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Perspectives pre intermediate teachers guide

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P Tite  G Cerulli  V M Chen PERSPECTIVES PRE-INTERMEDIATE TEACHER’S PACK Australia • Brazil • Mexico • Singapore • United Kingdom • United States www.frenglish.ru Perspectives Pre-Intermediate Teacher’s Pack Editorial project and coordination: Simona Franzoni Editor: Simona Bagalà Art director: Marco Mercatali Picture editor: Giorgia D’Angelo Illustrated by: Pesciblu Production manager: Francesco Capitano Page layout: Quarta di Copertina © 2020 ELI S.r.l P.O Box 62019 Recanati Italy info@elilaspigaedizioni.it www.elilaspigaedizioni.it No unauthorised photocopying All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of ELI This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior consent in any form of binding or cover than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser While every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders, if any have been inadvertently overlooked the publisher will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity Segnalazione di errori Produrre un testo scolastico è molto complesso L’esperienza ci insegna che è quasi impossibile pubblicare un libro senza un errore o una imprecisione, e ci scusiamo i nostri lettori Ogni segnalazione che potete inviarci sarà per noi preziosa Vi ringraziamo se vorrete scriverci al seguente indirizzo: redazione@elionline.com Printed by Tecnostampa Pigini Group Printing Division – Loreto, Trevi – Italia ISBN 978-88-536-2956-2 Photo Acknowledgements Shutterstock www.frenglish.ru TEACHER’S PACK INDICE Student’s Book Contents Introduzione Programmazione per competenze 36 Answer key & audioscripts Build-Up to Pre-Intermediate Student’s Book Literature Bank Video Functions Towards INVALSI Listening Writing Bank Speaking Bank Workbook Grammar practice 56 56 70 170 172 176 182 185 189 206 Photocopiable Tests Unit Tests (Fila A & B) Summative Tests (Fila A & B) Skills Tests (Fila A & B) Mixed Tenses & Forms Tests (Fila A & B) Tests answer key & audioscripts 212 232 242 262 272 The UN 2030 Agenda 285   www.frenglish.ru STUDENT’S BOOK CONTENTS VOCABULARY WORD BUILDING UNIT Personality Verb + adjective GRAMMAR FUNCTIONS Present simple & Present continuous Talking about likes & dislikes Stative verbs VIDEO Verb + -ing/to Video Functions A Meeting people (p 148) Past simple Giving reasons used to VIDEO Past continuous Video Functions B Talking about a past event (p 149) Who are you? Pages 8–17 Describing where you live Suffixes (1) -ion, -ation Past continuous & Past simple Where the heart is Pages 18–27 Consolidation & Certification B1 Preliminary & INVALSI pp 28–30 Body & health Quantifiers Synonyms Phrasal verbs Opinions (1) Adverbs of manner Health and happiness Pages 34–41 Education Comparative & superlative adjectives Suffixes (2) -ful, -less Comparative & superlative adverbs Opinions (2) VIDEO Video Functions C Giving an opinion (p 150) (not) as as too/enough so/such Learning Pages 44–53 Consolidation & Certification B1 Preliminary & INVALSI pp 54–56 Relationships Present perfect Suffixes (3) -al, -ical Present perfect & Past simple Inviting Present perfect with for and since Present perfect with just, already and yet Family and friends Pages 60–69 Goals & expectations Negative prefixes im-, dis-, un-, in- Modal verbs: obligation, prohibition, permission, lack of obligation Modal verbs: advice Zero conditional Do your best Pages 70–79 Consolidation & Certification B1 Preliminary & INVALSI pp 80–82 4  www.frenglish.ru Giving advice VIDEO Video Functions D Asking for help (p 151) PRONUNCIATION VIDEO MAPS Pronunciation Present simple: -s verb endings VIDEO MAPS LANGUAGE SKILLS STRATEGIES PRESENTATION SKILLS TED TALKS Reading ‘It’s written all over your face’ Reading Predicting Presentation skills Listening Students meeting for the first time Speaking Mediating The structure of a talk (1) Writing Using informal language The introduction Friends talking about their interests Present simple Speaking Discussing interests and hobbies Present continuous Writing p 31 An introductory email VIDEO Pronunciation Past simple: -ed verb endings VIDEO MAPS Past simple Past continuous Pronunciation Contrastive stress VIDEO MAPS Quantifiers Reading ‘All the comforts of home’ Reading Skimming TED Talks Listening A news report about Vienna A special possession Critical Thinking What is Critical Thinking? Magical houses, made of bamboo Speaking Talking about a personal possession Writing Using adjectives pp 32–33 Reading ‘Feeling no pain’ Listening The main idea Presentation skills Listening A lecture about health Students discussing food and diet Reading Timelines Illustrating a talk Critical Thinking Making ideas clear Body language & visuals Writing A description of a home Speaking Discussing junk food Writing Citizenship Social skills Writing Writing an article An article p 57 VIDEO Pronunciation The schwa sound /ə/ VIDEO MAPS Comparative & superlative adjectives Reading ‘Nothing’s impossible’ Listening Students discussing a school project Friends choosing a summer course Speaking Discussing education and skills Writing Pronunciation Weak & strong forms: have, has VIDEO MAPS Present perfect Present perfect & Past simple Present perfect with just, already and yet Pronunciation Weak & strong forms: can VIDEO MAPS Modal verbs should & ought to An email asking for information (1) Reading ‘From child to adult – in one day’ Listening How different nationalities greet Friends planning a party Speaking Online conversations Reading Scanning Critical Thinking Using quotations Don’t eat the marshmallow! pp 58–59 Writing Polite expressions Citizenship Respecting diversity Writing Invitations Speaking Planning a party Writing TED Talks Presentation skills The structure of a talk (2) The main body p 83 An informal invitation & reply VIDEO Reading ‘Not so fast’ Listening Podcasts about different shops Speaking Discussing how to improve your English Writing An advice blog Reading & Writing Mediating (processing a text) Life skills Creativity Writing Explaining problems and solutions TED Talks Teach girls bravery, not perfection pp 84–85   www.frenglish.ru STUDENT’S BOOK CONTENTS VOCABULARY WORD BUILDING UNIT Food, drink & flavours Suffixes (4) -er, -ment, -ance GRAMMAR FUNCTIONS The future (1): Present continuous, be going to Making suggestions & decisions The future (2): will, might, be going to First conditional VIDEO Video Functions E Ordering food & drink (p 152) Food and flavours Pages 86–95 Products & shopping Second conditional Giving your opinion (shopping) Compound nouns Defining relative clauses VIDEO Video Functions F Making suggestions (p 153) Buyer’s choice Pages 96–105 Consolidation & Certification B1 Preliminary & INVALSI pp 106–108 Jobs Past perfect Verb + preposition Reported speech Talking about skills related to careers VIDEO Video Functions G Reacting to ideas (p 154) All in a day’s work Pages 112–121 Technology The passive (Present simple & Past simple) Adjective + preposition Looking at two sides of an argument Passives with by + agent 10 Remote control Pages 122–131 Consolidation & Certification B1 Preliminary & INVALSI pp 132–134 Literature Bank Towards INVALSI Listening pp 155–161 A The first profile images (A Christmas Carol / Hard Times) B Is your teacher your captain? (Dead Poets Society) pp 138–147 C ‘I would like to be anonymous’ (The Perks of Being a Wallflower) D Embarrassing moments (Northanger Abbey) E Are you being watched? (The Circle) Writing Bank Units 1–10 pp 162–171 Speaking Bank Units 1–10 pp 172–181 World Map p 182 Workbook Units 1–10 pp 183–253 Grammar reference & practice Units 1–10 pp 254–273 Irregular verb list / Phonetics pp 274–275 TED Talk videoscripts pp 276–279 Key Vocabulary / Wordlist / Talk the talk pp 280–286 Video Functions A B C D E F G VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO Meeting people Talking about a past event Giving an opinion Asking for help Ordering food & drink Making suggestions Reacting to ideas pp 148–154 6  www.frenglish.ru PRONUNCIATION VIDEO MAPS Pronunciation Long & short vowel sounds: /i:/ and /l/ VIDEO MAPS be going to will First conditional Pronunciation /dz/ in connected words VIDEO MAPS Second conditional LANGUAGE SKILLS STRATEGIES PRESENTATION SKILLS TED TALKS Reading ‘The most important farmers’ Reading Identifying the main idea Presentation skills Listening Students discussing science projects Friends planning a meal Writing Identifying key points for a review A restaurant review VIDEO Reading ‘Saving the surf’ Listening A fashion podcast Friends shopping in New York Speaking Mediating texts to make an oral summary Writing Emails & messages Reading ‘Does school prepare you for the world of work?’ Reading Different points of view VIDEO MAPS Listening Friends discussing jobs A student talking to a careers advisor Critical Thinking Identifying tone Speaking A discussion with a careers advisor Writing Mediating (relaying specific information) Writing Pronunciation Weak & strong forms: was, were VIDEO MAPS The passive Our campaign to ban plastic bags in Bali An informal email giving an opinion Pronunciation Intonation in questions Reported speech TED Talks pp 110–111 Speaking A dialogue in a shop Writing Past perfect The conclusion p 109 Speaking Deciding where to eat Writing The structure of a talk (3) An email asking for information (2) Writing Indirect questions Presentation skills Dealing with unexpected problems p 135 VIDEO TED Talks Reading ‘To ban or not to ban?’ Listening Open questions Listening The history of technology Friends discussing a new device Friends talking about pros and cons Reading Multiple choice How to control someone else’s arm with your brain Writing Complaining pp 136–137 Speaking Discussing pros and cons Writing A complaint base cm 21,5 altezza cm   www.frenglish.ru INTRODUZIONE Perspectives è un corso innovativo ELI Publishing – National Geographic Learning per l’apprendimento dell’inglese nella Scuola Secondaria di secondo grado Il sillabo mira a sviluppare le competenze e le conoscenze linguistiche definite dal Consiglio d’Europa nel Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento per le Lingue (CEFR), portando gli studenti al livello di competenza B1 nell’arco del biennio COMPONENTI Per lo studente • Build-Up to Pre-Intermediate • Pre-Intermediate Student’s Book & Workbook + FLIP BOOK • Build-Up to Intermediate • Intermediate Student’s Book & Workbook + FLIP BOOK • Materiale supplementare scaricabile dal sito www.elilaspigaedizioni.it – Area Studenti Lo Student’s Book contiene: • Dieci unità di dieci pagine ciascuna • pagine di Consolidation & Certification ogni due unità • pagine di TED Talks ogni due unità • Una sezione di Writing e Speaking Skills • Una sezione di Literature Bank • Una sezione di Video Functions • Una sezione di preparazione alle Prove INVALSI Il Workbook contiene: • Dieci unità di sei pagine ciascuna • Una sezione di Summative Revision ogni due unità • Grammar Reference & Practice, riepilogo grammaticale esercizi • Le trascrizioni dei video • Mappe riepilogative tutto il lessico del corso • Glossario trascrizione fonetica Per l’insegnante •  Teacher’s Pack: Teacher’s Book with Tests & Resources: una guida didattica per anno note metodologiche, informazioni culturali, note didattiche lezione per lezione, tutte le chiavi dello Student’s Book, del Workbook del fasciolo Build-up • Ricca batteria di test per file A e B • Un’unica chiavetta USB tutti i materiali docente all’interno • il Teacher’s FLIP BOOK • tutti gli audio del corso • tutti gli audio dei test • tutti i video del corso • tutte le verifiche in formato editabile • un B1 Preliminary for Schools mock test completo • Materiale supplementare scaricabile dal sito www.elilaspigaedizioni.it – Area Insegnanti modificabile, i modelli di UdA, tutto l’audio del corso, tutti i test scaricabili, tutti i test già corretti per la correzione collettiva La Programmazione per competenze in formato Microsoft Word e i modelli di UdA si trovano all’interno del Test-Maker Multi-ROM e nel Teacher’s FLIP BOOK Tutti i materiali docente sono scaricabili dal sito www.elilaspigaedizioni.it 8  Introduzione www.frenglish.ru INTRODUZIONE LINEE GUIDA ALL’UTILIZZO DI PERSPECTIVES Il corso Perspectives invita gli studenti a sviluppare il pensiero critico, l’apertura mentale e la chiarezza nell’esprimersi in inglese Ecco alcune linee guida per usare il corso nel modo più proficuo Ampliare gli orizzonti mentali Oltre a sviluppare la conoscenza e l’uso dell’inglese, ogni unità esplora un tema da diversi punti di vista e all’interno di contesti sempre nuovi Perspectives incoraggia gli studenti a mantenere la mente aperta su tutti gli argomenti che incontrano nel corso e a guardare il mondo in modo nuovo, per cui alla fine della lezione si ritroveranno più consapevoli e creativi LE ATTIVITÀ MY PERSPECTIVE In ogni unità ci sono alcune attività intitolate My perspective, che chiedono agli studenti di riflettere sul contenuto della lezione da un punto di vista personale Qualche volta l’attività My perspective viene presentata all’inizio dell’unità per coinvolgere gli studenti sul tema e stimolarli a pensare a ciò che già conoscono sull’argomento L’insegnante può scegliere fra tre modi diversi di usarle: • p avviare una discussione tutta la classe Gli studenti leggono le domande, poi alcuni di loro vengono chiamti a condividere la classe le loro idee L’insegnante incoraggia così gli altri studenti a partecipare stimolando l’esposizione di punti di vista diversi • p organizzare discussioni in gruppi Lavorare in gruppo permette a un maggior numero di studenti di partecipare, anche più silenziosi e meno sicuri di sé L’insegnante può assegnare a due studenti il ruolo di coordinatore del gruppo e il ruolo di portavoce Il coordinatore controlla che nessuno perda di vista l’obiettivo e ciascuno esprima il suo parere, mentre il portavoce riassume la discussione presentandola alla classe • p lasciare che gli studenti lavorino individualmente, scrivendo o registrando le loro idee in un audio In questo modo gli studenti hanno tutto il tempo di prepararsi e godono di uno spazio privato per esprimere se stessi SVILUPPARE IL PENSIERO CRITICO Gli studenti acquisiscono le abilità e le strategie necessarie a sviluppare il pensiero critico, cioè a verificare le informazioni, formarsi opinioni personali e condividerle Saper misurare e valutare in modo critico idee e informazioni sta diventando sempre più importante per questa generazione che si trova di fronte alle fake news e a visioni parziali e unilaterali dei fatti, spesso distribuite online sui social Saper pensare in modo critico comporta lo sviluppo di una serie di abilità diverse tra cui: interpretare dati, porre domande critiche, distinguere tra fatti e opinioni, tener conto di altri punti di vista, identificare pregiudizi, riconoscere e valutare il merito di argomentazioni a favore e contro PENSIERO CRITICO E ATTIVITÀ CHALLENGE La lezione B di ogni unità e il Reading nella sezione Consolidation & Certification ogni due unità si basano su un testo di lettura I testi sono di vario genere e agli studenti vengono proposti varie tipologie di interazione Dopo un accurato controllo della comprensione del testo scritto, vi è spesso un’attività di Critical thinking che incoraggia gli studenti ad analizzare o valutare certe informazioni nel contesto Le attività Challenge ogni due unità coinvolgono lo studente nelle idee autentiche di grande attualità che sono alla base del TED Talk In tutte le attività di Critical thinking e in molte altre attività, gli studenti sono stimolati a lavorare insieme, a discutere idee, opinioni, pensieri, emozioni e sentimenti Alcuni di loro non saranno propensi a lavorare in coppia o in gruppo, perciò è importante presentare loro i vantaggi di questo modo di apprendere Eccone alcuni: • avere l’opportunità di raccogliere le idee prima di pensare al modo migliore di esprimerle in inglese Per facilitare i livelli più bassi, il brainstorming può essere svolto inizialmente in lingua madre Introduzione  www.frenglish.ru INTRODUZIONE • praticare il linguaggio appreso di recente insieme al linguaggio che già conoscono e sanno usare bene • imparare gli uni dagli altri Non si tratta solo di imparare parole ed espressioni nuove ma anche di entrare in contatto nuove idee e nuove opinioni • sviluppare la coesione del gruppo classe e migliorare i rapporti tra studenti L’insegnante ottiene questo mescolando le coppie e i gruppi e assicurando il flusso comunicativo tra di loro • per l’insegnante questa è un’occasione di capire quante idee gli studenti hanno sull’argomento, quale gamma di linguaggio sono in grado di usare, su quali elementi di contenuto e/o di grammatica è utile concentrarsi quando si dà un feedback Per una migliore riuscita e un maggiore sfruttamento del lavoro di coppia e di gruppo si suggerisce di: • spiegare sempre molto chiaramente il compito prima di dividere gli studenti in coppie o gruppi • offrire una dimostrazione del tipo di attività orale che gli studenti sono invitati a svolgere • controllare che tutti abbiano capito chiedendo loro di dire che cosa devono fare prima di iniziare a farlo • dare un preciso limite di tempo • sorvegliare attentamente che tutti facciano quello che è stato chiesto e monitorare come gestiscono il compito • tenere pronte alcune attività extra per gli studenti che finiscono prima Si vedano i suggerimenti in questa guida • dare un feedback alla fine, per esempio discutendo gli errori o esplorando nuove espressioni linguistiche o chiedendo agli studenti di condividere le loro idee Dopo le attività di Critical thinking, può essere utile commentare ed espandere le idee degli studenti ESPRIMERSI IN INGLESE CON CHIAREZZA Sviluppare chiarezza in inglese significa non solo imparare la lingua per riuscire a esprimere le proprie idee, ma anche imparare una buona pronuncia, diventare indipendenti nell’apprendimento e raggiungere buoni risultati negli esami Insegnare la pronuncia In ogni unità di Perspectives ci sono attività specifiche relative agli elementi di pronuncia che risultano difficili per gli studenti non di madrelingua: segnalate nei box di Pronunciation a fondo pagina, sono reperibili nel FlipBook e sono da svolgere online Ci sono anche sezioni di Authentic listening skills nelle pagine di TED Talks, che mettono a fuoco quegli elementi nel flusso del discorso inglese che possono causare difficoltà Queste attività permettono agli studenti di imitare la pronuncia dei parlanti madrelingua, ma vanno considerate piuttosto come opportunità per sperimentare e sentire il suono della propria voce in inglese Perciị si consiglia all’insegnante di: • non aspettarsi che la pronuncia degli studenti sia perfettamente accurata • usare la Answer key degli esercizi di pronuncia come guida • valutare gli sforzi degli studenti in base all’intelligibilità Le idee delle sezioni di pronuncia si possono applicare ad altre sezioni del libro Per esempio, svolgendo un compito di lessico o di grammatica si p: • fare esercitare singole parole, espressioni o intere frasi • aiutare nella pronuncia di singoli suoni • attirare l’attenzione sull’accento della parola e della frase, sull’elisione, sul collegamento tra parole, ecc segnando questi elementi in esempi scritti alla lavagna • incoraggiare gli studenti a sperimentare nel pronunciare espressioni o frasi a velocità diverse, o un’intonazione diversa o un’emozione diversa Autonomia nell’apprendimento Le lezioni in classe non possono esaurire tutto l’insegnamento linguistico, perciò è importante che gli studenti diventino autonomi nel loro apprendimento È essenziale che imparino a usare bene il dizionario, sia quello bilingue che quello monolingue Il dizionario bilingue è utile per cercare il traducente inglese di una parola italiana Si consiglia di incoraggiarne l’uso, per esempio, nelle attività di brainstorming menzionate sopra Si può indicare agli studenti l’argomento dell’unità o della lezione 10  Introduzione www.frenglish.ru Unit Test Fila B 1 must 2 can’t 3 have to  can 5 mustn’t  don’t have to B  A  A  C  B  C  B  B  B  10 A  11 B  12 C  13 B  14 B  15 B Unit Test Fila A ought  should  shouldn’t  ought  Should  should  shouldn’t 1 advertise  recycle  throw away  design  pick  manufactures  material  sell  grow  10 pollution get 2 talk  shouldn’t  criticise  be  should I would buy organic products if they were cheaper If more people recycled their waste, cities would be less dirty 3H  e would stop eating meat if he knew about intensive animal farming If I didn’t need more money, I wouldn’t work so hard If things weren’t advertised, would you know them? dis  im  un  in  un 6 dis C 2 C 3 A 4 A 5 B 6 A 7 C 8 C 9 B 10 A  11 C 12 B 13 B 14 C 15 A failure 2 perfections  reject 4 successful 5 perfect  success 7 fail 8 succeeded 9 imperfections 10 accept Ø  who/that  Ø  which/that  that/which  Ø  who/that  Ø  Ø Unit Test Fila A bag  programme  air  life  rain  organic 1 dessert  chilli 3 dish 4 bitter 5 beef 6 sour 7 flavour performer 2 advertisements 3 driver  achievement  traveller 6 appearance 7 writer am meeting / are going to make  ’m going to attend /’m taking  is leaving / is going to have  am leaving / am not going to look for  ’re going to fly / ’re packing T he T-shirt which/that/Ø she was wearing was made of recycled plastic bottles If I wasn’t/weren’t allergic to wool, I would buy that jumper The person who wrote this book isn’t very famous Films are not something that/which interests me If this coat wasn’t / weren’t too small for me, I wouldn’t give it away C  A  B  B  C  A  B  C  A 10 A might  ’ll meet  is going to fall  is going to rain  won’t last  will Unit Test Fila B If  will stay  Are you going to work  When  won’t 1 If I didn’t need to lose weight, I wouldn’t work out so hard If advertisements didn’t exist, would you buy things? I would buy organic clothes if they weren’t so expensive He would stop using his car if car sharing were available If more people recycled their waste, cities would be less dirty 6 C  A  A  C  B  A  B  B  C  10 B  11 B  12 B  13 C  14 B  15 B Unit Test Fila B material 2 advertisements  manufacture picking  sell  throw away  grow  recycled  pollution  10 design 1 appearance  enjoyment  traveller  performance advertiser 6 disturbances 7 encouragement will last  will it  ’ll win  might  won’t  is going to rain Ø  who/that  Ø  which/that  that/which  Ø  who/that  Ø  Ø If Lisa weren’t allergic to acrylic, I would give her that shirt The person who invented the Internet isn’t very famous The hoodie Andy was wearing was made of recycled plastic bottles If those shoes weren’t so small, I wouldn’t give them to my sister Sci-fi films are not something that interest me If  won’t  will stay  Are you going to work  When vegetables  dessert  sour 4 dish 5 flavour 6 chilli  beef am leaving / am not going to look for  ’m going to attend /’m taking is cooking / ’re going to have 4 is leaving / is going to have  ’re going to fly / ’re packing  C 2 A 3 A 4 B 5 A 6 C 7 A 8 C 9 B 10 A 274  Tests answer key & audioscripts www.frenglish.ru pollution  reusable 3 recycling 4 forest 5 sea 6 organic Unit Test 10 Fila A 1 invention 2 digital 3 process 4 tool 5 equipment  technology 7 development 8 research Unit Test Fila A 1 plumber 2 software developer 3 accountant 4 beautician  chef 6 lawyer 7 town councillor 8 surgeon 9 paramedic  10 cleaner is English spoken 2 isn’t connected 3 was installed  weren’t mentioned 5 was sold 6 are seen 7 was donated  is celebrated 9 were designed 10 were cleaned By the time I was a child, I had decided to become a doctor After I had read all questions, I wrote the answers 3B  efore she got a teaching job, she had never had any work experience He had made up his mind before she spoke to him 5B  y the time I checked the cake, the oven had turned black with smoke We had changed all the sheets before we went to sleep from  on  to  about  with  for  for  on  for was, had finished, couldn’t  wanted, was, couldn’t, had always wanted, didn’t intend  had never seen, could on 2 of 3 in 4 at 5 for 6 for 7 with 8 about  with 10 about My articles are published in the school magazine My test was corrected by Mr Jones A message for the principal was left in his office These jeans are manufactured in India T omatoes were introduced into Europe by the Spanish in the 16th century The linen is not changed every day The World Cup was watched by millions of viewers B  C  A  B  C  C  A  C  C  10 B  11 C  12 C  13 A  14 B  15 B A  C  C  C  B  C  B  B  A  10 A  11 C  12 C  13 B  14 B  15 B Unit Test 10 Fila B 1 was donated  were cleaned  is English spoken 4 was sold  was installed 6 is celebrated  weren’t mentioned 8 are seen isn’t connected 10 were designed  Unit Test Fila B 1B  efore he got a teaching job, he had never had any work experience 2B  y the time she was a teenager, Susan had decided to become a lawyer We had washed all the dishes before we went to sleep After I had read all questions, I wrote the answers He had made up his mind before they spoke to him By the time I got home, it had started to rain 2 of 2 about 3 for 4 at 5 in 6 of 7 about 8 for  of 10 of research  invention 3 process 4 digital  technology  development 7 tool 8 equipment  B  C  A  A  B  C  A  C  A  10 A  11 C  12 C  13 A  14 B  15 B A  A  B  C  A  C  B  B  A  10 A  11 C  12 C  13 A  14 B  15 B Anna said she (1) was her new neighbour She (2) didn’t think they (3) had met yet Barbara said she (4) assumed she (5) had just moved in Anna said she (6) had arrived at from France Barbara said she (7) had lived in Paris before she moved there Anna asked if she (8) could speak French Barbara said that she (9) hadn’t practised it for a long time Anna said she (10) could help her to remember it! A parcel for you was left in the kitchen The windows are not cleaned every day These tablets are produced in India The tennis final was watched by millions of viewers last Sunday My chemistry paper was corrected by Ms Smith His comics are published in the school magazine T omatoes were introduced into Europe by the Spanish in the 16th century 4 for  with  for  on  for  on  from  to  about paramedic 2 software developer  plumber  cleaner town councillor  chef 7 beautician 8 lawyer 9 surgeon 10 accountant  Tests answer key & audioscripts  275 www.frenglish.ru Summative Tests Summative Test Units 3-4 Fila B 1 meaningful 2 homeless 3 powerless 4 useless  joyful  painless  stressless 8 careless   communicative   Summative Test Units 1-2 Fila A A 2 B 3 A 4 B 5 A 6 C 7 A 8 B 9 A 10 C work out 2 deal with 3 hang out 4 look after 5 put up  grew up 7 gave up 8 put off 9 pick up 10 found out didn’t you come  was crossing  hit  were you  don’t look  know  get  was waiting  was dying  10 missed  11 ‘m studying  12 ‘re going out virus 2 knee  attended 4 calm 5 secondary 6 neck   sore  8 private stopping 2 to play 3 lending 4 to visit 5 to apply  to collect 7 to be 8 listening so big 2 as patient 3 was ill 4 painless  strong enough  carefully checked it 7 not high enough 8 as important    we usually order food  I’m working on  suggested reserving  I was texting   wanted to sell B 2 A 3 A 4 B 5 B 6 C 7 A 8 C 9 C 10 B  11 B 12 A 13 C 14 C 15 B B 2 C 3 C 4 B 5 A 6 C 7 A 8 C 9 B 10 B  11 C 12 C 13 B 14 B 15 C Summative test Units 5-6 Fila A 1 schoolmates  imperfections 3 unsuccessful 4 economical  cultural 6 disappear 7 failures 8 emotional 9 national Summative Test Units 1-2 Fila B B  A 3 A  B  A  C  A 8 C 9 B 10 A don’t have to  had to wear  shouldn’t 4 has played  for ten years 6 unable to speak 7 can 8 phoned Louise yet didn’t you go  was walking  ran  did you get  don’t seem  don’t know  ‘m  was checking  thought  10 didn’t come  11 ‘m working  12 like have known  didn’t go 3 lived  since 5 mustn’t  has won  never  for 9 shouldn’t 10 long   to visit 2 to collect 3 stopping 4 lending 5 to play  to be 7 listening 8 to ask C 2 C 3 A 4 C 5 A 6 A 7 A  B 9 B  10 A  11 C 12 C 13 C 14 C 15 A She’s working on  we were chatting  we usually order food  wanted to sell  suggested reserving Summative Test Units 5-6 Fila B 1 B 2 C 3 C 4 A 5 C 6 A 7 C 8 A 9 B 10 A  11 C 12 C 13 B 14 A 15 C for five years 2 can 3 don’t have to  has played  shouldn’t  phoned Granny yet 7 had to wear  unable to speak Summative Test Units 3-4 Fila A emotional   economical 3 teammates 4 perfection  successful  national 7 failure cultural 9 disappearance 1 secondary 2 neck 3 knee 4 virus 5 sore 6 attended  private 8 calm put off 2 work out 3 gave up 4 grew up  hang out  picked up 7 deal with 8 put up 9 found out 10 look after A 2 C 3 B 4 C 5 C   C 7 A 8 A 9 C 10 C  11 A 12 B 13 C 14 C 15 A homeless 2 careless 3 communicative 4 meaningful  powerful  joyless 7 useful  stressful 9 painless not high enough 2 as important 3 painless 4 so big  carefully checked it 6 strong enough 7 was ill 8 as patient have been  weren’t  moved  have seen  must  have won  ought 8 doesn’t have to 9 have had  10 did you meet Summative Test Units 7-8 Fila A 1 milk, honey  meat, fish  tart, dessert  design, materials  pollution, sea B 2 A 3 C 4 C 5 B 6 B 7 A 8 B 9 A 10 C  11 B 12 C 13 B 14 C 15 B 276  Tests answer key & audioscripts www.frenglish.ru I’m 100% sure I will get an A in the science test In the future, we might drive flying cars: who knows? If you drive me to the airport, I’ll have enough time to check-in This cake is delicious I am going to have a second helping He has flu, so he’s not going clubbing tonight We still haven’t decided what to at the weekend – we will might go to the new exhibition in town If you stop eating so much junk food, you will lose weight Scientists say there will be nearly 10 billion people in 2030 (At the restaurant) I’ll have soup of the day and salad 10 Don’t worry if you don’t have money I’ll buy you the coffee speaker  farmers  appearance  players  performance  employer If I had the ingredients, I could make the apple pie The episode she was watching was the last of the series You might not like my new boyfriend I am going to work on my pronunciation Sarah is the girl who/that swims the fastest in her team If the teachers encourage them, students will start to read for pleasure Your achievements this year have been amazing Summative Test Units 9-10 Fila A 1 bored  depending  applied  responsible  suitable  afraid  anxious  ask The Sistine Chapel was painted by Michelangelo Mary introduced me to her sister We still haven’t decided on a course He is very good at (playing) tennis Before she became a manager, she had worked as a shop assistant I was shocked at the amount of money he spends on clothes He said his dad played football every weekend The use of smartphones in class is seen as normal today were awarded  is done  was written  is / was developed  are / were fed realised, had been  hadn’t finished, came  had left, finished A  B  B  C  C  C  C  C  C  10 A  11 B  12 C  13 C  14 B  15 C Summative Test Units 9-10 Fila B B  B  B  A  C  A  B  A  C  10 B Summative Test Units 7-8 Fila B was, had lost  had tried on, bought  arrived, had already started The episode she was watching was the last of the series I am going to work on my pronunciation If I had the ingredients, I could make the apple pie Your achievements this year have been amazing You might not like my new boyfriend Sarah is the girl who/that swims the fastest in her team If the teachers encourage them, students will start to read for pleasure flavour, chilli powder  sour, yogurt  sugar, bitter  dessert, meal  manufactures, design performer  player  farmer  speaker  appearance  employer (At the restaurant) I’ll have soup of the day and salad Don’t worry if you don’t have money I’ll buy you the coffee He has flu, so he’s not going clubbing tonight I’m 100% sure I will get an A in the science test If you stop eating so much junk food, you will lose weight If you drive me to the airport, I’ll have enough time to check-in In the future, we might drive flying cars: who knows? This cake is delicious I am going to have a second helping Scientists say there will be nearly 10 billion people in 2030 10 W  e still haven’t decided what to at the weekend – we will might go to the new exhibition in town was written  are / were fed  is done  were awarded  is / was developed I was shocked at the amount of money he spends on clothes Mary introduced me to her sister The use of smartphones in class is seen as normal today Before she became a manager, she had worked as a shop assistant He is very good at tennis We still haven’t decided on a course He said his dad played football every weekend The Sistine Chapel was painted by Michelangelo A  B  A  B  B  C  C  C  A  10 B  11 B  12 A  13 C  14 B  15 C of  on  for  for  for  of  about  for B  B  B  A  C  A  B  A  C  10 B Tests answer key & audioscripts  277 www.frenglish.ru Skills Tests Writing Skills Test 1-2 Fila A  Listening Personal answers drums  guitar  Irish / Irish folk  140  80  Reading Those who are the first to arrive at the café They observed how people behave in fast-food restaurants and cafés It’s less likely to get served if you talk to friends or look at the menu Waving your hand or nodding at the waiter are not very effective It took them two months You should stand in front of the bartender and lean on the bar He might think they will probably leave soon It was aimed at developing the design of a robot-waiter 9 It’s a table-waiting android which can interpret human social behaviour 10 It aims to enable Jeeves 2.0 to interact with customers as well as human waiters Writing Personal answers Listening 1 ukulele  classical music  singing  130  Friday Audioscript Welcome to the Dublin School of Music, where every music lover can learn or improve their skills We offer a wide range of popular courses ranging from keyboard to bass guitar and drums We also provide courses on more unusual instruments, like the ukulele and the accordion, as well as one on how classical music developed as a form of art over the centuries For those into rock and pop, we also provide training to prepare you for careers in singing Agnes Bright, who is not only a talented guitarist but has been the lead singer of Irish folk band ‘The Golden Clovers’ for many years, will run a course on how to improve your voice and perform onstage like a great pop star If you already have your own band and want to perform on Saturday nights, you will also be able to rent our venue for just 130 euro: the hall can host as many as 140 viewers There is also a studio that you can rent on weekdays and it will only cost you 80 euros If you need more information the school is open Monday to Saturday, from 10AM to half past five; if you want to call us or write to us the phone number and email address are both at the bottom of our web page Speaking Personal answers Skills Test 1-2 Fila B Reading Those who are the first to arrive at the café or pub Standing in front of a bartender while looking at him In four different popular places There are only two gestures: standing in front of the bartender, and holding your wallet or cash in your hand You should look him in the eye They don’t usually serve you soon It doesn’t tell us anything about this percentage 8 They wanted to teach waiter-robots to understand when customers want to order They have been used to update their programming 10 It can interpret human social behaviour 4 Speaking Personal answers Skills Test 3-4 Fila A  Reading She took up gardening eight years ago She plays in the garden near her Because it makes her feel like she’s creating something special It’s the best way to fight stress in the modern world It helps you to keep fit The experiment involved gardening and reading It decreased the level of cortisol, which is a stress hormone It took twelve weeks 9 It could help middle-aged people or those who suffer from chronic pain or disabilities 10 They often become vegetarian Writing Personal answers  Listening C  C  B  A  A Audioscript Tara Sorry I’m late I missed the train I was trying to decide whether to catch the bus, when I saw my brother on his scooter across the street Luckily, he gave me a lift, because he works near here I hope the mechanic will repair my car by tomorrow: it’s been really hard to get to work since it broke down Tom Hi, Sue Do you want to go trekking this weekend? Sue  Sorry, Tom: I’m going sailing I decided to enjoy myself for a change I spent last weekend watching TV because it was raining We can go for a walk in the mountains next week end if you want Carla The concert starts at quarter to nine but we should get there at a quarter past eight The coach will pick us up at a quarter to eight because the journey to get there is about thirty minutes, so we’ll meet in the school playground Don’t be late, please! Mother So what are you going to have for dinner? I’ll have the steak with salad Shall I order that for you too? Fred Well, I really love meat, you know, but I already had some at school today I’d like to have something different now I think I’ll have the soup It looks delicious Mother Yes, I guess so And much healthier than hamburger with chips, anyway Jack We’d like to try an activity holiday this year, but we all want to different sports My son and daughter would like somewhere they can ride their bike, but my wife enjoys horseriding: she does that as often as she can I really love skiing in the mountains, but that’s what we did where we spent a week last year We all want to go together so we decided to let the children choose this year, and we can choose next year 278  Tests answer key & audioscripts www.frenglish.ru Skills Test 5-6 Fila B Speaking Personal answers Reading F  F  T  F  F  F  T 8 T  T  10 F Skills Test 3-4 Fila B Writing Reading Personal answers She grows both vegetables and flower plants She really loves digging in the dirt with her hands She’s a lawyer in San Diego 4 They found out that gardening can fight stress better than other hobbies 5 The patients in the experiment felt less depressed even after the end of the gardening programme 6 The most suitable activities are weeding, planting seeds and the ones where you must use your strength Because they have a goal to reach and it’s not just for keeping fit When you gardening you tend to eat more healthy foods The students tend to eat more vegetables and fruit 10 They are more interested in trying new foods Writing Personal answers Listening A  B  A  A  C Speaking Personal answers B 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 C Speaking Personal answers Skills Test 7-8 Fila A Reading There was soft green grass and twelve peach trees He was in Cornwall, visiting a friend He built a high wall around it so the children couldn’t get in Because it was dirty It was still winter because no children played in it The wind stopped blowing He saw a little child crying under a tree Because all the children ran away when they saw the giant Because his eyes were full of tears 10 He knocked down the wall Writing Personal answers Skills Test 5-6 Fila A Listening Reading April  car park  21st February  sign  40  F  T  F  T  T  F  F 8 F  T  10 T Writing Personal answers Listening Listening A 2 C 3 C 4 B 5 A Audioscript Today there is hardly anyone who doesn’t have a pet: most of us enjoy the quiet company of a cat or the relaxing presence of a goldfish, but some people would rather have a dog as their furry friend However, if you decide to get one you should first think about what it means First of all, dogs aren’t as easy to look after as you might expect when you get your first puppy: you must feed them, walk them several times a day and play with them Puppies must also be trained to live with people, but few owners this, so many adult dogs end up having annoying habits like barking all the time, jumping on people, or even biting strangers Most owners fail to realise that dogs can’t understand words as we do, as communication happens through what you Dogs won’t stop being aggressive if you just talk to them or punish them, but you can successfully teach them to behave well if you reward them whenever they what you want them to Finally, remember dogs are animals that used to live in groups, so they can’t stand being alone Although they now live in homes they still need to be part of a family: you need to make time to go for walks and play with them, or they won’t see you as a reliable group leader If you behave like the boss, your dog will anything to make you happy and proud Speaking Personal answers Audioscript And now let’s talk about the Classic Car and Motorbike Show that will be held in Snowville next month If you thought last April’s show was good, you’re going to love the show this year because there’ll be many more things to The show will start on the 19th of February and it will go on for three days until the 21st This year it won’t take place on the playground at the back of the school like last year We have decided to hold it in a larger place so the car park at the front will be used instead Those who want to drive to the Show will have to leave the car in spaces along the street next to the school On the first day there’ll be a display of old cars and motorbikes from the 1930s On the 20th you will be able to see a display of Cars of the Future, so you’ll have the chance to see what we could all be driving in fifty years’ time when cars will be powered by the sun On the 21st there will be two important people from the car industry Adam Ford, the author of ‘Driving in the 20th century’ will sign copies of his book and the famous motorcycle racer Steve Hudson will be there for those who want to take a photo with him and have it signed At this year’s show there will many stalls selling accessories and sports clothes, too, and there is also the chance to win a motorcycle helmet All you have to is guess how much it weighs So you can’t miss that, can you? If you want to go to the Classic Car and Motorbike Show, tickets are 19 pounds for adult visitors and 12 pounds for children, but you can get a family ticket for up to people for forty pounds We suggest you buy the tickets in advance if you don’t want to queue up for them on the day The tickets are sold both at the school reception, or online on www.carbikeshow.co.uk – that’s www C-A-R-B-I-K-E-S-H-O-W.co.uk See you there! You won’t regret it! Tests answer key & audioscripts  279 www.frenglish.ru Speaking Personal answers Skills Test 7-8 Fila B Reading He spent years there They were afraid of him It was still cold and windy and there was snow everywhere He waited for it sitting at the window It came from a bird that was singing in the garden Because he smelt a delicious perfume coming from outside They managed to get in through a hole in the wall He decided to put him on the tree He stayed where he was because he didn’t see the giant 10 It was suddenly full of flowers and birds Writing Personal answers Listening 4 Speaking 19th of February  playground  the 1930s  12 / twelve  carbikeshow Speaking Personal answers Skills Test 9-10 Fila B Personal answers Reading G 2 H 3 F 4 B 5 C Skills Test 9-10 Fila A Writing Reading Personal answers F 2 A 3 E 4 H 5 D Listening Writing A 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 B Personal answers Listening Benjamin Well, I entered it by chance My best friend Annie convinced me to take part, but I was a bit worried: the other make-up artists were all women so I thought I’d never be able to win Anyway, when they told me I’d made it, it came as a real surprise: I couldn’t believe they had chosen a 16-year-old boy to get the first prize Interviewer At the moment you are working for a well-known make-up chain store Benjamin Yes I’ve had this job for a few months but before this I’d already collaborated with a lot of local beauty salons The reason I love this job is that although I don’t make much money yet, I get to very different things and try new styles I often work with singers and actors my age so I’ve also made a lot of new friends, which is the best thing about being a make-up artist Interviewer What are your plans for the future, Benjamin? Benjamin Well, my intention was to set up a make-up school, but unfortunately it turned out to be too expensive Now I’m working in the best beauty salon in Montreal but I’d really love to move somewhere abroad, so I’ll probably start sending my CV to companies in Europe, where I’d love to live 4 Speaking Personal answers C 2 B 3 A 4 C 5 B Audioscript Interviewer And today we’re going to interview one of the youngest make-up artists in Montreal, Benjamin Lee Benjamin, what got you interested in make-up? Benjamin When I was little, I used to watch my mother put on blush and lipstick before going to work and I remember wondering how she could decide which colours looked good on her One day, I was watching a documentary and there was a woman putting make-up on an opera singer, but she did it so fast and it made it look so easy I don’t know why, but after that programme I really got into it and started cutting out photos of fashion models or actresses with interesting make-up on Interviewer So, who did you practise your make-up skills on first? Benjamin Well, my sister she wouldn’t let me put make-up on her face as she really enjoyed doing it herself My aunt Beatrice, who lives across the street, often had business dinners to go to on Fridays so we arranged to meet one Friday afternoon: she let me have a go on her and when my mother saw her she agreed that I’d done a good job After that I practised on her every time she needed to get ready for a dinner Interviewer Then you won the young make-up artist competition How did that feel? 280  Tests answer key & audioscripts www.frenglish.ru Mixed Tenses & Forms tests Test B – Fila A 1 used to snow  were using  stood  were you doing  didn’t like  Did Ms Jeffery use to travel  made  wasn’t wearing Test A – Fila A 1 look  am not listening  you do  is sitting   is your brother having  doesn’t work  you have  Does it rain I was coming  used to be  left  used to be are waiting  plays  is Larry doing  Are you enjoying  Does Naomi know  are skiing  are having  doesn’t want travels  is working  does Karen like  has  isn’t going  doesn’t have  am thinking  hate  am looking  10 need ‘Does it often snow in winter?’ ‘Yes, it does.’ ‘Are you seeing Lucy this evening?’ ‘No, I’m not.’ ‘Does the Louvre have many famous paintings?’ ‘Yes, it does.’ ‘Does Tom usually read on the train?’ ‘No, he doesn’t.’ ‘Are your parents driving to work today?’ ‘Yes, they are.’ ‘Does Harry want to leave now?’ ‘No, he doesn’t.’ ‘Is Mrs Winters staying at the Hilton until Tuesday?’ ‘Yes, she is.’ ‘Do you and your brother remember this man?’ ‘No, we don’t.’ Are you going  have  am staying  are doing Do you want   I don’t think  don’t you remember  plays happened  was  was shining  was lying  was revising  had   heard  sounded  used to live / lived  10 used to play   11 moved 12 saw 13 turned 14 was standing 15 was smiling  16 said  Was it raining at yesterday morning? How did you use to go to school as a child? Where did you have lunch last Sunday? How old was your mother when you were born? Test B – Fila B 1 Did Mr Godfrey use to travel  were you doing  used to snow  made  stood  didn’t like  wasn’t wearing  were using left  I was coming  used to be  used to be 1 doesn’t work  Does it snow   am not watching   you have   you do?   looks  is your mum having   is sitting Does Chloe know  plays  doesn’t want  are having is Harry doing  are waiting  are skiing  Are you enjoying isn’t going  doesn’t have  am looking  need  does Matt like  has  travels  is working am thinking  10 hate met  were having  didn’t see  was looking  was Molly watching  broke  didn’t make  got  was telling  10 was listening were going  used to live / lived  was  got  saw  was watering  didn’t see  looked remembered   10 used to be 11 looked 12 noticed 13 was wearing  14 used to wear 15 called 16 turned  ‘Does Dany want to leave now?’ ‘No, he doesn’t.’ ‘Does Tom usually read on the bus?’ ‘Yes, he does.’ ‘Does it often snow in winter?’ ‘No, it doesn’t.’ ‘Are you seeing Annabelle this evening?’ ‘Yes, I am.’ ‘Do you and your sister remember this place?’ ‘No, we don’t.’ ‘Are your parents driving to work today?’ ‘Yes, they are.’ ‘Is Mr Moore staying at the Ritz until Tuesday?’ ‘No, he isn’t.’ ‘Does the Tate Gallery have many famous portraits?’ ‘Yes, it does.’ does this scarf belong  think  wears is shining  is he coming  has  am going  Do you want Test A – Fila B was Robert watching  broke  didn’t make  got  met  were having   was telling  was listening  didn’t see  10 was looking How old was your mother when you were born? Where did you have lunch last Sunday? How did you use to go to school as a child? Was it raining at yesterday morning? Test C – Fila A 1 A  A  C  C  B  C   C  A will you be  is Sara doing / will Sara / is Sara going to do  will be / are going to be  will they leave / are they leaving / are they going to leave   will the weather be  is going to leave / is leaving   is going to win / will win  finishes Tests answer key & audioscripts  281 www.frenglish.ru 3 am meeting  starts  will pass  am going to throw  are going  are going to visit   are you seeing  are going to have must  should  mustn’t / can’t  should  must  might not / can’t / won’t  Could / Can  can 9 can’t 10 couldn’t Does Dave have to get up early in the morning? It’s really late: we might not / can’t / won’t get there in time They shouldn’t / oughtn’t to eat so many chocolates Students don’t have to wear uniforms here You mustn’t / can’t tell anyone It’s a secret Did you have to work on Saturdays last year? This skirt can’t be mine: it’s too big for me Annie could draw very well as a child It might / could be cold tomorrow: take a scarf with you 10 Nobody can use the photocopier today 4 are you doing  I’m going  will be  opens  will probably have  don’t you join  will rain  will have to It’s almost 0° C: it’s going to snow How old will Tom be in 2055? Are you having / Will you have / Are you going to have dinner with us tomorrow? I’m sure there will be fewer cars in the future Maybe / there won’t be any elephants left in 50 years’ time Everybody thinks they will get married next year This shirt is too expensive: I’ll leave it Peter is meeting / will meet his girlfriend in Paris on Monday Which towns are you going to visit during your holiday in England? had  couldn’t  ought  mustn’t  should  might  have  can’t Test D – Fila B Test C – Fila B 1 C  C  A  C  A  A  C  B will they leave / are they leaving / are they going to leave  finishes  will you be  is going to win / will win  is going to leave  is Jim doing / will Jim / is Jim going to do  will be / are going to be  will the weather be are you seeing  will have  are going  are going to visit  am meeting / am going to meet  starts  will pass  am going to throw Students don’t have to wear uniforms here This skirt can’t be mine: it’s too big for me It might / could be cold tomorrow: take a scarf with you Did you have to work on Saturdays last year? It’s really late: we might not / can’t / won’t get there in time Does Dave have to get up early in the morning? You mustn’t / can’t tell anyone It’s a secret Annie could draw very well as a child Nobody can use the photocopier today 10 They shouldn’t / oughtn’t to eat so many chocolates am going to visit  am leaving  takes off  will have  is going to take  are you going to  will get  will write Could / Can  should  can’t  should  might not / can’t / won’t  mustn’t / can’t  must  couldn’t 9 must 10 can V ince is meeting / is going to meet / will meet his girlfriend in Paris on Monday Are you having / are you going to have dinner with us tomorrow? Everybody thinks they will get married next year How old will Karen be in 2055? Which towns are you going to visit during your holiday in Spain? Maybe / there won’t be any rhinos left in 50 years’ time It’s almost 0° C: it is going to snow Those shoes are too expensive: I’ll leave them I’m sure there will be fewer cars in the future mustn’t  ought  can’t  should 5 might   doesn’t have to  Does your father have to  don’t have to can  don’t have to  have to   might  shouldn’t  had   couldn’t  ought don’t have to  ought  mustn’t / can’t / cannot  shouldn’t  might not  must  can Test E – Fila A Test D – Fila A 1 doesn’t have to  can’t  might  Does your father have to  mustn’t  don’t have to  should  ought mustn’t / can’t / cannot  can  must  might not  ought  don’t have to  shouldn’t had  will give  would  have   would you do  fired  can  won’t weren’t / wasn’t so cold we could  will help you  isn’t working tomorrow I’ll  would speak French well if I practised  always be tired if you didn’t go 282  Tests answer key & audioscripts www.frenglish.ru If Sam is late he usually takes a taxi to work I wouldn’t feel so sad if my friend were here now Would you give money to a friend if he asked you? What will / would Susie if she wins / won tomorrow’s race? T here wouldn’t be so many environmental issues if we didn’t pollute the world so much What happens if you press this button? If I were older I could drive dad’s car Sam would go on holiday if he didn’t work in August How would his life change for him if he fell in love? I’d have more money if I didn’t spend so much on travel She often watches TV if she has time in the afternoon tell  will try  told / tell  would / will probably think  will never know  don’t try  don’t usually  have  wouldn’t be 10 didn’t want Test E – Fila B 1 She often watches TV if she has time in the afternoon How would his life change for him if he fell in love? I’d have more money if I didn’t spend so much on travel If I were older I could drive dad’s car Sam would go on holiday if he didn’t work in August will / would go  finishes / finished  work  normally stay  would feel / feel  went / go  will go  doesn’t rain  don’t have 10 will definitely join isn’t working tomorrow I’ll  weren’t so cold we could  wouldn’t always be tired if you didn’t go  will help you if you  would speak French well if I practised What happens if you press this button? What will Susie if she wins tomorrow’s race? I wouldn’t feel so sad if my friend were here now If Sam is late he usually takes a taxi to work Would you give money to a friend if he asked you? There wouldn’t be so many issues if we didn’t pollute the world so much can  would  had  fired   have  won’t  will give  would you Tests answer key & audioscripts  283 www.frenglish.ru www.frenglish.ru The UN 2030 Agenda TRANSFORMING OUR WORLD: THE 2030 AGENDA FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Texts taken from sustainabledevelopment.un.org Preamble This Agenda is a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity It also seeks to strengthen universal peace in larger freedom We recognise that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development All countries and all stakeholders, acting in collaborative partnership, will implement this plan We are resolved to free the human race from the tyranny of poverty and want and to heal and secure our planet We are determined to take the bold and transformative steps which are urgently needed to shift the world onto a sustainable and resilient path As we embark on this collective journey, we pledge that no one will be left behind The 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 targets which we are announcing today demonstrate the scale and ambition of this new universal Agenda They seek to build on the Millennium Development Goals and complete what these did not achieve They seek to realize the human rights of all and to achieve gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls They are integrated and indivisible and balance the three dimensions of sustainable development: the economic, social and environmental.  The Goals and targets will stimulate action over the next fifteen years in areas of critical importance for humanity and the planet: People  We are determined to end poverty and hunger, in all their forms and dimensions, and to ensure that all human beings can fulfil their potential in dignity and equality and in a healthy environment.  Planet  We are determined to protect the planet from degradation, including through sustainable consumption and production, sustainably managing its natural resources and taking urgent action on climate change, so that it can support the needs of the present and future generations.  Prosperity We are determined to ensure that all human beings can enjoy prosperous and fulfilling lives and that economic, social and technological progress occurs in harmony with nature.  Peace We are determined to foster peaceful, just and inclusive societies which are free from fear and violence There can be no sustainable development without peace and no peace without sustainable development   285 www.frenglish.ru THE UN 2030 AGENDA Partnership  We are determined to mobilize the means required to implement this Agenda through a revitalised Global Partnership for Sustainable Development, based on a spirit of strengthened global solidarity, focussed in particular on the needs of the poorest and most vulnerable and with the participation of all countries, all stakeholders and all people The interlinkages and integrated nature of the Sustainable Development Goals are of crucial importance in ensuring that the purpose of the new Agenda is realised If we realize our ambitions across the full extent of the Agenda, the lives of all will be profoundly improved and our world will be transformed for the better For more information about the 2030 Agenda, visit www.sustainabledevelopment.un.org 286  www.frenglish.ru THE UN 2030 AGENDA   287 www.frenglish.ru THE UN 2030 AGENDA How the 2030 UN Agenda is reflected in Perspectives materials: Unit 2030 Agenda Goal Materials Unit Who are you? # Good Health and Well-being Empower and promote inclusion Learn to know and respect one’s own and other people’s personality, interests and feelings Ex p 9, Ex p 12, Reading p 13, Ex p 14 10 # Reduced inequalities Unit Where the heart is 11 # Sustainable cities and communities Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable Ex p 21, Ex p 24, Reading p 30, TED Talk pp 32-33 (see also Unit 8) Unit Health and happiness # Good health Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages Ex p.35, Ex p 36, Ex p 43 Unit Learning # Quality Education Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all Ex p 45, Reading pp 48-49, Speaking p 50, Reading p 56, TED Talk pp 58-59 Unit Family and friends 16 # Peace and justice Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels Ex p 63, Ex & p 64, TED Talk pp 84-85 Unit Do your best 17 # Partnership for the goals Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the global partnership for sustainable development Reading p 75 Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girl TED Talk pp 84-85 # Gender equality Unit Food and flavours # No hunger End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture Ex p 89, Reading p 91, Ex & p 92 Unit Buyer’s choice 12 # Responsible consumption Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns Ex p 97, Ex p.103 Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable Ex p 99, TED Talk pp 110-111 Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development Reading p 101 11 # Sustainable cities and communities 14 # Life below water Unit All in a day’s work # Good jobs and economic growth Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all Reading p 117, Ex p 121 Unit 10 Remote control # Innovation and infrastructure Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation, and foster innovation Ex pp 124 -125, Reading p 127, Ex p 129, Ex p 130, Reading p 134, TED Talk pp 136-137 288  www.frenglish.ru

Ngày đăng: 29/03/2023, 17:55