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MOS, Biện pháp thi công đường ống, Cách thi công đường ống, áp dụng cho các Tòa nhà cao tầng, văn phòng cao ốc, trung tâm thương mại, nhà máy. Tài liệu dùng ngôn ngữ tiếng anh, phù hợp cho các Kỹ sư, Ban quản lý làm việc trong môi trường nước ngoài

HCMC Metro Cp-2 Project Me thod Sta tem e nt fo r TITLE : Plum bi ng & Sa nita r y Pipi ng wor k s Doc.No.: Rev Date: _2015 Rev.No : Page : of _ Ho Chi Minh City Urban Railway Construction Project PROJECT TITLE: Ben Thanh - Suoi Tien Section (Line 1) Construction Package : Civil(Elevated & Depot) Manufacturing QualityPlan REVISION STATUS REV No DATE DESCRIPTION 2012 FIRST ISSUE PREPARED BY NAME SIGNATURE DATE GS Neotek Vietnam CHECKED BY REMARKS APPROVED BY HCMC Metro Cp-2 Project Me thod Sta tem e nt fo r TITLE : Plum bi ng & Sa nita r y Pipi ng wor k s TABLEOF CONTENTS Doc.No.: Rev Date: _2015 Rev.No : Page : of _ Pageno Aim 2 Scopeof Works QualityControl 3.1 Purpose/Scope 3.2 Referencesand Standard 3.3 ProcessFlowChartfortheWorkPlanProcedure Procedure .4 MaterialControl Methodology 6.1 PPR PipesandFittingsInstallation 6.2 uPVCPipesandFittingsInstallation .16 6.3 HDPE PipesandFittingsInstallation .23 6.4 UndergroundPipesInstallation .24 MachineryandTools 25 7.1 Machineryandtoolsforconstruction 25 7.2 Machineryandtoolsfortesting 25 TestMethodandTestPlan,TestRecordForms,InspectionForms .26 8.1 TestMethod 26 8.2 InspectionandTestPlan 27 SafetyPlan 27 10 Appendix 28 GS Neotek Vietnam HCMC Metro Cp-2 Project Me thod Sta tem e nt fo r TITLE : Plum bi ng & Sa nita r y Pipi ng wor k s Doc.No.: Rev Date: _2015 Rev.No : Page : of _ Aim TheobjectiveistodescribetheinstallationofPlumbingWorksassociatedwithinstallationof internalpipestoensurecompliancewithcontractrequirements, approvedshopdrawing, combine andcoordinatedallservicesandstructuralpenetration shopdrawings, material, specificationandqualitycontrol ScopeofWorks ThisMethodStatement describestheworkexecutionfortheinstallation ofpipeforPlumbing andSanitarysystempipingworks QualityControl 3.1 Purpose/Scope ThisprocedureestablishestheinstructionsforthepreparationandcontrolofInspectionand TestPlan(ITP)forfieldconstruction activitiesandnotificationtoOwner’sproject managementfortheirselectedinspectionpointin atimelymanner 3.2 ReferencesandStandard Materials uPVCpipeforSoil,Waste,VentandDrainSystem PPRpipeforColdandHotWaterPipeSystem HDPE pipe for external cold water pipe system only GS Neotek Vietnam Standard SS213&SS272 DIN8077/8078 HCMC Metro Cp-2 Project Me thod Sta tem e nt fo r TITLE : Plum bi ng & Sa nita r y Pipi ng wor k s Doc.No.: Rev Date: _2015 Rev.No : Page : of _ 3.3 ProcessFlowChartfortheWorkPlanProcedure Materials ShopDrawing 3.MethodStatement Rejected Engineer's/Consultant’sComments Approved Materialsprocurement &delivery to site Rejected Inspection Approved Installationofpipeopening through slab&walls Rejected Rejected Inspection Approved Rejected Hangers / Supports Installation Pipeinstallationbasedonapproved shopdrawings Inspection Approved Hydraulic Test–Cold&HotWater Piping Water Leak Test–Soil,Waste, Vent &Drainagepipe Rejected Inspection Approved Rejected Pipeinsulation(whereapplicable) Pipe penetrationseals Firestopping(whereapplicable) Pipesystemcleaning&flushing Inspection Installationofequipment F inalconnectiontoequipme nt, valves andaccessories GS Neotek Vietnam Approved HCMC Metro Cp-2 Project Me thod Sta tem e nt fo r TITLE : Plum bi ng & Sa nita r y Pipi ng wor k s Doc.No.: Rev Date: _2015 Rev.No : Page : of _ Procedure 4.1 Forsiteinspection,Main-conEngineer shallpreparethe Request forInspectionandnotifytothe Engineernotlessthanoneworkingdayinadvancefor requiredholdandwitnesspoint 4.2 ITPshallbepreparedbyresponsibleMain-conEngineeraccordingtoconstruction detail scheduleonthebasisoftheapplicable shopdrawings, methodstatementand/or specification 4.3 Main-conEngineershallfollowuptheinspectionactivitiesinaccordancewiththe“ITP” 4.4 Uponcompletionoftheworkoperation,theresponsibleMain-conEngineershallreviewitem coveredbytheapplicableITPtoassurethattheworkhas been completedsatisfactorilyand thattheITPandallsupplementary documentationisattachedandsubmittedtothe Engineer 4.5 Main-conshallrequesttheEngineerforvisualcheckon site,towitnesshowthePPR,uPVC andC.I.pipearecut,heatedandcooled,joinedtogether MaterialControl 5.1 PURPOSE Thispurposeistoprovideinstruction forthecontrolandreceiptofmaterial,equipmentand suppliespurchased,furnishedorcontrolledbyMain-confor HCM Metro CP-2 – Line 1Project 5.2 SCOPE Thisprocedureisapplicabletoreceiving,handling,storage, maintenanceandinspectionof itemsreceivedbyMain-confortheconstructionof HCM Metro CP-2 – Line Project 5.3 RESPONSIBILITY a) Main-conengineershallberesponsiblefortheimplementation ofreceivinginspectionand notifyingOwner’sProjectEngineer(1 dayin advance) materialdeliveryITPformsforthematerialsw/c Main-conpurchasedinthe localmarket;and foroverseas,thearrivalofmaterialshallbeadvisedtoClient/Project Engineeronthe shipmentdateandETAinHCM.Main-conEngineershallnotifytheClient/Project Engineer uponarrival inHCMoneday inadvance forreceivinginspectiontosite The Client/ProjectEngineershalldesignatethelaydownareasforthebulkmaterials b) TheSubcontractorshallplaceitemsinthestorageareasto whichtheyareassigned c) TheSubcontractorshallrecordeachitemonthematerialstockinventoryreportand shallbesubmittedto Main-conformonitoring 5.4 GENERAL a) MaterialControl&Receivingshallconsistprimarilyofcommercial receiptincluding count,conditionand identification b) Receivingshallbe performedinconjunctionwithinspectionbyMain-conEngineer c) Receiving inspection shall be performed based on the requirement of the latest approvedmaterialsandprocurementdocuments GS Neotek Vietnam HCMC Metro Cp-2 Project Me thod Sta tem e nt fo r TITLE : Plum bi ng & Sa nita r y Pipi ng wor k s Doc.No.: Rev Date: _2015 Rev.No : Page : of _ 5.5 RECEIVING ReceivinginspectionshallbeperformedbytheMain-conengineerandClient/ProjectEngineer formaterialandequipmentreceived STORAGE a) StorageArea Access to storage areas shall be controlled and limited only to authorized personnel Cleanlinessandgoodhousekeepingpracticesshallbeenforcedatalltimesinthe storageareas Main-conengineershallperformtheperiodicinspectionforstorageareaeveryweek 5.6 MARKING The subcontractor shall ensure that material delivered to site areneatly arranged,packed and labeledasperitem againstthepackinglistorreceiptfrom themanufacturer 5.7 METHODS a) Allitemsshallbestoredinsuchamannerastopermitreadyaccessforinspection and maintenancewithoutexcessivehandlinginordertominimizerisk ordamage b) Itemsstackedforstorageshallbearrangedsothattheracks,cribbingorcratesare bearingthefull weightwithoutdistortionof the item Methodology 6.1 PPRPipesandFittingsInstallation a) AdhesiveBondingJointFor PP-RPipesandFittings 1) Cuttingofthepipe - Markpipeaccordingtothenecessarylength - Cutthepipefollowingthemarking.Cutthepipeatrightanglesto thepipeaxis - Forbiggerpipesusecuttingmachineasshownbelow GS Neotek Vietnam HCMC Metro Cp-2 Project Me thod Sta tem e nt fo r TITLE : Plum bi ng & Sa nita r y Pipi ng wor k s Doc.No.: Rev Date: _2015 Rev.No : Page : of _ 2) Heatingofpipeandfitting - Pushtheendof thepipeupto theweldingdepthintotheweldingtool - Afterthestipulatedheatingtimes,quicklyremovepipe andfittingfromthewelding tool(Seetable1) - JointhemimmediatelyuntilthemarkedweldingdepthiscoveredbythePP-R beadfrom thefitting - Beforestartingthefusion,checkifthealuminum-PP-compositelayerhasbeen completelyremove - All used devices and tools must have reached the necessary operating temperatureof 260deg.C - Suitablemeasuringinstrumenthavetomeasureatemperatureofupto350deg C GS Neotek Vietnam HCMC Metro Cp-2 Project Me thod Sta tem e nt fo r TITLE : Plum bi ng & Sa nita r y Pipi ng wor k s GS Neotek Vietnam Doc.No.: Rev Date: _2015 Rev.No : Page : of _ HCMC Metro Cp-2 Project Me thod Sta tem e nt fo r TITLE : Plum bi ng & Sa nita r y Pipi ng wor k s Doc.No.: Rev Date: _2015 Rev.No : Page : of _ 2) Weldinsaddles - Weldinsaddlesareavailable forpipeouterdiameter of40,50,63,75,90, 110,125,160,200and250mm.Themaximum sensorwell diameter is specifiedinthefollowingTable.2 - Weldinsaddlesareusedfor: i Branchconnectionsin existinginstallations ii Thesubstitutionof atee.Branchconnectionsinrisers iii Sensorwells,etc - Drillthroughthepipewallatthe intendedoutletpointbyusingthedrill - Inserttheheatingtoolontheconcave sideoftheweld-in saddletoolintothe holedrilledin thepipe wall untilthetool iscompletelyin contactwith theouter wallof thepipe GS Neotek Vietnam HCMC Metro Cp-2 Project Me thod Sta tem e nt fo r TITLE : Plum bi ng & Sa nita r y Pipi ng wor k s Doc.No.: Rev Date: _2015 Rev.No : Page : 10 of _ - Fusingtheweld-in saddlewiththepipetheoutersurface andthepipeinner wallconnectionreacheshigheststability - Theweldingdevice/saddle weldingtoolmusthavereachedtherequired operatingtemperatureof 260deg.C - TheWeldingsurfaceshavetobecleananddry - Inserttheheating toolontheconcave sideoftheweld-in saddletoolintothe holedrilledin thepipe wall untilthetool iscompletelyin contactwith theouter wallofthepipe.Nexttheweld-in saddletoolisinserted intotheheating sleeveuntilthesaddle surface isupagainst theconvexsideofthewelding tool.Theheatingtimeof theelementsis generally30 sec - Inserttheweld-insaddlein to theheateddrilledhole.Pressedandwaitfor15 sec.Waitfor10minutestocoolbeforeexposedtofullloading GS Neotek Vietnam HCMC Metro Cp-2 Project Me thod Sta tem e nt fo r TITLE : Plum bi ng & Sa nita r y Pipi ng wor k s Doc.No.: Rev Date: _2015 Rev.No : Page : 16 of _ Note:Seeshop drawing detailsfor variouspipe outlet heightsasper san.fixtures supplierrecommendation GS Neotek Vietnam HCMC Metro Cp-2 Project Me thod Sta tem e nt fo r TITLE : Plum bi ng & Sa nita r y Pipi ng wor k s Doc.No.: Rev Date: _2015 Rev.No : Page : 17 of _ 6.2 uPVCPipesandFittingsInstallation a) Cuttingof pipe - Allcuttingmustbedoneinwarehouseorindesignatedareasateachfloor.All cuttingmustnotbe doneat workarea - Cuttinganglemustberightangle - Insideedgesmustbereamedsmoothbyreamerorsandpaper b) AdhesiveBondingW ork(foruPVCPipe) Zeropoint Stopper Swelllayer by Adhesive (0.1-0.2mm) Marking PVCsocket L L PVCPipe PVCsocket PVCPipe DeformationsRegion Marking Fluidityregion BoundaryofJoint ActualPVCSocketLength 12 BoundaryofJoint Figure1:DetailsofAdhesiveBondingJoint - Ensurepipesarecorrectdiameter,approvalmaterialpriortostartworks.Plainends shall be inspected with special attention, as these ends arethemostsusceptibletodamage - Pipesshallnotberolledorskiddedagainstotherpipematerials.Make surethatthepipesarefreefrom debrisandotherforeignmaterials - Markthemeasuredlengthonthepipe bypermanentmarkerpen CutthepipeusingapowersaworaPVCcutter.Besureto cutthepipe squarely GS Neotek Vietnam HCMC Metro Cp-2 Project Me thod Sta tem e nt fo r TITLE : Plum bi ng & Sa nita r y Pipi ng wor k s Doc.No.: Rev Date: _2015 Rev.No : Page : 18 of _ - Chamferthe cornersandremoveallburrsbyreamer,fileorsandpaper,cleanawaydust,dirtandoils withacleanrugbeforeapplyingadhesive - Beforejointing,insertthepipeintothejointsocketandconfirmthatthelengthfrom zeropointtotheendof pipeis 1/3to 2/3of actualsocketlength - Attachmarkingon thepipesurfacebypermanentmarkerpen Markingpositionshallbeactualsocketlengthfrom theendof pipe - Applyadhesiveuniformlyandthinlywiththebrushforoutsideofpipeandinsideof socketandinsert.Don'ttwistafter i nserting,butinsertstrongly,andpressitdownasitis.Standardcontroltimesis30secondsfordi ametersof50mmorless, take60secondsfordiameterofmorethan50 GS Neotek Vietnam HCMC Metro Cp-2 Project Me thod Sta tem e nt fo r TITLE : Plum bi ng & Sa nita r y Pipi ng wor k s GS Neotek Vietnam Doc.No.: Rev Date: _2015 Rev.No : Page : 19 of _ HCMC Metro Cp-2 Project Me thod Sta tem e nt fo r TITLE : Plum bi ng & Sa nita r y Pipi ng wor k s Doc.No.: Rev Date: _2015 Rev.No : Page : 20 of _ - I mmediatelyinsertpipeintofittingsocket,givingthepipeaonequarterturnandmakingsureitgo esallthewaytothesocketbottom -Holdthejointtogetheruntilatightsetis attained - Standardcontroltimesis30secondsfordiametersof50mmorless,take 60secondsfordiameterofmorethan50mm GS Neotek Vietnam

Ngày đăng: 19/04/2023, 23:25

