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Our discovery island american 4 workbook

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The Workbook helps reinforce and consolidate the language presented in the Student Book. It contains controlled and freer practice plus personalization.The Workbook helps reinforce and consolidate the language presented in the Student Book. It contains controlled and freer practice plus personalization.

-','& :-r@ www.frenglish.ru woBrBoor Aoron Jolly Jose Luis Moroles Series Advisor: Dqvid Nunon Series Consultonts: Hildo Mortinez X6chitl Arvizu Advisory Boord: Tim Budden Tino Chen Betty Deng Dr Nom-Joon Kong Dr Wonkey Lee Wenxin Liong' Ann MoYedo Wode O Nichols Jomie Zhong www.frenglish.ru Pearson Education Limited Edinburgh Gate Harlow Essex CM20 2JE England and Associated Companies throughout the world Our Discovery Island u,r.uar @ rM ourdis coveryisland co m Pearson Education Limited 2012 Island series is an independent educational course published by Pearson Education Limited and is not affiliated with, or authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Discovery Communications LLC or Discovery Education, Inc T}ae Our Discouery The rights of Aaron Jolly and fos6 Luis Morales to be identified as authors of this work have been asserted by them accordancewith the Copyright, Designs and PatentsAct 1988 in Phonics syllabus and activities by RachelWilson All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior uritten permission of th Publishers First published2012 Reprinted 2012 ISBN: 978- 1- 4479-0O70-2 Set in Longman English 14l25pt Printed in China (CTPS/02) Illustrators: : Humberto Blanco (Sylvie Poggio Artists Agency), Anja Boretzki (Good Illustration), Chan Cho Fai, Lee Cosgrove, Leo Cultura, Marek lagucki, Mark Ruffle (The Organisation), andYamWai Lun www.frenglish.ru Welcome q# Fnee time Witd onimols L3* The q# ny seosons weelr " 18 " 28 "38 {:5t Jobs r6j ln lhe noin fonesl ffi Feelings " 58 58 L8* Action! Goodbye Stnuctunes 88 " 92 www.frenglish.ru t; r*\/ / ,/t:a* >".{ i *"! Write ond motch She's She hos block hoir She's 11 She hos red hoir She likes pink Her nome is She likes movies Her nome is He's He hos blond hoir He's He hos red hoir He likes skoteboords His nome is He hos o sister His nome is /'-' l.*/ Drow or stick o picture of yourself ond q friend Then write ttj r z ( {$ \-/ My nome is Iom I yeors old like My friend's nome is is likes www.frenglish.ru yeors old ( o, / Listen ond motch iS \Jz) 15gz \ / :o e r ^ * {rm')t ffir' ?ffi r '-'{ r18) ( -vl Write \.,, \d/ Why ore most corol reefs found in hot seos? www.frenglish.ru fish r'{ta r-YikJ t"y v ,""-;\ [-# Reod the words Gircle the pictures ph dolphin phone whole whisper o -/ (I / ' l\ c\\ /,/ // U o ":l Ol c r "1,i, /\-, L '( / (( ffi w ffi Listen ond connect the letters, Then write EE H EE EE I E E E E [il E E E Listen ond write the words Reod oloud Then listen ond soy www.frenglish.ru wh ///'t':7 /'-\, / ^# /;r r23) \;/ [ ,,'? Write \_d/ A: Let's go hove o B: No, I don't A: Let's go hove o B: Greot ideo I love )tL A: I'm crozy obout l,q B: I om, too Let's t/1, 86 www.frenglish.ru //L:'& -,f:\arr:r*1,1:r,: /a;\ / '# i.rull.+Ft Y*' v \'- ' wnle Hi, Gerry, I'm hoving o greot time here in the mountoins In the morning I n" & I'm fond of it It mokes me feel reloxed In the \ ButI'mFG evening we go Egalz aef !:, it I don't like it very much We ore @ soins - (^ on Soturdoy I'm (g p it It mokes me feel proud thot I it How's your vocotion? Rophoel ta,:a / ,\ l0tr\ \4il4, f A/P / #- i,\ lw,lH, Pretend you ore on vocotion of the beqch Write on emoil to q friend www.frenglish.ru ^ /->y ,vl Write tt)( l-yV Ll:,:A Whot's his nome? Whot ? He likes moki ng movies Why ? He's smiling becouse he's hoppy Listen qnd circle eoting with Modley Kool meeting Modley Kool looking for Modley Kool boys girls cots a e @ @q*, e R.]ffi /r.rif9 e a G a frlt e o G) reloxed worried NETVOUS three four five www.frenglish.ru My fovorite chorocter is My fovorite chont is obout d:}r W r tl::7 ;{'1":":""-' ' Think W' of your fqvorite movie sior Stick o picture of him/her in o scene from o movie My fovorite movie stor is This scene is from the movie In this scene, he/she is it mokes me feel www.frenglish.ru I like this scene becouse Reqd oboui Willie Then write obout yourself My nome is Willie I'm 10 yeors old I like ploying the guitor ond surfing the Internet in my free time I don't like pointing or drowing My fovorite wild onimol is the gorillo Gorillos live in the roin forest, ond they eot leoves ond fruit My nome is ,l,l:t') I l'rrrif'ir'j:' WIUS' write Nov 4, Sun Nov 5, Mon Nov 6, Tues Nov 7, Wed Nov 8, Thurs Nov 9, Fri Nov 10, Sot 24C 1g"c 20"c 25C 20"c 1g'c 1g"c It's Tuesdoy Whot's the weother like todoy? It's Sundoy Whot's the temperoture todoy? It's Thursdoy Is it humid? It's Soturdoy Whot's the weother like todoy? It's Wednesdoy Is it stormy? www.frenglish.ru It's It's it There's 1.7) L ,,7 Reod obout Judy Then write qbout yourself My nome is Judy I'm 11 yeors old I study hord every doy I ploy bosketboll with my friends on Wednesdoy I leorn to cook with my grondmother on Soturdoy When I grow up I wont to be o lowyer or o journolist My nome is ,8I !/ { { ,,., Listen qnd write \ :f, Whot mokes Amy feel &r Whot's Amy q proud? Y[eye*'1g o fond of? b nervous? b bored with? Whot is o woy of tolking thot is not the telephone? Whot onimol lives in rivers ond only eots meot? Whot weother hos thunder ond lightning? Whot time is between morning ond ofternoon? Whot you coll o person who tokes photos? Whot you coll the thing where boby birds live? How people feel if they well of something? Whot you need to go koyoking? www.frenglish.ru &seXeexrxe l Tl*et tgI 9sryJ"s{rtel _ He's/She's toller thon Som/youime You're toller thon Som/meihim/her My honds ore bigger Unit Kmee *Xme Whot you/they like doing? | I/We/They like skiing y_1*i9T_1.9:r.',r_"l?:gj'-_i_-*/:h"lir-":lli:9" I/We/They don't like skiing He/She doesn't like skiing Yes, Do you/they like skipping? u l/]hey No, I/ihey don't Yes, he/she does Does he/she like skipping? No, he/she doesn't , Unit W&Xd xxa&mqKs Giroffes eot leoves Do giroffes leoves? eot I i meot? Whot crobs eot? *Where crobs live? I I i Yes, they No, they don't _$ They eot worms They live in rivers , www.frenglish.ru Unit Yke s&e&exx& It's worm Whot's the weother like todoy? rr,rt''otls te t;;;;r;irr," There's lightning ond thunder -ri'.,u toooyz : o"srees I/We/They go comping in spring He/She goes comping in spring Unit ffiW week i you Whot t***-,***-,_ i does he/she I it I you li When l**"* * : on Soturdoy? i : I ! i ;ti til i! i -1 hove mustc I hove music lessons on Soturdoy He/She hos music lessons oi o'clock r| in the morning T1:::_':::':::i i does ] i" " t He/She hos music he/she lessons i i ot 2:15 oi o quorter olter Unit Jobs I wont He/She wonts TO DE o builder on osironout o builder on ostronout Yes, I Do you wont to be o singer? Does he/she No, I don't Yes, he/she does No, heishe doesn't www.frenglish.ru Unit Xxx &ke x*m&m Smmex& Where's the hut? It's Where ore the huts? They're over the mountoin ocross the bridge neor the woterfoll between the mountoin ond the loke I Could you wolk oround the loke? Yes, I could I could wolk oround the loke, but I couldn't swim through it Unit fficeX&mg& Whot's the motier? How you i feel? Whot mokes you feel tr'm nervous I feel nervous I nervous? Tests moke me feel nervous Unit &s&&mmK Let's go Do you hove l l riding " boois? Whot ore you fond of? I 1Yes, Ido./No, Idon't ) i I'm fond of rofting www.frenglish.ru ISBN 978- -4479-0070-2 iluiltlillill[ilil|]ililt www.frenglish.ru

Ngày đăng: 24/10/2023, 05:58

