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International Standard ,NTEANAT,ONAL O,?GAN,ZAT,ON FOR STANDARDIZATIONWdEH~YHAPO~HAR OPrAHM3AL,MR fl0 CTAH,lAPTWAlJ4M~RGANlSATlON INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION Graphical symbols for use on detailed maps, plans and geological cross-sections Part : Representation of contact rocks and rocks which have undergone metasomatic, pneumatolytic or hydrothermal transformation or transformation by weathering Symboles graphiques B Miser sur les cartes, les plans et /es coupes g.Gologiques d&aill& - Pat-tie : Uepr&entation des roches de contact et des roches ayant subi one transformation m&asomatique, pneumatolytique ou hydrothermale ou une transformation par alt&ation First edition - 984-06-01 zz 40 UDC 528.94 : 553.22/.23 : 003.62 Descriptors : geology, maps, drawings, transverse Ref No IS0 71 0/6-1 984 (Ei sections, schematic representation, symbols, graphic symbols, rocks K Price based on pages Foreword I S0 (the national I nternational standards Standards interested ri ght is carried i n a subject to be represented and non-governmental, Draft I nternati onal the member the I S0 throu gh for whi ch on that for member Standardization) bodies) I S0 technical a technical wi th adopted for approval also take by the before their technical i n the of I nternati onal member authorized organizations, part acceptance Every has been I nternational I SO, federati on of developing commi ttees committee commi ttee i n liaison i s a worl dwide The work body has the governmental work com mittees are ci rcu lated as I nternati onal Standards to by Cou ncil Standard and was I t has been I S0 71 0/6 ci rcu lated approved to the by the was developed member member by Technical bodies bodies Czechoslovakia Au stri a France Bulgaria Germany, China Poland body I nternati onal expressed Organization Printed i n Switzerland disapproval i n October of the fol l owi ng Australia N o member ou t (I S0 Standards bodies I nternational Mi ni ng, Organization bodies Committee cou n tri es U nited Kingdom Yugoslavia docu m en t for Standardization, : Romania F R of the I SO/TC 983 994 82, I NTERN ATI ONAL Graphical symbols geological Part I S0 STAN DARD for use cross-sections undergone of contact metasomatic, hydrothermal detailed maps, plans and rocks which (E) - : Representation have on 71 0/6-1 664 rocks and pneumatolytic transformation or or transformation by weathering I ntroduction I S0 71 0, a series of docu m ents detailed maps, the fol l owi n g plans parts on graphical and geological symbols cross-secti on s, General for use on The rocks dealt wi th comprises isochemical rocks) : wi th Part : General ru les of representation Part : Representation of sedimentary or allochemical allochthone the aureole I n general, rocks of magmatic Part : Representation of metamorphic Part : Representation of mi nerals Part : Representation have undergone Part : Tectoni c Scope This part represent wh ich and of I S0 on of 71 provides have originated plan or as the resu lt rocks rocks and pneumatolytic rocks whi ch or hydrother- by weathering rocks the i n to contact b) metasomatic; c) pneumatolytic d) weathering also take place wi thi n existence allochthone by to pneumatolytic material mol ecu lar tran sform ati on are identical to or but there d i ffu si on These at are elevated processes of transform ati on particularly processes those sericitisati on advisable application of the may whi ch of a serici tic n o residue have is produced metamorphic of a volcanic rock, schi st to use the symbol when a series of graphical geological resu l t symbols cross-secti on, of contact or hydrothermal to rocks metamorphism, tran sform ati on fou r grou ps (see the table) : Principles facies; for example, I n su ch a case, i t for the metamorphic of the original volcanic rock Basically, the for of representation (see the table) General the various symbols characterization the serve transform ati on various tran sform ati on of the original a) contact processes rock hydrothermal rock, generally or lesser degree the wh ich is considered by weathering are divided i n the either by pure transform ati on au tohydration may lead to the form ati on In The symbols by are i n tru si on wi th form ed and i n a greater refl ected whi ch they remains pneumatolytic or transform ati on rocks case i e rocks owe their processes Occasionally, or tran sform ati on field some wh ich processes, material these temperatures symbols a map, of metasomati c, contact metasomatic, mal transform ati on of also rocks (i n of a magmatic hydrothermal Part : Representation i n thi s part of I S0 71 are form ed processes rock to represent processes or interpretation form i n g form ed n ot by intended processes di fferen t range from rock to the form ati on are of genetic processes, can be seen wh ich the rocks They sl ight of a completely degrees of weathering new rock metamorphi sm; Therefore, and hydrothermal symbols have been - representing the new - acting additional developed with a view to rock; tran sform ati on ; original as an symbol whi ch i s added to the rock I S0 71 0/6-1 964 (El Table a) 01 Contact rock in - Symbols Contact rocks 04 general Spotted schist 888 02 Contact 05 quartzite N odular sch ist -o m 03 Contact 06 marble bl Metasomatic H ornfels transformation Calcareous c) 301 Pneumatolytic an d transformation in hydrothermal Pneum atolytic an d hydrothermal horn stone processes 309 Kaolinisation g eneral 302 Topazisation 31 Chloritisation 303 Tourmalinisation 31 Serpentinisation 304 Greisenisation 31 Montmorillonitisation 305 Silicification 31 Alunitisation IS0 71 0/6-1 9&l (El Table - Symbols ,-I “I Pnaalmatnlvtic I - - , - - (coI?c/UO’ed) and hvdrothermal ._ ,_._ _~ ~~ Drocesses (conclr/ded) 306 Propylitisation 31 Haematitisation 307 Saussuritisation 31 Carbonatisation 308 Sericitisation d) 401 Weathering processes Weathering L 3.2 Contact rocks (without allochthone material) Contact rocks are the result of isochemical processes The symbols therefore represent the new rock and are arranged uniformly over the map, the plan or the geological section The symbols selected are a variation of the symbol for the original rock (for example, contact marble) or else they seek to give an idea of the appearance of the rock in question (for example, spotted schist or nodular schist) When it is desired only to indicate that a rock mass is situated within the contact zone of a plutonic rock, the general symbol for a contact rock may be added to the symbol for the original rock (see figure ) 3.3 3.3.1 Rocks resulting Metasomatic from an allochemical process process For rocks resulting from a metasomatic process, symbols are used either to represent the rock.formed or else to characterize the nature of the transformation process by adding the symbols to those of the original rock As these transformation processes, most of which take place within the aureole of a magmatic intrusion, not result in an oriented texture but rather cause the existing texture to disappear, the symbols are arranged without any orientation In the symbols which represent the new rock formed, the elements are also arranged without any orientation but in alternate lines (see figure 2) Figure - Adinole In the others, the symbol characterizing the transformation process is distributed at irregular intervals over the symbol for the original rock (see figure 3) Figure - Contact rock Figure - Skarnification in limestone I S0 71 0/6-1 964 (E) 3 Pneu matolytic Rocks wh ich hydrothermal use may symbol to have process a separate decided and for additional ori ginal To characterize the natu re been standardized mati on are u sed distri bu ti on method These, density of expressing each processes from a that one symbols It pneumatolytic or i t is impossible has wh ich therefore are added to been to the Figu re of the process, for minerals too, form ed are arranged of the additional the degree symbols wh ich have du ring tran sfor- at irregu lar intervals symbols of mineralization provides Only one symbol a (see fi gu res as an addi tional starti ng from Other than purpose Slight tou rmali ni sation greisenisation in granite of sch i st Weathering a mineral - Advanced argillaceous and 5) Fi gu re - rock already The resul ted are so nu merou s symbol devise for the hydrotherm al Figure the will be used for weathering; symbol earth’s the origi nal This - a system Form ati on th i s can be u sed represents infl u ences su rface rock, the concentrati on as a resu l t of weathering only symbol of abbreviations of or form ati on can be indicated, kaolinite i s used in clay by of but for thi s (see fi gu re weathering 6)

Ngày đăng: 05/04/2023, 09:04
