 E6 F5 5A F G Part 3: Exam practice a n d m e n ta l t h e i r p r iv a t e f le x ib le fro m h o m e j o b s h a r in g 27 w o rk fr o m h o m e tw o s m a ll c h ild r e n 10 her sister’s a year w^w.nhantnViet.com Answer key 125 th e Exercise Unit 11 Comparing cultures Part 1: Vocabulary Exercise Across: national huts Down: Chinese Italy Exercise Pronunciation Alphabet Spicy Vegetarian Scarf Silk Brick Block of flats Exercise diet, spicy blocks of flats alphabet silk e d Exercise In traditional Indian families, where did the bride and groom use to meet for the first time? In India, what did the father of the bride use to do? What has become very popular for Indian families to recently? Where does the couple live after they are married? Exercise lb c a b - Part 3: Exam practice Exercise A diet B housing C communication D costume Exercise have made done f b b a d g Unit 12 10 water festivals s ix /6 life, wealth, luck new year (by) ancient traditions Exploring the oceans Part 1: Vocabulary Exercise Possible answers: Picture had 6have Picture Picture o il rig natural g as* underwater turbine natural g a s * mineral wave power resource* Part 2: Skills development Exercise the same as more [common] than [friendlier] than in comparison with mineral resource* gas pipeline offshore drilling fu e l* fu e l* much more [open] Exercise Exercise To emphasise similarity very oxtiem o ly incredibly I f 3d e b c a Exercise source sea affected Our break currents exactly rather Exercise The graphs show trends Id 126 Get Ready for IELTS: Listening 2a 3b c www.nhantriviet.com Units 11-12 bereise Possible answers: i Review Statistics average (noun/adjective) rise (noun/verb) E x e r c is e gradual (adjective) Is g a r d e n i n g a h o b b y o r a s p o r t ? fall (noun/verb) Several thousand people ran in the London Marathon in 2012 increase (noun/verb) South A m e r ic a is a v e r y la r g e continent with a decrease (noun/verb) v a r i e t y o f climates remain stable (verb + adjective) Per cent(noun) Hindi is the o f f ic ia l la n g u a g e of India downward (adverb/adjective) An Australian a c c e n t is not the same as a N e w more (than) (adverb) Zealand one (noun) ■^ °majority u n t (noU n) The c a p i t a l o f the U n it e d S t a t e s is n o t N e w Y o rk , slight (adjective) minority (noun) but Washington D.C tendency(noun) less (than) (adverb) O x f o r d University is one o f t h e b e s t in t h e w o rld significant (adjective) In many la r g e c o m p a n i e s , employees work fraction (noun) dramatic (adjective) from Monday to Friday, and some even w o r k on number fnflTIjlJi ' " mmm* Saturdays Part 2: Skills development Exercise E x e r c is e 1 studies thank la n g u a g e s underwater (sub = under, marine = sea) ^ not deep (fixed rigs need to rest on the seabed) fish farming (aqua = water, culture = growing) journey down (to the ocean floor), shown, sea Exercise c la s s e s countries communication ^Quaculture Ascent Exercise derrick helicopter pad Exercise 2008 = 2 00 = support tower crane E x e r c is e m o r e b e a u tifu l th a n e a s ie r , Wvvw.nhantrivietjcom C u rra n ts sea batteries panel of lights fin ^surface of earth 10 minerals for industry as h o t a s m o r e c o n s e r v a tiv e as c o ld a s th a n m o r e e x c it in g th a n E x e r c is e 1,000 metres 1940s I9 11,000 metres pilot’s as g r e a s ie r th a n 2012 = 2014 = 60 Part 3: Exam practice the s a m e a ffe c te d accept Except source currents descent Answer key 127 Exercise , Verb Noun Adjective m a rin e * m arin e * hatch* majority subm arine* descend hatch * mysterious research* descent shallow reveal subm arine* technological explore Adverb gradually significantly exploration research* mystery scientist technology revelation Practice test Section 1 a a 4 The Willows 07632 112254 10 19thJune 360 garden centre school vegetable Section 11 Everyday inventions 12 half an hour/30 minutes 13 ground floor 14 C 15 B 16 17 18 19 20 B A film title calendar number of tickets Section 21 (student) accommodation 22 distance from campus 23 public transport 24 e 25 26 27 28 29 30 b f 16 near bus stop 20 54 Section 31 look for food 32 feed their young/find extra food 33 the tropics 34 warmer climates 35 it comes earlier 36 higher temperatures 37 (it) drops drastically 38 D 39 F 40 B b 128 Get Ready for IELTS: Listening www.nhantriviet.com Glossary Key c a n te e n n - a p la c e in a fa c to r y , s c h o o l, e t c w h e r e w o rk e rs , s tu d e n ts , e tc e a t = abbrev'ation I- = adjective adv- = adverb n* - noun am la r g e , round surrounded by g r e e n c a u lif l o w e r n - a c e n tre v e g e ta b le w ith a w h ite le a v e s , which is e a te n cooked c r u m b le n - a nil " V" ~ phrasal verb Mnr- = Phrase v- * verb b a k e d p u d d in g c o n s is t in g o f a c ru m b ly m ix t u r e o f flo u r, f a t , a n d s u g a r o v e r s t e w e d fr u it d is h n - f o o d t h a t is p r e p a r e d a n d cooked in a p a r tic u la r w a y e ig h t h n - o n e o f e ig h t e q u a l p a r t s o f s o m e t h in g n - f la v o u r U n it i v - to flip th e taste of a f o o d o r d rin k t u r n s o m e t h i n g o v e r w ith a s u d d e n q u ic k m ovem ent fry v - to cook food in v e r y phr v - g e t s t r a ig h t o n (w ith ) Ỵ t o b / e adjhe ° * 0r time o f arriving bave or use /t hing is ava

Ngày đăng: 02/11/2023, 12:09