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INTERNATIONAL STANDARD IS0 3602 First edition 1 989 09 01 Documentation Romanization of Japanese (kana script) Documentation Romanisation du japonais ldcriture en kanal Reference number IS0 3602 1 989[.]

I S0 I N TERN ATI ON AL 3602 STAN DARD Fi rst edition 989-09-01 Docu mentati on - Romanization of J apanese (kana scri pt) Docu mentati on - Romanisati on du japonais l dcri tu re en kanal Reference I S0 nu mber 3602 : 989 (E) s0 3602: 989 (El Foreword IS0 (the international Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies) The work of preparing international Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical committees Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work IS0 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IECI on all matters of electrotechnical standardization Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the IS0 Council They are approved in accordance with IS0 procedures requiring at least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting International Standard IS0 3502 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 46, Documentation IS0 983 All rights reserved No pan of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher International Organization for Standardization Case postale 56 l CH-1 21 Genhe 20 l Switzerland Printed in Switzerland ii is0 3602: 989 (El I ntrodu ction Standards on conversion This I nternati onal the conversion Standard of systems of writing i s one of a series of I nternational of systems of writing i n the series is to provide a means for international i n a form whi ch or machines permits the automatic The system Standards The aim of thi s I nternational comm u n icati on transmi ssi on of conversion m u st, with and others of wri tten and reconsti tu ti on i n th i s case, dealing Standard messages of these by men be univocal and entirely reversible This means that n or to certain performi ng The cou ntry feren t, of thi s graphisms Standard wil l n ot give a correct but i t wi ll Similarly, has a knowledge of national accordi ng General The words two work indexes, a text written has a clear u nderstandi ng ambiguity text i n a person’s language of The resu l t obtained the ori ginal own language; graphism to pronou nce i n , for example, compatible wi th thi s pu blication, and th u s i t correctly English or Poli sh cor- I nternational Standard of the morphemes where i t i s spoken i n order to take i n to accou nt of writing whi ch are written u sed for a di fferen t texts, where wil l of each I t wi ll be possible the nu mber of the character systems m u st be u sing is di fferen t to a given script to a di fferen t language cartographical characters toponymic according accordi ng docu ments converted l i sts, di fferen t from (the converted system This procedure to allow for alphabetical and, from intercalation (the conver- i s often in used for parti cu lar, di fferen t wri ting i n bibliographies, etc i n that i t permits the univocal cou ntries of wh i rh use i f i n to the ki nds of machines geographical I t i s indispensable of the original i n an internati onal i nto a single alphabet catalogues, automatically automatically have to be rendered normally bibliographical systems may be converted system of conversion i n a language; or The system m ethods sometimes hi stori cal Standard for i nternational of the original standards on di fferen t and si on system) , th i s I nternational may be d i f- and be acceptable to the cu stom s of the cou ntry principles Defi ni ti ons wi th leaves whi ch of English or Pol i sh thi s representation sets available system), matters by the machine comm u n icati on standard may be u sed by anyone who pronu nci ati on the representation, language and aesthetic are ignored internati onal that i t can be applied wi thou t one can only pronou nce to sim pl ify writing national i f one has a knowledge adoption for they serve as a means of fi n di ng allow anyone who tween are su ch that used i n any stri ct the system and i s certain permit to phonetic u se, a national make th i s possible, i t creates This I nternational Standard for i ts own that i t be compatible herein sh ou l d the graphisms The be given all these considerations I nternational free to adopt, on condi ti on proposed rectly, sh ou l d cu stom s; the fu n cti on adoption every n o consi deration national writi ng their own transm i ssi on systems of a wri tten or exchanging message be- a message the s0 It 3602 : 989 (El th ereby Th e perm i ts two basi c tran sm i ssi on m eth od s of by m an u al , versi on m ech an i cal , of a system as wel l of as el ectron i c m ean s wri ti n g are tran sl i terati on represen ti n g th e ch aracters’ ] an d tran scri pti on Tran sl i terati on al ph abeti cal I n pri n ci pl e, th e i s th e or th i s verted al ph abet, th i s of th e Wh en ’ th e u se o f th e m arks pu rel y wh i ch su ch h owever, read er in i s th e ord er Tran scri pti on system based on n ot to To carry A ou t u sers to accept Wh en a fo r th e 1 A th e th e of proposed n ati on al th at th e of versi on sm al l er to u se rever- th an th e d i g raph ch oi ce ph on eti c th e m ay oth er or an d l og i c a i ts pron u n ci ati on of th e th i s to th e gi ve be m en tal l y al ph abet exact system are opposi te are of appl i ed in fo rm a gi ven versi on m u st m ay i t ori g i n al of l an g u ag es) g raph i sm I t i s th e A tran scri pti on be correctl y th e l an g u ag e tran sl i terati on to of o f a versi on system word al ways (or pron ou n ce ch aracters of n ot h an d verted wri ti n g l an g u ag e system l an g u ag e i s n oted i s o f n ecessi ty Tran scri pti on is word s wri ti n g versi on n ot of th e fo r verted It j u sti fi ed It is th e on l y o r syl l abi c an d system s of th e to th e two Lati n may be system u se in wri ti n g a com bi n ati on i s th erefore fu l l y abstai n i n g system s or system s al ph abeti cal as Ch i n ese n on -Lati n i n tern ati on al cu stom s wri ti n g en ti rel y su ch tran scri pti on m ay every on l y cal l fo r n ecessary by case fro m n ati on al com prom i se fo r each an d th e com m u n i ty of i m posi n g practi ce as a m atter ( fo r example as etc ) u n i vocal l y o f tran sl i terati on stan d ard i zed versi on th e l etters i n to fo r o f- a! are verti bl e th u s on e i m pl em en ted system , as far as i n to th e oth er to m u st be taken it is wri te i ts apri ori as com pati bl e wi th th e h erei n after th e take th at of are actu al l y system text, versi on orth og raph y, u ses two on l y th e th e th e n atu re exposed n ot d i sti n g u i sh i n g cu stom s is arbi trary l an gu ag e th u s l an g u ag e system s system s i n tern ati on al si m i l arl y up fo r fo r cessi on s, n ecessary, ch aracter, m ake system a certai n th e th e an d ru l es whereby of th e pri n ci pl es sh ou l d of tran sl i terated on sol u ti on s a cou n try Wh ere th e versi on s u sed pron u n ci ati on , basi s ch aracter th e u n am bi g u ou s n ecessary obtai n ed of On th e verted th at or certai n l an g u ag e, oth er h abi ts wh ereby tran sl i terati on system of cou rse is m n tai n g raph i sm o f a versi on rom an i zati on , d epen di n g reg ard s to g raph i sm th e process be-u sed ei th er versi on own recon vert i n ay J e sacri fi ce of versi on al ph abet o f th e in i d eoph on og i j h i cal al ph abet, u sed an d of system as far as possi bl e a kn owl ed g e process orth og raph i cal m eth o?l fh atXarl al l try each ch aracter com pl ete an reversi bl e Tran scri pti on fo r th e avoi d th e ori g i n al th ose o f si g n s th e stri ctl y th e of al ph abet by ch aracter: on e system , i t ph on eti c h as process i s th e by th e on l y verted in an d th at th e th e back i n to tran sl i terati on reverse to wh o u n eq u i vocal l y Retran sl i terati on th e m arks, a versi on acceptan ce u se(s)th e versi on th e tran sform ed u sed m u st by en su re th e verted case on e accord i n g u su al l y restore th e ven ti on al be accepted , th at of to in of ch aracter ren d ered way of ch aracters be m ade is al ph abet I n th i s a wi d e pron ou n ced sh ou l d easi est si sts th e ch aracters ch aracters system I t m u st th e of by system versi on n u m ber of d i acri ti cal versi on bei n g wh i ch wri ti n g g raph i cal si bi l i ty n u m ber process syl l abi c accou n t example an d of l an g u ag e(s) system s bu t al so th e th e u si n g wh i ch sh ou l d th e arran g em en t d i recti on separati on u se th e speci fy pu n ctu ati on of of th e si g n s, th e wri ti n g an d n u m bers, of fo r etc each They ch aracters speci fy as cl osel y th e th at way as possi bl e of th e system ch aracter i s an el em en t o f an al ph abeti cal or oth er type o f wri ti n g represen ts a ph on em e, a syl l abl e, a word or even equ i val en t sequ en ce scri pt, fol l owi n g verted an m arks, system th at g raph i cal l y a prosod i cal ch aracteri sti c o f a g i ven l an g u ag e I t i s u sed ei th er al on e (e g a l etter, a syl l abi c si g n , an i d eog raph i cal ch aracter, a d i g i t, a pu n ctu - ati on m ark) or i n com bi n ati on an accen t, a di acri ti cal m ark) A l etter h avi n g an accen t o r a (e g d i acri ti cal m ark, fo r example b, 8, 6, i s th erefore a ch aracter i n th e sam e way as a basi c l etter I S0 Wh en romanizing a script whi ch some words, fol l owi ng national Principles of conversion I n syllabic systems of writing, syllable wi thi n A syllabary syllabic i s the writi ng A syllabic regularly for syllabaries the syllabic language, set of syllabic character, corresponding is the si gni fi cant characters can be comprised are combined receives from i t i s u sual to capitalize practice graphical to the notati on of a u n i t i n use to write down a language wi th a system character signs whi ch taken a given has n o upper case characters, 3602 : 989 (E) the same value the phonetic of only one elementary or juxtaposed A system i n any character evolu tion i n whi ch where of the language) allows sign, or of two a given i t appears or more elementary (exception for a reversible sign being translitera- ti on A syllabic character each elementary sign has to sign may receive category of the syllabary assigns be globally i n the whole i n the syllabic conversion character a biunivocal converted, character, system to di fferen t whi ch equivalent taking but n ot sign to accou nt by sign equivalences, i t pertains of the fu n cti on depending The transli terati on each character, of So an elementary so ensu ring on the table of a a complete reversibility I f a language using a syllabic ing the divi si on su ch ru les language between taking system characters accou nt of the of writing an d/or i s usually written words, morphologi cal the conversi on and wi th ou t system grammatical ru les governm u st inclu de stru ctu re of the INTERNATICJNAL STANDARD Documentation IS0 3602:1 989 (E) - Romanization Scope This International Standard establishes a system for the romanization of the present-day Japanese written language Unrestricted application for the system requires that the romanizer possess a detailed knowledge of the language in its present-day written form Explanrttions and-definitions Japanese writing is composed of Chinese characters, kanzi and syllabic Japanese script, kana Although kana can express every syllable in Japanese, according to the kanazukai rule, common Japanese documents mix Chinese characters and kana The way of sharing the task to express a certain idea by kanzi and kana is governed by the onkunhyb table and the okurigana rule There are two types of kana: hiragana and katakana Most Japanese words expressed by kana employ hiragana, and katakana is used only for non-Chinese loan words, onomatopoeia and in certain special cases where it is necessary to stress the word There is a one-to-one correspondence between hiragana and katakana This International Standard refers only to the transcription of kana into the Latin alphabet It gives no direct way to transcribe either kanzi or the mixture of kanzi and kana into the Latin alphabet Romanizers are expected to know the rules governing the relations between kanzi and kana System employed 3.1 The system of romanization empoyed shall be that generally known as kunreisiki, as it appears in table , table 2, table 3a and table 3b Owing to some characteristics of the kana script, this system of conversion is not strictly reversible of Japanese (kana script) 3.2 These tables exclude some special signs expressing dialect and foreign sounds in kana Morpheme boundaries In certain exceptional cases, two kana scripts can be regarded as either forming a digraph denoting one syllable or representing two independent syllables A train of three kana scripts Z i L, for example, containing a digraph i and L, can be interpreted as representing the word “k&Y, meaning “lattice”, or “kousi”, meaning “calf” In Japanese dictionaries, the separation of a digraph is shown by some mark, e.g a dot or a hyphen Thus the above example may be shown by : * i L for “kousi”, and : i L for “k&i” General rules of application 5.1 W&d division In all Japanese documents, a sentence in kanzi and kana is spelt in a sequence without divisions by words, in romanized Japanese texts separation into words is necessary 5.2 Capitalization Initial capital letters are used at the beginning of a sentence and for all proper nouns, following national practice 5.3 Letter “n” at the end of a syllable When preceding a vowel or “y” in the same word, an “n” (kana &or )I ending a syllable is followed by an apostrophe: for example, kan’6 (“cherry-blossom viewing”), kin’yfi (“finance”) When the “n” initiates a syllable, it is written without an apostrophe; e.g kinyd (“entw”), kand (“possible”) IS0 3602: 989 (E) 5.4 Doubled consonants If small-sized (character 72 of table ) is used before a syllable beginning with a consonant (e.g : = ko), this sign is written slightly to the right of centre (or slightly lower when writing sideways); it is then transcribed by the duplication of that consonant, e.g v : i = gakk6 Usual Japanese punctuation marks are transcribed as follows: 5.5 Long vowels In kana spelling, long vowels are represented by certain digraphs (see table 3a) or trigraphs (see table 3b) There are, however, exceptional cases in kana spelling where digraphs not represent real digraphs but two independent syllables for the reasons given in clause Whenever doubtful, it is recom.mended to consult a dictionary In romanization, long vowels are shown by the addition of a circumflex to the vowel, e.g a long o becomes In borrowed words shown in katakana, a lengthening bar (-1 is used after the kana script, e,g ?I - (not 757 ) = k6, V-w (nott?dIVI = b&u, and Y-% (not Y#K nor ~9%) = s&w These bars are always transcribed by a circumflex Punctuation Japanese marks Latin marks (Full stop) \ , (Comma) r ” (Hyphen or space) (Left quotation mark) J ” (Right quotation mark) ( ( (Left parenthesis) (Right parenthesis) NOTE - A scheme for stringent transliteration would differ from this transcription system on the following items: Table , characters 26 and 29 would be romanized always as and he respectively Table , character 45 would be written as wo Table , characters 56 and 59 would be written as di and du respectively Table 2, characters 28,29 and 30 would be written as dya, dyu and dyo respectively In 5.5, the lengthening bar would be transliterated by a matron on the preceding vowel, e.g biiu I s0 Tabl e N o H K R l &j r N o a fi t h ka 1 - tf ‘1 ~ f- - Si m pl e H K kan a R 2L> d si g n s represen ti n g N o i H n on -pal atal i zed K R i T7 H K tt se k ;r F te 20 : -1 h i\ ne 25 no 29 + h e 2’ 30 %* ho 34 &3 j 35 t + mo 38 cl yo 43 m 45 @ jr si 33 x su 4t- f- k ta t; F ti 89 tu T na 22 iI = ni 23 E LI nu 24 h a” 27 k hi 28 ,k hu 32 < mi 33 ti L+ m u 37 41 /I / 26 ’ :1 ’ 31 ; j t: -7 ma 36 T -7 ya 39 44 1 ‘7 wa 40 / ri - me - yu ru L td 5kA- 42 & - k re - 46h ) Leg en d : H = h i rag an a K = katakan a R = rom an i zed ) Rom an i zed wa wh en 2) Rom an i zed e when 3) % ( ?’ is 4) ‘li an d th ey 5) ( f) are U sed u sed rom an i zed to d ou bl e u sed u sed for for th e on l y for (‘y) are u sed i n to zi th e an d th e g ram m ati cal g ram m ati cal g ram m ati cal zu a son an t; as voi ced parti cl e parti cl e % ( f respecti vel y see parti cl e ) ko so to ro 03) n 49 c- T- gu 50 G ’ i ‘ Y‘ ge 51 ,‘ 3“ go 54 T ; tl ‘ zu 55 +? -i f ze 56 F ‘ /“ zo 59 y- zU 4) 60 2“ de 61 !i- I” 64 , ;;‘ 7” bu 65 4 be 66 C P S- bo 69 2: 7” pu 70 4 pe 71 IB po 72 CJ so -; , s - 5’ pron ou n ced SD pron ou n ced den oti n g an d R 2 ku K sa H ke + ( N o e R 4; i x 21 ki 989 (E l syl l abl es N o u 3602: d i rect ( Y ) wh en obj ect com pl em en t, ad j acen t to (; f) bu t an d rom an i zed ( ‘7 o respecti vel y or i n certai n com pou n d words bu t s0 3602 : 989 (El Table - Kana digraphs’l No H K I 3~ ‘f v R L.9 9-V sya 69 -3-T tya t1 -y~ T nya 13 tie k+- Je b-r hya

Ngày đăng: 05/04/2023, 09:36