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INTERNATIONAL STANDARD IS0 1 0284 First edition 1 997 1 2 1 5 Cinematography Graphical symbols Description Cinkmatographie Symboles graphiques Description This material is reproduced from IS0 document[.]

I N TERN ATI ON AL I S0 STAN DARD 0284 Fi rst edition 997-1 2-1 Ci n em atog raph y - G raph i cal sym bol s - Descri pti on Ci nkmatographi e This - Symboles material is Organization reproduced Not i n any allowed i n the consent of 734 79) reproduced for lH SllCC/l996 IHS from for form, (Case or the resale No postale I S0 part Description docu ments (I SO) electronic law - I S0 Standardization copyright I S0 graphiques of these retrieval system country of of the 56, lZll Licenser’s Geneva m em u nder Copyright use, I S0 I nternational License n u m ber docu men ts or otherwise, or with the 20, Switzerland, may be except as prior Fax written +41 22 hers Reference I S0 number 0284:1 997(E) IS0 0284:1 997(E) Foreword IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies) The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical committees Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee International organizations, governmental and nongovernmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work IS0 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote International Standard IS0 0284 was prepared by Technical Committee ISOITC 36, Cinematography Q IS0 997 All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher International Organization for Standardization Case postale 56 Cl-f-1 21 Geneve 20 l Switzerland Internet central Q iso.ch x.400 c=ch; a=400net; p=iso; o=isocs; s=central Printed in Switzerland i I N TERNATI ONAL STAN DARD @ I S0 Ci nem atograph y - I S0 G raph i cal sym bol s - 0284:1 997(E) Descri pti on Scope This International Standard N orm ati ve The following revision, possibility regi sters I S0 Standard and parti es of applying :1 988, contain the At to provisions ti m e of symbols m ost valid based recent editions I nternational General principles which, intended through publication, agreem ents the of currently 3461 -l graphical for use on motion-picture equipment referen ces standards I nternational specifies on the this of the reference editions in indicated International standards this text, were valid Standard indicated are below constitute All provisions standards encouraged M embers are to of I EC of this subject investigate and I S0 to the maintain Standards for the creation of graphical symbols - Part I: Graphical symbols for use on equipment I S0 7000:1 989, Graphical I S0 8400:1 985, Cinematography I EC 41 7, DI N 5585: 984 -1 2, Graphical DI N 30600:1 985-l symbols film for use on equipment - Position - of emulsion Index surface and synopsis of m m motion-picture prints - I dentification for use on equipment printing , Graphical technology; symbols - graphical symbols Registration, designation Di m ensi on s Symbol symbols dimensions Grou pi ng In this shall conform to I S0 3461 -l of sym bol s I nternational - Symbols of general Group - Symbols of power-supply Group - Symbols of optical Group - Symbols of m ovem ent Group - Symbols of sound Group - Symbols of thermo-pneumo-hydro The equivalent correspond are Group - five symbols the NOTE other Standard, application, Fren ch divided conditionally into to the six groups limited The functional first group system s includes symbols of motion-picture of general equipment application and systems lighting and is given drive) system s mechanical engineering term (electric system s systems system s below each referent I S0 0284:1 997(E) Grou p - Sym bol s of general appl i cati on 1 On power Marche Reference Referent Symbol N umber (mise sou s I EC 5007 I EC 5008 I EC 5009 tensi on ) I Off (power) Arret I (mise h ors ten si on) Stand-by Attente @ Stop (of acti on) Arret (mise Start (of acti on) Demarrage PI Remote c cycle N orm al Fast (or semi-au tomatic (ou cycle cycle) 0093 I S0 0026 I S0 0096 I EC 51 07 I EC 51 08 I EC 5004 I EC 5072 I EC 5051 I EC 51 84 I EC 501 I EC 0391 semi-au tomatique) ru n norm al ru n Defilement 1 I S0 manuelle Defilement 1 51 04 operation) trol Commande I EC a distance automatique Manual 51 service) trol Au tomati c Cycle h ors (du ne Commande I EC rapide Variability Variabilite 1 Balance Bquilibre 1 1 1 1 Television P Di sposi ti f Cl ock; de contrble time H orloge; switch; visuel d’image ti mer com mu tateu r Bell horaire; minu terie Sonnerie Lubricating H uile m on i tor oi l de graissage I S0 I S0 I S0 Grou p 2- Sym bols N umber of power-supply system s (el ectri c Symbol d ri ve) Referent Direct III Cou ran t Battery I Both I EC 5032 cu rrent al ternati f check Control e /\) I EC 5031 ti n u Alternating Reference cu rren t Cou rant 0284:1 997(E) des di rect I EC 5001 piles and alternating cu rren t Cou rant conti nu et alternatif AC/DC converter; recti fi er; Convertisseur su bsti tute alternati f/con ti nu I power redresseu r, supply I EC 5033 I EC 5003 alimentation de su bsti tu ti on Earth I -L = (grou n d) I EC 501 Terre Frame Masse, I EC 5020 or chassis chassis A7 I I Fu se I EC 501 Cou pe-ci rcu i t M otor 0M Generator 0G 2*1I Group3- Number Dangerou s Tension Sym bol s of opti cal and voltage l i g h ti n g Lamp; lighting; Lampe; 1 53 I EC 5036 system s Referent I I S0 dangereuse Symbol -6 ’ 01 47 Generateur \ I S0 Moteu r fusi ble i ll u m in ation eclairage; Reference I EC 501 il l u m inati on ’ DI N 30600-0281 Fu l l projection li ght Pleine de projection lumiere Reduced 3 Lu miere projecti on de projection light DI N 30600-0281 reduite I S0 @ I S0 0284:1 997(E) N umber Reference Referent Svmbol Lens Objecti f DI N Focu ssin g Mise ’ \ I poi nt Bri ghtness; brilliance Lu mi nosi te; brillance I EC 5056 I EC 5057 I S0 8400 I S0 8400 -O0 au 30600-0281 \ Contrast Contraste Em u l si on posi ti on Positi on de l ’em u lsi on Em u l si on Sym bol s Grou p4Number I posi ti on Positi on f-o+ of m ovem en t and B Type Type de l ’emu lsion B A Type m ech an i cal A system s Reference Referent Symbol Wi n d Type (con ti n u ou s material; rol l (conti n u ou s material) I S0 0037 I S0 0038 I EC 51 91 I EC 51 70 I S0 001 I EC 51 71 I S0 0031 Enroulage D U nwind (conti n u ou s material; u n rol l (con ti n u ou s material) Deroulage 4-3I E Frami ng Cadrage Stop-frame 4 Image d’arr6t l lsl Marker Marqu eur >I Coupling Coupleu r Cu tti ng Coupe Lu brication Lu bri ficati on I S0 @ I S0 Grou p - Sym bols of sound engi neering 0284:1 997(E) system s J umber Reference Referent Symbol I EC 5034 I npu t IEntree iOu tpu t I EC 5035 , Sortie D 5 I EC 5082 IMicrophone Microphone u3 Linear I S0 i npu t-ou tpu t Entree-sortie I EC 5084 Am pl ifier J DI Ampli ficateu r Tape I EC 5093 recorder Enregi streur e bande I EC 5080 Loudspeaker 1 07 lineaire H aut-parleur n i\ I EC H eadphones C asque 5077 telephonique b T elephone; telephone T elephone; adaptateur Antenna; aerial I EC 5090 adapter telephonique I EC 5039 (U SA) Pntenne FRecording 1 IPlay-back Y ILectu re de bande Erasing from Recording Blocage 5095 su r bande or reading Effacement I EC on tape Einregistrement from I EC 5096 tape I EC 5097 tape de bande lock on tape I EC 51 01 recorders de I ’enregistrement su r une bande @ IS0 IS0 0284:1 997(E) Referent Monitoring at the input during recording on tape Contrble a I’entrbe durant I’enregistrement Reference IEC 5098 Monitoring from tape after recording on tape Contrble de la bande apr& I’enregistrement sur la bande IEC 5099 5.1 Monitoring during play-back or reading from tape Contr&e &rant la lecture d’une bande IEC 51 00 5.1 Pause; interruption Repos; interruption momentanee IEC 51 1 5.1 Sound mixer Mixeur 5.20 Reverberator RBverb&ateur Number 5.1 5.1 Symbol % 10 Group6 - Symbols of thermo-pneumo-hydro Number 6.1 Symbol R( 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 Heating Chauffage systems Referent Air impeller (blower, fan, etc.) Ventilateur (soufflerie, turbine, etc.) A s 00 k Air impeller with heating Ventilateur avec chauffage Constant temperature Temperature constante Level Niveau Reference IS0 0535 IS0 501 DIN 5585 IS0 01 59 I S0 I CS 0284:1 997(E) 01 080 20; Descriptors: Price based 37 060 01 cinematography, on pages photographic equ i pment, symbols, graphic symbols, description

Ngày đăng: 05/04/2023, 14:37
