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INTERNATIONAL STANDARD I SO 42 - Second edition 01 5-09-01 Cycles — S afety requirements fo r b icycles — Part : Requirements fo r city and trekking, yo ung adult, mo untain and racing b icycles Cycles — Exig en ces de sécu rité des b icyclettes — Pa rtie : a du lte, Exig en ces p o u r b icyclettes de ville et de n n n ée, de jeu n e de m o n ta g n e et de co u rse Reference number ISO 42 0-2 : 01 (E) I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n © ISO 01 ISO 42 10-2 :2 015(E) COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT © ISO 2015, Published in Switzerland All rights reserved Unless otherwise speci fied, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester ISO copyright office Ch de Blandonnet • CP 401 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland Tel +41 22 749 01 11 Fax +41 22 749 09 47 copyright@iso.org www.iso.org ii I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved ISO 42 10-2 :2 015(E) Contents Page Foreword v Introduction vi Scope Normative references Terms and definitions Requirements 4.1 Toxicity 4.3 Security and strength of safety-related fasteners 4.3.1 Security of screws 4.2 Sharp edges 4.3 4.4 4.3.3 Minimum failure torque Folding bicycle mechanism Crack detection methods 4.5 Protrusions 4.6 Brakes 4.6.1 Braking systems 4.6.3 4.6.4 Attachment of brake assembly and cable requirements Brake-block and brake-pad assemblies — Security test 4.6.2 4.6.5 4.6.6 4.6.7 4.6.8 4.6.9 4.7 4.8 4.10 Brake adj ustment Hand-operated braking-system — Strength test Back-pedal braking system — Strength test Braking performance Brakes — Heat-resistance test Steering 4.7.1 Handlebar — Dimensions 4.7.2 Handlebar grips and plugs 4.7.3 Handlebar stem — Insertion-depth mark or positive stop 4.7.4 Handlebar stem to fork steerer — Clamping requirements 4.7.5 4.7.6 4.7.7 Steering stability 1 Steering assembly — Static strength and security tests 1 Handlebar and stem assembly — Fatigue test Frames 4.8.1 Suspension-frames — Special requirements 4.8.2 Frame — Impact test (falling mass) 4.8.4 Frame — Fatigue test with pedalling forces 4.8.3 4.9 Hand-operated brakes Frame and front fork assembly — Impact test (falling frame) 4.8.5 Frame — Fatigue test with horizontal forces 4.8.6 Frame — Fatigue test with a vertical force Front fork 4.9.1 General 4.9.2 Means of location of the axle and wheel retention 4.9.3 Suspension forks — Special requirements 4.9.4 Front fork — Static bending test 4.9.5 Front fork — Rearward impact test 4.9.6 Front fork — Bending fatigue test plus rearward impact test 4.9.7 Forks intended for use with hub- or disc-brakes 4.9.8 Tensile test for a non-welded fork 4.1 0.4 Wheels — Wheel retention Wheels and wheel/tyre assembly 4.10.1 Wheels/tyre assembly — Concentricity tolerance and lateral tolerance 4.10.2 Wheel/tyre assembly — Clearance 4.10.3 Wheel/tyre assembly — Static strength test © ISO 01 – All rights reserved I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n iii ISO 42 10-2 :2 015(E) 4.11 4.1 0.5 Wheels — Quick-release devices — Operating features 4.1 1 General 4.1 Rim-wear 4.1 Greenhouse effect test for composite wheels Rims, tyres, and tubes 4.11.2 4.11.3 4.11.4 4.1 4.13 Front mudguard Pedals and pedal/crank drive system 4.1 Pedal tread 4.1 Pedal clearance 4.1 3 Pedal — Static strength test 4.1 Pedal — Impact test 4.13.5 4.13.6 4.13.7 4.1 4.1 Pedal — Dynamic durability test Drive system — Static strength test Crank assembly — Fatigue test 2 Drive-chain and drive belt 2 4.1 4.1 Drive-chain 2 4.1 4.2 Drive belt 2 Chain-wheel and belt-drive protective device 2 4.1 Requirements 2 4.1 Chain and drive belt protective device 4.1 Combined front gear-change guide 4.15.2 4.1 Tyre in flation pressure Tyre and rim compatibility Tubular tyres and rims Chain-wheel disc and drive pulley disc diameter Saddles and seat-posts 4.1 6.1 Limiting dimensions 4.1 6.2 Seat-post — Insertion-depth mark or positive stop 4.1 6.4 Saddle — Static strength test 4.1 6.5 Saddle and seat-post clamp — Fatigue test 4.1 6.6 Seat-post — Fatigue test 4.16.3 Saddle/seat-post — Security test 4.1 Spoke protector 4.1 Luggage carriers 4.19 4.20 Road test of a fully assembled bicycle Lighting systems and re flectors 4.2 0.1 General 4.2 0.2 Wiring harness 4.20.3 4.20.4 4.2 Lighting systems Re flectors Warning device Manufacturer’s instructions Marking 6.1 6.2 Requirement Durability test Annex A (informative) Steering geometry Bibliography 3 iv I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n © ISO 01 – All rights reserved ISO 42 10-2 :2 015(E) Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies) The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part In particular the different approval criteria needed for the different types of ISO documents should be noted This document was drafted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part (see www.iso.org/directives) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights Details of any patent rights identi fied during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www.iso.org/patents) Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not constitute an endorsement For an explanation on the meaning of ISO speci fic terms and expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: Foreword - Supplementary information The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 149, m a jo r su b - a ssem b lies Cycle s This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition ( ISO technically revised ISO 4210 consists of the following parts, under the general title — — — — — — — — — , Subcommittee SC 1, an d 4210 -2: 014) , which has been Cycles — Sa f ety req u irem en ts f o r b icycles Part 1: Terms and definitions Pa rt 2: Req u irem en ts f o r city a n d trekkin g , Pa rt 3: Co m m o n Pa rt 4: Bra kin g Pa rt 5: Steerin g Pa rt 6: Fra m e a n d f o rk te st m eth o ds Pa rt 7: Wh eels a n d rim Pa rt 8: Peda l a n d drive s ystem Pa rt 9: Sa ddles a n d sea t-p o st te st m eth o ds yo u n g a du lt, m o u n ta in a n d cin g : b icycle s te st m eth o ds te st m eth o ds te st m eth o ds © ISO 01 – All rights reserved I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n Cycle s te st m eth o ds te st m eth o ds v ISO 42 10-2 :2 015(E) Introduction T h i s I nte r n atio n a l S t a nd a rd h a s b e e n de ve lo p e d i n re s p o n s e to de m a n d th ro u gho u t the wo rld , a n d the aim has been to ensure that bicycles manufactured in compliance with this International Standard will be as safe as is practically possible The tests have been designed to ensure the strength and durability of individual parts as well as of the bicycle as a whole, demanding high quality throughout and consideration of safety aspects from the design stage onwards The scope has been limited to safety considerations and has speci fically avoided standardization of co mp o ne n ts If the bicycle is to be used on public roads, national regulations apply For the purposes of improving repeatability and reproducibility and considering the applicability to all types of bicycle and the size and in fluence of the operator, the machine test method re flects today’s s tate o f the a r t a nd i s p re fe r re d to the trac k te s t me tho d Un le s s the re is e v ide nc e o f i mp ro ve me n t o f the te s t trac k me tho d in the fu tu re , th i s me tho d wi l l be m ade i n fo r m ati ve fo r the ne x t re v i s io n U s e r s o f th i s I n te r n atio n a l S ta n d a rd a re i nvi te d to p ro v ide the i r fe e db ack to I S O/ T C 14 9/S C vi I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n © I S O – Al l ri gh ts re s e rve d INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 42 10-2 :2 015(E) Cycles — Safety requirements for bicycles — Part : Requirements for city and trekking, young adult, mountain and racing bicycles Scope This part of ISO 4210 speci fies safety and performance requirements for the design, assembly, and testing of bicycles and sub-assemblies having saddle height as given in Table , and lays down guidelines for manufacturer’s instructions on the use and care of such bicycles This part of ISO 4210 applies to young adult bicycles with maximum saddle height of 635 mm or more and less than 750 mm, city and trekking bicycles, mountain bicycles, and racing bicycles that have a maximum saddle height of 635 mm or more including folding bicycles (see Table and Figure 1) This part of ISO 4210 does not apply to specialized types of bicycle, such as delivery bicycles, recumbent bicycles, tandems, BMX bicycles, and bicycles designed and equipped for use in severe applications such as s anctioned competition events, s tunting, or aerobatic manoeuvres NOTE For bicycles with a maximum saddle height of 435 mm or less, see ISO 8124-1, and with a maximum s add le height of more than 43 mm and les s than 63 mm, s ee I SO Table — Maximum saddle height Dimensions in millimetres Bicycle type City and trekking bicycles M a ximum s addle height 63 or more Young adult bicycles Mountain bicycles 63 or more and les s than 75 63 or more Racing bicycles 63 or more Key H maximum saddle height minimum insertion-depth mark ground plane Figure — Maximum saddle height © ISO – All rights reserved I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n ISO 42 10-2 :2 015(E) Normative references The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for its application For dated references, only the edition cited applies For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies Cycles — Safety requirements for bicycles — Part 1: Terms and definitions I S O 42 -1 , I S O 42 - : 14 , Cycles — Safety requirem ents for bicycles — Part 3: Comm on test m eth ods I S O 42 - : 14 , Cycles — Safety requirem ents for bicycles — Part 4: Brakin g test m eth ods I S O 42 - : 14 , Cycles — Safety requirem ents for bicycles — Part 5: Steerin g test m eth ods I S O 42 - : , Cycles — Safety requirem ents for bicycles — Part 6: Fram e an d fork test m eth ods I S O 42 -7: 14 , Cycles — Safety requirem ents for bicycles — Part 7: Wh eels an d rim s test m eth ods I S O 42 - : 14 , Cycles — Safety requirem ents for bicycles — Part 8: Pedal an d drive system test m eth ods I S O 42 - : 14 , Cycles — Safety requirem ents for bicycles — Part 9: Saddles an d seat-post test m eth ods I S O 7 -1 , Bicycle tyres an d rim s — Part : Tyre design ation s an d dim en sion s I S O 7 -2 , Bicycle tyres an d rim s — Part 2: Rim s I S O 6742 -1 , I S O 6742 -2 , ISO 963 , Cycles — Lighting and retro-reflective devices — Part 1: Lighting and light signalling devices Cycles — Lighting and retro-reflective devices — Part 2: Retro-reflective devices Cycle ch ain s — Ch aracteristics an d test m eth ods I S O 1 43 , Cycles — Luggage carriers for bicycles — Concepts, classification and testing 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the terms and de finitions given in ISO 4210-1 apply Requirements 4.1 Toxicity Any items which come into intimate contact with the rider (i.e causing any hazard due to sucking or licking) shall comply with any national regulations speci fic to children’s products 4.2 Sharp edges E xp o s e d e d ge s th at c o u ld c o me i nto co n tac t w i th the r i de r ’s h a nd s , le gs , e tc , du r i n g no r m a l rid i ng or no r m a l h a nd l i n g a n d no r m a l m a i nte n a nc e s h a l l no t b e s h a r p , e g de b u r re d , b ro ke n , ro l le d , o r p ro ce s s e d w i th c o mp a rab le te ch n ique s NO TE 4.3 4.3 Re fe r to I S O : 0 Security and strength of safety-related fasteners Security of screws Any screws used in the assembly of suspension systems, brackets attached to electric generators, brake me ch a n i s m s a n d mud g u a rd s to the fra me o r fo rk, a nd the s add le to the s e at- p o s t s h a l l b e p ro v ide d w i th I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n © I S O – Al l ri gh ts re s e rve d ISO 42 10-2 :2 015(E) suitable locking devices, e.g lock-washers, lock-nuts, thread locking compound, or stiff nuts Fasteners used to assemble hub and disc brakes should have heat-resistant locking devices NOTE The screws used to attach the hub generator are not included NOTE 4.3 For example, mechanical and physical properties of bolts are speci fied in ISO 898-1 Minimum failure torque The minimum failure torque of bolted joints for the fastening of handle bars, handlebar stems, bar ends, saddle and seat-posts shall be at least 50 % greater than the manufacturer’s recommended tightening torque 4.3 Folding bicycle mechanism If folding bicycle mechanism is provided, it shall be designed so that the bicycle can be locked for use in a simple, stable, safe way, and when folded, no damage shall occur to any cables No locking mechanism shall contact the wheels or tyres during riding, and it shall be impossible to unintentionally loosen or unlock the folding mechanisms during riding 4.4 Crack detection methods Standardized methods should be used to emphasize the presence of cracks where visible cracks are speci fied as criteria of failure in tests speci fied in this part of ISO 4210 NOTE For example, suitable dye-penetrant methods are speci fied in ISO 3452-1, ISO 3452-2, ISO 3452-3, and ISO 3452-4 In addition, white paint or surface treatment can be used to aid in detection for composite materials 4.5 Protrusions This requirement is intended to address the hazards associated with the users of bicycles falling on projections or rigid components (e.g handlebars, levers) on a bicycle, possibly causing internal injury or skin puncture Tubes and rigid components in the form of projections which constitute a puncture hazard to the rider should be protected The size and shape of the end protection has not been stipulated, but an adequate shape shall be given to avoid puncturing of the body Screw threads which constitute a puncture hazard shall be limited to a protrusion length of one major diameter of the screw beyond the internally threaded mating part Handlebar ends are covered in 4.7.2 NOTE 4.6 4.6.1 Brakes Braking systems A bicycle shall be equipped with at least two independently actuated braking systems At least one shall operate on the front wheel and one on the rear wheel The braking systems shall operate without binding and shall be capable of meeting the braking performance requirements of 4.6.8 Brake blocks containing asbestos shall not be permitted © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n ISO 42 10-2 :2 015(E) 4.6.2 Hand-operated brakes 4.6.2 Brake lever position The brake levers for front and rear brakes shall be positioned according to the legislation or cus tom and practice of the country in which the bicycle is to be sold, and the bicycle manufacturer shall state in the manufacturer’s ins tructions which levers operate the front and rear brakes [see also C lause , item b)] 4.6.2 Brake lever grip dimensions a) The brake lever similar to type A or type B The dimension, d, meas ured between the outer surfaces of the brake lever in the region intended for contact with the rider’s fingers and the handlebar or any other covering present shall cover a distance of not less than 40 mm as shown in Figure a) and Figure b) and conform to the following: — on bicycles on which the minimum intended height of the saddle is 635 mm or more, d shall not d shall not exceed mm; — on bicycles on which the minimum intended height of the saddle is less than 635 mm, exceed 75 mm Conformance shall be established by the method detailed in ISO 4210-4:2014, 4.1.1 The range of adj us tment on the brake lever should permit these dimensions to be obtained NO TE S ee C laus e , item c) in relation to the minimum intended height of the s addle b) The brake lever similar to type C It shall be possible to fit the dimension gauge shown in ISO 4210-4:2014, Figure over the brake lever (or a secondary brake lever) and the handlebar grip or any other covering in at least one position between points and indicated in Figure c), without causing any movement of the brake lever towards the B C handlebar The dimension d shall not exceed 10 mm Conformance shall be established by the method detailed in ISO 4210-4:2014, 4.1.2 The range of adj us tment on the brake lever should permit these dimens ions to be obtained I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n © ISO – All rights reserved ISO 42 10-2 :2 015(E) 4.13 1.3 Pedals designed to be used only with toe clips or shoe-retention devices shall have toe clips or shoe-retention devices securely attached and need not comply with the requirements of 4.1 , items a) and b) 4.13 Pedal clearance 4.13 Ground clearance With the bicycle unladen, the pedal at its lowest point and the tread surface of the pedal parallel to the ground and uppermost where it has only one tread surface, the bicycle shall be capable of being leaned over at an angle of θ2 from the vertical before any part of the pedal touches the ground The values are given in Table 10 When a bicycle is equipped with a suspension system, this measurement shall be taken with the suspension adjusted to the softest condition and with the bicycle depressed into a position such as would be caused by a rider weighing 80 kg (in case of young adult bicycles, apply 40 kg) Table 10 — The values of ground clearance Angles in degrees Bicycle type Lean angle City and trekking bicycles Young adult bicycles Mountain bicycles Racing bicycles 25 23 25 23 θ2 4.13 2 Toe clearance Bicycles shall have at least C clearance between the pedal and front tyre or mudguard (when turned to any position) The clearance shall be measured forward and parallel to the longitudinal axis of the bicycle from the centre of either pedal axle to the arc swept by the tyre or mudguard, whichever results in the least clearance (see Figure ) The values are given in Table 11 Table 11 — The values of toe clearance Dimensions in millimetres Bicycle type without foot Toe clearance, C retention with foot retention NOTE 20 City and trekking bicycles Young adult bicycles Mountain bicycles Racing bicycles 10 89 100 10 89 89 89 89 Foot retention system, e.g quick-release pedal or toe-clip I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n © ISO 01 – All rights reserved ISO 42 10-2 :2 015(E) Key l o n gi tu d i n al axi s front tyre m u d gu ard cl e aran ce , p e d al C Figure — Toe clearance — Pedal to wheel/mudguard 4.13 Pedal — Static strength test When tested by the method described in ISO 4210-8:2014, 4.1, there shall be no fractures, visible cracks, o r d i s to r tio n o f the p e d a l o r s p i nd le th at c o u ld a ffe c t the o p e rati o n o f the p e d a l a n d p e d a l s p i nd le 4.13 Pedal — Impact test When tested by the method described in ISO 4210-8:2014, 4.2, there shall be no fractures of any part of the pedal body, the pedal spindle, or any failure of the bearing system 4.13 Pedal — Dynamic durability test When tested by the method described in ISO 4210-8:2014, 4.3, there shall be no fractures or visible cracking of any part of the pedal, the pedal spindle, or any failure of the bearing system 4.13 Drive system — Static strength test a) Drive system with chain When tested by the method described in ISO 4210-8:2014, 4.4.1, there shall be no fracture of any component of the drive system and drive capability shall not be lost b) Drive system with belt When tested by the method described in of the drive system and the belt shall not :2014, 4.4.2, there shall be no fracture of any component , fracture, or cause any loss in drive capability I S O 42 10 - s l ip/s kip Smooth sliding between pulleys and belt is allowed at a rate not exceeding 1°/s at the drive axis © I S O – Al l ri gh ts re s e rve d I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n 21 ISO 42 10-2 :2 015(E) 4.13 Crank assembly — Fatigue test 4.13 7.1 Requirement When tested by the method described in ISO 4210-8:2014, 4.6.2, there shall be no fractures or visible cracks in the cranks, the bottom-bracket spindle, or any of the attachment features, or loosening or detachment of the chain wheel from the crank For composite cranks, the running displacements (peak-to-peak values) of either crank at the point where the test forces are applied shall not increase by more than 20 % of the initial value (see ISO 4210 -3: 2014, 4.6) 4.13 7.2 Special requirements for mountain bicycles For mountain bicycles, two types of fatigue test are speci fied, one with the cranks positioned at 45° to the horizontal to simulate the forces due to pedalling, and the second test with the cranks positioned at 30 ° to the horizontal, which has been found to simulate the forces due to the rider standing on the pedals during the descent of hills The two tests shall be conducted on separate assemblies When tested by the method described in ISO 4210-8:2014, 4.6.3, there shall be no fractures or visible cracks in the cranks, the bottom-bracket spindle or any of the attachment features, or loosening or detachment of the chain wheel from the crank For composite cranks, the running displacements (peak-to-peak values) of either crank at the point where the test forces are applied shall not increase by more than 20 % of the initial value (see ISO 4210 -3: 2014, 4.6) 4.14 Drive-chain and drive belt 4.14.1 Drive-chain Where a chain-drive is used as a means of transmitting the motive force, the chain shall operate over the front and rear sprockets without binding The chain shall conform to the tensile strength and push-out force requirements of ISO 9633 4.14.2 Drive belt Where a belt-drive is used as a means of transmitting the motive force, the drive belt shall operate over the front and rear pulleys without binding When tested by the methods described in ISO 4210-8:2014, 5, there shall be no evidence of cracking, fracture, or delamination of the belt drive 4.15 Chain-wheel and belt-drive protective device 4.15.1 Requirements City and trekking and young adult bicycles shall be equipped with one of the following: a) a chain wheel disc or drive pulley disc which conforms to 4.15 , or b) a chain and drive belt protective device which conforms to 4.15 , or c) where fitted with positive foot-retention devices on the pedals, a combined front gear-change guide which conforms to 4.15 shall be used Mountain and racing bicycles can be equipped with one of the above-mentioned 22 I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n © ISO 01 – All rights reserved ISO 42 10-2 :2 015(E) 4.15.2 Chain-wheel disc and drive pulley disc diameter A chain-wheel disc shall exceed the diameter of the outer chain wheel, when measured across the tips of the teeth, by not less than 10 mm (see Figure 6) A drive pulley disc shall exceed the diameter of the front pulley, when measured across the tips of the teeth, by not less than 10 mm (see Figure ) Where the design is such that the crank and chain wheel or the crank and front pulley are too close together to accommodate a full disc, a partial disc can be fitted which closely abuts the crank Dimensions in millimetres Key D ≥ D1 + 0) chain-wheel disc ( Figure — Chain-wheel disc Dimensions in millimetres Key drive pulley disc (D2 ≥ D1 + 0) Figure — Drive pulley disc © ISO 01 – All rights reserved I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n 23 ISO 42 10-2 :2 015(E) 4.15.3 Chain and drive belt protective device A chain protective device shall, as a minimum, shield the side plates and top surface of the chain and the chain wheel for a dis tance of at leas t mm rearwards along the chain from the point where the chain wheel teeth first pass between the side plates of the chain, and forwards round the outer chain wheel to a horizontal line passing through the bottom-bracket a xle centre [see Figure a)] A drive belt protective device shall, as a minimum, shield the side and top s urface of the drive belt and the front pulley for a distance of at least 25 mm rearwards along the drive belt from the point where the tip circle of the pulley [ Figure b) , circle B ] is intersected by the tip line of the belt [ Figure b) , line C] , and forwards round the front pulley to a horizontal line passing through the bottom-bracket axle centre [see Figure b)] 24 I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n © ISO – All rights reserved ISO 42 10-2 :2 015(E) Dimensions in millimetres a) b) A – enlarged (chain) A – enlarged (drive belt) Key B C bottom-bracket axle centre chain wheel or front pulley tip circle of the pulley tip line of the belt Figure — Chain and drive belt protective device requirements (minimum) 4.15.4 Combined front gear-change guide When the chain is located in the outer gear position, some portion of the combined front gear change guide shall be above the chain in the region 25 mm from the point where the chain wheel first passes between the side plates of the chain, parallel to the chain side plates in the direction towards the rear wheel of the bicycle (see Figure 9) In addition, some portion of the combined front gear change guide shall be present below the chain in the region beyond 25 mm from the point where the chain wheel first passes between the side plates of the chain, parallel to the chain side plates in the direction towards the rear wheel of the bicycle (see Figure 9) NOTE It is recommended that the gap between front-gear and front gear-change guide speci fied by the manufacturer is properly set © ISO – All rights reserved I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n 25 ISO 42 10-2 :2 015(E) Dimensions in millimetres Key a p oint where the chain wheel b mm rearwards fro m the point where the chain wheel first passes between the side plates of the chain first p asses between the side plates of the chain Figure — Chain and chain-wheel junction 4.16 Saddles and seat-posts 4.16.1 Limiting dimensions No part of the saddle, saddle supports, or accessories to the saddle shall be more than 125 mm above the top s add le s urface at the p oint where the s add le s urface is intersec ted by the seat-p os t a xis 4.16.2 Seat-post — Insertion-depth mark or positive stop The seat-post shall be provided with one of the two following alternative means of ensuring a safe insertion depth into the frame a) It shall contain a permanent, transverse mark of length not less than the external diameter or the maj or dimens ion of the cros s sec tion of the seat-p os t that clearly indicates the minimum inser tion depth of the seat-post into the frame For a circular cross section, the mark shall be located not less than two diameters of the seat-post from the bottom of the seat-post (i.e where the diameter is the external diameter) For a non-circular cross section, the insertion-depth mark shall be located not less than 65 mm from the bottom of the seat-post (i.e where the seat-post has its full cross section) b) It shall incorporate a permanent stop to prevent it from being drawn out of the frame such as to leave the inser tion les s than the amount s p eci fied in item a) ab ove 4.16.3 Saddle/seat-post — Security test 4.16.3 Saddles with adj ustment-clamps When tes ted by the metho d describ ed in I S O 42 10 -9 : 014, , there shal l b e no movement of the s addle adj us tment clamp in any direc tion with res p ec t to the s eat-p os t, or of the seat-p os t with res p ec t to the frame, or any fai lure of s addle, adj us tment clamp, or seat-p os t I f the s addle des ign is s uch that it cannot accurately tes t the s add le/seat-p os t clamp, it shal l b e p os s ible to use a fi xture which is representative of the saddle dimensions 26 I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n © ISO 01 – All rights reserved ISO 42 10-2 :2 015(E) 4.16.3 Saddles without adjustment clamps Saddles that are not clamped, but are designed to pivot in a vertical plane with respect to the seat-post, shall be allowed to move within the parameters of the design and shall withstand the tests described in ISO 4210-9:2014, 4.2 without failure of any components 4.16.4 Saddle — Static strength test When tested by the method described in ISO 4210-9:2014, 4.3, the saddle cover and/or plastic moulding shall not disengage from the chassis of the saddle, and there shall be no cracking or permanent distortion of the saddle assembly 4.16.5 Saddle and seat-post clamp — Fatigue test When tested by method described in ISO 4210-9:2014, 4.4, there shall be no fractures or visible cracks in the seat-post or in the saddle, and no loosening of the clamp 4.16.6 Seat-post — Fatigue test Conduct the test in two stages on the same assembly as per and 4.16.6 Requirement for stage Seat-post without suspension system When tested by the method described in ISO 4210-9:2014, 4.5.2, there shall be no visible cracks or fractures in the seat-post, or any bolt failure For composite seat-post, the running displacement (peak-to-peak value) at the point where the test forces are applied shall not increase by more than 20 % of the initial value (see ISO 4210-3:2014, 4.6) Seat-post with suspension system When tested by the method described in ISO 4210-9:2014, 4.5.2, there shall be no visible cracks or fractures in the seat-post, or any bolt failure The design shall be such that in the event of failure of the suspension system, the two main parts not separate, nor does the upper part (i.e the part to which the saddle would be attached) become free to swivel in the lower part Requirement for stage Seat-post without suspension system When tested by the method described in ISO 4210-9:2014, 4.5.3, there shall be no fractures and the displacement shall not exceed 10 mm during testing Seat-post with suspension system When tested by the method described in ISO 4210-9:2014, 4.5.3, there shall be no fractures The design shall be such that in the event of failure of the suspension system, the two main parts not separate, nor does the upper part (i.e the part to which the saddle would be attached) become free to swivel in the lower part 4.17 Spoke protector Bicycles for young adults as well as city and trekking bicycles with multiple free-wheel/cassette sprockets shall be fitted with a spoke-protector guard to prevent the chain from interfering with or © ISO 01 – All rights reserved I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n 27 ISO 42 10-2 :2 015(E) stopping rotation of the wheel through improper adjustment or damage All other types of bicycles covered by this part of ISO 4210 can be fitted with a spoke protector 4.18 Luggage carriers If luggage carriers are fitted or provided, they shall comply with ISO 11243 4.19 Road test of a fully assembled bicycle When tested by the method described in ISO 4210-3:2014, 4.3, there shall be no system or component failure and no loosening or misalignment of the saddle, handlebar, controls, or re flectors The bicycle shall exhibit stable handling in braking, turning, and steering, and it shall be possible to ride with one hand removed from the handlebar (as when giving hand signals), without difficulty of operation or hazard to the rider If the bicycle is fitted with a luggage carrier, the test shall be carried out with the maximum load capacity indicated on the luggage carrier — NO TE S ee als o I SO 42 10 - 4: 014, item h) , tes t metho d s imple track tes t NOTE For structural integrity of a fully assembled bicycle, see ISO 4210-3:2014, Annex A 4.20 Lighting systems and reflectors 4.2 0.1 General Bicycles shall be equipped with re flectors at the front, rear, and side Bicycles shall be equipped with lighting systems and re flectors in conformity with the national regulations in the country in which the bicycle is marketed, because national regulations for lighting systems and re flectors differ from country to country 4.2 0.2 Wiring harness When a wiring harness is fitted, it shall be positioned to avoid any damage by contact with moving parts or sharp edges All connections shall withstand a tensile force in any direction of 10 N 4.2 0.3 Lighting systems The lighting system consists of a front and a rear light These devices shall comply with the provisions in force in the country in which the product is marketed If there are no forced provisions of these devices, the lighting system shall comply with the requirements of ISO 6742-1 4.20.4 Reflectors These devices shall comply with the provisions in force in the country in which the product is marketed If there are no forced provisions of these devices, the retro-re flective devices shall comply with the requirements of I SO 6742-2 Rear reflectors Rear re flectors shall be red in colour Side reflectors The retro re flective device(s) shall be either a) re flectors fitted on the front half and on the rear half of the bicycle At least one of these shall be mounted on the spokes of the wheel Where a bicycle incorporates features at the rear wheel other than the frame and mudguard stays, the moving re flector shall be mounted on the front wheel, or 28 I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n © ISO – All rights reserved ISO 42 10-2 :2 015(E) b) a continuous circle of re flective material applied to both sides of each wheel within 10 cm of the outer diameter of the tyre All side re flectors shall be of the same colour, either white (clear) or yellow Front reflectors Front re flectors shall be white (clear) in colour Pedal reflectors Each pedal shall have re flectors, located on the front and rear surfaces of the pedal The re flector elements shall be either integral with the construction of the pedal or mechanically attached, but shall be recessed from the edge of the pedal, or of the re flector housing, to prevent contact of the re flector element with a flat edge placed in contact with the edge of the pedal Pedal re flectors shall be yellow in colour 4.2 Warning device Where a bell or other suitable device is fitted, it shall comply with the provisions in force in the country in which the product is marketed Manufacturer’s instructions These instructions can be provided in all types of format (paper, CD, website, etc.) according to national regulations and shall be written in the language of the country where the bicycle is to be marketed, or by visual tools, such as pictograms and illustrations, which shall feature prominently in the product safety information When an electronic format is provided, a paper version shall be available upon request The customer shall be made aware of this information either by the manufacturer or the retailer I ns tructions for use shall contain the following information: a) the type of use for which the bicycle has been designed (i.e the type of terrain for which it is s uitable) with a warning about the hazards of incorrect use; b) preparation for riding: how to meas ure and adj us t the s addle height to s uit the rider with an explanation of the insertion- depth warning marks on the seat-pos t and handlebar-s tem C lear information on which lever operates the front brake, which lever operates the rear brake, the presence of any brake-power modulators with an explanation of their function and adjustment, and the correct method of using a back-pedal brake if fitted; c) indication of minimum saddle height and the way to measure it; d) the recommended method for adjusting any adjustable suspension system fitted; e) recommendations for safe riding, the use of a bicycle helmet, regular checks on brakes, tyre pressure, s teering, rims , and caution concerning possible increased braking dis tances in wet weather; f) an advisory note on speci fic risk of entrapment during normal use and maintenance; g) the safe use and adjustment of foot-securing devices if fitted (i.e quick-release pedals and toe clips); h) the permissible total weight of the rider plus luggage and the maximum total weight (bicycle + rider + luggage) ; i) indication of whether or not a bicycle is suitable for the fitting of a luggage carrier and/or a child seat; j) recommendation about usage for bicycle trailer or trailer bicycle if allowed by bicycle manufacturer; © ISO – All rights reserved I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n 29 ISO 42 10-2 :2 015(E) k) an advisory note to draw attention to the rider concerning possible national legal requirements when the bicycle is to be ridden on public roads (e.g lighting and re flectors); l) m) recommended tightening of fasteners related to the handlebar, handlebar stem, saddle, seat-post, wheels, and aerodynamic extension if fitted with torque values for threaded fasteners; the method for determining the correct adj ustment of quick-release devices, such as “the mechanism should emboss the fork-ends when closed to the locked position”; n) the correct method of assembling any parts supplied unassembled; o) lubrication: where and how often to lubricate and the recommended lubricants; p) the correct chain tension and how to adj ust it (if appropriate); q) adj ustments of gears and their operation (if appropriate); r) adj ustment of brakes and recommendations for the replacement of the friction components; s) recommendations on general maintenance; t) the importance of using only genuine replacement parts for safety-critical components; u) care of the wheel rims and a clear explanation of any danger of rim wear (see also 4.11 and 2) For composite rims where wear damage can be invisible to the user, the manufacturer shall explain the consequences of rim wear and how the cyclist can assess the degree of wear or should recommend returning the composite rim to the manufacturer for inspection; v) the correct gluing technique for wheels equipped with tubular tyres if fitted (see also 4.11 4); w) appropriate spares, i.e tyres, tubes, and brake friction-components; x) accessories: where these are offered as fitted, details should be included such as operation, maintenance required (if any), and any relevant spares (e.g light bulbs); y) an advisory note to draw the attention of the rider to possible damage due to intensive use and to recommend periodic inspections of the frame, fork, suspensions joints (if any), and composite components (if any) The wording of the advice can be as follows: WARNING: — As with all mechanical components, the bicycle is subjected to wear and high stresses Different materials and components might react to wear or stress fatigue in different ways If the design life of a component has been exceeded, it may suddenly fail, possibly causing injuries to the rider Any form of crack, scratches, or change of colouring in highly stressed areas indicate that the life of the component has been reached and it should be replaced — For composite components, impact damage may be invisible to the user, the manufacturer shall explain the consequences of impact damage and that in the event of an impact; composite components should either be returned to the manufacturer for inspection or destroyed and replaced z) for composite components, an advisory note to draw attention to the in fluence of high temperature (heat radiations) in fined environment on composite materials (if appropriate); aa) for city and trekking bicycles, the importance of suitably covering any coil springs under the saddle if a child-seat is fitted to prevent trapping of fingers; bb) for racing bicycles, caution concerning possible reduction of toe-clearance due to replacement of cranks or tyres; cc) for racing bicycles, an advisory note to drawn attention to the fact that when using an aerodynamic extension on the handlebar, the rider’s response to steering and braking can be adversely affected; 30 I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n © ISO 01 – All rights reserved ISO 42 10-2 :2 015(E) dd) the maximum in flation pressure for a conventional or tubular tyre, according to the lower value between maximum in flation pressure recommended on the rim or the tyre (see also 4.11 ) Any other relevant information can be included at the discretion of the manufacturer 6.1 Marking Requirement The frame shall be a) visibly and permanently marked with a successive frame number at a readily visible location such as near the pedal- crank, the seat-pos t, or the handlebar, and b) visibly and durably marked, with the name of the manufacturer of the complete bicycles or the manufacturer’s representative and the number of this part of I SO 4210 , i e I SO 4210 -2 The method of testing for durability is speci fied in NOTE It is recommended that the maximum permissible load (rider plus luggage) is marked at a readily visible location on the frame by the manufacturer NOTE In some countries, there is a legal requirement concerning marking of bicycles NOTE For components, currently there are no speci fic requirements, but it is recommended that the following safety-critical components be clearly and permanently marked with traceable identi fication, such as a manufac turer’s name and a p art number: a) front fork; b) handlebar and hand leb ar s tem; c) s eat-p os t; d) brake levers , brake blo cks , and/or brake-blo ck holders; e) outer brake- cable cas ing; f) hydraulic-brake tubing; g) dis c-brake callip ers , brake- discs , and brake p ads; h) chain; i) p edals and cran ks; j) b ottom-bracket s pind le; k) wheel rims 6.2 Durability test When tested by the method described in ISO 4210-3:2014, 4.4, the marking shall remain easily legible It shall not be easily possible to remove any label, nor shall any label show any sign of curling © ISO – All rights reserved I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n 31 ISO 42 10-2 :2 015(E) Annex A (informative) Steering geometry The steering geometry employed, as shown in Figure A.1 , will generally be dictated by the use for which the bicycle is intended, but it is nevertheless recommended that a) the steering head angle be not more than 75° and not less than 65° in relation to the ground line, and b) the steering axis intersects a line perpendicular to the ground line, drawn through the wheel centre, at a point not lower than 15 % and not higher than 60 % of the wheel radius when measured from the ground line Key direction of travel steering axis steering head angle ground line intersection point wheel radius 10 11 wheel centre perpendicular to ground line tolerance offset trail Figure A.1 — Steering geometry 32 I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved ISO 42 10-2 :2 015(E) Bibliography Safety of toys — Part 1: Safety aspects related to mechanical and physical properties [1] I S O -1 , [2 ] ISO 80 98 , [3 ] I S O 71 : 0 , [4] Cycles — Safety requirements for bicycles for young children Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel — Part 1: Bolts, screws and studs with specified property classes — Coarse thread and fine pitch thread I S O -1 , [5 ] I S O 45 -1 , [6 ] I S O 45 -2 , [7 ] I S O 45 - , [8 ] I S O 45 - , [9 ] Technical drawings — Edges of undefined shape — Vocabulary and indications E T RT O — Non-destructive testing — Penetrant testing — Part 1: General principles Non-destructive testing — Penetrant testing — Part 2: Testing of penetrant materials Non-destructive testing — Penetrant testing — Part 3: Reference test blocks Non-destructive testing — Penetrant testing — Part 4: Equipment Standards manual (and successive editions) , ETRTO, The European Tyre and Rim Te c h n ic a l O r ga n i s ati o n , Ave nue B r u g m a n n /2 , B -1 B r u s s e l s , B e l g iu m [1 ] E T RT O — Recommendations (and successive editions) , ETRTO, The European Tyre and Rim Te c h n i c a l O r ga n i s atio n , Ave nue B r u g m a n n /2 , B -1 B r u s s e l s , B e l g i u m © I S O – Al l ri gh ts re s e rve d I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n 33 ISO 42 10-2 :2 015(E) ICS 43.150 Price based on 33 pages © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n

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