BS EN 15254-7:2012 BSI Standards Publication Extended application of results from fire resistance tests — Non-loadbearing ceilings Part 7: Metal sandwich panel construction BS EN 15254-7:2012 BRITISH STANDARD National foreword This British Standard is the UK implementation of EN 15254-7:2012 The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical Committee FSH/22/-/7, Non loadbearing separating elements A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to its secretary This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract Users are responsible for its correct application © The British Standards Institution 2012 Published by BSI Standards Limited 2012 ISBN 978 580 76405 ICS 13.220.50; 91.060.30 Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from legal obligations This British Standard was published under the authority of the Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 31 August 2012 Amendments issued since publication Date Text affected BS EN 15254-7:2012 EN 15254-7 EUROPEAN STANDARD NORME EUROPÉENNE EUROPÄISCHE NORM June 2012 ICS 13.220.50; 91.060.30 English Version Extended application of results from fire resistance tests - Nonloadbearing ceilings - Part 7: Metal sandwich panel construction Application étendue des résultats d´essais de résistance au feu - Plafonds non porteurs - Partie 7: Panneaux sandwiches métalliques pour la construction Erweiterter Anwendungsbereich der Ergebnisse von Feuerwiderstandsprüfungen - Nichttragende Unterdecken Teil 7: Sandwichelemente in Metallbauweise This European Standard was approved by CEN on May 2012 CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN member This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German) A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the same status as the official versions CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATION COMITÉ EUROPÉEN DE NORMALISATION EUROPÄISCHES KOMITEE FÜR NORMUNG Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels © 2012 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national Members Ref No EN 15254-7:2012: E BS EN 15254-7:2012 EN 15254-7:2012 (E) Contents Page Foreword 3 Scope 4 Normative references 4 3.1 3.2 Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviations 4 Terms and definitions 4 Symbols and abbreviations 5 4.1 4.2 4.3 Establishing the field of extended application 6 General 6 Assumptions in the extended application 6 Assumed structural behaviour of a sandwich panel in fire 7 5.1 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 5.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.3.4 5.3.5 5.4 5.5 5.6 Rules for extended applications of the tested product .7 General 7 Variations in the materials of the product 8 General 8 Variations in the metal sheets 8 Variations in the adhesive 9 Variations in the core material 10 Variations in the construction 11 Variations in span length 11 Variations in the panel thickness 11 Variations in the joint construction 12 Variations in the boundary conditions and fixing system 12 Length and width of ceiling construction 12 Interaction between the factor influences 12 Support structure 13 Heating conditions 13 6.1 6.2 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.3 Small scale tests and calculation methods 13 Small scale tests 13 Calculation methods 14 General 14 Calculation of strength properties 14 Additional measurements to be carried out in the reference test 14 Report of the extended application analysis 14 Annex A (informative) Typical behaviour of a sandwich panel ceiling when exposed to fire 16 Annex B (normative) Typical examples of sandwich panel ceiling end fixings to support structure 18 Annex C (normative) Rules and calculation methods for extending the span length of sandwich panel ceilings 19 Bibliography 22 BS EN 15254-7:2012 EN 15254-7:2012 (E) Foreword This document (EN 15254-7:2012) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 127 “Fire safety in buildings”, the secretariat of which is held by BSI This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by December 2012, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by December 2012 Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights CEN [and/or CENELEC] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the European Free Trade Association EN 15254 is divided into the following parts: EN 15254-2, Extended application of results from fire resistance tests — Non-loadbearing walls — Part 2: Masonry and Gypsum Blocks EN 15254-4, Extended application of results from fire resistance tests — Non-loadbearing walls — Part 4: Glazed constructions EN 15254-5, Extended application of results from fire resistance tests — Non-loadbearing walls — Part 5: Metal sandwich panel construction prEN 15254-6, Extended application of results from fire resistance tests — Non-loadbearing walls — Part 6: Curtain walling EN 15254-7, Extended application of results from fire resistance tests — Non-loadbearing ceilings — Part 7: Metal sandwich panel construction, [the present document] According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom BS EN 15254-7:2012 EN 15254-7:2012 (E) Scope This European Standard defines rules for extended applications, provides guidance, and, where appropriate, specifies procedures, for variations of certain parameters and factors associated with the design of internal non-loadbearing ceilings constructed of metal sandwich panels that have been tested in accordance with EN 1364-2 This European Standard applies to self-supporting, double skin metal faced sandwich panels which have an insulating core bonded to both facings Normative references The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for its application For dated references, only the edition cited applies For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies EN 1363-1:2012, Fire resistance tests — Part 1: General requirements EN 1363-2, Fire resistance tests — Part 2: Alternative and additional procedures EN 1364-2:1999, Fire resistance tests for non-loadbearing elements — Part 2: Ceilings EN 1993-1-2, Eurocode Design of steel structures — Part 1-2: General rules — Structural fire design EN 13501-2, Fire classification of construction products and building elements — Part 2: Classification using data from fire resistance tests, excluding ventilation services EN 14509:2006, Self-supporting double skin metal faced insulating panels — Factory made products — Specifications 3.1 Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviations Terms and definitions For the purpose of this document, the terms and definitions given in EN 14509:2006, EN 1364-2:1999, EN 1363-1:2012 and the following apply 3.1.1 direct field of application of test results outcome of a process (involving the application of defined rules) whereby a test result is deemed to be equally valid for variations in one or more of the product properties and/or intended end use applications 3.1.2 extended field of application of test results outcome of a process (involving the application of defined rules that may incorporate calculation procedures) that predicts, for a variation of a product property and/or its intended end use application(s), a test result on the basis of one or more test results to the same test standard 3.1.3 factor one of the possible variations that may be applied to a parameter BS EN 15254-7:2012 EN 15254-7:2012 (E) 3.1.4 factor influence one of the potential causes of a change in the fire resistance due to a factor 3.1.5 fastening, fixing device that fastens the panels to a support structure or to the test frame 3.1.6 fixing system system consisting of fastenings and other possible means used to fasten the panels to a support structure or to the test frame 3.1.7 length of assembly length of the ceiling in the span (or panel length) direction in the reference test or in the end use application 3.1.8 width of assembly width of the ceiling in the cross direction of the span (or panel length) in the reference test or in the end use application 3.1.9 reference test fire resistance test on which the extended application is based and the results of which are used as the main source of data for the extended application Note to entry: The fire resistance test is in accordance with EN 1363-1 and EN 1364-2 and where applicable EN 1363-2 3.1.10 stiching device for fixing panels to panels in the longitudinal joint 3.1.11 span length center to center distance between two consecutive supports to which the sandwich panel is fixed 3.1.12 support structure construction onto which the panel ceiling is fastened in the end use application 3.1.13 test frame frame containing the test construction for the purpose of mounting onto the furnace 3.2 Symbols and abbreviations For the purposes of this document, the following symbols and abbreviations apply FEd catenary force acting on the fasteners Fv vertical force due at g acting at the fastener FEd1 catenary force acting at the fastener at maximum temperature in the test FEd2 catenary force acting at the fastener at temperature for the increased span Fv1 vertical force due at g acting at the fastener at maximum temperature in the test BS EN 15254-7:2012 EN 15254-7:2012 (E) Fv2 vertical force due at g acting at the fastener at temperature for the increased span L span length T temperature b width of panel g panel weight per square meter n number of fasteners p relative end movement in the fastener w deflection of the ceiling α linear coefficient of thermal expansion 4.1 Establishing the field of extended application General An extended application analysis is required when the application differs in one or more parameters from the one tested and described in the test report and/or in the classification document, and which is not covered by the field of direct application of the classification document The extended application of the sandwich panels used as a non-loadbearing ceiling shall be based on the reference fire test results performed according to EN 1364-2 It may be complemented by one or more additional small or full-scale tests or by historical data If historical data are used, they shall comply with the rules given in this document 4.2 Assumptions in the extended application The following assumptions are considered when evaluating extended applications for sandwich panels: a) the ceiling is required to possess fire resistance in the end-use condition (relevant classes are given in EN 13501-2); b) the ceiling is assumed to be exposed on the entire face of one side (either from above or below) to the standardised heating conditions given in the EN 1363-1 fire resistance test specification; c) the structure to which the ceiling is fixed does not deflect during the fire exposure period; this simulates the non-deflecting nature of the test frame which forms part of the furnace test apparatus; NOTE In reality constructions deflect and this fact should be taken into account when designing the building and planning the constructional details d) after delamination of the fire exposed facing, the dead load of the panels is carried by a support structure to which the ends of the sandwich panels are attached; the forces from the dead load will be distributed to the support structure by the panel fixings from which loadbearing capacity shall be evaluated; e) the support structure has at least the same loadbearing capacity, R, of the resistance to fire performance as the sandwich panel ceiling regarding integrity; f) the self weight of the facing and core is calculated from the volume and density of the materials; BS EN 15254-7:2012 EN 15254-7:2012 (E) g) the calculation of the reduction in the strength properties of steel at elevated temperature shall be in accordance with EN 1993-1-2 4.3 Assumed structural behaviour of a sandwich panel in fire When one face of a sandwich panel assembly is exposed to fire, the following behaviour may be expected Delamination of the fire-exposed face will occur after a couple of minutes in a fire After delamination, the flexural strength of the assembly is lost and, unless both faces are restrained at the ends, the panels can collapse The fastenings for the ends of the panels need to support the dead load of the whole panel for the entire fire resistance period The behaviour slightly differs depending on the direction of the fire (from above or below) In both cases, the structure acts as a catenary construction NOTE Annex A illustrates typical behaviour of panels Rules for extended applications of the tested product 5.1 General When performing extended applications for a tested ceiling, changes can occur either in the materials and/or in the construction Both are dealt with in this standard Table and Table list the changes which may or may not be made in an extended application assessment The rules for the changes are either given in Table or Table or in 5.2 and 5.3 Table — Material changes relevant to extended application Parameter Factors Factor influence on performance Rules Integrity E Insulation I Chemical composition of coating influence no influence Change from coated to non-coated metal no influence influence Sheet thickness influence no influence Change from one metal to another influence influence Change in sheet geometry influence influence Changes in adhesive Amount influence influence Type influence no influence Changes in core material Type major influence major influence 5.2.4 Change in composition major influence major influence - Changes in metal facings a a Valid up to + 50 % of tested nominal thickness but no decrease is allowed for thicknesses below 0.5 mm and fixing capacity shall be checked 5.2.3 a 5.2.3 a It is understood that when a change in a factor can influence the integrity of a joint, there is a possibility that a change in leakage of hot gases or in joint geometry can also influence the temperature rise near the joint and therefore influence the insulation rating BS EN 15254-7:2012 EN 15254-7:2012 (E) Table — Constructional changes relevant to extended application Parameter Span length Panel width Factors Factor influence on performance Integrity E Insulation I Decrease no influence no influence Increase influence no influence Decrease no influence no influence Rules Allowed a 5.3.1 Allowed a Increase influence no influence Panel thickness e.g core thickness Decrease/increase influence major influence 5.3.2 Joint construction Type major influence major influence 5.3.3 Stiching decreased influence influence Not allowed Stiching increased influence influence 5.3.3 Sealants influence influence Fixing system Type Amount decreased Length of assembly Width of assembly Support structure major influence major influence Test results valid up to + 20 % 5.3.3 no influence a 5.3.4 no influence a 5.3.4 a Allowed Amount increased influence no influence Protection decreased major influence influence 5.3.4 Protection increased influence influence Allowed Decrease no influence no influence Increase influence no influence Decrease no influence no influence Increase no influence no influence Changes influence no influence 5.3.5 a 5.3.5 5.3.5 5.3.5 a 5.5 a It is understood that when a change in a factor can influence the integrity of a joint, there is a possibility that a change in leakage of hot gases or in joint geometry can also influence the temperature rise near the joint and therefore influence the insulation rating 5.2 Variations in the materials of the product 5.2.1 General Sandwich panels consist of three main materials: facing metal sheets, adhesive and core material In the case of auto-adhesively bonded panels, the foamed core material also forms the adhesive layer during the foaming process Changes in the components of a panel can have influences on the fire resistance The rules in Clause apply to such changes 5.2.2 Variations in the metal sheets Variations in the coatings The most essential property of the coating with regard to fire resistance is the emissivity on the non-exposed side Normally the emissivity for a coated steel sheet is between 0,8 and 0,95 A change in emissivity of -10 % for a new coating compared to the tested one is thus allowed if there is at least a 10 % margin in the insulation BS EN 15254-7:2012 EN 15254-7:2012 (E) 2) For gross calorific potential PCS value > MJ/m2:.the results are valid for gross calorific potential PCS values lower than the tested adhesive within manufacturing tolerances 3) For gross calorific potential PCS value > MJ/m2 and > 1,15*PCS: test results shall be reduced by the same % as the gross calorific potential PCS value is over the initial tested adhesive 5.2.4 Variations in the core material General The following main core materials are used in sandwich panels: mineral wool (MW), polyurethane (PUR), extruded polystyrene (XPS), expanded polystyrene (EPS), phenolic foam and cellular glass The behaviour of these core materials regarding fire is different and cannot be compared Changes from one core material to another are therefore not allowed in any extended application Variations within each core material group are allowed in accordance with the rules given in to There are several factors in the different core materials that affect the fire properties of the core and of the sandwich panel It is therefore not possible to extend the results from one core material producer to be valid for apparently similar materials from another producer Mineral wool (MW) Mineral wool consists of stone wool and glass wool Generally, the greater the density of the mineral wool the higher the flexural strength of the panel Density will be dictated by room-temperature structural design requirements However, variation in density affects the I-insulation value The results are always valid for an 3 increase in density in the density range 50 kg/m to 150 kg/m A decrease in density is allowed down to -10 % of tested density Structural design will govern the orientation of fibres i.e lamellas or slabs used in the panels Changes in orientation of fibre have an influence on fire resistance and are therefore not allowed Gaps between the lamellas or ends of lamellas should be avoided Test results are valid for panels with a decrease in the number of lamella joints The mass of fibre binder used per unit volume of MW is governed by room-temperature structural design Because variations in binder content can affect the fire resistance properties, the following rules shall be followed: 1) A smaller amount of binder is always allowed compared to the tested one 2) An increase in binder content of % is allowed if the total amount of binder is below 10 % For example, a result with % binder is valid also for a core with % An increase is not allowed where the binder content is greater than 10 % The nature and proportions of materials used to manufacture the MW fibres shall not be different from those used in the reference test Changes from one manufacturer to another are therefore not allowed It is also important to note that test results for stone wool panels may never be used for glass wool panels and vice versa Polyurethane (PUR) The test results are valid for the same chemical system and blowing agent The test results are valid for + 10 % of tested density 10 BS EN 15254-7:2012 EN 15254-7:2012 (E) Extruded polystyrene (XPS) and expanded polystyrene (EPS) Small changes in chemical composition can have a great influence on the test results The results therefore shall only be used for the tested panels No extended application is allowed Phenolic foam The test results are valid for the same chemical system and blowing agent The test results are valid for + 10 % of tested density Cellular glass Small changes in chemical composition can have a great influence on the test results The results therefore shall only be used for the tested panels No extended application is allowed 5.3 5.3.1 Variations in the construction Variations in span length Two aspects of fire integrity shall be assessed The first aspect shall be the ability of the whole panel assembly to resist collapse when the adhesive bond fails on the exposed side and the panels lose their flexural strength To resist collapse, the ends of the panel facings shall be secured to the structure (the imaginary fire test frame in the extended application) using suspension details Properly designed ceilings shall have both facings mechanically fastened (see typical solutions in Annex B) so they cannot collapse before the support structure collapses (see 5.5) The strength of these suspension details (e.g steel cleats with fastenings) shall be able to carry the dead loads at the temperatures they attain from an increased load of a longer span panel This can be achieved by increasing the amount of fixings based on the rules and calculation method given in Annex C of this standard The second aspect of integrity to be assessed shall be the ability of joints between adjoining sandwich panels to resist the passage of fire This can be achieved by limiting the allowable deflection to be the same as the maximum deflection at failure in the test The rules and calculation method are given in Annex C of this standard To enable an extension in the span length there shall be an overrun of at least 20 % subject to a minimum 10 compared to the classification 5.3.2 Variations in the panel thickness Variations in panel thicknesses are due to changes in thickness of the core material An increase in thickness will lead to a better insulation value and a test result shall therefore always be valid for thicker panels If thicker panels are used, the loadbearing capacity of the end fixings shall be checked in accordance with Annex C due to the increased load Decrease in thickness is not allowed If test results for three or more thicknesses are available, results for other thicknesses may be linearly interpolated between the data points if the failure mode (insulation or integrity) is the same for all test results If the difference between the minimum and maximum thickness is less than 50% of the maximum thickness, two test results are enough Combined variations of both increase in thickness and increase in span length cannot be evaluated based on one test result only At least test results for two different thicknesses are required for the evaluation of temperatures and deflections needed for the calculations in Annex C If these results are not available, smallscale tests can be used to measure temperature increase for different thicknesses according to 6.1 11 BS EN 15254-7:2012 EN 15254-7:2012 (E) 5.3.3 Variations in the joint construction Even small changes in the joint construction can easily affect the integrity of the ceiling and shall not be allowed with the following exceptions 1) An increase in the overlap in the metal facing at the joint is always allowed if other dimensions remain unchanged 2) An increase in the amount of stichings is always allowed 3) Tongue and groove joint in core material is allowed if tested as butted Increase in the depth is always allowed but decrease is not allowed Dimension changes in thicknesses of the tongue and groove are allowed up to + 50 % 4) Joints tested without sealants can always be sealed in the metal joint on the exposed side If sealed on the non-exposed side, the ignition temperature of the sealant material shall be higher or equal to the tested one for EI-classified ceiling systems For E-classified ceiling systems, only sealants with reaction to fire A2-s1,d0 or better shall be used on non-exposed side if tested without sealants 5) If a construction is tested with sealing materials in the joints, test results shall only be valid for joints with the same type of sealing materials and shall not be valid for joints without sealants 5.3.4 Variations in the boundary conditions and fixing system Minor changes in the boundary conditions and fixing system are allowed provided that it can be shown that the bearing capacity is not reduced and the risk of collapse is not increased according to calculations given in Annex C Minor changes include for example an increased amount of fasteners or an increased diameter of fasteners; but material itself cannot be changed Some fixing systems can be protected An increase in protection ability is always allowed If protection ability is decreased and the non-influence is shown for one panel type the result is valid also for other panel types A change in the boundary conditions and the fixing system will influence many parameters such as catenary forces and deflections and, based on these, also allowable span lengths The standard configuration given in Annex B shall therefore always be used The classifications are thus valid for all types of fixing systems in which bearing capacity is greater than the calculated catenary forces in the different classes and applications For dimensioning the support structure in the real buildings, the catenary forces for the different classes and applications shall be given in the extended application report 5.3.5 Length and width of ceiling construction The width of the ceiling can be freely increased if the mounting of the ceiling has been performed according to the test standard with one free edge There are ceiling systems on the market that require two free edges These can be tested as in practice and the test results are valid for this application only In these cases the width of the system can also be increased freely The length of the ceiling construction can be increased using intermediate support structures and taking into account the rules given in Clause and in 5.3.1, 5.3.2 and 5.3.4 5.4 Interaction between the factor influences The situation with combined variations is always very complex and shall be considered case by case To be able to combine variations there shall be an overrun of at least 20 % subject to a minimum 10 compared to the classification 12 BS EN 15254-7:2012 EN 15254-7:2012 (E) 5.5 Support structure The panel assembly is a non-loadbearing ceiling and is always fixed to a support structure The support structure is not normally included in the fire test but is essential to the functioning of the ceiling In a fire test, the support structure is the test frame into which the assembly is mounted The material of the frame can vary from one laboratory to another but it can be assumed that the frame is rigid without any significant deflections In practice, the panel assembly can be fixed to different types of support structures The test results shall be valid if the following requirements on the support structure are fulfilled a) The support structure has at least the same fire resistance (R) classification time for loadbearing capacity as the panel assembly has for insulation and/or integrity b) The thermal movements of the support structure not impose any loads on the panel assembly that can affect the integrity properties of the tested ceiling c) The fixing system shall have the sufficient loadbearing capacity (weight of panel and catenary force) to support the structure for the fire resistance period For this requirement, the rules given in Annex C shall be used NOTE Annex B gives more detailed information about different support structures in practice together with mounting and fixing rules for the testing 5.6 Heating conditions This standard deals with extended application of sandwich panel ceilings tested according to EN 1364-2 Within this test method, the ceiling is exposed to fire, with the exposure being applied either from below the ceiling, or from above the ceiling The rules given in 5.1 to 5.5 are valid for both cases Test results from a test with fire exposure from above the ceiling cannot be used for a situation with exposure from below the ceiling If a test is conducted according to the standard configuration in Annex B with exposure from below, the test result is directly valid also for exposure from above for panels with symmetrical joint geometry in cases according to Figures B.1 a), B.1 b) and B.1 e) For cases according to Figures B.1 c), B.1 d) and B.1 f), it shall be assured that the support structure and fixing systems above the ceiling are protected in such a way that the temperature increase in these will not influence the behaviour of the ceiling panels It shall also be assured that the loadbearing capacity of the support structure and fixing system is sufficient not to collapse during the entire resistance to fire period of the ceiling This evaluation shall include at least the following a) The loadbearing structure, including the suspension system, has at least the same loadbearing capacity R of the resistance to fire performance as the ceiling regarding integrity b) The loadbearing structure, including the suspension system, will not deflect during the fire resistance period For the suspension system, this can be achieved by insuring that the maximum stress in vertically oriented components does not exceed N/mm for fire resistance periods up to and including 60 For fire resistances periods between 60 and 120 min, the maximum stress is limited to N/mm Small scale tests and calculation methods 6.1 Small scale tests For determining and comparing temperatures and insulation values for different constructions, it is possible to use small scale test furnaces Where this has been suggested as a possibility in the rules in Clause 5, a furnace according to the requirements in EN 1363-1 but with minimum opening dimensions of m x m shall 13 BS EN 15254-7:2012 EN 15254-7:2012 (E) be used together with the appropriate time-temperature curve and furnace pressure conditions used in the reference test One test for each parameter change shall be used and the results shall always be compared to the reference construction tested in the same furnace 6.2 Calculation methods 6.2.1 General Calculation methods shall be confined to calculations of average temperature and loadbearing capacity of fixings Wherever possible, temperature data shall be derived from fire tests However, the results of computer models shall be acceptable when they have been adequately validated (thermally and mechanically) for the fire test conditions NOTE 6.2.2 Integrity cannot be predicted with calculation methods Calculation of strength properties To validate the loadbearing capacity of fasteners and fixing systems, the calculation method given in Annex C shall be used Calculations of panel-fastening capacity shall be made for both metal sheets assuming that both can carry the full dead load of the panel in non-exposed condition and the load of the steel sheet only in exposed condition The above rule is only valid for same amount and type of fixings on both sides The grade and thickness of the steel sheet can be dimensioned for the calculations of the fixings and shall be included in the calculations of the fixing system 6.3 Additional measurements to be carried out in the reference test Some extended applications require additional measurements from the reference test If these are needed, the sponsor shall ask for them when ordering the reference test The following data can be used and measured: the deflections of the test specimen at mid-span Report of the extended application analysis The extended application report shall be used in conjunction with the classification document as specified in EN 13501-2 and shall contain the following: a) the name and address of the body that produce the report; b) the name and address of the sponsor; c) the type of the assessed ceiling or ceilings, including a general description and any trade names of all the products involved; d) the reference of this extended application standard and a statement of conformity to this European Standard; e) the description of the change(s) to be made, including a clear statement of the proposed variations considered in the analysis which shall include previously requested changes; f) summary of the report(s) of the reference test(s) and previously granted extended applications; g) identification of the relevant parameter(s) and the list of the factors to be considered; 14 BS EN 15254-7:2012 EN 15254-7:2012 (E) h) the analysis of the influence of each relevant factor as well as of the interaction between the factor influences; i) the conclusion of the analysis; j) the catenary forces for dimensioning the support structures This shall allow the new/revised classification of the fire resistance as well as of the field of extended application of the changed design 15 BS EN 15254-7:2012 EN 15254-7:2012 (E) Annex A (informative) Typical behaviour of a sandwich panel ceiling when exposed to fire L Key Upper facing Horizontal force needed to form a catenary Core Tension forces Lower facing Note outward forces at ends of both facings L Span length Figure A.1 Making the facings into catenaries 16 BS EN 15254-7:2012 EN 15254-7:2012 (E) Key Hanger Local steel strap Upper facing Inverted T-section Mechanical fasteners hold facings to T-section and straps Fire Figure A.2 Practical method of supporting ceiling panel 17 BS EN 15254-7:2012 EN 15254-7:2012 (E) Annex B (normative) Typical examples of sandwich panel ceiling end fixings to support structure a) b) c) d) e) f) Figure B.1 End fixing solutions for sandwich panel ceilings to support structures The support structures in the above figures are shown as I-beams or concrete walls In reality, these structures can vary but in all cases they shall have at least the same R-classification as the EI-classification for the ceiling These structures can be protected or non-protected to receive the stipulated classification To prevent a ceiling to collapse in fire it is essential that both facings act as catenaries (see also Annex A) This can be achieved by using steel straps as shown in the figures Figures B.1 a), B.1 c), B.1 d) and B.1 f) are applicable also to multi-span panels where no panel to panel end joints are included but where the panel continues over the support without joint In this case, the straps are unnecessary because the steel sheet functions in the same way For testing the configurations, Figure B.1 b) or B.1 e) shall be used In the examples in Figure B.1, the fixation area can also be protected with thermal insulation If such thermal insulation is used, in the test the same thermal insulation shall also be used in end use conditions 18 BS EN 15254-7:2012 EN 15254-7:2012 (E) Annex C (normative) Rules and calculation methods for extending the span length of sandwich panel ceilings To enable an extension in the span length there shall be an overrun of at least 20 % subject to a minimum 10 compared to the classification EXAMPLE Test result for a construction is 135 Overrun is < 20 % compared to EI 120 classification so allowed span length for this classification is according to direct application rules Compared to EI 90 classification, the overrun is > 20 % and therefore an extension in span length is allowed for this fire resistance classification according to the rules below 1) Calculation of allowable span length The allowable span length can be calculated using Formula (C.1): w = L(0,375αT)1/2 + (0,375Lp)1/2 (C.1) where w deflection (m); α linear coefficient of thermal expansion of facing; T temperature rise of non-exposed facing (K); L span length of panel (m); p relative end movement (theoretical value to be calculated) The calculation is then combined with the following procedure a) Calculate p in the temperature of the wanted classification for the extended span using the temperature, deflection and span from the reference test in that temperature b) Assuming that we can use the same deflection for the longer span that was the maximum deflection of the ceiling at failure in the reference test, calculate L in the wanted temperature using maximum deflection from the reference test and the above calculated p c) This span length can be used if we consider fire resistance issues only; the maximum span length shall of course also be checked for normal condition as a sandwich construction 2) Calculation of catenary force Once the maximum deflection is known, the catenary force can be calculated using Formula (C.2): FEd = gL2/8w (C.2) where FEd catenary force (N/m); 19 BS EN 15254-7:2012 EN 15254-7:2012 (E) g panel weight (N/m ); L span length of panel (m); w deflection (m) The number of fasteners shall then be increased according to Formula (C.3): n > n1 ∗ FEd2 / FEd1 (C.3) where FEd1 the catenary force acting at the fastener at maximum temperature in the test calculated from Formula (C.2) (N/m); FEd2 the catenary force acting at the fastener at temperature for the increased span calculated from Formula (C.2) (N/m); n1 number of fasteners used in the test per meter; n2 number of fasteners needed for the longer span per meter When the fastener takes the forces due at catenary force and the self weight of the panel, the interaction of these two loads shall be taken into account in the design of the fastener, according to Formula (C.4): (n1 ∗ FEd2 ) / (n2 ∗ FEd1 ) + (n1 ∗ Fv ) / (n2 ∗ Fv1 ) ≤ (C.4) Fv1 and Fv2 can be calculated at actual spans from Formula (C.5): Fv = gL / An example of the calculations is given below 20 (C.5) BS EN 15254-7:2012 EN 15254-7:2012 (E) EXAMPLE ( ) ( 0,375 L ⋅ p ) α = 1,2 ⋅ 10−5 w = L ⋅ 0,375 α ⋅ T + g Panel = Panel ⋅ 9,81 Panel = 21 kg/m2 EI90: w tot90 = 440 mm gPanel = 206,01 N/m2 L90 = 000 mm T90 = 160 °C w dT 90 = L 90 ⋅ (0,375 α ⋅ T90 ) w dT90 = 134,2 mm w inc90 = w tot90 – w dT90 p 90 = w inc90 = 305,8 mm w inc 90 p 90 = 49,9 0,375 L 90 L90 ⋅ (0,375 α ⋅ T90 ) + 0,375 ⋅ L90 ⋅ p 90 = 440 mm ( gPanel ⋅ L90 ⋅ 10 −3 FEd _ 5,0 m = EI60: ) F Ed_5,0 m = 463 N/m ⋅ wtot 90 ⋅ 10 −3 w tot60 = 250 mm L60 = ? T60 = 90 °C wdT 60 = L90 ⋅ (0,375 α ⋅ T60 ) w dT60 = 100,6 mm w inc60 = w tot60 – w dT60 w inc60 = 149,4 mm p 60 = w inc 60 p 60 = 11,9 0,375 L 90 When the span is L60 = 10 900 mm, then: w L 60 = L 60 ⋅ (0,375 α ⋅ T60 ) + 0,375 ⋅ L60 ⋅ p 60 L 60 ⋅ (0,375 α ⋅ T60 ) + 0,375 ⋅ L60 ⋅ p 60 = 439,9 mm F Ed_10,9 m = ( gPanel ⋅ L 60 ⋅ 10 −3 ⋅ w L 60 min⋅ 10 −3 ) F Ed_10,9 m = 955 N/m 21 BS EN 15254-7:2012 EN 15254-7:2012 (E) Bibliography [1] EN 1991-1-2, Eurocode Actions on structures — Part 1-2: General actions — Actions on structures exposed to fire [2] EN 13501-1, Fire classification of construction products and building elements — Part 1: Classification using data from reaction to fire tests 22 This page deliberately left blank NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW British Standards Institution (BSI) BSI is the national body responsible for preparing British Standards and other standards-related publications, information and services BSI is incorporated by Royal Charter British Standards and other standardization products are published by BSI Standards Limited About us Revisions We bring together business, industry, government, consumers, innovators and others to shape their combined experience and expertise into standards -based solutions Our British Standards and other publications are updated by amendment or revision The knowledge embodied in our standards has been carefully assembled in a dependable format and refined through our open consultation process Organizations of all sizes and across all sectors choose standards to help them achieve their goals Information on standards We can provide you with the knowledge that your organization needs to succeed Find out more about British Standards by visiting our website at or contacting our Customer Services team or Knowledge Centre Buying standards You can buy and download PDF versions of BSI publications, including British and adopted European and international standards, through our website at, where hard copies can also be purchased If you need international and foreign standards from other Standards Development Organizations, hard copies can be ordered from our Customer Services team Subscriptions Our range of subscription services are designed to make using standards easier for you For further information on our subscription products go to With British Standards Online (BSOL) you’ll have instant access to over 55,000 British and adopted European and international standards from your desktop It’s available 24/7 and is refreshed daily so you’ll always be up to date You can keep in touch with standards developments and receive substantial discounts on the purchase price of standards, both in single copy and subscription format, by becoming a BSI Subscribing Member PLUS is an updating service exclusive to BSI Subscribing Members You will automatically receive the latest hard copy of your standards when they’re revised or replaced To find out more about becoming a BSI Subscribing Member and the benefits of membership, please visit With a Multi-User Network Licence (MUNL) you are able to host standards publications on your intranet Licences can cover as few or as many users as you wish With updates supplied as soon as they’re available, you can be sure your documentation is current For further information, email BSI Group Headquarters 389 Chiswick High Road London W4 4AL UK We continually improve the quality of our products and services to benefit your business If you find an inaccuracy or ambiguity within a British Standard or other BSI publication please inform the Knowledge Centre Copyright All the data, software and documentation set out in all British Standards and other BSI publications are the property of and copyrighted by BSI, or some person or entity that owns copyright in the information used (such as the international standardization bodies) and has formally licensed such information to BSI for commercial publication and use Except as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 no extract may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means – electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise – without prior written permission from BSI Details and advice can be obtained from the Copyright & Licensing Department Useful Contacts: Customer Services Tel: +44 845 086 9001 Email (orders): Email (enquiries): Subscriptions Tel: +44 845 086 9001 Email: Knowledge Centre Tel: +44 20 8996 7004 Email: Copyright & Licensing Tel: +44 20 8996 7070 Email: