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Giáo trình lập trình phay mastercam 2023 2d

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Giáo trình lập trình phay 2D trên mastercam 2023 với đầy đủ qua các chương từ thiết kế sản phẩm, thiết kế đồ gá kẹp chặt, sắp xếp nguyên công lập trình phay 2D, lập trình khoan lỗ, vát mép, vát cạnh, cài đạt máy để gia công....mọi thứ được soạn thảo đầy đủ và chi tiết nhất trong giáo trình này.

IHS Professional Courseware Mill 2D Mastercam 2023 IHS Professional Courseware - Mill 2D Copyright: 1998 - 2023 In-House Solutions Inc All rights reserved Software: Mastercam 2023 Date: April 13, 2022 Notice In-House Solutions Inc reserves the right to make improvements to this manual at any time and without notice Disclaimer Of All Warranties And Liability In-House Solutions Inc makes no warranties, either express or implied, with respect to this manual or with respect to the software described in this manual, its quality, performance, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose In-House Solutions Inc manual is sold or licensed "as is." The entire risk as to its quality and performance is with the buyer Should the manual prove defective following its purchase, the buyer (and not In-House Solutions Inc., its distributer, or its retailer) assumes the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair, of correction and any incidental or consequential damages In no event will In-House Solutions Inc be liable for direct, indirect, or consequential damages resulting from any defect in the manual, even if In-House Solutions Inc has been advised of the possibility of such damages Some jurisdictions not allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties or liability for incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you Copyrights This manual is protected under International copyright laws All rights are reserved This document may not, in whole or part, be copied, photographed, reproduced, translated or reduced to any electronic medium or machine readable form without prior consent, in writing, from In-House Solutions Inc Trademarks Mastercam is a registered trademark of CNC Software, Inc Table Of Contents Getting Started 21 Introduction “What Is “Mastercam“? 22 Who This Book Is For: 22 Programming Techniques Used In Examples: 22 The Mastercam® User Interface: 23 Setting The Grid 24 Conventions Used In This Book: 25 Tutorials Files: 25 Mastercam® Parameter Dialog Boxes: 26 Mastercam® Work Flow: 27 Geometry Tools - Part 32 Introduction: 33 Instructor Demonstration Preview: 34 Step 1: Explore Mastercam Interface 35 Step 2: About The Cartesian Coordinate System 38 Step 3: Create Point Position Command 40 Step 4: Create Line Endpoints & Parallel Commands 42 Step 5: Create Rectangle Commands 44 Step 6: Trim Commands 46 Exercise #1 50 Exercise #2 51 Contour Toolpath Part 52 Introduction 53 Part Drawing 54 Contour Toolpath Information: 55 Instructor Demonstration Preview: 56 Contour Toolpath Part 1: Basic Steps Reference 57 Step 1: Create And Locate Part Geometry 57 Step 2: Create The Job Setup 60 Step 3: Toolpath Selection 64 Step 4: Set The 2D Toolpath Parameters 66 Step 5: Verify The Toolpath Using Backplot 73 Step 6: Simulate The Toolpath In Verify 75 Step 7: Editing The Toolpath Parameters 78 Step 8: Post Process The Toolpaths 79 Step 9: Save Your Mastercam File 80 Exercise #1 81 Exercise #2 82 Geometry Tools - Part 83 Introduction: 84 Instructor Demonstration Preview: 85 Geometry Tools Part 2: Basic Steps Reference 86 Step 1: Create Circles And Arcs Command 86 Step 2: Create Tangent Arcs 88 Step 3: Create Tangent Lines 90 Step 4: Create Fillet Commands 91 Step 5: Create Chamfer Commands 94 Step 6: Break 96 Step 7: Delete Duplicates & Join 98 Step 8: Create Letters 100 Step 9: Other Geometry Creation Tools 100 Exercise #1 102 Step 10: Lab Suggested Steps 103 Exercise #2 105 Contour Toolpath Part 106 Introduction 107 Instructor Demonstration 108 Area Mill Toolpaths Information 109 Part Drawing 110 2D Geometry Selection Reference Information: 111 Step 1: Create And Locate Part Geometry 111 Step 2: Create The Job Setup 113 Step 3: Facing Toolpath 118 Step 4: Set The Facing Parameters 118 Step 5: Machine The Open Pocket - Area Mill 124 Step 6: Machine The Corners Using Contour 129 Step 7: Contour The Outside Profile 135 Step 8: Chamfer The Top Of The Part 138 Step 9: Post Process The Toolpaths 141 Step 10: Save The Mastercam File 141 Exercise #1 142 Exercise #2 143 Exercise #3 144 Geometry Manipulation 145 Introduction: 146 Instructor Demonstration Preview: 147 Step 1: Transform Mirror Command 148 Step 2: Transform Translate Command 149 Step 3: Transform Offset Commands 151 Step 4: Transform Rotate Commands 153 Step 5: Analyze Commands 154 Step 6: Managing Attributes & Levels 157 Attributes 157 Levels 159 Step 7: Chaining - Wireframe Mode 165 Step 8: Analyze Chains And Fix Their Problems 172 Basic Drilling 177 Introduction 178 Instructor Demonstration: 179 Point/Circle Toolpaths Information 180 Part Drawing 181 Step 1: Create The 2D Geometry 182 Step 2: Create The Job Setup 185 Step 3: Drill The Holes 188 Step 4: Drill The 5/8" Holes 192 Step 5: Verify The Part With The Fixture 194 Step 6: Post Process The Toolpaths 194 Step 7: Save Your File 194 Exercise 196 Import CAD Files 197 Introduction: 198 Instructor Demonstration Preview: 199 Step 1: Import A Cad File 200 Step 2: Transform Move To Origin 201 Step 3: Prepare Imported Geometry - Suggested Steps 202 Exercise #1 210 Exercise #2 211 Solids Extrude 212 Introduction 213 Part Drawing 214 Instructor Demonstration Preview 215 Step 1: Setting Up The Graphical User Interface 216 Step 2: Set The Planes Follow Rules 217 Step 3: Set The Construction Plane And Change Wireframe Color 217 Step 4: Create Rectangles Given The Size And Anchor 218 Step 5: Create The Parallel Lines 221 Step 6: Clean Up The Geometry Using Divide 224 Step 7: Remove The Leftover Lines Using Divide 225 Step 8: Chamfer The Inside Rectangle 226 Create The Solid 227 Step 9: Change The Solid Color To Red 227 Step 10: Change The Main Level To 227 Step 11: Create The Solid Body 228 Step 12: Create Two Holes 231 Step 13: Using Solids Manager To Modify The Holes 234 Step 14: Add A Boss 237 Step 15: Chamfer The Top Of The Boss 239 Step 16: Save The File 241 Solid Fillet 241 Step 17: Solid Chamfer 243 Solid Extrude - Exercise #1 247 Solid Extrude - Exercise #2 248 Solids & Pocket Toolpaths 250 Introduction 251 Instructor Demonstration 253 Part Drawing 254 Solid Terms 255 Pocket Toolpath - Basic Steps 256 Step 1: Save Machine Group Setup Future Jobs 257 Step 2: Create And Locate Part Geometry 261 Step 3: Select A Machine And Set The Job Setup 265 Step 4: Facing Toolpath 266 Step 5: Machine The Closed Pocket 271 Step 6: Open Pocket Toolpath 277 Step 7: Remachine The Pockets 283 Step 8: Slot Mill The Closed Pocket 289 Step 9: Post Process The Toolpaths 293 Step 10: Save The File 293 Exercise #1 294 Exercise #2 Drilling Toolpaths 295 296 Introduction 297 Instructor Demonstration: 298 Part Drawing 299 Step 1: Open The Soft Jaw Vise 300 Step 2: Merge The Part 300 Step 3: Add Holes To The Part Solid 304 Step 4: Move The Points On Level 1001 306 Step 5: Save The File 306 Step 6: Set The Part Origin 307 Step 7: Create The Job Setup 308 Step 8: Drill The Holes 311 Step 9: Chamfer Drill The Holes 314 Step 10: Tapping The Four Holes 317 Step 11: Verify The Part With The Fixture 320 Step 12: Drill The 1/2" Through Holes 322 Step 13: Circle Mill The Large Holes 325 Step 14: Create A 5/8" Thread Mill 331 Step 15: Set The Thread Mill Cut Parameters 334 Step 16: Post Process The Toolpaths 336 Step 17: Save Your File 336 Exercise #1 338 Advanced Pocket - Dynamic Mill 339 Introduction 340 Instructor Demonstration: 341 Dynamic Toolpaths Information 342 Step 1: Make Visible The Vise 343 Step 2: Set The Stock 345 Step 3: Facing Toolpath 349 Step 4: Dynamic Toolpath To Machine The Bosses 353 Step 5: Machine The Outside Profile Using Dynamic 360 Step 6: Machine The Slot With Contour Ramp 363 Step 7: Slot Mill The Bigger Slot 367 Step 8: Pockets With Different Depths & An Island 371 Step 9: Machine The Two Open Pockets 375 Step 10: Drill The Holes 378 Step 11: Circle Mill The Large Holes 381 Step 12: Remachine The Pockets With Rest Mill 386 Step 13: Remachine The Contour 391 Step 14: Finish The Walls 394 Step 15: Post Process The Toolpaths 399 Step 16: Save Your File 399 Exercise #1 400 Exercise #2 401 Exercise #3 402 2D HST Toolpaths 403 Introduction 404 Instructor Demonstration: 405 Part Drawing 406 2D High Speed Toolpaths (HST) Information 407 Step 1: Create The Stock Using Bounding Box 408 Step 2: Create A Point At The Top Center Of The Part 410 Step 3: Save The Part 411 Step 4: Merge The Vise 411 Step 5: Change The Cplane To Top 413 Step 6: Move The Origin To The Point 413 Step 7: Create The Job Setup 415 Step 8: Facing Toolpath 418 Step 9: Dynamic Mill Toolpath The Outside Shape 421 Step 10: Dynamic Mill To Remove The Inside Material 430 Step 11: Dynamic Mill The Closed Pocket 436 Step 12: Peel Mill To Machine The Inside Center Boss 440 Step 13: Dynamic Rest Mill The Inside Corners 445 Step 14: Finish The Walls Using Contour 450 Step 15: Chamfer The Sharp Edges - Model Chamfer 455 Step 16: Post Process The Toolpaths To Generate The G-Code 460 Step 17: Save Your File 460 Exercise #1 462 Exercise #2 463 2D Blend & Chamfer Drill 464 Introduction 465 Instructor Demonstration: 466 Toolpaths Information 467 Step 1: Create The Job Setup 468 Step 2: Dynamic Mill Toolpath Review 469 Step 3: Stock Model 485 Step 4: Blend Mill - Finish The Floors 487 Step 5: Finish The Walls Using Contour 494 Step 6: Chamfer Drill Toolpath 497 Step 7: Drill The 3/8" Holes 501 Step 8: Model Chamfer Toolpath 503 Step 9: Post Process The Toolpaths 507 Step 10: Save Your File 507 Review - High Speed Toolpaths 508 Introduction 509 Instructor Demonstration: 510 Step 1: Rename The Toolpath Group 511 Step 2: Contour Toolpath 514 Step 3: Dynamic Toolpath To Rough The Open Pockets 521 10 Appendix - Drawings Drawing #17 DRAWING #17 675 Appendix - Drawings Drawing #18 DRAWING #18 676 Appendix - Drawings Drawing #19 DRAWING #19 677 Appendix - Drawings Drawing #20 DRAWING #20 678 Appendix - Drawings Drawing #21 DRAWING #21 679 Appendix - Drawings Drawing #22 DRAWING #22 680 Appendix - Drawings Drawing #23 DRAWING #23 681 Appendix - Drawings Drawing #24 DRAWING #24 682 Appendix - Drawings Drawing #25 DRAWING #25 683 Appendix - Drawings Drawing #26 DRAWING #26 684 Appendix - Drawings Drawing #27 DRAWING #27 685 Appendix - Drawings Drawing #28 DRAWING #28 686 Appendix - Drawings Drawing #29 DRAWING #29 687 Appendix - Drawings Drawing #30 DRAWING #30 688 Appendix - Drawings Drawing #31 DRAWING #31 689

Ngày đăng: 02/08/2023, 23:21


