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Pick colonies (95% success rate) lac Z' MCS PCR Product MCS lac Z' ampicillin pUC ori P lac <loxP> StrataClone ™ PCR CloningVector pSC-A Incubate PCR product withTopoisomerase I-charged vector arms (5 minutes) StrataClone ™ Competent Cells with Cre Recombinase (included in kit) Topoisomerase I ampi cillin loxP MCS lac Z' Topoisomerase I U* Plac lac Z' pUCori MCS U* PCR Product A A loxP A MPLIF I C A T I ON C E LL BI O L O G Y C L ONI N G MIC R O A RRA Y S N U C L E I C A C I D A N A L Y S I S PROTEIN FUNCTION & A N A LYS I S QU A NTI T A T I V E P C R S O F T W A R E S O L U T I ONS Ask us about these great products: StrataClone ™ PCR Cloning Kit 10 rxn 240206 20 rxn 240205 Need More Information? Give Us A Call: Stratagene US and Canada Order: 800-424-5444 x3 Technical Service: 800-894-1304 x2 Stratagene Europe Order: 00800-7000-7000 Technical Service: 00800-7400-7400 www.stratagene.com Stratagene Japan K.K. Order:3-5821-8077 Technical Service:3-5821-8076 *Pricing in US dollars. Pricing valid in US only. For pricing in other countries, please contact your Stratagene sales representative or local distributor. StrataClone ™ is a trademark of Stratagene in the United States. Mail to notemart@gmail.com for any further request. 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Use promo code FPSCI2007 Request a trial today! DNA PROTEIN RNA RNA NEW Mail to notemart@gmail.com for any further request. For clean printing, contact notemart@gmail.com Sample and assay technologies by QIAGEN Protein Technologies Simplify complexity RNAi Solutions Improve your knockdown capabilities Sample Technologies Purify QIAGEN Quality ™ DNA, RNA, and proteins Corporate0107S1WW_2 Mail to notemart@gmail.com for any further request. For clean printing, contact notemart@gmail.com Automated Solutions Free up your time Molecular Diagnostic Tools * Advance healthcare to a new level Assay Technologies * Detect the essence of life Sample & Assay Technologies Explore sample and assay technologies today at www.qiagen.com ! *artus PCR assays are not cleared for clinical use in USA and Canada. Mail to notemart@gmail.com for any further request. For clean printing, contact notemart@gmail.com Mail to notemart@gmail.com for any further request. For clean printing, contact notemart@gmail.com www.sciencemag.org SCIENCE VOL 315 12 JANUARY 2007 151 CONTENTS CONTENTS continued >> DEPARTMENTS 157 Science Online 158 This Week in Science 162 Editors’ Choice 164 Contact Science 167 Random Samples 169 Newsmakers 257 New Products 259 Science Careers COVER Scanning electron micrograph of Trichomonas vaginalis parasites (gray-green) adhering to vaginal epithelial cells (pink). Attached parasites are flattened and amoeba-like; parasites that do not adhere are pear-shaped. See page 207. Image: Antonio Pereira-Neves and Marlene Benchimol, Santa Ursula University, Rio de Janeiro EDITORIAL 161 Outreach Training Needed by Alan I. Leshner 176 190 LETTERS PTSD and Vietnam Veterans E. Vermetten et al.; 184 D. G. Kilpatrick; T. C. Buckley; B. C. Frueh Response R. J. McNally Response B. P. Dohrenwend et al. Disbelievers in Evolution A. Mazur CORRECTIONS AND CLARIFICATIONS 187 BOOKS ET AL. A Cultural History of Modern Science in China 188 B. A. Elman, reviewed by T. S. Mullaney Deflecting Immigration Networks, Markets, and 189 Regulation in Los Angeles I. Light, reviewed by S. Sassen POLICY FORUM The Obvious War 190 M. R. Samardzija PERSPECTIVES Dipping into the Rare Biosphere 192 C. Pedrós-Alió A Supernova Riddle 193 D. C. Leonard >> Report p. 212 The Missing Years for Modern Humans 194 T. Goebel >> Report p. 223 Electron Nematic Phase in a Transition Metal Oxide 196 E. Fradkin, S. A. Kivelson, V. Oganesyan >> Report p. 214 A Proteomic Snapshot of Life at a Vent 198 C. R. Fisher and P. Girguis >> Report p. 247 Amplified Silencing 199 D. C. Baulcombe >> Reports pp. 241 and 244 Volume 315, Issue 5809 NEWS OF THE WEEK Versatile Stem Cells Without the Ethical Baggage? 170 Consortium Wins Big Drilling Technology Contract 171 Head of Weapons Program Fired 171 Platinum in Fuel Cells Gets a Helping Hand 172 >> Science Express Report by V. R. Stamenkovic et al.; Report p. 220 In Asians and Whites, Gene Expression Varies by Race 173 SCIENCESCOPE 173 With Plutonium, Even Ceramics May Slump 174 Panel Urges Environmental Controls on Offshore 175 Aquaculture NEWS FOCUS Agent Orange’s Bitter Harvest 176 Fruit Fly Fight Club 180 Float Like a Butterfly, Sting Like a Bee? GM Technology Develops in the Developing World 182 Mail to notemart@gmail.com for any further request. For clean printing, contact notemart@gmail.com Preserve, protect and organize your S cience backissues. Slipcases are library quality. Con- structed withheavy bookbi nder’s board and covered in a r ich maroon leatherette material. A gold label with the Science logo is included for personaliz ing. Perfect for the hom e or office. Great for Gifts! One - $15 Three - $40 Six - $80 Add $3.50 per slipcase for P & H. Send orders to: TNCEnterprises Dept. SC P.O. Box 2475 Warminster, PA 18974 Please send ______add $3.50 per slipcase for postage and handling. PA residents add 6% sales tax. You can even call 215-674-8476 toorder by phone. USA orders only Name Address City, State, Zip Card No. Exp. Date Signature Email Address To Order Online: www.tncenterprises.net/sc Save Your Back Issues Credit Card Orders Visa, MC, AmEx L.L.M. PROGRAM IN GENOMICS & BIOTECHNOLOGY Mail to notemart@gmail.com for any further request. For clean printing, contact notemart@gmail.com www.sciencemag.org SCIENCE VOL 315 12 JANUARY 2007 153 CONTENTS continued >> SCIENCE EXPRESS www.sciencexpress.org MATHEMATICS Clustering by Passing Messages Between Data Points B. J. Frey and D. Dueck An algorithm that exchanges messages about the similarity of pairs of data points speeds identification of representative examples in a complex data set, such as genes in DNA data. 10.1126/science.1136800 CHEMISTRY Improved Oxygen Reduction Activity on Pt 3 Ni(111) via Increased Surface Site Availability V. R. Stamenkovic et al. The Pt-enriched outer surface layer of the close-packed (111) surface has an altered electronic structure that favors O 2 adsorption over species such as OH. >> News story p. 172 10.1126/science.1135941 EVOLUTION BREVIA: Floral Gigantism in Rafflesiaceae C. C. Davis, M. Latvis, D. L. Nickrent, K. J. Wurdack, D. A. Baum Rafflesiaceae plants with huge flowers but neither stems nor leaves have been evolutionarily mysterious; they are now shown to be spurges (Euphorbiaceae). 10.1126/science.1135260 CHEMISTRY Ex Situ NMR in Highly Homogeneous Fields: 1 H Spectroscopy J. Perlo, F. Casanova, B. Blümich A movable array of permanent magnets can produce a homogeneous magnetic field anywhere, allowing portable nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy at high resolution. 10.1126/science.1135499 CONTENTS TECHNICAL COMMENT ABSTRACTS GENETICS Comment on “A Common Genetic Variant Is 187 Associated with Adult and Childhood Obesity” C. Dina et al. full text at www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/315/5809/187b Comment on “A Common Genetic Variant Is Associated with Adult and Childhood Obesity” R. J. F. Loos et al. full text at www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/315/5809/187c Comment on “A Common Genetic Variant Is Associated with Adult and Childhood Obesity” D. Rosskopf et al. full text at www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/315/5809/187d Response to Comments on “A Common Genetic Variant Is Associated with Adult and Childhood Obesity” A. Herbert et al. full text at www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/315/5809/187e REVIEW CELL BIOLOGY Proteasome-Independent Functions of Ubiquitin 201 in Endocytosis and Signaling D. Mukhopadhyay and H. Riezman BREVIA EVOLUTION Haploid Females in the Parasitic Wasp 206 Nasonia vitripennis L. W. Beukeboom et al. Although males in most Hymenoptera (bees, wasps, ants, and certain flies) are haploid and produced from unfertilized eggs, haploid females are found in a parasitic wasp. RESEARCH ARTICLE MICROBIOLOGY Draft Genome Sequence of the Sexually Transmitted 207 Pathogen Trichomonas vaginalis J. M. Carlton et al. A common human parasite has an unusually large and repetitive genome that contains many genes originally from bacteria and viruses. REPORTS ASTRONOMY Spectropolarimetric Diagnostics of Thermonuclear 212 Supernova Explosions L. Wang, D. Baade, F. Patat A survey of supernovae shows that brighter ones have more spherical explosions, constraining the physics of burning and improving their use as standard candles. >> Perspective p. 193 PHYSICS Formation of a Nematic Fluid at High Fields in 214 Sr 3 Ru 2 O 7 R. A. Borzi et al. A pronounced anisotropy in resistance associated with a quantum phase transition in strontium ruthenate confirms predictions of a new state of matter—a nematic Fermi liquid. >> Perspective p. 196 226 Mail to notemart@gmail.com for any further request. For clean printing, contact notemart@gmail.com Who’s helping bring the gift of science to everyone? As a child I got very interested in space travel. When I was six my father gave me some books on rockets and stars. And my universe suddenly exploded in size because I realized those lights in the sky I was looking at were actually places. I wanted to go there. And I discovered that science and technology was a gift that made this possible. The thrill of most Christmas presents can quickly wear off. But I’ve found that physics is a gift that is ALWAYS exciting. I’ve been a member of AAAS for a number of years. I think it’s important to join because AAAS represents scientists in government, to the corporate sector, and to the public. This is very vital because so much of today’s science is not widely understood. I also appreciate getting Science because of the breadth of topics it covers. It gives me a great grounding for many activities in my professional life, such as advising government agencies and private corporations. Jim Gates is a theoretical physicist and professor at the University of Maryland. He’s also a member of AAAS. See video clips of this story and others at www.aaas.org/stories “ ” S. James Gates Jr., Ph.D. Theoretical physicist and AAAS member Mail to notemart@gmail.com for any further request. For clean printing, contact notemart@gmail.com . notemart@gmail.com www.sciencemag.org SCIENCE VOL 315 12 JANUARY 2007 151 CONTENTS CONTENTS continued >> DEPARTMENTS 157 Science Online 158 This Week in Science 162 Editors’ Choice 164 Contact Science 167. clean printing, contact notemart@gmail.com www.sciencemag.org SCIENCE VOL 315 12 JANUARY 2007 153 CONTENTS continued >> SCIENCE EXPRESS www.sciencexpress.org MATHEMATICS Clustering by Passing. Then look in Science. www.sciencemag.org To join AAAS and receive your own personal copy of Science every week go to www.aaas.org/join For news and research with impact, turn to Science Mail

Ngày đăng: 17/04/2014, 12:52